• Published 21st May 2019
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Spyro: The Dragon Trio of Avalar - Blackdrag-rose

Spike and Ember grow up alongside Spyro as his siblings, and together they learn what it means to be heroes by protecting their home and taking down the various villains that cross their path.

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Interlude: Stopping the War

Spyro, Spike, and Ember followed Elora as she lead the way to the part of the castle that the guards of Avalar were resting in at the moment, recovering from their various wounds since they had been taken out by Crush and Gulp, even if Ripto had likely made sure to keep them alive so that they would serve him when he took control of this land, something that would never happen at this point. The siblings were sure that the guards would be happy to hear that Ripto had been taken care of and that they could return to their duties, but there was one other thing that they agreed on and that was the fact that none of the guards would like what they were about to tell them, especially since the three of them disliked the notion of war and it was clear that Elora and Hunter disliked the idea as much as they did. Based on what they remembered, from their visits to Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, the ones that would likely be under attack were the Land Blubbers and that they had to be ready for whatever the force of Breezebuilders had brought with them, even if they were sure that the birds didn't have an airship anymore, thanks to what Spike did to their last one. Still, now that the three of them had assisted both sides in some manner, they knew what to do when they got to the battlefield and what to look out for, meaning it shouldn't take them that long to tell the guards what they needed to know and get them ready for the battle they were going to head into, but the true challenge would be locating the leaders of the two factions and getting them to stop.

Their thoughts were interrupted as Elora opened a door that was in front of them and allowed the four of them to walk into a room that they had assumed was the infirmary, since they had been told that was where the guards had been when they asked Elora about them, but instead they found themselves in what seemed to be a training area, one built into the lower parts of the castle while giving the guards a view of Autumn Plains, the part that was on the other side of the stone wall they had seen earlier. The guards in question happened to be standing as tall as Elora and Hunter did, though the ones that were in front of them looked more like humanoid lizards, something that was interesting considering that they had only seen a Faun and a cheetah in the guard, those being Elora and Hunter of course, but they were also slightly different than lizards. Sure, they had scales that weren't as tough as the scales that the siblings had, and none of them had any hair to speak of, though their feet did have three talons and their hands had five fingers, something that interested Spike since they were a new species they had discovered, and all of them seemed pretty strong in their own right, but the thing that interested the siblings was the fact that each of them had tiny wings, about the size of their wings, growing out of their backs. The main guards of Avalar were an interesting bunch, since the siblings weren't expecting to meet anyone like this when they set out to help Elora and Hunter end the war that was raging between two realms, but they knew that time was of the essence and that they needed to focus on the task at claw, otherwise Spike would have started asking questions to make his notes more complete.

As Elora walked up to one of the guards, no doubt to inform him of what was going on, the siblings noticed that there was an even mix between the male and female guards, not that they were all that surprised by that information, but all of them wore metallic armor that would protect them from most of the dangers they would be facing in the near future, no doubt steel armor based on what they had seen so far, meaning they were ready to go once they figured out which realm they were heading to.

"Aeros, how are you and your forces doing?" Elora asked, mostly because she knew that everyone needed to be ready for what was ahead of them, even though it looked like all of the guards that were around them seemed to be ready for some sort of action, but it never hurt to ask one of them how things were going, especially since she knew that Spyro, Spike, and Ember would head out and take down the war on their own if things came to that.

"Good, we're doing good." the lizard, Aeros, replied, though at the same time a number of his fellow guards seemed to stop what they were doing, which was practicing with their weapons, before turning to look at him and the others, even if they did seem surprised to see the siblings standing behind Elora, mostly since they knew that dragons were only mere legends in this land, before he focused on why they were here in the first place, "I have fifty guards, counting myself, that are ready to follow you and Hunter into battle, to bring an end to the war that's apparently plaguing Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, and we're all outfitted with armor and weapons to neutralize the aggressors."

"That's good to know, even if neither of them are really at fault for this, since Moneybags was the one that drove their conflict to the point where it became a war," Elora said, informing the guards as to what the siblings had discovered during their adventure, even if she didn't say anything about them being the ones to reveal this to her, but it seemed that the guards had known that fact ahead of time and nodded their heads in agreement, "but you won't be following either of us into battle, rather you'll be following Spyro, Spike, and Ember's lead when we get to where the battle is happening, since they're the ones that saved Avalar by taking care of Ripto, and they seem to have been trained in the art of battle, or at least one of them is anyway."

"Is that so?" Aeros inquired, where his tone did suggest that he was a little surprised by this turn of events, since all of the guards seemed to be thinking the same thing, before all of them raised their left hands and balled them into fists for a moment, where they rested those fists in front of their chests and bowed towards the siblings, "Spyro, Spike, Ember, we of the Royal Guard would be honored if you lead us into battle, to restore order to Zephyr and Breeze Harbor, especially after hearing how you took down Crush, Gulp, and even Ripto."

"We're happy to meet you guys as well, and to lead you into battle, even if we wish this meeting could have happened under better circumstances." Spyro replied, showing the guards that he and his siblings were happy to finally meet the Royal Guards that Elora had told them about at the beginning of their adventure, even if they knew them as just guards for a long time, before he thought about what they were getting themselves into, which was the moment that Aeros and the others stood up straight as they sensed a change in the conversation, "Now then, depending on which realm the war is taking place in, there are a few objectives we'll need to take out to slow down the Land Blubbers and the Breezebuilders, so they don't hurt each other all that badly to be exact, before we talk sense into their leaders. If the war is happening in Zephyr, like it was when we first arrived in Autumn Plains, than we'll have to hunt down and destroy all of the munitions buildings that the Breezebuilders will have created for their assault, as taking those out will weaken their ability to do any damage to the Land Blubbers. If Hunter says we need to head to Breeze Harbor, well, we'll have to be careful, as there are a number of boilers that need to be deactivated along the way, to take down the defenses that would hurt the attacking Land Blubbers, but we don't have to worry about them having an airship, especially after what happened to the last one they had been in the process of launching."

"Right, I heard one of them mention that the sky fell down on them," Elora commented, where the siblings knew that such a thing made sense, mostly since the residents of the realms gained information from her and likely told her what the three of them did in each realm they helped out, though thanks to what Spike did, by hiding them for a few moments, none of the Breezebuilders knew what really happened to their airship, "as in a bolt of lightning, or something that looked like it, tore itself out of the sky and struck the airship, blowing it to pieces when no one was on it... they were shocked by that turn of events, but, based on what you wrote down, it was for the best."

"Considering the fact that the airship was carrying bombs to lay waste to Zephyr, yeah, I would say that it was a good thing it was taken out," Ember said, though she had to admit that it was a good thing Spike had known the spell that had blown the airship to pieces, taking out one of the weapons the Breezebuilders had been preparing for the war, before she thought of something else to tell the guards, "but its like Spyro said, if we go to Zephyr we need to take out the munitions that are scattered all over the place, while if its Breeze Harbor we need to take care of the boilers and the various pieces of machinery that might be connected to their defenses. Other than that we need to knock out anyone we come across while we're exploring whatever realm the war is taking place in, as in subdue them and potentially arrest some of them, and keep an eye out for the leaders of the two factions, as getting them to stop fighting is important, because if they stop the rest of their forces will stop once an announcement is made."

Aeros and the other Royal Guards glanced at each other for a few moments, clearly thinking about what the siblings had told them and what Elora had said earlier, before nodding their heads in agreement, showing that they understood what they would be doing when Hunter came and told them which realm the war was taking place in, meaning all they had to do now was wait for their friend to return. As such the guards gathered their gear and made sure their weapons, which was swords, axes, spears, and a number of other weapons that Ember had seen the Peace Keepers use all the time, were prepared for the battle that they were about to charge into, even though they would be subduing the soldiers of the two forces. Spyro, Spike, and Ember, on the other claw, didn't need weapons or armor, not when each of them had their own items that would help them out, but that didn't stop Ember from making sure the weapons were up to the standards she had learned about, leaving her brothers to wait and see what happened when Hunter finally arrived, who was likely to go into battle using his bow and nothing else. Elora, however, seemed to be a little lost on what she should do right now, as she glanced at the various weapons for a time and seemed to be thinking if she should join them, but Spike knew she would stay back and watch, as she definitely didn't have the combat experience that they had, or the experience that the Royal Guards had, and knew that she would come to that decision on her own before Hunter returned. Of course this did mean the siblings had to do the one thing they didn't like to do all that much, waiting for something to happen, but they sat near the entrance to the area they were in and kept an eye out for Hunter, as the moment he arrived things were going to change rather suddenly.

It wasn't long before Spike felt a shift in the air and turned his head towards the passage they had walked through to get to the barracks, as that was the area they were in, which was followed by Hunter coming to a stop as he reached the room everyone was gathered in, which meant that he must have located where the war was taking place and that he knew which portal they had to go through.

"Hunter, what did you see?" Elora asked, because now that Hunter was back it was time for them to spring into action and bring an end to the war that was raging between two realms, something that was bound to happen now that they had Spyro, Spike, and Ember on their side once more, a blessing that she really thought wasn't going to occur until they came and told her they were helping them out, "Which realm is under attack?"

"Its Zephyr... the Breezebuilders are sending far more than what they sent when Spyro and his siblings gave the Land Blubbers their aid," Hunter replied, showing the siblings that he must have read the part of Spike's notes about the realm in question and had come back with some interesting information, while at the same time Aeros and the other members of the Royal Guard readied themselves for the fight of their lives, "I don't know if something happened and made the war escalate to this point, but it really seems like the Breezebuilders are trying to wipe out the Land Blubbers and put an end to the rivalry that's between them."

"Then we'll have to head to Zephyr and weaken them to the point where we can find the leaders of both factions, so we can put an end to this." Spyro remarked, to which everyone glanced towards him and his siblings for a moment, as they seemed to be eager to hear what he had to tell them, even though he was already heading for the passage that would take them outside the castle and allow them to head to their destination, "Remember, we're going to knock out and subdue anyone that stands in our way, as well as wipe out all of the various munitions that the Breezebuilders have brought to give themselves an edge against the Land Blubbers, but our goal is to locate the leaders and convince them to bring this war to an end. Now, whose ready to stop a war?!"

Aeros and the other members of the Royal Guard cheered, showing that they understood what Spyro and his siblings were asking of them, before the siblings rushed down the passage that was in front of them and were followed by the rest of their group, and that included both Elora and Hunter, even if there was the possibility that they would stay back and watch the fight that would unfold once they arrived in Zephyr. It didn't take them all that long to reach the area that served as the castle's entrance, where Spyro and his siblings glided through the air as they headed towards their destination, where the rest of the guards quickly jumped down the set of ladders, instead of using them, and quickly caught up to the siblings, who smiled once they landed on the ground and kept moving. From there it only took them a moment or two to reach the area the portal to Zephyr was located in, where Spyro, Spike, and Ember rushed through it first, mostly so they could see what was happening on the other side and ready their forces for whatever they discovered, even though all three of them were sure they were going to see signs of war upon their arrival. When the three of them appeared in the starting area for this realm, the same one they had appeared in the first time they came to help the Land Blubbers out in their fight against the Breezebuilders, it didn't take them long to discover that there was a lot of smoke in the air and the sounds of war raging off in the distance, though unlike the last time there was no one to greet them and, interestingly enough, there was a blown up section that formed a walkway to section of the realm they hadn't been to yet.

Based on the flames that seemed to be in a good portion of the area, and the familiar sounds that none of them liked to hear, the siblings could tell, without even seeing the battle itself, that the Breezebuilders were winning and that they had to be gaining ground as the minutes ticked by, meaning that if they didn't act soon the Land Blubbers were going to be routed and Zephyr was going to fall, before Spyro glanced back and found that their allies had joined them.

"So, this is the war that has been raging since Ripto's arrival," Aeros commented, his tone revealing that he was sad to see such a thing happening to one of the realms he was sworn to watch over, even if he couldn't thanks to Ripto's arrival with Crush and Gulp, and that he was outraged to even witness what was going on at the moment, something that was reflected in the faces of his fellow Royal Guards, especially Hunter and Elora, "Okay men, you heard what Spyro and his siblings told us earlier, so my orders will be the same as what they said: subdue all enemies you come across, destroy any munitions buildings that you find, and locate the leaders of these two forces, so we can put an end to this war before either side really gets hurt from what's happening."

Spyro, Spike, and Ember glanced at each other for a few seconds, as it was a little late to hope that neither side had been hurt from this war, but instead of saying anything they rushed towards the new path that had opened up, thanks to what the Breezebuilders did, and found that it lead them to a rather large plains that seemed to rest between the edge of this realm and the edge of Breeze Harbor, but that was before they noticed what Hunter had said earlier. It was clear that the Land Blubbers were in danger, as the Breezebuilders had brought with them everything that might be an advantage, as in they modified their cannons to be moveable, meaning they could move, fire, and then repeat as necessary, there had to be at least ten munitions locations for the birds to use, and there seemed to be at least five to ten times the number of enemies from the last time the siblings came here. Based on what they could see the Land Blubbers were trapped inside what appeared to be the last fortress that they had access to, which meant that had to be where their leader was located, but they were firing missiles in return and were trying their best to hold out, even though it was pretty clear that whatever defenses they had were falling apart one after the other and that they were definitely losing ground. Even the group of Royal Guards noticed that fact, as they did pause for a moment to see what was going on and just what they were getting themselves into, but instead of letting the sight bother them, like some people would be if this was the first time they even laid eyes on something like this, the guards readied themselves for the fight of their lives, while at the same time Spyro, Spike, and Ember started to charge down the hill and head towards the plains, as it was time to end a war.

The Breezebuilders didn't even know what hit them as the siblings charged into the side of their forces and smashed into the first couple of enemies that were directly in front of them, where the birds in question seemed surprised to see that they were under attack from another enemy, where Spyro slammed his horns into one of them, Spike loosed a burst of Arcane Missiles into the air to take out the Falcons that were delivering ammunition to the rest of their forces, and Ember used her hardened tail to smack her target in the face. While they did that the Royal Guards did the same thing, as in they smashed into the side of their enemies and started fighting the Breezebuilders that were trying to harm Zephyr and the Land Blubbers, focusing their efforts on the Pelicans that were armed, because while the siblings had seen these foes without weapons, back when they ran through the harbor, this time they were armed with weapons, like missile launchers and actual bladed weapons. Of course that was before the siblings noticed that some of the Pelicans had a few different weapons, as they had blasters that looked like the ones that the farm animals had been using in their coup in Metropolis, meaning Moneybags must have sold the warmongering birds more weapons before they revealed his evil to Elora, Hunter, and the Professor, leading to his arrest. Hunter, interestingly enough, left the plains for a moment and came back with some of his toys, as in he let Elora climb into the plane they had helped him with and she took to the air, so she could blast the Falcons out of the air and take away some of the ammunition that their foes were using, even if it might be a moot point thanks to some of the more advanced weapons their foes had.

Hunter, despite his earlier cowardice in the face of Ripto and his minions, seemed to have gained the desire to take part of this battle and protect one of the realms he was supposed to be watching over as a member of the Royal Guard, as when he returned he was wearing a lighter version of the armor that Aeros and the others were wearing, and he wasted no time in loosing arrows at his targets, intending on subduing them like the siblings told the rest of their group to do, and that included using some elemental arrows that seemed to be another of the Professor's inventions.

Spyro jumped backwards as one of the Pelicans brought down the head of a spear on top of him, one that was more elegant than what he was expecting to see, though he rolled out of the way as his foe lashed out in his general direction and tried to push him away from the rest of the army, but the Pelican didn't take into account the fact that he had part of Ember's training and knew how to fight. Their little duel came to an end as he slammed his head into his foe's chest, just hard enough to make him fall over and stop moving for a time, as in he knocked him into a state of unconsciousness, but once that happened he rushed back into the forces that they were attacking and found that what they had done was more than enough to convince the Land Blubbers that they were here to help them out. Sure, the Land Blubbers weren't built like the Breezebuilders, due to them being slugs, but that didn't stop any of the soldiers from turning the cannons that were on their fortress on the birds that were attacking them, making sure to fire at locations where none of the Royal Guards were located. Still, despite the Land Blubbers assisting them, instead of hiding in their fortress, Spyro could see that there were more enemies standing in front of them and that it would take some time for them to actually beat the warmongering birds, but they had come to stop this war and such a thing meant getting involved for hours if necessary, as he and his siblings weren't leaving Avalar until this conflict was resolved.

What interested Spike, as he blasted another Pelican in the chest and knocked his foe to the ground, was that there was another ally in their fight to stop the war, as the Professor appeared near the bottom of the walkway that let them get down to the plains they were fighting on, where he brought one of every Powerup Gate to this area and primed each of them so the Royal Guards could make use of them. In that moment Spike noticed that Aeros and some of the others of his kind rushed over to where the Powerup Gates were located and headed through them, granting them a range of abilities to use against the Breezebuilders, letting Spike understand that maybe the gates in question had let him and his siblings use them due to the similarities between Aeros' race and themselves. It was something that had interested him since they first used one of the Powerup Gates, as he had been curious as to how they could have used the gates when there were no dragons in Avalar and it looked like the answer had been given to him, but he turned his thoughts to the battle that was raging around him and blasted another group of Falcons out of the air, which caused him to drop his bombs on his own allies and weakened the rest of the Breezebuilders by a tiny bit. Of course that didn't stop him from using one of the Powerup Gates, as he used the Superfly Gate and took off, allowing him to take to the air and focus on blasting their foes from above, or take on the various Falcons that were trying to drop bombs on his allies and his siblings, even though the munitions buildings were their main target at the moment.

Ember, on the other claw, didn't seem to care about the Powerup Gates and continued to fight her way deeper and deeper into the forces that the Breezebuilders had brought with them, using her hardened scales and the knowledge that the Peace Keepers had imparted to her over the years to lash out at her foes, knocking many of them to the ground in a matter of seconds. Many of the Pelicans tried to stop her, as they swung weapons at her and tried to blast her as she got close to them, where she weaved her way through the incoming attacks and struck down the various enemies that were near her, even though her current objective was to make her way over to one of the munitions buildings so she could take it out, as that would weaken their enemies to some degree. Fortunately it appeared that one of the Pelicans that were near the building she was targeting was using a cannon to fire at their enemies, even though she found it amusing that the Breezebuilders hadn't stood down when they noticed that the Royal Guard had come to stop the war, but that didn't stop her from smacking her target into the ground. Once she did that, and cleared out the area that was around her, she seized control of the cannon and turned it on the rest of the Breezebuilders, blasting a number of the birds from behind, much to their surprise, before she turned the cannon on the munitions building that was her main target and blew the entire thing to pieces, showing the Royal Guards that such a thing was possible and that they had to stay determined so they could do the same thing she just did.

With one of the munitions buildings destroyed, and reduced to a burning wreckage on the battlefield, Ember moved from where she was standing and continued to smash her way through the enemies that were in front of her, as she was planning on breaking the couple of structures that were further away from the rest of the Royal Guard, so they can focus on what was near them.

What the siblings were discovering, as they fought their way through the enemies that were near them and lead the Royal Guards as they turned the tide against their foes, was that there were a large number of enemies for them to deal with, just like Hunter had told them, but even then, from what they could see, it was like the entirety of Breeze Harbor had emptied out and was trying to take out Zephyr. Basically one of Avalar's realms was trying to take the other out, all due to what Moneybags did to them, and yet against all the odds the Breezebuilders faced, in fighting the Land Blubbers, half of the Royal Guard, and the dragons that had taken out Ripto and his minions, it seemed like they were desperate to burn all of Zephyr to the ground. The, of course, didn't stop Spyro, Spike, or Ember from subduing all of the enemies they fought as they made their way through the army, targeting the munitions buildings that remained, though they were thankful that Spike had blown away the airship that the birds had been preparing for war, as that did drastically reduce what their foes were able to do to this land. It was still hard to imagine that all of this fighting was over Juliet, the peaceful Breezebuilder that had fallen in love with Romeo, one of the Land Blubbers, even if Moneybags had stretched the truth to make this war happen in the first place, and the siblings knew that trying to tell the birds the truth wasn't going to work, as the Pelican they had told that information to earlier had ignored them and followed his orders, hence why they told the guards to find and subdue the leader, to put an end to this madness.

As Spyro and his siblings thought about that, despite the different areas they were in, they spotted a bird that was just a little taller than all of the others, who seemed to resemble Juliet based on how his legs and body looked, though instead of guns, like a good number of his soldiers seemed to be carrying, he had opted to put a bracer of some kind on his legs and attach metal tonfa to them, which had blades instead of the pipe shaped weapons, which meant he could do some real damage if he lashed out at someone with his legs.

"So, Lord Capulet is here as well," a voice said, to which Spyro quickly turned his gaze away from the Breezebuilder he had been looking at and found that one of the Royal Guard, Aeros to be exact, was now standing near him, with markings on his armor to show that he had been hit a few times since they joined the battle, before he glanced at the fort that was where the Land Blubbers were trying to hold, "I wonder if Lord Montague will show himself as well."

The moment Aeros made that comment the fort's front door opened and a large Land Blubber, one that was taller than the rest of his kind and easily stood at three-fourths Lord Capulet's height, moved out of the fort and stared at his foe for a moment, allowing Spyro to see that he was wearing armor as well and was carrying a large broadsword in one of his hands, indicating that he was ready to fight. It seemed that having both of the Lords on the field inspired both of their armies, especially since the rest of the Land Blubbers seemed to abandon their fort and charge into battle, allowing their leader to make his way over to where Lord Capulet was standing, even though the Breezebuilder in question also started to move as well, so they could meet each other in the middle of the battlefield. The moment the two Lords neared each other they instantly lashed out at their foe, as in Lord Montague raised his broadsword to defend himself against the fierce barrage that Lord Capulet sent his way, before retaliating with his own attacks, the display revealing that, despite the sheer difference in the power of their armies, that the two Lords were nearly equal in personal power and skill, especially since it looked like Lord Montague could move with ease, despite the body he was born with. The downside to the pair fighting was that it caused the rest of the Breezebuilders to rally and continue their assault, even though it was clear that, despite the numbers they possessed, they didn't stand a chance against the siblings and the Royal Guard, especially with Elora and Hunter getting in on the action in their own ways.

"Great, we know where the leaders are, but we'll be hard pressed to get to them," Spyro commented, because he did know that it would take some time for one of them to reach the dueling Lords and get the pair of them to stop this rather pointless war, even with the Powerup Gates, before he glanced around the area to make sure the rest of the munitions buildings were falling, thanks to Ember's hard work, "At least we're turning the tide of this battle..."

One of the Land Blubbers shouted something and caused the siblings to glance in the direction he was pointing in, as he seemed to be interested in the sky, before their eyes widened as an airship, almost identical to the one that Spike had blown up back in Breeze Harbor, descended from wherever it was hiding and started to fire upon the enemy forces, even though the siblings knew it had bombs aboard it, which would be released when the ship got closer to where the battle was taking place. The highest point around here happened to be the fort that the Land Blubbers had been guarding, but now that they were out on the field, backing Lord Montague, Spike used the last bit of his Superfly ability and reached the highest point of the fort, where he landed and then braced himself as he tapped into his magic again, because if their foes were going to bring in an airship, one with bombs to tear the land apart, he was going to respond with an appropriate spell to end it. Aeros and the other Royal Guards seemed confused as to what was going on, since they had no idea what Spike was actually capable of, and their confusion only increased when the skies turned into storm clouds and thunder started to fill the area, which caused Elora to fly Hunter's plane down to the ground so she wouldn't get caught in whatever was happening, though they were the only ones that seemed to be worried since the two forces seemed to be ignoring the rather sudden change in the weather. In fact the two forces and their Lords didn't seem to care much for the weather, but when the rain and lightning arrived, however, they seemed to stop what they were doing as they watched a strange storm form in the area they were fighting in, even though many quickly found that Spike was the one that had created it and that he had a purpose for doing so.

Fortunately it appeared that there were no Breezebuilders on the airship, meaning it was likely remote controlled in some manner, but that piece of information didn't stop Spike from summoning the powerful bolt of lightning that was shaped like a serpent, where his creation roared, a sound that filled the entire area, and then tore itself out of the sky as it crashed into the airship, blowing it to pieces, just like the last one, much to the shock and surprise of everyone that had witnessed the event happen. Even Elora and Hunter were surprised by this turn of events, even if Spike exhausted himself in the process, but what shocked them was that most of the Breezebuilders continued to fight, despite the fact that they had no way to guard against that level of magical power, which was when Spyro abandoned his current foe and started to make his way towards the Lords that were still fighting. He had been right in labeling them as the targets, because if they continued to fight, despite what just happened to that airship, which was now a flaming wreckage off in the distance, that only made their forces continue this pointless war, meaning he had to convince the Lords to stop fighting and have them tell their armies to stop, otherwise this was going to keep going until one side admitted defeat and was wiped out, since that seemed to be the way things were progressing. Ember, on the other claw, continued to smack and bash her way through the enemies that she was fighting, making sure to subdue each of them in the process, but since they were in two different areas she couldn't help Spyro out, who eventually found that he would have to settle for standing on a rock and seeing if his voice could reach his targets.

Spyro came to a stop on the rock for a moment and braced himself, because if this failed, and the Lords continued to fight, it would be some time before they managed to put an end to the battle, regardless of who won, which was why he was determined to bring this war to an end by targeting the pair that was fighting at the moment, just like his siblings were trying to do in their own ways.

"Everyone, stop fighting!" Spyro shouted, though even as he said that, hoping to get some attention from the pair of Lords that were some distance from him, he found that the noise of the battle was preventing what he was saying from reaching anyone, to which he focused his mind for a moment, took a deep breath, and then shouted again, this time with everything that he had, "I. Said. STOP FIGHTING!!!"

Spike and Ember watched as what appeared to be a shockwave of some kind, like a phantom wave that didn't hurt anyone that it passed through, seemed to emit from where their brother was standing, projecting his voice and what he was saying to everyone on the battlefield, causing everyone to pause for a few moments as their bodies shook, almost like Spyro had poured his magical energies into what he was doing. That was followed by some of the weak-willed members of both the Breezebuilders and the Land Blubbers falling over and hitting the ground, like they had been knocked out by a powerful source of power, and after a few seconds things returned to normal as everyone turned towards Spyro in shock and surprise, before both of the Lords stopped what they were doing and lowered their weapons, something that both of their armies did once they noticed what was happening. Spike understood what was going on instantly, just like he was sure that Ember had figured it out as well, as Spyro had just used the Voice of a Leader, a technique that allowed the user to exert their willpower over those that were around them, to the point that those that were weak-willed got knocked out by the sheer power that the user possessed, and if a command was added to the ability, like Spyro had done, there was a good chance of it working. This was an incredibly rare power, even among dragons, one that only manifested every now and then and would require a great deal of training to master, but Spike knew that none of the other dragons had access to this sort of power, as the last user of this power was around two hundred years ago, Titan's predecessor to be exact, and the Peace Keepers called it by another name, Conqueror's Spirit, since they were the ones that generally had someone manifest such an ability.

Regardless of the rarity of the ability, based on what Spike knew from his studies, the awakening of the power had a rather good effect, as it brought an end to the war in its entirety and caused the two factions to stop what they were doing at the moment, to which both Spike and Ember smiled as Spyro tilted his head in confusion for a moment, as now they could talk some sense into the two Lords and make sure such a thing never happened again in the future.

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