• Published 27th May 2015
  • 8,147 Views, 189 Comments

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Friendship is Magic - Werewolf Cheetara

The six Power Rangers are sent to the world of Equestria, a world of multicolored ponies. there, they meet Twilight Sparkle, and the elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 28 - The Beginning of the End - Pt.3

Chapter 28
The Beginning of the End - Pt.3

-Back in Ponyville-

Within the perimeter of town square, the changelings, and putties continued their harassment, and chases, as Jason and his party silently, and swiftly made their way towards town hall, hoping to catch both Rita, and Chrysalis off guard in their drunken victory celebration. Seemingly unnoticed, they came upon the entrance into the building.

“Alright guys…this is it. Our last stand.”
“Indeed it is, Red Ranger!!!”

The Power rangers looked to the sky to see not only Goldar, But Chrysalis, and Rita hovering over them, as swarms of Putty Patrollers, and changeling soldiers began to encircle the five heroes. Blocking any chance of escape should the fight prove unfavorable.

“What’s this? Tommy’s nowhere to be found? I’m surprised he was smart enough to run away.”
“So too did those meddlesome Elements…or should I say…EX ELEMENTS?!!”
“You’re not gonna get away with this!”
“We’re taking you down!”
“And sending you back!”
“Cause we’re the Power Rangers!”
“and we’ll fight to the bitter end!!!”
“Alright rangers…IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!!!”

Once more, possibly the last time…each ranger raised their power morpher into the sky, and called forth their powers from the ancient dinosaurs…


As the light cleared, the power rangers armed themselves with their legendary power weapons, ready to commence the finally battle. Goldar waved his sword forward, leading the charge with the first wave of troops to the attack. As the two sides clashed, each ranger fought their own multitude of putties, and changelings. Jason with his power sword swung at each foe with great force. Clashing, and clanging with the blades of his enemies, often rendering them wounded, or defeated. After several strikes, his eye was now set on Goldar. Sensing the tension between them, the gryphon readied his blade, as he began his final clash with the red ranger. While Zack, and Trini had each pothers backs, as the Black ranger brought down his power axe upon the oncoming putties that dare cross his path. Trini in turn slashed, and cut the changelings that were unlucky enough to stand in her way, and her power dagger’s blades. Billy kept his half a bay with the help of his power lance, pushing back, and swinging the sharpened edges at anything that moved. Meanwhile Kimberly fired her bow constantly hitting each target as they came at her. However, due to the mass of the enemy force. The ranger began to over whelm them, landing slight hits on them. Having enough of their foolishness, Rita, and Chrysalis open fired from their horns and wand, causing a great explosion, injures the rangers. Upon collapsing, each ranger was then brought to their knees, held down in defeat.

“Even you rangers are no match for our combined powers.”
“Now to finish this, Once and for all!”

The two sorceresses, and their prisoners looked to see several figures in the east. Shrouded by the rising sun as they approached Ponyville. But once enough light had laminated the area they all could see that it was none other than the elements of Harmony themselves. Applejack the honest, Rarity the generous, Rainbow Dash the loyal, Fluttershy the kind, Pinkie Pie of laughter, and Twilight Sparkle, alicorns of magic. The six of them then stopped as they stood face to face with Rita and Chrysalis.

“Well, well well…if it isn’t the elements.”
“Come to save your little friends?! HA!”
“Darn toot’in!”
“And kicking your sorry plots!”
“Ha! Without your elements? Don’t make me…”
“Oh…you mean…these?”

Before their very eyes, the two evil conjurers could see on their left hooves, what appear to be the symbols for each element of harmony. Based on each mare’s cutie marks. Chrysalis’s eyes widened in disbelief. This startled the changelings who slowly backed away slightly.

“And these aren’t just for show!”
“Alright, girls…”

Similar to their ranger friends, each pony raised their element into the sky, calFlling out the name of each element they bore…


In a simalr flash of light, Rita, and Chrysalis well as Jason and the others could see, that the ponies now bore Multicolored outfits. Each ponies outfit was identical to one another, Their helmets shared the similar design of their solid color, with a trim of gold, and silver mouth pice, without the lips. Their visors were pure black and tinted. Their uniforms were each a solid cover, with gold trim on the side, indicating their numbers, and a black and gold symbol of their elements on their chests. Their boots and gloves were solid white, with a gold trim at the ends up. The uniforms also included skirts match similar to Kimberly’s, and much like the mighty morphin power rangers, their morphers reside upon their belt buckles.

“NO! IT cannot be!”
“No way!”
“This is morphenomenal!!!”
“Alright, Rangers! Let’s give give these guys a hand! Red Harmony Element Ranger: Honesty!”
“Blue Harmony Element Ranger: Loyalty!”
“Black Harmony Element Ranger: Generosity!”
“Yellow Harmony Element Ranger: Kindness!”
“Pink Harmony Element Ranger: Laughter!”
“Violet Harmony Element Ranger: Magic!”

Unlike the other element rangers, Twilight bore an over chest plate armor, much like Tommy’s, with more alicorns detailing.

“Elements of Harmony! Power Rangers United!”

Now driven by a new sense of hope, Jason and the other Rangers fought their way out of the clutches of Rita, and Chrysalis’s forces, and regrouped with the girls.

“Guys! Are you alright?!!”
“Never better, Twi.”
“Like the outfits, darlings?”
“They’re incredible!”
“Compliments of Zordon, and Celestia.”
“Now let’s send these guys running!”
“Alright, Power Rangers! Let’s do this!”
“Ugh! THAT’S IT!!!”
“I will dispose of these pests! Putties, changelings, ATTACK!!!”

Charging into battle the horde was quickly countered by the now eleven power rangers, who readied their new weapons and powers. Jason and Applejack wielded their great swords, sparring with any who would rise to their challenge. Yet it would prove futile as each opponent fell. Twilight, and Billy on the other hand engaged the foe with the power lance, and Twilight’s staff, using it not only to clobber putty heads in. But, also to counter any changeling projectile spells as well. Trini and Rarity Teamed up, taking on the bad guys with the power daggers, and Rarity’s escrima sticks, pounding, and slashing each baddie to tiny bits.

“I’m not one for violence…But this feels good.”
“keep it up Rare, we’re not finished yet!”

Zack and Pinkie held off a bunch of putties with nothing more than Zack’s power axe, and Pinkie’s new war hammer. In one instance, she began to set up the putties and began to whack each one of their heads in as if they were nothing more than an arcade game.

“I win!”

As Kimberly continued to use her powerful Power bow, Rainbow Dash preferred a more hands on approach as she began pulverizing g each enemy with her new numb chucks, whacking each putty or changeling’s face in, even managing to knock some teeth out. While Fluttershy continued to pound numerous changelings in with specially designed boxing gloves. Even though the putties and changelings were her enemies, she couldn’t help but feel bad each time she won.

“Oh dear. I hope that didn’t hurt too badly.”

As the battle raged on, the toll on the changelings was too much as they saw that no ground was being gained. Many of them began to retreat out of the city. Those who remained decided to gather the monarchs, and flee, or face an unbeatable foe. Chrysalis, and Rita also began to think that they were routed, and so began to flee into an alley way when…

“Going somewhere, you two?”

Standing before the both of them was none other than the green ranger himself…Tommy oliver. Not only was he there. But also accompanying him were princesses Celestia, Luna, and -Cadence-. As well as -Captain Shining Armor-.

“You didn’t think we’d sit this one out, did you?”
“One ranger? This is more…”
“One ranger?! Think again.”
-“Okay Tommy! You lead.”-

Once more, Rita, Chrysalis, and Goldar were blinded by a suddne flash of light.

“GAAAAH! I’m sick of this!”
“Tell me how long till I’m able to see again.”

In place of the ponies stood, five multicolored figures, lead by the green ranger. To his left were two rangers, both having similar outfits as the mane six. One was all white, with three stripes matching to her mane, with gold trim. The other wore midnight blue for the base, and black for the sleeves. She too had gold trim, and two stripes matching her mane. Just like Twilight, the two of them wore gold over chest plate. So too did the crimson colored ranger. Much like the others her outfit had gold trim and three stripes matching her colorful mane as well. To her right stood a heavily armored figure with the same color scheme as shining armor’s armor color. All four of them had I dentical helmets, baring lip less mouth pieces.

“White solar ranger!”
“Azure Lunar Ranger!”
-“Crimson Crystal Ranger!”-
-“Crystal Armor Defender!”-
“Alright guys! Let’s do this!”
"Uh oh…"

Not too far from the alleyway, Jason, Twilight, and the others were searching all over the place, looking for any sign where Rita, and Chrysalis went. There was then a sudden burst of fire that spat out the two villainesses, and Goldar a few feet away. When they approached the scene they met up with Tommy, and company. The rangers couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Tommy! Good to see you in action.”
“Great to be in the action.”
“Hey, your majesty. Like the outfit.”
“Most kind of you Zack. I haven’t felt like this in a thousand years.”

Barely able to stand, the three evil ones got back onto their feet, and tried to make one last stand. But found it hard to keep on their feet. So they did what any villain would do…send their minions in.

“Baboo! Squat! Get them!”

The two monsters, now scared out of their wits armed themselves with nothing more but twigs as their only means of protection. It only took one step for one of the rangers to scare the living giblets out of Baboo, and Squat, waving a white flag in defeat.

“AAAAH! Don’t hurt us!”
“Yeah…we were just following orders!”
“Oy gevalt…”

Having had enough of defeat, Rita then grabbed hold of Chrysalis, and raised her magic wand into the air, and began her incantation.


The sorceresses then tossed the wand high into the air, losing momentum before building it up again upon return. When the staff finally hit the ground, the earth began to part, smoke began to raise, and Goldar began to grow, as well as several dead monsters, such as Sphinx, the Minotaur, Giant, and Knasty Knight.

“Come! Let’s watch the fire works froma distance.”

With those words said, Rita, and Chrysalis vanished into thin air. Leaving the rangers to deal with the massive monster before them.

-“Whoa. They’re huge.”-
“What shall we do?”
“we do what always do when we need a little extra power. Zordon, Alpha We need Dinozord power! NOW!”