• Published 11th Apr 2018
  • 10,683 Views, 210 Comments

Idol Hooves and The Deathly Tired Princess - KarmaSentinal

Why Idol and Princess Luna weren't present during the wedding invasion.

  • ...

Do you think this is a game?

Author's Note:

Once more, HUGE credit to Airy Words for the amazing proofreading!

Midnight Glider moved swiftly under the undergrowth under the forest canopy, adjusting her path now and then to avoid the few stray beams of moonlight that seeped through. Keeping to the shadows, she concealed her slow advancement from the prying eyes of every-being crazy enough to be wondering the forest so late.

Her plated armor clinked and clanked as she moved through the trees but thankfully her guard issued padding lived up to its reputation and not only soften the noise but kept the armor from rubbing against her body.

The ash-colored mare wanted to stop and rest her creacking hooves for a minute, an hour at the most but that couldn't happen. They were likely still following her even if Midnight couldn't hear them-they were likely behind her close enough to touch her tail.

There would be no stopping to rest, only more trudging through the forest looking for the faintest hope that all is not lost.

One of the harshest lessons Midnight Glider was still learning was that being the last of your order meant a colossal undertaking fell on her whiters alone. Additionally, she had to ensure not only The Order's continued existence, but that all its previous endeavors and obligations would continue to be met.These tasks were greater than one tired mare being vigorously hunted could accomplish in a timely manner.

In her head, Midnight revisted whether or not to do the sensible thing and dive into the shadows for a time. Should she hide and take on some apprentices to rebuild her order, or go all in and seek the revenge she so desperately wanted?

If she could survive this moment then she could possibly have both... yes.. both. Get her revenge now and then rebuild later. Yep, that's what she would do.

Just as she made up her mind, branches snapping off in the distance gave the pale mare pause. Her eyes did little for her in the pale moonlight, forcing Midnight to rely on the not torn ear. The single ear swiveled carefully(while the bad one flare painfully) trying to pinpoint where exactly that sound had come from?

The longer her eyes scanned the trees, the longer she remained rooted in place. This wasted time that could have been used to further distance herself from any potential pursuers or dangers lurking within the forest, but by stopping Midnight Glider had effectively allowed the unseen to catch up.

Midnight had taken one step when something hard impacted armor just above her right fore-leg, sending the mare collapsing to the ground. The pain and shock quickly left her when the roaring battle cries and rattling of armored plates muffled by cloth came bursting from the shadows drowned all senses. Blistering pain from her torn ear kept her mind lit with activity while warming trickle running down her leg alerted the mare that the moment to run was over and action was needed.

The soft ground gave way to the desperate clawing of her hooves before finally holding to allow the mare the few seconds needed to pick herself up. Drawing the broken blade her Order treasured above all else, Midnight raised it as the first pony reach her, the sharp screeching of blades leaving their scabbards signalling the battle had started.

The pony had some strength judging by the power behind the blade, forcing Midnight to backpedal to save her balance. Yet, before she could summon the strength to push back, a second pony, clad in a similar tanned robe burst through the trees next to them to take advantage of her distraction.

The tactic almost worked, much to Midnight's embarrassment. Almost worked.

In a rare (personal) admittance of defeat, Midnight broke her current engagement in an effort to back off and take a better stance. Backing off so she could fully see her two opponents, she couldn't help but feel unease as the two ponies watched her beneath their hoods.

Their robes did their job concealing their features leaving only their outlines to suggest there was a pony wearing the robe- even then one or both could be a small griffon. Up against two (maybe more), Midnight shifted her stance a bit lower to feign that she was readying an attack.

In away she did attack. A simple charge to draw them forward to meet her and then a jump over them using her pegasus magic to gain extra air. Once she landed, it was an all-out sprint into the woods where she could lose them.

“And...now!” Midnight told herself, ducking to the left just missing the energy blast intended for her.

Stealing a glance back the tired pegasus confirmed her two pursuers were still behind, and slowly gaining.

Midnight cursed the Lying Sun and her followers briefly as her shambling body finally collapsed…

"Another! We roll our save, Master Weaver Idol."

I looked up from the sheet that held my notes to meet the demanding gaze of my sovereign and charge, Princess Luna. I could not look away as her eyes demanded more so than pleaded the previous question. I forced myself to resist their demands and looked away, feigning interest on the ticking timepiece Princess Luna seemed adamant to keep.

We had been playing Spiders and Catacombs for roughly 5 hours, and night was quickly approaching. Meaning, we would have to wrap our game up quickly if Princess Luna was to take over Court from Princess Celestia.

"Idol." Luna chimed again.

Looking down to check the copy that held Luna's character stats, my eyes found the corner marked 'Will Saves' to find the 2 points long since spent and replaced with ∞. I had (in vain) tried to explain the rules as stated in the book, but a last I can’t go against the demands of her majesty, and if she wishes endless saves then so be it.

"Roll the die." I finally said, watching how her magic grabbed a bit turned(which was roleplaying as our die) and flung it at the table.

The bit hit the table with enough force to lodge it into the very wood leaving Celestia's sun exposed-Princess Luna's face wilted at the sight. Luna didn’t say anything, but her body displayed subtle gestures: wilted ears, stiff wings ready to fan out and bolt at the first sign of trouble, and a somewhat annoying tapping of her fore hooves on the table.

“Pray tell Master Weaver, what is our fate?”

Looking down at my notes, I found the little drawing of a single bit and what each side meant-Sun= bad, Moon= good. I studied this crude drawing before passing judgement.

“Ill omens are to bewitch your future, Your Highness. I’m sorry.”

“We see.” Luna’s wings sagged in conjunction with her mood “Spin us thy fate Weaver of All, and let us reap what is due.”

“You still collapsed. The physical toll, coupled with your many wounds have taken effect and you’re unable stand anymore.” I started, gauging the emotions brushing against mine before continuing with the story of her fate.

“The drive to stand and press on consumes your every thought as the recent destruction of your Order and self-imposed mission urge you on. Sadly, you can’t ignore the burning anger of your muscles as they voice their stock defiance.”

“Truly our tale is at an end.” Luna commented.

“All because an unusually large and misplaced igneous rock took a rest in your path.” the moment I finished, the fur along my spine started to rise. Somehow, I had done something wrong and the very world was warning me.

This feeling proved itself true as, to my horror, the ends of Princess Luna’s star-patterned mane began flickering on and off. I gulped as I continued to witness a subtle changes to the mane that evelops her, leaving me suspecting I may be the cause of these changes.

“An igneous rock?” I gulped again before answering.

“You didn’t pick the Nature (Geology) skill, and couldn’t identify the rock type.” Did the temperature drop a bit? Suddenly, I wasn’t feeling the urge to play our game anymore.

The princess’ body tightened fiercely to the point I wondered if the muscles might pop the skin. Thank Order I didn’t find out as her posture relaxed back into the chair, and I was able to breathe once more.

“Fair enough. One can’t knowest every detail of life, especially a former town watch turned grand master of a dead order. T’was a good run.”

I found myself nodding, more from delight that Princess Luna found logic in my reasoning and didn’t feel the need to make her displeasure known. Still, I best tread carefully.

I started gathering the scattered parchments we had used as maps and Luna’s character dossier to neatly set them aside. Night was approaching and I didn’t want to leave a mess. Luna watched but said nothing; instead she sought out the bit we had been using as a die.

With it firmly in her magic, Princess Luna hovered the lonely bit high enough to be eye level with me, rotating it until I had seen each side at least once before.

“Are you familiar with the Bit Idol?” Luna asked before bringing said bit closer for her own inspection. I caught the faint whiff of longing before stopping such a violation of privacy, but the way her eyes reflected in the candlelight sung a similar tune.

I couldn’t help but stare into those orbs I have come to known over the last two years, and tonight they were the brightest I’ve ever seen them. The way they sparkled left me believing she was remembering something very personal, and most likely long passed. Having lived among ponies for so long, I’d found myself adapting some of their habits, namely an increased desire to comfort.

And so, I released my tongue and asked the princess the question not only on my mind, but likely the one clouding hers.

“Besides their need to acquire goods, then no I’m afraid not Princess Luna. But if I may be so bold to ask, why do we need bits anyway? Wouldn’t it be easier to simply exchange one service or good for another?”

The question had always bothered me since first discovering the need for bits in society, but one I never really sought an answer to until just now. From how the corners of her lips began arching up and the quick whiff of glee I caught told me I was asking the right questions.

“We were younger once, Idol Hooves. Celestia and I had beaten Discord and were slowly rebuilding civilization as we knew it. Now, growing up we knew no method but to barter/trade and so we built our fledgling kingdom on the shoulders of this simple, but easy to understand system.”

Luna set the coin back onto the table and slid it in Idol’s direction before continuing her tale.

“For a time, the system worked and our kingdom flourished to the point Equestria was perhaps the only center of culture and commerce during that time. If Celestia had her way, we would still be using the barter system because why fix what’s not broken? I loved numbers more than Twilight Sparkle loves her books, and selfishly convinced my sister and our ponies the need for a system of numbers.”

Princess Luna nodded and mentioned for me to pick up the bit she had bee looking at and examine the side that displayed her moon. At first glance many ponies wouldn’t notice anything special but if one took the time and study the bit, then some interesting things become known. Namely, in one of the moons few craters the faint outline of the number 1 could be seen.

“There’s a number 1 in one of the craters.”

“Indeed. A remnant of my early pushes for more numbers Idol. I wanted bits to be worth a set value: one would be worth 1 bit, another could be worth 10 bits, but Celestia and her flank nuzzlers thought it were too complicated.” Luna mumbled something before continuing “Now, all bits are worth 1 bit.

I set there longer than I could freely admit to anypony, digesting the tale Princess Luna had told me. Since arriving the daily application of bits had always stumped me, but nevertheless, it was a just another weird aspect of pony life I had to live with; a clump of metal that holds some sort of artificial value needed to purchase various things on a system of trust.

Now, I was left feeling more fascinated than ever before about the bit.


“Tis more than ‘fascinating’ Knight Idol. The conception of the bit not only revolutionized Equestrian economics forever, but even spread across the globe. An achievement we hold close to our heart, and would claim to be our greatest.”

I waited until Princess Luna was finally finished before offering the bit to her once more, to which she shook her head. “Ney, keep the bit as a reminder of our conversation together.”

“I am unworthy, yet fortunate to serve under one so caring.”

After that, we fell into a brittle silence; unsure how to proceed, yet willing to stay submerged in the quit if allowed to. Naturally, I waited for the princess to take the lead given her status as my better, my princess, but somehow, I felt this wouldn’t be enough.

A thought crossed my mind that years ago I would have found heretical to even consider, but now having been undeservingly raised to the rank of ‘Knight’ I felt my ideals shifting. All my experience and relationships until this point had simply been me adapting to the new life and duties bestowed upon me; now, (today actually) I found myself thinking, wanting, to reach out to Princess Luna and…

“What do I want to do?” I mentally asked myself.

A question that left me not looking for a certain answer, but rather a feeling. By Order, what should I do?

“My sister, Celestia.” Princess Luna began, waiting long enough for me to look up before continuing.

“What do you think of her Idol Hooves?”

“Pardon me, Princess Luna?” I asked, trying not to taste her emotions as they danced around me.

They tasted bland.

“Of all the guards stationed in Canterlot Castle, Shining Armor and yourself are among the noteworthy. Armor marrying our niece and youngest Captain in recent memory, and then there is you.”


“No. Just you Idol.” Luna clarified “You turn promotions down because you deem yourself unworthy while your peers accept without question. Unlike other soldiers, your guard is down when speaking with us. You, against all odds get along with our nephew Blueblood, and perhaps more impressive is this coltish purity you have with Celestia and myself.”

‘My coltish what?’ Her words left me confused , and slightly exposed, but mostly confused.

Had I not dressed properly and somehow offended her highness?

“I must apologize for my lack of modesty Princess Luna. I had assumed all of myarmor was present and worn accordingly.” I found myself tucking my tail in during that last bit.

Princess Luna said nothing as we kept eye contact, before blinking rapidly twice.

“No Idol Hooves, there is a misunderstanding. We simply acknowledge thy pillars of character are true and unblemished. Your conduct echoes a time long passed when the guards and We could mingle in a personal manner. It is to be admired Idol.”

Being praised for doing what is expected from my job by treating my sovreigns with the respect and truthfulness they deserve? A concept that till this day I’ve never fully come to understand.

Nevertheless, hearing Princess Luna’s praise left me shifting uncomfortably in my armor. As a (Royal) Guard, the expected duties have always granted us some measure of respect, which I have always taken in stride. To hear it coming from none other than a princess, well, that left me unsure what to be feeling.

“Your words are unnecessary, but I’m honored to be worthy of your praise.”

Princess Luna didn’t immediately say anything, and for a moment I felt worried I had insulted her but sighed happily once her body relaxed. A smile graced her muzzle as she rolled a forehoof in the air.

“Noted. With that stated, and written into law…” I was about to comment when she cut me off “Relax Idol. Tis just a saying meant to show your words have been understood.”

I nodded, pondering this ‘saying’ but shelved that once Luna began gathering up the various parchments that housed her character histories and statistics, stacking them neatly near her on the left. I began doing the same on my end believing the princess was gathering up our game so she may attend her duties.

I was proven wrong when a clean parchment and freshly dipped quill appeared and with earnest strokes started sketching an outline of another pony, this time a Pegasus.

“Storm Cloud.” Princess Luna started “A Pegasus mare having grown up in the glory days of Pegaliposis…” She paused, smile sagging some before continuing “Only child, and reluctant heir to that family’s legacy.”

Princess Luna began scribing another identity on the parchment, and I watched as the outline slowly filled with life. The mane and head took shape first with the mane tied off into a bun, leaving the eyes and rest of the face exposed. I couldn’t make out any other details before the princess moved down to the barrel and forelegs where she drew some sort of apparel, armor judging by the sheen she shaded in.

I found her skill with the quill and word something to admire. A skill I had tried honing a month prior and stopped once I realized the few practice sentences had become almost twenty pages about a Pegasus being the first of Princess Luna’s Guard.

Somehow, I had lost track of time and written the beginnings of a novel about Guard Protocol and our dear Princess Luna. Topaz found the concept ‘cute’ saying it reminded her of someling, but when I asked which of the exiles she sighed and nothing more of the ‘book’ was said.
By now Princess Luna had finished her sketching and dossier and slid the parchment toward me, motioning me to inspect: Storm Cloud. Pegasus. Age 15…

Here.” I noted as I continued reading the surprisingly well-detailed story of Storm Cloud.
The picture and story told me enough of the dark grey Pegasus that the more I read, the more it resembled a dossier of a real pony than a character on paper. The Princess’ ability to create and weave something from nothing was a wonder to behold.r

“Princess Luna.” I called out, pointing to the parchment with a hoof as her eyes lazily drifted to the table.

“Here. Storm Cloud is written as ‘a reluctant heir’ but further down she is a ‘…crass warrior clouded by the ambitions of others’.” Her posture sagged, shoulders slumping enough for the wing tips to brush the floor for a second before picking themselves up.

I pointed at another line further down the page trying not to draw attention to display for modesty sake as I noted questionable quirks and suggested some improvements, but the more I observed my princess, the more I lost the desire read the dossier.

Princess Luna had taken a liking to the concept of ‘weekend adventuring’ and its heavy use of numbers and patterns to create fictitious scenarios to test the adventure’s skill. Today had been the first chance Luna had to actually try Spiders and Catacombs and to my great relief loved it. The last few hours had been a slew of Daring Do-like stories from a thief to the more recent last warrior of an ancient order with Storm Cloud following a similar line. I wanted to continue but the sudden chime from the clock confirmed my earlier observation that we had finally run out of time.

“Forgive me Princess Luna.” I started glancing at the clock to confirm the time “Night Court is fast approaching and by my suggestion, we should postpone our adventure until another session could be properly scheduled.”

I watched as Princess Luna turned to look at the timepiece that now ticked loudly, her posture having improved, if only slightly.

“Thou speaketh true Knight Hooves. Thou speaketh true.” She repeated, reverting back to her early speech patterns.

This reversion coupled with her sudden lethargies didn’t paint the greatest of portraits and left me feeling I should be doing more.

I watched with great reluctance as Princess Luna started heading for the twin doors. I felt conflicted-should join her side or follow my duties and continue guarding her room? There shouldn’t be any choice since I was assigned to watch over her while she slept which one could say I had accomplished after a fashion and now had to wait for my replacement.

I needed to wait. It’s our duty to guard not only the citizens of Equestria but the Princesses. Part of that duty included the diligence of maintaining a 24-hour guard of their chambers. If my duty as guard commanded me to follow my orders and obey the princesses, then why for the first time in their service did I want to disregard them?

“Your Highness, please wait.” I called to her without thinking, and thankfully she had yet to leave the room.

Luna’s head turned just enough to peer over her shoulder. She said nothing. I took this for me to continue.

“I must apologize for overstepping my boundaries in criticizing your work. I had no right to harshly judge when we’re playing for fun.”

“Thou hast done nothing to seek forgiveness, on the contrary we would owe you the same. Our mood shouldn’t extend to our dealings with others.” I looked up wanting to tell the princess she wasn’t at any fault, but a raise of her hoof silenced me.

“Still thy tongue Knight Hooves. Your critique was fair and expected given your position as Master of the Catacombs. We took it to heart and made it personal. Please forgive our rudeness and accept our own apology.” She then spread her forelegs and lowered her head.

I had to repress a shudder as this unnatural feeling shook my chitin. My duties often put me into contact with Their Highnesses but never have I had one not only bow but apologize to me. I didn’t like it.

Breaking protocol to not only fix this paradox, I found myself doing something I never would have imagined and quickly made my way to Princess Luna. Her ears twitched as I approached and for a moment I thought she would stop her bowing and acknowledge me but she never did.

“Stop this Princess.” I tried not to sound commanding as I raised her head with my hoof.

“Idol!” She yelled in surprise as I ignored her and quickly went about trying to straighten her up. Luna made no real effort besides saying my name, and that made it easier for me to fix her posture.

I took her forelegs and pushed them in one at a time until they were straight and closer to her barrel. Years among pony kind had taught me many things, and one of the biggest was never touch a pony’s wing. Needless to say, I left the royal wings alone.

“There.” I finally said, trying to pat down some fur sticking up on her barrel.

Steping back, I nodded once at my ‘work’ satisfied that the Princess’ imagine would be somewhat presentable.

“Guardstallion Hooves.” Princess Luna called out, snapping me back to the reality where I had crossed all resonable boundaries and touched a princess.

I almost dropped to my belly to ferociously apologize, ready to receive any and all proper punishment for my crimes, but it never came.

“Ease your worried soul, for you have done nothing to warrant any sort of retribution.” She smiled, then blinked before looking down at her barrel and back to me. “Pray tell, why did you caress my body?”

“I didn’t out of selfishness, but out of duty.” I gulped as her muzzle tightened, readying to bite me for that answer, I imagined. I continued. “You’re our Princess and shouldn’t appear any less than such.”

My answer wasn’t the best I’ll admit, since I had basically assaulted her body with my hooves. Being the kind and merciful monarch, she was didn’t stomp me to death.

“We will forgive thee for this time, but don’t take advantage of our goodwill henceforth.” I nodded, and she started for the doors once again, magic grasping the handles when I lost my mind a second time.

“Who was Strom Cloud?” I asked. The result was immediate and her magic released the handles, her whole body tensing like a sharp pain had shot through it. Luna and I stood there, I don’t know how long but long enough that I had considered telling her forget about it when she spoke.

“She’s a character from a game, nothing more than a fantasy.” I pondered the answer before replying.

“My critique is simply that, Princess- criticism meant to improve what’s being critiqued.” She flinched, but allowed me to continue. “The way Storm Cloud was written was different than the other characters, she felt fleshed out. She felt real- too much like someone who lived.

Princess Luna and I fell back into our roles of silently looking at each other after that. I had said what I wanted to say and felt anymore would only devalue my previous observation. Luna remained stalwart in her displeasure a little longer before wilting in defeat, her head and wings falling as her body relaxed.

“Storm Cloud…ye. We knew her well enough in our youth.” Luna sat down, forcing a sigh from her lips before continuing “She wert an oddity- more so if she wert here today. A mare holding power wert not common but given she wert Noble in birth, meant certain rules could be bent.”

“Many nobles and Houses today have mare heirs, so her status shouldn’t make her an oddity.” I interjected, earning a small nod from the alicorn.

“Indeed. But Storm Cloud, for one so young cradled a fire that constantly burned; a drive many during those times lacked. One pony I remember described her as a manticore in hiding.” Princess Luna chuckled at that the memory. “Above all I called her friend, even sister at one point.”

“My criticism.” I mumbled, Princess Luna gave me one nod before speaking.

“Indeed. Your remarks became an assault on my friend’s very identity. Please, do not take my mood to heart, for you had no way of knowing.”

I shook my head at the thought. How could I allow myself the privilege of calling myself a Guardspony knowing I had indirectly assaulted a pony I didn’t know? A friend of the Princess Luna of all ponies!

“Ignorance doesn’t shield one from the consequences. I have slandered the good name and character of a pony I have never met.” I stopped, wondering what to say or do next when the good Princess made an offer I would cherish for the remainder of my life.

“Then, fair Idol.” Luna started. Speaking softly, as a filly asking a colt out. “Perhaps you seek to rectify this injustice and hear the Tale of Storm Cloud?”

My ears spoke for me first, having pivoted forward at the suggestion before my mind could process the offer. I nodded eagerly, much to Luna’s radiant joy.

“Good good. Yes, good!” I tried jumping back to avoid the alicorn rushing me but failed when her magic chained me in place long enough for her scoop me up into her barrel. I wanted to fight the crushing hug, but didn’t because fighting my charge is against at least half of a Guardstallion’s oaths and thus gave myself to fate. Thankfully, I was granted air after 3 or 4 minutes.

“Apologizes, Knight Hooves! We found our bliss’ as Laughter Pie informs us, for not in many years have we talked of our dear friend.”

“No apologies need your majesty, I am honored you deem me worthy to bear this knowledge.” Feeling good (in part from the overwhelming pleasantness from the Princess) I asked a question.

“Would Your Highness, if fate allows like to hear the Tale of Topaz Showers, the Landlord of Knight Idol?”

The question came from nowhere and is one I will never live down, since the Princess of the Night continues using it and the story as lesson for the newer recruits. Topaz the Landlord is still seen as myth even with the mare herself protesting that she isn’t one.

The bellowing cries literally threw me back, but thankfully Luna’s bed sheets caught me and padded my fall. I recovered quickly and was mildly surprise that the Royal Voice hadn’t wrecked the room further, besides knocking over the chairs and tossing our character sheets into the air.

I found the Princess where I had last saw her and was thankful to see her ‘cries’ were not caused by pain but mirth. She covered her muzzle with a wing to shield the action but her laughter couldn’t be hidden.

“Princess Luna?”

“Knight Hooves!” She shouted, ignoring the fact I had to cover my ears. “We, I, would be honored to hear the Tale of Topaz Showers, for a mare to house Knight Hooves himself must be a mare with no equal!”

“A mare among mares” I agreed, to which I found Her Highness nodding at me.

“Knight Hooves rings a bell doesn’t it?”

“I’m afraid I don’t own a collar, Your Majesty.”

“A what? No no. The title Knight sounds true to the ear Idol. I believe sister would agree.”

“Princess Luna, I have never been knighted before and cannot accept such a title.”

“Idol, Knights put others before themselves, a trait you have demonstrated numerous times. The only other to display this trait would be Captain Armor, but Prince Armor suits him fine.”

“But Princess...”

“It’s decided. I’ll talk to sister about this in the morrow.”

“By your command Princess.” I accepted my fate and felt that any more talks of the matter would be in poor taste. Princess Luna, not finished with surprising me moved over to me and nuzzled me.

“Dwell not the matter Knight Hooves.Thee art good pony in soul and heart.” I stood silently as she ceased the action and once more made way for the door, grabbing the handles with her magic.

“I had a most glorious time!” Luna shouted as she threw open the doors, exposing a thestral that could have mistaken for a statue..

“Mothchaser! Thou are most punctual, and a blessing to thy service.”

The thestral said nothing as her eyes surveyed the room, torn apart by Luna’s laugher, finding the bed most fascinating for the longest time before swiftly turning to the sock still looped around the door’s handle.

The Princess continued “Knight Idol.” Motchaser ears peaked with interest “Our time with thee has been a story worthy of ink, but our sister and niece have been kept waiting long enough.”

“Of course, Your Highness. My apologies.” Princess Luna waved it off with a smile, much to the thestral’s growing surprise and jealousy? Why was she radiating those emotions?

“Get some rest for thou deserve every minute.” Her attention quickly changed to Mothchaser “Burden yourself not with the mess- we will shall tackle it upon our return.”

The Princess left after that, with her hoofsteps the only sound in the corridor before a bright flash filled our vision and the Princess was gone. The silence wasn’t meant to last.

“Where’s my sock Idol!?” the thestral demanded as she closed the distance between us.
I held my ground even as Mothchaser felt it necessary to invade my space, leaving the very tips of our muzzles touching. From this distance, I could read her like an open book if I wanted to. However, I did not want to sense her emotions further and leave the mare her privacy, which left us staring into the other’s eyes. Those orbs still frighten me.

We’d worked together on and off for nearly a decade and I would go so far to claim we were at the least friends, given her constant invitations to ‘lay back and relax’. At other times I had been invited to the Night Guard Wing to partake various challenges involving food, but the tingling fright of being so close to these ‘predators’ never completely left.

I had learned to suppress these feelings of fear to be more compatible with our night counterparts, and it had proven invaluable. But those eyes always reminded me that I was dancing with fate.

“Where’s my sock Idol?” Mothchaser asked again with less volume.

“Your sock?” I asked, puzzled as to what path led her to believe I had taken her apparel.
She didn’t say anything as she backed up slightly and nodded to the doors behind us where Luna’s silk sock remained fastened-I had almost forgotten about it. The thestral pointed at it and then poked my barrel in a similar manner to when Topaz is about to make a point.

“Princess Luna got a sock, and most of Canterlot has likely gotten a sock from you at some point. So, where’s my sock!?”

I found my initial fear being replaced by confusion before settling on understanding. Mothchaser must have seen the socks whenever one of the exiles sought a refill on their crystals; in the past I placed my hoof into the craft of pottery sculpting and found some success. She must have heard about my hobby and thought it included the knitting of socks. I’d have to nip this in the flank before other ponies sought out my doorstep.

“Mothchaser, I hobby only in pottery and nothing else.” I mentioned toward Luna’s sock “The sock was selflessly provided by Her Majesty herself as were every other sock I have used.”

“What does that have to…”

“If you had a sock, I would give you the sock back.”

I waited for Mothchaser to say something, but it never came. Her eyes had become blank, frozen with my reflection the only thing occupying them. She didn’t move for a good three minutes before she blinked and the most terrifying fanged grin etched itself onto her muzzle. I nearly jumped back from the sight.

“All I need is a sock, and you’ll…” She inclined her head once more to Luna’s sock, and not really focused on anything but that terror smile I nodded.

“Ok…” Mothchaser said as her eyes became normal once more, the smile never leaving.
I didn’t like this, and the nightmares I sometimes had of being stalked came back and thoughts of leaping off Luna’s Balcony crossed my mind. The scary thestral blinked.

“Wait here and don’t move.”

“But…” was all I got out before she literally took flight down the hall and disappeared, leaving me to guard Princess Luna’s chambers again.

“I hope Viridian doesn’t mind watching Nymph for another few hours.” I hoped as I carefully began unlooping the sock from the door. Ponies had a habit of talking about the littlest things and who knew what they would say if one of the princesses’ socks was found looped around a door handle.