• Published 22nd Jul 2016
  • 256 Views, 0 Comments

BattlePonz - NightWallopingNuggets

Pinkie Pie knows the Multiverse by a Song.

  • ...

Chapter 1

From a kingdom long ago
An enigma wrapped in mystery
We battled every foe
Since before the dawn of history
United we are one
Battling all of those who stand appose
Nobody knows why we have thumbs
Or where these badly foes who badly goes

"RAAAAAWWWR!" Pinkie Pie roared right in front of her, causing her bubblegum face to nearly press against the whole screen while continuing to bellow like a guttural beast that had swallowed a mouthful of water that is gushing on out! Her silly cry was to any pony's guess, much like the piece of strange lyrics that she has easily sung before to no equine, though her display was then rudely interrupted by a familiar voice speaking up from behind her.

"Pinkie Pie, what the hay are you doing?" Twilight Sparkle's voice entered her hearing range, causing a record to scratch from out of nowhere and her face to turn from glee to surprise. The party pony lifted her face away from the mirror that she roared at; twisting her head all around like Owlicious does to find her very best friends behind her in the very comfort of Twilight's library.

"And what was that song suppose to be of, sugarcube?" Applejack questioned her uneasily, much like how the rest of her pony friends were, over the song sounded quite unexpected and out of complete nowhere that didn't fit in for what she would usually sing of. The song would be more fitting for a dragon teenager to bellow on out, since it felt like something of their speed, especially that roar that was made at the last part.

"Yes, darling, it sounds too rough and manly, unlike how you are," Rarity voiced out to her on what any of them was obviously thinking with on that precise moment, although her tone when saying those last four words were trying so hard to seal away the snort. That made the farm pony and the prismatic pegasi to give her a judgmental stare that was left unnoticed by her entirely, because staring ahead of her at the one that was the hyped center of attention.

"Oh, you girls know me, Pinkie just being Pinkie," The Element of Laughter then bashfully responded back for each and every one of them, right after twirling around in place to directly look back at them and then even kicked the mirror back! Her hind legs having enough force in them, like a coiled spring, to shoot it far across the room that was actually leading it up, with even rolling up the staircase and taking a turn for the left, to Twilight's bedroom!



"MY BEDROOM!" The pale mulberry pony gasped with tremendous woe over hearing that crash reverberating in her own private quarters. On a whim, she let out a shrill shriek come out of her throat! "SPI-" She cut off her own shout of command when it hit her. To add that pinch of insult to her horror over the unseen disaster, she knew she had no assistant with her any longer to be there to call for help to see what kind of damage was said and done, for he had a life of his own now with his real family back at the Dragon Lands. "Oh, right, I forgot that he isn't here with us anymore."

Since a month has passed by on his departure with Garble, she somehow had forgotten that it doesn't mean that he was still here, willing and waiting on her every hoof with going forth on doing a job well done.

A defeated sigh left her maw on that. As she miserably drooped her head down with sadness on knowing she ashamed herself with calling out a close friend's name in front of several eyes, her ears perked up instantly when she heard her circle of friends encouragedly speak up.

"Now, c'mon, sugarcube, don't get yer head out of the game."

"Yes, Twilight darling, we will make sure of it that your room will be as fabulous as it once was."

"Oh yes, we can all help out. Right, Rainbow Dash?"

"Yeah. I don't see why not."

As she was going to raise her head up, with a small smile on her features, to thank them, only to have a pair of front hooves of a familiar equine with poofy hair to latch onto her cheeks just then and pull her forward! A shocked grunt was able to escape her breath, but she had to get an unwanted confrontation from the earth pony with the most excited babble in her to say the most out of them all, for some likely reason over the general matter of the hour.

"Oh, whaddya think of this super cool help from your friends, Twilight? Is it a yes? A no? Please? Thank you? A no way? I can do this on my own? I'm grateful we're helping? Or somepony get Spike back? Or-"

"PINKIE PIE, ENOUGH!" The unicorn cut her excitable rambling of choice words off with a shout that reached up to a demanding altitude that startled everypony, including the one that held her cheeks! Pinkie took her front hoofs off, smiling widely in an awkward fashion over this command being for her only and just zipped back to the rest of the girls like a string dragged her back! The faithful student of Celestia was, to be quite honest, not up for her mental capacity to get on an irritating side over something beautiful as friendship, though one pony not being patient enough made her to snap out to get her inline. With a few pants here and there, she meekly grinned at her friends that looked on with mixed emotions of either fear or shame. "Sorry about that. But anyway, I'm really, as Pinkie Pie once put it in her own mouth, grateful over this help you're all giving me. It means a lot to me."

She placed her right hoof against her chest, where her heart was. It took them two seconds before they all understood on what she said at the last part of her sentence, all faces twisting up to both of glee and appreciation on her fine set of honest words.

"Aww shucks, Twi," The apple farmer blushed from her response, only to honestly add up for her good friend with what is the downright truth. "It ain't nothin'. You helped me out with Applebucking season when I was too caught up with finishin' up the harvest myself, so I repay the debt any time I am able to."

"Thanks," Twilight Sparkle replied back to her on her answer.

With a flying head start, Rainbow went airborne in an instant to hover above the other girls present to boldly declare for them all with the most obvious response of all time. "Well, what are we waiting for? Hearth's Warming Eve? C'mon, girls, last one there has to eat Twilight's hay sandwiches!"

Just as she flew off basically in a rainbow streak toward the bedroom's passage way, one by one, the other mares began to charge up the steps in a hurry with clouds of dust picking up by the second! They each rambled on about not wanting to eat any hay sandwich done by the leader of their esteemed group, without bucking out any particular reason on why they are saying this. All the while, said Element of Magic was left there on the ground floor alone, staring up at where the dust trail started and has then ended off to with a bewildered expression that said she too was left in the dust, for obvious half-baked reasons.

"What's wrong with my hay sandwiches?" She questioned to only herself then, no likely answer to come from any soul around her over where she plainly was. She stared ahead of her, hearing distant chatter and noises of things moving around above her with the occasional sweep of a brush, right until three seconds had passed by and she finally gave in to calm herself down. Her features shifted to a dull expression instead. "Anyway, I best make sure of it that none of them touches my secret 'Celestia is Love' stash."

And, on that note, she began trotting to make her way up to the steps for her room, determined to make sure her friends didn't snoop into her secret books that she doesn't want any pony to lay their eyes on. They weren't ready for the cold hard truth, not one bit, that were crammed into those seven books that were made by the one and only Star Swirl the Bearded. She didn't want to let them know the biggest secrets of ancient history that personally happened, as she has promised Princess Celestia to keep her mouth tightly sealed.

So, she has to make sure to not let them find that stash, though keeping herself calm under pressure as usual.

If it was possible to do something like that over a cocky pegasi and a bubbly pony being there.

With a light snort, her last words when going up the steps were. "Battlesaurs. What a load of hay."


In a distant galaxy, far far away from Equestria itself, was a barren rock that seemed desolated from the auburn shade coating it, not a single color of either vivid green or deep blue to be sighted from where this unknown planet was seen from. There was obviously no visible life on here from what was seen, but that could be a clear ruse, for there was something off about this place to say that life did found a way in the long run to let some sentience to survive.

Suddenly, a red energy spirit in the shape of a strange being, which looked like, in bipedal monkey terms, a small humanoid being with tiny arms and a trailing streak instead of legs. It had a bulbous head, with two huge oval eyes and a tiny mouth, some flames spewing prominently out of the top of its head, all the while stars and crescent moons dotted its whole being. They moved randomly in a peaceful tandem, even when it moved about and looked about ready to blow its top with its furious scowl deepening with each second!

"THEY ARE NOT A LOAD OF STRAW!" It yelled out in a high-pitched female voice to the cosmos, likely having heard Twilight's last set of dubious words somehow just now, and shook one right fist in front of her at where the other world may have been placed at from her location. Behind her, two more beings similar to her appeared, only slight changes on each of them was easily seen here and there with colors and flaming 'hair' appearances.

"Ifi, calm down!" A blue sprite with a female voice as well that was just soft and quiet, with two plumes of flames trailing on out of each side of her head like four pigtails, said to her with concern over her snapping attitude toward the unknown that none of them can possibly control of.

"I can't Belmeh!" She snapped back at the other girl with her at that hour to cause her to float back in fear, while the yellow one that floated besides them both with a swirl above its forehead just looked without any excitement on the two's conversation. As she gnashed her unseen teeth, she belted out the expected over her anger on the serious matter at hands that need to be said and done anyway. "You, me, and Zyx, heard that...grrr, someone that we hardly know of say that the Battlesaurs, our chosen heroes to fight the Dark Stone, are a load of straw!"

"And you have just answered the impossible, Ifi," Zyx answered her in a wise masculine voice, which was hardly high or soft like the two in front of him, as he placed his arms behind his celestial body.

Ifi twisted her attention on solely him now. "What'cha talking about?"

"I'm talking about them not knowing who the Battlesaurs are," He casually replied for her irritated question to likely sink down whatever temper was on her, though he continued to say what he had to say before she may put up another snapping two cents in. "Whoever said that. They don't know who they are actually referring to. They think their not real, but sadly they don't know the honest reality. Like they say, there are many pearls in the multiverse with a lack of knowledge on other existences."

"Yeah," The timid fairy agreed with him lightly, not wanting to voice herself higher and get physically attacked like before. Belmeh wasn't up for that idea though, not when they had already come back from Battleopolis over having said their goodbyes to the late Caprica, Elysia's twin sister, that died after being brainwashed by the Dark Stone to save her dear sister from one of its followers.

The fiery spirit was silent, still fuming in an inaudible way, but quiet enough from not lashing out when she was staring ahead at the one that had dumped that valid piece of information for her to hear. She had to, in an honest way, figure out that was true over their one part of a mass constellation of stars and planets, which span out to even more ones of their own universes that build up the multiverse.

"Yeah, yeah," She grumbled defiantly on his words at last, folding her arms and looking like she is pouting with her lip being the source of such an idea. She continued to grumble her own annoyance out for her fellow companions in this section of cosmic space above the planet. "Still wish we can show them on what their missing out of. They'd feel sorry for making fun of the guys that we have entrusted our powers to."

The yellow sprite smiled over a thought coming to his ingenious mind. "Hmmm, I think I have a way to fix that, Ifi," The two looked over at him with as much curiosity as one may have over what came over him to say that. They saw his sweet smile, for a glorious idea, was forming on his face by that very second.

One of the Dream Elders had a plan in motion, which would flow with the other two once they learned what he had in mind, without the Cleric's understanding on their proposal at all.

The End...?

Author's Note:

Watch and learn. :scootangel:

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