• Published 7th Jul 2012
  • 14,487 Views, 666 Comments

Hippophobia - Kelvin Shadewing

A teenager with a fear of horses ends up in Equestria.

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Chapter 2


DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit work of fan fiction. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Hasbro.

Chapter 2

Rays of sunlight filtered in through the window, bathing Conrad's face in a warm glow. He slowly opened his eyes, unable to make out any shapes, and put his hand on his head to find a warm, wet cloth on him.

"Oh, you're awake," a voice from nearby said in a British accent, "Not much of a fall, but you hit your head on a hard spot. Knocked you out for a couple hours."

Conrad groaned and tried to sit up, but the blurry figure beside him held him down with one arm.

"Whoa, there. Take it easy, now. How are you feeling?"

"Like I just got bricked," Conrad replied, "I can't see well. Where am I?"

"You must have jarred your eyes, or got sand in them. I'm not sure." The person beside him exchanged the wash cloth for a new one. "I brought you to my house after you passed out. Can you remember anything?"

"I think..." Conrad thought for a moment and then bolted upright. "I was kidnapped!"

"Kidnapped? By whom?"

He shook his head. "I... I don't know. I went to sleep at home after I got back from school, and then I woke up in the woods. I think someone abducted me in my sleep and left me out there."

Conrad's rescuer gasped softly. "This is very serious. Tell me, what is your name?"

"Conrad. Conrad Reiter. And you?"

"My name is Time Turner," the man beside him said, "Although for some reason, others have nicknamed me The Doctor." At this, he adjusted his bow tie, despite the fact that Conrad couldn't see it.

"Wait, Time Turner? What kind of name... is... that..." Conrad blinked and rubbed his eyes as his vision refocused.

Where he thought he saw a man before was now the sharpening image of the pony he'd encountered in the woods. The stallion with the spikey mane happened to also be holding the wash cloth from before on his hoof, and his expression showed clear concern for a pony face.

No words were spent, and it only took half a second for Conrad to react. He flipped. Literally tumbling backwards off the bed with a yelp and a loud thump, Conrad scrambled to get on the farthest side of the room from the pony.

"Mr. Turner? I'm sorry if I insulted you! Please! Call off the pony!"

Turner raised an eyebrow at him. "Call off the... what the buck are you talking about?"

Conrad gulped and went pale. He screamed and grabbed the door handle, ripping it open and dashing outside as fast as his feet could carry him. He tripped on the awkwardly-sized stairs and rolled down, but didn't let that faze him. There was a talking pony on the loose, and judging by the clip-clop noise coming from above, it was after him.

He ran through the front room filled with all kinds of clocks and hour glasses and made a beeline out the door, turning the corner and heading straight back for the woods where hopefully he could lose the crazy pony and get back to human civilization.

"Wait! Stop!" Turner was hot on his heels, galloping fast and closing the gap. "Don't go in there! That's the Everfree!" He skidded to a halt as Conrad jumped a bush and breached the tree line. He caught his breath and looked inside, wondering if it was safe to follow. "Conrad! Come back!"

Conrad kept running until he was out of breath. Once he was out of earshot, he stopped completely and slumped against a heavy tree, allowing himself a moment to rest.

"Ponies," he panted, "Why did it have to be ponies?"

A rustle and a snapped twig followed by the sounds of wood clacking together alerted him. He saw several new creatures that resembled wolves, but their bodies were covered in some kind of wooden plates, and their eyes glowed without any moonlight.

"I am gonna die," Conrad lamented and slowly got to his feet.

The wolves snarled and moved closer, daring him to try anything.

Hoof falls heralded the arrival of yet another being, and Conrad found himself faced yet again by Time Turner.

The pony turned his flank to the human and looked back at him. "Get on!"

Conrad pressed back against the tree, legs squirming uncomfortably as they tried to back him farther away. "N-no! I can't!"

"Get on NOW!"

"NO!" Conrad slipped around the tree and ran back the way he came.

Turner rolled his head and sighed. "Oh, for Celestia's sake! This boy is going to get himself killed!" He looked at the wolves who were licking their chops. "Sorry, good timberwolves, but I'm afraid I can not stay for dinner."

He raised his right forehoof and then clopped it on the ground. As soon as he did this, his image blinked away without a trace.

The timberwolves looked around in confusion. They sniffed the air and caught their original quarry's scent and gave chase.

Conrad could see the tree line in front of him now. He was almost there.

"What was that about?!" Turner popped up and beraged him.

Conrad stopped so hard, he flipped himself over and somersaulted forward, landing on his back.

Turner helped him up and turned his back to him again. "Get on me now, or you'll die!"

Conrad looked back, hearing their persuers howling not too far away. He gulped and cautiously climbed onto Turner's back, wraping his arms tight around his neck.

Turner reared up slightly, causing Conrad to gasp and hold on tighter, then shot forward through the brush, leaving the predators behind in the dark of the forest.

The sun was almost completely set when they got back to Time Turner's house. The pony reared back again, all the way this time so his rider fell off and landed on his butt. He turned around and looked him in the eyes.

"What was that back there? We could have made an easy getaway if you'd listened to me!" Turner scolded the cowering human, "What in Celestia's name was going through your head! We're lucky they didn't chase us all the way into town!"

The human wasn't listening. He was lying in a half fetal position with his arms covering his face. His cheeks were wet with tears, and his whole body was shaking. "I'm s-sorry! Please, don't hurt me!"

Turner raised his head and snorted. "Why would I save you if I meant you harm?"

"Cuz h-horses always a-attack m-me." Conrad was sobbing quietly into his sleeve.

"First off, I'm a pony," said Turner, "and second, I find that very hard to believe. Equestria is a peaceful land."

"Equestria?" Conrad lowered his arm, but didn't make eye contact with Turner, "What is Equestria? I've never heard of it." He sucked in air through his running nose, making a high-pitch snort noise.

"But that's... impossible." Turner looked at Conrad incredulously. "Equestria takes up almost a quarter of the world! Where are you from?"


Turner narrowed his eyes. "I've never heard of that. Which means either you come from very, very far away, or..." He raised both eyebrows. "...you're lying."

"I'm not lying!" Conrad shouted, "I've never heard of this place!"

Turner clicked his tongue. "Calm down now. Nopony's accusing you of anything."

An awkward silence passed.

"Tell you what," Turner began, "How about you stay the night here? We can explain things to each other in the morning, and you can take some time off and recover from whatever trauma you maybe suffering. Sound good?"

Conrad shook his head. "N-no, I can't. I have to go." He started to crawl away, but Turner cantered over and blocked his path.

"I'm sorry, but in your condition, I'm afraid you don't have a choice."

Author's Note:

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