• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 353 Views, 4 Comments

How it began - Xie MONK3YZ ieX

its probably gonna be sh*t. but its just somthing leading up to my OC blog Ask sonic gamer,

  • ...

Home sweet new home!

Over the hill was their new home in the town 'Ponyville' labeled 47 just near Sonic's new school. Our house was like the others, old fashioned but defiantly habitable. Sonic liked it, like living in the older times.
"Its late," Dad said "You better get to your new bed and sleep" But Sonic Gamer was too excited to sleep he stayed up all night thinking what his new school would be like, what other ponies are there?
*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* The alarmed loudened
"UGH, what are alarms so alarmed about? they need to lay back and enjoy life! ... ... oh right! school!" he charged faster than a speeding bullet eating breakfast and rushing to school.
The trip wasn't long and near the front of the school there were 3 fillies talking. So Sonic went to talk to them
"Um? hello?"
"Hi, our names are Scootaloo,"
"Apple Bloom, and me Sweetie Belle" They seemed like nice girls so they started chatting. Until it got to a point about Cutie marks...
"Yeah... about that"
"No! it doesn't matter. We don't have them!" The CMC said elegantly
As the alarm went off 2 girls were following each over to class. Sonic was eager to make friends so he went up to them...
"um don't go to them they're bullies" Apple Bloom said quietly
"Hi, I'm so-" The girls interrupted him
"So? Who's the new blank-flank?" Diamond teased sonic
"HEY, he's my friend!"
"Shut it Apple BROOM, so? what's your name? Oh, let me guess... Blankly Mc Flank?"
"NO! its Sonic Gamer" Sonic furiously told them
"Whatever..." The girls said while everyone was walking to class. When they got there, their first lesson was math.
It was a while until the teacher showed up, And it was as loud as a DJ party.
The CMC and Sonic started talking Scootaloo and the rest invited them to their clubhouse.
The teacher entered.
"Good morning my little ponies, I'm miss Cheerilee. I'm saying this because I see we have a new student! Please could you stand up and tell us some things about yourself!"
Sonic thought to himself for a while and stood up:
"Hi, my name is Sonic Gamer, I was moved here from Canterlot and I like playing video games" Then he sat down.
The lesson when on normally, Sonic had no problem with all the lessons they had.
Then lunch came, Sonic sat with the CMC and ate.
Diamond and silver were scanning for the CMC to bully them more.
"Move chicken!" Said Diamond Tiara while pushing her off her seat. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle immediately shot up in the air.
"Scootaloo!, are you ok?" Asked Apple Bloom desperately. While behind them Diamond and silver were laughing.
"HEY!" Shouted Sonic "She is my friend! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Challenged Sonic
"Pfft, Ok then I'll bully you..."
"Ummm...ok I'll stay out of it"
"HA! look at you! 3 losers and a nerd which make 4 blankers" Tiara Laughed at them. "Well ill see you later... or not! losers..."
The bell rang again and they headed back to art. It went the same as the first lessons, boring work. But it was worth it just to get away from those bullies for an hour.
At the end of the day the CMC met up at the front gates, and they all followed Apple Bloom to the club house, talking all the way.
"Well, were here, the Cutie Mark Crusaders Club House!"
They all walked inside "Let us show you some of our trade marks 'hopefully it'll go better than babs' This is where we do our role call, This is where we eat our lunch, and sometimes we sit in this spot and think of great ideas!"
Sonic nodded his head in wonder
"Did you decorate all of this?"
"Awesome, Sorry guys my mom told me I have to be home by 4 and OH! Look! at the time! well I best be going! Bye guys!"
"Bye," said the 3 girls. "where did that watch come from?! he only had it on last second ago. that's the only time i've seen him wear it....... oh well"

Comments ( 4 )

That username... That url... That cover pic... It hurts...
COMPLIMENT: Not bad, considering your age. You're 10, right?

According to his YouTube, yes.

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