• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 508 Views, 3 Comments

Of Another Realm - Chillisocks

  • ...

The Day Presses On

We meet our heroes again at Sweet Apple Acre's farm house. Applejack had just gotten through introducing her relatives (Clever way to avoid typing all of that? Yes.) when Twilight nervously laughs,

"ha ha okay~, Well i can see the food situation is handled, so we'll be on our way."

"Aren't you gonna stay fer brunch?" at the mere mention of food Dawn immediately consumes the immense pile of food AJ's relatives had made.

"Sorry, but we have things to do..." The relatives sigh,

"Well it's not like there's anything left" Chilli scowled at Dawn

"It looks like me and Twilight are going to be heading out, why don't you and Dawn head back to Sugarcube Corner?

"YUS" Dawn sprinted down the trail to find the small shop.

Chilli sighed, "Alright, I guess"


"Food taken care of then, next is weather... Hmm, there's supposed to be a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds" says Spike, searching the sky, for the Pegasi (I DUN DID MAKE RHYME)

"Well she's not doing a very good job is she?"

"Assuredly so," As if on cue, a cyan blur tackled Zerume. "HURGH"

the pegasus laughs sheepishly, "Uh, 'scuse me?"

"Oh, the PAIN" Zerume griped

That pegasus laughs again "Here, let me help you" and helps Zerume up.

"Let me guess, you're Rainbow Dash?" Twilight says.

"The one and only, why? have you heard of me? Rainbow's eyes brightened at the thought of fame

"I heard you're supposed to be keeping the skies clear."

Zerume interjected "This is Twilight and i'm Zerume we're here to check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Yeah yeah, i'll get that done in a jiffy. Just as soon as i'm done practicing."

"Practicing for what?" Twilight and Zerume say in unison.

"The Wonderbolts! They're gonna perform at the Celebration tomorrow, and i'm gonna show 'em my stuff"

"THE Wonderbolts?"


"The most talented fliers in all of Equestria?"

"That's them!"

"So you're saying the most talented fliers in all of Equestria are going to accept a pony that can't even keep the sky clear for one measly day?" Zerume taunted her

"Hey, i could clear this sky in ten seconds flat" (I find this part extremely cute for some reason.)

"Prove it" the two say once again in unison. Surely enough in exactly ten seconds the sky was clear. dropping the jaw of Twilight and mildly impressing Zerume.

"Alright, I admit you've got some skills, with weather checked off i'd say we move on, eh Twilight?


When Chilli arrives at Sugarcube Corner, Dawn already being there, he noticed the pink mare looking for something.

"You need help looking there uh, miss?" Chillisocks leans over to Dawn and asks him for her name "Pinkie?"

"Oh hi! Nice to see you again! I'm looking for my streamers. I can't remember where i put them. I could be out, but that's just silly. Since when am I out of party stuff? That's just silly. It's my special talent after all. Now did I leave them at Dinky's birthday party? I sure wouldn't want to bug Miss Hooves, but this is a party emergency!" Chillisocks was having extreme difficulty at keeping up with what this mare was saying, right before she bolted off to wherever "Miss Hooves" lives, Dawn regurgitated an alarming amount of streamers.

"Oh thanks! That's really gross but i can just wash them-"

Chilli interjects, "Don't worry they're exactly the way he found them, one of the many mysteries of the maw..." Chilli shudders

"Well that's great! Would you like to help me with this party i'm throwing?"

"Sure!" Both of them yelled.


"Decorations, Beautiful..." Spike looked dumbstruck.

"I can only think of one mare with this much skill..." Zerume looked off dramatically.

"Yes the decor seems to be coming along nicely. Soon enough we'll be back at the library." Twilight stated

"Not the decor, Her!..." Spike points to a pristine white mare that Zerume recognized as Rarity.

"Well hello Rarity!"

"Just a moment, please! I'm 'in the zone', as it were. Oh, yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why, Rarity, you are a talent. Now, um, how can I help yo-" Rarity Yelps" Oh, it's you... again! How exciting..."

"Well today i'm here on more royal business you'd say. This is Twilight, she's here from Canterlot to check the preparations."

"Canterlot?! Oh, I am so envious! The glamor, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there! I can't wait to hear all about it! We are gonna be the best of friends, you and I... Green Ribbons?! What was I thinking? Let me get some Red!"

"Let's leave now, knowing Rarity, Canterlot will have her pretty excited"


"Wow Pinkie! look at all these balloons! I'm sure Twilight's gonna love it!" Exclaimed Chillisocks

"Thanks! now all we need is a little time to get the finishing touches. Could you go stall her for me please? With pink sprinkles and hot sauce on top?" asked Pinkie extremely fast as usual. Dawn was off doing some "Taste Testing" for the cakes.

"Sure Pinkie! but how will I know it's ready?"

"I'll give you the signal." just then Pinkie Pie pulls a kazoo at of nowhere, and demonstrates for Chillisocks.



"Twilight Sparkle, I knew that name sounded familiar! so you're the "Most Faithful Student" Celestia's always talking about." said Zerume slightly teasing Twilight.

"Yes I most certainly am. I take my apprentice-hood very seriously and study whenever I can."

Right before Zerume is able to respond Chilli found the two and interrupts, "Hey! There you are! uh, Zerume can I talk to you for a second?"

"Uh, yeah I guess."

Chillisocks guides Zerume away from Twilight a few feet and speaks in a hushed tone ,"We need to stall Twilight long enough for Pinkie Pie to get done with the preparations for her party. Any ideas?"

"Er, not right now. I'll come up with something. Just head back to the party and get done preparing."

Chilli turns back to Twilight, "Well it's been nice seeing you again" and bolts back to the library.

"What was that all about?"

"Well, nothing much just the daily nom report on Dawn, so what's next on the checklist?"

"Music!" Spike reads off his clipboard. The trio then spots a butter-yellow pegasus that Zerume had met before, Fluttershy.

"Hello Fluttershy!" Zerume said quite a bit too loud and scared Fluttershy once again

"Oh, hello" Fluttershy answered quite quietly

"Well, anyways this is Twilight, she's here from Canterlot to check on the Summer Sun Celebration preparations. You're in charge of music, so how's that coming along?"

Fluttershy was quietly pawing the ground when she noticed a baby dragon, Spike, and gasps

"A baby dragon! Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's sooo cute!"

"Well, well, well...!" Spike said, glancing over to Zerume and Twilight in a gloating fashion

"Oh my, he talks. I didn't know dragons could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful I, I just don't even know what to say!"

"Oh, well in that case we'd better be going!" Twilight interrupted and lifted Spike onto her back.

"Wait, wait! what's his name?"

"I'm Spike."

"Hi Spike, I'm Fluttershy. Wow! A talking dragon! And what do dragons talk about?"

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Absolutely everything!"

Zerume and Twilight groaned.


"...and that's the story of my whole entire life! Well, up until today. Do you wanna hear about today?"

"I'd rather not." Zerume interrupted. "Well, Fluttershy, it seems we've gotten to Twilight's house and i'm sure she's very tired after her day of... checking? So let's leave her be."

"And my poor baby dragon needs his sleep." Twilight added

"No I don't-woah!" Twilight knocks him off her back

"Aww, wook at dat, he's so sweepy he can't even keep his widdle bawwance!" Twilight grinned stepping into the library.

"Aww, the poor dear, you simply must get him to bed."

"Yes, Yes, we'll get right on that. G'night!" Twilight slams the door in Zerume and Fluttershy's face.

"Huh, rude much?"

"Sorry, Spike, but I have to convince the Princess that Night Mare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time! I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now, where's the light?"

when suddenly the light turns on and Twilight and Spike hear a thunderous


Zerume and Fluttershy walk inside to join the party. and Twilight groans in frustration.


Author's Note: Ain't no party like a Pinkie party, 'Cuz a Pinkie party DON'T STOP! until everypony wants to go home of course.

Comments ( 3 )

If anybody notices any grammar mistakes feel free to say so. English isn't my favorite thing ever.

according to party of one 'aint no party like a pinkie pie party cause a pinkie pie party dont stop :derpytongue2:

828466 :derpyderp2: You may be on to something....

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