• Published 8th Aug 2012
  • 28,352 Views, 1,780 Comments

Dark Wanderings - ed2481

Twilight journeys to the Capital Wasteland

  • ...

Day 2 Part 3

Day 2 part 3

The Courier awoke to the feeling of a wave of warm water hitting her in the face. She sputtered and tried to wipe her eyes but found that her arms were bound to a log, as were her legs. As she returned to consciousness she noticed that she was submerged up to her neck in water. She groaned slightly (her head felt like there were a dozen deathclaws trying to cut their way out of it while a legionary laughed in the background.)

“Oh you’re awake.” A male voice said from behind her.

“Where are we?” She asked her head clearing immediately as she sensed the fact that she wasn’t alone.

“Oh you know, tumbling downriver together tied to a log.” The voice answered.

“Should I know you?” The Courier asked with a slight sigh.

“Na, I just got into town.” The voice replied simply.

“Well then I’m Cassandra Shepard, call me Cassie.” The Courier replied as she felt around for a way to get out of her bonds.

“Cool, I’m Ethan Smith it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The voice told her (for all the world he sounded like he was shaking her hand, as if they were meeting under normal circumstances. Cassie decided that she liked Ethan)

“It’s nice to meet someone who’s as calm about this kind of thing as I am.” Cassie said and Ethan barked a laugh.

“You know I was just thinking that.” Ethan replied then their log hit a rock.

“So how’d you end up tied to a log?” Cassie asked after they’d recovered from the shockwave.

“Well you see I was heading towards Vegas with plans to meet the new boss, and I got stopped by some tribals who somehow managed to drug me.” Ethan told her with a shrug.

“I’ve got good news for you then Ethan; I’m the Courier, the big boss of New Vegas.” Cassie told him with a chuckle.

“Awesome, uh oh.” Ethan said

“Don’t tell me, we’re about to go over a huge waterfall.” Cassie said deadpanly.

“Yep.” Ethan replied in the same tone that Cassie had used.

“Sharp rocks at the bottom?” Cassie asked with a slight sigh.

“Most likely.” Ethan replied with chuckle.

“Bring it on.” Cassie said a fierce smile running across her face. Her stomach lurched as they started over the edge of the waterfall.

“This might be a good time to mention that I’m essentially unkillable.” Ethan told her over the noise.

“Join the club!” She shouted back.

“Boooyaaa!” Ethan shouted while they fell.


“And that’s how I met my wife.” Ethan finished with a grin.

“You met your wife tied to a log.” Twilight said archly.

“Yep, we had a blast that week.” Ethan told Twilight with a wide grin.


“You know sister that idea was better in my head.” Luna said as they made their way to the royal baths.

“I think the maids are going to have a conniption fit when they see the muddy carpets.” Celestia agreed with a giggle.

“Ugh my mane feels like I haven’t washed it in ten years.” Luna groaned as she absently stroked her mane.

“At least the stallions seemed to enjoy the show.” Celestia said with a chuckle.

“Oh yes they seemed very interested.” Luna said with a smirk.

“Oh and did you see some of the mares? I’m pretty sure that I saw Spitfire drooling.” Celestia asked with a giggle.

“Both she and Soarin if my memory serves.” Luna replied as they walked into the royal bathing suite.

“What did you two do to yourselves?!” Bubblebath the royal stylist shouted waving his arms melodramatically.

“Well we were having a duel, but then we decided to try mud wrestling.” Celestia told the white stallion with a grin.

“This is so possibly the worst I’ve ever seen you two, and I was there after you fought the dragon!” Bubblebath exclaimed.

“So can you fix it?” Luna asked with a smirk.

“Darlings I can fix anything, although I’m debating just letting you suffer.” Bubblebath said rubbing his chin.

“But Bubblebath if you don’t help us we’ll look like this forever!” Luna cried with a large pout.

“There there Celly we still have each other.” Celestia said as she Luna pulled closer to her with her wings and looked deeply into her sister’s eyes.“We’ll just have to clean each other.” Celestia added with a wink.

“Oh sister I don’t think we could, can you imagine what the press would do?” Luna asked but she leaned her lips closer to her sister’s.

“Alright alright I’ll help, just keep that to yourselves!” Bubblebath said in exasperation.

“Thanks Bubblebath, you know I think you’re one of the few stallions who wouldn’t have wanted that to go farther.” Luna said with a grin.

“Yes I know, now come over to the tubs so I can begin.” Bubblebath said with a grimace.

“You know sister I’m glad we did this today, it’s helped me feel better.” Celestia said giving Luna a smile from where she sat in her tub.

“Anytime sister.” Luna said returning the smile as Bubblebath emptied a bucket of warm water over her head.

“So who won anyways?” Bubblebath asked as he walked over and dumped water on Celestia.

“I think it was a tie.” Luna said with a smirk at Celestia.


The man with the broken nose sat behind his desk and read the report again.

“This could make things messy.” He told the centurion standing in front of his desk.

“We have arranged for something to keep her busy until our operation here is finished.” The centurion said simply.

“Because you have an impeccable track record at that.” The man with the broken nose said adjusting his glasses. The centurion’s face darkened with anger but other than that he remained motionless.

“If your plan fails then you are on your own, the Legion cannot afford to help you.” The centurion said calmly.

“I am well aware of that centurion. When my plan succeeds then the Legion will be the most powerful force in the Capital Wasteland.” The man with the broken nose replied.

“I am glad we understand each other, I will be back in a week to see how your plan is progressing, true to Caesar.”

“True to Caesar.” The man with the broken nose replied as he returned to his plans. It would work, and then he’d have his revenge.


Cassandra brushed a lock of her wild red hair out of her face and looked at the man in front of her with narrowed eyes.

“Benny, get out.” She said simply, three words, three words that simmered with the heat of nuclear blasts. The man in the checkered suit flinched.

“Aw come on baby, it’s not like I deserve to be treated like this.” Benny protested holding up his hands.

“You shot me in the head, then slept with me, then abandoned me to try and get the platinum chip, and then when I saved you from being a legionary’s bitch you ran off without a second glance. Get out.” Cassandra said firmly while she reached into her pocket and withdrew A Light Shining in Darkness. The .45 auto pistol fit comfortingly in her hand as she pointed it at Benny’s head.

“Hey hey hey, I think you’re misunderstanding me chickadee.” Benny protested sweat streaked his face and was ruining his suit.

“What exactly am I misunderstanding here Benny, because I’d love to know?” Cassandra asked as she loaded an incendiary round into the pistol.

“Look just hear me out okay” He said desperately “Please.” He added quietly. Cassandra put the pistol back on the desk and looked into the eyes of the man who’d shot her in the head.

“You have five minutes; if you take longer then I’ll shoot you. If I don’t believe you then I’ll shoot you. If you annoy me I’ll shoot you. Start talking Benny.” She ordered.

“Look I am sorry for what I did to you an-”

“Skip it, clocks ticking.” Cassandra interrupted.

“Anyways I’m here to warn you, something’s up with the Legion, and when I say that I mean they’ve got something really bad planned.” Benny said quietly.

“Why come to me?” Cassandra asked puzzledly.

“Because you killed Caesar, hell you killed at least half of the Legion singlehandedly. Look I know you don’t like me, but whatever they have planned is seriously bad news for everyone.” Benny told her frankly.

“Alright I’m interested, what’s their plan?” Cassandra asked.

“That’s the thing, I can’t figure it out. They seem to be moving in random directions. First they’re seen up north, then to the west, and then to the south, it’s like they’re trying to find something.” Benny told her with a shrug.

“Hmm… Benny if you’re lying to me…” Cassandra said.

“Why would I lie to you chickadee?” Benny asked with a smile.

“Because you’re a snake tongued coward.” Cassandra answered with a small smirk.

“Yes I am, but do you really think I’d come here just to lie to you?” Benny asked.

“Benny I think you’d do whatever was necessary to keep your head attached to your shoulders. Now tell me what the Legion is really up to before I shoot you.” Cassandra said her gun once again filling her hand.

“Okay okay okay I’ll talk! They’re after your husband!” Benny said frantically. “They forced me to send you on a wild goose chase so they could take over the Capital Wasteland; I swear if I hadn’t they would’ve killed me!”

“I believe you, but why would they send you of all people as a messenger? They know I don’t trust you, so the question is; what are they really after?”

“No idea, are you going to kill me?” Benny asked.

“I haven’t decided yet. Yes Man could you take Benny to one of the high security suites, make sure he’s comfortable.” Cassandra asked the robot standing behind her.

“Sure thing boss, I’ll keep him in room 69.” Yes Man replied with his trademark smile.

“Oh and Yes Man, protocol 42.” Cassandra added.

“Answer no questions and tell him nothing, got it boss.” Yes Man said giving her a salute before grabbing Benny by the shoulder and pulling him out of the room.

Cassandra turned her chair around and looked out at Vegas as it spread out below her. Who would’ve believed that three years ago this place had been close to collapse thanks to the influence of the NCR and the Legion? Sure the place still needed a bit of work, but she was well on her way to establishing the city on the map as the dominant power in the entire country. She sighed as her vision strayed across one of the many prostitutes patrolling the strip looking to take some poor idiot’s money. She was going to get rid of them eventually but at the moment she still needed them, and she’d keep on needing them until she found another way for Vegas to draw people in. Until that day the only reason people would come to Vegas were the casinos and the brothels.

And now the Legion were back trying to fuck up everything that she’d done, or they were after her husband. In the case of the latter she almost pitied them, if the former…well people who tried to fuck with her had the oddest habit of appearing wonderglued to lamp posts in the middle of the strip, naked, with their genitalia removed.


“Today was one hell of a day Owyn.” Scribe Reginald Rothchild said as he and Elder Lyons sat across from each other in the Elder’s chambers.

“Indeed, it isn’t every day one meets a talking unicorn.” Lyons agreed taking a sip of his drink (a watered down glass of wine.)

“And learns that we have a whole new war to fight against an army led by an intelligent mutant.” Rothchild added with a frown.

“That too old friend that too.” Lyons said with a matching frown. “What worries me is that we’re being played.”

“You think that Ethan is lying to us?” Rothchild asked narrowing his eyes.

“Hardly, I think that we’re all being played old friend. I don’t know why but I feel as if we’re being led into a trap.” Lyons answered with a grimace.

“Twilight Sparkle is hardly a reason to be concerned, I believe that she is telling the truth. I had a long talk with her and I do not think that there is a dishonest bone in her body.” Rothchild said but Lyons shook his head.

“Not her Reginald. I think that Miss Sparkle is here as either part of a greater plan on our enemy’s part, or she’s an unexpected variable that the enemy will not expect, however I think that it is the former and not the latter.” Lyons said.

“What brought you to this conclusion?” Rothchild asked.

“I stopped believing in coincidence a long time ago Reginald, Twilight Sparkle is here for a reason mark my words.” Lyons said with a sigh. “I only wish that someone as innocent as she is didn’t have to get involved in this, war is a nasty business.”

“This is the Wasteland Owyn, no one is innocent, although I believe that Miss Sparkle is about as close as you can get.” Rothchild said with a sigh.

“I know it old friend believe me I know it.” Lyons said with a deep frown.

“It’s getting late and we have a lot to do tomorrow old friend.” Rothchild said getting up from his seat.

“Pleasant dreams Reginald.” Lyons told his friend as he contemplated another glass of wine.


“The asshole broke my goddamn nose Sarah!” Dusk shouted in Sarah’s face.

“I know that Dusk, that’s why I broke his.” Sarah replied calmly.

“Why the hell do we let that fucking asshat order us around like we’re his personal fucking army Sarah? We were fighting muties twenty years before he came a long and we were doing just fine!” Dusk continued as if she hadn’t heard Sarah.

“Dusk be quite.” Gallows said from where he was sitting at the round table the Pride used to hold meetings.

“Shut up Gallows, I know you have a crush on him!” Dusk shouted at Gallows who regarded her with an unamused expression.

“Why are you taking this so personally Dusk?” Paladin Vargas asked (he was Sarah’s second in command among the Pride)

“Because he doesn’t deserve to be a member of the pride dammit, I had to work my ass off to be here and all he had to do was just walk in with that damn and boom he’s a Pride member!” She retorted angrily.

“I’ll admit his methods are unusual, but he gets things done Dusk.” Vargas said in a tired voice.

“Does anyone want my input on this?” Kodiak asked (he was the Pride’s jack of all traits)

“Shut up Kodiak!” Dusk snapped.

“Fine, ignore me.” Kodiak replied with a shrug.

“All of you shut up, our leader has something to say.” Paladin Glade said his deep voice echoed off the walls and silenced the other members of the Pride.

“Thank you Glade, look Dusk I understand that you have a problem with Ethan. That being said I need to know whether it will interfere with missions, because I can’t have you two arguing in the field.” Sarah told her frankly.

“It won’t be a problem.” Dusk answered although she ground her teeth as she said it.

“Good, I’d say that it’s time to sleep, I’ll see you all here tomorrow bright and early.” Sarah told the Pride who began to file out of the room.

“That went well.” Ethan said unexpectedly from behind her.

“How long have you been standing there?” Sarah asked as she turned around and saw Ethan leaning nonchalantly against the back wall of the room. He was wearing his Chinese stealth armor but he’d unzipped the hood and his face was grinning at Sarah.

“Oh you know, just long enough to hear how much Dusk loves me.” Ethan replied with a grin.

“Ethan don’t you dare start something on purpose.” Sarah told him with a glare.

“Me start something on purpose?” Ethan asked holding his hand against his chest in shock. “I would never start something on purpose Sarah.” He added with a smirk.

“Good otherwise I’ll hold your head in acid.” Sarah replied with a matching smirk.


“So how did your day go Tia?” Discord asked from where he lay next to her on the grass. They were in the same glade as before and the stars reflected off of the pool in distorted ripples as the water from the waterfall splashed down on them.

“Well let’s see, I learned far more than I ever wanted to about bug sex, I read a horrible book about vampires, and I had a mud wrestling match against my sister for the entertainment of the populace.” Celestia said as she dipped her forehoof into the pool.

“I watched the last one, nice form by the way.” Discord told her with a grin.

“Thanks snake.” She replied casually.

“Anytime horse.” Discord replied. They spent the next few minutes in silence listening to the waterfall until Discord broke the silence. “Tia, do you remember that one night under the full moon?” Discord asked her hesitantly.

“Which part, the part where we had mind destroying sex, or the part where my mother found us together and almost killed you?” Celestia asked with a slight smirk.

“I still say that she had no right to treat me like I was some streetrat defiling her perfect daughter. But no, that’s not the right night; I’m talking about the other one.” Discord told her.

“Oh that one…” Celestia said darkly before trailing off into silence. “It comes to mind every once in a while, I try not to think about it.”

“I suspect that the disappearance of Twilight Sparkle may somehow be connected to it.” Discord said and Celestia turned to stare at him.

“No, it can’t be; nothing from that night could possibly be connected to this!” Celestia said angrily.

“I’m just telling you my opinion Tia, now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to become king of the mole people.” Discord said before his incorporeal form sunk into the ground. Celestia put her face between her hooves and moaned; she’d never wanted to think about that particular night again…