• Published 9th Nov 2020
  • 185 Views, 4 Comments

Reasons - AppleCider120

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Remember - Prologue

Author's Note:

Will make this a short story. Will likely alternate days between this one, "Human in Equestria," and eventually get back into order with "Discord: Book 2".

The grass was quite soft.

This was the only thing providing Time Turner with any sense of comfort, at the moment. Oh, how he wished he had the bubbly mare right next to him, as she had been for almost ten years now. She would probably make everything so much better, and make him forget what was happening. If only he could tell her; but, she likely would not understand.

The only pony he could think of that would understand his current circumstances was Twilight; the only pony he felt could even remotely grasp a single word that could come out of his mouth. If he wanted to have anypony know what he was going through, though, it would be a young grey mare from the village he was over looking. While many might mistake him, with his whole world seemingly wrapped around her, with some sort of star crossed lover, Turner felt that wasn't quite the truth.

Indeed, he did feel the "L-word" cross his mind a few times, when he was alone with the mare, he never seemed to feel that same emotion when he would think back to it as a memory. She was a great friend, and she always would be in his memory; no, he wasn't going to erase her like he had done to one before. Losing that memory lost Turner his way in life, and almost killed him outright.

Oh, who was he kidding!? Of course it was love! He never uttered the word to his companions, even though he often felt the chemicals pumping through his heart and mind. What do you call it when you can hardly take your eyes off a pony when she is enraptured by the simple things? When she is lost in her own thoughts as she rides a machine that isn't supposed to be a toy; or repeatedly frizzles her mane with the "fuzz ball" in your lab?

She was so pure, and innocent; Turner never wanted to let it go, and from what he could tell, she didn't want him to go, either. That is why this hurt so much. He shouldn't be crying from just overlooking the town of Ponyville, especially not on a beautiful night as this. All was quiet, everypony went to bed happy; she went to bed happy, too, he hoped.

But, as he seemingly promised himself eons ago, "love" would never again cross his lips with his companions, no matter how much it hurt him to watch them move on. And he hoped she would move on; from what he could tell, she could shake off even the worst of days. The ways she would bounce back from an embarrassing spill, or when Turner would get upset with her when she accidentally broke something; she would just return to her bubbly self in a matter of mere moments, if not instantly.

He felt, in this time, that the only was to let her go, then, was to remember. He knows he would never forget his time in this world, or his time with her. He would never forget the times he almost told her everything, only to be cut off by her in some amazing way; be it just to see a butterfly she had seen a hundred times, or to talk with her friends. He would also feel like he will be forever grateful it never slipped out. It would keep her from ever being too attached too him, and she could go on with her time.

So, he set his sights on the past, while he waited. He began to ask himself questions, though he would give himself vague responses.

How did you get here?

He got there as he always did; by chance. Albeit, a major stroke of luck that he was given such a mercy, but it was chance nonetheless. Turner was brought to Equestria by no less than his own means; he had interfered in one too many timelines for the Gallifreyan Council. Despite his actions resulting in the whole of the Time Lords' timeline being saved, his actions also resulted in the death of yet another one of his many companions. As they would remind him, "The Doctor", as he had come to be known, had more blood on his hands than he ever wished to admit. For The Doctor, however, it was more of a refusal to understand it. Yes, The Doctor's actions had resulted in the deaths of so many, throughout his own millennia, that he should have drowned long ago. From the Great Time War, to the latest battle with the Daleks, he always tried to do his best. No matter how much he tried to neglect himself, though, it always came back on him.

Companions a plenty have died trying to protect The Doctor; he only ever managed to save on, but he had to entrap her within a dimension of which she had no real connection. The Doctor knew it was safe, though, and that is all that mattered to him. These details would matter little to the council, however; they cared so little about the Earth, and their humans. Despite looking so alike, the Time Lords truly saw themselves more as gods, than mortal beings. And it was not like they had no reason to.

For billions of years, they were the guardians of time itself; they were the gatekeepers of all that existed in the Universe. Then The Doctor came around, and started to play. Ever since the day he stole a faulty TARDIS, he has been both a hero, and a destroyer of worlds in his life. The fool even had the gall to break the very laws of time, just to spite his rivals.

Despite this, the council did relent, however; they did acknowledge that without his actions, the universe, and perhaps time itself, could have been destroyed. But, they still reserved their duty to punish The Doctor for his transgressions that had likely gone undocumented. He rightly called them out on such a corrupted idea, to just charge him without any true documentation. They rebuked this, saying this exile would likely be unlike any he would come to know.

And this was no understatement. The Doctor was taken from his duties, and dropped in a world unlike any other. Firstly, the very existence of the star system disobeyed all the natural laws of the known universe; it didn't match other universes outside of theirs, either. The first sign of things to come was the movement of the parent star, and the exile planet itself. Outside of neither seeming to rotate, almost every twelve hours, the planet's sun, and moon, would change positions. This would sound normal to any observer, but when the idea of the planet no even orbiting the star is brought in, confusion occurs.

Before he could even begin to question how this world works-- apart from a brief explanation that a perception filter had been placed over the entire system to hide it-- The Doctor was forced into another regeneration cycle; and this one hurt. His normal, human-like body began to morph, and twist under the unexplained forces of the Time Lord Council. Before his change could ever be completed, he had been shoved into the TARDIS; i locked on the the planet, known as Equis, and rocketed to the planet below.

Comments ( 3 )

I got inspiration from the song "Time is an Adventure" by 4everfreebrony ft. Feather.

Nice start, I haven't really ever gotten into any of the Doctor fics on fim, still, this one might actually get my attention.
Also if you are to commission a cover art let me know in a PM, and here is my DeviantArt gallery link and here is my Youtube Channel. Enjoy and good luck on your story.

If I can, I will, heh. Just started offering story commissions, myself.

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