• Published 23rd Mar 2020
  • 1,948 Views, 155 Comments

A New Life - arc5162

I wake up in equestria after a very long sleep. Also, I am an A.I.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Revelations

May 4, 3980 BBB (Before the Battle of the Bell)

Today was a special day, not that everyday here in my kingdom isn’t special in some way. It was 3 days after the festival of Bealtaine, and I had noticed something strange. I decided to check my long range cameras to see what was going on, and what I found was shocking. I had to tell Maple.

“Thank goodness your here.”

“Of course”, said Maple, shutting the door behind her, “what did want to tell me?”

“I felt something earlier, so I checked my long range cameras to see what was going on.”

“And, what did you see?”

“I saw Gusty the great banish Grogar.”

“Really? That’s great news, we have to tell the kingdom.”

“Yes, but what I saw when she banished him was the opposite of great.”

“What do you mean”, she responded, showing a slight look of concern.

"As he was being banished, I saw him glitching out."

"How is that possible, animals don't glitch out, only computers do that."

"I know, that's what scares me.”

Suddenly, her face changes to mirror my scared expression.

“Wait, you don’t mean?”

“Yes, I think he may be human A.I. as well.”

“But how, you said that you were the last one on earth.”

“I don’t know, he must woken up recently and taken the form you know as Grogar. How he’s able to use magic though, I have no idea.”

“What do we do?”

“We wait until he comes back. Gusty the great didn’t banish him, she simply overloaded his systems. By my calculations, it’ll be hundreds of years before his systems recover enough for him to wake up again.”

“What will happen when he does wake up again?”

“My best guess is that he will continue where he left off. When he does, I’ll be there to stop him myself.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. After all, he’s like me, so I’m the best one to stop him. When he comes back, all I have to do is-“

All of a sudden, as I was about to explain how I would figure out his weakness, I stopped.

“Are you ok”, Maple asked.

But I couldn’t hear her, because I was having a vision.

“I know who you are Grogar, you need to stop.”

“Why would I, I need to show them who’s in charge.”

“The time of man has passed, there’s no point in trying to continue a dead legacy.”

“No, they will learn to fear me, just as they will fear all human kind.”

“You make me sick Grogar. You have to stop.”

“Or what?”

“Or else I will have no choice but to shut you down for good.”

“You wouldn’t dare, you and I are the last humans on earth, you would never kill me.”

“I will if I have no choice. I will not let them make the same mistakes human kind did.”

Then, Grogar charged at me with all his might, I charged back. We met in the middle and.


The vision ended, I reeled back in fear and collapsed onto the chair.

“What happened?”, asked Maple, “you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

“I saw the future.”

“You did? What did you see?”

“I saw me and Grogar talking to each other, we were arguing and then we charged at each other.”

“Really? Do you know when he comes back?”

I then closed my eyes and replayed the events in my head to get more details.

“Yes, I saw a battle happening 3980 years from now, a battle for control of the bell. Soon after a coronation, he will reappear to finish what he started.”

“What are we going to do, first you tell me humans are returning to earth, then Grogar?”

“I know, but all we can do is prepare. I promise you Maple, I will protect everyone.”

“I hope you can handle him.”

“So do I.”

Author's Note:

Thanks to Status L for the idea of Grogar being another A.I

Next chapter: The first wedding in the village takes place.

P.s Next chapter comes out week after next, I’m going to Comic-Con next weekend to get Christopher Lloyd’s autograph.