• Published 22nd Jul 2015
  • 10,030 Views, 1,069 Comments

Daughters of Glimmer - Summer Dancer

Starlight reverses the ages of the Mane Six and raises them as her own.

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Chapter 9 - Road Most Traveled

The moon and sun glowed softly as seven shadows floated across the deep violet sky. The shadows came to a stop when a foreign soul slowly approached them, the wind whistling sweet music in the air.

As the stranger came to a stop, the lead shadow with leaned back and forth slightly. A star, a young star, came forward. When the stranger came closer to greet the star, a lethal burst of power burst out of the star and the foreign soul was immediately eradicated into dust. “Well done, my child,” a voice whispered. “Well done.”

Discord opened his eyes, his fur matted with sweat. His shaky breath slowed down as he replayed this scenario in his mind over and over. “That..can’t be right,” he wheezed. He flapped out of his ceiling bed and flipped himself over, gazing at the moon. The Draconequus turned his head to gaze at a very old picture of him and six young mares he once knew. “That can’t be right!” he repeated. With every breath, he could feel their souls moving inside of him. Breathing...wriggling...panicking.

Starlight stepped onto the fresh snow and breathed in the crisp clean air. Today was a very special day. The day she had been waiting for since that fateful stormy night. With a cloak secured around her body and saddle bags strapped onto her back, she smiled to herself before turning to look over her shoulder. “Come along, ladies.”

One by one, her daughters trotted out of the cave entrance with a new air of confidence with just a little bit of apprehensiveness. Looking more closely at her family, Starlight noticed that they looked more like their old selves more than ever, despite their Equalized look. It had been five years since their first “Adventure” outside the mountain. The girls were now eighteen--official mares. Something about that clenched at Starlight’s heart.

Then it hit her. She did it. All of the late nights of crying, diaper changing, feeding, teaching, training...I’ve done it all, Starlight realized. All those years… are finally starting to pay off! She chuckled inwardly. Nothing’s impossible when you really want something. And now I’M going to get it! But I musn’t celebrate just yet. We have a lot more work to do. Despite this, they have the golden opportunity to make the world not as it is, but what it could be. What WILL be.

“My starlings,” Starlight said proudly, gazing at all six girls. “Today is the day your new lives begin. I want to congratulate you all, for not just understanding Equality...but for mastering the training I have put you through to take Equality to new heights.” Starlight paused and touched a hoof to her face, finding it wet. Moonlight came forward and hugged her mother, her own face glistening with tears.

“Thank you, mother,” she whispered. “Without you, I...I don’t know where we would be.” The others crowded around them in a warm group hug. Starlight smiled, feeling their hearts beating through her fur, melting into her body.

“This is so exciting,” Pearl breathed as they slowly broke apart. “We’re finally…” She swallowed, looking around at her siblings. “We’re finally doing it.”

“I still can’t believe this is all real,” Buttercup said, flapping her good wing gently as a breeze blew past. “It’s almost like a dream!”

“Like I have said before, girls,” Starlight warned. “What we plan to do will not resonate with most. These ponies' minds are so brainwashed with their beliefs that they won’t be able to think straight!” Her eyes grew serious. “They will say anything and do anything to keep living in a false fantasy. I really do hope you understand that this...this will change not only Equestria...but the world.”

A slight shudder of anticipation rippled throughout the group. Prism lifted her head and straightened her back with a sure smile. “I’m ready to prove my worth, mom. I’ll follow you anywhere.”

“Me too,” Sunshine said with a firm nod. “All of us will. We’ll do as much as it takes to bring a new dawn to Equestria.”

Sapphire wiped away a tear and sighed. “Take a good look, girls. It will be the last time we ever live here again.” Everypony looked into the darkness of the cave that led to the home they were raised in. Even though it was just a tiny hole in a big mountain… separating from the place they spent their whole lives living in was harder than expected.

Starlight wrapped her hooves around Buttercup and Sapphire. “Just shows how much you ladies have grown.” She paused. “How’s about one more hug for the road?” Her daughters smiled and wrapped their hooves around the mare they loved most, eyes closed in contentment. A small spark of magic shot from Starlight’s horn and showered over the girls, unnoticed. So they won’t recognize you, Starlight thought smugly. “Well!” she trilled, stepping back. “I believe it’s time to go, my dears! Everypony ready?”

The six young mares nodded, and with one last look at the cave, they followed their mother down the path of the mountain for the last time. A green vine sprouted out from the snow, twisting and curling as it trailed across the path behind them. Sunshine glanced back and frowned. “Is that you or me?”

Buttercup blinked to the growing vine and gasped.

“Keep it contained, Buttercup,” Starlight called back.

“Sorry, mother,” the pegasus replied, mentally willing the vine to shrink back.


“Do you ever get the feeling that something bad’s going to happen?”

Apple Bloom turned and raised an eyebrow. “Whaddaya mean by that?”

Sweetie Belle visibly sagged a little and continued to stir her tea with a helpless sigh. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “I just...I’m just having these lucid dreams lately! It’s so weird. I’m starting to get them every night and--ew!

“What now?” Scootaloo deadpanned, taking a big bite out of her Daisy sandwich. “Your seat wet again?”

Apple Bloom lurched forward and guffawed at the memory while Sweetie exhaled indignantly. “No, there’s like a caterpillar in my salad! Waiter! Excuse me! Waiter, there’s...ugh, I swear!”

Apple Bloom shook her head, still giggling while Scootaloo lightly tapped on the top of the mushroom they were dining on. “Guys.” She cleared her throat. “We need to think about our plans for next month.”

Sweetie banged her empty glass of iced tea against the mushroom top over Apple Bloom’s sharp exhale. “Gosh, Scoots,” she murmured with strained cheerfulness. “Why do you always have to dampen everything, huh?”

Scootaloo ran a hoof through her bushy purple mane. “I’m sorry. But whether we like it or not, July 20th is--”

“Don’t even talk about July 20th,” Apple Bloom spat harshly. “I don’t even wanna think about it. Got enough trouble as it is.”

“It’s hard on me too,” Scootaloo fired back. “But I’m not just gonna turn a blind eye and push it in the back of my mind. It’s our job to organize Remembrance Day, and every year you try to act like it doesn’t exist!”

Apple Bloom slammed both hooves on the mushroom top, knocking over her drink in the process. “I don’t WANT to remem--”

Sweetie quickly stood up and held out her hooves to keep her friends apart. “Ladies, ladies, let’s just calm down, okay?” Her green eyes shined with anxiety as she spoke through her plastered grin. “We’re making a scene.”

The two other mares looked up to see a few ponies glancing over at them in concern. Scootaloo shot them a glare, turning their heads right back around. Apple Bloom rubbed her temple and closed her eyes. “I’m sorry, Scoots. I didn’t mean to yell at’cha like that.”

Scootaloo’s eyes softened. “No. I’m the one who’s sorry, Apple Bloom. I shouldn’t be bringing things up like that out of the blue...especially with your condition.”

“Don’t worry about it. Please. Can we get out of here?”

“Sure thing.”

“Good idea. If only the waiter would come and give us our check!”

Scootaloo stood up and stretched her wings. “Just leave it, Sweetie Belle. Want us to help you get up, A.B.?”

Apple Bloom waved a hoof. “I got it.” She grunted and stood on her hooves while Sweetie Belle left the right amount of bits. “Ooh,” she said with a smile, rubbing at her plump stomach. “Felt a kick that time!”

“I can’t wait until he or she comes out,” Sweetie Belle gushed as they trotted off.

“I sure hope it’s a she, for Twist’s sake,” Apple Bloom chuckled. “Girl’s already knitted an entire dress line before the seed’s even born!”

Moonlight had never been anyplace as busy or chaotic as Manehattan. The smoke, the pollution, the traffic, the rude poines….the cutie marks.

“Never have I ever seen such selfishness,” Sapphire murmured as they exited the city.

“Everypony pushes and shoves without even an apology,” Buttercup whispered. “That stallion back there wouldn’t let a mare ride a taxi when she was in a hurry--he didn’t even offer to share it! I just can’t understand it! Why can’t ponies be kind to one another?”

“Things will be better once we show them the way of the Equalist,” Moonlight assured her sisters. “Remember, these ponies spent their whole lives living as cutie mark puppets. They know nothing else. These things take time, you know.”

As they continued along the road, a hunched-over figure sitting at the edge of the road caught Pearl’s eye. “Mother, look! It looks like it’s a colt...oh, he’s so sad!”

Everypony looked at the sniffling pony down the road and the sisters stepped forward, intending to comfort this pony when Starlight held out a hoof, head tilting in thought. “Pearl, it looks like he could use some cheering up. Why don’t you go see what’s the matter? We have time.”

Pearl looked over at the pony, compassion and sympathy propelling her forward. The colt's head snapped up when he heard the soft clopping of hooves nearing towards him. He couldn’t have been more than six. “Hello,” she said sweetly. “What’s your name?”

The colt looked up at her and quickly wiped his eyes. “Motha says I’m not ‘sposed to talk to strangahs."

Pearl only giggled. “Well, she’d be right, wouldn’t she?” She leaned in close, and dropped her voice into a whisper. “That’s what my mom always used to say." She gestured to her family. "But then I think to myself…’If we’re never supposed to talk to strangers, how are we supposed to make new friends?’”

The youngster grinned with his mouth closed. “Heh...I don’t think she mean’it like that, but...I guess you’re right….wait….” His hazel eyes widened and he took his hoof away from his mouth. “Friends? You...you want to be my friend?”

“Well, sure, why not?” Pearl replied cheerfully. “You seem like a really nice pony. I’m Pearl. But I don’t understand why a nice colt like you would be crying on such a nice day. You should be out playing with your friends!”

The colt frowned, his eyes downcast. “I don’t ‘ave any friends,” he murmured. “All th’ kids at school make fun o’ me cause I ‘ave this stupid gap in my two front teeth.”

Pearl reeled back. “W...what?”

“It really sucks,” he sighed before wincing. “Sorry. Pardon my French. But it does! Every day they laugh ‘n call me names. I tried telling the teacha but afta she punishes them, they go right back to teas'in.” A tear trickled down his cheek. “I hate school now,” he admitted. “Maybe I should ask my Ma n’ Pa if I could be ‘omeschooled.”

Pearl’s mind reeled. How could anypony tease a fellow pony simply because their appearance differs from theirs? What kind of world was this?

“Little boy--”

“Fiah Brand.”

“Fire Brand, I may not know too much about how public schooling works because I’ve been homeschooled myself. But I don’t want you to miss out! It’s not that the kids at your school are bad by any means...they’re just afraid of what’s different from them, and that’s only natural. The problem is that they make fun of you because of that. They just don’t know what else to do, or how to deal with it.”

“I...nevah thought of it that way.”

“That’s right. And maybe if you asked your parents to get your teeth fixed, those ponies at school won’t have anything bad to say about you.”

“R-Really? You think so?”

“I know so.”

Starlight came forward, pleased to see the colt’s mood lightening. “Someday, little one, there will come a time when nopony will ever be made fun of ever again.”

“A-And everypony will only have something nice to say,” Buttercup added.

Firebrand smiled wider. “I’d like that...I’d like it very much, actually.”

Pearl tapped a hoof under the colt’s chin encouragingly. “Now come on. Let’s have a real smile, huh?”

Firebrand hesitated a bit before parting his lips and showing off the tiny gap between his teeth.

“Ooh, aren’t you handsome,” Sapphire cooed. “With just a bit of chiseling, your smile will match everypony else’s!”

Firebrand’s grin broadened. “Wow. I wish everypony were as nice as you. I’ll be sure to t’ ask my parents about my teeth.”

Starlight chuckled. “Knowing that you’re on the same level with others is a wonderful thing, my child. Equality these days is hardly fought. But kindness and fairness always starts with you. And that could grow into something beautiful. Now then, starlings, we must be off!”

“You’d better go home now, kid,” Prism suggested as they started to depart. “Your folks might be getting worried.”

Firebrand nodded and turned to the mare with a white coat and a blonde mane and tail. “Thanks for cheerin’ me up, Pearl,” he told her. “I can’t wait until my teeth are fixed.”

“Aw, you’re welcome, Fire. I hope we meet again soon…” She paused before smiling with a bit less enthusiasm, knowing they probably would meet again soon.

As the colt headed back for Manehattan, their mother spoke.

“Nicely done, Pearl. This will be good practice for you girls as we continue on. We still have a ways to go, so I will continue training you during nightfall. It is important that we are ready to help those in need of guidance, especially children. That one back there doesn't have his cutie mark yet, so there is still hope in him yet.”

The Glimmers nodded simultaneously. This would indeed be their biggest challenge yet.


“I want to join the cheerleading squad, but I can’t join with these dorky glasses on my face!”

“Why don’t you try contacts? That’s what I wear.”


“The bakery is high on tension these days. Everypony’s so competitive over who is the best...I can’t decide!”

“Why not have them follow a simple recipe...like muffins?”


“It’s even colder than usual here in Fillydelphia. My kids are so spoiled, they want the best coats for prices I can’t even afford!”

“Why don’t you go for something more modest? Why, just look at the cloaks my daughters are wearing, and they’re as humble as pie.”


“...I don’t feel beautiful at all.”

“Oh, dearie, of course you are. Everypony is beautiful in the eyes of Equality.”


“My boys get more injured practicing than playing on the field. Parents are getting worried.”

“Why don’t you stop making them compete against each other and maybe help them practice together and work as a team? Or better yet...why have Games like Hoofball in the first place? I mean...if that’s okay with you.”

“Something strange has fallen over the plains,” Luna said, staring intently outside her window. “Something is not right.”

“...Huh. I think I feel it too,” a voice said. “Like some dark energy starting to rise. What do you suggest we do, Princess?”

Luna pondered a moment, her flowing mane glittering in the night sky. “With my sister visiting Griffonstone for council, we shall have to deal with things on our own. I will not trouble her on a mere feeling...not yet, anyway.”

“I can survey the area if it would make you feel better,” the voice suggested. “Could use a night fly anyway.”

The Princess of the Night held a hoof to her chin before nodding. “Very well. I shall keep watch over things.” She gave a small, caring smile. “Be careful, Spike.”

The dragon that now stood a foot taller than she climbed onto the window sill and looked back with bright green eyes. “I will, Luna,” Spike replied before spreading his large wings and taking off into the night sky.

Author's Note:

Ohmygosh yes. I feel like Lesson Zero Twilight trying to get things done :rainbowlaugh: The next few chapters, stuff is about to go DOWN. Buckle up :rainbowdetermined2:

I'm very tired but also very happy to finally finish this chapter :twilightsmile: Everything will be explained soon. If you have any questions or concerns, or have suggestions of what I can do to make impovements, please let me know. :pinkiehappy: