• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 3,546 Views, 176 Comments

Chivalry is (Un)Dead - shinigamisparda

Grogar has returned, Equestria unable to stand up to forces and Necromancy. But that dark magic may also be his end, as it also brought back one who can beat him.

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Ponyville/Everfree Forest

It had taken Dan several days (or it least it felt like it was days, hard to tell with the endless night), but he finally saw Ponyville just a short distance away, around an hour considering the pace he had been going. He had followed the the tracks for the steam chariot, a “train” if he remembered what Zarok called his, and he thankfully had not encountered any enemies along the way. The “Spring Shoes”, as he’d taken to calling them, that he originally thought were nothing but a joke had helped him close the distance to Ponyville several times, especially when there were large gaps or high cliffs he needed to get around. Though he did have more than his fair share of crashes while he tried to get the hang of them. Also, his status as an undead made it so he didn’t need to rest on his trip, though overexertion was still a factor. He also had to make sure that Morten was fell fed, and thought it was a bit strange to put dirt into his skull, but he got used to it.

He was somewhat relieved, but still worried, to see that Ponyville was empty. Though he didn’t come across any demons or undead on his trip, he did notice that the ground in front of him looked like it had been trampled by a large group. More concerning was that he saw the lights in the windows and streets go out and not return. No cages and no bodies meant no deaths and no and prisoners… probably. However, there were all the roaming demons patrolling the area, so if he wanted answers, he’d have to be cautious. He took a look at the surrounding area and saw some woods that, while not too thick, looked like they could provide him cover. With the barest minimum of a plan he headed out again.

After some time Dan had finally reached the edge of the Whitetail Woods (which he didn’t know the name of, but I’m mentioning by name just so you know) and observed the demons that doing their routes, looking rather bored. Not wanting to kick the hornet’s nest, he stealthily clanked into town, making sure to avoid being seen and slipping between houses. He looked for any sort of clues as to where the residents were, saw nothing aside from the demons. Hit stops and pondered for a moment, wondering what to do.

“Oi! Struth! Wothcer doin’ ‘ere!?”
(I do say, sir! Just exactly why are you at this location!?)

Dan froze and turned to see one of the demons behind him, glaring. “Why aren’t ye in the forest ‘ave a lookin’ for them ponies!?”With few other ideas Dan just stood there, moaning like another brainless zombie. “Oh for the bleedin’ luv of- come ‘ere!”
(For what reason are you not scouring the forest for the ponies?) (Oh for goodness - follow me!)

The demon grabbed dan by the shoulder and dragged him all the way to the edge of town and to the edge of a rather terrifying looking forest. “Listen, go into the bleedin’ forest, find where the ponies are ‘idin, and nab them all, got it?” Rather than reply, Dan just moaned as he shuffled into the forest. “And don’t forget ter use yer sword, fairy! Oi!” He called before turning away.
(Listen well, scour the forest until you come come across the location of the ponies and capture them, do you comprehend?”) (And remember to use your blade, dullard!)

Dan kept up the routine until he was deep within the forest. Well, at least I have a heading… somewhat. As he headed through the forest he came across the occasional zombie pony, stumbling around aimlessly, more than once they shuffled into each other and the trees, tripping over roots or just walking smack dab into their trunks. Just like in the mines, they paid him no mind so he kept going. Eventually he did discover a path that, while still having roots, trees and the like growing over it, did seem to have been well worn from use. He followed it, hoping he had finally come across something that could help, when he heard a snap and his feet taken out from under him. He squealed as he was flung into the air, hitting his head on a branch, then hung limply in the air from the rope around his legs. The last thing he heard was a shrill battlecry.


Dan groaned as he finally started coming too, feeling like he had be coiled into a knot… which judging by the fact that he saw his foot in front of his face may not have been too far off. He tried to right himself only for something to stop him. It took a few tries to realize that he was tangled up in some kind of net. Deciding to observe his surroundings instead he noticed the darkness of his location, though there was some light coming from what appeared to be a small opening. After focusing more he realized he was in a tent of some kind, supplied scattered around him. Then he noticed the voices from outside.

“But why not!? You see what we can do!” a young girl’s voice shouted.

“Yeah! We may be young, but Ah recon’ this proves we can hold our own!” came another young girl’s voice with an accent he’d never heard before, though he could somehow see it coming out of the mouths of the farmers in Gallowmere.

“No, and that’s final! Your sisters all left me in charge of you, and that’s what I’m going to do! And shame on you for doing this in the first place! If they found I you ran of to do something this… stupid they’d have my tail!” the voice of an older woman sternly shouted back. “And you were supposed to be watching them too, Spike!”

“Sorry! They’re really sneaky when they want to be!” a young boy’s voice apologized.

Wait… Spike?

“Calm yourself, my dear Starlight. I know your anger is born from fright,” another voice said, this one calmer wiser. Though she did have an accent that reminded him of Imanzi, causing him to flinch a little. “Had their ploy gone wrong this would end in woe, so be thankful it is not so.”

What’s with all the rhyming? Wait… she said “Starlight”, didn’t she? Isn’t that one of ponies I’m supposed to be looking for? And wasn’t Spike the name of the dragon? Dan thought as he tried to shuffle towards the opening to get a look.

The voice of what he assumed to be Starlight Glimmer sighed. “Fine, fine. I understand you’re worried, and that you want to help, but please, please, don’t ever run off again,” she said in a calmer voice.

“But we just want to help! It’s been days since the others left, and Pinkie Pie and Applejack only were supposed to go to Sweet Apple Acres to get food and tools! They’re still not back! What if something happened to them!? And Rarity! And the others!” another young voice cried, somehow managing to sound adorable even when worried.

“Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity.” This is definitely where I’m supposed to be. Now I just need to make it out of this net. With great effort he managed to reach his right arm to grab his left and pulled hard, removing it from his body (Don’t worry, he’s a skeleton. No gore here.) He hand-walked it around the net, trying to find some kind of not to undo so he could escape and did find a knot. However, after about a minute of trying he found he couldn’t undo with only one hand. With a sigh he had it walk over to his other arm and, with great effort and a little assistance from his foot, pull off his other arm. The two scuttled over and, with some difficulty, managed to undo it and he began to shuffle himself out of the net.

“Sweetie Belle, I know you’re-” Starlight Glimmer began, only for a terrified scream to cut her off.

“ZOMBIES!” someone shouted.

“THE HORROR! THE HORROR!” another cried. The sounds of panic and running citizens filled the air. Dan quickly righted himself, managing to stand up before grabbing one of his arms and placing it back into its socket. He then used that arm to grab the other one and put it back in its place. No, I have no idea how he did that, but a cookie to whomever gets the reference.

“Girls, find someplace to hide! Spike, watch them!” Starlight Glimmer ordered from outside.

“Check!” Spike replied.

Dan decided he needed to help and drew his swor - no wait, it wasn’t there anymore. He looked to his hip and saw that the sword and its scabbard was missing, as was his shield. He looked around the tent but didn’t find them their either and reasoned that they must’ve disarmed him after his capture. He still had everything else though, as it seems they didn’t know about his Hero’s Pocket. Then a collection of gasps caught his attention and he looked down.

There were three small ponies in front of him and a small dragon, their size telling him they were definitely children. One of them was an earth pony with a yellow coat, red hair, and a mark that looked like shield with an apple emblazoned on it, and wore a large pink bow. One was a pegasus with an orange coat, purple hair, and a similar mark but emblazoned with a wing that had a lightning bolt inside it. The last was a unicorn with a white coat, two-toned lavender and pink hair, and a mark that was also the same asider from a star with a quarter note inside it. The dragon stood on two legs, had purple scales and a green underbelly, green fins running from his head to his back, and fin like ears. They all looked at him with utter terror.

“Um… hewo,” he mumbled and waved.

They responded with an ear-splitting scream of terror before bolting out of the tent. “HE’S AWAKE! HE’S AWAKE!” Not wanting to deal with the situation he vaulted over the supplies in the tent before crouching down and squeezing under the tent to escape.

He looked around to see a makeshift camping site in a clearing in the forest, with a few trees cut down to make room for the several tents. Zombies were currently shuffling through the camp, many of the ponies running for their lives, but a few fighting back. Two in particular stood out: One was a unicorn with a lavender coat, purple hair with aqua highlights, and a mark of what looked like a swirl of smoke rising from a star, blasting the zombified ponies with magic. The other was a zebra with with two large hooped gold earrings, gold rings around her neck, gold rings around her left leg, and a mark that looked like something Imanzi’s tribe would’ve made to symbolise the sun, wielding a wooden staff and swinging hard enough to break the undead’s bones. As they dispatched the zombies, their defeated foes’ souls hovered in the air, seemingly lost. Dan reached into his Hero’s Pocket and pulled out the CHalice of Souls, absorbing them into it and causing it to grow brighter with each one he it did. Interesting, so I don’t have to be the one to beat them to get them.

As the ponies fought off the zombies Dan snuck around, using the distraction to look for his sword and shield, finally locating them leaning against a tree stump. He was about to head over and take them when he heard a scream. He looked to see that one of the three pony girls, the pegasus, being held in the hand of a massive demon. He stood above all the tents, with arms and legs like tree trunks, clawed fingers, cloven hooves, sharp teeth, large ram like horns, yellow glowing eyes, and glowing runes all over his arms. His skin was a sickly green, and his hair and beard like moss.

“Right, right, that’s enough of that. Why don’t you lot just give over now, huh?”the demon said as he held of the girl for all of them to see, making his threat clear.
(Cease and desist. Please quietly surrender, will you not?)

“Scootaloo!” the other two girls cried.

“Damn it,” Starlight seethed.

“Put her down!” Spike shouted and breathed a green flame on the demon’s hoof.

“GAH! LITTLE GNAT!” he shouted and kicked the young dragon away.

“SPIKE!” Starlight shouted in fear.

Dan saw this and knew he had to act, but without his sword or shield wasn’t left with any way to attack, certainly not in a way he could effectively save the girl… yes I know he still has the other weapons in his pocket, he’s forgetful, okay? Suspend your disbelief for a moment for the sake of dramatic tension. Dan summoned up his courage and pulled his left arm out of his socket. He bellowed out a battlecry, catching everyone off guard, and hurled his arm at the demon’s face, which began scratching at his eye.

“MUTHA PISS BUCKET!” the demon screamed, dropping the pony. Dan dove and caught her in his other arm, setting her down before his other arm jumped back to him, which he grabbed and inserted back into its socket. “Yer wee-! Right! I’ll skin yer ali-! Oh, wait…” Dan used the stop in his train of thought to grab all the of the girls, his screams of terror sounding perfectly matched to theirs as his sudden burst of bravery subsided.
(Interjection denoting pain and displeasure) (I say, ruffian! Prepare to be flayed ali-! Oh, but a moment…)

“COME BACK ‘ERE!” the demon screamed as he charged after them. Dan tossed the girls at Starlight Glimmer, who caught them in her magic, before picking up his shield, managing to raise it just in time for the demon to punch him. The shield held strong against the impact, but Dan was sent tumbling backwards, his skull falling off his neck as he did. The demon reached down to grab his skull. “I’ll use the jelly from yer mince pies to-oh, right, wait…”
(RETURN HERE POSTHASTE!) (I shall crush the gelatinous liquid from your eyes to-oh, but a moment…)

The derailing of threats once again gave Dan a chance to retaliate, dashing forwards and kicking his head at the demon like football (we’re going of British terms here, you uncultured Americans), which hit the demon between the legs. As the demon winced, Dan grabbed his skull on the rebound, replacing it on his neck. “OI, YOU’RE DEAD! Wait… BLIMEY, THIS BE SO ‘ARD!” Dan ran to grab his sword, but the demon cut him off.

Finally remembering his Hero’s Pocket, he pulled out his axe and hurled it at the demon’s head, which it ducked under, giving him a chance to grab his sword, tying the scabbard to his hip. “Wh-What!? Where did he get the axe!?” the little pegasus, Scootaloo asked. The demon smirked, raising his fist to smash Dan, only for the axe to circle back and cut clean through it’s horn. As it stumbled back in pain dan caught the axe and tucked it away before drawing his sword and rushing at it. “OI, THAT DOES IT!” the demon bellowed, his eyes and runes shining brightly before slamming his palm on the ground, causing the earth around Dan to rise up. Within seconds the earth had transformed into six rock golems around his size, surrounding him. “Pound ‘is bones ter dust! Struth! Oh oi, right, that one works!” the demon said, sounding particularly pleased with itself.
(MY PATIENCE HAS RUN OUT!) (Pulverize his very marrow! Oh, I say, that one was appropriate!)

Dan set to work cutting them down, the enchanted blade easily cutting through the stone golems before they had a chance to react, only for the broken pieces to realign themselves in moments. Thinking quickly, he pulled out his warhammer, raised it over his head and slammed it into the ground, the shockwave pulverizing all of the golems in one hit.

“‘Ave a looks like yer’re packin’, ain’t ya?” the demon said as it punched the ground, sending a wave of earth at Dan. He braced himself and blocked the attack with his shield, sliding back several yards before coming to stop, preparing for the next attack.
(I say, it seems you have quite the arsenal, do you not?)

“Whoa,” Spike muttered, watching the fight from afar. Just then a moan snapped him out of daze, turning to see a zombie behind him. He yelped in surprise and ran away, fearful of being bitten.

“Zecora, help Spike and the others! I’m going to help the… skeleton thing!” Starlight Glimmer said before levitating herself into the air, Zecora running off to attack more zombies.

Dan meanwhile readied himself, the demon charging at him. He clicked his heels, causing the Spring Shoes to appear on his feet, and leapt over the demon, cutting it on the head with a flip and a slash. As the demon roared in pain Dan landed, clicking his heels again to return his shoes to normal, before turning to charge the demon. It swung its fist out in a rage, Dan barely managing to raise his shield in time and being knocked onto his back. “I’M GONNA BREAK YER, YER LOUSY-!” the demon threatened, only for a blast of magic to the face to send him stumbling back. It looked up to see Starlight Glimmer hovering with her own magic, ready to fire another blast, but the demon summoned a boulder to its hand and hurled the stone at her. She managed to put up a barrier spell in time, but the impact knocked her out of the air.

Dan took advantage of this and charged the demon, who saw him coming and raised its fist to strike back, only for something to hold it back. It looked to see its fist was caught in a magical grip thanks to Starlight, give Dan the opening to leap up and run his sword straight through the demon’s heart. The foul creature screamed in pain, flailing violently, before falling onto its back, dead.

Dan just stood the fore a moment, panting from exhaustion, before pulling out his sword and hopping off the body. He wiped the blood off on his sleeve as the demon faded to nothing, releasing a soul. Dan sheathed his blade and pulled out the Chalice of Souls, absorbing it and the rest of the souls of the defeated zombies. The Chalice shined brilliantly for a moment before it, and Dan, vanished in a flash of light.

“Uh… what?” Starlight muttered.

As the blinding light faded Dan found himself in a familiar setting. Before him stood a building of marble lined with gold, styled like those he’d seen in paintings of Rome. Around him an endless sky of blue with fluffy white clouds. He walked forwards and encountered another of the pony statues.

“Welcome to the Hall of Heroes!” it proclaimed dramatically. “Equestria version,” it added quickly.

“Ehuestia verhion?” Dan asked.
(Equestria version?)

“You didn’t think yours was the only Hall of Heroes, did you? There were dozens, even in your time. Surprised you never heard about them considering how long you were there. Anyway, here in the Hall of Heroes are honored some of Equestria’s finest, famed for their strength, wisdom, beauty, and intellects. Honestly it’s less violent overall compared to a lot of the others, but different strokes for different folks, eh? I’m given to understand you’ve done this before, so hurry on in. And try not to ruin the place too much with your decomposed presence, you wouldn’t believe how long the janitorial staff takes to get it to that mirror shine.”

“Wak ih, oo,” Dan snapped back.
(Watch it, you.)

“Right then, off you go.” Dan rolled his eye and headed inside, pushing aside the massive doors before entering the glistening marble halls, seeing six statues on either side with a massive torch of rainbow flame in the center of the room. He noticed one of the statues was glowing orange and walked over.

The statue in question was that of a massive and well-built stallion with a full beard, wearing armor similar to those heard heard stories of about the conquering sailors to the north. He stood tall with one leg wrapped around, of all things, a shovel. The statue turned to him and began to speak.

“Ah, there he is! Stallion of the hour! Or should I say ‘man’ like you did back in your times?” the statue said in jolly and boisterous voice that reminded him of Stayner.

“Oo nowh abah me?” Dan asked, genuinely surprised.
(You know about me?)

“Of course! I don’t think there’s anyone in all the Hall of Heroes who hasn’t heard about you!” Dan smiled about that. To think, he was famous amongst even all the legendary heroes throughout time! “Sir Daniel Fortesque, the Fraud of Gallowmere, undeserving of the praise he got in life, only to come back and earn it in unlife! Don’t think there’s ever been a hero quite like you!” The statue laughed.

“Wak ih, oo,” Dan huffed, folding his arms.

“Aw, don’t be like that! I honestly think it’s quite the inspiring tale! Takes a lot of dedication to earn your keep after you’ve already gotten your reward. Way to take responsibility!”

“Hanks… Ah hink?” Dan replied, not sure if he was being insulted or not.
(Thanks… I think?)

“Anyway, back to business. I hear Equestria’s dealing with a nasty piece of work by the name of Grogar, raising the dead, stealing souls and whatnot? What fortune for our great land to get such an experienced hero to take on the job. And as one of the great heroes of Equestria’s past, it only stands to reason that I, Rockhoof of the Mighty Helm, do my part. Take my shovel. She may not seem like much, but the old girl packs quite the swing. Just holding her will put some muscle on you! Er, figuratively speaking, of course. And don’t forget to use her for what she was made for, too. Dirt and stone part like a hot knife through butter for her. That’s how I redirected the lava from that volcano!” he proudly boasted.

“‘Divering lagha’? At wood’ve been halphul,” Dan muttered, remembering the few times lava had blocked his path.
(‘Diverting Lava’? That would’ve been helpful.)

“I look forwards to having a drink with you soon, Sir Daniel. Now head out there and do us one proud!” In a flash of light the shovel appeared before him. In all honesty, if not for the squared edged and the obvious indentation, he would’ve mistaken it for some kind of spear. The moment he grabbed it he felt power rush through him, feeling like he could lift the entire Hall of Heroes on his own.

Just then things began to get brighter and in another flash of light he was gone.

Another flash of light and Dan was back in the hidden Everfree Village, startling everyone there. They all stared, still concerned about his status as an undead, so he decided to ease the tension and put on his best smile. “Hewo!” he waved.

“THE HORROR! THE HORROR!” one of the ponies screamed before she and two other fainted and fell over.

“Rood,” he huffed, crossing his arms.

Author's Note:

Alright, so first boss battle! Tell me what you guys think, because I should have another one next chapter, and it should be much more creative.

And it looks like things aren't as simple as they seemed with all the Elements of Harmony missing. Should make for a great adventure, though! One with branching paths and locations to keep things fresh!

We've also got our first visit to the Hall of Heroes, and I'm pretty sure you can guess who else is there and what Dan will be getting from them. It won't be the only new items Dan gets though, more the pick up around Equestria itself.

And speaking of items, I'm thinking of having to have Dan gather ingredients so that Zecora can revive the dragon potion. I've already got some things like a Zap Apple and a Timberwolf branch as ideas for ingredients, but I wanted to see if you guys had anything to add

Anyway, thanks for reading as always! Until next time!