• Published 22nd Dec 2011
  • 1,100 Views, 19 Comments

Apples to Pistols - MegaColt

A story of bounty hunters and bandits in Equestria.

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By the Rio Grandneigh

Apples to Pistols
Chapter 4: By the Rio Grandneigh
A MLP FiM fan-fiction by MegaColt
Edited by McSqueakers

“And here you are to drag me off in a magical carriage. To hell I suppose.”-Larry Foulke

“Isn’t it beautiful, Dash?” Traveller asked as he scanned the night sky. “Doesn’t it remind you just how lucky we are to be alive?”

Rainbow Dash glared at the well meaning stallion as she played with a stick in the dying campfire. “Lucky?” she sneered. “I was betrayed and shot point-blank by my best friend. I came inches from death. I saw the light and it beckoned me to go into it, but I didn’t. I fought through it and survived against all odds. I don’t think you can relate to that.”

Traveller was taken aback by the pegasus’ harsh tone.“I think you’re wrong. I’ve stared death in the face too.”

Dash cantered over to the stallion and grabbed him by his jacket. “When have you been on death’s doorstep? Tell me when, Traveller. Name one time.”

The iron gray unicorn brushed the mare off of him and turned away from the light of the fire so that he faced the darkness of the desert. “I don’t really like to talk about it.”

The turquoise pegasus got into the colt’s face and started mocking him. “Aww, is the little bronco traumatized? Does he want to bottle up his anger and not tell anypony about his troubles?”

Braeburn sat up and yelled through half shut eyes. “Stop messing with him, Dash!” He laid back on the ground and pulled his blanket tighter around himself. “If he doesn’t want to talk about it he doesn’t have to.”

Dash poked the colt hard in the chest as she continued to try and get a rise out of the young stallion. “Are you going to cry over it?” She cracked an amused smile when he shoved her away from him. “Well are you going to hit a mare now, Traveller? C’mon and hit me already.”

The unicorn turned away from Rainbow Dash with tears streaming down his face. As soon as Dash tried to wrench him around by his shoulder, Traveller caught her square on the chin with a mule kick and whipped out his pistol. “I already told you that I don’t like to talk about it, so shut up about it or...or I’ll blow your head off. That’ll teach you to pick on me.” The stallion pulled the revolver’s hammer back, shaking as he tried to make up his mind. However, just before he could make a decision, he felt somepony else make it for him, the unforgiving steel barrel of a revolver was pressing firmly against the back of his head.

Braeburn pressed his pistol harder into Traveller’s skull. “Just throw your pistol on the ground and take a seat by the campfire before you do something you’ll regret. I figure it’s time for you to tell us your story. I promise that Dash will stop messing with you if you do.”

The young bronco hesitantly dropped his gun and shuffled towards the center of camp. “I’m sor...sorry...I...I don’t know what got into me. It’s just that...you wouldn’t understand. I’m a failure at life. I can’t even keep somepony from picking on me.” Tears were streaming from his pale blue eyes, rolling down his face as he collapsed beside the fire’s dying embers.


The atmosphere around the campfire seemed to radiate sorrow as Traveller rolled onto his back and shut his eyes. “I was once happily married to one of the most beautiful and intelligent mares in all of Equestria, but she’s just a memory now. All that matters in this ghost story is my dearest, what happened to her, and why I’m ashamed to be alive.”

The young bronco reached into his nap sack, pulling out a crinkled photograph and passing it to his listeners. The picture showed a tall and skinny unicorn with a long flowing mane and bright blue eyes. She was leaning seductively in the doorway of a small house. “She was the only mare I ever truly loved,” he sighed.

He opened his eyes and stared off into space. “It’s been almost a year since I lost her. It happened on a night much like this one; pitch black and cold as can be. Three bandits broke into our home, but I didn’t hear a thing until they were already in our bedroom. I only had enough time to see a Neighxican pegasus, a shrewd looking unicorn, and a gruff looking earth pony, all staring down at me. It was far too late to even think about reaching for my gun, so I just wrapped my covers as tightly as I could around myself and prayed that they would leave.I could see through the sheets that two of them were jerking my wife around arguing about who was going to be the first to ride her. I tried to muster up the courage to do something but I couldn’t. I was frozen with fear. When they finally came to a decision on what to do with my darling, the third stallion dragged me out of the bed and commenced to beating me relentlessly with the butt of his rifle.”

Traveller pulled his hat off and ran his free hoof across the countless scars marred deeply into his forehead. “I faded in and out of consciousness, but every time I opened my eyes, a different bandit was having his way with my wife who they had tied to the bed. All I could hear was her screaming and begging for my help, but I just laid there on the floor, too afraid to move.”

He sat up and pulled down his shirt collar, revealing a distinctive car which could have only come from a noose. “After they were done with her, the three of them dragged me outside and propped me up against a tree as they waited for me to regain consciousness. At that point I was barely clinging to my wretched life. I had given up. I only wanted for things to return to normal.”

Their leader, the earth pony who they called Care, threw a noose into the branches of the tree, gesturing for me to go to it. I’ll never forget what he said, cause it was probably the most merciful thing he could have said at that point.” Traveller cleared his throat as he began to recall the words that the earth pony spoke to him. “‘Go on and do yourself a favor. Put your head in that noose before I shove it in there for you.’ So that’s what I did. I stuck my head through that loop of rope and waited for it to hoist me up like a pinata. I closed my eyes and waited for the sudden jolt of the rope to yank against my neck, but unfortunately for me, nothing happened. Instead, they saw it fit to torture me some more, for when I re-opened my eyes, I found the most devastating thing I could have seen. My house had been set on fire and my darling was trapped inside. Out of sheer instinct I tried to run in and save her, but that’s when they hoisted me into the air and secured the rope before they galloped away.”

Traveller started to tear up as he rubbed the picture across his face. His choked voice struggled to continue the story. “It must have been a pitiful sight to my neighbor when he found me dangling from a tree, barely alive, but still struggling to get out of the noose. He cut me down and granted me another chance at life, but there are times where I wish he hadn’t. My love died in that fire. The regret and suffering is all that they left me in this world, but I only have myself to blame.

The melancholy storyteller crawled into the fetal position and started sobbing. “I’m so sorry, Raindrop,” he cried as he hugged the photo tightly to his cheek. Dash watched silently as Braeburn attempted to console the crying unicorn, but he shrugged the blond stallion off.

The unicorn wiped the tears from his eyes as he started to pack away his things. “Anyways, that’s why I’m out here in the desert…and that’s also why I can’t stay in this partnership with you guys anymore. You know now that I’m nothing more than a useless coward who can’t even muster the courage to save the one pony he ever loved.”

Braeburn started to unpack the things from Traveller’s bags. “We’re sorry, Traveller, but please don’t leave. There was no way Dash could have known before you told us this. I can’t even imagine the suffering you’re going through. We’re willing to do anything to help.”

Dash crawled into her sleeping bag and continued to survey the situation from afar. “What a coward,” she thought. “He didn’t even try to save his own wife. He’s earned my sympathy, but he hasn’t earned my respect.”

The blond pony sat down beside the teary eyed unicorn and continued his efforts to try and comfort him. “I can understand where you’re coming from, buddy and I’m here for you. Dash is here for you too. We’ll all bring your wife’s murderers to justice together. I promise if you’ll just stick with us.”

The gray colt stared at the ground as he considered Braeburn’s proposition. He dropped his bags and pulled out a knife. “I’d like to up the ante on that promise, Brae.” He winced as he cut into his foreleg. “Let’s become blood brothers. We’ll take a blood oath and everything, just like in the books.”

Braeburn was surprised by the young stallion’s impromptu proposal, but he admired Traveller’s willingness to make such a commitment. “I’d be more than honored,” said the bounty hunter as he pulled out his own knife and made the same cut he’d seen his counterpart make. The blond colt slit the skin above his hoof without so much as a whimper. The pair rubbed their forelegs together, mixing blood and pledging their loyalty to each other. “So the deal is done?” Brae asked earnestly. “We’re in this together until the end?”

Traveller trudged to his makeshift tent and crawled inside. “Of course Braeburn. We’re blood brothers after all. Just give me a night to think things over and recompose myself. If you wouldn’t mind, buddy.”

Braeburn followed suit by wrapping his blanket around himself again. “Of course I wouldn’t mind,” he cooed reassuringly. “Take all the time you need. As for myself, I’m going to bed. See y’all in the morning.” With that all three bounty hunters closed their eyes and went to sleep, at least, almost all of them.


Applejack had been having dreams about the dark and empty room for months now, each one starting the same way and conveying a different lesson from that mysterious mare in the chair, but tonight, this dream started out differently than the previous ones. The orange bandit found herself in a large stone room lit solely by candles that cast a dim light onto a chair. It was the same chair that the phantom always sat in as she taught Applejack the truth, however, the pony in the chair wasn’t the revolutionary she had come to regard as her mentor. This pony was a unicorn who reminded the dreamer too much of Twilight Sparkle. She seemed to be around the same age as Twilight, but she had bright green eyes and a dark green mane. She was hogtied to the chair with a makeshift muzzle tied snugly around her snout. The tears seemed to flow from her eyes like an endless well.

A familiar voice echoed through the darkness, one that Applejack instantly recognized. “So you told the princess about our little coup d’etat? I should have known it would be a mistake letting you in on our plans with you being the tyrant’s apprentice and all, but I had honestly believed you’d joined our cause. That’s okay though. It isn’t too late to fix our mistakes.” The interrogator emerged from the shadows and into the light. It was the first time Applejack had seen the mare outside of the shadows, but she couldn’t make out any details about the figure. She could only tell that the mare’s coat was the same color as Big Mac’s.

A stallion’s voice called out from behind the interrogator. “Red, remind our guest what she has to lose.” The regal voice had a commanding quality to it, yet at the same time it was cold and distant.

Red pulled a knife from her belt and ran it across her fur to check its sharpness. A small quantity of hair drifted to the floor. “Of course, Your Highness. It would be my pleasure. Do you want me to teach the traitor a lesson she’ll never forget, or one that she’ll forget right away?”

A white stallion with a towering stature and blond mane walked out of the shadows and paced back and forth in front of the terrified unicorn. “This piece of filth has put our plan in jeopardy. She must suffer for her act of betrayal.” He walked up to the interrogator and grabbed the knife from her hooves. With a smirk on his face, he grabbed the hostages ear and sliced a thick chunk off. He held it up to her face as she writhed in pain. “Are you listening?” The stallion asked mockingly. He handed the knife back to Red and retreated into the darkness.

He returned with a book clutched in his hooves. “This is the very book that inspired Princess Luna to start the Equestrian Civil War.” He smiled at the unicorn in the chair in much the same manner that a teacher would smile at his students. “It’s called “The Nightmare”. Ironic that a book with such a title would lead to a princesses’s fall from grace. It’s tells of a utopian kingdom ruled by a wise king. Everything was perfect in this world until the king’s daughter decided to stab her father in the back and seize the power of the throne for herself.”

Red finished the story for the stallion with a single sentence. “That’s when everything went down the drain,” she sighed. She walked over to the unicorn in the seat and put the knife to her throat. “Lord Fairblood, I think you should leave now. The guards will be here any minute.”

Fairblood was a name Applejack had seen during her school days. He was kin to the noble hero Baron Von Blood who had saved Equestria from an unspeakable evil centuries earlier. What had made Fairblood history worth wasn’t his ancestry or even his accomplishments. It was his ideas. He was the last revolutionary Equestria had seen. Less than a century ago he had led a bloody uprising to “finally put an end to the reign of the tyrant,” but he was executed soon after his coup had failed.

The stallion casually strolled out of the room’s door. He poked his head into the door frame and yelled. “Do what you want with her, Red. I’d prefer that you didn’t spare her because the Royal Guards are going to get every single scrap of information they can out of her if they find her alive, but whatever you do please hurry. I want you to accompany me to the safe house.”

The mare with the knife saluted dutifully and rubbed it across the hostages face like a razor. It was the first time Applejack had ever seen Red stop and think about the implications of what she was doing. Hesitantly, the mare started to slice into the unicorn’s jugular. The hostage struggled to get the knife away from her throat, but Red closed her eyes and quickly finished the cut. The unicorn whinnied in agony as the blood flowed in fountains from her sliced jugular. As she faded into unconsciousness, the killer cut the ropes away from the body and rolled into the floor. She turned the chair around and sat down the same way she had been sitting in Applejack’s dreams. There was a murderous twinkle in the mare’s eyes as she cleaned the knife with her tongue.

The candle light faded away and the same spotlight that was always in the dreams appeared from seemingly nowhere. The figure put the knife away and rested her hooves on the chair. “That was the first time I’d killed anypony. What I remember the most from that night is the mixture of guilt and pleasure that I felt afterwards, but as time went on and more and more of my enemies fell to my hoof, the guilt went away. These non-believers who tried to stop me had not died without a reason. They died for the advancement of our glorious cause.”

Applejack listened attentively. The phantom had sensed Applejack’s guilt from the beginning, but she knew she could help Applejack to justify her actions. “So I shouldn’t feel any regret so long as it’s for the cause?” The orange bandit asked.

Red laughed wickedly and cast a broad grin towards her apprentice. “The end justifies the means, so long as there is something that justifies the end. When the tyrant is eliminated the sleeping king will awake and all will be made right again by the power of his righteousness. Those that must be sacrificed for the king’s return will have died martyrs and you will be made a hero.”

Applejack imagined a parade being thrown in her honor with ribbons and streamers cascading to the ground. Every sidewalk and street corner was packed with ponies jostling to catch a glimpse of Equestria’s savior. “Savior of Equestria. That has a nice ring to it,” she cooed to herself as she waved to admirers. The parade continued through Canterlot until it reached the doors of the royal palace. Applejack shoved the entrance way open only to find herself staring down the barrel of a revolver. At the opposite end of the gun was her former best friend, Rainbow Dash. Her once rose-colored eyes burned crimson with the fires of vengeance. There was a bright flash and a loud bang, and then everything went dark.. Applejack awoke in a cold sweat. “It was just a dream. Rainbow Dash is dead.” she reassured herself. “I shot her and watched her die. It wasn’t real.”


Traveller had been tossing and turning for hours. He couldn’t fall asleep no matter how hard he tried. Recalling the tragedy had brought back memories which he had banished to the darkest corners of his mind with the aid of constant isolation and exotic liquors, but now that he was in this partnership, the torturous memories had returned. He forced himself to sit up, panting heavily for air before the sweat from his brow. There was a small part of the unicorn that wanted to stay with his new friends and help them hunt down the bandits, but what he truly wanted was to exact his revenge alone. For Traveller, the hunt had never been about the reward money. It was about self-redemption. He wanted to be the one to avenge his wife’s death because in his mind, if he was to truly redeem himself, nopony else could help him on his quest to make his wife’s murderers pay for their crimes.

It was no use for him to waste anymore time battling insomnia. The gray stallion gathered his things and silently left camp to go on a scouting mission alone. He was driven solely by passion and it showed in the way he galloped across the desert with tears in his eyes.

He ran non-stop across the desolate landscape for a solid hour. The only way he kept himself from running in circles was by watching the position of the moon. As he ventured farther, he began to notice that the scenery became more lively as the sand slowly shifted into fertile soil of the highest quality. He knew that he was getting close the mighty Rio Grandneigh now. As the young colt stumbled through the cattails, he noticed a steady trickle of smoke rising from the midst of a thicket; one of many that lined the river bank. Without a second thought, Traveller dove into the thick tangle of reeds and cattails that separated him from the small forest. He had to get to the source of the smoke before the fire was extinguished. The unicorn used his magic to bend the reeds out of his path as he barreled headfirst into the forest. Before he knew it, he could see the dim glow of a campfire through the brush.

There was a single silhouette basking in the glow of the campfire with their back turned to Traveller. He could tell by the figure of the silhouette that it was a colt, but he absolutely had to know without a doubt if this was one of the stallions that he had been searching for. The gray colt took his pistol out of his holster and began to sneak his way his way towards the pony by the fire. The chances of him being one of his wife’s killers looked better with every step. In fact the closer he came, the more the silhouette began to look like the ring leader of his wife’s killers. With his heart thumping against his chest, he leaned out to grab the colt’s shoulder, but right before he made contact, he stumbled across a log. All he could do to keep from uselessly blowing his cover was for him to lurch forward and tackle his target. The pair hit the ground with a hard thud, sliding across the mud before finally coming to a stop directly beside the fire.

Traveller didn’t waste a second. He flipped the stallion over and examined the bewildered colt’s face. “Care!” The unicorn shouted, “You don’t remember me, do you?”

Caramel stared at the gun pointed in his face with a blank expression. He didn’t seem to the least bit worried. He even smirked as he calmly addressed the unicorn who was about to execute him. “Yeah, I remember you, boy. It’s such a shame you didn’t have the courage to do anything like this when me and my boys were raping that whore you called your wife. Now, let’s see if you have the courage to pull the trigger on a defenseless pony and become the very thing you’ve sought to stop; a murderer.”

Traveller was livid. He hastily pulled the hammer of his revolver back and shoved it into the bandit’s mouth. The brown earth pony cringed as the gray unicorn’s eyes grew wider with every malicious thought that passed through his mind, each one more gruesome than the last. He was going to savor the moment he had worked tirelessly to reach. One thing was certain, he was going to find a way to make his tormentor feel the same pain he had felt.

Traveller never even felt the object crack against the back of his skull. As he flew through the air, he noticed a red stallion gripping a shotgun like a baseball bat, and then everything went black. The unicorn did a complete somersault, landing flat on his back. Without saying a word, Big Mac threw Traveller onto his back like a rag doll and started out towards the river.

Caramel scrambled off of the ground and jumped in front of his cousin. “He was really going to shoot me!” He hollered in shock. “I suppose I owe you my life since you came along and took care of him for me. I think it’s time we make sure that he learns his lesson. I want to make him pay for even laying a hoof on me. Now, go and find a decent sized tree while I go wake up Applejack.”

The behemoth of a pony complied, trudging through the mud on the edge of the river bank until he came across a giant weeping willow. He rolled Traveller off his back and leaned the body against the tree. Big Mac assumed they were going to lynch him so he threw a rope into the tree’s branches. “What a beautiful place to die.” It was such a picturesque setting after all. The water cascaded across the rocks that lined the riverbed as the leaves of the aptly named weeping willow drooped to the point where they were touching the river. “I guess even death can be beautiful sometimes, but it still doesn’t justify anything,” he thought.

Big Mac never enjoyed the rush of the kill the way Applejack and Caramel did. Deep down, he wished that he had never agreed to come along for the robbery, but at the time it seemed like the right thing to do for his family. They killed in an attempt to save a loved one, but now, they were murdering for murder’s sake. There was absolutely no purpose left to the killing. Not a single soul benefited from it. To Big Mac it was unjustified, but what was he going to tell his family? In his mind it was too late to back out.

The hefty stallion tied Traveller’s legs together so that he couldn’t try to escape when he came to. He had only just lain down to ponder backing out when Caramel arrived with Applejack in tow. “Well what do we have here?” Applejack asked scornfully as she playfully kicked the unconscious unicorn. “I see you’ve already put the noose in the tree. That’s good thinking, but let’s take it a step further. Throw two more ropes into the tree on either side of the noose.”

Big Mac stared at his sister incredulously. There wasn’t enough excitement in simply hanging the helpless colt. She had to have something even more gruesome to satisfy her lust for slaughter. He started to toss the ropes into the willow as directed, but something in his head snapped. “I’m done killing, AJ,” he sighed as he tossed the rope to Caramel and plopped his tail down on the riverbank. “Get Caramel to help you, but you can count me out on this one.”

Applejack was furious. She pulled out her pistol and whipped it across her brother’s face. Several teeth flew out of the red stallion’s mouth and blood splattered the riverbank. The orange bandit shoved her lasso into his hands and hissed in his face. “You do as I tell you to do, or else you’ll wind up in that tree too. Just one more day, just one more death on your hands and you’ll be in Neighxico where you can do whatever the hay you want, so stop being a wuss and throw the rope up there.”

Big Mac picked himself off of the ground and wiped the blood from his mouth. He wasn’t angry, just flabbergasted. It wasn’t the first time she had ever hit him, but this time she had really meant to hurt him. This wasn’t his sister. This was a monster and one he most certainly didn’t want to mess with. He hesitantly tossed the ropes over the branch and glared at his sister who was busy tying the other end of the rope to Traveller’s forelegs. “Now what?” he asked with an annoyed expression on his face.

Caramel yawned and casually hoisted his victim into the air. “Start stacking wood at the base of the tree, buddy. I’ll handle the rest.” When Traveller’s head was just below the noose, Caramel staked the ropes into the ground. “This is a little something that AJ and I have been working on. Trust me, you’re going to love this.”

After a few minutes of dangling Traveller began to regain consciousness. “Where am I?” he mumbled as he struggled to regain his vision. As the fuzziness went away, he slowly began to take in the situation. Instead of being afraid, the daring unicorn became cocky and arrogant. He had already survived one of Care’s “executions” and he was fearing for his life that time. What hope did the bandits have when Traveller was feeling courageous? “So you’re going to hang me again? That didn’t turn out so well last time, did it?”

Caramel laughed at the unicorn’s cockiness. “It’s hard to believe that less than a year ago you were begging me to spare your life and now you’re bragging about how you survived the first time I had you hanged. I’d have figured somepony like you would be happy to be alive, but I guess some ponies are just begging for death. I can’t blame you either. That whore of yours felt so good,” he taunted with an expression of pleasure on his face. “It must really get under your skin, knowing that you wont ever have that again.”

Applejack threw the last piece of wood onto the pile and shoved a bundle of dried reeds into the bottom of the heap. “We’re going to play a little game, boy. All you have to do is choose.”

Traveller spat at the two bandits conducting the twisted game and sneered. “Why do I have to choose? Why don’t you just shoot me and end it all at once?”

Applejack pulled a cigarette and a match out of her rucksack. She slid the match across her hoof and popped the cigarette in her mouth. She started to light the cancer stick, but just before the match made contact with it, she pretended to fumble it directly into the reeds. As soon as the fire touched the dry kindling, it burst into flames. “You get to choose between the inferno and the noose. Shooting you simply wouldn’t be an entertaining way to off you. It might be practical, but this is going to be one hay of a show.”

The blaze crawled higher and higher into the air, licking the unicorn’s body. Traveller helplessly watched in horror as his hooves started melting into glue and his fur began to catch ablaze. “Sweet Celestia make it stop!” The burning stallion tried his best to put his neck into the noose so that the agonizing pain would finally come to an end, but he couldn’t pull himself up high enough no matter how hard he tried.

Big Mac couldn’t watch. He turned away from the ghastly scene and slid down the river bank as he smelled the unicorn’s burning flesh. His sister and cousin watched the horrid spectacle with vicious glee as they howled with laughter and mocked the doomed colt, but Big Macintosh was done with the killing. He had to get away, so he started crossing the river. He couldn’t bear to be associated with his family anymore. They had become nothing more than sociopathic killers. Once the red Apple made it to the Neighxican bank he decided that he would never turn back even if that meant never seeing his family again.

Caramel and Applejack never noticed Big Mac slip across the border. They were too busy admiring their handiwork. “Isn’t it ironic that you’re going to die the same way your wife did?” Caramel smarted off. Applejack cackled in delight as the barely recognizable unicorn struggled to escape the flames. Despite being burned beyond recognition, Traveller made a final push for the noose. He managed to get his muzzle through it, but when he did the ropes that were supporting his weight snapped from the added stress. The charred body plummeted into the raging inferno and tumbled down the pyre onto the ground.

Traveller landed directly in front of Applejack who stared at him with an amused twinkle in her eyes. The badly burned unicorn breathed heavily as he dragged himself towards the orange mare. “K-k-ki-kill... me. P-please!” Applejack crossed her arms and continued to examine the nearly incinerated colt as if he were some sort of specimen in a sick science experiment.

With a disappointed sigh Caramel pulled his rifle from its sling and loaded a fresh round into the chamber. “It’s a shame that ponies like you can’t appreciate it when they’ve escaped death and been given a second chance at life. I guess that’s why there are ponies like me who are destined to act as the hands of death.” He placed the gun’s barrel on Traveller’s head and clicked the safety off. “I have to hand it to you. You had the chance to kill me, but you didn’t pull the trigger. That’s the difference between you and me; I won’t hesitate to kill cowards like you. See you in hell, buddy.” The brown bandit mercilessly pulled the trigger, blowing a hole into Traveller’s already barely recognizable face, instantly ending his life. “There are no second chances in life.” Caramel said matter-of-factly as he wiped the brain matter off of his neck and slid the rifle back into its sling.

The show might have been over, but for Applejack that little spectacle was only meant for a warm up. She had much bigger plans in mind. Taking down the tyrant and raising the king was her final goal. The anarchy that would follow the collapse of the current monarchy was merely an added bonus. With this in mind, the orange earth pony looked at Caramel and sighed. “I guess this is where we go our seperate ways.”

Caramel tilted his head to the side, bewildered at his cousins’ sudden goodbye. “Aren’t you coming with me and Big Mac to Neighxico? Speaking of which where’d the big fella go?” He turned circles looking for his cousin, but the red stallion was nowhere to be found. “Seriously where is he? I’m starting to panic.”

Applejack coolly pointed at the mud slick where Big Mac had slid into the river. “Seems like he’s already in Neighxico. Apparently he didn’t enjoy our game.” She rolled her eyes and started to head down the road to Dodge Junction. “You’d better go on into Neighxico and catch him. I, on the other hand, have much bigger fish to fry here in Equestria.”

Caramel felt slightly betrayed by Big Macintosh. He could have at least waited for him on the other side. “Well I hope that whatever it is you’ve got planned over here goes well for you. I’ve got to go catch your brother so I guess this is goodbye. I’m not staying in Equestria just to be hounded to death after all.” He tried not to look at Applejack as he jumped into the river. He didn’t want to know what was so important to her that she couldn’t join them in Neighxico, but when he got to the other side his curiosity got the better of him. “Hey AJ! What is it that you’re going to do over there?”

The crusading orange bandit smirked and hollered back, “I’m going to kill Celestia!” She was overjoyed with the look of astonishment that came over Caramel’s face. She was even more ecstatic that Caramel started backing nervously away from her. The assassination was going to be the biggest event to have ever happened in Equestria and she was going to be the one responsible. She was going to become a hero for saving Equestria from the Princess’ tyranny. She would be thanked by everypony for doing the world such a favor. “I hope you have a good life!” She shouted nonchalantly as she turned away. She didn’t plan on seeing him or her brother again for a long while because at long last the day of reckoning was beginning to take shape.

To be continued...

Comments ( 2 )

some shit is gonna go down here......i can't wait :pinkiehappy:

Sorry, I was too lazy to get around to reading this. But when I did, holy. Fucking. Shit.:pinkiegasp:

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