• Published 15th Sep 2019
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EQG: Sword Art Online - Aincrad - Mindrop

The Girls get trapped in the newest video game, Sword Art Online. If you die in the game, you die in real life.

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Episode 78 - Argo

Floor 61
June 29 - Year 2

Bladescape opened the outer door to their castle as it neared 5am. The time meant they could get a two hour nap in at most before the big day started. Bladescape jumped, avoiding a scream, as a figure sat up on the couch and looked over the back of it at them. It was a sleepy eyed Argo. She rubbed her eyes, not fully awake.

"What are you doing coming in?" Argo moaned.

"What are you doing on our couch!" Bladescape fired back.

Bladescape wasn't sure if it was a tired moan or a groan that came out of Argo. "I was resting, waiting for you guys for the morning. I thought you were all inside. Why are you not?"

Bladescape laughed heartily. "This is the best Argo moment yet. AFCK has thrown you through a few ringers, but right now, you did this to yourself."

Argo narrowed her eyes at Bladescape but didn't bite back.

Bladescape walked over to the couch and plopped down next to her. "Well, the three of us just got back from checking out that spot you asked us too. The one to evaluate the training value."

"And?" Argo asked, unable to stifle the yawn.

"Chaotic. It has potential, but it also won't make for an easy way to time things. There is no squad potential, no real tactics to the area for squad training. All you do is have a bar fight, against bandits, thieves, and vagabonds, with weapons or without, and in tight quarters. You just spend hours bashing heads for great XP rewards. They respawn quickly, making it hard to clear out the tavern solo, and exiting when you are done isn’t easy. But, it was fun. We handled it fine. We could train there and get everyone up to our quotas really quick. Two weeks quick."

"That's good," Argo said, yawning again. Then she sat there, thinking over what Bladescape had just said. "Wait? Quotas‽ You guys have never had quotas. You have never needed them! You were always on top of the curve. Even your lowest leveled members were above most of the clearers! You were, are, the envy of so many guilds. It all came so smoothly for you. A group of friends who always have it together and never have to work hard to be at the top! That is what you are seen as."

Bladescape grinned and then let out an uncontrollable laugh. "We just destroyed that rep today. We didn't know we had it, but we planned that destruction a week ago."

"How?" Argo asked. She was awake, mostly. "You guys are the legendary Wondercolts. You are about to become even more legendary because you have a castle. By tomorrow, or no, it's early enough that it is technically tonight, half of Aincrad will know you guys own a castle and an island. And it's going to make so many players jealous! Because that is the dream, to live in a castle, and on a private island! So how could you blow-"

Argo stopped herself and began to run calculations in her head. She was a lot more animated than usual. Being caught napping on their couch at 4:30am had her in a surprisingly open mood.

"No!" She exclaimed. "You guys didn't, did you?"

Bladescape chuckled. "Until you actually ask, I can't tell you if we did 'it' or not."

Argo was fully awake now, but still more animated than usual as she leaned in close to Bladescape. "Did you guys add members?"

"Yes," Bladescape nodded.

"OMG! I can't believe it actually happened! I know there's at least one betting pool that you would add members at some point. And it's still going since only Knightstar dropped out. Wait, does she know?"

"Operation Midnight Redemption is on track," Doombunny said from the center walkway. "But no. If you didn't know, then she certainly doesn't know. Our business was kept private."

"Awe man," Argo exclaimed, plopping into the couch cushion further. "That means you picked up a bunch of boring support players to help out with crafting and cooking."

Bladescape rolled her eyes. "Well, some will be doing that, but no. We didn't pick up a crafting guild. Although, that isn't a bad idea. Still, AFCK and Diemond do not need competition. Diemond is stressed enough and I don't want to have to stop another food fight."

Argo grinned from the cushion's embrace. "One, I want to hear this food fight story. Two, that means Diemond is having to create new uniforms. Or more uniforms. Either way, you guys got useful players. Clearers?"

"Of course," Kiefer said, playfully scoffing at the notion that they would get anyone who couldn't fight on the front line.

"Well, then, who folded? I'm not always up to date on guild news. Gossip isn't my job."

That statement wasn't exactly true. She did gossip, but only on verified things that she could sell.

“Wait!” Agro exclaimed. “Did Fuurinkazan fold?”

“No,” Kiefer chuckled. “I am surprised our addition of members didn’t start with them, but no.”

Bladescape looked at Kiefer. "We do have a spare bedroom set up, right? So we can get her off this couch. Also, Argo, is there a way for a guild member to hide their tag?"

"If you are meaning me being able to hide your guild tag, maybe. Mo would know. But I'm not going to give a second thought to it at this time of night, er, morning. Wait! Did you pick up Silica?"

"No," Bladescape replied with a shake of her head. "We probably could, she is good friends with Doom and their familiars love each other, but the level difference is still huge. We could support her with a home base, but that is it."

"She is rather happy about where she is at," Doombunny added. "The two of us have talked, but she would not be able to do much with us. It's the unfortunate reality of this death game. Otherwise she would have joined us ages ago. Although, if we somehow roped Kirito into becoming a Wondercolt, she would join us. She had a fun, adventure of sorts, with him back a few weeks ago."

"Dang," Argo growled. "I had Silica joining you as my bet. I wanted to see the two beast tamers tackle Aincrad together."

Kiefer snorted a laugh. "You won't see Doombunny. And not because of hide. She is fast and efficient. And Colorra adds in a whole other kill count bracket. That snake killed as many tonight as I did."

"Come on," Bladescape said, standing up and offering her hand to Argo. "Let's get you a bed to sleep on for a few more hours. Breakfast is at 8am. The Crafters arrive at 9. We will have time for a tour later, but I have to greet them."

Argo took her hand and was pulled up. She stretched with a yawn to get going. "Yeah, but who did you merge with?"

Bladescape glanced at Kiefer and Doombunny. Both of them gave her short nods of approval. Colorra did too.

"You would find out in a few hours, but all of the current members of Geigi Clan joined the Wondercolts. For most of the players, we have the same vision."

Argo made a few awkward noises as she tried to speak. She finally got her words straight as she was led into the Headquarters proper. "You merged with Geigi! They were stalling out on Floor 62. The rumors said they were going to spin out from the front lines, unable to sustain clearer status. They lost players like 2 weeks ago and they haven’t been seen on the front lines for days."

"They just need some guidance," Kiefer said. "In less than 3 weeks we can have them at the quotas and once again viable on the front lines."

Bladescape continued to explain the plan. "We will keep up with quotas, in case we need to field everyone, but I don't see more than 4 squads on the front line at any given time. The rest will grind for Col, materials, info, quests, and dungeon diving. We have a few who are not going back out into the field who will be direct support. Primarily cooks under AFCK."

Kiefer stopped them at the back door of the main building. "Didn't we put a bed on the second floor?"

"Oh yeah," Bladescape chuckled before turning around. "Come on. Let's get you to a quieter room, not one in the Barracks. The second and third floors of the main building are leader and officer quarters. Outside of our 5 member council, our member representative consultant, AFCK as our head cook, and Kiefer, who is our training officer, the rooms are empty. The rest of our officer choices are on probationary status for a bit as we organize and figure out if they are what we need for the Wondercolts 2.0. Same mission and ideology, but with more members."

"You make it sound grand," Argo said, snickering.

"I knew we did something right," Bladescape said, mostly to herself, as she stopped them in front of the left central room. Bladescape pointed to the stairs. "If you need anything, well you won't be able to find it without our help because of the move in. I am in the tower. Take these stairs all the way up. It's a bit of a climb, but I can't wait to show you my pad. It is sweet."

"Got it," Argo said with a wink. "A bed is more preferable, even as good as your couch was. But you were getting at something earlier. You scouted that location for me, but it has mixed reviews."

"I have the data," Bladescape said. "We can cover it tomorrow."

"How long would it take to get to your quotas?" Argo pressed.

Bladescape sighed. "We said 3 weeks to the members, but we can do it in 2 and a half at the most in the new spot. Uninterrupted and with our schedule, I bet we can have all 50 members done in 12 days. Then we would need to train them in squads, but for raw level XP, 12 grueling days on a constant rotation should do it."

"I think I can hold that long," Argo said with a wink. She went to bed and Bladescape headed that way as well.

Bladescape climbed the tower and then ascended to her floor where her bed and wash room was. She hung up her armor and put Harmonic Salvation and Bajutsu on their mounts. She looked over at the thorned spear where she had hung it on the other wall above the stairs. Her goal was to make it the focal point so she didn't forget the lessons she had learned. She would pass it every time she left, and every time she returned.

Bladescape tossed on her sleepwear, set an alarm, and laid down in bed.

As usual, she felt like she only blinked as the alarm woke her up. At least this time it was only 2 hours. Still, she missed real sleep. What was worse was knowing that real sleep - restful, comfortable, warm sleep - was something that players could experience, and most did. She just didn't have that luxury.

Bladescape pulled off her sleepwear and descended to her guest floor, as she called it. On it was another manikin. It had a dress for her to wear. She wasn't sure about it, but Shikiku was going to be assisting her. There were details that the game couldn't replicate with the push of a button.

All of the guild's leading members - Bladescape, Backbreaker, Astro, Lobelia, Kamishi, Shikiku, and Kiefer - would be in formal attire. AFCK and the kitchen staff all had appropriate and unified outfits, which looked like fancy chef outfits. Diemond would either be a wreck in her idea dress, or wearing something fabulous. The rest of the members had a variety of semi-casual attire to wear and were free to wear anything that fit that description. It was part of the art of being human. They had unfortunately needed to raid the stock Diemond had been making for her sale.

To play her part, Bladescape was to be wearing the kimono fusion dress, as they were calling it, which was inspired by Diemond from all of the images she had seen Geigi in, both on and off the battlefield. Only Bladescape would be wearing colors that were not the guild's. Lobelia was going to be in a uchikake kimono, the bridal kimono, that was gold and blue instead of the traditional white and red. Shikiku would be in a traditional Susihiki kimono, which Bladescape's dress style was based on. Backbreaker and Astro would also be struggling to get into furisode kimonos. Kamishi and Kiefer would be wearing formal Hakamashita.

Looking at it on the manikin was one thing, wearing it was another. The main dress was a bright red. The print was multiple very thin, gold chrysanthemum outlines. They were not a distraction, but rather the perfect accent. The central waist fabric was solid gold. The center obijime cord in the center of the middle sash was Wondercolts blue. The cord and its specific knot was a very important detail and said a lot about the intention of the person wearing it. For white kimonos, it dictated if it was either for a funeral or for a wedding. Both being formal, rare occasions.

A knock came at the door and Shikiku announced herself. With the invitation accepted, the system unlocked the door and Shikiku slipped in. She didn't even blink at Bladescape's near nakedness.

"I know you are nervous about this, but it is a wise choice," Shikiku told her with a smile. "You have a new role and being seen in formal attire will not only give you the air of sophistication, but it will ensure that you are so confident in everything, that you don't need to intimidate anyone with your overpowering armor. The subtle message it will give the Crafters will be powerful. Stronger than anything else you have to wear or any words you could deliver.

"Okay," Bladescape said with a nod. "Let's do this."

"Diemond did a phenomenal job with the design and production of this kimono. It is certainly a Japanese dress, but it is more masculine and it will give you an appropriate edge of authority because of it. Kimonos in modern times are often associated with passive, quiet women among foreigners. But you need that authority."

"Talk me through what it all is," Bladescape said. "Teach me what I am wearing. As much as you can with the little time we have."

"I will enjoy giving you the basics of what you are wearing and why," Shikiku smiled. "Kimonos come in many styles and originally the word just meant clothes. But that was centuries ago. Now it is an established style. We now have different words for other types of clothes; such as the western style clothing you are used to wearing is called yofuku. This style is a naga-gi, or long kimono. Since you are unmarried, your formal kimonos can have patterned fabric above the waist. Diemond’s main design inspiration was the bright and multilayered bridal, Uchikake, kimonos. We need to dress you up the very best we can."

There were various rules for the layers as well as how to properly fold and hold them. The key was the obi, the waist and abdomen sash. Traditional shoes were not used. Diemond had given her low platform boots, red in color to blend in, for Bladescape to wear. It also added a bit of height which would not hurt her image on such an important day.

Her hair was done by hand. It had been decided that Shikiku was going to do the shimada mage style. It was a hair up style. Bladescape's hair was pulled back, through a comb. To support and hold the hair, several red ribbons were used along with six Kanzashi hair sticks. It looked like she was wearing chopsticks in her hair, but Bladescape had seen and was taught the key differences.

Only a little make-up was used. Blush, eyeliner, and lipstick was all. It was simple compared to what Lobelia would be wearing and what Shikiku was wearing. Both would be pale or completely white.

"All finished," Shikiku declared. "I need to check in with the others. But this will greatly impact our attribution to the guild and show that we had a value that cannot be forgotten. Plus, it makes you look quite Japanese, in a good, strong way. You are a beautiful young woman and will one day make a gorgeous bride, and we haven't even done you fully up. You will make some young man very proud and very happy some day."

"Shikiku, what do you do?" Bladescape dared to ask. "In real life? Everyone loves you and your company. They look up to and respect you. But they don't know what you do. Or did. Kamishi's grandmother was a geisha. It was a good reason why he was drawn to Geigi Clan. But what drew you?"

"The crying of a bride to be," Shikiku replied with a sigh as she recalled the memory. "Fate so fell that I was beside Lobelia on that day and comforting her. It was my idea that she anchor herself by wearing traditional wedding attire. Soon, we had a party going. We became famous for that, but we wanted to be famous for the right reasons, clearing the game. We caught up, lost some members, ran into Kamishi, and rebuilt ourselves. And now, still carrying on that idea, we are here.

"Back home, in the real world, I am a geisha in training. This is what I love. Fate smiled upon me and gave me players to work with. Lobelia was extremely happy with the idea. She strongly identified with being a bride, rightfully so. For there is little difference in formal bridal attire and etiquette. She took it all farther than I could have. I am very glad she did.

"We can speak more later. I trust the others, but I want to check in on them and how they are handling the dressing of our friends."

Shikiku bowed and left the room. Bladescape looked herself over in the mirror. It was a stunning transformation. As feminine as she felt, she didn't feel restricted as she thought she would. This was more comfortable than a full ball gown, and much more free moving than a skinny black tie dress that would hug her body and restrict how she moved. The option to do the Japanese style over a western one was a wise choice. She would make full use of it during the day, and it would be relayed back to the rest of Aincrad to seal this day in infamy. A boost the guild would need when discussing the merger. They needed a strong association and presence, and it would certainly also seal the fate of them being the girl guild. All of the boys were, thankfully, resigned to the honor of the nickname.

A knock came at the open door. Argo stepped in and her jaw dropped before she could say anything.

Bladescape's grin was full of guilty mischief. "I didn't choose it, but I love it. This is what the other players will see me in today, as I make the furniture and decoration orders for the guild and invite them in."

"You are certainly going to turn heads," Argo finally said, still staring. "In a good way. I've seen you in a variety of clothes, and Diemond's skill is undeniable. But she doesn't do Eastern style, or, well, didn’t. It's strange that despite being a Japanese game, the bulk of the setting and equipment is Western in style. Our political and social ties cannot be hidden. We get a lot of our culture from outside Japan, but I like to think we also give a good amount back."

"That you do," Bladescape said.

"I'm just surprised you are in red and gold, not Blue and Gold. You look stunning, but it's not the guild colors."

"Does red have a bad meaning in Japan?" Bladescape asked, slightly concerned with the answer.

"Pink would be a bad color," Argo retorted.

"So, all of AFCK?" Bladescape shot back.

Argo let out a laugh and Bladescape joined in. Argo explained what she meant. "It is a fitting color for her. Humor, femininity, spring, youth, and good health. Also, lingerie is associated with pink. But you don't need to look humorous today.

"Blue is a cool color, a bit passive, but also means fidelity. People certainly think of your loyalty when they see your blue. It also is the most important lucky color. Yellow is also lucky, but the gold you are wearing is a symbol of wealth and status. It will send a powerful message about the financial stability of the Wondercolts which is always important, but even more so after buying a castle.

"Red is a complex color. It is important and used in many celebrations. It's a joyous and happy color, and it is also associated with public phones, cherries, and paint."

"You are an info broker in real life, aren’t you?" Bladescape poked.

"I do what I know," Argo shrugged. "Being a beta tester, I knew a lot to start, and I knew how to find more. But I have a passion for information, history, facts, and learning. You kind of have to, to be an info broker. And it’s why I leave the stats to you guys. I'm okay, but you are better.

"Anyway, red. The most important thing you need to know is that red is a passionate color, full of strength as well as self-sacrifice. And, of course, blood. You are all that.

"But while that matters, don't read too much into it. Color association is a cultural thing that we do naturally, but also understand that outside special times, it means little. This is a special time, but most guild colors do not have special meaning. I'm sure you do the same at home where you are from."

Bladescape thought for a moment, reflexively looking at her own culture and what things meant. It wasn't easy to step out of her normal field of vision and be culturally relevant.

"Black is emotional and mourning," Bladescape replied. "It is also, in the right setting, seductive, mysterious and alluring. Particularly on the feminine body. All women need to own a 'little back dress.'

"Green is recycling, hippies, and the environment. White is purity. It's also a bridal color, but we have a saying for brides to bring good luck: something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue.

"There is also red with anger and green with jealousy. Blue is a cold color. Pink is feminine. Blue is also masculine. Brown is nature. Oh, and blue is also law enforcement."

"My point exactly,” Argo grinned. “But you use those colors all the time without thinking deeper about them. Still, they will be judging you today and going with red and gold was a very wise choice. I am sure BB, Astro, and anyone else on your council will be wearing Wondercolts colors."

Bladescape nodded in agreement.

"I take back one thing I said," Argo added. "The white and red of the Knights of the Bloodoath is very intentional. Passion, strength, blood, purity, truth, starting on a blank page, going back to your roots. Their guild is all that."

"It certainly is," Bladescape said with a nod. "Want a tour? Breakfast is still a bit away."

"Sure," Argo shrugged. "I already saw the second and third floors. And we know I am familiar with the waiting chamber."

Both of them chuckled.

"This is my room," Bladescape declared. "Well the bottom floor. I call this my guest floor. I will be adding more chairs, a bookcase, and some other homey touches."

Bladescape led Argo up to her bedroom. "Self explanatory. A bath and sink are behind the screen.

"I see you use armor stands and even hang up Harmonic Salvation and Bajutsu," Argo commented.

"It gives me security," Bladescape replied. "It means I am not in danger. I can relax. There are days I don't or can't hang it up, but days like today I can."

"This is the thorned spear that ran you through?"

"It is," Bladescape replied. "I keep it as a reminder for several things. Private things. I snapped, and it keeps me grounded. Or that is the goal."

"I got the details from Mo. She filmed a good chunk of it. She never released it though. It was best buried. Snapping or not, you had a spear from a known killer through your chest. That looked good for you."

"This is what I really wanted to show you," Bladescape said as she grabbed the ladder and climbed. Argo was right behind her.

"Wow," was all Argo could say for a while after they reached the top. She checked out the various directions in the morning light.

"That is the barracks," Bladescape said, pointing to it. "And back there. That is the crafting tower. Diemond is living there on the top floor. In the other back corner is a Gardener's hut. Doombunny took that over. It suits her very well. We are going to put in a shrine for the dead inside the forest on the back wall. Geigi lost a total of 9 members over the months. We are going to honor them as traditionally as possible. Or, well, at least have it there. I'm not sure what I will do, but I can figure that out that later.”

“There are a lot of nuances to venerating the dead in Japan,” Argo replied. “We could teach you of course, but it isn’t simple. You are smart and sharp though.”

“I’d prefer to encourage them, rather than do it myself,” Bladescape admitted, “I don’t know if that makes me bad or insensitive, but I want to focus on the living, and survival, not the dead.”

“From what I know about Geigi, you will be fine. They are a great match for you. As understanding as you guys are, so are they. But, I am sure you know that. Now, let’s get breakfast. I can see the details later.”

They climbed back down, but Bladescape stopped Argo. Argo was in a very good mood, so now was the time to pull information out of her. Bladescape opened her chest and pulled out the Black Draconic Visage.

“What do you know about this?” Bladescape asked.

Argo didn’t need to move closer or examine it. “How did you get that?”

“The long story is complicated and has its secrets. But the short version is I ended up killing the King Black Dragon. It is an S Class item, but we don’t know what we can do with it.”

“It is one of the secret quests in SAO,” Argo explained. “It isn’t an official quest, but it has clear parameters. There are five great dragons in Sword Art Online. Yes, there are regular dragons, and some others are bosses, but they still are not one of Aincrad’s Five Great Dragons.

“Once the greats are all killed, I do not know what happens. But they each drop their head, and you can have it mounted. The King Black Dragon is, or was, the first to show himself. Then you have Elvarg, the mother of all dragons in Aincrad. I doubt it will be much longer before she appears. Yamata No Orochi is perhaps going to be the toughest. His name is that of a dragon from Japanese mythology. If they stay authentic, you will have to deal with an 8 headed dragon. Fucanglong is another dragon, but I only know the name. The last of the greats is Droz’l the Chaos Drake.”

“He sounds like a Floor Boss,” Bladescape said.

“So does Yamata no Orchi,” Argo added.

“How many players know about this secret quest?” Bladescape asked.

“Mo, and maybe a few other Info Brokers,” Argo replied. “At this point, everyone thinks the King Black Dragon is still alive, but I gather it has been a little while since you got that.”

“Almost 3 weeks,” Bladescape replied. “We didn’t go hunting him. He surprised us.”

“Do you want the rest?” Argo asked.

“Yes,” Bladescape replied confidently. “I have one and the others are up for grabs. Whenever they show up, I will hunt them down and take their heads.”

“You have the skills and numbers to do it,” Argo replied. “I’ll keep you posted when I find the locations of the others. Killing dragons is risky, as I am sure you fully experienced. The other major guilds don’t worry about them. They don’t reap enough of a reward.”

“I almost died a few times,” Bladescape commented, leaving it there.

“Good luck,” Argo said. “You will need it. They are going to get tougher. He was the warm up.”

“I’ll have a full raid party with me for the rest of them,” Bladescape replied. “I don’t think we will have a problem.”

Argo obviously had more questions she wanted to ask, but she turned and headed down the steps instead. Breakfast was ready and Bladescape was going to be needing her full attention for the day. She didn’t need to worry about Argo.

Breakfast was buffet style to speed things up. The open seat was the table that had the other councilors at it. All of them were in very formal and traditional Japanese clothing. Geigi Clan brought different ideas with them about how to treat those above you, like them sitting at a special table. It would take time to adjust to some of those differences. Argo followed Bladescape. There was room for both of them, and Argo was a high profile guest.

“What has you here?” Astro asked.

“I sold you the info for this place,” Argo replied. “I wanted to check it out.”

“At 2 am?” Astro pushed with a sly grin.

Argo rolled her eyes. “I didn’t expect to get caught. Crashing on the couch was the wisest choice from where I was at.”

“It is a pleasure to have you,” Lobelia said. “I know you are highly esteemed by the Wondercolts.”

“We have a great relationship,” Argo replied. “I may have clued them, I mean you, you all are Wondercolts. I may have clued you into this place, but you guys cleared it and then had the cash to buy it.”

“Clearing it was interesting,” Backbreaker admitted. “We almost lost Doombunny to the giant death flower praying mantises.”

“Lessa was the only one who avoided the last attack of the Queen Flash Bee,” Bladescape added. “And she scored the LAB from it.”

“Was it worth it?” Kamishi asked.

“It is a much better longsword than what she was using,” Bladescape replied.

Kiefer and Lessa approached the head table. “We are going to head out. No teleporting till 9, but that is in 15 minutes.”

Bladescape wiped her mouth on a napkin and stood up. “I need to make final preparations. Me, my mind, preparations that is.”

“I’ll hang out with BB,” Argo said. “The silent observer. At least for a bit."

“Okay,” Backbreaker shrugged. “That typically is my role on the Council.”

“But when you speak, it is with authority,” Bladescape said. “We know that if we got you to talk, it is important.”

Argo leaned back in the chair as Bladescape left and let out a big, content sigh. “Today is going to be fun.”

Bladescape (SS): Lvl 83 – Two-Handed SwordSearchWeapon DefenseLeather Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Sprint – Acrobatics – Blade Throwing – Extended Weight Carry - Greatsword
Thunderborne (RBD): Lvl 75 – RapierSprintAcrobaticsArmor Pierce – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Leather Armor – Weapon Defense – Extended Weight Carry – Search
Backbreaker (AJ): Lvl 78 – Heavy ShieldOne-Handed War HammerExtended Weight CarryHeavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Fishing – Search – Martial Arts – Acrobatics
AFCK(PP): Lvl 75 – Two-Handed AxeParryCookingWeapon DefenseMartial Arts – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Thrown Weapon – Musical Instrument
Diemond (R): Lvl 75 – Heavy Shield – Mace – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Heavy Metal Armor – TailoringLight Metal Armor ForgingHeavy Metal Armor Forging – Jewelry Making – Extended Weight Carry
Doombunny (FS): Lvl 78 – One-Handed Dagger – First Aid – HideSearchListening – Battle Regeneration – Fighting Spirit – Familiar Communication (Colorra) – Drug Mixing – Reveal -- Fencing
Astro (PS): Lvl 75 – Two-Handed Spear - Purchase Negotiation – Armor Pierce – Acrobatics – First Aid – Light Metal Armor – Battle Regeneration – Weapon Defense – Parry – Extended Wight Carry
Kiefer: Lvl 73 – One-Handed Curved Blade – Parry – Weapon Defense – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Light Metal Armor – Slash Weapon Forging – Katana – Martial Arts - Search - Armor Pierce
Lessa: Lvl 72 – One-Handed Sword – Shield – Light Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Equipment Repair – Metal Equipment Repairing – Armor Pierce – Search - Acrobatics
Joltron: Lvl 75 – One handed Axe – Heavy Shield – Heavy Metal Armor – First Aid – Battle Regeneration – Metal Refining – Cooking – One Handed Weapon Creation – Two Handed Weapon Creation – Extended Weight Carry

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