• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 4,487 Views, 249 Comments

The Chalk Prince and the Clover - FrostTheWolf

Albedo and Klee find themselves in the land of Equestria after an alchemical accident. Now, they need to find their way back to Teyvat... though, that's easier said than done (Genshin Impact/MLP Crossover)

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27- Folge

When it comes to making visits to Canterlot, Twilight would always hope that things would go smoothly. That things would work out and nothing would be blown out of proportion like if somepony trotted in on Rarity having one of her ‘therapy sessions’ involving a couch and a tub of Ice Cream. However, when she spotted none other than Prince Blueblood and his bodyguard heading towards Cast Iron’s forge and then departing in the opposite direction shortly afterwards, she couldn’t help but think that something bad had happened. Blueblood was infamously known for blowing little things out of proportion, but was not one to back down or leave so quickly.

Of course, when she got to Cast Iron’s workshop, it was around the same time that Albedo himself had stepped outside. “Oh, hello Twilight,” he greeted her, before looking behind the alicorn as if he expected for somepony else to be with her, “Where did that one guard go? Flash?”

“Still at his post actually,” she replied back, “What about you? I thought you would still be talking with Cast Iron and trying to get his help.”

“Actually, we finished that conversation recently,” the alchemist’s response surprised Twilight. For she would’ve thought that, based on how Flash described him, that it would take him a while to come to an agreement, “Even though we had an interruption at one point, Cast Iron has agreed to help forge what’s needed for the Crucible. If all goes well, then it should be ready within a few hours.”

“T-that’s great to hear,” the princess told him, before a thought crossed her mind, “Though, out of curiosity, what ‘sort of interruption’ happened?”

“Some noble pony was trying to harass Cast Iron into getting him to answer his demands. Though, when I went outside to see what the problem was, they lost their temper and had their bodyguard attack me. No one was hurt, though I did transmute the guard’s weapon into a lyre out of self defense. Rather than continue, they decided to run… but not without trying to swear vigorously about wanting to make me pay.”

At that, Twilight felt a chill run down her spine. Was he… talking about Blueblood just now? She had to be sure. “Who exactly was this pony, Albedo?”

“Well, Cast Iron said that they were Celestia’s nephew and the noble himself said that he was a prince… Blueblood I think it was,” Albedo told her. Yet, his answer was anything but reassuring to Twilight. If anything, the alchemist’s answer almost had Twilight go into full on panic mode. “Though, I’m not really sure if he’s an actual prince or not since he was just a unicorn. From what I’ve seen, royalty mostly consists of those who have both wings and a horn.”

Even with what the alchemist said, it did little to try and calm her down, “… This is bad.”

That had the alchemist fold his arms as he looked back to her, “How so?”

“Albedo, that pony was in fact Celestia’s nephew,” the alicorn told him while she was beginning to internally panic, “Y-you might’ve been doing that in self defense, yet he’ll find a way to twist the story around! If he tells the princess-”

“Wouldn’t she know already?”

The princess of friendship blinked, before looking back towards Albedo, “Huh?”

“Remember the recommendation letter? Celestia would probably know that we’re already here since we asked her for it before even coming,” the alchemist reminded her, “If anything, you could just send her a letter right now regarding what happened.”

At that, Twilight was a bit confused as she looked back towards him, “But Spike’s not here though.”

In response, Albedo took out what looked like a darkened phial from his coat. Inside of it, there were green flames that matched the color of the same flames that Spike would breathe. “I asked for Spike to breathe some flames in here and had Starlight enchant it to be heat resistant before we left. It was supposed to be a contingency for if Cast Iron didn’t think that the recommendation letter was legitimate and needed further proof to verify its authenticity. Though, since it never really came to that, perhaps we can use it now. I’d rather not drop this and have it break.”

That… was ingenious. In fact, Twilight was shocked that she hadn’t thought of this before until now. Though, that was something she could think about later. Right now, Twilight just wrote up a quick notice for the princess and used the flame in the vial to send it over to her.

“Alright, that should do it,” she replied confidently, “Now, we do have some time before Cast should be done. How about we go get a bite to eat while we wait?”

“That sounds like a good idea,” the alchemist smiled, “Lead the way.”

As Celestia sat on her throne in the hall of elements, the princess was trying to compose a list. There was something that she wanted to run by her sister, yet she wanted to have everything be fresh on her mind before Celestia would bring the discussion up with her. Part of her felt like it was the right time to act on such a possibility, while another part of her felt like it was too soon. That they should wait a little longer first before acting on such a possibility.

While she was trying to come up with the list, a small green flame erupted next to her as a scroll manifested next to her. “A letter?” she thought as the princess levitated the parchment closer to her, “Now, what could prompt Twilight to write to me at such-

Yet, it was only after reading the first few sentences that the door to the hall of elements burst open. For her nephew, Prince Blueblood, and their personal bodyguard took it upon themselves to rush in. Not even considering knocking or having one of the other guards around the castle seek her out. Clearly, it looked like he was rattled by something and came all the way here to tell her about it.

Though, the moment that he started speaking, Celestia could tell that Blueblood was not being entirely honest with her. “A-Auntie, please help! It’s an emergency!”

The alicorn just sighed, before looking back to the startled unicorn and doing her best to try and humor him. “What seems to be the matter?”

From there, Blueblood tried to make his case by spinning a tale that a ‘monster’ had somehow gotten through Canterlot’s defenses and assaulted him while he was walking through the industrial district. To anypony that was listening, it would seem like a moving tale that anypony would believe. Yet, to the princess, she knew that what he was saying wasn’t exactly what happened. Not just because of Twilight’s letter, but because she had a feeling of who exactly this ‘monster’ was.

“I see,” the princess said once Blueblood had finished.

Yet, the stubborn unicorn wasn’t thrilled by her lack of action. “Well? Shouldn’t something be done!? We can’t just let a savage like that roam freely through our streets-”


The unicorn paused, before looking back to his guard briefly. Puzzled by his aunt's choice of words. “I… beg your pardon?”

“Twenty-six,” Celestia repeated, “It’s a rather important number. Would you like to know why?”

Yet, before the unicorn had the chance to reply, that was when the princess answered his question for him, “It’s the number of times where you’ve come to me and tell me about you had been wronged in some way; only to not entirely be truthful with not just your words, but your actions. And based on how you used the same tactics with phrasing your words that you did all those previous times before, that means there’s more to it… isn’t there?”

Blueblood was dead silent at that point. The fact that his aunt had not only seen through his words, but knew that he was trying to hide the truth stunned him. Though, before he had the chance to explain to himself, Celestia looked towards his bodyguard. “What is your name?”

“Corporal Colt Marshall of the Royal Guard, Princess,” the pegasus saluted her, “I was assigned to be Blueblood’s bodyguard by my commanding officer.”

“Corporal, could you describe the incident that occured today?”

The simple question, despite Blueblood’s own protests, was met with an affirmative nod. The guard explained that the reason why they were going there was because over the last few days, Blueblood had demanded the owner of the forge in Canterlot to give him a better suit of armor than the one that he already had. Even though Colt Marshall had insisted that such a request was not necessary, Blueblood refused to hear him out. Yet today, they encountered what Colt could only describe as a ‘furless figure’ who dressed in regal like clothes, had a blond mane and blue eyes. They tried to convince Blueblood to… be reasonable and consider why it was that Cast Iron refused to listen, but he didn’t want to hear it and ordered me to make him step aside. The result of this was that his crossbow was now nothing more than a musical instrument and Blueblood’s first thought was to come here to ‘warn’ her.

By that point, Celestia had heard enough. “How shameful of you, Blueblood.”

“Me!? How is anything I did shameful-”

“Not only did you try to solve a problem using the behavior that would typically belong to a spoiled filly, but you ordered your bodyguard to harm a friend of the crown,” Celestia snapped as she lifted the parchment that Twilight had sent to her, “That ‘creature’ is known as Albedo. He is a friend of Princess Twilight, and was here for a legitimate reason and yet, you saw him as nothing more than a monster. What he did was in self defense because of your provocative actions.”

At that point, Celestia just let out a sigh. “Blueblood, despite your time here, you have yet to learn the most simplest of lessons. Being a ‘prince’ is more than just a title, it’s a responsibility… and from what I’ve seen today, it appears you have yet to learn how to carry the weight of such authority. I am putting you under House Arrest for as much time as it takes for you to clean up your act and change for the better. No exceptions.”

Before Blueblood could even say anything, Celestia had cast a spell and in a flash, the prince was gone. Though, that was when she turned to Colt Marshall, “As for you, I’m going to talk with the captain of the guard to have you transferred. With somepony of your potential, you should deserve better than being stuck with my nephew and for that, I apologize.”

The pegasus was caught off guard by that. One moment, he was forced to be a Prince’s bodyguard and the next, he was now getting reassigned? While it felt like a relief to not be anywhere near Blueblood, there was still one question that was on his mind. “If I may ask, your highness, where exactly would I be transferred to?”

“That I will have to discuss with the captain. For now though, you are dismissed.”

As the guard left, Celestia went back to the parchment that she was trying to write on earlier… and made some necessary changes.

Things to Consider

  • Retirement
  • Possible Vacation
  • Discuss with Luna on what to do with the nobility. We don’t need another Blueblood.

Author's Note:

Guess some of the things on Celestia's mind have to be put on hold

Side note. The next update is not going to be for a while. Writing is a bit difficult at the moment and I need the chance to regain my focus before going at it again. Which is why this chapter is a bit shorter than others.

Hope you guys have a wonderful day! Stay safe