• Published 6th Dec 2012
  • 1,898 Views, 23 Comments

Earth's Changeling Era - Nightmare Chaser

It has been a year after the defeat of Nightmare Moon and Chase has to deal with another queen.

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Changeling War: Chase VS Chrysalis

Chase's eyes screamed for Chrysalis's blood as he rushed forward in a fit of rage, his teeth bared as much as he could. The crowd of brainwashed citizens made a barrier between him and the changeling, causing him to trip and slide on the ground, coming to a stop before the crowd. With a a groan and a cough Chase shakily stood up, his clothes tattered and covered in dirt, and glared at Chrysalis who laughed maniacally.

"You cowardly bug!" Chase growled with pure hostility. "Are you scared to face me yourself? Or is the almighty changeling queen too much of filly to fight her own battles?"

"Oh I can fight my own battles just fine," She said smugly, petting one of the younger human's heads. "Its just that it is more fun to use these wonderful sources of food against you, torturing you with the realization that you can't get to me without harming any of these apes."

Chase growled and wanted to yell that she was wrong but he knew that she was right. He couldn't risk harming anyone just to get to her. He cursed himself as Chrysalis laughed making him cringe. He was about to make another move when out of the corner of his eyes he saw Shining Armor walk up and stand defiantly next to him, silently challenging Chrysalis through body language and a stern look that said 'I won't back down'. He stared in disbelief at the newly wedded prince as Cadence, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and even Fluttershy accompanied Shining at Chase's side, each of them with stern looks decorating their faces.

"Guys.." Chase started but was interrupted by another cackle from the changeling queen.

"So all of you are going to help this fool?" She said, "By doing what? Using the power of love? HA!!!! That won't work this time!"

The looks on the nine faces made the queen smirk and the tell-tale sign of her magic engulfing her crooked horn shown. Chase noticed the glow and knocked the others out of the way just as he was flung forward, crashing into a stone wall with a solid thud. Fluttershy gasped and made an attempt to rush to her boyfriend but was stopped by a sudden appearance of the changelings that had already been sent out into the world, blocking the yellow pegasus's path. She meeped and backed away from them.

"Figures they'd come back," Rainbow Dash grumbled, staring down the changelings.

"We need to find away to get past these changelings and brainwashed humans so we can get to Chrysalis." Shining Armor said as he watched Chrysalis turn to where she flung Chase.

Chase groaned as he got up slowly, grumbling under his breath about once again being flung against a wall. He leaned against the wall and felt a sharp pain in his left shoulder, causing him to look down and cringe at the sight of his dangling, dislocated arm. He groaned and looked at Chrysalis, who was walking towards him with a smirk, a devious look twinkling in her eyes, and four changelings in armor flanking both sides of her. He glared at Chrysalis and the changelings flanking her before looking towards his friends, who were facing off with the other changelings trying to get to him and Chrysalis. With a grunt he grabbed his arm and managed to pop it back into place, all his nerves shooting off in pain as he did so. He gritted his teeth and tried his best not to cry out before he moved his arm again, opening and closing his hand before clenching it.

"Well looks like you're even more annoying than you were at the wedding," Chrysalis said with a slight growl, "I hate annoyances."

With a wave of her hoof the armored changelings charged Chase with the intention to kill him. Chase readied himself for them, his fists clenched, his hands glowing with magic, and only one thing racing through his mind, taking these changelings down and killing Chrysalis.


Fluttershy cowered as three changelings charged her only for them to be blasted away by a ray of purple magic. Twilight appeared next to her, beads of sweat dribbling down her head and gasps escaping her mouth. Fluttershy looked at the exhausted purple unicorn as she unleashed another blast.

"What are you doing Fluttershy?!" Twilight asked without averting her eyes from the horde. "You need to help us fight the changelings."

"B-But I..." she whimpers out still cowering behind Twilight.

"Do this for Chase!" Twilight yelled as she launched a changeling back into the ground.

Fluttershy's eyes widened at Twilight's words and something inside her burned, a feeling she only felt during the grand galloping gala. Her eyes changed from scared to stern and she got up, her face completely different. Twilight collapsed on the ground and a few changelings charged her. She braced herself for the onslaught but only heard the sound of something hitting the floor three times. Upon opening her eyes she saw fluttershy standing in front of her as well as the changelings that charged her unconscious on the ground.

"F-Fluttershy?" Twilight stammered looking up at the yellow pegasus, "D-Did you just.."

"Come on Twilight we need to go and help Chase." Fluttershy said before charging the changelings.


Upon the armored Changelings charge Chase himself charged at them screaming at the top of his lungs as he swung his fist at the nearest changeling. His fist connected with the changelings helmet and made it falter only to be knocked back by the remaining three, their horns tearing his shirt, cutting his flesh and piercing his skin drawing blood. Chase let out an audible gasp before kneeing one of the changelings in the stomach. The changeling he hit first charged at him as well as the changeling he just kneed. It seemed like no matter what he did or how much pain he inflicted on them they kept coming at him relentlessly. He tried to fend them off the best he could but they just kept coming at him, attacking him and inflicting multiple wounds on him. He heard Chrysalis laughing as the changelings kept on him.

"You see it is useless to face my Elite Guard," Chrysalis cackled as one of the guards stabbed him in the side of the stomach, "They are the toughest of my subjects and will not falter until you are dead and once you are I will kill those ponies and rule this world."

Something inside Chase snapped and he grabbed onto the nearest guard's head causing Chrysalis to look in caution.

"What are you...."

Before she could finish her question Chase twisted the guard's neck in one swift motion, a loud crack resonating. The guards body stiffened before falling to the ground, its eyes dimming as it died. Chrysalis looked on in anger as the remaining three stepped back in a moment of hesitation. Chase looked up at the queen, his own eyes in a state of anger and his body radiating anger and hatred.

"Chrysalis," Chase said, his voice coming out in a growl, "This world has already had a evil ruler that plunged the world in five years of darkness! I Had To Live With The Damned Mare For FIVE Years As Her Student, Doing Cruel Things To Others, And Yet Last Year I Finally Got Rid Of Her Forever And Gave The People Of My World The Light They Had Been Missing!!"

Another guard charged the human, aiming for his heart, but was stopped and thrown straight into the air. The guards face showed surprise at the sudden launch as Chase walked towards Chrysalis.

"I Will Not Let Earth Be Subjugated Again By Another Evil Pony!!" Chase yelled before rushing Chrysalis.

To be continued.....

Author's Note:

Note to all who have been patiently waiting i am sorry for the long wait for this chapter and congratulate you on being patient. My reasoning for being gone is in this blog post: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/398353/sorry

Edit: I am sorry for the...... sudden shortening with the story but I've decided to make the final chapter to this mini series called 'The Victor Decided' and am currently working on that as well as more chapters on my other incomplete story.