• Published 23rd Nov 2012
  • 11,636 Views, 288 Comments

Your Beutifull - theswimminbrony

Twilight starts receiving mysterious letters. Who is behind this tomfoolery?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Cutie Cakes

Spike was not a happy dragon.

All he had wanted was to have a perfectly lazy Tuesday afternoon. Tuesdays were almost always the easiest days of the week for him, since Twilight was usually off spending time with her friends and thinking about what she had learned about friendship over the course of the past week. He had had his perfect day off all planned out: he would start with a simple nap to catch up on some much-needed sleep, eat some of the succulent gems he had been saving up, read the latest Daring Do and talk with Rainbow Dash about how incredibly cool it was, nap again, and top it all off with a visit to Rarity's, where he would surely win her heart over with his charm and quick wit. Was that really too much to ask for?

Apparently, to his best friend, it was.

Normally, he would be all for helping out Twilight with whatever needed doing. It was his job, after all, and as he knew, work always came before pleasure. But ever since that love letter from Tartarus made its way into Twilight's hooves, he had felt more like Twilight’s prisoner than an assistant.

With a flick of the wrist and a wince, he finished the next flyer and handed it off to his jailer.

"Thanks, Spike," Twilight said, more by force of habit than anything else. "That's fifty-seven flyers already! Keep up the good work."

"But Twilight," Spike whined, "don't you think that's enough? I think I'm building up a serious writer's cramp over here." He twisted his wrist and his joints gave a satisfying crack. "Besides, we've already covered most of Ponyville with these stupid flyers already. Can't we just go home?"

"Exactly. Most of Ponyville," Twilight emphasized as she finished pasting the latest flyer to a nearby house. "We've still got a little bit more to go before we've covered every optimal position in town. Now, come on, Spike. One more flyer couldn't possibly hurt."

Spike ground his teeth together as another piece of paper was thrust into his claws. If only he were a little older... "How much farther to we have to go, anyways?"

"We're almost finished, I promise," Twilight said sincerely, chuckling to herself. "You know, with that attitude you've got going right about now, I think where we're headed might be the perfect place to be."

"Home?" Spike grumbled.

Twilight frowned. "Home will come soon enough, Spike. Trust me. This is our last stop, but it'll be an important one."

"And where exactly would that be?" Spike asked with false curiosity, his eyes still focused on the paper in front of him.

"Right here!" Twilight declared, swinging the door wide to their next destination. "Spike, welcome to Sugarcube Cor..." In an incidence that would surely go down in Ponyville's own history books, Twilight Sparkle was left speechless. The Sugarcube Corner she had expected to see was nowhere to be found, a chaotic mess taking its place. Dozens of tables had been overturned, with chairs scattered every which way across the room. Napkins rained slowly and steadily throughout the wreckage, covering the floor in a blanket of white.

"... ner."

"Twilight, what are you—" Spike began before his face froze in the same expression of terror as his companion's. "Twilight?"

"Yes, Spike?"

"What exactly happened here?"

"You know what, Spike? I have no idea." Twilight swiveled her head every which way, still stunned by the positively monumental amount of destruction that decorated the bakery. "I mean, Pinkie Pie is hardly the tidiest mare we know, and I'm sure the twins don't help with the cleanliness around here. But this? This is just..."

"A disaster," Spike finished. "Twilight, help. I can't look away."

"Quit being ridiculous and help me find Pinkie," Twilight commanded. "The sooner we find her and talk to her, the sooner we can go home." As she regained her senses, the muffled sound of whispering caught her ear. She turned to the source, hoping to find Pinkie Pie along with it. Sure enough, a puffy pink tail was protruding out from behind the bakery's counter. "Pinkie Pie? Is that you?"

In a flurry of motion that only a pony named Pinkie Pie could possibly perform, the tail's owner dashed between Twilight Sparkle and Spike, putting her forelegs around their shoulders and pulling them close in the infamous Pinkie Pie Chokehold.

"Twilight! And Spike!" she squealed. "How oh-so-very nice of you to come visit! And on such a short notice, too!"

"Uh, yeah. Good to see you too, Pinkie," Twilight said. It was strange, she thought. Pinkie had never complained about the two of them dropping in uninvited before. Heck, Twilight even thought she preferred it that way. She did throw about half a dozen surprise parties every week, after all. "Say, were you... talking to somepony back there? Behind the counter?"

In a motion just as swift as the previous, Pinkie sped back over to the counter, leaving Twilight and Spike in the dust. "Nnnnopers!" Pinkie responded, an abnormally large grin on her face. "No ponies back here! Just yours truly, holding down the fort before closing time."

"But, Pinkie," Twilight insisted. "I specifically heard you whispering to somepony when I walked in here." She raised an eyebrow. "Is there someone... hiding back there?"

Twilight craned her neck around the corner to get a peek, but Pinkie moved her head to block the view. "Nope, that was just Gummy. Not anypony else, and definitely not Rainbow Dash! Could you imagine? Rainbow Dash, hiding behind the counter! That would just be silly, now, wouldn't it?"

Twilight wore a quizzical look on her face before she broke out in giggles. "Yeah, I guess it would be. I should have just assumed that you were holding a normal conversation with your alligator, since that makes so much sense."

“You got it, Twilight! Yup, that’s exactly what was happening. And boy, does Gummy like to talk. He can be a real gabby gums sometimes, though. Always spreading gossip and... hey! Maybe that’s where Apple Bloom and the others got the name for their column!”

“I bet you’re right, Pinkie.” Twilight once again surveyed the wreckage around her before turning back to Pinkie Pie, the suspicious grin on the baker’s face returning. "So, Pinkie... what exactly happened here?"

Pinkie Pie looked around the bakery confusedly, as if upside-down tables and napkin flooring was the norm at the Cake household.

"Oh, you mean these?" Pinkie finally replied, gesturing to a tray of cupcakes on display inside the counter. Each was topped with grey frosting and several little dollops of white. "I call them Cutie Cakes! Personalized cupcakes with your own cutie mark on them." She playfully nudged Twilight's ribs, startling the unicorn. "Pretty creative, huh?"

Twilight blinked slowly. "Yes. Very... creative, Pinkie," she admitted. "But what about the mess around here? Aren't things a little out of order?"

Pinkie began to sweat as she frantically looked around the room. "Oh, this? It's nothing. Just a little result of some playtime with the twins. I mean, what did you think happened? Did you think that Rainbow Dash just fell out of the sky and crashed right into everything or something? That's prepostefluous, isn't it, Twilight?"

“You mean ‘preposterous’ or ‘superfluous’,” Twilight corrected. “But in this context, preposterous would be the appropriate word. It means that something is absurd or ridiculous. Superfluous, on the other hoof, means that something is unnecessary. Though I suppose you could call this mess superfluous to an extent...”

“Exactly!” Pinkie Pie popped up behind Twilight’s shoulder. “Prepostefluous! Jeez, and here I thought you were some sort of word wizard or something.”

Twilight let out a deep breath. The cause of the mess was still bothering her, but she decided to let it go for the time being. She obviously wasn’t going to get an answer that made any sort of sense from the earth pony anyways, but that was just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. “Listen, I'm forgetting why I came here in the first place. Do you think you could do a favor for me, Pinkie?"

Pinkie smiled. A more genuine smile, Twilight thought. "Of course, Twilight! You know I'm always up to helping out my friends."

"Thanks, Pinkie. I knew I could count on you." Twilight opened her mouth to tell her tale and caught a scrutinizing glance from Spike in the corner of her eye. One that warned her to not leave out certain details. "So, anyways, I got a letter this morning. And not just any letter! You wouldn't believe it, it was..."

-- -- --

"Is she gone?" Rainbow Dash whispered from her hiding place behind the counter.

"Yup! The coast is clear, Dashie!" Pinkie assured. Rainbow Dash groaned as she untangled herself from her previous position, stretching her limbs and wings out in the process. Pinkie Pie watched Rainbow Dash carefully, unable to shake the feeling that something seemed off about the pegasus. Barging into Sugarcube Corner unannounced and knocking everything over in a crash landing was strange enough, but her insistence to hide her from Twilight was just downright strange.

And it took a lot to make Pinkie Pie think of something as strange.

"What's going on, Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie asked.

"Huh?" Rainbow responded. "Whaddya mean, Pinks? I'm right here. You know, at Sugarcube Corner. With you. That's what's going on."

"Not that. I mean, what's the matter?" Pinkie clarified. "You're acting all tense and kooky. And the Rainbow Dash I know isn't tense or kooky, let alone both at the same time." She held out a chocolate chip cookie to Rainbow Dash. Besides laughter, she knew that sweets were the best medicine, especially for a troubled mind. "You need a cookie, kooky?"

Rainbow didn't even smirk. "No, I don't need a cookie, Pinkie Pie. And don't call me that. Just let me pay for the Cutie Cakes and I'll get out of your mane, alright? I've already caused enough trouble here." She nodded to the mess her crash landing had caused. "I mean, look at this. Not one of my better landings, if I do say so myself."

“Well, no, definitely not. Even I could tell that you were off-balance, trying way too hard to go fast without thinking ahead, and—” Pinkie Pie shook her head and sprinted over to Rainbow Dash, blocking her path. "Hey! No fair! You were just trying to distract me so you could leave!”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Um, what? I just want to get going, Pinkie, that’s all.”

“Well, you’re not going anywhere until I figure out what’s on your mind! What kind of a friend would I be if I just let you leave without trying to make you feel better?”

"There's nothing—"

"And don't try and lie and say that there isn't anything wrong with you!" Pinkie Pie interrupted. "Something's bugging you, Rainbow Dash, and as resident party pony and your best friend, it's my job to make you turn that frown upside down!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and brushed Pinkie Pie aside with nonchalance.

"Come on, Rainbow Dash," Pinkie Pie pleaded. "I just want to help."

Rainbow Dash huffed and closed her eyes in exasperation. If she hadn't known better, she'd have thought Persistence was Pinkie's middle name. Pinkamena Persistence Pie. It was almost enough to make Rainbow Dash crack a smile.


"Pinkie Pie, really, there’s nothing going on that you need to worry about right now," Rainbow stated. "I’m doing fine, alright? And besides, we’re best friends. Don’t you think that if something was up I’d tell you?”

"I... guess so,” Pinkie Pie conceded. She knew Rainbow Dash wasn’t exactly lying, but something about the way she was acting seemed fishy, to say the least. “You said there’s nothing going on that I need to worry about. But there’s still something. Isn’t there, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash threw her forelegs up into the air. “Yup. You got me, Pinkie. There’s definitely something bothering me. And that something is that I still haven’t gotten what I came here to get. So can we please, for the love of all that is good, just get on with the sale already?” A low growl sounded throughout the room. “See? Even my stomach is getting impatient.”

Pinkie Pie crossed her arms. “Alright, Rainbow Dash. If you swear that there’s nothing you need to tell your best friend, then that’s okay, because Celestia knows that best friends don’t keep secrets from each other because best friends are always there to help each other. And since I’m your best friend, and you’re not telling me anything, then everything must be hunky-dory. Right?”

“Exactly!” Rainbow Dash said, relieved. “Alright, now that we’re past that, can we—”

“How could you possibly be okay with keeping a secret from me!” Pinkie exploded. “We tell each other everything, Rainbow Dash! Everything! We know about each others' fears, childhoods, love lives, dreams, interests, and... well, everything else! I mean, I even told you about that one time where I accidentally put sugar in a recipe instead of salt! Sugar, Rainbow Dash! Sure, maybe it wasn’t completely on accident, but that’s beside the point! The point is, we don’t keep things from each other, no matter how big of a mistake or how deep of a secret it is!” Pinkie Pie slammed her hooves on the counter and breathed heavily. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about that. You do remember, don’t you, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. "Of course I remember, Pinkie," she spoke, choosing her words carefully. "But...” A sigh. “Look, this is just different, alright?”

"Different how?"

"It's just different, okay?" Rainbow snapped. "Look, Pinkie, I understand that you care, and I really appreciate that you want to help. I really do. But I’ve gotta do this myself, alright? It’s a little more personal to me.”

“Aha! So there is something you’re hiding!”

“I wouldn’t say I’m hiding anything, Pinkie. It’s more just me trying to be a big pony and take care of my own issues. It’s a pride thing, alright? Kind of like how Applejack likes to do things on her own. She might be able to use a little help, but she doesn’t ask for it because she knows that she can take care of things herself. So just pretend that I’m Applejack, alright?”

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. “But you’re not Applejack. You’re Rainbow Dash!”

“I know. It’s a metaphor.”

“A meta-what?”

“A metaphor. You know, like in books, when... nevermind.”

“Nevermind? Now I’m curious, Applejack!”

“I’m Rainbow Dash.”

“But you said you were—”

“Just forget about Applejack!”

“Forget about her? How could I? She’s one of my best friends!”

“Augh!” Rainbow Dash buried her head in her hooves. “Look, Pinkie, just forget about it. Forget about the metaphor, Applejack, and anything else that might be floating around in your head right now. All I need is for you to give me some space and let me handle this issue myself. Can you please do that for me? As my best friend?”

"But..." Pinkie Pie shook her head. "Of course, Rainbow. I'll do anything for you, you know that."

"Thanks," Rainbow said. "Look, I’m sorry for being such a grouch. Maybe once this has all blown over we can hang out sometime and I can tell you about it sometime. Does that sound good?"

"Only if you Pinkie Promise it!"

"Fine. Cross my heart and whatever."

"You didn't do the motions."

"Don't push it, Pinkie."

"Sorry, sorry." An awkward pause filled the room. Rainbow Dash occupied herself by looking everywhere except at the pony in front of her, while Pinkie did the exact opposite. "So, a dozen Cutie Cakes. Right, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yup. That's it. They've all got Derpy's cutie mark on them, right?"

"Mhm! Just like you asked! But why Derpy's cutie mark? Why not your own?"

"Because they're for Derpy."

"Oh." Pinkie's face fell, but she forced a smile back on. "What'd you go and buy Derpy a bunch of cupcakes for?"

"I owe her. She did something for me, and I'm repaying the favor."

"How nice of you, Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie sang. "So what did Derpy do deserve these dozen delectable delicacies?"

“It was... nothing. Don't worry about it."

Pinkie Pie frowned. "Oh."


There was another long silence as Pinkie Pie began to carefully load a basket with Rainbow Dash's order, cautious to not ruin the design on the frosting. "So how cool is it that Twilight asked me to invite ponies to the Conventions Convention this Friday?"

Small talk. Now she was really reaching, Rainbow Dash thought. "Pretty cool, Pinkie."

"Isn't it though? You heard her: 'nopony's more persuasive than you, Pinkie Pie'! Oh, I'm gonna have loads of fun getting everypony to come this Friday! You're gonna be there, aren't you, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash grimaced. "I dunno, Pinkie. It doesn't really seem like my thing."

"But Twilight's been working really hard on this!" Pinkie insisted. "And remember how she came to watch you fly in Cloudsdale? I'm sure she would love it if you went and supported her this time! I'm sure everypony else will be there, too!"

"Maybe, Pinkie."


"You all done filling up the basket?" Rainbow asked, gesturing to the now-filled container that sat between them.

"Oh!" Pinkie said, forcing a smile once more. "Yeah, I suppose I am. Here you go, Rainbow Dash. This one's on the house."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "You sure? This is a lot of cupcakes, Pinkie. I doubt the Cakes would be very happy with you."

"Positive!" Pinkie declared. "See you later, Dashie! I hope you have a supersplendiferous day!"

"Yeah, you too. Thanks. And Pinkie?"

Pinkie Pie’s ears perked up. “Yes, Rainbow?”

“Thanks for listening to me. I appreciate it.” And with that, Rainbow took the basket in her mouth and left the bakery, taking to the sky in a burst of color.

And then, Pinkie Pie was alone. But while the overturned bakery was like a ghost town, her mind was running a mile a minute. Something was bugging Rainbow Dash, that much was clear. The spunk and playfulness that Pinkie had come to love about that pony had seemed to vanish, leaving a completely different pony in Rainbow Dash's body. A grumpy pony, Pinkie noted.

Pinkie knew what she had to do. She wanted the old Rainbow Dash back, and she was going to get her back, no matter the cost. And to do that, she had to get to the bottom of whatever was bothering her best friend. It would be tough, that much was clear. The only information she had was a hunch that it involved Twilight, Derpy, and the Convention that was coming up on Friday.

Whatever it was, Pinkie was determined to figure it out the best way she knew how: spying, Pinkie Pie style.

Now where did she put her catsuit?

-- -- --

To say that the light rapping on her door came as a surprise to Derpy Hooves would be an understatement. Being the resident mailmare, she never had the delight of receiving an unexpected package, and most ponies that needed to talk to her would simply wait for her to make her rounds to personally deliver their news or requests. Needless to say, visitors to the Hooves household were few and far between. And when there were visitors, they usually weren't friends carrying a basket filled to the brim with cupcakes in her mouth.

"Rainbow Dash?" Derpy said, pleasantly surprised. She brushed a hoof over her disheveled mane, attempting to look more presentable to her lifelong friend. "Not that it isn't good to see you or anything, but... what's the occasion? And what are the cupcakes for?"

Without a word, Rainbow Dash brushed past Derpy and marched into her house.

"Erm... yes, please come in. Make yourself at home," Derpy said politely. She followed Rainbow Dash into her home, a quaint little cottage on the town's edge. Rainbow made her way into the living room and set the cupcakes on the coffee table before pausing in her tracks, stopping Derpy mid-stride behind her. Taking a closer look at the treats, Derpy noticed that they bore a very familiar cutie mark on them.

"Rainbow Dash," Derpy repeated. "It's not that I don't appreciate the visit or your bringing me these treats, but do you mind telling me what—"

In a flash, Rainbow Dash spun around and met Derpy's eyes with a piercing gaze. Derpy froze, startled by her friend's sudden movements. Several seconds passed in silence, neither pegasi knowing exactly what to say next. And then, as quickly as she had advanced on Derpy, Rainbow Dash withdrew, seating herself on a nearby armchair. She rested her head in her hooves, mumbling words too quietly for Derpy to hear.

"R—Rainbow Dash?" Derpy stammered, scrambling for words. She seated herself on one of the chair's arms and began to slowly rub Rainbow's back. She was afraid—not because of Rainbow Dash, but for her. Derpy knew it took a lot to crack Rainbow Dash's outer shell of confidence, and even more to make her outright show her emotions like this. "Hey. You doing alright, buddy?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged her shoulders before speaking in a muffled voice.

“Derpy, we need to talk."

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long to get out. I've been really busy with finals and whatnot lately. Hopefully I'll be back to a somewhat normal update schedule soon.

Also, a huge thanks to DPV111, Admiral Hoofsome, LunaLover1990, and soulwinds for pre-reading! This chapter wouldn't have been nearly as good without your help.