• Published 5th Feb 2021
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The Chalk Prince and the Clover - FrostTheWolf

Albedo and Klee find themselves in the land of Equestria after an alchemical accident. Now, they need to find their way back to Teyvat... though, that's easier said than done (Genshin Impact/MLP Crossover)

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20- Prinzessin Part 2

When Princess Celestia first arrived in the castle of friendship, the only information that she knew about the two unexpected visitors in her land was based on Twilight’s letter. Yet, that in itself was rather limited. Even though Albedo seemed intelligent based on how her former student described him, there wasn’t anything to describe his personality. The same could be said for Klee as well, but based on the letter and her sister looking like she was only half awake this morning, Celestia had the feeling that Klee was a lot more of a hoof-ful than Twilight was telling them.

Fortunately, the princess did not have to wait too long in order to meet them. For while she was in the map chamber with Starlight Glimmer, the two of them heard the door to one of the castle's rooms close shut as Twilight trotted in with one of the newcomers right next to her. If memory serves her right, then this was the one named Albedo. He was an alchemist, though the letter from Twilight didn’t really touch on what exactly was his field of study or his capabilities. Questions that she would have to ask about, but not right away.

“S-sorry to keep you waiting, p-princess,” the alicorn of friendship apologized as she took a seat at the cutie map.

“Oh, there’s no need to apologize,” Celestia insisted, before her gaze moved to the one that was accompanying her, “Ah, you must be the one named Albedo. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”

In response, Albedo nodded his head as the alchemist took up a seat next to Twilight at the table. “And you must be Princess Celestia. I’ve heard a lot about you and your sister from Twilight and her friends. So it’s an honor to finally meet you in person, your majesty.”

Personally, Celestia was personally surprised by Albedo’s sense of manners. She wasn’t expecting for the alchemist to come off as kind and gentle like this. If anything, it almost reminded her of Fluttershy based on his low tone of voice. “Please, just Celestia is fine,” the alicorn insisted, before noticing that someone else was missing, “I was also told that you had a sister as well. Would she happen to be busy?”

“She’s taking a moment to rest,” the alchemist replied, “One of Twilight’s friends, Pinkie Pie, had thrown a surprise celebration for us earlier before you arrived. So Klee’s resting for a bit after all the fun and games with the new friends she made.”

“Ah, I see.” The alicorn said, knowing full well of the kind of parties that the alchemist was talking about. Considering that she had asked Pinkie to cater for several different events that were held in Canterlot, Celestia was well aware of the extent in which the party pony would go to make sure every creature that was attending were happy and enjoying themselves. Of course, the solar diarch didn’t exactly come here to talk about parties or celebrations.

Though, before she had the chance to continue, that was when Albedo spoke up, “Forgive me for sounding blunt, but what exactly is the reason why you wished to meet my sister and I? Surely, someone of your position and stature must have a reason to set aside the duties you have to your kingdom to come all this way and see us.”

While Twilight and Starlight were caught off guard by Albedo’s question and thought that such a question would offend Celestia, the alicorn herself didn’t really seem too bothered by it. In fact, she actually gave him an answer right away, “Well, while my student’s letter did provide some information, it did not answer every question that came to mind when I first read it. So, instead of assuming anything, I thought I would come speak with you directly. Have some of the answers you provide clear up any possible confusion. A simple way to clear up misconceptions is to get answers directly from the source, after all.”

Albedo nodded his head in agreement, seeing the logic behind the princess’ decision. “What was it that you would like to know? Is there anything in particular that comes to mind?”

“Well first, Twilight mentioned in the letter that you are an alchemist,” the princess replied, before levitating a piece of parchment for Albedo to read. The sight alone made Twilight freeze, because she recognized the parchment as the letter that she had sent only yesterday, “Though, considering that you’re not from our kingdom, would it be safe to assume that the alchemy that you are familiar with is different in nature compared to what my subjects happen to know?”

“Well, there are a lot of ways that can be answered,” the alchemist acknowledged, “Though, as I had told Twilight yesterday, the alchemy that she… and possibly others know as well by extension, is only one piece of the puzzle. Alchemy is the study of life, and by that extension, can be applied to multiple different things. Animals, nature, the world and its inhabitants as well.”

“Well, I see the philosophy behind that, yes,” Celestia replied back as she took a moment to readjust her position, “Though, that does little to help clarify anything. Could you perhaps give a demonstration so we can see how you use your alchemy?”

“Through practical application you mean?” Abledo’s question was answered by a simple nod from the princess, before he began to think to himself. While a demonstration would be ideal, there had to be consideration as to the kind of application that can be done. Furthermore, since Alchemy was the study of life, he needed to use something that was connected to the earth and nature. Twilight’s castle, while being a tree, acted almost like a barrier that blocked the fauna that was underneath it.

Though, with that in mind, a different idea came to mind as he looked around the room. Why not do something that he had done a few times before when back in Mondstadt? A familiar application as he noticed a vase in the kitchen with a flower that did not look to be taken care of rather well. “Twilight, do you mind if I borrow the plant you have over there?”

“Huh?” Twilight asked, before looking towards the plant that Albedo was talking about, “Oh, that one? I… guess. Not really sure how much use you would get out of it though-”

Before she could finish, the alchemist got up and walked over to grab the stem of the plant and pull it out of the vase, going as far as to collect some of the fallen petals for good measure. Once he had everything that he needed, Albedo returned back to the table and set everything down as he prepared to give his demonstration. “Alchemy and its applications are all centered around one single thing. The essence of life,” as he spoke, he picked up the flower stem and began to concentrate as his alchemical energy flowed forth from his hand, “For example, awakening life. Breathing life into fallen leaves.”

Within seconds, the alchemical energy that flowed forth from his hand made the nearly departed plant spring to life once more. Petals bloomed again and the brown leaves of the flower were now green. As if it was reinvigorated with life and the will to live again. Though, when he let the plant go, it crumbled and faded into dust.

“However, without a natural source to sustain such life, it would only go back to the state that it was in and deny it the chance to really grow,” the alchemist continued, before reaching for the fallen petals, “Yet, that is but only one purpose. Another such purpose is to take something that many might see as broken and discarded… and bring forth something new from its ashes.”

As he clenched his hand, a golden glow began to radiate from it. Once he opened it, Albedo showed the fruits of his transmutation as a crimson rose was now in the place where the petals once were. When he set it down, it did not fade like the previous flower, but instead maintained its physical form. A sight that astonished both of the princesses in the room, but left the solar diarch wanting to know more.

“Fascinating,” Celestia replied, before turning to the alchemist, “Is this the full extent of what you can apply your powers to? Or is there more to it?”

“There is more to it than what you just witnessed. For alchemy is not just simply getting a few things together and synthesizing it to see the results,” he clarified for her, “There’s a process to how my alchemy works. Not only that, but some of the most important steps in the process have a deeper meaning… I believe I told Sandbar and his friends this, but now seems like a good time to ask. When I say ‘From Soil was Birthed Chalk’, what do you think it means?”

Silence soon fell upon the room shortly after he asked. For while it was just a simple question, each of the equines thought that the simple phrase was more like a riddle. After all, what sort of common ground was there between the two? Though, Celestia was thinking that there was something to this that both Twilight and Starlight have overlooked. Something so simple, yet so deceptively hidden that it could not be realized until somepony had to point it out to them.

“Hmm,” Celestia spoke to herself, before looking over to Albedo, “I think I may have an answer. Though, I’m not entirely sure if it's correct.”

“Oh? What would that be?” Albedo asked.

“When you say that phrase, you don’t mean Soil and Chalk in the literal sense,” the solar princess continued to speak, “You refer to them as a metaphor. Soil and Chalk mean something else to you in your line of work as an alchemist and the field in which you are experienced with the most. Is that right?”

Albedo smiled, before looking towards Celestia, “That is right. A long time ago, my teacher asked the same question that I asked you. On that day, she taught me the most important lesson,” he explained, “The earth we walk on is the accumulative memory of time and being, and soil is the origin of all alchemy. The basis of all life, whether it be plants, animals or living beings like you and I. As for Chalk, that is the substance from which life is molded. The blank canvas in which to paint life itself. For the essence of life is an alchemist’s craft and trade.”

As he finished, Albedo now had a question for Celestia, “Does that help answer any questions you might have, Celestia?”

“It does,” the princess admitted, “Though, it also provides me with something else I want to ask. What lengths do you go to see something through? Is there… anything that alchemists where you’re from consider taboo?”

“That depends,” the alchemist insisted, “Each country in Teyvat has their own rules and laws on what can and can’t be done when it comes to Alchemy. Though, there is some common ground. For one thing, you cannot create something from nothing. There must always be an equivalent exchange. Another thing to note is that many countries have forbidden the research of bio alchemy involving living beings. Mainly, because in Teyvat’s past, one such alchemist abused the knowledge he was given and had a kingdom fall because of it.”

“I see,” the princess replied, “That… does remind me of a rather old story in Equestria’s past.”

“It does?” Twilight asked, “Which one?”

“Well, many creatures these days would consider it just a simple pony tale nowadays. Though, like what you’ve experienced several times before, there’s always more to a particular story than you might think,” Celestia told her former student, “A long time ago, there was a creature that was called the Father of Monsters.”

Author's Note:

What starts as a simple conversation can soon take a much different turn.