• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 6,920 Views, 583 Comments

Through Changes - Symphony

When you lose who you are, what will you do to become yourself again?

  • ...

Disharmony 101

A/N: Only Chapter 1 today as I'll be getting a new laptop tomorrow and I'll write Chapter 2 on it as soon as I got it set up and ready to go! Edited by frieD195. Enjoy!

’‘Now Era, do you remember what your mother and I taught you about creating new mass from scratch?’’ Discord paced back and forth in front of his daughter, who was sitting perched on a bench next to him.

’‘That...’’ She bit her lip as she searched for the answer. ’‘That new mass is hard to create, so the next best thing is to take existing mass and shape it for your own needs!’’ She chirped and started bouncing on the spot she was sitting. It was time for Discord’s lessons in teaching her some basic spells, and right now they were going through some theories to repeat what she had already learned.

’‘Exactly!’’ Discord beamed. ’’I trust that you know the basic compendium of a cloud already from your lessons with Twilight Sparkle, yes?’’ The filly smiled and nodded. ’‘Good. Here’s what we’re gonna do today...’’ As they were being in the garden for their lesson, Discord zipped up into the air and fetched a cloud, bringing it down to the ground for the filly to see.

’‘We’re gonna try out a simple little spell of mine...’’ He smirked and brushed the cloud softly. Era stood on the tip of her hooves, and her wings fluttered momentarily in anticipation as she awaited the answer from her father. ’‘For this to work exactly as we want it to, you’ll have to momentarily disregard Celly’s pointers on The Laws of Nature, okay?’’

’’...Okay?’’ Era raised an eyebrow. This was strange... But she’ll do it, as learning is fun!

’‘Wonderful! Now, focus on the cloud and find the threads of its mass.’’ Era nodded and went to work. The threads were the objects that unicorn spellcasters weave together to create new things. They locate the threads and tie it into other threads, molding an entirely different thread to continue from. The threads are the basic things that all unicorns and alicorns experience when they use their magic for the first time. Era had shown great ability in locating the threads and weaving them together in new possibilities. She didn’t have the raw magical power Twilight Sparkle had, but she was a quick learner.

Era stuck her tongue out in concentration as she pressed her eyes shut. Her horn was still glowing in a cornflower blue aura. ’’I found them, now what do I do?’’ She opened her left eye and looked at her father, who nodded.

’‘Find the density of the mass and enhance it, then continue to locate the guideline of the mass.’’ Discord stood back and allowed his daughter to focus. She nodded when she had finished the task. The cloud was surrounded by a cornflower blue aura, like the one around her horn. ’‘Good, now you break the natural guideline and tie it together with the density thread, the pigment thread and finally, the thread which makes it taste so bland...’’

She followed her father’s instructions until she felt some strange force emanate from the cloud which she had never felt before. She had sensed something like it around her father before, but then it was much weaker than what she sensed right now. She opened her eyes to see that instead of the cloud being engulfed in her usual cornflower blue aura, it was now engulfed by a strange golden aura. The aura poofed, and strangely enough made the sound of a duck’s quack as it did. But when she laid her eyes on the cloud, her jaw dropped further.

Instead of it being fluffy and white, it was sticky and... pink? She reached out with her left hoof carefully and nudged it. Instead of it pushing away easily as clouds always did, it floated away but some of the cloud got stuck on the bottom of her hoof. ’’Um... Did I do something wrong..?’’ She asked as she wiped her hoof. Discord smiled and shook his head. ’‘Then... What is it?’’

’‘It’s my very own spell which I created. It makes regular, boring old clouds into delicious cotton candy clouds!’’ Discord grinned. Era grinned even wider than her father. This was the best spell she’d ever learn!

’‘Cotton candy?!’’ The filly squeaked and looked back and forth from the cloud and then to her father. ’’I made a real cotton candy cloud?!’’ She giggled and took some cotton candy from the cloud, and continued to gobble it up.

’‘Yes, you made your very own cotton candy cloud! But that’s not the only thing you did with your spell...’’ Discord grabbed the cloud and shook it a few times. A brown substance started dripping from the cloud. Discord put his head beneath the cloud and got a mouthful of the liquid Era hadn’t identified yet. ’’Go on, taste some!’’ Discord waved his hoof toward the cloud. Era took a few very cautious steps toward it.

She stuck out her tongue daintily when she was standing just next to the cloud and leaned forward. Her eyes were closed almost like she expected something bad to happen. Just when the first drop of the strange rain dropped on her tongue, she squeaked and drew her head back. She smacked her lips. It was a familiar taste... A taste she should recognize everywhere, as... It was chocolate...rain...

’‘EEEEEEEE!’’ Era squeaked and bounced around in a circle. She had made a Cotton. Candy. Cloud! The rain was even chocolate milk! She ran up to Discord and hugged him, before she darted off to the cloud and rolled around in the rain beneath it while giggling madly. Discord let a tired smile embrace his features as he sat down. He frowned as one thought battled its way to his full attention.

’‘Era...’’ He sighed. The filly sat up, covered hoof to mane in chocolate milk and cotton candy on her entire face. ’‘Let’s... not tell mommy about the cotton candy clouds, alright?’’ The filly frowned and pouted.

’‘Why not?’’ She half-whined.

’‘Because if we do... Let’s just say that I’ll be in some deep trouble...’’ Just deep trouble wouldn’t fit the description of what the alicorn sisters would do to him. Discord shuddered and stood up. ’‘C’mon, let’s go and run you a bath.’’ The filly’s ears flattened to her skull and her face became paler than what it normally was. She started backing away from him very slowly. ’’Oh no you don’t!’’ Discord exclaimed. A thunderclap rang through the garden as Discord grabbed Era and prevented her from running away.

She writhed and thrashed with her forelegs, trying desperately to escape her father’s grip. It’s not fun to take baths! You get, ugh... Clean... Her struggling wasn’t noted by Discord, as he was holding her in a grip she couldn’t escape from. After a while, she groaned when she realized that it was no use in fighting against it anymore. She crossed her forelegs and pouted. Might as well get it over with...

Discord sighed heavily as he plopped down on his and Luna’s bed. He had moved into her room as Era got a room for herself, which was Discord’s old room. He had just put Era to bed, and Luna was, for the moment, with Era and talking to her. Luna and Era often talked to each other just before Era would sleep, so she could tell her mother about what she and Discord had been doing today.

The spirit had set his mind; he would tell Luna about his predictament when she returned from Era’s room. Sure, he would have to explain a few things and tell her why he hadn’t told her earlier, but it was something that was needed to be done as soon as possible. Hell, he was even slightly afraid at how she would react! Would she refuse to talk to him? Would she shrug it off as him rambling? But most importantly; would she even believe him when he told her? He took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

The door cracked open and inside walked a disheveled lunar princess with visible bags beneath her eyes. ’‘What a day...’’ She sighed. ’’...And night.’’ She added with a nonchalant roll of her left hoof and a giggle. Discord smiled weakly, reminding himself of the rather harsh subject he had to bring up.

’‘Luna, I...’’ He bit his lip and turned away from her. Luna was at the moment levitating her regalia away from her and placing it on a ponykin. ’’I have something that I have to tell you... It’s... Really important.’’ Discord sighed heavily once again, this would be harder than what he expected. His ears splayed back.

’’Oh? What is it, then?’’ She noticed how distressed Discord was and laid her forelegs over his chest and held him close.

’‘Five years ago, before the Grand Galloping Gala...’’