• Published 18th Dec 2011
  • 1,349 Views, 41 Comments

Just Another Love Story - Stormy Charge

A ship fic between Rarity and my own character. But it is quite unlike other ship fics you'll read.

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Chapter 1 - It All Seemed So Simple...

It All Seemed So Simple…

“Well Mr. Hoity Toity?” Rarity asked the famous fashion critic. “What do you think?” He looked over his client’s newest line, silent as a mouse. He adjusted his glasses and stroked one of the dresses. Rarity’s smile shrunk as she waited for a reply. He just continued to stare at Rarity’s new summer lineup for Canterlot.

Rarity grew impatient with the gray stallion. She cleared her throat loudly and tapped him on the shoulder. “Um, I hope you won’t think me rude, but some acknowledgment would be nice.” But the fashion hotshot kept his attention on the ensemble. Rarity’s patient smile faded to a panicked frown. Hoity Toity had never taken this long when looking over her work. He usually entered her boutique and left within the same minute, his employees lugging a huge cart of outfits back to Canterlot. But this time was different. He just stared at the cloths, stroking his chin and driving Rarity mad.

Finally, he turned to the ivory unicorn and coughed, adjusting his glasses yet again. “Rarity my dear, you never disappoint.” He began, preparing to sit. One of his servers sprung to attention and placed a red pillow just under Hoity Toity and quickly moved away before being sat on.

“Oh, please stop Mr. Hoity Toity,” Rarity started, obviously waiting for more praise. “You’re embarrassing-“

“But your most recent designs have been rather lackluster.” He said, cutting off Rarity’s sentence.

The words struck Rarity like lightning. She was stunned at what she had heard. “Lack…luster?” She repeated, hoping she misheard him.

“You knew you were making this ensemble for my summer line, didn’t you?”

“Wha- but of course! I read your order through and through!”

“I see…”

“Well, what’s wrong with them!?”

“Rarity, darling, they’re beautiful as always, but I’ve seen this all before.”

Rarity was speechless. She looked over her designs, frustrated at what she was hearing.

“These look almost exactly like your winter ensemble. I need something new! Fresh!” He glanced up at a red-feathered headdress and shuddered a bit. “And something that looks less like a sunburned chicken.”

She looked up at the hat, feeling discouraged. She had spent hours adjusting the light and quantity of feathers all for nothing. “Well… wasn’t that what you wanted?” She quietly whispered. “My own unique style?”

“What I want doesn’t matter, Rarity. I don’t control fashion, I just critique it.”

Rarity shook her head and raised an eyebrow in confusion to what he had said. “Eh, that doesn’t make any-“

“And there are dozens of fresh, hip, new aspiring designers in Canterlot who would love to fill your role.” He cut her off again, standing and gesturing to the sky. His server jumped again and grabbed the pillow in an instant.

Rarity stared at the floor, saddened and furious. How much she wanted to give him a piece of her mind. But she remained calm and composed. She took in a breath of air and sighed.

“But my lineup isn’t expected in Canterlot for another week. Do you suppose you could whip up something fresh, hip, and new in three days?”

“Well I…” She looked around the room, trying not to make eye contact. She had already planned to watch Sweetie Belle and her friends later that night. Not to mention her pony pet play date in the morning the next day. And her spa day with Fluttershy the day after. Her schedule would leave her little to no time to work on the entire summer lineup.

They’ll understand. She thought, still shying away from Hoity Toity. After all it is only three days. That doesn’t leave much time at all.

“You can count on me sir.” Rarity said breaking the silence.

The fashion critic’s face lit up with joy. “Splendid!” He exclaimed instantly clapping his hoofs together. “I’ll be back here in three days. I can’t wait to see what brilliant designs you have for me!”

“… You and me both…” She muttered inaudibly.

The gray stallion approached the door, nose facing skyward. Again, the server bolted in front of his superior and hastily opened the door. Before the door closed, Hoity Toity called out, “Remember! Fresh! Hip! New!” ~slam~


~Slam~ The door of Carousel Boutique suddenly burst open and an angry Rarity stomped out. She was in desperate need of a spa treatment. She barely made eye contact with anypony as she marched down the dirt road to the spa, mumbling all the way.

“Lackluster… Ha! What does he know about fashion?” She muttered. “If it weren’t for his position in Canterlot, why I’d… I’d…!” She shrieked softly under her breath.

“Who does he think he is anyway!? Mr. high and mighty fashion know-it-all! Oh Rarity! You’re outfits need to be fresh! Hip! New!” She said in a stupid, mocking tone of his voice. “I’m Hoity Toity and I think I’m so much better than every other pony in Canterlot! No! In all of Equestria!”

She didn’t even realize that she had stopped mid-stride to mock the pony, when she saw that she had gathered a concerned crowd. She didn’t care. She just continued on her way, several ponies stepping out of her way. “The fashion world can be so full of drama.” She whispered, rolling her eyes in the back of her head.

The spa came within view and she sighed in relief. Suddenly, it dawned on her: she didn’t have an appointment. She could only hope that Aloe would let her in regardless.

~CRASH~ All of the sudden, Rarity found herself flat on the ground with somepony on top of her. She shook her head and tried to get back to her hooves, but it was no use. The pony in question was far too heavy.

“Get off of me you ruffian!” She yelled angrily.

“I’m sorry ma’am!” Said a worried voice as the weight was lifted off of the white unicorn.

She jumped up and glared at a white earth pony. “What’s the matter with you! Why don’t you watch where you’re going!?” Rarity yelled at him as he backed away.

The white earth pony looked shocked. “Excuse me? Maybe you should open your eyes!”

Rarity was taken aback. Who was this pony? She had never seen him before.

“Just who are you anyway?”

“My name is Ivory Moon. And you are?


His eyes widened. “Oh. You’re Rarity?”

“You’ve heard of me?”

“Applejack has mentioned you before.”

“You know Applejack?”

“I was just on my way back from helping her at her farm.”

“Oh… a farmhand…”

“Hardly. I just help out from time to time.”

“I see… Well, I really must be going.”

Rarity stepped to the side trying to get past the pony. He quickly stepped in front of her again and said, “Wait!”

She stopped and looked up at him. “What?” She asked, rather annoyed.

“You didn’t give me a chance to properly apologize!”

“No, no. It’s quiet alright.” She stepped to the other side, but was blocked again.

“No, it’s not alright.”

“Please just move aside.”

“If you would just let me-“

“Would you just… MOVE!”

Rarity moved quickly to the other side again and tripped as Ivory tried to move in her way. She lost her balance and crashed into the pony, knocking him down with her. The two tumbled down a small hill, Rarity landing on top of him this time.

The white unicorn lifted her head. She glared at the earth pony, baring her teeth. “What is your problem?! Why couldn’t you just leave me…!”

She stopped. Her jaw dropped at the sight of Ivory Moon slowly opening his eyes. She hadn’t noticed until now what a beautiful shade of green they were. And his dark blue mane made them stand out even more.

Ivory Moon stared back into her eyes, a lovely sapphire blue. Her purple mane was frazzled and unstyled from the fall, but then again so was his. The two lay there for the longest time, still and silent. Ivory Moon finally moved a hoof up to her mane and moved it out of her face. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.


“You’re kidding!” Rarity choked out, laughing uncontrollably. She and Ivory Moon lay on their backs on the grass. “Big Macintosh is undefeated!”

“It’s true, I beat him in a hoof-wrestle just yesterday.” Ivory said, laughing along with Rarity.

“That’s unbelievable! Not even Rainbow Dash could beat him!”

“Oh yeah! You should have seen her face when I beat him.”

Rarity laughed even harder, trying to imagine Rainbow’s face for herself. “Oh Ivory, you are quite amazing.”

“And you’re not? I mean, The Grand Galloping Gala. Wow. What was it like?”

“Oh nothing special. I did meet the prince though.”

“Really? And how was he?”

“Well… he was… nice.”

Ivory Moon crept closer to Rarity. “Come on, you can tell me.”

She smiled sheepishly. “Well he wasn’t exactly a dream come true.”

“So… not nice, huh?”

“You have no idea.”

“Just another rich, stuck-up, snooty jerk.”

Rarity looked surprised. She leaned in closer to the earth pony and giggled. “Sure, we’ll go with that.”

“So…” Ivory began, “This… Hooty Tooty?”

“Hoity Toity.”

“Yeah, him. He wants this new summer lineup in just three days?”

“Yes. And if I don’t have them, he’ll have to find somepony else to do it.”

Rarity looked at the darkening sky in shock. She had been out longer than she thought. She jumped to her hooves, startling Ivory. “Oh my gosh. Is it this late already? I have to go!”

The white earth pony leaned up and quickly said, “Wait, where are you going?”

“I have to watch my little sister and her friends tonight… and then stay up all night working on the outfits…”

Rarity started slowly back toward the Boutique. Sweetie Belle would probably be there with her friends by now with no supervision. Just as she got back on the dirt road, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see he had followed her.

“Wait… maybe I can help you.”

“With… watching the girls?”

“With your work. I may not be a fashion expert, but tell me what you need done, and I’ll do it.”

“I couldn’t possibly-“

“Please Rarity. Consider this my proper apology.”

Rarity stood still for a few minutes thinking it over. For some reason, she didn’t want to accept his offer. But why, she didn’t know.

“Well… there is one thing.” She started, unsure of what Ivory would say, she continued, “I need my work space cleaned out before I can start revising the outfits. The poniquins must be clear and the cloth organized. And since I’ll be busy all evening watching the girls, I won’t be able to clean up until midnight. Could you clean up for me?”

Ivory Moon smiled at the unicorn and gave a reassuring nod. “As you wish.”