Chapter 22
A Date?
Within the confines of Canterlot palace, in one of the residential rooms belonging to a certain unicorn, Prince Blueblood sat on his bed, pondering over and over again, while examining the yellow dagger he acquired after the battle at the Galloping Gala. No matter how many times he has thought it over, the same answer kept crawling back into his sub conscious.
“She’s the one…that mare at the gala…my hero…”
Making his way, with dagger still in possession, Blueblood opened the doorway leading onto his own balcony, gazing over all of Canterlot in the clearest of nights, with the stars glistening from above, and the windows shining throughout the city below. With joy beyond comprehension pulsing through his body, Blueblood carefully wrapped his hooves around the blade, like a schoolgirl to her binder, lost in total bliss.
“I’ve finally found the one! Ha ha ha!!!”
Without any hesitation, the unicorn prince then placed a long kiss on the blade handle, caring for nothing else, or anything happening outside. After a good few seconds, his lips released their grip, and the blade was then placed gently back onto the mattress of the royal’s bed.
“Tomorrow, blueblood. Tomorrow you will seek out this fierce goddess of war.” *smiles*
-Ponyville, the next morning-
Back in the Carousel Boutique, Trini, and Rarity were hard at work, aiding various customers, as each one came in at a time. As Rarity filled in the orders, measured each client, and presented her final works, Trini has been running around with supplies, order sheets, and various other items that Rarity would ask for. After the midmorning rush, the two of them had finally caught a break in the action.
“ Geez…and I thought dealing with putties was harsh enough.”
“I must admit, even beauty and art do tend to get a bit hectic time after time. But, your performance thus far has been more than admirable. Now that the morning rush is over, perhaps we can enjoy a little peace and qui…”
Just then, the door rang open, signaling the emergence of a customer.
“I spoke too soon. Now can I…”
When the unicorn turned her head, her eyes widened, and jaw dropped before making the most wrathful expression she could muster.
“Wait. That guy from the ball?”
“Aah…so you do remember me, mad ‘am.”
“You’ve got some nerve coming here, your “Highness”.”
“Now, now commoner. I didn’t come here to open old wounds with you.”
“Easy Rare.”
The yellow ranger then turned her attention to the royal prince, giving him a curiously determined look.
“Why are you here, then?”
“Yes, why?!”
The prince began to blush, and sweat as he struggled to find the words he so desperate wanted to say.
“Yes. Well…I eh…Know that my…past actions haven’t been the most…graceful…”
“No kidding. They were out right horrendous.”
“There are no words to describe my most …atrocious behavior.”
Rarity’s rage began to fade, replaced by a feeling of sympathy.
“Well…I wouldn’t say it was the best. But…”
“Which is why…I wish to make it up to you…”
"Really? You do?”
Blueblood then let out a slight gulp.
“Which is why…I wish to…make it up…over dinner…”
The lavender unicorn’s eyes began to widen in excitement, and anticipation.
“Yes… Go on.”
“W…will you go out with me…”
Blueblood then present a bouquet of flowers …to Trini.
“Miss Trini?”
“Look, Blueblood. It was snice of you to come and apologies. But…”
“Please? If only for one dinner?”
Trini took a moment or two to think over her decision. All while Rarity tries to council her on the matter at hand.
“You cannot be seriously considering this, can you?! Not that you aren’t a beautiful mare. But with him?!!”
“Look Rare, I know you may have had your ups and downs with this guy. But…”
“But Nothing! That mule is the most uncoof, unkind, and inconsiderate plot head I have ever…”
“Rarity, calm down.”
“I... I’m so sorry, my dear Trini. I just got…”
“I get it. If it were Bulk, or skull asking me out, I’d do the same. But… even those guys aren’t as all bad as you’d might think, and maybe Blue’s not that bad either.”
“I…I just don’t want you to get hurt. I mean, you truly are a dear friend to me after all.”
“I’ll be okay Rarity. Besides…If he does try anything…I won’t go too easy on him.”
Trini then turns her attention to Prince Blueblood. Letting out a few coughs, clearing her throat.
“Alright, your highness. I’ll be expecting you here by 8.p.m sharp.”
“REALLY?!!...I mean…of course.”
“But on one condition.”
“But of course. Name your terms.”
Intending to make it a little worthwhile for Rarity, Trini concocted a slight plan. Notifying the element of generosity with a simple wink, both mares were tuned to the same scheme installed for the pompous prince.
“You have to wear an outfit of Rarity’s design.”
“You heard me. An outfit, designed by the talented Ms. Rarity herself.”
“But. But…”
“But what?”
“But this…this commoner…”
“You’re not accusing me of foul play, are you?”
“What…NO! No…I mean is that…”
“Blueblood. In spite of your horrid behavior in the past…I am willing to look over it. After all, I never leave a paying customer unsatisfied.”
The prince began looking back and forth between the two mares, sweating like crazy, hoping to make the right choice before it was too late.
“…. sigh…very well. I accept your terms, my lady.”
The dressmaker then grasps hold of the prince, and begins dragging him off into one of the dress rooms forcefully by his ear.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"
Meanwhile, back in the fortress of Rita repulse, and her new accomplice, Chrysalis of the changeling empire, were observing Ponyville through Rita’s telescope, searching for the perfect opportunity to strike.
“AAAAAGH! We’re getting nowhere! Time and time again those stupid rangers, and their half-witted mule friends have beaten our forces back!"
“All because most of your minions are incompetent fools!”
"Hey! Watch it bug face!”
“Squat, Be quiet!”
“Silence, you two! It is clearly Finster’s fault, my empress.”
“Oh, always me, always me. Responsible for every failure. You’re one to talk, Goldar.”
“Yeah! You’re the one who keeps letting those power rangers win all the time!”
“Why you…”
“All of you pin headed salad brains shut up!!!”
Just then, a changing scout approaches the two villanesses in great haste, as if he had returned with urgent news.
“My queen…we have found it.”
“What...Found what?”
The changeling queen looked down to her subject and nodded her head.
“Bring it here, immediately.”
As commanded the scout departs back through the way he came from.
“Just what exactly did that scout mean by “We found it”?”
“Patience, my friend. We have just simply acquired an item of great importance. That attack at the gala worked perfectly to the plan.”
The scout returned once more, this time carrying a satchel on his back. Once again he approached the two sorceresses. The changeling queen gestured her hoof to place the bag o nto a nearby table, and nodded to the scout, dismissing him for the time being. Soon, Both Rita, and Chrysalis, as well as Baboo, Squat, Finster, and Goldar gathered around to see what was concealed in the bag.
“Aah…at last.”
She then lifts the fold open, revealing to be a book, a rather ancient on by the poor condition, and decades of wear, and tear.
“A book?!!”
“Quiet, you!”
The commanding officer then bashed Squat’s helmet into his head, temporarily silencing, and blinding the overweight monster. Rita, and Chrysalis continued to observe the book, as the two of them opened up the book, and going through the pages.
“I hope that this was worth risking a much valued monster of mine.”
“Have faith, my dear. This book is one of the oldest in Equestria. It is essentially the history of the entire kingdom. Dating further back before Celestia herself was even born.”
“Dare I ask the obvious...But, what exactly has this book have to do with our dilemma, your highnesses?”
"The ponies aiding the rangers are the bearers of the elements of harmony, the only force in this world powerful enough to stand in our way. Up until recently, the elements have always been in their possession. But, with a recent disturbance has forced them to return that power to its place of origin. The Tree of Harmony. But, despite their separation, the elements continue to grant those retched ponies their power.”
“It’s simple, numbskulls…we’re going to located the tree of harmony…”
I feel like it's been ages since you last updated...
7260082 I agree
next few chapters please and update them quickly
Be patient...
I feel like I'm being a hypocrite here
7259240 Good question. well, the story began before the episode where they get their marks. But, I might include some chapters in which they do have their marks. So, to put it simply, this takes place before, and after they get their marks.
7098581 Tee hee hee!!! Nice.
7260082 To be fair, i do have a life outside of the web.
7261114 ok but please hurry
Mate.... like, What the Fuck is up with your avatar picture!?!
7261811 well for ur information its a female super sayian
Don't we all?
7261855 Well, I am finishing my second year of college, and will begin my final year after my three week break. so, i'll finish up around that time.
7261793 let me give you some advise...NEVER RUSH ART.
7262839 ok just don't leave us hanging