• Published 27th May 2015
  • 8,138 Views, 189 Comments

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Friendship is Magic - Werewolf Cheetara

The six Power Rangers are sent to the world of Equestria, a world of multicolored ponies. there, they meet Twilight Sparkle, and the elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 11 - Designed for Heroes

Chapter 11
Designed for Heroes

At the Carousel Boutique, Trini and Rarity were discussing the themes of their outfits for the gala. Trini was describing the characteristics of each of the dinosaurs the rangers represented. She even drew up what the dinosaurs looked like, so Rarity would have the right concept to work with.

“My. Word. These “Dinosaurs”, as you call them, are quite intriguing. Bold, powerful, and fierce. Each one of them is giving me ideas for designs.”

“Well, I’m glad to have been a help, Rarity.”

The front door rang open, and the two girls looked to see that the other rangers, and elements made it on time for their measurements. Rarity went over to the group, and greeted them.

“Oh, thank you all so much for being here.”

“Hey, it’s no problem.”


“Now, if you don’t mind. Shall we get you all measured?”

The element of generosity proceeded to measure each of the rangers for precise outfit sizes. Each of them were measured in leg length, waist, and back length. While Rarity measured, Trini took down the measurements for her to reference when she’s constructing the outfits. She was just about done with Tommy, when she placed the measuring tape back on her drawing table.

“There we are. Once again I’d like to…”

Suddenly there was a loud explosion just outside of the Boutique. Fluttershy was frightened by the loud noise, and dashed under the desk. While Rarity tended to Fluttershy, Twilight, and the others dashed outside to see the commotion. To their surprise, they saw both changelings, and putty patrolers attack the citizens.


“I knew it wouldn’t be long before the changelings would attack here.”

“Why don’t we give them a good thrashing?”

“We can’t just let’em tear the town apart.”

“She’s right. We got to do something.”

Twilight nodded. She then turned to Jason, who was walking away from them.

“Where are you going?”

“Twilight, You and your friends go on ahead. We’ll be right with you.”

“There’s no time for dilly dallying. We have to help those ponies.”

“Then, we’d better not keep those changelings and putties waiting.”


“Alright guys. IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!!!”

The rangers then activated there morphers, and called out the names of their dinosaurs.







The ponies were blinded by a flash of light that came from the rangers. When the light faded, the girls saw that their friends had been replaced with six colored pony figures with white diamonds on their chest areas. Their white boots and gloves were adorned with diamonds with each of their represented colors. Each of their helmets were shaped in the form of each of their dinosaurs. The green one had golden armor, and his helmet was shaped like a dragon with a red dot on its forehead. The Black one had a trunk coming down between his visors. It was obvious that he represented the Mastodon. The yellow one resembled the Saber Tooth Tiger, with her feline details. The pink one had a pterodactyl wrapped around her facial area, and thinned out as the wings touched each other on the back. The Blue one had two silver horn like bumps on each side, and his visors look like it was the inside of the triceratops’s mouth. The Red and final one had the fierce roar like face of a Tyrannosaurus, with angry eyes, and its teeth bare.

“Ooooh. They’re shiny.”

“Alright guys. Let’s show these dudes who they’re messing with.”

“Sounds good enough for me!”

Tommy pulled out his Dragon Dagger out of its sheaf. While Jason raised his hoof up in the air, calling out for help of the Power Weapons. In a less blinding flash, each of the rangers were wielding each of their respected Power Weapons. Jason held up his Power Sword. Zack lifted his Power Axe. Billy spun his Power Lance. Trini readied her Power Daggers, and Kimberly pulled back on her Power Bow.

“Cool gear! Now, let’s do it to it!”


The six elements, and six rangers dashed towards the town. Ready to engage the enemy, and defend the ponies there.

In the town center, the changlings and putty patrollers were everywhere. They were either chasing innocent pedestrians, or overwhelming the town guard. Leading the attack was the griffin Goldar, and the Sphinx accompanied him.

“Heh, heh! Is this the best these ponies can do? Don’t make me laugh!”

“Now, we wait till the elements to answer our call. And, if our empress is right, the power rangers may be here as well.”

The griffin then saw an orange little Pegasus, with purple hair. She was attempting to fight off a couple of putties, who were harassing her. The putties cleared away , when Goldar approached, and picked the girl up.

“Well, what do we have here?”

“Let me go, creeps!”

Ignoring the cry for release, the griffin lifted the filly into the air with his claw. She struggled to free herself. But to no avail. He laughed as she squirmed, and fought for what seemed to be her life. His laughter was cut short when an energy arrow struck his arm. He let go of the filly , who fell to the ground. When she recovered, she looked in the direction the arrow came from, and saw her idol, Rainbow Dash, and the other elements, along with six others with helmets and weapons.

“Rainbow Dash!”

“Scootaloo. You alright?”

“I’m fine, thanks for saving me.”

“You should thank my friend here.”

She turned to see that the pink figure readied her bow, with an energy arrow, and aimed it at Goldar. Gripping his arm, Goldar looked in the direction to find the elements, and the rangers. The Sphinx came rushing to aid Goldar, and saw the rangers as well.

“Goldar! The empress was right! The rangers did survive!”

“But, not for long. Putties attack!!!”

As commanded, the putties, and changelings went in for the attack. The ponies, and rangers countered their offense, engaging them in combat. The Green Ranger slashed through the enemies, to fend off putties who were attacking a mother and her filly. As the putties were getting closer to the defenseless two, the green ranger stood in between them, and the putties. He readied himself for their attack. One by one, the putties charged at him, and fell from the ranger’s dagger slashes, and martial arts. Once the putties were scared off, he turned to the two to make sure they were alright.

“It’s alright. Head for a safer spot. You’ll be alright.”

“Thank you. We will.”

The two then made their way out of the battle zone, and Tommy continued to fend off any on coming putty. As the battle continued, Zack chopped at any changeling, or putty that tried to strike a blow at him. He occasionally switched from axe mode to blaster mode, and back. Billy and Trini teamed up to take on a larger group of putties with Pinkie, and Fluttershy. As Billy and Trini blocked, and returned their attacks, Pinkie continued to blast the enemy with her party cannon. Rendering them unconscious. Rarity, and Twilight used their unicorn magic to blast at the enemy, while Kimberly shot her energy arrows from her Power Bow. Applejack and Rainbow Dash bashed their foes, thrashed them unconscious, and made a game out of it.

“Hey, A.J. three already.”

“I’m on twelve, sugar cub.”

“What?!! I’ll get more guys than you by the end of this!”

The Pegasus, and earth pony continued their attack. Meanwhile, Jason engaged Goldar in a sword fight. The two clashed, and clanged their blades. Goldar blocked one of Jason’s blows, and returned with a few slashes. But, Jason retaliated, and struck several hits on Goldar before he backed away.

“This isn’t over. I’ll be back!!!”

In a flash, Goldar, Sphinx, The putties and changelings disappeared. The ponies, and rangers regrouped, to converse with each other.

“Where’d they go?!!”

“I’m not sure. Probably back to Rita, and who ever rules the changlings.”

“I had a feeling Chrysalis was in on this.”

Scootaloo looked curiously at the multicolored heroes. She had never seen them around before. She knew that they had to be new around town.

"Woah! You guys were awesome back there."

Soon, the other ponies came out from hiding, and came to see the elements. And their ranger counter parts. They conversed amongst themselves, and Mayor Mare of Ponyville made her way towards the heroes. Once she was clear of the common rabble, she brushed herself, and made her way to the group.

“Your highness, it was most fortunate to have you around when those beasts attack. I’m most grateful to you, princess.”

“Mayor, I’ve told you to call me twilight. I may be a princess, but I still live here, and we’re well acquainted.”

“Sorry, I was just being formal.

She then turned her attention to the power rangers. The red ranger noticed her gaze, and turned his attention to her.

“Now, you six. Who are you?”

“We’re friends. If you ever need us again, we won’t be far.”

“You got that right.”


The rangers stepped back from everyone else, as they prepared to be teleported.

“But, how will we find you, when we need you?”

“We’ll be watching over you guys.”

“We got your backs.”

“We’re out of here.”

They suddenly were changed into electricity, and teleported to each of their residences. The crowd awed at the sight of their disappearance. The mayor turned back to Twilight, confused, and excited.

“Who were those ponies, and will they be back?”

Twilight, and the others looked at each other, winked, and smirked. Twilight knew that they would be around for a while. She smiled, and looked back to the mayor with reassurance.

“Oh, I’m sure they’ll be back. The Power Rangers are gonna be around for quite a while.”

The citizens looked at one another, as they whispered the name “Power Rangers” among themselves. Scootaloo looked to the sky, in fascination with these mysterious heroes.

"Wow, Power Rangers. That’s awesome.”

Scootaloo looked back on her idol, who was smirking at her. She nodded, and ran up to her leg, wrapping her hooves around it.

“But, not as awesome as you, Rainbow.”

“Aw, thanks scoots.”

The mayor made her way through the crowd again, and reached the stage. She stood in front of the mike, and cleared her throat.

“Mares, and gentle colts. It appears that Ponyville has gained not only the Elements of Harmony. But, also new guardian angels to watch over us, and hopefully all of Equestria. It is with great pleasure that I welcome these six multicolored heroes to our town. Whoever they may be, we are in their debt. As Princess Twilight has just said, this will not be the last we see of these heroes that call themselves the Power Rangers!"

The crowd let out a thunderous cheer, in rejoice that their city had been spared destruction, and gaining new heroes to turn to.