• Published 27th May 2015
  • 8,147 Views, 189 Comments

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Friendship is Magic - Werewolf Cheetara

The six Power Rangers are sent to the world of Equestria, a world of multicolored ponies. there, they meet Twilight Sparkle, and the elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 3 - In Worlds Unknown

Chapter 3

In Worlds Unknown

Equestria (not far from Canterlot):

In the completely intact command center of Zordon, Alpha five regains consciousness, and picks himself up from the floor. He then makes his way to the control panels, and flips on the lights and other systems.

“Zordon, Remind me never to go on roller coasters. Zordon? Zordon?”

Realizing that Zordon had not answered, Alpha looked up to see that Zordon was not completely where he should be. There was some interference that was affecting the transmissions.

“Oh dear! Not good, not good. Hold on Zordon.”

The robot searched for the right switches on the control panel until he spotted two switches.

“Oh, here we are.”

He then switched on the two switches, and Zordon had regained full power to the transmission.

"There. How does it feel Zordon?”

“Thank you, Alpha. I feel much better now.”

“Well, that’s good. It appears the command center is still intact and full functional.”

“Indeed. What of the Rangers?”

“We’re right here.”

Both Zordon and Alpha turned to find that the voice of Jason had come from a small looking horse wearing Jason’s clothes. Five more appeared behind him, all resembling each of the other rangers.

“Ayiyiyiyiyiyiy! Rangers, what’s happened to you?”

“Honestly, we thought you’d tell us.”

“Okay, it’s been every little girl’s dream of having a pony, but, turning into one is another story.”

“So, what exactly happened to us?”

“It’s quite simple, Rangers. It appears we have been teleported into another universe.”

The rangers looked at one another, while mumbling among each other.

“I still don’t understand what this has to do with us being ponies.”

“Well, it could be possible that for us to either exist or even survive within this universe, we would have to adorn the physical traits, and DNA structure of the native terrestrial beings occupying this reality.”


“In other words, we were turn into ponies to blend in.”

“Oh... Blend into where, exactly?”

“An excellent question, Zack. Allow me to explain, while you observe the viewing globe.”

The rangers turn to the crystal orb, as Zordon informed them of the world they have entered into.

“We are now in world known as Equestria. Here, the kingdom is populated by Ponies of every shape, size, and color. The ponies are divided into mostly three types. The Earth ponies are closest to nature, allowing them to grow plants for harvest. They are the physically strongest of the three. Jason and Zack have been restructured to enhance their strength.”

Jason and Zack looked at one another observing their new forms.

“As much as I like my normal self. This new form, it ain’t half bad.”

Jason smirked a little bit in humor. Knowing that not everything has changed.

“Kimberly, and Trini. You both have been transformed into pegasi. These ponies not only able to fly. But, they also can walk upon the clouds, as though it were solid ground. They are also responsible for maintaining, and controlling all the weather of Equestria. Whether to keeping it a nice sunny day, to developing, and controlling the fiercest storms.”

The two girls marveled and awed at their new wings. Kimberly began to flap her wings, lifting her entire body into the air. She continued to maintain her hovering when Trini was next to her in the air.

“I can’t believe I’m a Pegasus. It’s so cool.”

"This is really morphinomenal.”

They slowly descended back to the ground, and rejoined the other rangers.

“The third, and final group are the Unicorns. This group has the closet bond to magic, and can use its power for almost any task. This includes levitating objects, teleporting, even casting offensive, and defensive spells. They are also the most intellectual group. That is why Billy, and Tommy have been granted with their new form."

Billy looked up to his fore head, and noticed that a horn had grown there. He turned, and found that Tommy had one as well. They both looked at one another and turned back to Zordon.

“I take that these horns allow us to use magic?”

“You are correct. It will allow to accomplish almost anything. Now, rangers. Continue to observe the viewing globe.”

The rangers turned once more to the large glass orb.

“Although there are only three types of ponies, there is one other form of Pony that stands above all else. The Alicorn are a mix of all three races. Only a select few ever become one. Otherwise the Alicorns are born into existence. However, the Alicorns are uncommonly rare. Due to their scarcity, the Alicorns are rightfully considered to be royalty. Two of these Alicorns rule all of Equestria. Princess Celestia is the ruler of the day. She controls this world’s sun from sunrise to sunset. While her sister Luna, controls the night. Raising and lowering the moon, and its cycle.”

“It’ll be nice to see those two again.”

“Hold on. You guys have been here before?”

“Yes, Zack. Long ago, I met Celestia in her time of need. For she, and Luna, were battling a creature that was the embodiment of Chaos itself.”

“I believe Discord was his name.”

“just as I granted you the power to defend your world, I too, granted her the means to defeat discord. The power I granted her were the very essence of Harmony itself.”

“Did they ever defeat discord, or whatever his name was?”

“Yes, but I could not stay for long after the battle. So, by right, and virtue, the elements of harmony belong to her, and her people.”

“So we have, Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth ponies, and Alicorns, and elements. What exactly does any of this have to do with us?”

“Yeah, shouldn’t we trying to find a way home?”

“And you shall, in time. But, in order to do so, I must speak with Celestia, and assess the situation. I fear that Rita had made the journey to this world as well. We mustn’t let this world fall into Rita’s power.”

“We’re Not gonna let that happen here, or on Earth”

“You got that right.”


“I’m in.”

“Me too.”

“Let’s do this.”

“Where do we start?”

“Celestia resides in the castle within the capital of Canterlot. We will teleport you just outside of the city’s walls, and out of sight. We wouldn’t want to start a panic. You will make your way to the palace itself, and enter Celestia’s throne room. From there, you must request her presence here. Good luck, Power Rangers. You mustn’t fail. There is much at stake, and time is of the essence.”

“But, what if we need to morph? Will this place have any effect on our powers?”

“Your morphers should be functional. The blast from the device only affects organic material.”

“Remember, Rangers. You must refrain from using your powers until you have brought Celestia here. Unless it is absolutely necessary.”

“Gotcha. We’re out of here.”

“This should only take a few seconds.”

With a few pressed buttons, the rangers were then teleported out of the command center, on their mission to find the Alicorn Princess.