Chapter 1
Day of the Incident
Angel Grove:
Within the lively, and youthful hall of the Angel grove fitness center, a weekly, hour long karate class was taking place. Leading the class were Jason Lee Scott and Tommy Oliver, two of the most skilled and respected martial artists in all of Angel grove. In the large group of students was their intelligent student, and close friend, Billy Cranston. Accompanying that was a neighboring tai chi class. Lead by Trini Kwan, who was good friends with the boys. At the entrance of the fitness center, Zack Taylor, and Kimberly Hart had just walked in soaked to the bone from the storm that was pouring down on the city. Zack looked to his companion, while they both dried their hairs.
“Man, This is like the 3rd, or 4th day that it’s rained in row.”
“All, this water, and drying my hair with a towel cannot be good for my hair.” .
“Yeah, That’s what you said about the helmets, and all.”
“That was then. This is now. One terrible hair style at a time.”
“okay, then.”
After drying their hair, Zack and Kimberlypacked their towels back into their gym bags and made their way to a nearby open table. They pulled four more chairs, from empty tables, to their table. After so, Trini joined them at their table once she dismissed her small class.
“Hey guys.”
“How was it when you guys came in. The storm I mean.”
“I think Kim’s new hair style sums it all up.”
He let out a small snort, as he humored himself with the truthful comment. Turning his attention away from the girls, Zack over hears the karate class, as they let out their cries of unison. With a final stroke of their fists, Tommy and Jason suddenly retracted their fists, and bowed to their students.
“Class is dismissed. Good work, all of you.”
“Right, see you guys next week. Keep on practicing.”
The students dispersed from the group, to carry on with their lives. Billy was just about finished packing his gear when Jason walked to him.
“Hey Billy. You did well out there, today.”
“I…, I don’t know. I still haven’t quite worked out the mechanics of karate.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Besides, karate has less thinking than math.”
“Yeah. You just need to relax yourself, and follow the flow.”
“….I guess I do need to relax.”
“Come on, the guys are waiting over there.”
With that, three boys made their way to meet up with their companions, who were seated at their table.
Meanwhile, in the moon fortress of Rita Repulsa, Baboo and Squat were watching the angel grove channel six new, on the T.V.
“Geez, look at this. It’s like the 6th time that it’s rained there.”
“Yeah, sucks to be them. Don’t it.”
“Yep. It sure is.”“I bet it’ll last for a whole month.”
“I’ll bet it won’t.”
“How much?”
“How much do you bet it won’t?”
“20 dollars?”
The two shake hands, signifying that the bet was on.
“Done, you’re on.”
“Do you two mind keeping it down out there? I’m trying to work here.”
Finster was in the process of developing another of Rita’s monsters, but due to the constant victories of the Power Rangers, Finster had become somewhat discouraged.
“Ugh, none of these will do. I need something more diabolical, more ferocious, more…”
“Hey, Finster. You want in on this bet? I say this storm will last for a month.”
“No, it won’t.”
“Might as well, at this rate, I’ll…Storm you say? A storm, that’s it! I am an indisputable genius. Put me down for two weeks, and 15 dollars.”
Within seconds, Finster hastily begins to sculpt a sinister looking monster that resembles a storm cloud with jet airliner exhaust for hands, and tornado spiral legs. Just then Rita walks in on her minions, who were being lazy as usual.
“What are you monkey faced nit wits doing lying about, when you should be helping get rid of the power rangers?”
“My queen. I have prepared a special Monster just for this occasion. Strom charger, here, will make short work of the rangers.
“He’d better. Fire up the monster maker.”
“Yes, my queen.”
Finster takes the monster into the monstermatic machine, loads Storm Charger in, and fires up the machine. The machine takes a few seconds to cook, and in a fiery explosion, the monster known as Storm Charger materialized into existence.
“Ha Ha!!! The names Storm Charger, and I’m lightning fast!!!”
“Ugh. He’ll have to do. Now, Charger. I want you to take a putty patrol, and ready the time device.”
“Not this scheme, again.”
“The time device is set.”
“Good. Now, Take it and Go!!!”
“Yes, my queen.”
In an instant, Storm Charger, with a hand full of Putty Patrollers, teleported to the earth to carry out his mission.
“Goldar! Go down to earth and make sure that idiot know what he’s doing.”
“Yes, my queen.”
In an instant, Goldar had vanished to carry out his mission.
Back at angel grove, the team was walking from the youth center, with their coats and gear, and braced the storm’s light rains. They walked for a good mile from the center,, and the winds started to pick up sending rain into their faces.
“Perhaps we shouldn’t have left the center in this weather.”
“It just seemed like a good idea at the time.”
Just then, a group of Putties came out of nowhere, and began to circle around the rangers. Just as the putties surrounded them, a voice cried out to them.
They turned to find Goldar, and Storm Charger, were in grass clearing, standing in front of the time device.
“This time, you’ll be the ones who’ll fall to us, and my empress. Prepare to be destroyed!!!”
“Putties destroy them!!!”
Jason then pulled out his power morpher, followed by his fellow rangers.
“Alright Guys. It’s Morphin’ Time!”
“Saber Tooth Tiger!!!”
In a flash of light, the power ranger were morphed and ready for action. The rangers engaged the putties, in the cold dark rain of the storm. Zack blocked a blow to the face, and returned with a counter attack. Kim leaped onto the shoulders of a putty. She maintained a hand stand on its shoulders, and finally let gravity do its work when she leaned her feet forward and knocked the putty to the ground. While she made a perfect land on her feet. Billy tornado kicked one putty into another, and blasted on with his blade blaster. Trini sliced and diced her foes with her Dino Daggers with fierce velocity. Sending sparks flying from each putty. Jason and Tommy engaged Goldar, and Storm Charger. Jason clashed swords with Goldar, swinging his blade, and Tommy took on Storm Charger. Storm Charger fired up his turbines, blowing Tommy back with fiery winds. Before Tommy was almost blown off a small cliff, the turbines short circuited due to the heavy rains. Finally gain some ground, Tommy Charged at the monster, and struck it several times with his Dragon Dagger. Jason continued to counter Goldar’s strikes. But finally, Goldar seized his moment, and grasped Jason’s power sword.
“It’s over, Red Ranger! The earth belongs to my queen.”
“Not while I’m standing.”
“Easily solved.”
The two separated, and Jason, regrouped with the other rangers.
Back at Rita’s palace. The sorceress continues to watch her victory draw ever closer, and closer.
“Yes, finish them all off, you two.”
As her evilness continued to view her victory, Squat, and Baboo were still arguing about their deal. They continued to walk their way to the balcony. Unknowingly to them, they were walking right up to Rita, who was about be overjoyed by her victory over the rangers. Just as she cried out in joy Baboo and Squat were shook out of their argument, and ran right into Rita. When the two henchmen crashed into their queen, Her staff flew off to the earth. Rita was furious of the duo.
“Look what you two pee brains did!!!”
The two looked at each other in fear of their empress.
The staff continued its journey to earth for at least 2 minutes. Finally when it hit the planet, it impaled the time device, sparking up and electrical charge that fired four ways. While the blast destroyed the time device, and Storm Charger in the process. One of the blasts hit Goldar, and the putty patrol, while another hit the Power Rangers, electrocuting them in some level of pain. One bolt hurled itself to Rita’s fortress, affecting everyone and thing within the palace. Rita’s hair had gone up due to so much electrical charge. She turned back to Baboo and Squat.
“You two, are in so much trouble when I get my hands on you!!!”
“Oh dear.”
“Oh boy.”
Back on earth, the final bolt struck the command center of the power rangers. Inside, Alpha was panicking about, while the systems sparked with electricity.
“Ayiyiyiyiyiyiy! This is the mother of all Lightning storms! I just know it.”
“Calm down, Alpha. Teleport the Rangers back here immediately. I fear this is only just the beginning.”
“Yes, Zordon.”
Alpha made his way to the controls and pressed two buttons that activated the teleporter. The rangers suddenly appeared back in the command center.
“Zordon, what’s going on?”
“It’s the time device. Rita’s staff had struck the device, as it began to open a hole in time and space. Everything the lightning has touched will be pulled into the wormhole.”
“But that means we’ll all be sucked into the wormhole.”
“Yeah, and leave an opening for Rita to take the earth.”
“Fear not, Rangers. As the bolts have affected the command center, it too affected Rita, and her fortress.”
“In other words, we’re not going in there alone.”
There was a great tremor within the command center, and the rangers were losing their balance in accordance to the vibrations.
“Hang on every. This is going to be one mother of a bumpy ride! Ayiyiyi!!!”
The command center was now entering the coldness of space as the wormhole pulled it into the portal like structure. Everyone in Rita’s fortress were hanging on for their very lives, as the portal continued to suck. Several putties were pulled into the portal to unknown fates. Rita was grasping a hold on the balconies columns. While doing so, she notice several cracks were forming on the castles lower structure. She knew that the castle would lose its grip, soon. Finally the building was severed from it’s base, and pulled into the wormhole. She watched as the castle collided with the entrance.
As the castle was pulled further, and further away from the entrance. The size of the portal shrank down until it all but disappeared.
Is English your first language?
No bad. Will continue reading.
Hahah, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are back in action and are heading into Equestria!
The yellow ranger's name is actually Trini Kwan. The actress's name is Thuy Trang.
I like how everybody's colored, but Zack's (black ranger) is a little hard to read...
Yeah...sorry about that.