• Published 27th May 2015
  • 8,164 Views, 189 Comments

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Friendship is Magic - Werewolf Cheetara

The six Power Rangers are sent to the world of Equestria, a world of multicolored ponies. there, they meet Twilight Sparkle, and the elements of Harmony.

  • ...

Chapter 23 - The Prince, and the Cat

Chapter 23
The Prince, and the Cat

After several hours of measuring, designing, and fittings, Rarity has finally accomplished the monumental task of constructing formal wear for Prince Blueblood of Canterlot, to wear on his first date with Trini. After adding the final touches, Rarity’s work was complete.

“There! All done.”

The noble colt took a good look in the mirror, examining the craftsmanship put into the outfit. Though he wouldn’t want to allow any clear indicators to his liking, he was rather impressed with how the suit turned out in the end.

“It’ll do.”
“Hmmph...Oh I do believe I missed a spot.”

The prince felt a sharp point pierce from behind, nothing as big as a blade, rather, like the sting of a bee. Both equally painful

“OW!...what was that.”
“Is everything alright, in there?”
“Oh, uh...yes. Yes, I’m perfectly alright.”
“Yes, we’re just about ready.”

Upon opening the curtain leading back to the main hallway, Blueblood beheld the beauty that was Trini, in the same outfit the night she first attended the gala. Though, Rarity had modified some of the detailing to give it a little more life into her work.

“Not bad, Rarity.”
"I always do my best, Trini.”
“You don’t look half as bad either, Blue.”
“Why…thank you.”
“So…where are we going?”
“Hmm?...Oh, yes! Well, I do have some reservations made at the Bannered Mare, here in town.”
“THE BANNERED MARE?!! The most highly rated restaurant in all of Ponyville?”
“It’s that big of a deal?”
"Only one of the finest spots in Equestria.”
“Rarity, you sound like your jealous?”
“…. No…no I am not.”
“We’d better get going. The reservation’s in about 20 minutes.”

Blueblood made his way towards the door, opening it for Trini, who looked back to see a concerned Rarity, who was a tad bit jealous.

“It’ll be okay, rare.”

With that said, the couple depart from the Carousel boutique, and off into the evening.


Meanwhile, in the fortress of Rita Repulsa, the empress herself, and her changeling companion begin packing a few essentials into bags for their journey to find the Tree of Harmony. When they had packed the last of their things, the two villainesses dawned their hooded cloaks.

“You are aware that this task is especially risky.”
“But, if that book of yours is correct. The risk will be worth it in the end.”
“The Tree of harmony should be at the other end of the ever free forest. The wildest parts of Equestria.”
“Indeed. Goldar!”
“Yes, my empress?”
“I entrust you with the palace, and my forces. See you do not fail me, while I am gone.”
“Of course, my queen.”
“My lieutenant has been instructed to keep my Changeling forces under control, with the help of Goldar of course.”
“Fear not, your highnesses, I will not fail.”

Without another word, the two sorceresses departed from the palace, just as a changeling, adorned with armor, approached Goldar.

“Commander Goldar.”
“Lieutenant Leather wing, reporting for duty.”
“Excellent. I have been waiting for you. I have an assignment for you.”

“We have received word from Changeling scouts that the yellow ranger is accompanying a member of the royal family this evening. Acquire this “Prince Blueblood”.”
“A bargaining chip?”
“Precisely. But should you run into trouble…”

Goldar then pointed to a new monstrous figure, who appeared out f the shadows. The beast bore a striking resemblance to a ram, only more deformed, and gruesome looking. Wearing armor similar to that of a knight.

“Ramelot! Ready for action, my master!”
“He is truly a sight to behold.”
“Now go…complete your task, lieutenant.”
“Yes, sir. At once.”

With that stated , Goldar, Leather Wing, and Ramelot made off through the palace door, accompanied by changelings, and putty patrollers alike.


Back in Ponyville, Trini is then seated by her date at the table that was booked for the two of them. Then Blueblood took his seat. As the prince took his seat, one of the waiters approached the table, awaiting to fill their evening meal.

"Ah welcome to the Bannered Mare, young lovers. How may I serve you this evening?”
“Oh…we’re just…”
“Just good friends.”
“I see…”
“Do you mind giving us a moment?”
“Of course, mad’am.”

Their waiter then departed, leaving the two to themselves. Then looked to Blueblood, who was looking at her with joy. Joy that was almost childlike, as if he knew some sort of secret she was unaware of.

“What’s with you?”
“I just can’t believe it…I’m actually here…with you.”
“I know it was you…at the ball.”
“What do you…?”
“The yellow one. That Power Ranger…. was you.”
“What? No…You must be mistaken.”
“It was you. I saw you transform into that heroic goddess.”

He then gestured Trini to look under the table, and low and behold, Trini gasped at the sight before her. Hidden just enough to keep out of sight was the dagger she lost in the Battle at the gala.

“Where’d you…”
“At the Gala…you lost it in the fighting. Further proving that you are the yellow ranger.”
“Is this why you wanted to go out with me? To blackmail me?!”
“NO! Nononono no. Not in the slightest. What could I possibly gain from that?”
“Oh, I don’t know…PUBLICITY?”
“…You think of me to stoop that low? I’m offended!”
“You? Offended?! If any should be offended, it’s Rarity. After the way you treated her all that time ago!”
“I think I’m done here.”

After gathering her belongings, Trini departed from the table approaching the exit when a loud sudden scream came from nearby. As she looked back, Putty Patrollers began to swarm the restaurant, terrorizing the patrons, as several changelings began harassing them as well. Low and behold, Goldar, the leader of Rita’s armies, was accompanied by Ramelot, scouting the area fpr their target.

“Spread out! Find Blueblood, and bring him to us!”
“…Oh no…”

Trini could see the patrollers, and changelings continuing their search, as they pass by the table where she, and Blueblood sat at. She could see only a bit of him sticking out from underneath. She then looked at her purse, and pulled out her morpher. She looked around to see nobody around, and raised her morpher into the air.


Finally, the patrollers, and changelings caught whiff of the princes’ hiding place, and flip the table to expose the terrified royalty. One putty grasped hold of his collar, and dragged the colt towards it’s griffon mater, and monstrous companion.

“Prince Blueblood, I presume.”
“ Tis the prince alright, mi’lord!”
“Wha…What do you want?!”
“Leverage, for my empress! You’ll do just fine!”

As the putties, and changelings began to drag their prize away, several shots were fired upon said troops. The two monsters looked to see a familiar yellow figure, armed with her blade blaster pointed at the two of them. Blueblood’s eye’s widened in joy to see his daring heroine before him, in the nick of time.

“You’re in trouble now, beast.”
“Well, if it isn’t the lonely yellow ranger?”
“No allies? Thou offends me!”
“I’m more than a match for the likes of you two!”
“Prepare to taste defeat, yellow ranger!”

The gryphon then discards the prince to the side, where he was then held back by putties, as Goldar, and Ramelot drew their swords. In turn, the yellow ranger too drew her remaining dagger, and converted her blade blaster into its sword like mode. Both sides charged towards one another, with blades in hand, and prepared to strike. Upon swinging distance, the two beasts swung their great swords down, only to be blocked by the two smaller blades. The battle continued to roar fiercely as Trini fought fiercely to keep the monsters at bay, the ponies who didn’t flee could only watch as the monster ganged up on the yellow super hero. Blueblood, too, felt helpless as both Goldar, and Ramelot corner Trini, and strike massive blows to her, igniting sparks that flew from each strike. The continuous strikes began to force the brave lone ranger to the ground. Goldar, and his companion laughed diabolically as they closed in for the kill.

“It’s over, ranger!”
“Thou has been beaten.”

The unicorn prince could see Trini struggled to get up with what little strength. But he knew she would need more time. As he struggled to break free, an idea occurred to him. He looked up to see a lone chandelier hung above the two monsters. Building what magic, he could muster, Blueblood aimed his horn towards a chink in the chains, and fired a single shot of magical energy severing the chain. Trini rolled away as the chandelier crashed down upon Goldar, and Ramelot, buying more time for the yellow ranger. Her attention then turned to the putties, holding Blueblood captive. She charged in, and slashed at the foot soldiers with her lone dagger. Once free the prince then got to his hooves, and levitated the missing dagger.

“I believe this belongs to you.”

Although unknown to Blueblood, Trini couldn’t help but let out a slight smile underneath her helmet, before shaking it off as Goldar, and Ramelot broke free of their setback. She briefly turned back to a relieved Blueblood.

“You better find cover!”

Once her date had cleared the battle zone, Trini readied both her daggers, as she charged in with the upper hand, and began slashing at the two monsters. Upon several hits, Goldar backed away from his partner, signaling the troops back to him.

“Now, Ramelot! See to her destruction!”

The gryphon then disappeared, as well as the other putties, back to their command post at the outskirts of Equestria. Leaving a lone Ramelot, with the task at hand.

“I shan’t fail thee, lord Goldar!”

Once more Trini, and Ramelot battled one another, slashing, and hacking at one another with their blades, while his blade dealt a great deal of damage from time to time, Trini’s Power Daggers were swift, and precise, as she made her cuts, and slashes, sending sparks in the air, weakening the monster before pulling out her Blade blaster, into its gun mode.

“Uh oh…”
“So long, Shakespeare, Show’s over!!!”

She then pulled the trigger, unleashing several blasts upon the knight like ram. The blasts had unleashed a large explosive force, rendering the monster into nothing more but bits of clay from whence he came from. Once the action settled down, several ponies came out of hiding, including a few staff, and applauded the heroic feat that had just preceded, just as Trini teleported out of the restaurant.


Sometime later, guard had shown up, as well as several law enforcement officers, who began examining the area, and inquiring what had transpired. Within the confines sat, a lone prince Blueblood, with his head low, letting out some sighs of depression.


His ears perked, as he lifted his head up to see that his date companion had returned to the scene. She proceeds to walked towards the unicorn, concerned about his well being.

“Oh. Miss Trini…I…”
“You okay? You hurt?”
“Oh…No…I’m quite fine. You?”
“Nothing that won’t heal.”
“That’s good.”

Trini couldn’t help but feel a little bad about the way she had treated him just a few minutes before hand.

“Look, Blue…I just wanted to…”
“No…you were right.”
“I…I am what you’d call a “Royal jerk”.”
“Hey…I didn’t mean to…”
“But, it’s true. I am a jerk. To both you, and …”
“Rarity. Yes…It’s just…I never met anyone who wasn’t like me. I was self absorbed, and a bit pompous…But then I met you…that night…that got me thinking differently. After your rescue, I…”
“I know…I know…You don’t want to see my face aga…”

To his surprise, he felt Trini’s lips place a slight kiss to his cheek. He blinked for a couple of seconds before looking back at Trini.

“We all make mistakes. It’s just matter of honing up to those mistakes that makes us jerks or not.”
“I really do want to apologies to Rarity…for both the gala…and the suit.”

He then lifted his left leg to she a slight tear in the suit, making his female companion giggle a bit. Trini then grasped him by the hoof, and the two of them walked out of the area.

"You know…The night’s still young. Want to grab something?”
“Uh...yeah...I’d like that. On me though…”


Several hours had passed before Blueblood has escorted Trini to the door of Rarity’s Carousel boutique, and leaving a short kiss on the lips. Once he departed, Trini let herself in, and passed by a sleeping rarity, snoring with a book in hoof, and a bow of popcorn nearby. The sound of the door closing had awakened the element of generosity, snorting, and murmuring.

“Oh…Trini dear…You’re home.”
“Yeah...Sorry to wake you.”
“It’s no problem. I was just…catching up on some reading.”
“I noticed.”
“So…how was your evening with that uncouth Blueblood?”
“Actually…it wasn’t terrible.”
“Hmmm? Come again?”
“Really. It was pretty good for our first date.”

She lets out a slight yawn.

“I’m heading to bed.”

The saber tooth ranger headed upstairs, leaving a dumbfounded Rarity alone with her thoughts.