• Published 9th May 2020
  • 6,271 Views, 686 Comments

DOOM of Griffonstone! - ShadowStar_IMHP

[Displaced] Victor Von Doom was a Character in Marvel comics. So why am I in his head? Why are we in Griffonstone? I also must ask... who am I?

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Chapter Six: The night and the shadows.

Gilda’s POV

The sun had set during the time they ate and as soon as Doom was finished eating he replaced his mask. “Gilda tell me why so many Griffon names start with G?”

“Just culture with the city founder named King Grover families tend to try to inspire the young with a name with the same letter.”

“Those two... fledglings were orphans?”

Gilda sighs and looks down reorienting her thoughts. “The Gallus most likely was, Faina would have been abandoned after hatching. Did you notice her wings?”

“They were large enough to brush the ground when she was standing. Is this important?”

“She is a runt. You can tell by her wings she would be the older of the two of those fledglings, but because her body is growing wrong she looks smaller. It's easy to tell who a runt is when hatched, even fresh from an egg the proportions are off”. The loud bang of Doom’s fist smashing into the counter was the only sign he showed of any emotional response.

Gilda’s eyes widened seeing that Doom had destroyed the counter with that single hit. “I see. So this Grandpa Gruff takes care of the orphans?”

“Yeah, I guess. I haven’t really paid attention to street urchins before". She rubs the back of her head thinking. “I was alright money wise most of my life till a few years ago. So I never noticed. I only started pawning stuff to Grampa Gruff, when my father died.”

Doom snorted “typical capitalistic mentality, only notice things if they are profitable or entertaining". Then Doom looked up “Get into hiding, someone coming.” He heads over to the door and grips it.

Gilda by now learned to listen to Doom, so she ducked into what used to be an office. She heard someone grunt as they tried to open the door that was being held closed by Doom. A muffled voice from outside spoke up “Door seems bared fly up and look inside.”

“Yes sir.” Doom grabbed a nearby sheet metal the countertop he smashed and held it up blocking his appearance from the above window. Gilda moved back a bit more into the office as she saw a shadow appear in the moonlight.

“There was some debris blocking the door. Old Decker must have jammed the door up.”

“Okay Harold let get going”

It was a few minutes later when Doom moved the metal and let go of the door. “It's safe to come out now Gilda they left.”

“How did you know they were there?”

“This armor has advanced sensor systems. I shall return later". Doom lifts a bar of steel. “Use this to jam the door. When I return, I will knock three times, then one time.”

“Where are you going?”

“This is the best time to retrieve the Idol. With griffons having poor night vision, I should easily retrieve it.”

“Most griffons… the Owlblood griffons are nocturnal. They can see fine.”

A huff was heard, “I see, the best time is still now…”

The ground started shaking “Earthquake?”

“Just the nightly tremors. It happens every night when the equestrians move the moon, we get another during the day when they move the sun.”

The tremor ended. "This happens twice a day"?

“Yeah never bad, well, there was the story a thousand years ago there was a bad one that created the abyss.”

“I see, get rest, Gilda. I shall be back soon.”

With that Doom went into the night. Gilda hurried to the door and jammed it with the metal bar then went to the office where she curled up on the old couch.

Doom’s POV

‘You lost your temper back there Victor.’

‘I was willing to go into hell and fight demons including Mephisto to save my mother’s soul. I did that because I loved her that much. I even earned her contempt when her soul saw what kind of man I became. To think a mother would abandon her child just because of a deformity… yes, I got angry.’

‘I can’t remember my mother… I can remember my father'. Doom noted a wave of anger and hate coming from the corner of his mind where Hans dwell.

‘So you understand my anger.’

‘No… I hate him. Hated him, he died of a heart attack. The happiest moment of my life up to that time.’

Victor didn’t reply to that as he moved through the alleyways of the lower root district. Gallus would be rolling his eyes at how much Doom stuck out. He was not the type of being that snuck in shadows, this was, however, a special case. Having turned up the suit sensors to the max gave him the only advantage he had.

The night was bright with the full moon overhead casting deep shadows in the dilapidated warehouses of the lower root district. Moving from shadow to shadow doom made his way through the maze of buildings. Even with his scanners at max, he came across other beings in the alleys. Most were homeless Griffons bundled up together against the harsh winds. A hen was curled up with a hatchling held close to her. Her wings protected the young from the constant winds. Her eyes focus on Doom and for a moment fear then determination. She hissed and Victor nodded. This was a mother who would fight to the death for her child. As he passed the hen, he lightly tossed a bead of Aluminum to her. When she looked down at the bead then back he turned the corner and left.

‘You can’t keep handing out aluminum. The market is going to go nuts if you keep that up.’

‘Silence you buffoon a few bits of Aluminium will not disrupt the market. More the economy here already destabilized. I’m already planning to introduce electrolysis to manufacture aluminium. With this constant wind, we could produce wind turbines for electricity. It seems the major manufacturing here was steel manufacturing. There was enough carbonate bauxite mixed into those iron ore samples to provide a good source of the base material.’

‘I wonder why this place has this wind. The only place they hinted at wind here was the Abyss.’

‘You missed it, look at the map of Equestria. The one that showed the whole continent including the Hippogryphs and Griffonstone.’

‘What… you only saw that a few seconds and you memorized it?’

‘Pay attention to you, subconscious nervous tic. I’m a genius with an idyllic memory. I remember everything.’

‘Except what you ate last Tuesday.’

‘Don’t make me give myself a frontal lobotomy. Did you see the map with the Dragon lands’?

‘Oh it south of Griffonstone across that bay? Or is that a natural channel?’

‘It appears to be a channel between landmasses, there are clearly more lands beyond those mountains never explored in the show. Now back to the subject at hand, those dragon lands seem to be a constant state of eruption. Perhaps a supervolcano that hasn’t settled down fully, this produces a high-pressure zone. The winds we are having here is air rushing into that high-pressure spot.’

‘That has to be a thousand miles at least?’

‘Why did I have to be stuck with a bad personality of an American? Think you, undereducated simpleton. The maps you see are a hand-drawn interpretation of a cartoon. We can’t take the image you have in your memories as sound. We won’t know how many kilometers that gap really is till we are there. That stated there is another reason, we have a mountain range to the east. The wind coming down from the north hits those mountains and is channeled down to Griffonstone. How much the supervolcano caldera provides to the wind I can’t tell till I properly study it.’

‘In other words, you don’t know.’

‘I have a working hypothesis it’s vastly different than not knowing, you undergraduate hamburger flipper.’

‘I was not a hamburger flipper; I had a respectable job.’

‘What pray tell what would you have done? Oh, wait, you are just a failed mental imprint that can’t even remember his mother.’

‘I was… a custodian and I am not a mental imprint, who would make up the life of a janitor? Unlike you, I know what a shower feels like. That fact shows you are of the imprinted mind.’

‘Nonsense, my face is still the same under my mask. I saw the horror in Gilda’s eyes. Clearly, you are the…’

“Hey, you stop there!”

‘See what you have done you moronic second rate schizophrenia auditory hallucination. I lost focus and got spotted.’

“SHIT the day guard was telling the truth. A metal monster! Trevor, call for backup!”

Victor lifted his hands and activating one of his non-lethal weapons the Nerve Impulse Scrambler caused both Owl looking Griffons to collapse.

‘Are they dead?’

‘Of course not you fool. Once more you impress me at how you miss something obvious. The Nerve Impulse Scrambler simply forced their nerves to shut down, keeping life functions still operating. Or using simple words I knocked them out. They’ll wake up in an hour with a headache.’

Victor pulled the two guards into the alley to hide them before heading to the abyss. Standing at the edge he looked down into the void.

'I don’t see it anywhere.’

‘Sure, the idol was easily seen from the edge. I'm sure it would still be here. Of course it farther down and out of sight. I will have to go down there. The Abyss is acting as a wind tunnel, but my forcefield would be able to handle it.'

“There! It’s at the Abysmal Abyss"! Victor looked over and saw another pair of Griffons. Then he leaped into the abyss.

“Did it just kill itself?”

“It must have been crazy. At least now we don’t have to fight it; I heard it ripped a pony apart with its bare hands.”

Just below the cliff, Victor von Doom floated in the air with the anti-gravity disks effortlessly kept him in the air. His forcefield protected him from the now extreme winds of the abyss.

He cast the same light spell he did in Old Decker’s Workshop and moved among the canyon walls. ‘There it is.’

There on a ledge were the skeleton remains of the Cyclops. He released the forefield just long enough to grip the Idol. Then when the field reactivates, he looks at the golden idol. “Interesting.”

‘What is it Doom? Oh, and you said that out loud.’

With a wave of his left hand, rune-like markings appear on the Idol. 'This idol has enchantments similar to the ones in the tree'.

Now with the Idol, he rose up to the edge of the cliff. He took off his cloak and wrapped it around the Idol. It was hard enough to sneak in shiny armor, a shiny gold idol insight was even harder to hide.

On his way to the workshop, his sensors alerted him to guards, and he moved into a shadow. Then he heard a female voice “Guards! I saw it! The metal monster"!

His head turned, and he spotted the mother still holding the child. “Where did it go?” as

He brought up the mental command for the nerve impulse scrambler “He went that way". The hen pointed in the wrong direction but her eye moved to look directly to him and she gave a very slight nod.

Returning the nod, he continued on his way. A rare good deed paid back. Once at the door he knocked with the prearranged code. The sound of metal being moved alerted him that Gilda was opening the door.

“Is that it"? Gilda asks, seeing the cloaked wrapped bundle.

“It is indeed, secure the door then you get to sleep you need as much rest as you can. Tomorrow after the sun tremors we are heading to the castle. You are using the cart to carry it there.”

“Why do I have to use the cart? What are you going to do?”

He turned his head “I will be doing the same thing I've been doing all my life. Removing anything that gets in my way. Be it, guards or civilians who seek a bounty, If they stand in my way I will get them out of my way? Now get some sleep.”

‘See Victor saying things like that why you are listed as a Villain in the Marvel Database. That and well doing that.’

‘Database? Let me see this Marvel Database entry.’

‘Get to sleep Doom we can discuss your vanity later.’

Victor snorts and sets the Idol down in the office so it was out of view from the windows. Seeing Gilda settle down on the old couch he knelt down crossed, legged, and started to meditate.

‘Really? You can rest in that pose in full armor?’

‘Of course, I designed this armor to support my life even in the void of space. Why wouldn’t I be comfortable within it?’

‘You are one strange man Victor. Good night.’

Luna’s POV

It has been months since she returned and still, she hasn’t fully recovered. To purify her of the Nightmare Moon taint her body was stripped of all magic. Now she was relaxing after reading another book about new laws. “So many changes over the years.”

She stands and puts the book away. Her gown flowed down her legs a black dress with silver star patterns. Her hair was returning to the ethereal deep blue of the night sky. “I need a break before I fall asleep, so many tax reforms.”

Night court was still not being held until she caught up on the laws. One thing both sisters agree is that it would be too easy for someone to slip something past her instead of Celestia at this time.

She turns to face east as a mental impression, unlike any she ever felt before entering her awareness. “What in Tartarus?”

“Something bothering you, your majesty?” A unicorn butler asks, stepping into the chamber. A Stallion with silvery hair and a light gray coat. Dressed in the typical butler uniform of black pants, a white shirt with a black bow tie, black vest, and a black jacket.

“I just feel something odd Mr. Goodlife. I shall be entering the dream realm to investigate.”

“Is that wise, your majesty? Your magic still is recovering". The butler nods and steps back.

“The impression I felt… it's something I can’t ignore. Though I’m still recovering, I’m already powerful enough to take a look. If it is a growing nightmare entity, I have to stop it now.”

“I will prepare some calming tea for your return.”

Luna stood up from the chair she was sitting at and moved to the waiting mat on the floor. Dream walking was tiring in ways beyond physical. Her mind and magic would be active as her body sat.

Soon her mind was on the astral plane the impression this time was shadowy ponies walking in a fog. This wouldn’t do because she needed another medium to tell what the problem was. With a shift in thought, the world she saw changed. Rows of doors in an endless hallway manifested. Then another thought brought her to a very unusual door.

A double door one might find on a castle or church. The left side was hard steel with rivets with panels painted a green shade. The right door was a dark hardwood so dark it seemed black with gold and silver artistic inlays mimicking leaves. “Strange…AGhhhhhh” She opens the right door, and the force of mind drew her into the abyss on the other side.

Finding herself standing in a flowing ball gown of deep blue and silvery ruffles. The ruffle pattern mimics clouds on a moonlit sky. Reaching up she feels a mask on her face. At that moment the room she stood in took on more detail as figures started dancing.

The creatures were unlike any she saw before. Bipedal but unlike ponies that were unguligrade standing on hooves, these creatures were plantigrade walking on a defined foot. Or she thinks given the shape of the odd footwear.

Music started playing and her ears turned to home on the voices. The singing came from the dancing figures.

Paper faces on parade
Hide your face, so the world will never find you!
Every face a different shade

Then a voice different from the others directly behind her close enough she heard it even as a whisper.

"Look around—there's another mask behind you!"

Spinning around her heart racing. That was not the voice of dream creation. It was the mind creating the dream impression. The moment her hooves settled again the world shifted again. A large room was before her; she was standing on the edge of a platform. Taking a step back she looked down, at the image of her looking in another direction. A perfect copy of her was below her looking down from another platform, looking up at her looking down.

Steps were twisting and turning in all directions. Her mind followed the path and noted a twist in the steps making it one constant string of steps with only one side. What more on each platform she saw was another her. “What’s going on? Who is doing this"? Her voice repeated in a strange echo as each copy spoke the same words.

“You should not be here Princess.”

Turning again she found herself yet in another room. So far she hasn’t even made four steps and the world kept shifting around her. At first, she thought it was the mind of someone unfocused and random. Then she realized this wasn’t true the mind she was seeing was very in control.

Standing now in a skirt and top one might see a noblemare wearing. Long skirt and top blouse with a jacket. She finally took a step of her own approaching what looked like an art painting. The painting was of a male of the bipedal beings from before.

“I hated him.”

She turns hearing the voice again and saw one of the creatures standing on the other side of the gallery of art. She was sure this figure was male dressed in a suit much like her butler Mr. Goodlife. Unlike Goodlife, the figure’s outfit was all black with a white undershirt and red tie. The was something else the figure's head was the same white as his gloves. What was most creepy was the head had no face. No eyes, nose, mouth, or ears.

Then the figure vanished and the gallery turned dark, screams of a child crying out caught her notice and the male in the painting was standing over a younger male with a belt in his hand. “No Son of mine going to grow up a fag!”

Then the world shifts back to the bright gallery. Any traces of the scene of the beating were gone. “He was wrong, you know. I wasn’t interested in men". She saw the figure standing there now just a few feet away. “The book he found was an art book for anatomy study, nude models. If the moron bothered to keep turning pages he would have seen naked women as well. Then again he never understood that I wanted to be an artist.”

The figure started appearing and disappearing rapidly. The only way she could explain it was someone was causing a candle to flicker. With each appearance, she saw the art on the walls change. In the bright-lit gallery they were art she would be familiar with. Landscapes, still life, even portraits, none was professional quality, but all were still good enough she would have bought them.

When the lights went out, when the figure was gone the images in the paintings were dark and warped. One of a grave with the headstone reading Mother. Another of the same male standing over the body of a female.

The same younger male was slightly older standing there as the other male was struggling his hand on his chest. The name on the painting was ‘Heart Attack.’

“Enjoying my work?” The same voice spoke again just behind her.

Spinning she came face to that featureless face. “Who are you? Let me help you. I can feel the darkness… it is deeper than I ever felt. I can help get rid of this nightmare.”

“Nightmare? Oh no Princess there is no nightmare here. Well, perhaps not in sense you mean, there is darkness here but there no nightmare".

Luna looked at the smooth featureless face. Then she realizes what the figure meant. The darkness was the being behind the mask, stepping back fear gripped her heart.

“Oh please don’t be afraid. I’m not a monster… at least I don’t think I am. I can’t remember who I was, just these paintings, these memories. Like you, I’m a creature of the night, a creature of shadow. Does that make me evil"? The faceless head turned to the side.

Then the figure raises his hand and snaps. All around the gallery the paintings change to images of Nightmare Moon. “We both know the reason you changed your mask once before. The issues that created Nightmare Moon are still there aren’t they?”

Luna looked around and the paintings showed different versions of Nightmare Moon. Some were on four hooves, others were like her two hooved bipeds. Others like the creatures from the ballroom with pinkish skin in black armor, still clearly Nightmare Moon. “No… I swear to never be her again“!

“I haven’t… see I'm finally free. I understand why you welcomed the Nightmare. I’m free of him, free of the dead-end job. You broke the chains on your desires once, mine is finally broken. Then again perhaps next time someone brakes free it wouldn’t be you.”

The paintings of Nightmare moon change to a white mare with fire for the mane and tail. “No… Celestia?”

“Do you think she doesn’t have a dark side? How many little pranks has she pulled when you were young? How many times did she move things just right to watch the dominos fall? How manipulative can she be when she lets her mask slip?”

A voice louder and more powerful than the masked man’s mental voice thundered. “WHO INTRUDES IN MY MIND!”

The world shifts and Luna found herself standing in a throne room. Granite blocks from the walls, the floor tiled with marble, the glass of the windows the finest quality. Under her hooves was a fine threaded carpet of green. The cracked face mask figure standing beside the throne. On the throne was a similar creature in heavy armor with a green cloak and tunic.

Unlike the masked figure, two eyes stared from behind the metal mask. Eyes evolved for fine details and focus, the cold eyes of a predator.

The faceless figured bows “Dr. Victor Von Doom allows me to introduce you to Princess Luna, of Equestria.”

“Ah, the dream walking princess, I see.”

“Princess Luna may I introduce you to my more powerful other, and I’m beginning to think the better half. His Majesty Doctor Victor von Doom, ruler of Latveria and future ruler of Griffonstone.”

“Enough Hans.” Victor stands up and looks down at Luna. “Do not trespass on my mind again girl. The only reason I won’t punish you is that I have a use for you.”

“What is that use” Luna's anger built up in her a sword manifested in her hand.

“Remove your diplomats and any civilians of Equestria from Griffonstone lands. All trade or negotiations are now null and void. Now Begone.”

Luna braced herself as doom lifted his right arm in a dismissive motion, at the same time Hans lifted his left arm mirroring Doom’s motion. The combined blast of mental that sent her flying back through the double doors and out the dreamscape and into darkness as she lost consciousness.

Her eyes flutter open finding herself dazed; it took her a few moments to recognize Celestia sitting on the bed. “What happened?”

Celestia sighed in relief, “You screamed and collapsed about an hour ago. Mr. Goodlife told me you went to investigate some anomaly in the dreamscape. What happened to you, Luna?”

“A… I don’t know. He, it, them? It's confusing, but something happening in Griffonstone. He demanded we remove any civilians and diplomats from Griffon lands, and all trade and agreements are voided.”

“Who is this he, you speak off Luna"?

“Something worse then I imagine. A being strong enough to keep a Nightmare creature under control… a being named Victor von Doom. Sister, they are going to attack Griffonstone, the griffons have no defenses against a monster like that!”

Fear came to Celestia’s face “Blueblood there… I have to warn him. Perhaps there still time to have him, and the other ponies evacuate.”

“What scares me worst, Sister… I don’t know who is the threat. Victor von Doom or the shadowy nightmare creature named Hans.”

Author's Note:

4,191 a new record!

I packed some good tidbits in this chapter. I wonder what you all think about going to happen?

A bit of backstory on Hans. On the D&D scale of alignment, he's not evil, but he's not good either. Chaotic neutral or true neutral perhaps, or as I like to say morally ambiguous. Victor Von Doom more Lawful Neutral in my interpretation of him. He will do evil things if there is a reason for him to do evil. In the comics, he has done good as well as evil but always for his own goals. A good example is saving the life of Valeria Richards the daughter of Reed Richards and Sue Storm-Richards. He became Valeria's Godfather. All just to prove he was better than Reed.

I'm basing Hans on my Pathfinder character who is also Chaotic neutral/True Neutral. I always said he was a villain that had no goals. Hans is happy being in a corner of Doom's mind and will eventually figure out how to cross into the Dreamsrealm/Astral Plane.

I ran this chapter through three spelling and grammar editor programs! I'm still sure some of those nasty errors still got past. Report them to the nearest Doom bot for termination!