• Published 9th May 2024
  • 135 Views, 0 Comments

Jade, the Savior of Canterlot - AjitaniShirasu

A pegasus' journey to find where he belongs.

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puer stellarum

Transmission # 3 8 9 12 4 15 6 20 8 5 14 9 7 8 20 Designate: DELTA

Subject: Jade starting a so-called new life.

Royal Quarters, Canterlot, Equestria.

0805 hours January 21, 2025

Jade had woken back up from what felt like a much improved sleep compared to being in a hospital bed. As a matter of fact, he didn't even remember how he ended up on a such a nice bed. He squinted at the window, the soft sunlight lighting up the stained-glass he resided behind. After regaining his composure, he sat up and looked around his room. There was a polished dark oak bookshelf, a desk and chair with the same colors and gold accents, a nightstand with an old-fashioned candleholder, and a plate with snacks alongside a note. He cocked his head to the side, getting up and observing what seemed to be some sort of housewarming gift. Besides the note, it was a simple tray of fruit consisting of sliced apples, halved oranges, a branch of grapes, and wheat crackers. He painstakingly opened the postage, as if he was relearning a bit of his motor functions. He took a few apple slices and read the note as he munched on them.

My faithful guest,

I'll be inside the dining quarters whenever you awake and would like breakfast. I happily await your arrival.

Princess Celestia.

He was confused what the letter meant, but remembered the word breakfast; it would excite him no matter the case. He yawned heavily and gently stretched his legs, slowly getting up. Jade stared at the door, noticing it had a round oval-shaped piece on it. He looked at it from one side, then the other, still as confused as ever. He then decided to tap the doorknob with his hoof, and much to his surprised, it opened a bit. Right after, he staggered back a bit, startled about what just happened. Jade gently opened the door, peeking out for any danger or harm beyond the reinforced wood between him and the outside world. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice outside the door and out of fear quickly shut the door. He heard her many times before, but she scared him. He didn't know why, and nothing more.

"He's in this residence, princess, Suite 1." the princess in question replied "thank you, you are dismissed." With that, there were a few soft knocks on the door. As soon as he heard them, Jade dashed under the covers, like a rabbit hiding from a wolf. There were a few more soft knocks before another set of footsteps approached the door. "Tia, are you sure this will work? You know the poor thing's afraid of me." There was a brief moment of silence before the door opened again. "Jade?" A distinct voice called out for him, this time in a much softer tone. "Jade, this is Luna. I'd like to apologize, please." There were a few more taps followed by another voice. "You need not apologize, sister. We know that he's probably scared to even come out, despite what we left him and where we let him sleep." Another moment of silence filled the room as Luna popped her head in the door, followed by somepony else. "Oh, Jade? This is Princess Celestia. You can come out from under the covers sweetheart, ok?"

Jade took a peek out from the blankets to see Celestia and Luna standing near his doorway. He first looked at Luna, then Celestia, then back to Luna. "I'd like to show you what a hug is Jade. You may not know at first, but I'm sure you'll learn." As usual, he tilted his head to the side. Luna demonstrated by gently hugging her sister, then looking back at Jade. "This is a hug." She slowly explained, making it better to understand. "It shows that we love somepony, family or friend." She then turned to him and asked if she could have a hug. Jade put his head down, appearing as though he was thinking. Luna gulped nervously; she'd absolutely hate to scare him more after the past few minutes. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, Jade leaped into Luna, almost knocking her over. He gripped her tightly; such a tight hug she hadn't felt in ages. Luna began caressing him when she felt her fur getting wet. She looked up at Celestia, and nodded. He suddenly held Luna closer and yelled in some kind of horrible agony. Luna looked down, feeling like she could cry too. There had been many a time that she could've cried, fallen back, had rest; but she had to put on a brave face to ensure that everypony was safe during the night.

"His heartstrings are practically plucked." Celestia observed, looking down at the both of them. Luna gently touched his mane, Jade seemingly not caring a single bit. As a matter of fact, it seemed to calm him a bit. "Please bring him back to his suite, sister. I'll let the kitchen know to keep the breakfast warm. Honestly, Luna lacked any interest in breakfast, as she had a higher priority as she sat with Jade. Luna gently carried him back to his room, and sat him back in bed. She saw a guard passing by on patrol and asked him softly for some water. Even though he was confused by the tone of his majesty's voice, he nodded and ran off. Luna then shut the door and began the back of Jade's neck in an attempt to comfort him. 'He's so emotionally unstable. Tia was right about his "heartstrings," but what does this mean? Where are we going from here?' After a minute, Jade ruffled his wings and gently tapped them against Luna. "You would like me to rub your wings?" He gave no response, and all she felt was just more tears. She began rubbing his wings, which once more seemed to calm him down more. At this point, he had practically fallen asleep from how hard he was crying.

Just at that time, Celestia walked into the room. She put some water on the desk and sat next to them both. "How has he been?" Celestia asked as Luna nodded. "It's almost as if he's regained almost all of his motor functions and emotions in the blink of an eye. It's... a miracle, sister. As long as we've ruled over Equestria, I'd never see such an act, such a miracle." Celestia smiled widely in response. "So, do you know if he has family?" Luna, holding an almost asleep Jade, looked up and shook her head. "I requested Nurse Redheart run a DNA test. To my surprise, nopony in Canterlot, nor Equestria was biologically related to Jade. It appears he's the only one in his family; a sole survivor, if I may." Celestia then looked down at Jade, fully asleep. "Well what about us?" Celestia proposed as Luna had to do a double take on Celestia's words. "Us? I'm sorry, sister. I believe I do not follow." Celestia stood back up, still looking at Luna. "Why don't we make him apart of us?" Luna's pupils dilated, baffled at her sister's outrageous response. "Sister, surely you jest." Celestia put her hoof up to her chest as a sign of assurance. "He has nowhere to go, Luna. No food, no friends, no family, no home... tell me Luna, should anypony suffer through such a life?" Luna remained silent, as she knew the answer.

"I knew you understood the question... now lies the verdict." Luna tilted her head, just as Jade had been since they first met. "As you know we both have many duties to attend to, many things to do and many things to say. However, one of us needs to take him-"

"I'll do it." Luna stated firmly, looking up at her much taller sister. "I care not what others may think. I care not what others may feel." Celestia stepped back a bit as Luna continued. "He's seen abandonment. He's seen hopelessness, felt lost in his mind and through his eyes..." Luna took a deep breath and spoke her last. "If anypony will be responsible for Jade, he will be my own kin. He will be a Child of the Night, but he will be my own. I will protect him till my last breath, sister. I declare that Jade..."

"...will be my son."

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