• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 10,030 Views, 1,069 Comments

Daughters of Glimmer - Summer Dancer

Starlight reverses the ages of the Mane Six and raises them as her own.

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Straight For the Castle

Spike soared through the cool night air, his massive wings spread out like proud banners against the current of the wind. His emerald green eyes searched the lands for signs of any trouble. Hmm. All’s quiet on the Canterlot Front. Let’s see where else it’s coming from. He rose higher into the sky, up past the reach of the mountains below. The tiny dot known as Ponyville sat nestled in a patch of grass, unnoticed and unbothered by the world that surrounded it. How it should be.

He breathed in the wispy night clouds and swooped down below before flipping himself around.

“I...think we’re done here,” Starlight panted as her horn discharged of magic.

Prism threw her head back, her sweaty mane slapping the back of her neck as she shouted into the stars. “Thank goodness!

Sapphire collapsed to the ground in a dramatic fashion and gasped for air. “My..horn hurts,” she moaned. Buttercup stumbled over and hovered her forehoof next to her sister’s horn.

“It’s warm,” she sighed. “Give it time to rest, it’ll be fine.”

“We’ll camp over here for tonight,” their mother said, gesturing to a nearby Druid Arch with several other rocks among its base. “Will somepony please get a fire going?” she asked as she went to scout out the area.

“Yeah,” Prism muttered after a while. “Anypony got any matches?”

“Hush, Prism,” Sunshine reproached, rolling her eyes. “We’ll just have to do it the old fashioned way.”

Buttercup and Sapphire trotted over with the scattered branches they found while Moonlight gathered rocks with her magic and placed them in a neat circle and stacked them.

“By rubbing a bunch of sticks together?” Prism deadpanned with a snort. “Why don’t I just--”

Sunshine cut her off, shoving a hoof in her mouth. “I think you’ve done enough burning for one night.”

Prism eyed the end of Sunshine’s tail, which was signed black and pulled away with an indignant frown. “I said I was sorry,” she grumbled. She turned to Pearl who was standing far off to the side, kicking at the dirt with her hooves. “And why aren’t you helping?”

The pink mare blinked before giving a sheepish grin. “I would, buuuut…” She gestured to the dark and wet patches of sand around them that were quickly beginning to dry. “I probably wouldn’t be much help to you.” She snickered at the thought.

“I’ll do it,” Moonlight sighed, levitating two sticks and in the air and making them collide. “I know this has been a long trip, girls, but we can’t fall apart now. We have a purpose to fulfill and we’re drawing closer to Canterlot every day. It’s a trying experience, but it’s meant to be. Anything we truly want needs to be worked for. You might be thinking that someone else is being a major pain in the flank...but just remember one thing.”

Several eyes blinked at her.

“...You’re all a pain in the flank.”

Bursts of laughter and groans filled the air, making Moonlight grin. A spark ignited from the branches, and soon they had a nice and warm fire between them. Soon, their mother came to join them, looking extremely pleased. “Not bad for your first time sleeping outdoors,” she smiled. “Not bad at all. You girls work together wonderfully.”

Sapphire moved to her mother's side and clutched her cloak tighter to her chest. “Are you sure we’ll be safe out here, mother?” she asked, eyeing the flat and sandy atmosphere with slight apprehension.

“It’s so dark,” Buttercup added, her ears flattening against her head.

Starlight smiled softly. “Do not fear the shadows, my children. Look how beautifully the stars twinkle over the sinking sun. Feel that cool breeze underneath your fur. I know this is your first night sleeping outside, but it is nothing to be afraid of. I’m always here to protect you, starlings. Don’t ever forget.”


Mom was right. The stars were nothing short of brilliant, the galaxies and cosmos lighting up the sky brighter than the sun itself. Moonlight’s tail swished around as she continued to stare on her back while her family slept in a circle around her. With a view like this, who NEEDS sleep? she thought excitedly.

A white trail streaked across the sky, making her mouth form an ‘O’. “A shooting star,” she murmured to herself. “I remember reading about you…”

She briefly wondered if it would be considered childish if she made a wish when a voice broke her concentration. “Moonlight? Are you awake?”

The unicorn turned over and saw Pearl lying on her side, wide awake. “What are you still doing up?” Pearl winced a little before biting her lip.

“I...I’m scared.”

Moonlight’s eyes widened. It was a rare sight to see Pearl look worried or apprehensive. Pearl was an optimistic Equalist, a true embodiment of the cheer and happiness Equality brings. While the little Glimmers feared shadows and thunder, Pearl simply laughed when terror reared its ugly head. “Pearl, you heard what mom said. Look there, at the skies. They look more beautiful from here than back home.”

Pearl shook her head, not paying attention to the stars. “No, not that. Aren’t...aren’t you worried about what we’re about to do? Not even a little bit?”

A small, serene smile crept across Moonlight’s face. She reached out a hoof and Pearl crawled into her sister’s embrace, shivering slightly from the cold. “What we do,” she whispered tenderly, “Is for the benefit of all ponies. Once they see the beauty of being Equal, the country will start anew. Think of all the friends you’ll make, Pearl. Think of the families we can start. Imagine, thousands of little Glimmers running around, playing in a field…”

Pearl snorted. “Whoa, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here! I’m not even close to kissing a boy! Besides, we’d have to give up our last names if we marry.”

Moonlight lifted an eyebrow. “Who says we have to give up the name Glimmer? Everypony should have the right to keep the names they were born with. Stallions are not in higher position than mares. At least they shouldn’t be.”

“Yeah,” Pearl whispered softly, listening to the chirping of crickets in the distance. Her ears perked up and her mouth opened in a silent gasp when low growling rumbled through the air. Everypony shot up from the ground, kicking up dirt that scattered in the wind.

Ten, no, twelve wolf-like silhouettes surrounded them, their beady red eyes glowing like lanterns, striking them with fear. Buttercup’s chest heaved as she backed up against her family. She felt a familiar pain in her handicapped wing and whimpered. “Stay close!” Starlight yelled over her daughter’s alarmed cries. Her horn began to glow bright blue when it sparked and fizzled into nothing.

“W-what--” She squeezed her eyes shut and grunted. Sparks of blue magic fell from her horn, but nothing more. “Damn it,” she muttered under her breath. “I’m burned out.” It would take her at least ten minutes to recharge again. She took two steps forward and stood in a crouching position in front of her daughters. “Go!” she yelled over her shoulder. “Get out of here!”

The girls stared at her with shock and bewilderment. “N-No!” Sapphire shrieked.

“Mom, come on!” Sunshine yelled.

“I said leave!” Starlight growled as the creatures drew closer. “Moonlight, get them out of here!”

Said mare opened her mouth to shoot out an angry response when Prism interrupted her. “NO! We’re NOT leaving you!” A ball of flame appeared next to Prism, sparking up her magenta eyes. “I say we take ‘em down!” Sapphire shot a lethal beam of ice at one of the creatures while Prism charged forward.

“WAIT! NO!” Starlight screamed as her daughters spread out. “You don’t have enough energy left!” Just as the words left her mouth, a wolf pounced on her, bringing them both to the ground. Starlight shrieked as she used her hooves to keep the creature from coming all the way down as its jaw snapped open and closed.

“MOM!” A gush of water collided with the creature head first, blasting him backwards with a yowl. Starlight gasped and sat up to see Pearl come running up to her in a panic.

“Pearl, darling, never come close to that thing!” Starlight rasped, scrambling to her hooves. “J-Just stay close--”


Pearl and Starlight gasped as Moonlight tried to fight off two wolves at once. Her force field keeping them at bay flickered dangerously as sweat trickled down her body. Every hit the force field took damaged her even further. “Helpmesomeponypleeeeaaase!”

Starlight’s eyes practically bulged out of her head. “MOONLIGHT!” She began to charge towards her daughter when multiple vines snapped forward and entrapped the wolves in a matter of seconds. Sunshine and Buttercup grunted as they willed the vines to throw the wolves at a large distance. “Are you okay, Moonlight?” Sunshine called.

The force field finally faded away and Moonlight visibly sagged but looked up with a weak smile. “I’m good…” Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed with a grunt.

Starlight was immediately at her side, placing a hoof against her neck. “M-Moonlight?" A single tear rolled down her cheek. ....Why am I so emotional?

“Get away from my sister, you creeps!” Prism raged, shooting a fireball at a wolf, setting its coat aflame.

“Prism!” Sapphire coated a sheet of ice over the wolf before it burned to a crisp. “Are you trying to kill it?!”

“Aren’t we?” Prism gruffed before running over to help her fallen sibling. “Moonlight!” She screamed, shaking her. “Moonlight!”


Spike’s ears perked up. Screams from both pony and beast pierced through the night. He looked down below and saw a pack of wolves attacking a claw full of ponies. One of them seemed to have fallen. Not on MY watch!

Nostrils flared, Spike turned around and swooped down with a mighty roar. He released a burst of green flame, earning shrieks from the wolves...and the mares. “D-D-D-DRAGON!” One of them shrieked.

“That’s not possible!” Another gasped. Half of the girls screamed and ran around in circles while others could only stare at him shock. As Spike flapped around in a grand circle to disperse of the wolves, he could see a pink mare out of the corner of his eye, older than the rest. He felt sudden chills ran down his spine when he caught a glimpse of the mare’s eyes. They were more wild than a beast's.

Before he knew what was happening, a surge of magic clipped his wing, making him gasp in pain. Suddenly, he was spiraling towards the ground in a great ball of fire. Small dark figures from below scattered about, frantically trying to avoid impact.

Spike opened his eyes with a sharp headache and a stinging sensation in his left wing. Spots and stars danced across his vision. He blinked a few times and let out a low moan. When the fog cleared up, he noticed a little unicorn with a pink coat and white mane with a purple streak lying on the ground a few feet away from him. Her eyes fluttered open, dazed.

And then she melted.

No....at least, she looked like she was. As her coat and mane and tail warped and faded like watercolors, Spike began to think he might've hit his head harder than he thought when his breath was suddenly stolen from him.

Now there lay a little unicorn with a lilac coat and an indigo mane and tail with a pink streak.

Her mane was pinned neatly and her cutie mark was but two straight lines...heck, even her wings were gone... but it was her. It was her. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as she stared into his eyes with a near blank expression. The older mare from before appeared behind the girl, glancing at her before focusing back on him with wide eyes. Her lips moved quickly; now he was lying face to face with the pink unicorn again. Spike’s pupils dilated. “T-T-T…”

The older mare disappeared, but he barely noticed. “T...Twilight…

A sharp blow came in contact with the back of his skull, making the world flash red and black.


“Be careful!” Twilight shouted with a worried little frown.

Spike turned and grinned, cupping his claws around his mouth. “I WILL!” He shouted back. But his voice fell on deaf ears, lost in the high winds. Spike turned and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him as the rain countinued its assault on Ponyville. Eventually, the Friendship Castle came into view, causing him to run faster for shelter.

Spike grunted as he forced the doors of the Castle closed, shutting out the wind and rain. He sighed as he leaned back against the double doors; leaves and puddles of water littered the entrance. The young Dragon groaned in annoyance, knowing he was going to have to clean all this up before Twilight came back. Even one snag on the carpet would drive her mad. He pulled out his checklist he made with Twilight and set it aside on a nearby table and went over to get a broom, mop, and a dustpan. “THIS is gonna be a long night,” he grumbled.

Soggy marshmallows floated around the two cups of coca Spike had prepared. The chocolate chips he had also made sat untouched in the middle of the dining room table. Spike’s stomach rumbled, insistant. Spike sighed and patted his belly. “Be patient, tummy. Once she comes back, we can finally eat.” He looked outside the window, regarding the growing storm with slight irritation. “C’mon, Twi,” he moaned. “You know I can’t eat this all by myself. Hurry up already!”

“Ate it all,” Spike sighed, patting his big round stomach with a small belch. “Ugh. Should’nt have done that.” He turned in his bed and looked at his framed picture of Twilight on his dresser. “See what happens when you’re not around to stop me?” He frowned and rolled onto his back. Twilight still hadn’t come back, and it started to worry the little dragon. Just a little bit. Of course, Spike reasoned, she and the others probably took refuge from the storm in one of their houses--and that he was shedding his scales over nothing.

That was probably it.

Spike shivered a little and draped his blanket around himself, eyeing the dark shadows around him warily. Normally, Spike wouldn’t have minded being left alone for the night while Twilight took care of business. In fact, he relished it. But it was different back at the Library. It was nice and cozy and safe there. Being alone in a big empty castle spooked him. Spike’s teeth chattered as he reached for his Rarity plushie.

“If only you were here, my sweet,” he whispered to the doll. “You could tell me all about your fashion shows in Canterlot while I brush your gorgeous mane. And maybe I could show you my...my comic collection…” he yawned, snguggling against his pillow.


Spike opened one eye and saw Owlishious perched on top of his lamp, gazing at him from above. “Hoo, hoo.”

Spike yawned again and closed his eye. “At least you’re here, Owlisious,” he mumbled as the owl spread his wings and flew out of the room and into the hall.


“Spike! Spike, wake up! Spike!”

Spike’s eyes popped open, realizing he was being shaken. “Whoa, hey, cut it out!”

He squinted up to see Apple Bloom standing over him. Irritation faded into concern when he got a good look at her face. Something was wrong. “Apple Bloom, what--”

“Have you seen ‘em?” she asked urgently.

“Seen who?”

“Them! My sister and the others! Have you SEEN ‘em!?”

Spike blinked and shook his head in bewilderment. “N-No, not since last night! I…” He looked out into the hallway and saw dozens of ponies walking about with worried expressions. Voices overlapped in confusion and concern, bouncing off the castle walls. “W-What’s everypony doing here?” He looked out the window, squinting at the sunlight. “What TIME is it?”

“It’s late afternoon,” Sweetie Belle squeaked, trotting inside the room along with Scootloo. “Don’t tell me you just woke up!”

“Are you SURE you haven’t seen them?” Apple Bloom persisted, almost desperate.

“Sure I’m sure!” Spike defended, standing upright. “Twilight still didn’t come back? Maybe she’s sleeping over or something.”

Scootaloo shook her head. “We already checked! They weren’t at Rainbow Dash’s, Fluttershy’s cottage, Sugarcube Corner--”
“OR at my sister’s Boutique,” Sweetie cut in with a frown.

“Or at Sweet Apple Acres,” Apple Bloom said, whining slightly. “We looked everywhere! They’re gone!”

Spike’s scales drooped as he glanced back at the framed picture of Twilight. “...Gone?”


“We’re all but pawns in a chess game we call life. For years, Equestria has lived in a delusion. A mere false fantasy that society has created.”

Starlight looked upon the small crowd of ponies she had attracted. She shifted in her position on top of an upside down bucket in the streets of Canterlot with her daughters standing below her. A portly earth pony with a grey coat smirked a little. “And what delusion is that?”

Starlight raised her head, looking him in the eye. "Cutie marks are cages, trapping you in an ongoing quest to fulfill your ‘destiny’. Once it appears on our flanks, we can’t help but be fooled by its beauty and try to fulfill whatever it means until death! It’s an endless and pointless cycle!” Murmurs rippled throughout the crowd.

“But cutie marks are an important part of a pony’s life!” a pegasus said from the back. “It’s what makes us all special and unique…” She turned to the side, showing off a needle and thread on her flank. “I am an excellent sewer of costumes for plays and recitals!” She tossed her blonde mane and smiled proudly, eliciting heated looks from some of Starlight’s children. “Doesn’t seem like a cage to me.” Most ponies in the crowd looked at one another and nodded in agreement.

Starlight raised an eyebrow. “And...that’s it? That’s all you’re going to be your entire life? A sewer?”

The pegasus’ smile faltered a little. “W-Well, I--”

“Tell me,” said Starlight, “Before you got your cutie mark, wasn’t there anything else you thought of being? Anything at all?”

“Uh...well…” the mare frowned in thought. “I always thought of being a ballerina when I was a filly.” She stopped before waving a hoof with a smile. “But that was years ago. Sewing is my true talent!”

“Is it?” Prism inquired, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Or did you just think that when it appeared on your flank? I bet you didn’t even think about sewing until you had to patch up a tu tu or something.”

The mare’s eyes widened in shock, and she put a hoof to her mouth. “That’s…” she whispered. “That’s exactly how---”

“That’s such a shame,” Buttercup said sympathetically, walking up to the mare’s side. “Forced to give up everything you ever wanted because your cutie mark told you different.”

Starlight nodded, slowly clicking her tongue. “It is a shame,” she said as the mare’s ears drooped. “And why do we hold cutie marks in such high regard? Why are they so important in our lives?”

A blanket of silence fell over the crowd. “...Because Princess Celestia said so,” piped up a young unicorn. Pearl stifled a giggle whille the corners of Moonlight’s mouth lifted. Truly, it was embarrassing.

Starlight released a chuckle. “Because Celestia said so. Hmm. And if Celestia were to tell you to jump off a cliff, the sea ponies would have a life supply of food.”

“The Princess is a wise and caring pony!” shouted a voice. More ponies had gathered in interest.

“A pony who lives in a castle with a crown on her head and lets her faithful subjects suffer the harsh economy, forcing them to work their way up the food chain! The only reason why you’ve always looked up to her and her sister is because you’re afraid of them!”

The crowd bustled. “That’s not true!” An middle-aged mare said, holding her grandfilly close. “We have nothing to fear...The Princesses are gracious and caring!”

“They’re manipulative and oppressive,” Starlight countered. “And could overpower and imprison any one of us without batting an eye. If Celestia would banish her own flesh and blood to the moon for a thousand years, what’s to say she won’t do even worse to any of us!”

Quiet murmurs and gasps of worry filled the air.

“And if she loves and cares for all of her little ponies, how come she can’t protect you from the constant monster attacks? The invasions, the escaped creatures from the gates of Tartarus, the traumatic stress forced upon you and your little ones! How long must we live like this? How long?

Voices from the crowd began to rise in agreement. Starlight stomped her hoof on the bucket, making it vibrate. “Something must be done! This country needs a change! We will not be forced into a false identity or be fooled by an old mare sitting on top of a mountain looking down on us!”


“She’s got a point, y’know.”

“A new Equestria!”

Starlight grinned as she looked over dozens of ponies rallying in the streets. “Come and see us in front of the Castle gates at noon sharp! There is something I think you should all see.

“I’m so excited!” Pearl grinned as they strolled through Canterlot. “That’s the best it ever went! Don’t you think?”

“Yes, my starling,” Starlight nodded with a serene smile. “Nothing brings me greater pleasure than to see ponies' eyes opened to the very first time.”

Near the back of the group, Sunshine looked around and leaned close. “How are you holding up? You feel alright?”

“For the millionth time, I’m fine,” Moonlight said, rolling her eyes. “The healing spell worked great. Seriously, I’m the one who should be worrying about you guys, not the other way around!”

Sunshine nudged her side. “You know that’s not true.” After awhile, she added, “Don’t you think it’s weird? How...how that Dragon looked at you like that?”

Moonlight shook her head slowly. “I was disoriented at the time. I barely remember it.”

“I heard it call you ‘Twilight’,” Buttercup whispered, falling in step with them.

“He was probably out of it too,” Moonlight dismissed. “...I hope he’s alright,” she said after a pause.

Buttercup shivered. “Hopefully we’ll never see him again….”

“Where are we sleeping tonight?” Prism asked Starlight. Before Starlight could open her mouth, another voice answered her.

“I’d be happy to help you with that.” A mare with spectacles appeared with a smile. “You’re the mare that spoke earlier, aren’t you? I must say, I...I was deeply touched by it. Years ago, my niece suffered deeply because of her cutie mark. No one really knew what it meant, not even her. It drove her to bullying other kids at school who didn’t have their cutie marks yet.” The mare frowned sadly. “She was in such a dark place for years. Her mother...my sister never understood her, or even tried very hard to. It makes a pony question things, you know?”

“I’m so sorry to hear that,” Starlight said sincerely, clasping hooves with the mare. “Miss…?”

“Bountiful. Bountiful Rich.”

“How is your niece now, Miss Rich?” Sapphire asked.

“Oh, she’s doing splendid, my dear. I heard she was elected mayor of her hometown last year.” She turned back to Starlight. “I’m a Hotel Manager here; if you don’t mind, I’d like to treat you all to a room to spend the night in. Free of charge! I insist.”

Starlight smiled and kissed Bountiful’s cheek. “You are too magnanimous, my friend.”

The Next Day…

More than a hundred ponies had gathered in front of The Canterlot Castle gates with Starlight standing on a large wooden block in the middle of it. The unicorn raised her voice above the cheers. “Too long have cutie marks controlled our lives! Too long have we lived in Celestia’s lies and deceit!” The crowd stomped their hooves on the cobbled stone, sending tremors through the ground.

“Too long have the Princesses discriminated against us! Would we be less protected if the Royal guard didn’t only consist of male unicorns and pegasi?” Buttercup covered her ears as the crowds roared.

“What she does is for our own good!” said one pony. “She’d never mean us any harm!”

Starlight only grinned. “Oh?” She gestured to her daughters and beckoned them to come stand with her. “If your Princess is so honest...and trustworthy… how do you explain this!?

Sunshine and Buttercup commanded several vines to spring up from the concrete while Pearl materialized bubbles of water out of thin air. Prism conjured up a ball of fire, and shot it over several ponies’ heads.

Gasps and screams of shock filled the air. Some fainted, while others cowered before the miraculous sight. “T-That can’t be!” somepony cried out. “They’re earth ponies...and those are mere pegasi! They can’t do magic like a unicorn can!”

Starlight smirked and pulled something out of her saddle bag. “Can’t they?” With her magic, she held out a thick and aged book for all to see. “THIS was once Star Swirl the Bearded’s!” she shouted. “This book and many others contain spells that give equal power to unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies alike! Books that your ruler has kept from you for thousands of years!

Outrage sparked throughout the crowd, their shouts and yells grabbing the attention of passerby's. A few Guards flew over the mass mob forming in front of the Castle.

“I call for truth! I call for justice! I call for EQUALITY!”

Deafening roars and cheers exploded throughout the mob, their hoof stomps thundering through the city. One of the Celestial guards turned to the other. “Alert the Princess. Now!”

Author's Note:

All is according to plan :pinkiecrazy: I meant to get this out last week, but I had a test to study for. It's my Spring Break now, so I'm working on the next chapter as we speak, but I also have assignments due, so we'll see how fast it's actually updated :facehoof:

Please let me know if you have questions and concerns! I also got a wee bit emotional writing Spike :raritydespair: WHY MUST STARLIGHT DO THIS????