• Published 18th Dec 2011
  • 1,349 Views, 41 Comments

Just Another Love Story - Stormy Charge

A ship fic between Rarity and my own character. But it is quite unlike other ship fics you'll read.

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Chapter 11 - Gryphon the Break Out

Gryphon the Break Out

“So…” Gilda began, stroking her chin. “You came from Ponyville, on this crazy journey just so you could find another pony?”

Ivory Moon nodded, ashamed that he had to tell yet another random person about his adventure. He desperately needed to escape, and as far as he could see, this was the only way. “Yes, that’s exactly why I’m here.”

“And you expect me to believe that you are also friends with Rainbow Dash?” Gilda said, forming a slim smile.

What a long shot it was for Ivory to bring up Rainbow Dash. He remembered that the pegasus had mentioned this gryphon before. She hadn’t been referred to in the highest grace, but if Ivory had any chance of escaping, he’d have to take this one. “Yes, that’s right.”

“And you want me to help you break out of this jail so you can continue on your quest to find this pony?”

“Well…” Ivory stroked the back of his head, not making eye contact with Gilda. “’Break out’ is such a nasty term… I’d prefer to just use the term ‘liberate.’”

The gryphon just smiled and nodded. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the type of nod Ivory was hoping for. It wasn’t a compassionate and understanding nod, it was rather sarcastic and force. Like she was just toying with his emotions. “Sorry, but I don’t believe you.” She said.

The words felt like an anvil on the pony’s head. His hopes had been crushed. From his current position in a prison, his faith was already running on empty. And to top it off, he felt like he could trust Gilda. He told her his story, every piece of it. Even the most recent part about him getting separated from Spike. But she had hardened her heart, and left Ivory no choice but to beg.

“Please…” He stuttered, getting down on his knees. “I’m begging you. Please help me escape. I’ve got nowhere else to turn, no one else I can ask. I have to find Rarity…”

Just thinking about his beloved brought sorrow and pain back into his mind. He had kept the unhealthy emotions back for quite some time. But it was becoming impossible. The tears finally broke through his eyelids and he fell to the ground. Sobbing and groveling at the talons of the confused gryphon. In her face he could see the bewilderment and utter ignorance of Ivory’s pain. Did she know what love was? Or even friendship?

“I can’t just let her go…” He whispered shakily. “She means everything to me and-“

“How do you know Dash?”

The words caught Ivory off-guard. He looked up at her, head tilted a notch. “What?” He asked, still shaken from his emotional breakdown.

“Rainbow Dash. How do you know her?” She repeated, a hint of irritation in her voice. “You mentioned before you knew her. How?”

Finally seeing a way out, Ivory leapt at this chance. “Well, she and I became friends a few months after my fillyfriend and I started dating.”

“What’s her middle name?” She asked without hesitation.

Still befuddled at the direction this conversation was taking, Ivory faltered. “Um… I don’t… know.”

“Favorite drink?”

“I’m… not sure.”

“Signature technique?”


Ivory gulped as the gryphon looked unpleased. She just stared back at him with such disdain like he really had committed a crime. “You don’t know Dash.”

Ivory shook his head and waved his hooves in the air violently. “No! No! I really do know her!”

“Then prove it!” She shouted, her patience wearing thin. She stepped her talon petulantly, waiting for the flustered pony’s next move. And that’s what Ivory waited for as well.

He was at a complete loss for words. He had no idea how to prove he knew the cyan pegasus. He didn’t know anything about her from the few moments they’d spent together. They weren’t the closest of friends, but they were friends, and somehow Ivory had to prove it.

“I…” The pony muttered under his breath. Ashamed to finish his sentence, he just shot one more hopefully look at Gilda, praying that she would feel pity for him. But sadly, it did not work. Gilda snorted and turned the way she came and left the pony all alone in the stone prison. In a land pitted against him, no one would give pity to this miserable pony.

He laid back down on the hard surface, flipping his tail close to his face and crying. He just felt so hopelessly abandoned. He had not a friend in the world to turn to. Even when the heartbreaking journey started, at least he had Spike to turn to for comfort. But now, it had all caught up with him.

His mind wondered off yet again to see what everypony was doing. He imagined that Spike was continuing the journey to find Rarity, or perhaps finding someway to free Ivory. Or he could have just gone home to Ponyville. Obviously the smartest answer would be to go home to Twilight. She would comfort him, as would the others.

Ivory snapped his head up at breakneck speed, his eyes wider than ever. “GILDA!” He called out, jumping to his hooves so quickly, it actually hurt his back. He ran up to the bars and peered around the corner, listening for a response.

At first he heard nothing, but after a few seconds, he heard footsteps approaching his cell. Staring out the bars and down the hall as far as he could, Ivory prayed that it was Gilda. And sure enough, he figure walked slowly down the hall and stopped right in front of Ivory. “What?” She said, unimpressed, agitated, and obviously not wanting anything to do with Ivory.

“I know Rainbow Dash.” He said, her eyes rolling right after. “And I can prove it.” Ivory claimed, his determination returning. He finally had a drive again. And a plan would not be too far behind.

“Oh can you?” Gilda retorted, folding her arms and smiling sickly at the pony.

He simply mirrored the pose and look and said, “Reach into my saddlepack there on the wall.”

Gilda hesitated, but eventually unfolded her arms and walked over to the white pack hooked on the wall. She dug her talon around the pack for a few seconds and pulled out a book. “A book?” She questioned. “Rainbow Dash hates books.”

Ivory just kept his calm and said, “It’s not that. Keep looking.”

She reluctantly placed the book back in the pack and continued searching. She pulled out two more items: the map of Equestria and the loaf of bread from Doctor Whiteheart. “Is this some kind of joke?”

“One more look Gilda.” Ivory pleaded. She looked about ready to up and leave again. But this was Ivory’s last chance and he was not about to let it go sour. “Please, just one more look.”

A big sigh and roll of the eyes later, Gilda placed the items back into the pack and searched one more time. Feeling around, she could only feel those three things: a book, a piece of paper, and the bread. Then she felt that the paper was not one, but two sheets. She pulled out both of the papers, placed the map back, unrolled the last item…

Her jaw hit the floor. And Ivory’s smile grew. He exhaled softly in relief and waited for Gilda to read the fine print.

“This is…” She started, unable to even comprehend what she was reading. “And it’s in Dash’s handwriting… To Ivory Moon. The soon to be Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash…

They stood there for what seemed like hours. But it might as well have been days, or months. Ivory just waited for her to respond. Yet Gilda just stood there, mouth ajar, staring at the picture.

Ivory stepped his hooves impatiently and turned his attention down the halls. He didn’t know the time of day, and had no way to find out. Running the quest back in his head, he came up with three days that had passed. And the warden had woken him up this morning, so it was day four. But he still had to figure out the time of day.

“Gilda.” He finally broke the silence. “I don’t know what happened between you and Rainbow, but I am begging you. Please help me.”

Gilda’s eyes shifted from the picture to Ivory and back to the picture for a minute or two. She seemed at a complete loss for words. Then, she finally folded the picture and placed it in the saddlepack. She looked around the corridors to see that they were empty. She quickly grabbed a key labeled ‘4.17’ and threw them inside Ivory’s cell. “Hide them!” She called out in a hushed yell.

Ivory dove for the key, placing it as fast as possible under his bed, the lack of light in the cell hiding the key perfectly. He looked back to Gilda and smiled. “Thank you Gilda.” He almost teared up, but fought them back. “I just wish I had something to give you in return.”

“Actually…” She stared at the floor, a mix of sadness and regret on her face. “When you get back to Ponyville…”

Silence. Ivory leaned in waiting for her to finish her thoughts. It took a while, but Gilda finally mumbled, “Could you tell Dash that… I’m sorry.”

Was that it? The pony gave the gryphon a friendly smile. “I will.”

“Thanks.” Gilda returned the smile, but only for a second. She returned to her serious attitude. “Now listen, don’t just use the key now. You’re on the fourth floor right now. The only way out would be to head up to the fifth floor and use the first corner door you see.”

The pony jotted down the information in his head as best he could, but couldn’t help but wonder why it mattered when he left and where he headed. “Wait, wait. How will I know when to open the cell?”

“Trust me, you’ll know.” Gilda turned back the way she came, making sure they were still alone. Before making her exit, she called back to Ivory, “And when you get to the door, don’t hesitate.”

And with that, she left. Not another word was spoken. She turned the corner and Ivory was all alone again. Left to wonder what she meant. Gryphons were such strange creatures.

Finding himself without company yet again, Ivory walked sluggishly back to the bed. He lay down on his back but quickly pulled himself up, the stinging sensation of the whip returned. He grimaced and grunted, lightly touching his back. It felt as if the wound was on fire.

The pain disappeared after a minute or two and he lay down on his side this time. His mind raced with questions, but only one stood out in his mind at the moment; would he manage to escape?


“Lights out.” A voice called yet again, this time on Ivory’s floor. He had been waiting for the voice to reach his floor, and soon after the lights were shut off. The voice continued up several more floors. Ivory waited patiently for the gryphon guard to finish his patrol before reaching under his bed for the key.

Surprisingly enough, the guards hadn’t noticed that the key was missing. They probably assumed that the warden had taken it after speaking with Ivory. But it only made the escape easier.

The pony recited the plan in his head. First he would open the cell. He would have to grab his saddlepack before making a break for the stairway. And after that he would have to head out the first corner door he saw. Where he went after that, he didn’t know. Gilda hadn’t been too specific on what was to happen after he made it that far. And an even bigger question was what was his signal to get moving?

The voice passed through a few more floors, becoming more and more faint. Finally, after ten or eleven floors, the voice ceased. And a few more minutes later, footsteps became audible down the stairway and then faded into silence. Ivory heard a door slam shut, and that was it. The only sounds keeping him company were the snores and tired breathing of his cellmates.

He sat on the edge of his bed, swinging his hind legs back and forth. Waiting for something, anything. He looked under the mat for a second to make sure the key was still there. Other than the occasional clang or clank from the cells surrounding him, the prison was in completely muted.


“What are we doing here, Gilda?” A frightened gryphon asked while lugging a huge firework through the dark night. “I thought you said we were gonna pull a prank.”

The two flew just along the outside of the jail, Gilda counting the floors and corner doors. “Uh…” She said, barely acknowledging her friend’s question. “We are gonna pull a prank.”

“On the police?! Are you craz-?!” Gilda’s talon covered her mouth in an instant. They stopped in midair, only the flapping of their wings creating noise.

“Shh! Ok, so I kinda lied. So what, are you chicken?”

Her friend nodded slightly, her mouth still covered.

Gilda rolled her eyes and said, “We’ll be fine.”

They continued the search for the correct door. Then Gilda pointed at a particular corner. “That’s it. That’s where we need to plant this baby.”

Her friend unenthusiastically flew down and placed the dragon shaped firework right next to the door. “Ok, now can we leave?” She whimpered, clearly not too keen on this whole idea.

“You go on and go Shia.” Gilda dismissed her friend.

“Be careful Gilda…” Shia said, worriedly flying away from the prison, leaving Gilda, the firework, and a match behind.

The gryphon lit the match without a second thought. She had always been one for a good prank, but this was crossing a huge line. Then again, she had already crossed that line a long time ago back in Ponyville. She regretted everything she did and said back then. And now, she had a chance to make things right. She had not the heart to ask for forgiveness herself.

“Alright.” She muttered, clearing those thoughts from her mind. She lit the fuse on the explosive and took flight as fast as possible. When that thing went off, she didn’t want to be anywhere near it.


An earthshattering explosion shook the entire prison. The sound of fire crackling and metal crashing into metal deafened everyone within. The smell of smoke quickly penetrated all of the floors.

The cracking fire was soon drowned out by the cries of confusion and fear from the prisoners and the desperate yells and footsteps of the guards running up the stairs. Ivory recovered his calmness and noted this as the signal.

He had fallen off of the bed from the explosion, so he just reached under the bed and grabbed the key with a shaky hoof. With the key in his hoof, he ran over to the cell and reached out to unlock the cage. After struggling a bit to place the key in the lock, Ivory pushed it in and turned as far as it would go. A small click later, he pushed the cell over with great speed. The door slid open and the pony was free.

Some of the prisoners discovered that he had escaped and begged him to free them as well. But he didn’t have enough time for such trivial matters. He just ran over to the wall dotted with hooks and keys and grabbed his saddlepack. He didn’t even have time to make sure all of his supplies were accounted for, Ivory just made a mad dash for the staircase.

His legs ached from having not moved like this in some time. Because of this, his speed was hindered greatly. When he reached the staircase, he heard a guard back near his old cell yell something. Ivory couldn’t make out what he said, but it didn’t matter, they knew he had escaped… or was at least trying to escape.

Now encouraged to run faster, he reached the top of the stairway in no time to find the corner door that Gilda had mention… or what was left of it. The door had been blown off of its hinges and was now hanging off the side of the floor just under the railing. Small fires resided just next to and outside the door, but that wasn’t enough to scare Ivory off. He ran at the hole in the wall, as it was his only shot.

But his escape was brought to a dead stop. He stood on a small ledge just outside the prison, above a gaping chasm, far too high to jump and far too high to survive. A small river rested just at the base of the crevasse, but that wouldn’t be enough to break the fall. Ivory just stared over the land below. “Is this some kind of sick joke?!” He muttered.

Before too long, he was joined by two gryphon guards. “STOP PONY!” One of them shouted, making sure to keep his handgun on Ivory.

The white pony turned slowly, eyes meeting with those of the guard. The gryphons looked a bit worried, having no idea how Ivory escaped and managed to blow a door open. They had no idea what he would do next.

“It’s the end of the line for you!” The guard said, taking a step forward.

And now, the ball was in Ivory’s court. It was his move to either surrender and hope that his punishment wouldn’t be as severe, go down swinging and take whatever they could dish out, or put his life in the hands of faith. The choice was painful, but obvious.

Ivory jumped up on the thick railing over the ledge, keeping his balance on his hind legs. A quick prayer in his mind eased his troubled thoughts. Celestia, please don’t let me fail now.

He closed his eyes, and raised his arms, resembling a cross. And steadily, shifted his weight to the back of his body. Gravity soon took effect and Ivory Moon fell off the ledge down the huge chasm below.

The wind blew his mane back as he fell faster and faster. He couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes for a reason even he did not know. Maybe it was to say that live or die, he was willing to accept his fate.

Suddenly, he felt as though he had been hit by a train. But the wind was still blowing his mane and tail back. How did that make sense? He didn’t hit the ground? His eyes creaked open showing him the side of a mountain. He was moving, but he wasn’t falling. Ivory glanced down and saw a brown feathery coat. “Thanks Gilda.”

“You are the craziest pony I’ve ever… EVER seen.” She replied, piloting through the crevasse at tremendous speed.


They landed in a rocky desert, less barren than the last one Ivory had been in, but still very desolate. Rocky structures and cactuses kept the land from being totally bleak. And the cool air from the nighttime breeze was more than welcomed for this weary traveller.

He looked ahead, seeing nothing in the way of civilization. His single loaf of bread would have to sustain him the rest of the way to Rarity and all the way back.

As Ivory’s gaze intensified, Gilda looked about ready to leave. The earth pony stopped her before she took off. “Wait, Gilda. Are you gonna be alright?”

Gilda shrugged and grinned. “Yeah. I’ll be fine. They have no idea who busted you out. And they’ll be more concerned about fixing that door before they try to find out who it was.”

They chuckled a bit. Then, Ivory started back on his trek through another desert. “Rainbow Dash would be proud of you.” He said as a last remark.

He heard nothing from the gryphon. No response, no sigh, gasp, nothing. Just the flapping of wings until fading away into the night.

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