• Published 4th Dec 2019
  • 6,345 Views, 273 Comments

The Trixie Clause - TCC56

Whomever kills The Great And Powerful becomes The Great And Powerful. Hat, cape and talking in the third person are mandatory. On a related note, Twilight Sparkle is having a very bad week.

  • ...


Twilight didn't remember getting home, but she still woke up in her bed.

Everything after the... impact was a red-tinted blur. Somepony had obviously helped her home and somewhere in that time she had washed up. But none of it had stuck to Twilight's mind. Everything was fragments after Trixie....

After Trixie...

Twilight's soul lurched. She was going to need time to handle this. And coffee.

Several minutes later, she descended the stairs with none of the regal manner of a Princess. She was barely managing to hit 'functional adult pony', but the somber air that permeated all of Ponyville said she wasn't the only one. Possibly the only one that wasn't crushed by it was Spike.

Faithful, diligent, perfect Spike. Whose response to the tragedy was not to think of himself but to throw all he had into his work. Work that, in this moment, took the form of a legion of pancakes on the table.

"Haybacon's ready in just about two minutes!" He huffed, running from stove to table and back again. "I pulled out four kinds of syrup, too! You'll..." Spike halted at the side of the stove, head tilted in rapt, confused curiosity as he looked at Twilight. "...Why are you wearing Trixie's hat?"

Twilight's bleary eyes blinked. Slowly. She was wearing a hat? A touch with her hoof confirmed it - somehow, she hadn't felt it on her head before. And it had somehow stayed on through the entire night's rough sleep and falling out of bed in the morning. Still, she was able to take it off now - which in context seemed even weirder. Not having it on felt off, somehow.

But the hat being set aside seemed to satisfy Spike. And Spike satisfaction meant pancakes. "Well, this should help. Getting something in you can't hurt, right? Now - syrup! Maple, praline, strawberry or boysenberry?"

It was a critical question at this point in the morning. But an easy one to answer. "Twilight Sparkle will have the praline."

Spike froze. "...What?"

"The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle shall have the--" Now it was Twilight's turn to realize what she had said. "Twilight didn't-- She means that--" Panic started to set in. "Spike, something's wrong! Twilight can't-- argh!" She tipped out of her chair, hooves holding her head. "What's going on?!"

A zombie named Starlight Glimmer groaned from the doorway, slumping in at the smell of pancakes. She still reeked of cheap liquor - enough so that Spike pulled back for fear his breath would ignite hers.

Despite the stench, Twilight lunged to grapple her ex-student. "Starlight! The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle has found something is wrong!" She paused as what she said sank in. "What Twilight has just said is what's wrong! She can't control this!"

It broke Twilight's heart to see the pain in Starlight's eyes - well, she couldn't see it through the liquor but Twilight was certain it was there. Hidden behind it all as Starlight grieved in her own way. The words managed to break in, however. Starlight's frown wasn't one of grief, but of concern. "Hold... hold on."

Stepping back, Starlight's horn glowed. The spell was easy enough for Twilight to recognize - Witching Brew's Toxin Purge was a well-known medical spell to handle poisons and a crucial tool for surviving wild parties. (Not that Twilight had them herself, but most unicorns who needed it weren't in any condition to cast it themselves and were desperate for rescue before the looming hangover hit.)

A full-body shudder ran across Starlight as a not insignificant percentage of her bloodstream was transmuted. She wobbled - momentarily woozy - but got her balance fast enough. Even with her hidden tears, Starlight was strong. She had a heart like a manticore. It was part of what Twilight admired about her.

"So." Blue eyes locked to purple. "Talking in the third person? Giving yourself the title? And I'm betting you keep finding her hat on your head."

Twilight reflexively reached a hoof up to find that the magician's hat had somehow ended up on her head again. She yelped and tossed it away. "Starlight, Twilight swears she isn't doing this on purpose!"

"I know you're not." Starlight wrapped her forehooves around Twilight and hugged her. "But I've got bad news, Twilight. You're cursed."

The kitchen was silent for a moment.

"Twilight is what."

With a deep sigh, Starlight squeezed her teacher and broke away. "Cursed. You're going to want to sit down - there's a story to tell."

All three sat at the table, pancakes shared around. Briefly Twilight resisted in her grief, but Spike's glare would brook no disagreement. So they ate slowly as Starlight began.

"Trixie warned me about this when I started as her assistant. Since I was working with her, I was the one most likely to be affected." Starlight cut her pancake up slowly, magic aura moving at a somber pace. "Long, long ago, a powerful unicorn wizard predicted that one day a terrible evil would arise from the accursed city of Tambelon. It would take a spellcaster of great power to defeat that evil, but there would only be one chance to stop it. Since nopony could afford to try unless they really were the destined great one, he cursed himself."

Starlight paused to put something in her empty stomach. Pancakes were good, no matter the circumstances. "The curse was that he would never be able to call himself anything but the Greatest and Most Powerful - and that any pony strong enough to defeat him would take that curse instead. His hat and cloak would go with it, as well, to ensure that it couldn't be faked. That way, when the day finally came? The curse would show who was truly the strongest wizard in the land at the time and they could be called on to save the world."

Twilight considered this. And she frowned deeply. "So the curse is a calling card? To identify the strongest unicorn?"

"And to provoke others at the strongest by being infuriating, though that's just a theory of mine," Starlight amended. "That way, not only would only the strongest have the title but they would also be constantly challenged by others to improve. It was meant to be a trial by fire to prepare for the task ahead."

There was a long pause. "So a curse to determine the strongest and most magical of all unicorns." Another pause. "So how did Trixie get it?"

Starlight's jaw dropped. "Twilight! Really?! That's my dead best friend you're talking about!"

And instantly, Twilight held up her hooves in surrender. "Twilight Sparkle was joking! She swears!"

That only mollified Starlight a little, but moved her down from aghast to merely grumbling. She did provide a little context, however. "Also, it was a wagon accident. Trixie ran the previous curse-bearer over."

Twilight took a moment to process that. It did make sense - Trixie had always been bad about proper load distribution on her wagon and was infamously terrible at using appropriate tie-downs to keep the weight from shifting. So that part was explained. And that left only one more terrible task ahead. "The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle understands. It is a great burden, but she shall bear it and prepare to fight this--"

"Happened three hundred years ago."

Twilight stopped dead. "Pardon?"

Starlight repeated herself. "It happened three hundred years ago. The ancient evil's already been defeated. But the original caster never put an end clause on the curse, so it's still going. And will continue to keep going."

"You're pulling Twilight Sparkle's Great and Powerful leg." Twilight just.... stared in disbelief.

"I know, so unprofessional, right? Calling himself the Greatest and Most Powerful while leaving a mistake like that in his legacy spell?" Starlight rolled her eyes. "It's no wonder he was killed and lost the curse almost immediately."

Finally bringing over the haybacon, Spike interposed himself. "Missing the point, Starlight. How do we un-curse Twilight?"

The question was dismissed with a wave of her hoof. "Oh, we can't. I absolutely tried to remove it from Trixie." Her voice dropped to a mutter. "Believe me, nopony was sicker of her third person boasting than me." Starlight cleared her throat, pulling back to the topic. "I'm really sorry, Twilight, but you're stuck with it. Trixie always thought I would be the one to accidentally cause her death with a trick that went wrong - you getting it was just... bad luck."

Haybacon and pancakes were chewed over just as much as the information. It was a lot to take in and it could take days to decide how to hand--


Starlight looked up. "Huh?"

"No. The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle refuses to accept there is such a thing as an unbreakable curse." Twilight stood up from the table, eyes flashing with determination. "Twilight will find a way." She adjusted the wizard hat that had appeared on her head again and marched out with grave purpose.

The two remaining occupants of the breakfast table didn't say anything for a good minute.

"I really hope she succeeds," Starlight finally half-whispered.

"Yeah," agreed Spike. "I hope so too."

Starlight picked up another strip of haybacon. "Because Trixie talking like that was bad enough, and Twilight's immortal."

Author's Note:

Story Tone Meter


Black Humor & Sass