Of Another Realm

by Chillisocks

First published

Three Colts, Epic adventures, and some other stuff.

In the Thousands upon thousands of universes, We take a look in which three best friends journey an a not so heroic adventure through Equestria. Sort of HIE in the fact that these are mine and my friends OC Characters, although it doesn't effect the story. Written by Chilli and Zerume, Edited by Dawn

Humble Beggings A.K.A. The Groan Chapter

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Chapter 1
Of Humble Beginnings

We enter the scene as our protagonists are traveling by carriage along a dusty canyon road to Ponyville.
Zerume stopped the carriage to wake Chillisocks for his shift."Oy, Chilli, ya shift!" Jeremy exclaimed while shaking Chillisocks. Chilli then groaned at his awakening in despair, as he would have to pull the carriage AGAIN. To this he responded,"why can't Dawn pull the carriage, I just got off my shift!" Dawnchaser simply groaned at this. In response, Chilli trotted over and gave him a light kick to the ribs, and sleepily enveloped the yoke in green magic to put it on.

Zerume twitched his ears at some strange sound, when suddenly a griffon descended from the sky onto the poor carriage. When Zerume looked up he noticed that the griffon had an entire gang behind him, circling above in a vulture-like fashion.

Zerume groaned, (A common theme at this point in time), this was the third time this happened. It was ridiculous how many griffon bandits patrolled this road. By now they didn't have any valuables whatsoever, (aside from a large amethyst which has now had made it's way into Dawnchaser's stomach.). Despite this fact, they kept returning repetitively.

Zerume stepped forward, "Alright, what do you want?" he sighed.

These Griffons had unique demands, which were quite different from the other's demands of food and bits. They were looking for an earth stallion, to be more specific, one of a red coat and blood red mane.

"Sounds dangerous." Chilli shuddered, "I certainly wouldn't want him to hold my man-satchel."

Zerume answered the blood-thirsty griffons quickly, "Nope, Dawn, you seen him?"

To this the great friend simply groaned.

"Pity," the griffon scoffed "Well then, anything other than information we can take?"

Chillisocks immediately stops the carriage, and long jumps onto it. "Dawn is digesting my Grandmother's prized possession. If you want to cut him open, I wouldn't object."

The griffon started walking towards Dawn with an upheld talon, suddenly Zerume slams down his hooves and yells:


Startled, and obviously not recognizing the reference, the griffon looks at Zerume.

"Here, I've got a couple bits in my man-satchel, take those and leave our friend un-gutted please."

The griffon accepted the bits and flew off, "You know, you'd think a guy would wake up in that sort of situation."

Feeling mischievous, Chilli snuck up on Dawn to dump water on his face, right before the jug was tipped enough to splash onto Dawn's seemingly unaware head, he slaps Chilli,

"Go through with that and I'll make sure you won't ever see straight again."

The rest of the mid-afternoon went relatively quietly (I say relatively because Dawn and Chilli have a tendency to never shut up.)


"There it is, Ponyville, in all it's Midsummer Celebration Glory." mused Zerume to himself, while Chilli walked up behind him,

"Dude, Talking to yourself is MY thing." Chilli then started to ramble to himself about how apples were way too stereotypical.

Dawnchaser walks up to them both and swiftly wacks them upside the head. "We all do that. Now look, let's just get to a place where we can eat."

The colts start walking through town. Zerume was noticing a rather large amount of stares, most likely because of his strange color scheme. He sighs to himself, "Why do i always have to look so weird for pony standards...?"

"Hey cheer up! How many green ponies do you see astrollin 'round?" Said Chilli trying to cheer up his friend. Chilli was a green unicorn with a black and neon green highlighted mane, and a pale light green coat. Zerume was a unicorn with an unusual neon green mane, with strange sky blue highlights and an orange coat suckin on a sucka and also wearing a sensual blue vest. Dawn, was an somehow not overweight pegasus with a dark brown coat and a red highlighted dark blonde mane, with a sucker sticking out of his insatiable maw.

"So once again, why are we here in Ponyville? We could have saved you two a lot of walking and me the threat of almost surprise surgery." Chillisocks couldn't help but chuckle at this.

"It's simple. My boss's big celebration thing is here this year. I've never seen her raise the sun before, so she figured there's no time like the present. I dragged you two along because I'm much too lazy to go by myself. Besides you two are my friends, and I payed for you to go, so quit 'cha whinin! Besides, we're a few days early so we can go see the town." stated Zerume.

"But what's there to see in such a small town?" Chilli inquired.

"I hear Sweet Apple Acres is picturesque."

"But the Zap apples aren't in season, and all I care about right now is food. Know any good restaurants?" Dawn interrupted.

"Well, I'm pretty sure we're about out of bits considering the multiple robbings." Zerume looked over at a lower class restaurant.

Dawn followed Zerume's gaze "That'll do!" and gallops full speed toward the restaurant.

"Well, alright! Not my first choice, but there's no changing Dawn's mind on such things." Said Chilli, less than cheerfully.


The two friends follow after the third oh-so-nomish-friend into the restaurant, which was much darker than expected.

Zerume seemed a tad frightened, "Well, I guess food is food despite the light level."

Dawnchaser was currently digging into a large plate of hayfries, which Chilli already knew he was going to have to pay for.

It was then that Zerume's eyes dart to a corner of the room where there were two quite beautiful mares. "Hey Chilli, look over there!"

Chillisocks lets out a low whistle, "Those are some pretty nice looking girls over there."

Zerume turned to him and deadpanned, "I was talking about them being out of place numbhooves."

"Right, exactly what i was thinking..." Chilli said with a lingering stare.

"Alright, I got to find out what's going on here." Zerume proceeds to investigate said mares in question. On closer inspection, it seemed a to be a pristine white unicorn with a curly purple mane and a butter yellow pegasus with a pink mane.

"Alright you two, I got to figure this out, what are two mares of this caliber doing in such a dank place?" inquired Zerume.

The pegasus shrunk back into her chair at his demanding voice, The white unicorn merely blushed at what she took as a compliment. His attention immediately went to the butter-yellow pegasus who he seemed to unintentionally frightened. All the while Chilli grinning at them both in the corner waving like an absolute featherhead.

Seeing the butter-yellow pegasus in fear, Zerume immediately attempts to calm her with a barrage of shushes and calming sounds "I'm not really trying to flirt with you two, the pieces just don't fit to say. what just are you doing here?"

"Well darling, the spa closed today so we may as well try a new place-"

"I'm Zerume," he interrupted "That featherhead waving over there in the corner is Chillisocks. He's a bit of flirt. Over there burying his head in hayfries is Dawnchaser, he's the semi-useless guy. we're here for the summer sun celebration. We arrived a few days early to get some sight-seeing and such done."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Zerume, I'm Rarity, and this is Fluttershy." The butter-yellow pegasus meeped at the mention of her name, "If I may ask, how have you come across such a strange name?"

"Back when i was born, my actual name was Sidenote. it didn't really fit me well because I am a mystery wrapped in a enigma wrapped in a quesadilla"

"For now i'll get out of your mane, i'll go grab the featherhead and keep him from bothering you."

Zerume proceeded to head to the front of the establishment and pull Chillisocks by his ear to the table Dawn had devoured his meal at.

Zerume threw Chillisocks into one of the seats, "Hey Dawn, how was your, umm meal?"

"Meal? that was my mid-day snack! The main course is going to be out in a second!" at this Chillisocks held his man-satchel to his chest saying a silent goodbye to the contents.

"Anyways Dawn, we've got to find some lodging. I'd leave you here but there's no doubt you're going to rid Chillisocks of his hard-earned bits." at this, Dawnchaser seemed to stare into Zerume's very soul. making it crystal clear he did not wish to leave.

Zerume fortunately was one of the few stallions that could control Dawn. "Dawn, just because you're my friend that doesn't mean I HAVE to pay for your room. Now, either you leave, or you sleep-"

"IN THE GUTTER LIKE THE TRASH YOU ARE!" Chillisocks interrupted

Zerume facehoofed. "-right. now finish up your second course and Chilli and I will be at the hotel, and Chilli, you're paying for his meal." Chilli's heart dropped.

"But why?"

"You're the only one with bits left and plus that was just mean."

As Zerume was leaving he muttered something about royal jobs not paying nearly enough, immediately lightning struck, barely missing his flank.

Of Tourist Attractions/PAIN

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As we stumble upon our not so heroic heroes again, They had made reservations at the hotel for three days. The hotel wasn't amazingly fancy, but considering the price, Zerume didn't mind.

"With the reservations made and quite a bit of the day left, Why don't we go sightseeing?" Zerume asked

"What sights are there to see?"

"I hear about this famous dress shop around" Chillisocks looked at him strangely then stated "I'm not sure if you remember correctly, but we don't wear dresses. I'm not so sure about Dawn though"

"Well it is famous so we may as well"



The two proceeded to exit the cheap hotel. On the way to the boutique they spotted a grey pegasus crashing into a building but other than that, it was extremely peaceful that afternoon.

The Three Colts trot into Carousel Boutique, upon entering the see the pristine white mare from the restaurant. Zerume seemed surprised to see the unicorn.

"Oy, Chilli, mind holding back Dawn? We don't want any nomming incidents."

"Aye aye cap'n!"

"So i'm surprised to you again" Zerume said to Rarity

"Yes, Well considering that I own this shop, the only strange thing is that you keep bumping into me..." Rarity nervously chuckled

Zerume put on his best poker-face "Alright, remember how I said I was an enigma wrapped into a mystery wrapped in a quesadilla? this is just one of those moments that I cannot explain. You've got to trust me when i say I'M NOT FOLLOWING YOU. You mind if we take a look around? We came here to tour the town and what not."

"Why, of course... Feel free to take a look at my designs, if anything interests you let me know!" with that Rarity went back to her sewing room.

After a while at looking at the displayed dresses which strangely Chilli enjoyed, Dawn trotted upstairs to Rarity's sewing room. Zerume seemed to look worried.

"What's eatin' you?"

"You know how these kind of things go with me. I'm not exactly the luckiest stallion."

Upstairs, Dawn was talking to Rarity,

"Really? What would I ever have a bounty on my head for?"

"Why, obviously, it's because your dresses are way too good so every other boutique in Equestria has pooled their money to get you whacked."

At this Rarity starts fishing around in one of her chests and pulls out a large frying pan.

Back downstairs,

"What do you mean by "not the luckiest stallion"?"

"Well you know how I almost get struck by lightning daily, get stared at on a daily basis, and had an awful childh-"


Chillisocks was out cold, and Zerume started to panic

"W-why... I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO RIP THAT DRESS!" Zerume was frozen with fear and Dawnchaser started to eat Rarity's frying pan.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?! and don't eat that darling, nopony needs that much iron in their diet." Rarity started to chase after Zerume. "THAT WAS A ONE OF A KIND HOITY-TOITY ORIGINAL! I SWEAR, BOUNTY HUNTERS HAVE NO MANNERS THESE DAYS!"

"Wait, Bounty Hunters?" Zerume stopped running. "Did Dawn tell you we were bounty hunters?" Dawn was sitting in the corner, with a bucket of popcorn through the entire ordeal with a mischievous grin on his face. Despite the danger of the moment, Dawnchaser was now rolling on the floor laughing.

"Well it seems there's been a misunderstanding. You're paying to replace that dress but, for knocking out your friend there I'll get him an icepack and we'll wait until he comes to."

"So i'm gonna guess that Chilli's gonna be out a while (Rude.) so i may as well tell you about why i seem like such a stalker."

"Oh, umm, capital idea you don't seem like that much a stalker" Rarity nervously laughs

"Don't worry, don't worry I get that all the time. So in a land called Neigh Orleans, I lived there at a young age. School wasn't an extremely fun experience. I got flak from my peers, for my unusual color scheme. I usually take negative thoughts about me a lot harder than other ponies and, don't hold my self in high regard. So, because of this I try to be as polite as possible."

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that dear. Here, let me get you some water."


During the few hours of waiting for Chilli to wake up, Zerume, Rarity, and Dawn had been talking about just about everything and anything. They'd gotten to be good friends. When suddenly, Zerume let's out a groggy moan

Chilli awoke with a severe headache, "Arghlgglgghllgh, (I don't play Wow anymore but I still do love me some Murlocs.) what happened?"

"You got hit upside the head"

"But, why? All I remember is thinking that dresses with jewels was weird and... Wait. Can she read minds?" Chillisocks looks at Rarity in horror. Zerume and Dawnchaser start laughing hysterically as Rarity gives Chilli a death-glare.

"Well darlings, it's been nice having you here," Rarity interjected suddenly, "for the most part" She muttered to herself "But alas, it is time close up shop" Rarity hastily pushed the three colts out of her shop and into the night air, then ran back inside and slammed the door behind her.

Authors Note: Murlocs are bomb.


Extra Chapter Uno: Pies and Work

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"Pies, just pies." Zerume stated

"What?" Asked Chilli

"You want to get some pizza pies?" Zerume asks

"I prefer the sugary variety" Dawn stated

"A couple days ago, I was at work, helping Celestia and the normal stuff when suddenly, she just goes on about pies. So like the faithful worker I am, I ask her ' Why are you talking about pies?' 'Because they're pies' then she goes into a load of mathematical equations about fractions of pies and what not, and I say 'why are you being so technical about something as delicious as pie? I mean the only that concerns me about pies is the flavor and whether i can eat them before Dawn' at this she stared at me, and chuckled "I suppose you do have a point, just my faithful student Twilight Sparkle had gone into math equations like these in one of her letters. She'd been doing a study on it I suppose' the rest of the day went completely normal other than that."

"Zerume," Chilli stared at him

"Yes?" Zerume answered

"You realize that now i'm going to have to buy Dawn pies right?"

When Things Actually Start Happening/Of Gluttony's Rage

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The morning came abruptly. All three colts felt tired yet Zerume and Chilli got up regardless. Oddly, it was still dark out. Naturally Zerume put two and two together and made waffles. At the scent of waffles both Chilli and Dawn race up behind Zerume and breath down his neck while he cooks. "ARG, Really? again? GAH!" Zerume proceeded to make himself coffee in angst at the situation, "Hey, Chilli you mind checking on the waffles?"

"If there was any batter left"

Turning around, Zerume saw that Dawn's face was coated in batter. "Well it looks like waffles are out of the question. how about we go find a place to eat?" Dawn licked his face clean of batter,


"I'm going to assume i'm paying?" Chilli asked

"Naw don't worry 'bout it my boss gave me these!" Zerume proudly opens his satchel to show off his newly obtained bits!

"FINALLY!" Chillisocks yelled to the heavens and fell to his knees(? what do ponies fall to?) in thanks

Dawn then Cool-aid man jumps through the wall of the hotel room and dive-bombs on to the nearest restaurant with a very audible THUNK

Chilli sighed "We may as well follow him I guess" when suddenly Zerume jumped out of the hole in the hotel room and landed gracefully onto a very conveniently placed mattress.

"How extremely convenient!" Zerume yelled

Chillisocks took the not-so-dangerous way down (*cough cough* STAIRS *cough cough*) as he was deathly afraid of heights


The two colts happen upon a store that seemed to be entirely made of sugary confections.

"Good thing Dawn isn't here!" Chilli exclaimed

"It must be the fabled...." Zerume off his imaginary sunglasses " Sugarcube Corner..."

Chilli just looked at him. "Since when did we hear fables?"

"Just kiddin', i just read the sign"

The two colts bust (edgy) into the store to see their friend eating as many edible objects in there as possible, while also talking to a pink mare. Zerume sighed and walked up to the front counter. "How much is all that gonna cost us?"

The orange stallion looked at him "You know this colt?"

"Unfortunately, for a good bit of my life, yes."

"Well that's gonna run you a good 580 bits."

Zerume looked puzzled, "He usually costs us a lot more than just THAT"

"Those are all yesterday's so they're half off!"

"All right good sir, enjoy" Zerume hands him the bits "There goes five-eighty out of my paycheck..." Chilli was simply delighted to finally not be the one paying.

"Could we also get a baker's dozen of cupcake to go please?" Asked Zerume

"Why of course. One minute please, we'll get you fresh ones." When suddenly, Dawn yells

"That was a great snack! what's for breakfast?"

The pink mare laughed so hard she lost her footing, " Oh you silly-billy-filly! That WAS breakfast! I don't know how you ate it all but you did! You sure are hungry! Are you some kind of black hole in disguise? You must be! But how does a black hole wear a disguise? And why not go eat stars or something? That just doesn't make sense."

Zerume cuts her off before she can talk some more, "Trust us, this is the norm for Dawn. I doubt you could satisfy him with a cupcake the SIZE of a star."

The Pink the mare ran off into the kitchen with sudden determination.

Trying to stop the mare Zerume yells "OBJECTION" she turns back and yells "OVERRULED!" " I think i'm starting to like this one" Zerume thought to himself out-loud yet again

"Shall we actually get the day started then?" Chilli asked

"After we get our cupcakes." Zerume stated, as if on cue the cashier then handed the cupcakes to Zerume. Suddenly, Zerume started speaking in a bad-flank tone. "Fair enough, Chilli get ready to fight for your cupcakes." Immediately Chilli takes three cupcakes and runs for his life, Zerume takes four, drops the box, pays the cashier and follows Chilli's lead.

"So since we've got breakfast where to next?" asked Zerume.

Chillisocks could only think of one place


"Sweet Apple Acres."

On the way there, Dawn had caught up to the two and ate one of Chilli's cupcakes and two of Zerume's. Upon arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, Dawn inexplicably ate baskets of apples lying around the trees. When out of of nowhere and orange blur seemingly attacks Chilli's hoof and starts shaking it vigorously stirring him up quite a bit.

"Why howdy there mister! Ah haven't seen you 'round these parts! All of you must be new! What's your name?"

Zerume answers for Chillisocks, "Yes we are new, we're here for the Summer Sun Celebration, The Colt's hoof you're currently shaking is Chillisocks, I'm Zerume, and that beast over there mercilessly devouring your apples is Dawnchaser. I'd be careful around him if i were you, he eats just about anything and everything."

"Well ah'm Applejack, and this here farm is Sweet Apple Acres, The best apples in all of Equestria!" said Applejack in a commercial-esk fashion

"Y-you're p-pretty" Chilli said as he was being shaken uncontrollably

Applejack let go of Chilli's hoof, "What did you say?"

"I, erm, umm..."(WAY TO GO CHAMP!)

"There's some more ponies down the road, you should probably attend to them." Zerume stated

"Er, right, ah'll see you later then..." Applejack walked to the other group to greet them.

"Thanks for saving my flank there bro"

"Don't worry about it bro. What are we going to do about Dawn? He's cleared half the field of it's apples."

"Erm," Chilli thought for a moment, "DAWN! I'LL PAY FOR YOUR DINNER TONIGHT IF YOU STOP NOMMING!"

Dawn was immediately standing by Chillisocks. "Psyche!"

As Applejack came back with a lavender unicorn mare, and a purple and green dragon walking alongside them.

"Chilli, you think you can watch him on your own?"

Trying to impress Applejack, Chillisocks heroically says "OF COURSE I CAN." (That's going to go well.)

"Sorry about that Applejack, it's just our... Friend here decided to try and clear your orchard so we got him out of there as fast as we could."

"Oh, well thanks ah guess?" Applejack was very unsure of how to react to that. "This here is Twilight, she's visiting here for the Summer Sun Celebration same as you! Cept she's here on, Royal, business."

"Heh, Well, Miss Twilight, I am Zerume, Didn't know there was another royal employee here, the two over there are Chillisocks and Dawnchaser"

Dawn had by then walked out into the orchard with Chillisocks, who was futilely trying to push him back to the path. and now is holding Dawn's tail in pathetic attempt to at least slow him. Zerume extends his hoof to Twilight.

"What do you mean, 'royal employee'?"

"Well i'm Celestia's well, Assistant"

"Well it's nice to meet you all." Twilight shook Zerume's hoof gently "But i really need to get on with the rest of the preparations."

Zerume thought for a bit, "Hey Dawn! Want to help this mare here check on the food?"

Dawn then flies out of the orchard, Chillisocks in tow on his tail, and lands next to Zerume.


"How did you know I was here for food?" Inquired Twilight

"It's an apple orchard after all."

as soon as Chillisocks feels the tender touch of the ground he bolts for the nearest pony, which, unfortunately was Applejack and scoops her up in the biggest hug he could muster, Zerume like the amazing friend he is, laughs at Chilli's humiliation.


"Yer welcome i guess?"

Chillisocks immediately let go of Applejack and blushed,

"Acute observation, Sherclop" Chilli said, missing his cue miserably and trying to change the subject. (Keep your minds clean kids.)

Needless to say, didn't work."Dawn here has tasted many a treat, maybe he could help you decide if it's up to royal standards?"

"Uh sure! Ah'm sure yer friend there would be plenty of help!"

Chillisocks awkwardly closes some of the space between him and Applejack "I'll make sure he won't eat it all!"

"So what do you say Twilight, want some help?"

Quite a bit confused, "Well I guess if you're the Princess's assistant you'd know what's best."


Author's Note: The "bit of a flirt" comment was made QUITE sarcastically.

The Day Presses On

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We meet our heroes again at Sweet Apple Acre's farm house. Applejack had just gotten through introducing her relatives (Clever way to avoid typing all of that? Yes.) when Twilight nervously laughs,

"ha ha okay~, Well i can see the food situation is handled, so we'll be on our way."

"Aren't you gonna stay fer brunch?" at the mere mention of food Dawn immediately consumes the immense pile of food AJ's relatives had made.

"Sorry, but we have things to do..." The relatives sigh,

"Well it's not like there's anything left" Chilli scowled at Dawn

"It looks like me and Twilight are going to be heading out, why don't you and Dawn head back to Sugarcube Corner?

"YUS" Dawn sprinted down the trail to find the small shop.

Chilli sighed, "Alright, I guess"


"Food taken care of then, next is weather... Hmm, there's supposed to be a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds" says Spike, searching the sky, for the Pegasi (I DUN DID MAKE RHYME)

"Well she's not doing a very good job is she?"

"Assuredly so," As if on cue, a cyan blur tackled Zerume. "HURGH"

the pegasus laughs sheepishly, "Uh, 'scuse me?"

"Oh, the PAIN" Zerume griped

That pegasus laughs again "Here, let me help you" and helps Zerume up.

"Let me guess, you're Rainbow Dash?" Twilight says.

"The one and only, why? have you heard of me? Rainbow's eyes brightened at the thought of fame

"I heard you're supposed to be keeping the skies clear."

Zerume interjected "This is Twilight and i'm Zerume we're here to check on the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Yeah yeah, i'll get that done in a jiffy. Just as soon as i'm done practicing."

"Practicing for what?" Twilight and Zerume say in unison.

"The Wonderbolts! They're gonna perform at the Celebration tomorrow, and i'm gonna show 'em my stuff"

"THE Wonderbolts?"


"The most talented fliers in all of Equestria?"

"That's them!"

"So you're saying the most talented fliers in all of Equestria are going to accept a pony that can't even keep the sky clear for one measly day?" Zerume taunted her

"Hey, i could clear this sky in ten seconds flat" (I find this part extremely cute for some reason.)

"Prove it" the two say once again in unison. Surely enough in exactly ten seconds the sky was clear. dropping the jaw of Twilight and mildly impressing Zerume.

"Alright, I admit you've got some skills, with weather checked off i'd say we move on, eh Twilight?


When Chilli arrives at Sugarcube Corner, Dawn already being there, he noticed the pink mare looking for something.

"You need help looking there uh, miss?" Chillisocks leans over to Dawn and asks him for her name "Pinkie?"

"Oh hi! Nice to see you again! I'm looking for my streamers. I can't remember where i put them. I could be out, but that's just silly. Since when am I out of party stuff? That's just silly. It's my special talent after all. Now did I leave them at Dinky's birthday party? I sure wouldn't want to bug Miss Hooves, but this is a party emergency!" Chillisocks was having extreme difficulty at keeping up with what this mare was saying, right before she bolted off to wherever "Miss Hooves" lives, Dawn regurgitated an alarming amount of streamers.

"Oh thanks! That's really gross but i can just wash them-"

Chilli interjects, "Don't worry they're exactly the way he found them, one of the many mysteries of the maw..." Chilli shudders

"Well that's great! Would you like to help me with this party i'm throwing?"

"Sure!" Both of them yelled.


"Decorations, Beautiful..." Spike looked dumbstruck.

"I can only think of one mare with this much skill..." Zerume looked off dramatically.

"Yes the decor seems to be coming along nicely. Soon enough we'll be back at the library." Twilight stated

"Not the decor, Her!..." Spike points to a pristine white mare that Zerume recognized as Rarity.

"Well hello Rarity!"

"Just a moment, please! I'm 'in the zone', as it were. Oh, yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why, Rarity, you are a talent. Now, um, how can I help yo-" Rarity Yelps" Oh, it's you... again! How exciting..."

"Well today i'm here on more royal business you'd say. This is Twilight, she's here from Canterlot to check the preparations."

"Canterlot?! Oh, I am so envious! The glamor, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there! I can't wait to hear all about it! We are gonna be the best of friends, you and I... Green Ribbons?! What was I thinking? Let me get some Red!"

"Let's leave now, knowing Rarity, Canterlot will have her pretty excited"


"Wow Pinkie! look at all these balloons! I'm sure Twilight's gonna love it!" Exclaimed Chillisocks

"Thanks! now all we need is a little time to get the finishing touches. Could you go stall her for me please? With pink sprinkles and hot sauce on top?" asked Pinkie extremely fast as usual. Dawn was off doing some "Taste Testing" for the cakes.

"Sure Pinkie! but how will I know it's ready?"

"I'll give you the signal." just then Pinkie Pie pulls a kazoo at of nowhere, and demonstrates for Chillisocks.



"Twilight Sparkle, I knew that name sounded familiar! so you're the "Most Faithful Student" Celestia's always talking about." said Zerume slightly teasing Twilight.

"Yes I most certainly am. I take my apprentice-hood very seriously and study whenever I can."

Right before Zerume is able to respond Chilli found the two and interrupts, "Hey! There you are! uh, Zerume can I talk to you for a second?"

"Uh, yeah I guess."

Chillisocks guides Zerume away from Twilight a few feet and speaks in a hushed tone ,"We need to stall Twilight long enough for Pinkie Pie to get done with the preparations for her party. Any ideas?"

"Er, not right now. I'll come up with something. Just head back to the party and get done preparing."

Chilli turns back to Twilight, "Well it's been nice seeing you again" and bolts back to the library.

"What was that all about?"

"Well, nothing much just the daily nom report on Dawn, so what's next on the checklist?"

"Music!" Spike reads off his clipboard. The trio then spots a butter-yellow pegasus that Zerume had met before, Fluttershy.

"Hello Fluttershy!" Zerume said quite a bit too loud and scared Fluttershy once again

"Oh, hello" Fluttershy answered quite quietly

"Well, anyways this is Twilight, she's here from Canterlot to check on the Summer Sun Celebration preparations. You're in charge of music, so how's that coming along?"

Fluttershy was quietly pawing the ground when she noticed a baby dragon, Spike, and gasps

"A baby dragon! Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's sooo cute!"

"Well, well, well...!" Spike said, glancing over to Zerume and Twilight in a gloating fashion

"Oh my, he talks. I didn't know dragons could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful I, I just don't even know what to say!"

"Oh, well in that case we'd better be going!" Twilight interrupted and lifted Spike onto her back.

"Wait, wait! what's his name?"

"I'm Spike."

"Hi Spike, I'm Fluttershy. Wow! A talking dragon! And what do dragons talk about?"

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Absolutely everything!"

Zerume and Twilight groaned.


"...and that's the story of my whole entire life! Well, up until today. Do you wanna hear about today?"

"I'd rather not." Zerume interrupted. "Well, Fluttershy, it seems we've gotten to Twilight's house and i'm sure she's very tired after her day of... checking? So let's leave her be."

"And my poor baby dragon needs his sleep." Twilight added

"No I don't-woah!" Twilight knocks him off her back

"Aww, wook at dat, he's so sweepy he can't even keep his widdle bawwance!" Twilight grinned stepping into the library.

"Aww, the poor dear, you simply must get him to bed."

"Yes, Yes, we'll get right on that. G'night!" Twilight slams the door in Zerume and Fluttershy's face.

"Huh, rude much?"

"Sorry, Spike, but I have to convince the Princess that Night Mare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time! I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time. Now, where's the light?"

when suddenly the light turns on and Twilight and Spike hear a thunderous


Zerume and Fluttershy walk inside to join the party. and Twilight groans in frustration.


Author's Note: Ain't no party like a Pinkie party, 'Cuz a Pinkie party DON'T STOP! until everypony wants to go home of course.