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3 - My weakness - Part 2

Jack/Blueblood P.O.V

I awoke in a quiet room in a warm and cozy bed, Groaning, I tried to blink away the lingering haze of sleep, groggily I started sitting up, stretching. The window was open, revealing a sunny day. Noon, I guess, the day was pretty warm. There's no trace of the freaky atmosphere of that creepy night, the nightmare moon night. Though my eyes are blurry from the sudden rush of sunlight, a glance around reveals that I'm back in my room at the castle, half-naked and wrapped in blankets.

'How the hell did I get back here?, last thing I remember was drinking Cadence tea,' I thought, 'I really hope that Cadence wasn't the one to take off my clothes, and now that I think about it, what the hell was in that tea she gave me.'

I decided to get up and find some clothes. I still had my underwear, so that was good. Going to the closet in my room, I see my clothes folded neatly. Though I still wonder how or when I got back to the castle, I decided to put aside the questions for the moment and get dressed. As I do so, my eyes are drawn to the window. Ponies are out in the plaza, a hushed happy chorus of voices reach my ears, they are happy. There's no evidence of the fear that ponies had yesterday, if that's the case, I must have been asleep for a while — more than ten hours, at the very least.

'Thank god Twilight and her friends won, otherwise....' The mere thought of what could have happened, made me shiver, 'Let's not dwell on the if, of the situation, we won, everything is going according to the plot'

I started dressing, which was [pretty weird, having fur everywhere is a nightmare.

I started to make my way down out of my room. Once I got to the hall. Just like before, a bunch of guards are in the hall guarding the royal castle, not moving at all, like statues, their levels are around 15-30. The only pony in the room that is a familiar face to me is Steel Hope he was helping some ponies move some stuff inside, for what I could see, my aunt had ordered the stain glass window of Twilight and her friends, saving the day, before they even did such feat.

<Royal Guard>
LV30 Steel Hope
HP: 10.500/10.500HP
MP: 450/450MP
Information: He loves pancakes and running.
Weakness: Steel Hope is weak when it comes to fighting magic users, he specializes in close combat like the majority of the earth ponies in the Royal Guard, he also has arachnophobia

"Hey Steel, any idea where I can find my aunt?" I asked Steel.

"Your highness, of course, she's in her chambers," Steel Hope says happily, pointing where I needed to go, and going back to what he was doing before.

'Alright let's meet Luna,' I thought.

I make my way to my aunt’s chambers, where I suppose Luna is, I kept walking until I finally arrived at my aunt room. Slowly opening the door, I see two figures, only one of them is familiar to me, my newly acquired aunt Celestia, sitting on her bed nose buried in a cake, the other pony inside, while I haven't met her in person yet it was easy to see that it was Luna.

The door creak loud enough to announce my presence. Both of them look up towards the door, ears perking and tails lightly swishing.

"Blueblood!" Celestia said with a smile on her face, running towards me. I barely have enough time to react, Celestia approaches me, giving me a fierce and powerful hug, I could hear my bones cracking, stupid Alicorn strength. "You're finally awake. I was so worried! Cadence told me you had an awful nightmare!"

"Yeah, I did..." I replied, looking at Luna, the poor princess was hiding in a shy manner, inside the blankets of Celestia's bed.

"Blueblood, this is your other aunt Princess Luna, or just Luna for the family," Celestia said, noticing that I was looking at Luna.

"A pleasure to meet you, Aunty Luna," I said, approaching Luna, extending my hand at her.

"Tis a pleasure to maketh thine acquaintance, Dear nephew," Luna said, almost shouting getting out of her blanket shield, breaking one of my ears in the process.

"If you need help with anything, just let me know," I said with a bright smile, I could notice the poor lady could use a friend.

"I shall taketh thy offer soon," Luna shouted with a smile on her face.

"I'll leave you two to catch up, aunties, I gotta eat something, I'm famished," I said getting out of her room, leaving the sisters to catch up, but before leaving I wanted to check a few things, so I used observe on both of them.

<Princess of the Night and the Moon>
LV??? Luna
HP: ???????/??????
MP: ??????/??????
Information: Princess Luna is an Alicorn with a vast amount of magical powers who can raise and lower the moon with her magic. Despite this, she is capable of controlling the weather and is capable of shapeshifting. Her unique ability is to enter other ponies dreams.

Weakness: ??????????

<Princess of the Day and the Sun>
LV??? Celestia
HP: ???????/??????
MP: ??????/??????
Information: Princess Celestia is an Alicorn with a vast amount of magical powers who can raise and lower the moon and the sun with her magic, she is capable of controlling the weather and is capable of shapeshifting. Her unique ability is ??????????.

Weakness: ??????????

'Even with my observe level two, the information I get is pretty general' I thought leaving, the room and the sisters, alone, ' I better go to the royal library, to get some new spells.'

Once I got to the library, of course with the guards helps cause I still don't know where anything is here, I opened the door to the library, I was immediately greeted by the endless amount of books and shelves, with no one there, but myself.

Aside from a lady that was moving stuff inside, anyways.

The woman, the Librarian, I presume, was moving books from place to place. My eyes were instantly drawn to her, she had a beautiful figure, she was well endowed, she's quite a beauty, a horn on her head, so she's a unicorn, her fur is brown, with some white on her mane, I kept checking her out for a minute, until she noticed someone was there.

"Oh, someone is here!" she beams, suddenly turning her attention towards me as, With a gorgeous smile, the librarian walks over to me, bouncing, with her gravity-defying bosom, I can't help but to admire her beauty. She gets close to me, leaning in, invading my personal with a huge wide smile, not that I mind anyways "Prince Blueblood, what can I do for you?" she giggles, not retracting herself from my personal space.

'God damn it! Keep it together, get stronger first, then get laid...' I thought, after all, I was ready to drop everything, just to ask her out, "Well, I could use some books about defensive spells, I would like to learn about them."

"Sure!, you want the ones for the public or the ones that are extra secret." The librarian said, leaning close to my ear for the last part, god damn it this woman is not making it easy.

"Both, I suppose first the public ones," I replied with a smile.

"Alrighty, follow me." She said, and I started to follow her.

After two minutes following her, she got to the part of the library that had the shield spells, giving some books, she departed to continue her duties.

"Let me know if you need anything." The librarian said, going back to her duties, leaving me alone.

'Observe' I thought, looking at her.

<Royal Librarian>
LV6 Mary Page
HP: 250/250HP
MP: 2000/2000MP
Information: She loves reading books; her favorite genre is romance novels.
Weakness: She's allergic to shrimp, and bees, she's physically weak, and her skill in magic is below average.

'I might ask her out one of these days' I thought seeing her leave, "Thanks Mary, take care!"

She turned back with a bright and happy expression and said, "Thanks! Will do!"

I started going over the books, the first one, the basic shield spell.

Bubble Shield LV1
Requirements 10 WIS, 20 INT
Information: Summons an incredibly durable bubble. The bubble encases the user and others that the user allows, this shield protects from all sides, for each damage point blocked a mana point will be expended.

Would you like to learn this? Y/N

'Yes!' as soon as I thought that, the book disappeared, leaving nothing behind, 'I forgot about that...'

New Spell learned! Bubble Shield LV1
Information: Summons an incredibly durable bubble. The bubble encases the user and others that the user allows inside, this shield protects all sides, for each damage point blocked a mana point will be deduced, the maximum amount of damage that the shield can currently block, 6400.

"Mary!, one question!" I shouted.

"What?" She shouted back.

"Are these books irreplaceable?" I shouted.

"No, only the ones in the private section are irreplaceable! The ones for the public access, well we have thousands of copies for those why!?" she shouted, answering my question.

"It's nothing, just curious," I shouted back, now that I knew I could eat these books without any hard repercussions.

"Ok cool, let me know if you need anything, Prince!" She shouted.

I kept learning new spells, less than the amount I wanted, my INT and WIS was too low for the secret books, except for three books. I was able to learn three high-level spells; the books for the public were pretty basic. In the end, I learned four new spells, counting the bubble shield.

Light Impact LV1
Information: The user's body is surrounded by Light, boosting both speed and physical might during the duration of it, the user also receives less damage while using this spell, DEX and STR x 20, resistance + 50%, this spell cost 200mp/s, the higher the level this spell is, the less mana will need to be active.

Light of hope LV1
Information: By channelling the light inside of you rapidly heal a target or yourself, counteracting negative effects such as strong corrosive substances, this spell recovers health and stamina, it can be used either for severe or minor damages, this can heal any type of damage as long as the user has enough MP to cover the health, for each Hit-Point healed 10MP is expended, you can reduce the cost of MP per hit-point healed by casting the spell at higher levels.

Copy and Paste LV1
Information: The user uses their magic to analyze and create a perfect replica of an item, to do so the user needs to have something of equal mass and material to copy something, for example, to create a table the user would need to have enough wood and the same type as the table they want to copy to create a copy of the original .

After a couple of hours in the library, I was done, I had learned the best spells the library could offer me with my stats, I read some that I couldn't learn, and read some history too, in the end, my INT and WIS stats increased a bit.

+2 INT
+1 WIS

After a couple of hours in the library, I got to the conclusion that I need to improve my stats before learning any more spells, perhaps I could practice in the castle.

"Thanks for your help, Mary," I said as I exit the library.

"No, problem! Come back soon!" Mary said with a bright expression.

I'm standing outside the library; I see all the ponies in Canterlot walking around, the library is the tallest building around except for the castle, of course.

'No wonder why Twily wanted to live here.... so many books.' I thought, looking back at the massive library.

I made my way back to the castle, as I was walking towards my room, I saw the guards training with Shining Armor. Shining was shouting at them, at this point was obvious he was training them. There are a bunch of guards I don't know, but I can clearly see shining beating them to the ground.

'They really seem to train a lot, is a shame all the bad guys that attack Equestria are basically nukes.' I thought, watching them from above, and then I thought, what about if I train with them?, perhaps I could get stronger.

I started to descend the stairs to the training ground, intending to improve myself.

II stepped into the training grounds, and I was instantly greeted by weird looks from every single guard, especially Shining, My eyes were drawn to the ground where I see blood, from whom? I had no idea, and the disgusting smell of everyone sweat, by the looks of things they had been at this for quite some time.

"Hello, Captain Armor, I have come with a humble request," I said.

"I'm not gonna stop the training Prince Blueblood," Shining replied, with annoyance all over his face.

"Well, that's good, cause that's not the request I had in mind," I said with an awkward chuckle, "I wanna train, with you and everyone else."

Shining started to chuckle but seeing that my expression didn't change, "Oh god, you're not joking," Shining said, picking up his spear from the floor. "Guys take five minutes, Come with me Prince, and we'll get started."

I eagerly followed Shining, he kept asking every two seconds if I was pranking him or something, we got to a room where a single guard was sitting, Shining got closer exchanging a few words with the guard, the guard went out and returned with a pair of practice blades, dull but with the same weight of normal sword.

"Is my duty as the captain of the royal guard to assist the royal family and to train them, but one last time Blueblood, don't make me waste my time if you rather be on a spa or something say it now and save me the time," Shining said tossing one of the training swords to me.

"Then good, I'm not planning on wasting your time," I said grabbing the training sword from the floor, "Please don't go easy on me, I know you want to beat me, so this is your chance to do it legally without repercussions," my last comment made Shining Armor chuckle a bit, while he started to explain how should I hold a sword and other things, I used observe on him

<Captain of the Royal Guard>
LV 55 Shining Armor
HP: 15500/15500
MP: 55050/55050
Information: While he puts an act of the hard and tough guy he's actually a pretty nice and chill guy, with hobbies some could consider dorky, he loves roleplaying games and is a fan of comic books. His unique ability is the absolute shield a spell he created himself, that costs almost no mana to sustain.

Weakness: Cadance, Twilight.

The rest of the day is spent in a way that could only be described on Shining beating my ass non-stop while making some pointers and giving some tips on how to not get my ass whooped so hard, but I could see it on his face, he was working some accumulated stress out on me. Shining is clearly skilled at what he does, and he proved to be a fearsome enemy in the first minutes of my training, all I was able to feel was pain everywhere. By the time we were done for the evening, I was bruised and exhausted... but I got a boost on VIT, STR, and DEX. Though I think I might have a nightmare about Shining tonight, the guy was ruthless.

+2 STR.
+2 VIT.
+2 DEX.

Shining and I, shared a drink afterwards, apparently is a tradition in the guard that if someone survives the first day of training you get to drink. The guards are laughing, mostly because half of them were present to see my ass whopping, what Shining doesn't know is that I will get my revenge, like Stewie would say, VICTORY SHALL BE MINE!.

"Gotta hand it to you, Prince, you didn't chicken out of the first training day," Shining said, drinking his beer.

"Hahaha, so when is the next practice?" I asked.

"So planing to come back again?" Shining asked, but before I was able to answer, "Monday to Friday, same hours."

"Thanks for the help, Captain, I really appreciate the training," I said with a smile on my face.

"When Cadence told me you were acting weird I expected something else, I'm glad I was wrong, I’ll see you tomorrow," Shining said leaving the room, with the guards following him.

750 Reputation with Shining Armor.

'Well, I'm exhausted, so I better get back to my room.' I thought, leaving the area.

On my way, I found my aunt, Celestia, walking around the castle, I waved goodnight at her to which she responded by blowing me a kiss, I went straight up to my room to sleep. I got some pajamas and got all comfortable on the bed, pulling the blankets tight around myself, making a living burrito and settling in for a much-deserved rest, but before letting myself fall asleep, I decided to use the points I had.

"Well, with that out of the list, time to sleep."

Author's Note:

Luna art by this amazing artist Artist

Shining Armor art by this amazing artist Traupa

Celestia art cant find the artist

It's super hard to find art that it's not XXX LIKE YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA