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7 - The Hunt part 1

Author's Note:








I woke up in my room, looking at the ceiling, everything seemed surreal despite what happened and what could have happened, I felt calm, so that meant that the gamer's mind was active again, the last thing I remembered was my aunt singing to me in a language I couldn't understand. Still, even without understanding the song and what it meant, it made me feel safe.

I stood out of bed and went to my closet to dress up, as I put on my clothes, I started to think about the colossal miscalculation I made by underestimating the amulet or overestimating my power, it could be both, I have assumed many things so far, perhaps I should stop assuming.

'Maybe I should check the amulet more thoroughly,' I thought as I looked at the amulet in my inventory, so I decided to use observe again.

Observe Skill has leveled up

<Alicorn Amulet>


Binds to its user once equipped: Only the user can take the amulet off.

CURSE: Descend to Madness, it slowly corrupts the user to become unstable, until the user dies.

INFORMATION: When worn, the Alicorn Amulet appears to grant the wearer immense power, or perhaps dramatically amplify the wearer's own. Worn by a unicorn, it grants immense magical powers on par with the greatest unicorn spellcasters; The Alicorn Amulet is just one of the three dark relics that are lost around Equestria.

The Alicorn Amulet []
The Alicorn Ring [❌]
The Alicorn Bracelet [❌]

The legend says whoever gets their hands on the three will have a power matching the old ones, that is, if they can control the darkness.

Creator : ??????

'There are two more?' I thought surprised, 'I barely escaped the corruption from one.'

As I walked to the door to leave the room I was in, I started thinking that whoever created the amulet, it must be someone extremely powerful, to break the gamer's mind, My initial error since I got here was to underestimate everything in this world, so from now on I will always overestimate my enemy, after all he who prepares for war, wins.

When I opened the door, I found a dozen guards guarding my room; every guard turned to see me in sync; it almost seemed like they practiced beforehand to do that.

"Prince Blueblood, The Princesses, have ordered us to take you to them once you were up." said one of the guards taking off his helmet as a sign of respect.

"Sure, take me to them," I answered with a slight smile, as I thought, 'I almost died yesterday, whatever they need from me is not going to be good.'

While the guards took me to my aunts, I wondered on the way there, was it normal not to feel anything about what happened yesterday, I knew that was the reason behind the gamer's mind, but still, I almost feel bad for not feeling anything, which is ironic, I remember feeling pure fear. Yet, now it's like it was just a fantasy. Still, I'm partly grateful for not feeling anything about it, thanks to that I don't have to live with the consequences, that event was strong enough to kill and break someone's mind, and yet here I am.

After a couple of minutes, we got to where my aunts were, they were talking to the nobles, as soon as they saw me Celestia canceled whatever she was doing sending the nobles home, and the guards out of the room too.

"Dear nephew!" Celestia said, running towards me intending to hug me tight, but something stopped her, her eyes were looking at me as if I was made out of glass-like I was a broken toy.

"It's alright auntie, I just had a bad nightmare, nothing to worry about," I said smiling at her.

“It wasn't just any nightmare; it was a nightmare that could have killed you,” Luna said with a tone of guilt as if she blamed herself for what happened.

"And yet, here I am, don't blame yourself, auntie," I said, getting closer to my aunt Luna.

“We promise you, we won't let any nightmare come near you again,” Luna said hugging me, “you don't have to pretend to be strong with us.”

With a slight laugh, I looked her in the eyes and with a finger, touched her nose, “Boop! I'm fine, now just give a smile.”

“Booping thy princess, how dare you!” Luna said, trying to look insulted, "We shall make you pay for thy sins!"

"Please be merciful, princess!" I said, getting on my knees, faking fear.

On the other side, Celestia went from being worried to laughing, seeing the interactions between Luna and me, “quite the pair,” Celestia said in a low tone, as she cleaned the tears on her face for laughing so much.

After clarifying my situation with my aunts I left the castle with no idea where to go, yesterday I almost died. Still, something good came out of that terrible experience, I was level 19 now nearly level 20, maybe I could go to the library, but that was pointless I had already learned all the spells I could from the library and training with Shining didn't help at all, what I needed was to get into a dungeon of my level, and start leveling up.

But I had no idea how to get into a dungeon or where to find one.

As I walked through the city of Canterlot for hours without any destination or seeing where I was going, I stumbled upon something that made me fall into the ground, as I fell to the ground I noticed that without realizing it, I had entered the cemetery of Canterlot.

There were thousands of tombs around the place, and still, the place was beautiful, a beautiful green grass full of flowers, birds singing around the place in joy, one or two deers sleeping around the place, and I could swear I saw a fox around somewhere.

'Almost like the cemeteries of the earth,' I thought sarcastically as I looked at the beautiful sights around me, 'what a beautiful place.'

I noticed the sun was hiding, and only there, I realized that I wasted the entire day and did nothing to improve my situation.

'Maybe I should just go to sleep and think about how to solve my weakness tomorrow,' I thought as I started to approach the exit of the cemetery, but as I was about to leave, something stopped me.

Zombie Dungeon LV 15 - 25
Wanna enter Y/N

I started laughing; a cemetery was the entrance to a zombie dungeon; it was so ironic that it hurt.

'How convenient for me, I guess lady luck was on my side today,' I thought with a slight smile on my face, pressing the Y button in front of me. 'Or this could be another opportunity where I need to escape or wait for someone to rescue my ass.'

The scenery around me changed a little, and I found myself in a place almost identical to the one I was before but darker, it had a lot of mist and it gave a chilling vibe in general, in front of me was a zombie, I started to charge a mana beam while backing away, didn't expect to have a fight so soon.

"Young man, you have to stop us,” said the zombie with a lot of effort, as if every word weighed a ton, “I don't want to kill my loved ones, I don't want to hurt anyone, please stop us.”

“I will,” I said, I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the zombie, but at the end that was my plan all along.

“Thank you, and be careful young man, I'm the only zombie that kept his memories from before and even with my memories I've been fighting my instincts for centuries, the next zombie you encounter won't be friendly at all,” said the Zombie with a tone of relief on his voice, “now kill me and proceed with your quest, and make sure you don't leave anyone alive, or the damage could be irreparable.”

'Holy crap, my first quest!' I thought surprised with a little bit of joy building up inside of me.

“Hurry up, I don't know how much more I can control the urge to eat you,” said the Zombie, in a desperate tone.

“Thank you,” with a mana beam, I shot him in the head, killing him immediately; I was surprised by the fact that I got experience from that, enough to fill the 2% left on my exp bar, leveling me up to level 20.


I started walking through the cemetery, I heard noises but saw nothing, the further I got into the cemetery the thicker the fog was.

'Well, I can't see shit,' I thought, squinting my eyes trying to see something.

"RAAAAUUUUGHHHH" a scream came from behind my back along with a stabbing pain in my ribs that took me by surprise, something had attacked me.

"Motherfucker!" I said as I took my distance between the unknown zombie and me, the mist began dissipating, and little by little, I could start to see the creature that had attacked me.


'Bleeding and poisoning great!' I thought in a bit of pain.

Bleeding LV1: It takes 1% of your hp every 10 secs (duration 1 min it cant bring your life under 1hp)
Poisoning LV1: It takes 2% of your hp every 10 secs and blocks health regeneration (duration 3 minutes it cant bring your life under 1hp)

"No thanks," I said, reading my statuses, raising my hand, a light started to wrap up around it, “Purge!” good thing I learned some spells for this type of situations.

Poison status has been cleansed

"Heal," I said calmly, feeling a light engulfing my body.

Bleeding status has been stopped

"It's time to eliminate the entire Thriller cast,” I said with conviction.

The fog began to clear more and more until it was no more, and finally I saw the one who had attacked me, I'm pretty sure that without the gamers mind I would have vomited a little, that thing was disgusting.

'Disgusting,' I thought getting ready to kill the bastard, 'Still way better than the nightmare I fought.'

The Undead were once-living creatures that had been animated by spiritual or supernatural forces, usually a necromancer or a lich, they are usually animated through the practice of necromantic magic or some unholy curse. Undead include walking corpses, such as vampires and zombies, as well as bodiless spirits, such as ghosts and specters.

Undead are extremely resilient to a number of effects and substances that are extremely harmful to the living. They are immune to all mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. In addition, it's not possible to drain their life force in any manner, to slave the undead one has to break their will, some retain their memories and fight the necromancer's control while others turn into mindless beast obeying orders and wreaking havoc in their way, others keep their memories but bend their will to the one that reanimated them, killing anyone including loved ones without remorse.

Weakness: A very common weakness shared among the Undead is fire. Chopping such creatures into little bits may not stop them, but fire generally will, their bodies are extremely flammable

The undead's weakness to fire is often connected with the idea that Fire Purifies: life-giving fire—the opposite of the dead, cold, fire is particularly effective at sending such critters back to their graves for good.

Holy magic is extremely effective against them if an undead is killed by holy magic necromancy won't be able to resurrect them again, ensuring their eternal rest.

Besides that, their head is their only weak point in their entire body; a good and powerful attack in their head could ensure their defeat, momentarily at the very least.

They can apply the following statuses: Bleeding, Poison.

'Fire huh, good thing I got some fire spells under my belt,' I thought reading the mindless zombie info.

The zombie tried to jump on me, but I was able to dodge it with ease, I don't know if it was the fact that I had faced way stronger creatures or something else, but its movements were slow and somewhat predictable.

“Someone can't wait to die, allow me to help you, buddy,” I said as I dodged his attacks, “Fireball!”

The creature hurled back in pain, his body began to burn in flames, and his life was depleting a lot, who would think that the most basic spell of all would be so useful to me.

Mindless Zombie LV 18
HP: 950/1800 (-850)
MP: 40/40

STATUSES: It takes 5% of max hp every 5 seconds for 1 min (90 damage every 5 seconds up to a total of 1080, critical strikes may change this result ).

'Hehe I have an idea,' I thought with a mischievous smile on my face, 'let's grind like a real gamer.'

My idea was simple, kill them with fire while running, letting the burn status effect kill them, I started running, while the first zombie was chasing me, It didn't take long to find other zombies, I threw a ball of fire to each one of them, in the end, I had eight mindless zombies behind me burning, I was glad fireball didn't require a lot of mana on my end to use it, the first three zombies had died in the chase, leaving five angry and hot (pun intended) zombies behind me.

When the fourth zombie died, I level up to 21 replenishing my mana completely.


"FIREBALL! BITCHES!" I shouted, starting to kill the rest of the zombies in front of me, one by one,


Mindless Zombie Slain 8/8 []

'So nine zombies are equal to two levels at this point, nice,' I thought as I started to leave the area a glow on the floor close the ashes of the zombies stopped me.

When I came to see what it was, a message appeared.

Unholy Common Essence x 8 : It gives the user 1 point on VIT, DEX OR STR per essence used, this item can be shared.

Rusty Sword: A rusty blade that's already falling apart. At least it's not made of wood. +50 Physical Attack.

'So monsters leave items... I wonder if' I thought as I remembered the monsters of the past dungeon, 'I better not think about that for now.'

After looting the monsters, I started looking for my next undead to erase, I had eleven zombies left to hunt to finish the dungeon, and at the moment everything was going in my favor. Still, even with lady luck on my side, I didn't intend to let my guard down, if the mindless zombies were easy to deal with it was obvious to assume that the next zombies in my to kill list would be a little harder.

After walking through the cemetery for a couple of minutes I found three zombies in the distant sitting on the ground, I was able to see them through the fog, but they didn't seem to notice me, their appearances were different from the mindless ones,they were smaller but even so one could tell at first sight that they all looked stronger. Still, one of them was obvious to see that it was above the other two.

'An elite great...' I thought with slight worry in my mind after all the first elite I encountered was terrifying.

At first glance, they are no different from your average joe. Alas, when approached, they undergo a drastic, horrifying transformation; if they don't notice you, they are likely to hide their appearance, beware of them for they hide one or two more transformations making them really unpredictable in combat.

Weakness: A very common weakness shared among the Undead is fire. Chopping such creatures into little bits may not stop them, but fire generally will, their bodies are extremely flammable

The undead's weakness to fire is often connected with the idea that Fire Purifies: life-giving fire—the opposite of the dead, cold, fire is particularly effective at sending such critters back to their graves for good.

Holy magic is extremely effective against them if an undead is killed by holy magic necromancy won't be able to resurrect them again, ensuring their eternal rest.

Besides that, their head is their only weak point in their entire body, a good and powerful attack in their head could ensure their defeat, momentarily at the very least.

Elite undead are more resilient than most undead; not only do they retain their memories, but they are the product of the reanimation of a powerful warrior, meaning they have experience in battle.

They can apply the following statuses: Bleeding, Poison, Curse

'One elite and two wretched zombies, this is going to be tough' I thought.

These creatures are usually found in groups, and will play dead or not move until their prey is in close proximity. They are fast and strong, and with their elongated arms and acid vomit makes them powerful and dangerous foe. Since they lie on the ground or sit on graves without moving, they are well hidden, and distracted people can easily miss them until it's too late.

Overall they are the improved version of the Mindless Zombies, these enemies are not particularly dangerous when alone, but in groups, they prove to be mighty.

Weakness: A very common weakness shared among the Undead is fire. Chopping such creatures into little bits may not stop them, but fire generally will, their bodies are extremely flammable

The undead's weakness to fire is often connected with the idea that Fire Purifies: life-giving fire—the opposite of the dead, cold, fire is particularly effective at sending such critters back to their graves for good.

Holy magic is extremely effective against them if an undead is killed by holy magic necromancy won't be able to resurrect them again, ensuring their eternal rest.

Besides that, their head is their only weak point in their entire body, a good and powerful attack in their head could ensure their defeat, momentarily at the very least.

They can apply the following statuses: Bleeding, Poison

'I have to deal with the wretched first and then go after the elite at full power,' I thought.

Approaching the monsters slowly to enter a range in which I would be sure I couldn't miss the shot, I shouted, “FIREBALL SUCKERS!” dungeons and dragons made those two words sound magnificent for me.

1 - Wretched Zombie LV 21
HP: 1600/2500 (-900)
MP: 450/450

STATUSES: It takes 5% of max hp every 5 seconds for 1 min (125 damage every 5 seconds up to a total of 1500, critical strikes may change this result ).

2 Wretched Zombie LV 21
HP 2500/2500
MP: 250/250

The wretched hurled back in pain, while the other two zombies turned around to see me, the other wretched started to run towards me, while the Elite just stood there watching me, doing nothing.

The zombie started attacking me with his sword, leaving me no opportunity to cast another fireball, as I dodged and blocked his attacks with my sword, I thought of something, what would happen if I added mana to my sword to power up my attacks, so I decided to try it out.

A new skill has been created by a specific action,
Mana strike: Covers a weapon or a part of your body with mana to drastically increased the output damage, max mana charge 250

Mana cost 1-250MP

Hitting the monster with my new attack, I knocked him down, and that gave me enough time to take some distance to burn him to smithereens, “FIREBALL!.”

1 - Wretched Zombie LV 21
HP: 1325/2500 (-1175)
MP: 450/450

STATUSES: It takes 5% of max hp every 5 seconds for 1 min (125 damage every 5 seconds up to a total of 1500, critical strikes may change this result )

2 Wretched Zombie LV 21
HP 1200/2500 (-1300)
MP: 250/250

STATUSES: It takes 5% of max hp every 5 seconds for 1 min (125 damage every 5 seconds up to a total of 1500, critical strikes may change this result )

'I wonder what would happen if I hold a fireball for more than the time needed' I thought as I created a fireball in my right hand and as the zombies approached.

A new skill has been created by a specific action
Great Fireball: Shoots a fire attack that damages all creatures except those immune to fire, within a large area. The damage is several times greater than the damage of a fireball

Mana Cost: 1000MP.

I was surprised at how easy it had been to create new skills with just a little ingenuity, the two wretched zombies turned to ashes screaming in pain, the attack killed them immediately, the elite still didn't move a muscle, he was just standing there looking at me, but I guess I should be grateful that he didn't help the other two.

"I suppose is my turn," the elite said walking slowly towards me drawing the swords from his back.

“You didn't help them, why?” I asked as I prepared for the imminent combat that was about to happen.

“Why would I? , there's no honor in a group fight, I'm dead, but I haven't lost my honor.” said the elite in a calm tone, “Now get ready, I wouldn't want to kill you because you didn't take me seriously.”

Grabbing my sword I put myself in position, the elite looked at me and looked at my sword, and he did something I didn't expect, he threw one of his swords at me near my feet, “Use that sword, the one you have is deplorable.”

“You're really making my mission to kill you harder,” I said grabbing the new sword.

This straight sword is widely used among the royal guard, to an extent it's popularity with the guards is only matched by the spear, is extremely sharp and it enchanted to ensure more durability
+105 Physical attack
+1 STR
+2 DEX

“I'm just making it easier for me,” said the elite as it approached me, this time in a deadly tone.