• Member Since 18th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen Saturday

Liquid Savage

A guy who writes about fat horse, among other things. If that's not your thing, no one's stopping you from looking someplace else.


Princess Twilight Sparkle is trying her hoof at baking pudding once again, and it teaches her the value of patience.

A little dumb something for the season. Happy holidays!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 14 )

"Because I've lost control of my life."

11458514 Agreed! Would really enjoy seeing a part 2 to this!


I shall give it some thought :raritywink:

Glad you liked it :yay:

I echo the voices of the others that this needs a sequel was really good so far

Damn this was hot~ would love a part 2~


Wow, this really struck with folks :derpyderp1:
I'll certainly workshop a part 2 :pinkiehappy:

I will be anxiously awaiting a part 2. I want Candace and shining to gain weight too, maybe flurry can gain a bit of pudge as well.

WOOOOOOHHHHHH YEEEAAAHH BABYYYY thats what we're waiting for! WOOOOH!!

i guess we're just suckers for fics about the most canon ship of them all becoming orbs of lard

Definite arc potential. Would like to see how Twilight's creation would come to haunt all of the town

i wonder what would happen if this chocolate symbiote met spellbound from the first few stories of this au

Interesting idea... :moustache:

A good question :pinkiecrazy:

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