• Published 23rd Mar 2020
  • 1,948 Views, 155 Comments

A New Life - arc5162

I wake up in equestria after a very long sleep. Also, I am an A.I.

  • ...

Chapter 24: Development

Act 3: A New Kingdom

May 2, 1112 BBB (Before the Battle of the Bell)

Today was like any other day in the kingdom of Eire. Wake up from sleep mode, preform a system diagnostic, check the perimeter cameras, say good morning to the everyone, and check the shops and farms to make sure everything is running smoothly. Things have been running pretty smoothly now for hundreds of years, but today, something was different.

It had been over 2800 years since the faithful day that Gusty first visited, and since then, things have only gone up. The small village had grown into a kingdom, the Kingdom of Eire. The borders now stretched to roughly the size of West Virginia, and the population was now up to 30,000. Everyone had access to food, clean water, and entertainment, and life expectancy was up to 80 years. In other areas of the kingdom, giant burial mounds were constructed to help guide the dead to the otherworld, windmills were constructed on all of the farms to help grind wheat into flour, and dirt paths connected every part of the kingdom, where everyone could go to a different part of it with wooden carts. It was a perfectly structured kingdom, free of the problems that once plagued human society.

However, a problem had been developing with the world for the last 100 years, getting worse as time went on. I had to tell Maple.

"What's going on honey?" asked Maple, "I haven't seen you this worried since the humans contacted you."

"Something has gone wrong", I replied, "I first noticed it during the festival of Bealtaine 100 years ago. I didn't think much of it then, but yesterday I noticed it again."

"What did you notice?"

"The rotation of the Earth is slowing down."

"What! How!?"

"I don't know, but for the past 100 years, the earth's rotation has been slowing down at an exponential rate. 100 years ago, it was a millionth of a second, but in the past 100 years, the discrepancy has increased to a full second."

"What do we do?"

"I was looking at the long range scanner this morning, and the ponies in equestrian are using magic to try to prevent this by moving the earth themselves. It worked, the discrepancy was decreased, but I'm worried about the ponies over exerting themselves trying to keep the earth rotating."

Suddenly, I felt a huge burst of magic coming from Equestria, and looking at my sensors, I saw the discrepancy drop to zero. I went to check the long range sensors to see what was going on, and that's when I saw it.

"I can see two of the ponies correcting the discrepancy by themselves. It looks like Gusty's children, Celestia and Luna. "

"Oh my, really?"

"Yes, it appears that because they are alicorns, Celestia is able to keep the earth rotating all on her own, and Luna is able to ensure that the moon stays on the correct path."

I sighed, then said, "well, that solves one problem."

"Lets just hope that their magic is strong enough to sustain it, until I can come up with a permanent solution."

So, from that point on, Celestia and Luna made sure the Sun and Moon were right on time. The time was now accurate down to the nanosecond, which I thought was actually quite impressive. Everything was far from normal, however, life in the village couldn't be more than normal.

The kingdom was growing more prosperous. However, there was growing tension amongst the citizens, because just 100 years later, strange things started happening that I couldn't explain.

Author's Note:

Next chapter: Chaos spreads