• Published 26th Jan 2021
  • 4,724 Views, 269 Comments

SCP Foundation - Equestrian Files - DagaYemar

There are too many objects that threaten the safety of Equestria. They must be contained.

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SCP-EQ-016 - Nothing Can Stop... The Smooze!

Item #: SCP-EQ-016

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-EQ-016's containment cell is to be made of air-tight ceramics, sealed and pressurized at all times personnel are not within the cell. Twice weekly SCP-EQ-016 is to be doused with sedatives while a team equipped with industrial strength vacuum cleaners clear the cell of excess slime for disposal. It is to be fed no more than fifty (50) kilograms of gold a month. Precious gems may be substituted as a guarantor of good behavior.

Update: As of Incident D-503, SCP-EQ-016 is to be given up to two hours of freedom to roam Site 32 as it wishes a day. Three (3) armed security guards are to accompany it at all times, but not interfere with where it wishes to roam. Staff are encouraged to engage SCP-EQ-016 in a friendly manner at all times. Staff are to refrain from bringing any valuables into the site, no matter how personal the object. Should SCP-EQ-016 attempt to leave Site 32, it is to be lured back to its cell with harmonic music.

Description: SCP-EQ-016 is a sapient gelatinous organism composed of a slimy green substance held in place by a thick transparent membrane. While its body is easily broken apart, SCP-EQ-016 possesses an extremely potent regenerative ability which allows it to recover from any form of damage within seconds. SCP-EQ-016 appears to feel no pain no matter what happens to its body, and will often get objects or creatures lodged in itself without noticing. It has demonstrated the ability to squeeze itself through an aperture 75 mm wide and to split into dozens of pieces only to reform itself with apparent ease. No form of magic tested to date has managed to penetrate SCP-EQ-016 transparent layer without dissolving completely, or at best scattering the slime in a limited area only for it to reform.

SCP-EQ-016 body does not contain any identifiable organs, musculature, or skeletal structure. It also lacks any form of identifiable sensory organs, but can still discern its surroundings and achieve mobility through generating rhythmic waves along its underside similar to a slug. SCP-EQ-016 can achieve speeds of 9 km/h by secreting a layer of slime to slide on. Occasionally it will extrude a tendril of slime to manipulate objects, though this is rare.

SCP-EQ-016 can ingest and dissolve anything, but it prefers a diet consisting of items of worth. It will consume gemstones, precious metals, bits of any denomination, paper money, and if pressed, items of sentimental value. Items of greater worth seem to have a better taste, and SCP-EQ-016 will spit most other objects out in disgust. SCP-EQ-016 will resist digesting living matter, going so far as to starve itself if there is no other food. When presented with food related to it preferences, it will generate a mouth to engulf the item into its body. The item then instantly dissolves and SCP-EQ-016 will gain mass equal to the perceived value of the matter consumed. Finding and ingesting such items appears to be SCP-EQ-016's sole interest and it will gravitate towards the nearest source of wealth it is aware of. There appears to be no upper limit to the size SCP-EQ-016 can become so long as enough food is supplied.

SCP-EQ-016's body is constantly oozing slime over everything it comes into contact with. This mucus is a powerful adhesive with a tensile strength of epoxy glue and retains much of SCP-EQ-016's regenerative properties. SCP-EQ-016 itself seems immune to the adhesive property of its mucus. SCP-EQ-016 has demonstrated the ability to control and even retract this slime back into its body whenever it wants. Only the main body of slime shows any sign of life. Once separated from the purview of the main body, this slime becomes very susceptible to sunlight and dries out quickly, leaving a harmless chalk-like powder. SCP-EQ-016 itself will slowly lose mass at a rate of one liter per week when deprived of food.

It isn't known just how intelligent SCP-EQ-016 is as it shows no interest in anything beyond finding material to consume. However while it has never displayed the ability to talk, it responds with basic gestures to simple questions when presented with food as a reward, and it has shown a fondness for mimicking the actions of its handlers.

Addendum: Interview Log.

Interviewed: SCP-EQ-016

Interviewer: Dr. F____

Forward: In order to entice SCP-EQ-016's interest in taking part with the interview, a bucket of small gemstones was provided to be exchanged for answers. SCP-EQ-016 responded mostly with nods and gestures. This interview took place roughly one month after initial containment.

<Begin Log>

Hello, SCP-EQ-016. Can you understand me?

(SCP-EQ-016 leans forward and tries to engulf the bucket of gems. Dr. F____ moves it out of reach.)

No, no. I'll be asking you some questions today. You can have one if you answer them. Do you understand?

(SCP-EQ-016 frowns and then nods.)

Good! Now, are you capable of talking to me?

(SCP-EQ-016 shakes its "head" back and forth. From this point each of its responses are followed by eating a gem.)

Guess we're going to have to yes or no this interview, then. Do you know where you came from?

(SCP-EQ-016 nods)

Good! Are there any more like you there?

(SCP-EQ-016 frowns and moves away from the table. Dr. F____ waves down the guards from approaching and places several more gems on the table.)

It's fine, we just want to know more about where you came from. Will you please try to answer me?

(After a few seconds, SCP-EQ-016 turns back to the table as starts morosely engulfing the gems.)

I assume from your reaction, there are others similar to you out there. You don't like them?

(SCP-EQ-016 shakes negative very quickly, spaying slime in all directions.)

Uck... anyway, I'm going to list some places and you let me know when I say where they are, alright? Equestria? Griffonstone? Yakyakistan? The Chrystal Empire? Mount Aeris? The Dragon Lands? [REDACTED]?

(SCP-EQ-016 wobbles back and forth and nods with each name.)

I'm not sure I understand, SCP-EQ-016. If there are others like you in all these places, why hasn't anypony seen one before?

(SCP-EQ-016 wobbles again and then looks down at the floor.)

Down? Are they under the ground?

(SCP-EQ-016 nods and shudders.)

You don't seem to like talking about them. Did you leave because of them?

(SCP-EQ-016 shakes negative.)

Did they get rid of you?

(SCP-EQ-016 nods.)

I see. Did you do something wrong?

(SCP-EQ-016 shakes negative.)

Do they not like you?

(SCP-EQ-016 nods and then looks between Dr. F____ and the guards at the door.)

I'm not sure... Do you mean you're different from them? The way I am different from those two? Different how? Is it gender? Job? Ability? Um... height, build, color?

(At the word "color" SCP-EQ-016 nods vigorously.)

Color? They're a different color? What does the different color signify?

(SCP-EQ-016 seems to think for a moment and then forms a tendril that starts reaching for the bucket of gems.)

No, SCP-EQ-016. Those are for when you answer-

(SCP-EQ-016 shakes negative and points at the gems and then into its open mouth.)

Oh! You mean you eat gems! Well, what do the others eat?

(SCP-EQ-016 is motionless for a few moments, shudders, and then extends the tendril at Dr. F____.)

Uh... that's, uh... that's enough questions for today.

<End Log>

Addendum: Incident D-507

On __/__/____ at 5:03 pm, SCP-EQ-016 vanished from its cell without a trace. Embedded agents reported it one hour and forty minutes later in Canterlot in the presence of [DATA EXPUNGED]

[DATA EXPUNGED], whereupon SCP-EQ-016 was returned to its cell. Due to the probability of repeated breaches, containment procedures have been updated.

Let us face it, we got lucky with this one. If SCP-EQ-016 hadn't expressed its wish to "go home", we might never have gotten it back. SCP-EQ-016 has powerful friends now, but that doesn't change our mission. We've got to treat this one with delicacy. We've got to make sure this object wants to stay. --- Dr. F____