Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Friendship is Magic

by Werewolf Cheetara

First published

The six Power Rangers are sent to the world of Equestria, a world of multicolored ponies. there, they meet Twilight Sparkle, and the elements of Harmony.

After an accident involving a time device, The six Power Rangers are sent to the world of Equestria, a world of multicolored ponies. There, they meet Twilight Sparkle, and the Elements of Harmony. however, New friends draw out old enemies on both sides. For Rita Repulsa had made the journey as well. She joins forces with the Changeling queen,Chrysalis. How will it all end?

Chapter 1 - Day of the Incident

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Chapter 1
Day of the Incident

Angel Grove:

Within the lively, and youthful hall of the Angel grove fitness center, a weekly, hour long karate class was taking place. Leading the class were Jason Lee Scott and Tommy Oliver, two of the most skilled and respected martial artists in all of Angel grove. In the large group of students was their intelligent student, and close friend, Billy Cranston. Accompanying that was a neighboring tai chi class. Lead by Trini Kwan, who was good friends with the boys. At the entrance of the fitness center, Zack Taylor, and Kimberly Hart had just walked in soaked to the bone from the storm that was pouring down on the city. Zack looked to his companion, while they both dried their hairs.

“Man, This is like the 3rd, or 4th day that it’s rained in row.”

“All, this water, and drying my hair with a towel cannot be good for my hair.” .

“Yeah, That’s what you said about the helmets, and all.”

“That was then. This is now. One terrible hair style at a time.”

“okay, then.”

After drying their hair, Zack and Kimberlypacked their towels back into their gym bags and made their way to a nearby open table. They pulled four more chairs, from empty tables, to their table. After so, Trini joined them at their table once she dismissed her small class.

“Hey guys.”



“How was it when you guys came in. The storm I mean.”

“I think Kim’s new hair style sums it all up.”

He let out a small snort, as he humored himself with the truthful comment. Turning his attention away from the girls, Zack over hears the karate class, as they let out their cries of unison. With a final stroke of their fists, Tommy and Jason suddenly retracted their fists, and bowed to their students.

“Class is dismissed. Good work, all of you.”

“Right, see you guys next week. Keep on practicing.”

The students dispersed from the group, to carry on with their lives. Billy was just about finished packing his gear when Jason walked to him.

“Hey Billy. You did well out there, today.”

“I…, I don’t know. I still haven’t quite worked out the mechanics of karate.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. Besides, karate has less thinking than math.”

“Yeah. You just need to relax yourself, and follow the flow.”

“….I guess I do need to relax.”

“Come on, the guys are waiting over there.”

With that, three boys made their way to meet up with their companions, who were seated at their table.

Meanwhile, in the moon fortress of Rita Repulsa, Baboo and Squat were watching the angel grove channel six new, on the T.V.

“Geez, look at this. It’s like the 6th time that it’s rained there.”

“Yeah, sucks to be them. Don’t it.”

“Yep. It sure is.”“I bet it’ll last for a whole month.”

“I’ll bet it won’t.”

“How much?”


“How much do you bet it won’t?”

“20 dollars?”


The two shake hands, signifying that the bet was on.

“Done, you’re on.”

“Do you two mind keeping it down out there? I’m trying to work here.”

Finster was in the process of developing another of Rita’s monsters, but due to the constant victories of the Power Rangers, Finster had become somewhat discouraged.

“Ugh, none of these will do. I need something more diabolical, more ferocious, more…”

“Hey, Finster. You want in on this bet? I say this storm will last for a month.”

“No, it won’t.”

“Might as well, at this rate, I’ll…Storm you say? A storm, that’s it! I am an indisputable genius. Put me down for two weeks, and 15 dollars.”

Within seconds, Finster hastily begins to sculpt a sinister looking monster that resembles a storm cloud with jet airliner exhaust for hands, and tornado spiral legs. Just then Rita walks in on her minions, who were being lazy as usual.

“What are you monkey faced nit wits doing lying about, when you should be helping get rid of the power rangers?”

“My queen. I have prepared a special Monster just for this occasion. Strom charger, here, will make short work of the rangers.

“He’d better. Fire up the monster maker.”

“Yes, my queen.”

Finster takes the monster into the monstermatic machine, loads Storm Charger in, and fires up the machine. The machine takes a few seconds to cook, and in a fiery explosion, the monster known as Storm Charger materialized into existence.

“Ha Ha!!! The names Storm Charger, and I’m lightning fast!!!”

“Ugh. He’ll have to do. Now, Charger. I want you to take a putty patrol, and ready the time device.”

“Not this scheme, again.”

“The time device is set.”

“Good. Now, Take it and Go!!!”

“Yes, my queen.”

In an instant, Storm Charger, with a hand full of Putty Patrollers, teleported to the earth to carry out his mission.

“Goldar! Go down to earth and make sure that idiot know what he’s doing.”

“Yes, my queen.”

In an instant, Goldar had vanished to carry out his mission.

Back at angel grove, the team was walking from the youth center, with their coats and gear, and braced the storm’s light rains. They walked for a good mile from the center,, and the winds started to pick up sending rain into their faces.

“Perhaps we shouldn’t have left the center in this weather.”

“It just seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Just then, a group of Putties came out of nowhere, and began to circle around the rangers. Just as the putties surrounded them, a voice cried out to them.


They turned to find Goldar, and Storm Charger, were in grass clearing, standing in front of the time device.

“This time, you’ll be the ones who’ll fall to us, and my empress. Prepare to be destroyed!!!”

“Putties destroy them!!!”

Jason then pulled out his power morpher, followed by his fellow rangers.

“Alright Guys. It’s Morphin’ Time!”





“Saber Tooth Tiger!!!”


In a flash of light, the power ranger were morphed and ready for action. The rangers engaged the putties, in the cold dark rain of the storm. Zack blocked a blow to the face, and returned with a counter attack. Kim leaped onto the shoulders of a putty. She maintained a hand stand on its shoulders, and finally let gravity do its work when she leaned her feet forward and knocked the putty to the ground. While she made a perfect land on her feet. Billy tornado kicked one putty into another, and blasted on with his blade blaster. Trini sliced and diced her foes with her Dino Daggers with fierce velocity. Sending sparks flying from each putty. Jason and Tommy engaged Goldar, and Storm Charger. Jason clashed swords with Goldar, swinging his blade, and Tommy took on Storm Charger. Storm Charger fired up his turbines, blowing Tommy back with fiery winds. Before Tommy was almost blown off a small cliff, the turbines short circuited due to the heavy rains. Finally gain some ground, Tommy Charged at the monster, and struck it several times with his Dragon Dagger. Jason continued to counter Goldar’s strikes. But finally, Goldar seized his moment, and grasped Jason’s power sword.

“It’s over, Red Ranger! The earth belongs to my queen.”

“Not while I’m standing.”

“Easily solved.”

The two separated, and Jason, regrouped with the other rangers.

Back at Rita’s palace. The sorceress continues to watch her victory draw ever closer, and closer.
“Yes, finish them all off, you two.”

As her evilness continued to view her victory, Squat, and Baboo were still arguing about their deal. They continued to walk their way to the balcony. Unknowingly to them, they were walking right up to Rita, who was about be overjoyed by her victory over the rangers. Just as she cried out in joy Baboo and Squat were shook out of their argument, and ran right into Rita. When the two henchmen crashed into their queen, Her staff flew off to the earth. Rita was furious of the duo.

“Look what you two pee brains did!!!”

The two looked at each other in fear of their empress.


The staff continued its journey to earth for at least 2 minutes. Finally when it hit the planet, it impaled the time device, sparking up and electrical charge that fired four ways. While the blast destroyed the time device, and Storm Charger in the process. One of the blasts hit Goldar, and the putty patrol, while another hit the Power Rangers, electrocuting them in some level of pain. One bolt hurled itself to Rita’s fortress, affecting everyone and thing within the palace. Rita’s hair had gone up due to so much electrical charge. She turned back to Baboo and Squat.

“You two, are in so much trouble when I get my hands on you!!!”

“Oh dear.”

“Oh boy.”

Back on earth, the final bolt struck the command center of the power rangers. Inside, Alpha was panicking about, while the systems sparked with electricity.

“Ayiyiyiyiyiyiy! This is the mother of all Lightning storms! I just know it.”

“Calm down, Alpha. Teleport the Rangers back here immediately. I fear this is only just the beginning.”

“Yes, Zordon.”

Alpha made his way to the controls and pressed two buttons that activated the teleporter. The rangers suddenly appeared back in the command center.

“Zordon, what’s going on?”

“It’s the time device. Rita’s staff had struck the device, as it began to open a hole in time and space. Everything the lightning has touched will be pulled into the wormhole.”

“But that means we’ll all be sucked into the wormhole.”

“Yeah, and leave an opening for Rita to take the earth.”

“Fear not, Rangers. As the bolts have affected the command center, it too affected Rita, and her fortress.”

“In other words, we’re not going in there alone.”

There was a great tremor within the command center, and the rangers were losing their balance in accordance to the vibrations.

“Hang on every. This is going to be one mother of a bumpy ride! Ayiyiyi!!!”

The command center was now entering the coldness of space as the wormhole pulled it into the portal like structure. Everyone in Rita’s fortress were hanging on for their very lives, as the portal continued to suck. Several putties were pulled into the portal to unknown fates. Rita was grasping a hold on the balconies columns. While doing so, she notice several cracks were forming on the castles lower structure. She knew that the castle would lose its grip, soon. Finally the building was severed from it’s base, and pulled into the wormhole. She watched as the castle collided with the entrance.


As the castle was pulled further, and further away from the entrance. The size of the portal shrank down until it all but disappeared.

Chapter 2 - Dream of a Steel Beast

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Chapter 2
Dream of a Steel Beast


It was a quiet, peaceful afternoon in small town of Ponyville. The sun was setting for the day, shops and carts close up for the night, and every pony prepares themselves for the upcoming storm scheduled for the evening. Most ponies were either hastily finishing the final preparations, or hurrying to find shelter. Among these ponies, were both Applejack, the earth pony, and Rarity, the unicorn. They had been invited to stay the stormy night in the castle of their friend, and princess, Twilight Sparkle. The two of them had just arrived at the door when the rain started it’s decent. It was in a matter of seconds that the rain fell harder, and harder. The two ponies were getting soaked to the bone.

“Twilight? Twilight!!! Oh, what could possibly be keeping her so long?”

“Take it easy, sugar cube. This ain’t nothing, but water. Yah won’t melt.”

“Be that as it may. All this harsh rain fall cannot be good for my hair. Or my night gown for that matter.”

Rarity again knocked on the doors for the crystal like palace. But, again, no one was there to answer their call. So, she tried it again, and the results were the same as before. She continued the practice over and over again. Each time she grew angrier, and more frustrated up to the point where she let out a wrathful cry.


“Because, she’s right behind you.”

Rarity turned around to find Twilight soaked from all the rain water, levitating several bags. She couldn’t help but feel both embarrassed, and sorry for Twilight.

“Oh my. I’m…I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you weren’t home.”

“I had to run, and get some last minutes supplies. I thought that Spike would’ve got the door for you.”

“I, uh. Ah asked Spike and Fluttershy to keep an eye on Applebloom, and her friends tonight. Seeing that Big Mac’s away.”

“Oh, yes. Sweetie Bell was talking about that. I’ll have to thank both Fluttershy, and spikey wikey for helping out.”

“Alright then. Let me just unlock the door.”

The young Alicorn made her way to the large door, pulled out her key, and unlocked the huge doors. They slowly opened revealing the lit hallway of Castle Friendship. Once they were inside. Twilight and her friends made their way towards a large stairwell, leading to other parts of the castle.

“Come on. I’ll show you guys to we’ll be crashing.”

“Hopefully, I can get my hair back to it’s former glory. I knew this rain wasn’t good for it.”

“Is your hair gonna be the only thing you’re gonna talk about all night?”

“Well, excuse me if I want to look me best. Even in my sleep.”

Twilight nodded her head, and continued to lead her friends through the halls, and to their sleeping quarters.

Later, that evening, the three girls were sitting in a circle, recalling their events from earlier that day Applejack had just finished her tale of how she had to put a stop to another of her sisters cutie mark crusades, when Applebloom attempted to be the first pony to fly with wings of cardboard off of the apple barn. Twilight, and Rarity couldn’t help but laugh.

“Heh heh. Ooooh those were the days.”

“Yep, I remember when I tried pulling a stunt like that. I lasted a good 5 seconds before I hit the ground. Though it was a smaller height.”

“I thank you for preventing anyone else from trying that. Who knows what could have happened to sweetie bell if she …”

“I hear you. I was just looking out for y’all.”

Rarity nodded, then let out a soft yawn. She looked at a nearby clock, and noticed it was past midnight.

“Well, we should get some sleep. I’ve got to keep myself from getting my eyes all wrinkly in the morning.”

“yeah, I’d recon getting some shut eye. I got to see what the damage is like back home.”“I’m sure the farm, and the girls are alright.”

“I was talking about Flutters, and Spike. Who knows what those three have been up to?”

Twilight giggled a bit before curling under her sleeping bag. Slowly her eyes began to blink slower, and slower as she drifted off to sleep, with the sounds of rain drops echoing through the darkness.

There was nothing but darkness in front of Twilight. All she could see were the two hooves in front of her. She knew not where she was, until the sky began to brighten into a red dawn. But, instead of the day growing brighter, revealing a blue sky. It remained the same dark red, displaying only silhouettes of mountains and a flat, rocky plain. Then there was a great tremor in the ground below her. Twilight could hear and see the cracking of earth as it continued its path in front of her until it stop as the quake died down. She sighed in relief, as if it was all over. However, she began to feel the quake begin to pick up where it left off. This time the two halves of the ground began to drift apart, right underneath the Alicorn herself. Lightning flash, and thunder roared as, twilight leaped to one side of the two halves. As the earth parted, and lightning scatter the rubble, large fires began to burst from the pit. She was terrified beyond belief. Twilight, coming to her sense, began to run as far away from the pit. Before she could even start, a loud, Bull like roar had echoed from the pit. As she turned to look back she could see a massive steel beast, dragon like, rise from the fires, as if a monster of Tartarus had come to Equestria. Once the beast had made it out, Twilight saw the beast move its massive body towards one of the mountains, where she saw a red figure standing there. As if it was returning to its master. It began to get darker, and darker, when Twilight realized the monster’s tail was right on top of her, and pressed its weight on her fragile body. Twilight could only shut her tearful eyes, and brace for the inevitable.
In an instant, Twilight awoke, sweaty and hyperventilating. She looked around to find that she was still in her room. She saw that Spike was standing in the doorway.

“Geez Twilight. You’ve must have had some messed up dream.”

“Spike! When did you get hear?”

“Around 8. You were still asleep by then. You murmured while you slept.”

“Did I say anything?”

“Nothing I could tell. What was it that you were dreaming?”

“I’ll tell you later. Now, please. Take a letter to Princess Celestia.”

“Oh, it’s those kind of dreams.”

The baby dragon had done what he had been instructed, and readied quil for what every Twilight spoke.

[i]Dear Princess Celestia,

Last night, I had one of the most terrifying nightmares than ever before. I saw a large red steel beast. Dragon like in structure, and as tall as the crystal palace. It was heading towards a red figure in the distance. Though I could not tell who it was. I fear that something big is about to happen, hear in Equestria. I wish to speak with you, hoping that you may help shed some light in this event.

Your faithful student,
Princess Twilight Sparkle

When Twilight had finished, Spike blew his flame, and sending it to the princess. It was only a matter of time before the princess would respond.

“The princess hasn’t responded yet. I guess it’s not all that important. Maybe it was just a dream, and nothing more.”

“Sure, it could just be BUUUURRRP!!!”

A letter had just made its way out of Spike’s fiery mouth, and landed right onto Twilight’s lap. She levitated the letter, and unfolded the parchment which read the princess’ response.

My Dearest Twilight,

My sister had informed me of your dream. Though I do not know who the red figure whom you speak of. But, I may know something about this beast of yours. But more will be discussed later. For now, I need you and the elements to join me in Canterlot. I have urgent new that you must be present for.

Your Teacher and Friend forever.
Princess Celestia

Twilight then got up from her sleeping bag, and placed the letter on her night stand. She looked to Spike, who retained his original position when he entered the room. She approached him, and placed her hoof on his shoulder.

“The princess has requested our presence, up in Canterlot. Find the girls, and tell them to meet me at the train station. Pack you things, before you do so.”

The baby dragon nodded, and made his way out of the room. In preparation for their trip to the Equestrian capital of Canterlot.

Chapter 3 - In Worlds Unknown

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Chapter 3

In Worlds Unknown

Equestria (not far from Canterlot):

In the completely intact command center of Zordon, Alpha five regains consciousness, and picks himself up from the floor. He then makes his way to the control panels, and flips on the lights and other systems.

“Zordon, Remind me never to go on roller coasters. Zordon? Zordon?”

Realizing that Zordon had not answered, Alpha looked up to see that Zordon was not completely where he should be. There was some interference that was affecting the transmissions.

“Oh dear! Not good, not good. Hold on Zordon.”

The robot searched for the right switches on the control panel until he spotted two switches.

“Oh, here we are.”

He then switched on the two switches, and Zordon had regained full power to the transmission.

"There. How does it feel Zordon?”

“Thank you, Alpha. I feel much better now.”

“Well, that’s good. It appears the command center is still intact and full functional.”

“Indeed. What of the Rangers?”

“We’re right here.”

Both Zordon and Alpha turned to find that the voice of Jason had come from a small looking horse wearing Jason’s clothes. Five more appeared behind him, all resembling each of the other rangers.

“Ayiyiyiyiyiyiy! Rangers, what’s happened to you?”

“Honestly, we thought you’d tell us.”

“Okay, it’s been every little girl’s dream of having a pony, but, turning into one is another story.”

“So, what exactly happened to us?”

“It’s quite simple, Rangers. It appears we have been teleported into another universe.”

The rangers looked at one another, while mumbling among each other.

“I still don’t understand what this has to do with us being ponies.”

“Well, it could be possible that for us to either exist or even survive within this universe, we would have to adorn the physical traits, and DNA structure of the native terrestrial beings occupying this reality.”


“In other words, we were turn into ponies to blend in.”

“Oh... Blend into where, exactly?”

“An excellent question, Zack. Allow me to explain, while you observe the viewing globe.”

The rangers turn to the crystal orb, as Zordon informed them of the world they have entered into.

“We are now in world known as Equestria. Here, the kingdom is populated by Ponies of every shape, size, and color. The ponies are divided into mostly three types. The Earth ponies are closest to nature, allowing them to grow plants for harvest. They are the physically strongest of the three. Jason and Zack have been restructured to enhance their strength.”

Jason and Zack looked at one another observing their new forms.

“As much as I like my normal self. This new form, it ain’t half bad.”

Jason smirked a little bit in humor. Knowing that not everything has changed.

“Kimberly, and Trini. You both have been transformed into pegasi. These ponies not only able to fly. But, they also can walk upon the clouds, as though it were solid ground. They are also responsible for maintaining, and controlling all the weather of Equestria. Whether to keeping it a nice sunny day, to developing, and controlling the fiercest storms.”

The two girls marveled and awed at their new wings. Kimberly began to flap her wings, lifting her entire body into the air. She continued to maintain her hovering when Trini was next to her in the air.

“I can’t believe I’m a Pegasus. It’s so cool.”

"This is really morphinomenal.”

They slowly descended back to the ground, and rejoined the other rangers.

“The third, and final group are the Unicorns. This group has the closet bond to magic, and can use its power for almost any task. This includes levitating objects, teleporting, even casting offensive, and defensive spells. They are also the most intellectual group. That is why Billy, and Tommy have been granted with their new form."

Billy looked up to his fore head, and noticed that a horn had grown there. He turned, and found that Tommy had one as well. They both looked at one another and turned back to Zordon.

“I take that these horns allow us to use magic?”

“You are correct. It will allow to accomplish almost anything. Now, rangers. Continue to observe the viewing globe.”

The rangers turned once more to the large glass orb.

“Although there are only three types of ponies, there is one other form of Pony that stands above all else. The Alicorn are a mix of all three races. Only a select few ever become one. Otherwise the Alicorns are born into existence. However, the Alicorns are uncommonly rare. Due to their scarcity, the Alicorns are rightfully considered to be royalty. Two of these Alicorns rule all of Equestria. Princess Celestia is the ruler of the day. She controls this world’s sun from sunrise to sunset. While her sister Luna, controls the night. Raising and lowering the moon, and its cycle.”

“It’ll be nice to see those two again.”

“Hold on. You guys have been here before?”

“Yes, Zack. Long ago, I met Celestia in her time of need. For she, and Luna, were battling a creature that was the embodiment of Chaos itself.”

“I believe Discord was his name.”

“just as I granted you the power to defend your world, I too, granted her the means to defeat discord. The power I granted her were the very essence of Harmony itself.”

“Did they ever defeat discord, or whatever his name was?”

“Yes, but I could not stay for long after the battle. So, by right, and virtue, the elements of harmony belong to her, and her people.”

“So we have, Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth ponies, and Alicorns, and elements. What exactly does any of this have to do with us?”

“Yeah, shouldn’t we trying to find a way home?”

“And you shall, in time. But, in order to do so, I must speak with Celestia, and assess the situation. I fear that Rita had made the journey to this world as well. We mustn’t let this world fall into Rita’s power.”

“We’re Not gonna let that happen here, or on Earth”

“You got that right.”


“I’m in.”

“Me too.”

“Let’s do this.”

“Where do we start?”

“Celestia resides in the castle within the capital of Canterlot. We will teleport you just outside of the city’s walls, and out of sight. We wouldn’t want to start a panic. You will make your way to the palace itself, and enter Celestia’s throne room. From there, you must request her presence here. Good luck, Power Rangers. You mustn’t fail. There is much at stake, and time is of the essence.”

“But, what if we need to morph? Will this place have any effect on our powers?”

“Your morphers should be functional. The blast from the device only affects organic material.”

“Remember, Rangers. You must refrain from using your powers until you have brought Celestia here. Unless it is absolutely necessary.”

“Gotcha. We’re out of here.”

“This should only take a few seconds.”

With a few pressed buttons, the rangers were then teleported out of the command center, on their mission to find the Alicorn Princess.

Chapter 4 - An Apple meets a Red Ranger

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Chapter 4
An Apple meets a Red Ranger

At the gates of Canterlot, the elements of Harmony were approaching the front doors. Where to guards nodded their heads at one another, and pushed the two doors in, allowing the girls, and spike to pass through. Once they were all inside, the doors were then shut behind them. They continued towards the thrones, where Princess Celestia, and Luna sat. Awaiting their fellow royalty to approach them. Twilight was about to reach the first step when Celestia got up from her throne, and made her way down the stairs.

“Twilight, it’s so good to see you again.”

The white Alicorn ruler, embraced her violet student, as if she were a long lost sibling.

“I’ve missed you, too. Princess.”

“Please, call me by my name. We are both Alicorns after all.”

“Sorry, I’m still getting used to the title.”

“Don’t worry. These things take time.”

“Now, princess, I mean Celestia. About your letter.”

“Yes, well. I’m glad you brought that up.”

Celestia turned to the elements, and cleared her throat.

“We’ve been receiving reports of changelings, roaming about Equestria. They’ve all been discovered heading towards Canterlot. Although those few have been caught, and are being held. I fear there may be more out there. Right inside the city, as we speak this very minute.”

“Yah don’t suppose Chrysalis is planning’ on taking Canterlot again, do yah princess?”

“I’m not sure. From what our forces say, some of the changelings have deserted their queen, while few others regrouped with her in outer territories.”

“What would you have us do, Celestia?”

“Yeah, we take on bug face. Just say the words.”

“While I admire you fighting spirit, Rainbow Dash. I must advise you all to heed caution, for the mean time. Now, I want you all to go out, and enjoy the city. I will summon you here again, once I have any word on Chrysalis, or a potential invasion plan.”

“Are you sure that’s the wisest decision, Princess?”

“There’s nothing more we can do but wait, and see if she strikes. Since you’ll be staying here for a while, I thought you all could do something to pass the time. Other than being stuck in this empty room, waiting for who knows what.”

Much to Twilight’s fondness of her mentor, she would have liked to stay beside her. But, she knew Celestia was right. There was no point in waiting for war to knock on the door.

“Alright princess. We’ll try to keep a low profile. Come on girls.”

Bidding her teacher farewell, Twilight regrouped with the other elements, and made their way towards the doors. Once they, cleared the door way, the massive doors shut. Celestia looked to the stain glass window to her right.

“Be careful, my faithful student.”

At the gates of the castle, Twilight, and her friends were discussing their plan of action.

“Alright. The princess wants us to keep low. Spike and I are heading to the library, to catch up on some reading.”

“Actually, I was planning on going with Rarity. She said that she needed some help picking out some new outfits. So I…”

“Alright then. I will be at the library.”

“And,I’llbeatthebakery. There’s so many tasty treats I’ve got to try.ThisonetimeIsawahugepancakethatwasthesamesizeofacartwheelandMmph!”

Twilight had placed her hoof on Pinkie’s lips, in order to calm down.

“Okay. Thank you, Pinkie Pie.”

Flutters, and I’ll be checking out the pet shop we passed on our way up here.”

“I’m sure we can find something for Tank and Angel.”

“Yeah, I’m in need of restocking on Tank’s food.”

“Okay. Now Applejack…”

“I’ll just be wanderin’ around. Maybe check on some of the competition ‘round here.”

“Okay. We’ll all meet back at the palace around sunset. If anyone runs into trouble, like changlings. Regroup where ever you can. Do not engage, unless you have no other option. Keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.”

They all nodded, and went their separate ways, with a sharp eye, and a steady hoof.

Meanwhile, Just outside of Canterlot, the six Rangers were approaching the main gate to the City of Canterlot. The continued into the city, observing the architecture, marveled at the unique detailing, and made their way to the established visitor’s center. The others held back, when Jason made his way up to the counter. The Receptionist notice the young stallion approach, and noticed how attractive he looked.

“Hi there. What can I do for you, sugar cube?”

“Yeah, Hi. Do you guys happen to have a map of the city? My friends and I are new around here.”

“Oh, sure. Here. This should help you and your friends.”

The young mare hands over a common fold out map of Canterlot to Jason.

“I’m Lemon drop. Come back if you need anything else.”

“Thanks. I’m Jason.”

He waved his hoof, and left to regroup with his comrades.

“So, do you have a map we can use?”

“Yeah, Here.”

He hands Billy the map. Who then unfolds it, revealing the layout of the entire capital.

“Okay so we’re here at the visitors’ center, and the castles on the other side.”

As the other rangers continued to study the map, Jason looks over for a second, and notices an Orange pony with blonde hair, and a cowboy hat. In all his years, he had not seen a girl of such beauty before. Then a sound caught his attention. The sounds of screams coming from his left. He turned to see a runaway cart approaching uncontrollably. He saw that the cart was heading straight towards the young mare. He had to act fast, without a word, Jason quickly walked from the group to warn the girl. The others looked away from the map, and saw Jason moving away from them.

“Jason? Jason, Wait!”

Without responding to Tommy’s call, Jason continued his path towards the pony. His pace quickened as he saw the cart approach faster and faster. As if time had slowed down, the red ranger called out to the cowgirl.


The young mare turned to see the cart approaching her in its high speed. Her eyes widened, as if death stood right in front of her. For the first time, in this very moment, Applejack was scared stiff to the point where she couldn’t move. As she braced for her fate, she felt a heavy force pressing against her, moving her from harm’s way. As she fell out of harm’s way, Applejack saw the cart crash right into a brick wall, stopping the cart dead in its tracks. She looked back to find the source of the forceful push out of danger. To her surprise, she found a young colt in his prime on top of her. The two made eye contact, and Applejack began to blush a bright red.

“Um, I, ah think you can get off me now. Partner.”

“Hmm? Oh! Sorry.”

Jason lifted himself of the ground and back on all four legs. He held out his hoof to the young apple girl. She grasped his hoof with hers, and pulled herself up from the cobblestone road.

“You okay?”

“I wouldn’t be if you hadn’t showed up. Thanks.”

“I sure you would’ve done the same thing in my shoes.”

“I’m sure of that two.”

“My name’s Jason.”

“I’m Applejack. It’s nice to meet a fella like you.”

Their attention was then drawn to a loud shout up on the hill where the cart came from. The cart’s owner was yelling at a pony, who saw him push the cart down on purpose. When he threatened to call the guards, the pony threw a punch at the owner, and dashed up hill.

“I recon that’s the creep who launched that cart.”

“What do you say about finding out?”

“Fine by me.”

“Come on.”

In an instant, the two ponies made haste up hill, and hunt down the would be assassin on Applejack’s life. Tommy and Kimberly saw Applejack, and Jason run past them.

“Jason, wait! Come Back!!!”

Seeing that Jason did not respond again, Kimberly started running after them. Tommy shortly followed, along with Trini, Zack, and Billy. The hunt for the attempted assassin was on.

Chapter 5 - A Morphinomenal Battle

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Chapter 5

A Morphinomenal Battle

Jason, and Applejack were hot on the trail of the assassin, as they chased him through the streets of Canterlot. Everywhere he ran, the crook ran through market place to market place. Throwing anything in their path that’ll slow them down. However, the two ponies avoided each of his attempts. The assassin comes to a corner leading into a dark alley way. Naturally, the heroes continued their pursuit of him into the darkness. His running had ended when the assassin had come to a solid brick wall. He turned to find the two ponies, standing in front of the only exit optional.

“Alright, Just come quietly, and ah won’t hoof you in the eye. We’ve got you trapped.”

“Oh is that so?”

The assassin then burst into green flames, and revealed himself to be a changeling. Applejack’s eyes widened in surprise. Jason continued to observe the creature’s form, and turned to his companion.

“What exactly is that thing?”

“That there’s a Changeling. They take the form of any pony they want, and feed of the positive emotions of others.”

He continued to observe the creature, and its insect like structure. He could only think to himself about it's grotesque look.

"Man, I thought putties were ugly.

He then turned his attention to Applejack.

“So, you think we can take him?”

As he finished that question, several more changelings appeared from the shadows, drawing closer, and closer

“Not, when he has help.”

The two of them slowly began to back out of the alley, hoping to get out before the changelings try anything on them. Just as they retreated halfway back, Jason’s communicator jingled its tune. He looked to his hoof. Applejack was baffled at the small device on his hoof. She had never seen a watch like that before.


“Why in tarnation are you talkin’ to ya watch at a time like this?!!”

“Jason, Its Billy. Where are you?”

The young mare became baffled by the small wrist device. Did she just hear a voice come from there?

“Did.., did your watch just talk?”

“It’s not a watch. It’s a communicator. My friend’s on the other line.

The two continued to back away from the advancing changelings.

“We’re on our way to the palace. We’ve got company.”



“Who’s that?”

Jason and Applejack stopped in their tracks, as the changelings began to circle around them. The looked all around, hoping to find a way out of the circle. Jason turned back to his communicator, then back to Applejack. They looked at one another in realization.

“Any ideas, partner?”

“We’re gonna have to fight our way out.”

“I was afraid you’d say that. Tell your friend to head for the library, and find Twilight Sparkle. She’ll know what to do”

Jason nodded and looked back to the small contraption.

“You got all that, Billy?”

“Clear as day. I’ll head over there. The others will be at the palace gates.”

“Gotcha. We’re on our way.”

He then turned away from his communicator, and the two ponies back into one another, back to back. Waiting for the changelings to make the first move.

“You know any karate?”

“I do recall readin’ some books on it. Used it once or twice before.”

“It’ll do.”

Jason and Applejack were now on their hind legs, ready to use whatever skills they have against their enemy. Within a matter of seconds one of the changelings leaped upon the two. However, Applejack managed to repel the attacker with her apple bucking kick she’s master back on sweet apple acres. Another Changling charged right at Jason, who countered it with a tornado kick. As the changelings pressed their attack, Jason and Applejack continued their defense with all their might. Punch after punch, kick after kick, and block after block, the two of them managed to incapacitate the group for a little bit. The changelings did not stay down for long. Slowly but surely, they began to raise themselves from the ground. The two ponies saw that this was their only chance of escaping. They took their chance and bolted out of the darkened alley way.

Using what energy they had left, Jason and Applejack dashed through the streets of Canterlot, to the palace gates, where their friends should be about now. They were approaching the gates, and found that they were the only ones there. They grinded to a halt at the closed gate. Wondering where their friends could be. There was a buzzing sound in the distance behind them, and screams of terror were not far behind. They turned to see a horde of Changelings headed right for them there were only 20 or so. But Jason knew this was more than he can handle.

“Come on, guys, where are you?”

“Twilight, don’t fail me now.”

The Changling horde was approaching fast, and there was nowhere for them to run. Jason, looked at Applejack, and she looked back.

“It’s been nice knowing you.”

“Same here.”

The two braced for impact, when suddenly several shots were fired at the horde. They turned to find that Twilight, Tommy, and the others were charging right at them. Jason and Applejack looked at them with faces of relief.

“leave it to Billy to arrive in the nick of time.”

“I suppose Twilight's the same.”

The horde began to back away from the approaching group. They looked at one another, and in unison, nodded their heads. They then dashed out of the city limits, back to their queen and master.The group of friends made their way to Jason and Applejack, ensuring that they were alright.

“Jason, are you guys alright?”

“Yeah. We’re fine.”

“Next time, don’t run off on us like that.”

“Sorry, I…"

“It was mah fault. If Jason here didn’t noticed that runaway cart, I’d probably be dead by now.”

Twilight made her way to Jason and the other rangers, so she could further her examination of Applejack’s new friend.

“I see you’re acquainted with Jason is it?”

she turned her attention to the red ranger.

“Yeah. I’m Jason. This is Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Zack, and Trini.”

The five of Jason’s friends either nodded or waved their hooves, and a greeting gesture.

“Well, you did save my friend’s life so. I can at least introduce to me and my friends. I’m Twilight Sparkle. This is my assistant Spike.”

The little dragon waved at the six rangers sheepishly.

“This is Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and…”


The ranger were startled by her randomly popping out above them, and pressing her face up against Jason’s


She then gasped for air, then turned her attention to their belts.

“Oh...neat belts! Where’dyougetthem?Fromsomegiantblueheadedinteredimensionalbeingcaughtinatimewarp, andyouusethemtobecomesomesortofsuperheroes?”

Pinkie let out a gasp.

“I know what this is... It’s a crossover!!!”

They all looked at her with confused looks on their faces.

“Is she always like this?”

“Believe me, dear, you have no idea.”

Just then the gate opened up, and Princess Celestia walked outside with a couple of guards at her side. Much to her surprise, the danger had past. She looked to Twilight for answers for the past event.

“Twilight, I heard the commotion. Tell me what’s happened.”

“Ah can explain it, yer highness. I was nearly ran over by what ah thought was a runaway cart. And ah would have been 6 feet under if it weren’t fer Jason here, pushing me to the side. It turned out that a changeling pushed the cart at me. So, he and I chased that critter down to a alley. It lured us into an ambush. Turns out Jason here’s some martial arts expert. So we made a run for it here, and Twilight and the others came here along with Jason’s friends here.”

“And the Changelings?”

“Ran off, with their tails between their legs.”

Celestia turned her attention to the new ponies in town, and bowed her head to them.

“I wish to thank you, and your friends for aiding my student and her friends. Please if there’s anything you need…”

“Actually, your highness. There is something you could do.”

She turned her attention to the blue ranger, who then stepped forward to her.

“And, what would that be?”

Just then, Jason’s communicator jingled it’s tune. He held up his hoof, so he can speak into the mike. He knew that it would be Alpha, at the command center.

“Come in, Rangers. We picked up a ruckus in Canterlot. Are you alright?”

“We’re okay, Alpha. We’re here with the princess now.”

Celestia’s eyes widened, as she heard the name Alpha come up inJason’s response. She moved in closer to the communicator.

“Alpha? Alpha 5, is it really you?”

“Princess? It is you. Oh, it’s so nice to hear you soothing voice again, your highness.”

Celestia let out a slight giggle to alpha's compliment

“It’s good to hear you too, Alpha.”

She returned her gaze to Jason, knowing that these ponies have been sent by Zordon for a reason.

“I see you are in Zordon’s good company. He sent you to find me and bring me to him. Am I correct?”

Jason nodded in reply to the Alicorn. Twilight looked at her teacher baffled.

“Princess, who’s this “Zordon”? Do you know him?”

“Indeed I do. He’s an old friend of mine. I would like for you and your friends to meet him with me.”

Celestia looked to Jason, who nodded that her request would be accepted. He then turned back to his communicator, and spoke into the mike.

“Alright, Alpha. We have the princess, and her friends. Ready to teleport us back?”

“It’ll all be ready, I just need to lock on to all 14 of you. This should take a second.”

Within seconds, the Ranger, Princess Celestia, and the elements were then teleported form the spot, and brought back to the command center of Zordon.

Chapter 6 - Catching up

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Chapter 6
Catching up

The rangers, and their pony guests had finally arrived back at the command center. Twilight could only marvel at the technological wonders that were established in front of her. She noticed the Princess was walking towards a large column of light, where she then stop and continued to observe it. Twilight returned to her observations of the large computer systems.

“What is this place?”

“This is the command center for us, my friends and I were brought here by Zordon to…”

Just then, Pinkie Pie popped in from underneath the two book worms and pressed her face close the blinking lights that flashed a multitude of colors.

“Ooooh. What’s this button do?”

Throwing caution into the wind, the pony then began to randomly pressed buttons, and flipped switches. Fluttershy tapped Pinkie's shoulder.

“Oh…, uh.., Pinkie? I don’t think you should be…”

As she continued to do so, Alpha 5 had walked in and turned to discover to his horror that Pinkie was playing around with the controls.

“Oh no no no no no no! You mustn't touch those! Gaaaaaahhh!!!”

The robot then tripped over his own feet, and landed face first onto the ground. Everyone else looked to see that Alpha was down on the ground. Billy and Twilight came to the robot's aid, and helped him back on his feet. Twilight then looked at the mechanical being in amazement.

“Oh, my, gosh. Is this a fully sentient…?”

“Multifunctional automaton? Affirmative.”

While the other ponies continued to observe the robot, Fluttershy made her way towards Celestia, and the beacon of light. She looked at the princess, wondering why she was drawn to that pillar of light.

“Princess, are you alright?”

Shortly after a flash of light glowed revealing at he projection of a headed being looking down upon them.

“Greetings princess.”


Fluttershydashed away from the head, and hid herself under one of the computer counters. Tommy knelt down to her eye level, and presented his hoof.

“It’s okay. He’s not going to hurt you. I promise you.”

The shaking pony slowly reached for his hoof, and came out of her hiding spot. The others gathered. Close, and drew their attention towards Zordon. A smile came over Celestia’s face. A smile she had not seen since Princess Luna had returned home.

“Zordon. It’s really good to see you again old friend. You’ve been gone a long time.”

“Indeed. I sense much has changed since my departure from your world.”

“Hold on there, baldy. Who the hay are you, and how do you know the princess?”

Twilight gave her friend a scolding look

“Rainbow Dash! Don’t insult the floating head.”

“It’s quite alright. I am Zordon. An interdimensional being caught in a time warp.”

“And my name is Alpha 5.”

“Long ago, I came to this world in a time where your princess was engaged in battle against the being you call discord. I granted her, and Luna the means to defeat, The…”

“Elements of Harmony?”

“Correct. A student of History, I see.”

“This is Twilight Sparkle. My former student, and fellow Alicorn.”

Twilight bowed her head in respect.

“She, and her friends now bare the Elements. Each based upon their traits, and actions Applejack here bares the element of Honesty. Her truthful ways have made her one of the finest ponies I’ve ever known.”

Applejack nodded towards Zordon, and winked.

“Rarity holds the element of generosity, and a marvelous dress maker in all of Equestria.”

“Your highness. You’re being too kind. I may be good. But, I still need work.”

“Pinkie pie, here is the element of Laughter.”

“And best party planner, ever!! Thatremindsme!!IhavetothrowyouguysawelcomingpartywhenIgetbacktoponyville.”

Rainbow Dash put her hoof in Pinkie's lips, in hopes of silencing her for the moment.

“Chill, pinkie. I’m Rainbow Dash. My element is loyalty. I’m also the fastest Flyer in all of Equestria. Fluttershy here bares Kindness. She’s really good with animals from mice to dragons.”

Fluttershy waved her hoof to Zordon

"Um... Hi.”

“I’m Twilight Sparkle. I represent the element of magic, and this is my assistant, and close friend spike.”

The little dragon waved to the inter dimensional being.


“It is a pleasure to meet you all. But, now princess. I must inform that I did not come for a social call. I bring you grave new of the up most importance.”

“What is it, Zordon? What news have you brought me?”

“I fear that due to an unfortunate incident, my friends and I have been transported here from another universe.”

The ponies gasped and whispered amongst one another.

“You’re all from another universe?”

“Indeed. I fear that not only were we teleported here. But also a great evil as well. Everyone, Turn to the viewing globe behind you. For it will show all that you need to know.”

As instructed, Celestia, the elements, Rangers, Alpha and Spike all turned to the viewing globe, and watched as is showed images of the new threat to Equestria, while Zordon explained to them.

“This is Rita Repulsa, an intergalactic sorceress that is bent on universal domination. With the help of her henchmen, and putty patrollers, she plans on conquering any planet she see fit. To battle Rita, I had selected these young adults to form an elite fighting force, who draw their power from the ancient creatures known as Dinosaurs.”


“They were a race of prehistoric animals that died of before civilization.”

“They draw their power from their power morphers. Much like your elements, ponies. They raise their morphers to the sky calling upon the name of their dinosaur. With these morphers, they can unlock, a universe of power, and command a fleet of fighting machines called zords. With these powers, they come together to morph into a force known to one and all as the Power Rangers.”



“It means to change.”




“I still not quite sure about all this. Mr. Zordon, is it?”

“Allow me to continue. Jason is bold, and powerful. He controls the Red Tyrannosaurus Dinozord.”

The viewing globe showed the image of Jason’s Dinozord. Twilight gasped, as her eyes widened.

“Princess, that’s the creature I saw in my dream. I knew it had to mean something.”

“And so it has, my student.”

They returned to observe the viewing globe.

“Zack is both clever, and brave. He controls the Black Mastodon Dinozord.”

The globe now showed Zack’s mastodon to the ponies.

“That there’s one big ol’ elephant.”

“You have no idea.”

“Kimberly is Graceful, and smart. She flies the Pink Pterodactyl Dinozord.”

Now, the globe displayed Kimberly’s zord.

“It’s cool, an’ all. But, I bet that you, and your zord aren’t faster than me.”

“We’ll have to settle that argument some time.”

“You’re on.”

The two girls shook hooves, and returned their gaze to the viewing globe.

“Billy is Patient, and wise. He masters the Blue Triceratops Dinozord.”

The globe now showed the Triceratops zord, charging through the desert plains.

Fluttershy grew more curiouser, and curiouser about the zords.


“Trini, agile, and fierce. The Yellow Saber Tooth Tiger Dinozord is hers.”

The globe showed Trini’s zord in all its glory.

“That kitty must have one big litter box.”

Trini couldn’t help but giggle at Pinkie’s comment.

“And Tommy here, is Loyal, and skilled. The mighty Green Dragonzord is his to command.”

The viewing globe displayed the Dragonzord as it roared its mighty roar. Spike couldn’t help but look up to Tommy as an idol.

“Wow, you’re a dragon guy?! That’s awesome. I’m a dragon!”

Tommy knelt down to make eye contact with Spike face to face.

“I guess I am, little guy. I’m Tommy.”

He held out his hoof.

“Spike the Dragon, at your service.”

Spike, in return, grasped Tommy’s hoof, and the two shook hands. Then they returned to the globe, as Zordon continues to explain.

“Just as the 6 of them work together, so to do their zords. When needed. The Power Rangers will only look to the power of the Dinozords, who form the mighty Megazord.”

The viewing globe then displayed the Megazords transformation into its final mode.

“Power morphers, Megazords, space witches? Like we haven’t got problems of our own.”

Celestia turned back from the viewing globe, and walked back to Zordon.

“It’s true. We’ve been having trouble with a Changling queen named Chrysalis. I fear she may be planning another invasion of Canterlot. We stopped her before. But, I fear that her war will only put strain on our moral.”

“That is why we intend to find our way back to our own universe, before Rita can cause any more trouble than you already have on your planet.”

Billy looked to Twilight, hoping to find a solution for their dilemma.

“Excuse me, Miss Sparkle. But, you don’t happen to know anything that can help us get back to our world, have you?"

The Alicorn could only shake her head in a disappointing matter.

“I’m afraid not. We don’t have much knowledge of Inter dimensional travel. I’m sorry.”

“So, we’re stuck here.”


Everyone looked disappointment. They knew that they could possibly be stuck in Equestria, forever. Alpha suddenly jolted only a few seconds later.

“Perhaps not. I have an idea. It’s a long shot, and it will take time. But, I’m certain that’ll work in the end.”

“Well, what’s the idea, Alpha?”

“Yeah, anything that’ll get us home’s worth a shot.”

“I may be able to construct a device that may send us back to our reality, and taking Rita with us.”

“How long will it take to be ready for you to use it?”

“16 months, 20 at most.”

“Can you get it done in hours? My parents are gonna think that I’ve disappeared.”

“She’s right. Our families are going to be worried about us.”

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

Everyone turned their attention to Billy, who was monitoring one of the computer monitors.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Yeah, what’s the deal?”

Billy waved his hand, gesturing the others to come see the monitor. He continued to observe the screen when he highlighted the specific parts of the screen.

“So, what’ve you got?”

“Well, I looked up the profile from our world, and found that the earth, as well, as our universe simply grinded to a halt.”

“You mean that time itself simply stopped?”


“But, how?”

“It’s possible that the time device created a disturbance in the fabric of space and time, preserving everything within our universe in perfect stillness at the exact time of the incident. Once we return to earth, the tear in the space time continuum will be restored, and life can continue as it was when the device malfunctioned. In other word, no one will know you’ve been gone”

The ranger looked to one another with mixed feelings.

“Well, that’s one problem less to worry about.”

“Yeah. But, do you think we can last 20 months here?”

“What other choice do we have?”

“While you’re all in Equestria, I believe my student, and her friends can provide you with a place for you all to stay. But, you must follow our laws, as any other pony would. I also would like to purpose an alliance with each other. While you’re here, I’d like for you to keep watch over Ponyville, the home of twilight and her friends. Should Rita, or Chrysalis think about invading Equestria, I would like all 13 of you to be there to protect the other ponies from harm. Will you aid us in our time in need, Rangers?”

The rangers looked at one another, except for Jason. He just stared at Celestia, and was the first one to step up to her.

“Princess, it would be an honor to help you, and your ponies.”

The others soon turned to Jason, who volunteered to the task at hand.

“You sure you want to do this, Jason?”

“Guys, Zordon chose us to save the world, and protect others from Rita, or anyone else who’d want to hurt them.”

“Jason’s right.”

The green ranger then took his place next to Jason.

“I say we do it, for the earth, and Equestria.”

Zack nodded, knowing they were right, from the start.

“I’m in.”

Soon Billy came to the same conclusion.


“Me too.”

“Count me in.”

Soon all the rangers had agreed to Celestia’s terms, without any other second thoughts, what so ever.

“It’s settled then. I welcome you all to Equestria, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.”

She then bowed her head to them, and they bowed back.

“Remember the 3 rules Power Rangers, as you would on Earth.”

“Would it be alright if you stated those rules for us?”

“Certainly. Rule 1: Never use your powers for personal gain. Rule 2: Never escalate a battle unless Rita forces you to. Rule 3: Keep your identities secret. No may know that you are a power Ranger.”

“If you would allow me, Zordon. I must inform my sister, Luna, of their identities. So she will not be so suspicious of their activities. I will also have to inform my niece, Princess Cadence of the crystal empire. Should she need any help, she would only have to look for the elements and Rangers in Ponyville.”

“My brother is captain of the guard, and my brother, and cadence’s husband. Surely He’d need to know who they are, if he needs help.”

“Equestria is your home, your highness. You have the right to inform those who you would need to, and only those who absolutely must know.”

“ Aside from Spitfire, leader of my wonderbolts.Those are the only ones I need to inform. I will notify my guards to grant your rangers access to any area they need to enter. Within reason of course, and without exposing their identities.”

“Your secrets are safe with us.”

“Ya’ darn right they are.”

“I wouldn’t tell a soul.”

“I can keep secrets better than anyone.”

“I pinkie promise to keep you powers a secret. Cross my heart, hope to stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“You won’t hear a peep out of me.”

“It’s settled then, you’ll all be heading for Ponyville in the morning. Tonight, I welcome you to stay in my palace.”

“Thank you your highness.”

“Please call me Celestia. Any friend of Zordon is a friend of mine.”

“Alright we’re out of here.”

“Just let me ready the teleporter, everyone, this should only take a few seconds.”

“Good luck to you all, and may the power protect you all.”

“When we get to Ponyville. I’m gonna throw you guys the biggest Welcome to Ponyville party there ever was.”

With a few switches flipped, and buttons pressed, the Rangers, and their new found allies were then teleported to the palace walls of Canterlot. Taking their first step in a new world, and new adventure.

Chapter 7 - Of Putties and Changlings

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Chapter 7
Of Putties and Changlings

In the desert lands of Equestria, there was a mountain border. Within those mountains was the newly founded castle of Rita Repulsa. On the balcony, the ponified Rita Repulsa gazes through her telescope, familiarizing with the territory. While Baboo, and Squat carry out an argument about the time device.

“This is all your fault, Squat!”

“What, my fault? You’re the one who walked into Rita.”

“You should’ve warned me.”

The two ponified monsters continued to bicker to one another, agitating the evil empress up to the point of exploding right in front of them.


The both of them backed from the witch, and backed into Goldar, who now had a Griffin like form in this world. He then shoved them to the floor, and made his way to his queen.

“You summoned me, my empress?”

“Yes, I want you to take putty patrollers, and scout the area.”

“As you command my empress.”

“Finster!! Have you finished those putties yet?!!”

Finster continues to craft his ponified putty patrollers, and places the last ones on the monstermatic.

“Yes my queen. This should only be a moment.”

He turns the wheel, loading the putties into the monstermatic, pulls the lever, and the monstermatic fires up, and begins to pop out Rita’s unicorn putties.

“And, Goldar. If you happen to come across any sentient beings from here. Bring them to me alive.”

“Yes, My empress.”

Goldar saluted his queen, then disappeared to lead his scouting party, in the hopes of finding the power rangers, and eliminate them.

2 miles away from the castle, Goldar’s party were searching the rocky terrain, finding no signs of intelligent life. The putties were turning each stone, checking every bush, looking in every hole.

“Keep searching. They’re bound to be around here.”

As the putties continued their search, hidden from their vision were two Changeling scouts. They were also patrolling the area for any intruders that would be a threat to their hive. The continued to observe the strange clay creatures, and their commander. The constantly ducked down from time to time to evade being spotted.

“We must get word to the queen. Head back to the hive, and report our discovery.”

His companion nodded, and prepared for flight back to the changeling hive. The first changeling remained hidden, and continued his observation. A cracking rang from below him, the ground was about to give way from time, and the mass of the rocks. He was caught in a land slide, and he was tossed from his hiding spot, and right into the middle ofGoldar’s path. The putties, and Goldar noticed the disturbance, and saw the insect like creature in front of them.

“Putties, cease it, before it gets away.”

As instructed by the griffin, the clay made putties encircled the changeling, and bound him tightly. Goldar cleared the lot out of his way, and continued to inspect his prize.

“What have we here? Some sort of Big thing, are you?”

“I am changeling scout of her majesty, Queen Chrysalis. I order you to unhand me at once, or face her majesty’s wrath.”

“Silence! I’ve been order by my empress to find an intelligent life form, like you, and bring you to her. Putties, take our prize back to the palace.”

The putties grabbed each side of the bound changeling with their magic, and carried off their prisoner to Rita.

Meanwhile back at the hive, Chrysalis sat on her throne of stone, pondering her next strike against Celestia, while awaiting news from Canterlot. There was a knock at the large wooden doors. She nodded at the guards to open it. As they did, the Changeling scout bolted into the throne room, right to his queen.

“Ah, my most trusted scout. What news have you brought me?”

“Your majesty. My accomplice and I have just spotted several unknown creatures approaching from the south east. One of them looked like a griffin in gold armor, while the others were unicorns. But, they didn’t look like any normal unicorns.”

“And, what of your accomplice?”

“He remained behind to continue the observation. But, I fear he may need assistance.”

The queen looked at her spy, and smiled upon him. She placed one hoof on his shoulder, as she sat up from her throne.

“Guards, ready a small platoon. I will be accompanying this scout to the sight of their encounter.”

The guards saluted, and made their way down the hallway towards the barracks.

“Come. Lead me to where you and your partner last saw the creatures.”

The two of them made their way out of the throne room, and into the hall.

An hour later, the Scout, followed by his queen, and troops made it to the sight of their encounter.

“This is where we were stationed. They must have captured him, and took him away.”


She nodded to her commander, who signaled the troops to fan out, and looked for any signs of their missing comrade, and his kidnappers. Several minutes of searching later, a guard had shouted out for the queen.

“Your majesty, over here.”

Chrysalis, the scout, and the commander made their way to the guard. Once they arrived, he pointed at the ground, right at footprints as well as drag marks in the desert soil.

“They must’ve taken him to where ever they came from.”

“What do you want us to do, you highness?”

Chrysalis looked closer at the tracks, and examined their pattern forwards towards the further parts of the canyon.

“We follow these tracks. Hopefully, they’ll lead us to whoever, or whatever has taken our fellow Changling. Hopefully, we can ally ourselves, and take Equestria for all Changlings!”

The troops cheered for their queen, and so began their march towards the lair of Goldar, and his queen. In the hopes of befriending the mysterious beings into an alliance that would benefit Chrysalis, and her people in the hopes of Defeating Princess Celestia.

Chapter 8 - Accommodations

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Chapter 8

The next morning, the elements, and their ranger friends were making their way towards the train station, in the hopes of catching the early train for Ponyville. The girls all had their bags packed, and saddled on their backs. Except for Rarity, who pack the most bags, and asked Spike to carry them for her. But, he didn’t mind at all. The group made it to the ticket counter, and Twilight approached the Ticket Master.

“Good morning your highness. What can I do for you today?”

Twilight slides a scroll through the opening in the glass window.

“Princess Celestia has arranged us to be on the first train to Ponyville. She asked me to present you with these papers. She assures you that all expense will be paid.”

He then unfolds the scroll, briefed through it, and looked back to the Alicorn.

“Well, it appears that everything’s in order. Here you are. You all have a nice day.”

The tickets were then slid to Twilight, and she gave them to each pony, and Spike. They then made their way towards the only train that was there in there station. Each of them handed the conductor their ticket, and then stepped aboard one by one. Once aboard, the train departed for its stop for Ponyville.

Sometime had passed since the departure from Canterlot, and the Ponies and rangers were inside of the dining car, each of the ponies were seated next to their nearly equivalent ranger counter parts. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie pie sat with Zack and Kimberly. Applejack, and Twilight sat across from Jason, and Billy. While Tommy, and Trini shared a table with Rarity, Spike, and Fluttershy. Each group engaged in their own conversations, while they ordered their breakfasts.

“Sorry about not being able to eat at Canterlot. It was important for us be on the earliest train to Ponyville. With Rita and Chrysalis around…”

“It’s okay. We understand.”

“Affirmative. I’m still astounded by your technological accomplishments.”

“You’ve never been on a train before?”

“I have before. Just not ones constructed by ponies with no pose able thumbs, or even hands at that matter.”

“I suppose that it is by your standards. That reminds me, I’d like to know a little bit about your world.”

“Certainly. Where we come from, we were a race called humans, an ape like species with little body hair. We came from a small town called Angel Grove. We usually hang around the Fitness center, and smoothie bar ran by our friend Ernie.”

“You’re from the human world? Oh, my Gosh.”

“You know what he’s talkin about?”

Twilight nodded her friend in reply in seconds.

“I’ve read about them in the library. I’ve also been to the human world as well.”

“You’ve been to our world before. I thought you said that you guys don’t know anything about inter dimensional travel."

“I said we don’t know much. But, in the Crystal empire, where my brother, and sister in law rule. There’s a portal that can transport any pony into an alternate reality where every pony in this universe were human versions of themselves. I would have told you sooner, if I’d recognize you from there.”

“She’s telling the truth. I asked her that same question last night, while Twilight and I were doing some research about Equestria.”

Jason nodded at his friend, knowing that Billy was telling the truth about the portal.

“That reminds me. Billy, I’d like for you to stay with me while in Ponyville, You can continue your research in the library I have in the castle.”

“Thank you. I’d be glad to accept your offer. I’d certainly like to know more about Equestria.”

The waiter returned with their morning meal of Daisy pancakes, hash browns, and fresh fruit. The groups of friends dug in to the hot food.

“So Jason, Have you given any thought at all about where you’ll be staying?”

“I thought that I’d make that decision after everyone else has.”

“Well, I could let you stay with me at Sweet Apple Acres. It’s my family’s apple farm that’s just outside town. You’d probably have to pull your weight around the farm and all. But, the work comes with room and board. You’d earn some bits as well. It’s the least I can do you for saving mah life.”

“Sure. To tell you the truth, I actually sort of grew up on my grandparent’s farm, during the summers when I was a kid. Though, I’m not sure what bits are.”

“It’s these little gold coins they use as currency.”


“So, what do ya say? It mean a lot to me if you did decide to stay.”

The blonde haired pony then began to use the puppy dog eyes on Jason. The red ranger couldn’t help but smile uncomfortably due to her cuteness. He began to giggle nervously, in the hopes she stop looking at him. Alas, Jason knew he had to yield to her terms, when he finally calmed himself.

"Okay, okay…., I stay with you.”

“You’re not gonna regret it, Jason. I guarantee it.”

“I’m sure I won’t. Just no more puppy eyes.”

“It’s a deal.”*in thought* Works every time.

Just behind Twilight and Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were conversing with Zack and Kimberly.

“This is just so exciting! Weallbehavingsuperpoweredfriendslivingwithus!”

“Whoa, there pinkie. Just take a chill pill. So Kim, Zack, you guys given any thought if you’d want to crash with me or pinkie?”

“If it’s cool with you, maybe you and I could stick with you, maybe teach some moves.”

“Yeah, Zack’s a pretty good dancer. You should see him, when he gets into a groove.”

“Not that I wouldn’t mind. But, Zack’s an earth pony, and where I live is in Cloudsdale. It’s not far from Ponyville, but it’s only accessible to pegasi, and Alicorns.

“I see.”

“That’s okay. Zack can come with me. He can help me plan for the party, and help around the bakery. OH, he and I should have a dance off at the party.”

“You should see Pinkie at one of her parties. She’s an animal.”

“Sounds neat. I’ll have to see that for myself.”

“I guess I’m with you, Rainbow Dash.”

“Good. I’ll need to know my competition better.”

Two tables down were Fluttershy and Rarity. They two were holding a somewhat interesting conversation with Trini, and Tommy.

“So, you guys fight Rita’s monsters? It must be scary not knowing what’ll come next.”

“It can be. But, you’d get used to it most of the time.”

“I can begin to comprehend how you would do so. But, enough about our troubles. I was wondering If either of you would like to stay with me, in my boutique.”

“Well, Fluttershy asked me if I’d go with her. It wouldn’t really matter to me, just as long as it’s no trouble at all.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t mind having you around Tommy. As long as you’re alright with animals.”“You mean you’re a vet, or something like that?”

“Close to it. She takes care of any animal that’s in need. From mice, to even dragons themselves.”

“But, I wouldn’t really know much about zords, though.”

“Don’t worry. Zordon will know how to care for them. I wouldn’t suppose you’d want me as a guest.”

“And leave you out in the streets? Oh no, no, no, no! What kind of monster would I be if I didn’t let you stay? You, my dear, are more than welcome to stay. I just hope you don’t mind my cat, and my little sister, Sweetie Bell. Oh, and I must design something for you and your friends.”

“What? You don’t have to do that. I’m just fine staying at your home. But, an outfit’s too much.”

“Nonsense. This’ll be one of my greatest sets that I’ve ever made.”

“But, why would you make us outfits for. We’ve only met yesterday.”

“Be that as it may. I can feel that we all have a good connection in some way. Besides, we can’t have you go to the Grand Galloping Gala in the attire you have on.”

“The grand what?”

“The Grand Galloping Gala. It’s a party the princess holds up in Canterlot every year. It’s a pretty fun party, and a great way to learn more about Equestria. Although, a couple years ago, we had some bad experiences. Nothing too terrible, just enough to laugh about it now. Although Rarity must’ve had the roughest time.”

“That’s only because of that cold hearted nephew of Celestia, prince blueblood. He called my garments rubbish, and used me to save his own sorry silk. I despise him with every ounce of my life.”

“Well, I don’t know about this blueblood. But, I’m sure your designs are morphinomenal.”

“With your help, it will.”

Just then, the train jolted slightly, just enough to let the passengers now that they had arrived.

“Oh, we’re here.”

The train had slowly pulled its way into the station, and came to a complete stop. The passengers departed from the train, including the ponies, and their ranger counterparts. Once they were off, they made their way towards town hall, and gathered in the town square.

“Rangers, I welcome you to Ponyville.”

The power rangers looked around, and observed their new environment. There was some slight mumbling among the group.

“Over all, it seems nice. Could us less pink though.”

“So has everyone decide who they’d partner with?”

“Zack and I have! Love to stay. But got to go. Come on, Zack!”

She then bit down on Zack’s tail, and dashed towards sugar cube corner, dragging Zack along the way.

“Okay, then…”

“I’ll take Jason with me, back to sweet apple acres.”

With that said, Applejack then departed with the red ranger to her home on the farm.

“Trini will be staying with me. Hope to see you all soon. Come along, Trini.”

“Lead the way.”

The two girls bid their farewells, and headed of for the Carousel Boutique.

“Tommy has agreed to help me out with the animals, at my home. If that’s alright with you, Tommy.”

“Sure, I don’t mind.”

“Um…, Okay then. Bye guys.”

Then, the Pegasus, and unicorn departed for Fluttershy’s cottage, and animal friends.

“Kim says she’ll stick with me. I’ll teach her the ropes about being a Pegasus, and who knows, she and I might run into the Wonderbolts.”

“The who now?”

“I’ll tell you more, when we get home.”

“Race ya there?”

“Try and keep up.”

In an instant, Rainbow Dash, and Kimberly bolted off to Cloudsdale, leaving Billy, and Twilight left in the bunch.

“Come on. My home’s not too far.”

“Alright. Lead on.”

The two eggheads departed from the town square, and made their short trek to the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Meanwhile, back in the canyon, Chrysalis's forces were coming up to a corner turn towards the newly established home of Rita Repulsa. When the palace was in sight. The changelings gasped and whispered among themselves, while their queen continued to observe the structure.

“Soldier, was this here before our arrival into the canyon?”

“No your highness.”

“So, it would appear we have neighbors. Why don’t we go and greet them, changling style.”

The Horde cheered in a horrendous battle cry, and the swarm dashed into battle, and leaping into flight with their wings, ready to attack these unknown intruders.

Chapter 9 - Witches, queens, and changlings

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Chapter 9
Witches, queens, and changlings

Within the palace walls of the evil Rita Repulsa, the sorceress herself was in the process of interrogating the captured changeling scout. Baboo, and Squat continued to observe the creature from a safe distance of both the changeling, and their queen.

“So, tell me my pretty. Tell me of this world. I’d like to know more of my future kingdom.”

“Your kingdom? Ha! This world rightfully belongs to my queen, Chrysalis, of the Changling Empire.”

“Oh, sounds scary.”

“Scarier than you, your evilness.”

“SHUT UP!!!”

“Yes, silence. What would you have me do with this bug, my empress?”

“Take him to the prison hold. I’ll have need for him later.”

Just then, there was a shutter that could be felt all over the castle. In a constant streak, the tremors continued to shake the palace walls. The changelings eyes widened in anticipation. He knew that his queen had finally come for him.

“My queen has come. You’re in trouble now.”

“Shut up, you!!! Goldar, take some winged putty patrollers, and greet our guests.”

“Yes, my empress. Putties, to battle!!!”

With his orders given out, Goldar, and his putties made their way out Rita’s balcony, and went out to meet Chrysalis’s forces.Outside of the castle, Chrysalis's forces continued their attack, firing their dark magic blasts at the newly founded castle. Despite their relentless effort, the spells appear to only shaken the foundations, and nothing more.

“Keep up the assault. I want to know who we’re dealing with.”

“Well, why didn’t you just ask?!!”

The queen looked up to see on the balcony was the sorceress, Rita Repulsa.

“So you’re the queen bee I’ve been hearing about.”

“What have you done with my scout? If you have so much as…”

“Save it, bug face. He’s sitting comfortably in a nice cell. Now, Goldar, attack!!!”

As queued, Goldar’s forces engaged the changeling forces in the air. The putties clumsily flew in clashing horns with their opponents. Punch after punch, kick after kick, the two sides clashed in fierce combat. As the battle raged on, Rita cast multiple spells to aid her forces, she cast a horrendous storm. Spewing lightning down upon her foes, and firing magical blasts at any changeling that got too close to her balcony. Goldar fought with all his might against each opponent, despite being in his griffin form. But, no matter how hard each side fought, neither side gained an advantage over one another. Chrysalis continued to gaze the battle, watching her warriors fight with all their power. But, she knew that it would not last for long, and she cried out to the galactic sorceress.


Rita turned her attention to the changeling queen.

“What do you want?!!”

“I declare a cease fire. In the hopes of negotiation with you, if you’d allow it.”

Back upon the tower, Finster approached his queen. In the hopes of talking sense into her.

“My queen. I implore you to accept the offer. She’ll be of great use to us if we’re to conquer both this world, and earth.”

The witch stood there for a few seconds before looking back at Chrysalis.

“Very well. I accept the cease fire. Goldar return your forces!!!”

“Yes, my queen.”

In an instant Goldar, and his putty patrollers vanished in an instant. The changeling soldiers stood down, exhausted, and warn out. Then, two doors that were disguised in the rocky wall opened to the Changeling queen, and her forces.

“Please, come in, and we’ll chat. For now.”

The queen made no hesitation, and made her way inside, followed by her soldiers. Once the last of the troops made it in thought he door, the entrance was sealed back, and blended into the rock.

Inside the walls of the fortress, Chrysalis was brought forth to Rita, who was sitting comfortably in a chair on her balcony. Goldar was standing on her left, while Baboo, and Squat were on her right. The changeling approached the sorceress, in the hopes of reasoning with her.

“your highness. I thank you for heeding my ceasefire. If I may ask, who are you?”

“I am Rita Repulsa, the future ruler of this retched place, and future ruler of the entire universe.”

“While I admire your ambitions, I am the future ruler of Equestria.”

“Is that's what this place is called? Ugh.”

“Indeed. I despise the name as much as I despise its ruler, Princess Celestia.”

“So that’s the ruler of this dump.”

“Yes, it’s quite in need of my touch. Some ruins here and there. Endless food for my subjects.”

“And that is?”

“We, changelings, feed on the positive emotions of others to draw energy we need to survive. Now a days, changelings are not looked upon too kindly. Not that they ever were. I’ve tried countless times to conquer this land, and failed miserably. Due to those infernal Elements of Harmony.”

“Elements of Harmony? They sound a lot similar to my little pest problem back on earth.”

“Yeah, those Power Rangers kept getting the way of your plans.”

“They wouldn’t be getting in the way if you’d help more.”


Chrysalis turned to the source of the buzzing, which was a group of changelings approaching form the Distance.

“It’s the party from Canterlot.”

“May as well show them in.”

The changeling queen nodded, and flew off the balcony, to greet the returning flock. Once the swarm was inside. The leading changeling stepped forward to his queen.

“My queen. We were detected by the elements and six others who were with them.”

The queen changeling looked to Rita, who became frustrated with the news.

“It must be those Power Rangers!!! So, they found themselves some friends, have they?”

“It would appear, our foes have joined forces. This could be a problem for the both of us.”

“I’m not one for alliances. But, If we did unite, I can provide you with my putty patrollers, and whatever monster Finster conceives…”

“And, I can provide the knowledge of all of Equestria to our forces. But know this, Equestria is mine, and mine alone.”

“We may as well let her have it. Baboo, and I are currently working on ways of getting us back to the earth.”

“Yeah, we’ll have the new time device up and ready. And with those rangers gone. No one’ll be able to stop you.”

“How long will that take?”

“A year or so.”

She frowned a bit at the two, and made a suggestive fist towards them, which made them flinch. But, then the look died away, and she turned back to Chrysalis with an evil smile.

“Very well. For now, we’ll join forces, and crush those pimple face nit wits, and their midget horse friends too.”

“Agreed. I’m sure this’ll be a fine partnership.”

The two empresses’ shook each others hoof. Signifying their unholy alliance of world domination. Together, they will be more determined than ever to see their enemies vanquished, and see their reign of terror begin.

Chapter 10 - Settling In

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Chapter 10
Settling in

Tommy, and Fluttershy were approaching her cottage.Tommyobserved the simple structure. Though it was quite small, he thought that it’d be cozy. They came up to the front door, and Fluttershy opened the door. Tommy followed the Pegasus inside. He then continued to observe his new home.

“Well, um… It’s not much. But, its home.”

“I think it’s nice.”

Suddenly, Tommy felt tapping on his leg. Below him was a small white rabbit. Kicking him. Fluttershy caught the rabbit with her gaze, she was not happy with the way Angel was treating her guest.

"Angel! That’s no way to treat a guest! Shame on you."

"It’s okay. He’s not doing any real harm."

“Are you sure? I can get him to…”

“Let him tire himself out. He’s just not used to stranger, right?”

“I suppose that’s true. If you’d follow me, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.”

She nodded, and made her way up stairs. Tommy followed, while Angel continues to kick the green ranger as he made his way up stairs.

Back in Ponyville, Twilight and Billy were browsing through the library. Studying, and learning all that there is to know about Equestria. Billy couldn’t believe how much Equestria was like earth in almost every way.

“This is incredible. This world is almost exactly like the world my friends and I are from.”

“How so?”

“For one thing, our atmospheres are equally ideal for maintaining life, we share almost identical architecture, and some of the names of your city’s are just “ponified” versions of some of our cities. Like Fillydelphia. It almost sounds like a human city called Philadelphia.”

“I suppose so they do. I’ve read about some universe sharing similar features from one another, while remaining unique from each other.”

“Well, then this proves it. Although not many peop..I mean ponies will agree to any of this since…”

“You’re ponies. Indeed. No matter. At least you and I know. Now, do you have any questions about anything, or do you have a good concept of our world?”

“I’m just confused about something. What’s the grand galloping gala really about?”

“The grand galloping gala is a party that celebrates the foundation of Equestria, and the completion of Canterlot castle, over a few thousand years ago.”

“Interesting. And Rarity has some bad blood with this Blueblood right?”

“Well, yeah. From what I’ve heard. He was kind of a jerk to her.”

“How, exactly?”

“You can ask her yourself. We’re going over the Carousel Boutique. It’s Rarity’s home. She wants to design your outfits for the gala.”

“Alright. This should prove to be quite informative to both sides.”

"Great, come on.”

The two egg heads made their way out of the library, and down the main hall. On their way to Rarity’s work place.

Meanwhile, at the front of sweet apple acres, Applejack, and Jason were coming up to the house. She could see in the distance Applebloom was practicing her martial arts. But, when her dog, Winona, ran up to greet the two followed. She was then followed by Applebloom. The dog barked happily, as she jumped on to Applejack's legs.

“I know, I know, silly. I’m glad to see you two.”


The yellow filly ran up to her big sister, and embraced her with open hooves.

“Hey, little sis. Did you behave while I was gone?”

“Yeah. I was good.”

The filly turned to see the big stallion, next to her. She looked back to her older sister.

"Who’s this?"

“Applebloom, This is Jason Scott. He’s gonna be living with us for a while. He kinda saved my life in Canterlot. His friends will be staying with the others. He’ll be helping around here for a while.”

“Oh, okay. Nice to meet you, Mr. Scott.”

“Please, call me Jason.”

“Alright, Jason.”

“I couldn’t help but notice you practicing Martial arts.”

“You did?”

“Sure did. Jason’s actually a martial artist as well.”

"Really? You are?”

“Yeah. Perhaps since I’m gonna be here a while, would you mind if I trained with you some time?”

“Really?! You mean it?”

“Now, what’s this here racket goin’ on?”

An older green pony came out of the farm house along with a large red stallion. They made their way to greet the returning Applejack. It was Applejack’s brother and grandmother, Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh.

“My, what do we have here? You got yer self a mighty fine catch there, missy.”

“Granny, Mac. This here’s Jason. He and his friends are gonna be here in Ponyville for some time. Jason’s agreed to work here for room and board. I hope it’s alright granny.”

The old mare inspected the stallion, gazing at each of the slightest details, and then turned back to her granddaughter.

“Well…, you certainly got the looks. But do you have the brawn, eh sonny?”

“I’m sure we’ll find out. Won’t we?”


“Well, come on in. we’ll show you to where you’ll be sleepin’.”

The apples, and red ranger made their way inside the house. They gave him the tour of the house. From the Living room, to the kitchen, and eventually to where he’ll be sleeping. Jason stepped into his room, and placed his bag done by the foot of the bed.

"What do ya think?”

Jason turned to Applejack, and smiled.

“It’s perfect. It kinda makes me feel like I’m back on my grandma’s farm, back home.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“So, you guys grow, and harvest apples?”

“Best darn apples in all Equestria.”

"I just have one question, how exactly do you get the apples down from the trees.”

“It’s simple, we just buck’im.”

“You.. What?”

“Buck’im. We just kick the trees as hard as we can, and the apples fall to the ground.”

“Oh…alright then. I can work with that.”

Just then a gust of wind blew at them from the open window. The two turned to find Rainbow Dash, and Kimberly were hovering there, at the window.

“Kim, Rainbow, what’s up?”

“It’s Rarity. She sent us a note saying to Come by her shop for measurements, and designs for the…”

“Galloping Gala. It’s only in a few days, so this is kinda of a last minute rush for her.”

“That’s right, and if I know Rarity, which I do, she wouldn’t want us late. Trust me partner.”

“Alright. We’ll be there.”

“Neat. Lead the way, Rainbow dash?”

“Sure thing, pinky.”

The two pegasi took off in a flash, and raced their way to the carousel Boutique

Chapter 11 - Designed for Heroes

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Chapter 11
Designed for Heroes

At the Carousel Boutique, Trini and Rarity were discussing the themes of their outfits for the gala. Trini was describing the characteristics of each of the dinosaurs the rangers represented. She even drew up what the dinosaurs looked like, so Rarity would have the right concept to work with.

“My. Word. These “Dinosaurs”, as you call them, are quite intriguing. Bold, powerful, and fierce. Each one of them is giving me ideas for designs.”

“Well, I’m glad to have been a help, Rarity.”

The front door rang open, and the two girls looked to see that the other rangers, and elements made it on time for their measurements. Rarity went over to the group, and greeted them.

“Oh, thank you all so much for being here.”

“Hey, it’s no problem.”


“Now, if you don’t mind. Shall we get you all measured?”

The element of generosity proceeded to measure each of the rangers for precise outfit sizes. Each of them were measured in leg length, waist, and back length. While Rarity measured, Trini took down the measurements for her to reference when she’s constructing the outfits. She was just about done with Tommy, when she placed the measuring tape back on her drawing table.

“There we are. Once again I’d like to…”

Suddenly there was a loud explosion just outside of the Boutique. Fluttershy was frightened by the loud noise, and dashed under the desk. While Rarity tended to Fluttershy, Twilight, and the others dashed outside to see the commotion. To their surprise, they saw both changelings, and putty patrolers attack the citizens.


“I knew it wouldn’t be long before the changelings would attack here.”

“Why don’t we give them a good thrashing?”

“We can’t just let’em tear the town apart.”

“She’s right. We got to do something.”

Twilight nodded. She then turned to Jason, who was walking away from them.

“Where are you going?”

“Twilight, You and your friends go on ahead. We’ll be right with you.”

“There’s no time for dilly dallying. We have to help those ponies.”

“Then, we’d better not keep those changelings and putties waiting.”


“Alright guys. IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!!!”

The rangers then activated there morphers, and called out the names of their dinosaurs.







The ponies were blinded by a flash of light that came from the rangers. When the light faded, the girls saw that their friends had been replaced with six colored pony figures with white diamonds on their chest areas. Their white boots and gloves were adorned with diamonds with each of their represented colors. Each of their helmets were shaped in the form of each of their dinosaurs. The green one had golden armor, and his helmet was shaped like a dragon with a red dot on its forehead. The Black one had a trunk coming down between his visors. It was obvious that he represented the Mastodon. The yellow one resembled the Saber Tooth Tiger, with her feline details. The pink one had a pterodactyl wrapped around her facial area, and thinned out as the wings touched each other on the back. The Blue one had two silver horn like bumps on each side, and his visors look like it was the inside of the triceratops’s mouth. The Red and final one had the fierce roar like face of a Tyrannosaurus, with angry eyes, and its teeth bare.

“Ooooh. They’re shiny.”

“Alright guys. Let’s show these dudes who they’re messing with.”

“Sounds good enough for me!”

Tommy pulled out his Dragon Dagger out of its sheaf. While Jason raised his hoof up in the air, calling out for help of the Power Weapons. In a less blinding flash, each of the rangers were wielding each of their respected Power Weapons. Jason held up his Power Sword. Zack lifted his Power Axe. Billy spun his Power Lance. Trini readied her Power Daggers, and Kimberly pulled back on her Power Bow.

“Cool gear! Now, let’s do it to it!”


The six elements, and six rangers dashed towards the town. Ready to engage the enemy, and defend the ponies there.

In the town center, the changlings and putty patrollers were everywhere. They were either chasing innocent pedestrians, or overwhelming the town guard. Leading the attack was the griffin Goldar, and the Sphinx accompanied him.

“Heh, heh! Is this the best these ponies can do? Don’t make me laugh!”

“Now, we wait till the elements to answer our call. And, if our empress is right, the power rangers may be here as well.”

The griffin then saw an orange little Pegasus, with purple hair. She was attempting to fight off a couple of putties, who were harassing her. The putties cleared away , when Goldar approached, and picked the girl up.

“Well, what do we have here?”

“Let me go, creeps!”

Ignoring the cry for release, the griffin lifted the filly into the air with his claw. She struggled to free herself. But to no avail. He laughed as she squirmed, and fought for what seemed to be her life. His laughter was cut short when an energy arrow struck his arm. He let go of the filly , who fell to the ground. When she recovered, she looked in the direction the arrow came from, and saw her idol, Rainbow Dash, and the other elements, along with six others with helmets and weapons.

“Rainbow Dash!”

“Scootaloo. You alright?”

“I’m fine, thanks for saving me.”

“You should thank my friend here.”

She turned to see that the pink figure readied her bow, with an energy arrow, and aimed it at Goldar. Gripping his arm, Goldar looked in the direction to find the elements, and the rangers. The Sphinx came rushing to aid Goldar, and saw the rangers as well.

“Goldar! The empress was right! The rangers did survive!”

“But, not for long. Putties attack!!!”

As commanded, the putties, and changelings went in for the attack. The ponies, and rangers countered their offense, engaging them in combat. The Green Ranger slashed through the enemies, to fend off putties who were attacking a mother and her filly. As the putties were getting closer to the defenseless two, the green ranger stood in between them, and the putties. He readied himself for their attack. One by one, the putties charged at him, and fell from the ranger’s dagger slashes, and martial arts. Once the putties were scared off, he turned to the two to make sure they were alright.

“It’s alright. Head for a safer spot. You’ll be alright.”

“Thank you. We will.”

The two then made their way out of the battle zone, and Tommy continued to fend off any on coming putty. As the battle continued, Zack chopped at any changeling, or putty that tried to strike a blow at him. He occasionally switched from axe mode to blaster mode, and back. Billy and Trini teamed up to take on a larger group of putties with Pinkie, and Fluttershy. As Billy and Trini blocked, and returned their attacks, Pinkie continued to blast the enemy with her party cannon. Rendering them unconscious. Rarity, and Twilight used their unicorn magic to blast at the enemy, while Kimberly shot her energy arrows from her Power Bow. Applejack and Rainbow Dash bashed their foes, thrashed them unconscious, and made a game out of it.

“Hey, A.J. three already.”

“I’m on twelve, sugar cub.”

“What?!! I’ll get more guys than you by the end of this!”

The Pegasus, and earth pony continued their attack. Meanwhile, Jason engaged Goldar in a sword fight. The two clashed, and clanged their blades. Goldar blocked one of Jason’s blows, and returned with a few slashes. But, Jason retaliated, and struck several hits on Goldar before he backed away.

“This isn’t over. I’ll be back!!!”

In a flash, Goldar, Sphinx, The putties and changelings disappeared. The ponies, and rangers regrouped, to converse with each other.

“Where’d they go?!!”

“I’m not sure. Probably back to Rita, and who ever rules the changlings.”

“I had a feeling Chrysalis was in on this.”

Scootaloo looked curiously at the multicolored heroes. She had never seen them around before. She knew that they had to be new around town.

"Woah! You guys were awesome back there."

Soon, the other ponies came out from hiding, and came to see the elements. And their ranger counter parts. They conversed amongst themselves, and Mayor Mare of Ponyville made her way towards the heroes. Once she was clear of the common rabble, she brushed herself, and made her way to the group.

“Your highness, it was most fortunate to have you around when those beasts attack. I’m most grateful to you, princess.”

“Mayor, I’ve told you to call me twilight. I may be a princess, but I still live here, and we’re well acquainted.”

“Sorry, I was just being formal.

She then turned her attention to the power rangers. The red ranger noticed her gaze, and turned his attention to her.

“Now, you six. Who are you?”

“We’re friends. If you ever need us again, we won’t be far.”

“You got that right.”


The rangers stepped back from everyone else, as they prepared to be teleported.

“But, how will we find you, when we need you?”

“We’ll be watching over you guys.”

“We got your backs.”

“We’re out of here.”

They suddenly were changed into electricity, and teleported to each of their residences. The crowd awed at the sight of their disappearance. The mayor turned back to Twilight, confused, and excited.

“Who were those ponies, and will they be back?”

Twilight, and the others looked at each other, winked, and smirked. Twilight knew that they would be around for a while. She smiled, and looked back to the mayor with reassurance.

“Oh, I’m sure they’ll be back. The Power Rangers are gonna be around for quite a while.”

The citizens looked at one another, as they whispered the name “Power Rangers” among themselves. Scootaloo looked to the sky, in fascination with these mysterious heroes.

"Wow, Power Rangers. That’s awesome.”

Scootaloo looked back on her idol, who was smirking at her. She nodded, and ran up to her leg, wrapping her hooves around it.

“But, not as awesome as you, Rainbow.”

“Aw, thanks scoots.”

The mayor made her way through the crowd again, and reached the stage. She stood in front of the mike, and cleared her throat.

“Mares, and gentle colts. It appears that Ponyville has gained not only the Elements of Harmony. But, also new guardian angels to watch over us, and hopefully all of Equestria. It is with great pleasure that I welcome these six multicolored heroes to our town. Whoever they may be, we are in their debt. As Princess Twilight has just said, this will not be the last we see of these heroes that call themselves the Power Rangers!"

The crowd let out a thunderous cheer, in rejoice that their city had been spared destruction, and gaining new heroes to turn to.

Chapter 12 - A T-Rex among Apples

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Chapter 12
A T-Rex among Apples

The next morning, the land was still in darkness when Jason made his way down stairs for the morning shift. He made his way through the living room, and into the kitchen. Sitting at the table were Applejack, and Big Mac. Applejack was drinking her morning coffee, and Big Mac was finishing his meal.

“Mornin’ Jason.”

“Good morning, A.J".

He fixes himself some toast, and a glass of milk.

“Sleep well?”

“Pretty well. Though I feel kinda bruised from yesterday.”

“Yeah, things can get pretty rough in town. Right, Big Mac?”


Just then, Applebloom walks in, sleepily she grabs a bowl, and pours herself some cereal.


“Mornin’ Applebloom.”

The filly then ate up her breakfast, and looked to Jason.

"So, how’re ya doin, Jason?”

“I’ve been better.”

”Don’t trouble Jason. We were both caught in a small fight yesterday. Jason got pretty beat in it.”

"Yeah, I did, didn’t I?”

Applebloom, turned back to her breakfast. As she continued to consume the cereal,Applebloom looked over the calendar to see that today was marked with a large drawn circle with the writing, “Family Reunion” in the circle. This excited the filly with joy.

“Applejack? You know what today is, right?”

“Saturday. Another day of applebuck’in”

“No. Today’s the apple family reunion, silly.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Applebloom. It’s not until another month from now. Ain’t it Big Mac?”


Applejack was shocked to hear the words come from her own brother.

“Nope?! Whada ya mean nope?!!”

“Well, some of the family can’t make it next month. So granny move it up to today. Right big Mac?”


Applejack was now in a state of panic realizing that there was only a short amount of time rather than a whole month.

“Why in tarnation didn’t anyone tell me this yesterday?!!”

“Granny knew you’d freak out. So she’s outside with Pinkie Pie.”

Jason turned to the calm Big Mac.

“I take it Pinkie’s a relative of yours?”


The panicked Applejack began to calm down, and focus on the new task at hand. She looked to Jason, with the means to put him to good use.

“Well, What’re we wait ‘in for? We’ve got apples to buck, and Pies to make.”

Pinkie Pie suddenly pops in, out of no where.

“Ooooh, Did someone say pie?”

The red ranger was shocked at the sudden appearance of the element of laughter.

“Whoa! How’d you...”

“She’s just like that.”

Meanwhile, in the fortress of Rita Repulsa, and Chrysalis. The two begin their plot against the power rangers, and were finished designing a monster.

“So, the red ranger likes apples huh? Well, it’s about time we make dislike them.”

“Indeed. Finster, load this beast into the machine at once!”

“At once your highness.”

He takes the apple like creature sculpture, and loads it into the monstermatic, and throws the switch. The machine took few seconds to whip out a hideous apple like monster.

"Ha ha! Zapplicus, at your service!"

“Alright fruit for brains. I need you to go make some trouble at that dump called sweet apple acres. If you happen to see any power rangers destroy them.”

“Failure is not an option.”

“Don’t you worry. I’ll make short work of it.”

The creature then teleported to carry out his master’s task, along with a few putty patrollers.

Back at sweet apple acres, Applejack and Jason were enjoying themselves, meeting up with other members of the apple family. They were all intrigued by Jason. They kept asking if he were Applejack's coltfriend, or taking it slow. Of course they both would deny it.

“Well, you certainly were the highlight of the day.”

“No Kidding”

Jason. I’d like to thank you for yer help today.”

"It was no problem. It’s the least I could do.”

Their talk was cut short by a sound of screaming ponies. The Red Ranger, and element of Honesty could see a giant apple shaped monster was terrorizing the family farm. Applebloom, and her cousins hid under the tables, as the putty patrollers destroyed anything not moving.


“And one bad apple! No one comes to sweet apple acres, scares my family, and ruin pinkie’s hard party planning work.

“Yeah! I worked super-duper hard on this party.”

Her mane deflated, and she began to cry. Jason put his hoof on her shoulder, and smiled. He wiped the tear from her eye, as if he had an idea.

“What do you guys say about sending these guys back, with their tail between their legs?”

“Now yer talkin!”

“Yeah, Let’s do it”

"Alright then."

He then pulls out his morpher, and prepares for battle.

"It’s morphin’ Time!!!”

Her mane poofed up once more, and the three earth ponies raced into battle, in the process Jason morphed into his ranger mode, when no one else was looking.


Now, he was in his full ranger uniform as the ponies arrived to take on the putties. As the battle raged on, Putties tried to hit Jason, who manages to block or reflect their blows, and substitutes his own sending them back. Pinkie Pie blasts through the enemies with her party cannon, disorienting them, while Applejack bucks them away from the farm, and back to where they came from. Only Zapplicus remained.

“Hey, try this on for size!"

He then fires an electrical shot from his eyes.Jason, and the two ponies were hit by the electrical blast, sparking small explosions. They hid behind some of the trees, coming up with a way to take this guy down.

“Aw man! This guy’s tough!”

“What’re we gonna do?”

“I’ve got an Idea. It’s a long shot, but it just might work.”

“I’m all ears.”

"This here’s a bad apple. But, what do we do with apples, good or bad?"

“Smoosh them into Jam.”

“We can lure him over by the barn, and cut the ropes loose. Sending the wall right on top of this critter.”

“Alright. anything’s worth a shot. Let’s do this!”

“Pinkie, you lure in that monster, Me and Ja.."

She began to notice several apple family members observing the battle.

"..the red ranger will had to the barn!"

"Okie Dokie Lokie!"

The pink pony then ran up to the creature, and began to make faces at it. Zapplicus looked, at the element of laughter in confusion. He didn’t know whether to be upset, or humored.

“uh…What’re you…”

In that instant, an apple pie was thrown at his face by Pinkie.

This frustrated the monster, and as Pinkie had predicted, he began to charge after her. Now, using her Pinkie speed, Pinkie pie ran off to the barn leading the monster right into the trap. Once pinkie made it to one corner, the monster lost track of her, and stopped to look around. Jason and Applejack knew the time came to spring the trap. When Jason cut lose the ropes to the supports, applejack knocked down the wall, which fell over the monster. Before he knew what hit him, Zapplicus was suddenly crushed under heavy wooden planks with a loud squish, sending rainbow colored goop all over the place. Some of it even got the ponies faces. Applejack wiped some off her face, and tasted it. To her surprise, instead of being disgusting, it was rther sweet, and zesty.

“He may’ve been a bad apple. But, he sure tasted sweet.”

“What a “Shocking” Revelation.”

The apple ponies then gathered around to see who the red ranger was. Whispers, and side conversations went on. An amazed Applebloomwalks up to her sister, and the red figure.

“Woooaaah! The red ranger.”

The Red Ranger Looks to Applejack.

"I don’t think those guys will be back anytime soon."

"In that case, thanks for your help, red ranger."

"Anytime ma’am."

Jason then steps back, and prepares to teleport.

"I’m out of here. "

He then teleports out of the area, as the crowd applauded the success of the monster’s defeat. As they celebrated, Rita’s gaze ceased, as she threw a violent tantrum around her henchmen.

“GAAAAAAAH! That rotten fruit couldn’t even knock any bolts lose on that ranger, and those stupid midget horses!

"Calm yourself, Rita. Never lose your temper in front of your minions. It gives you the wrong kind of image."

"Bah, I don’t care what image I give these nit wits, they’ll have a lot more to fear than a tantrum. Besides, that apple was a last minute throw in. now, I need an aspirin. I’ve got a headache. Finster, I’ll deal with you later!"

The empress then leaves he room.


Chapter 13 - Ready for the Gala

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Chapter 13
Ready for the Gala

The day of the Galloping gala had arrived. In the Carousel Boutique, Rarity, the other elements, and Spike were just arriving, along with their ranger counterparts. Rarity had just finished her final touches on their attire for such an accession.

“Mares, and Gentle colts, I present you what has to be my greatest achievement thus far…”

She then unveils her creations for all to see. Everyone awed at Rarity’s work. There stood six finished gala wear for the six rangers. Each matching their color, and their dinosaur to give off a more exotic feel to them.

“Whoa! Rarity…This stuff’s Morphinomenal.”

He continues to marvel at all the detail put into the suit. He then notices that the black suit had a grey vest and the jacket had the facial details of a mastodon, with the tusks forming the pocket areas of the suit.

“Affirmative. I love how mine has this collar helps distinguish the features of a triceratops.”

“Well, I did have some help from Trini. Without her sketches, I’d wouldn’t have made you anything on time.”

“You did a great job, Rarity.”

“We owe you big time.”

"No need, a lady does not ask for favors in return. Besides, helping us defend Ponyville is more than enough to design your gala wear.”

"You guys better get ready. Our ride will be here in an hour."

“That should be plenty of time for you all to get ready. Come on! I want to see how well you all look.”

“No prob, Rare.”

“this shouldn’t take long.”

The six ponies took their dress clothes, and were shown to separate dressing rooms by Rarity. About forty five minutes later, the rangers come out of their dressing rooms in their gala attire, to be met by the elements and their dresses. The ponies were amazed by how well their friends looked.

“Wow! You guys look awesome.”


“Yeah, you look awesome, especially since you’re wearing dragon stylized gear.”

Twilight could only roll her eyes.

"Oh Spike."


“It’s cool. I’m glad I impressed someone with this suit.”

“I think it has more to do with that.”

“I think Tommy here’s found an admirer of his.”



“Well…yeah. The way you fought off those changelings. It was amazing.”

“You know, me and Jason teach Karate. Maybe I can teach you a few things about self-defense.”

“Really? You’d do that?”

"Sure, if twilight doesn’t mind."

"I’d think It be a good thing for spike to learn some martial arts"

Spike hugs Twilight.


“heh, heh…You’re welcome spike.”

She then hugs her assistant back.

Spike lets go off Twilight, and finds that his tie was crooked. So he casually tilted it back into place.

"How do I look?"

"You look handsome, little guy."

Spike then begins to blush.

“aww, shucks.”

“Y’all look pretty good yourselves. Make no mistake.”

“We really do?”

“Yes. You guys really do look dashing.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy. So do you, guys.”

“These? Oh, we’ve had these for a while.”

“Rarity made these for our first trip to the Gala.”

“It wasn’t what we expected. Especially for rarity.”

“Why’s that?”

“She was trying’ to smooth talk her way into the hooves of Celestia’s nephew, Prince Blueblood. As the evening progressed she found that…”

“…That he was a thought less, heartless, meanie. This time, I want nothing to do with that miserable oaf.”

“He kinda reminds me of two certain guys we know back home.”

“Bulk and skull were kinda jerks. But, they’re the kinda jerks you’d miss after a while."

The room got quiet after that. The short silence was then broken by pinkie eating a cup cake.

“What? I got hungry. Any ways He made fun of her dress, and got it muddy. That meanie has no sense of fashion, or chivalry. Besides I like this dress Rarity made.”

“They certainly were a starter for conversations.”

“My designs for us remain the talk of the ball. That is until I unveil you fine ponies.”

“This should prove interesting. I’ve never been to a ball before.”

“Yeah, I’ve been to a few school dances. But, nothing like this.”

“It may be all fancy shmancy. But for me, The Wonderbolts will be there. So it’s worth it to go.”

“Who’re the Wonderbolts?”

“Only the most awesome flyers in all of Equestria!”

“She’s a recruit in their training camp."

“They’re really good at flying, and fighting off baddies when they attack Ponyville, aside from us. That was until you guys showed up.”

“Maybe I’d like to meet them.”

"That’ll be no problem. I’ve got good connections with Spitfire, she’s the leader of the Wonderbolts, and my drill sergeant. Who knows, you’d probably make a decent Wonder bolt.”

“I’m flattered. But, I’m good with being just a ranger.”

“There’s no rule against being a wonderbolt trainee, is there?"

"I don’t recall a rule about joining other groups, outside of rangers."

"Affirmative. Just as long as this doesn’t interfere with any ranger business. It be alright for you to join."

"Yeah, for all we know Celestia may have told them about who we are, and may understand."


Kimberlyremained silent for a few minutes before turning back to Rainbow Dash.

“I guess I could try out.”


“Just as long as this doesn’t get in the way of me being a power ranger.”

"Deal!"The two shook hooves just as they heard their ride pulled up in front of the boutique.

“Our ride's here.”

As they stepped outside, they saw a large carriage being pulled by two pegasi in armor. Twilight knew that this was from Canterlot.

“I suppose we better not keep the princess waiting.”


“Alright then.”

The thirteen friends climbed aboard the carriage, which then took off into the setting skies to the galloping gala.

Chapter 14- Party on Rangers

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Chapter 14
Party on, Rangers!

The gang finally arrived at the castle of Canterlot, just as the galloping gala was taking place. The group of 13 made their way from the carriage. As the rangers were escorted by their new pony friends, they marveled at how so many came to the gala.

"Incredible. I know this party is about the country’s anniversary, but I’d never thought so many would come."

"Why of course they would. All the biggest names in Equestria are here. Which makes this the perfect opportunity for me to display my new works."

"I…I don’t know what to say about all this. I mean..I’m down with parties. But this seems a little fancy for me."

"Yeah, these Richie richies prefer some old fiddlie di music."

Zack then sees an opportunity see if he can lighten up the mood. A nearby DJ stand was unattended. He nudged Pinkie who looked over and the two both nodded in agreement to a telepathic plan between them.

"Hey guys…me and pinkie are..Uh.. Gonna have a look around."

"Okay. Pinkie, just make sure you two don’t get lost."

Pinkie salutes Twilight

"Euy mon Capitan."

"Zack, make sure you keep in contact."


The two departed from the group to carry out their plan. Rainbow dash then noticed that spitfire was with the other Wonderbolts. Her eyes widened, and a grin took her face.

"Kim, look. That’s them, the Wonderbolts."

Rainbow dash points out spitfire with several other Wonderbolts. Kimberly looks over to see what she was pointing at.

"Really,Those guys?"

"Come on! I’ll introduce you to them."

She takes Kimberly to meet her idols, leaving only eight left. Applejack looked around for an excuse or opportunity to break off from the group, and spend some time with Jason. She looked constantly, almost nervously.

"hey…you okay?"

"Hmm?...Oh! Yeah, I’m fine sugar cube. I was just…eh… wonderin’…"


Her prayers were soon answered, in the form of a dance taking place on the main floor. She saw that this was her chance more than ever to get a little more acquainted with the red ranger.

"I was just wonderin’..if you’d escort a lady to a dance?"

"Huh? Oh, sure. Yeah…."

"Something wrong?"

"Eh..No. no. It’s just…"

"Just what, Jason?"

"It’s just…I’m not really good at dancing."

"Aw, don’t be shy cause of that, Jason. Shoot, I ain’t that good either. But it doesn’t stop me from tryin’. Come on, may ah have this dance, handsome?"

Jason was a bit reluctant. But he eventually put aside his nervousness, and held her hoof.

"Why not? What’ve we got to lose?"

"That’s it partner."

As did Kim, and Zack. Jason departed from the rest of the group, and escorted the element of honesty onto the dance floor. Fluttershy, and Tommy noticed their departure, as well as Billy, and Twilight.

"Three down. Three to go."

"If we all keep separating, it’ll be more difficult for me to show off my latest works."

"You’ve still got me, Rarity."

"That I do. But a whole set would’ve been nice."

"Oh, Rarity. You have all night to show everyone off. Let’s just meet up with the princesses, okay."

"Quite right, Twilight."

"Have you guys noticed how applejack was with Jason. I’ve never seen her that nervous, or excited to be with another stallion."

"Yes. You’re right. She did seem rather…enticed by him."

"Affirmative. They seem quite attracted to one another. Even if they’re nervous to express it."

"Well, he did save her life, and he did help her out an awful lot at the apple family reunion that week."

Tommy lets out a sighs.

"Something tells me it’ll be a heart breaker when we leave. If we ever do."

The group remained silent, processing the possibility of both outcomes.

"Well…we won’t know until it happens, right?"

"Of course. We should just enjoy the time we have."

"Sounds good to me."

Fluttershy nodded.



"Come on, Princess Celestia’ll be waiting for us."

The small group made their way through the crowd hall to the thrones of Celestia and Luna.


In the fortress of Rita, and Chrysalis The two gazed into Rita’s globe to see the gala going on, and their foes attending it.

"The galloping gala. Oh. How I despise the very thought about how that wretched Equestria nation came into being."

"Well then, my friend. How’s about you and I make it more tolerable, and crash in on their little party. And make ourselves known to these four legged halfwits, and their princesses?"

"Sounds awfully tempting. But is it worth risking our location?"

" Who said we were going? Why go when we have people we can force them to go? Goldar! Sphinx!"

Goldar and sphinx enter her throne room, and bowed to their queen.

"Yes, my empress?"

"You, and sphinx take putty patrollers, and changlings for a little party crashing exercise."

"Infiltrate the palace at Canterlot, and deliver our message to the royal sisters. Oh. And while you’re at it. See that you destroy those elements, and their ranger friends along with any who’d appose you."

"Ha! Ha! Two birds, one minion!"

"Yes, your evilness’s."

The two left the room, to prepare for their coming attack.

*Back at the Gala…*

Jason , and Applejack were trying to mimic the other guests on the dance floor. But had a hard time keeping their pace. And would often bump into the other ponies attending When the strings stopped playing, the two sat down in exhaust.

"That went…really badly."

"You weren’t so bad."

"That’s mighty nice of you sugar cube. But, I was th one that sent those two into the punch bowl."

They looked over to see the two ponies still struggling to free each other from the punch bowl.

"Well. It was an accident."

"I know. I still feel bad though."

"If only they’d play something we won’t send peo..I mean ponies to the hospital."

Just then, the sound of record scratching was heard, coming from the speakers. It was then replaced by the sound of party music, which got every pony grooving, and making their way to the floor. Jason got up, and reached out his hoof to Applejack's.

"Come on. I’m willing to try if you are."

Applejack was a little reluctant, but eventually threw caution to the wind, and took Jason’s hoof, and got into the groove. Fortunately, neither of them had anymore incidents since the dance was pretty simple. At the D.J booth were none other than Zack, and Pinkie pie.

"Now, this is what a party ought to be."

"This I can dig. Still up for that dance off?"

"Hey, you two!"

A guard called out towards the two D.J. bandits.

"Later, we got company."

"Time to split."

The two dashed off, only to be pursued by the guard. Pinkie and Zack moved into a nearby crowd. The guard looked, and looked to find no trace of the black ranger, or the element of laughter. Feeling famished, the guard made his way to a nearby snack table, and purred himself a glass of punch, before returning to his post. Unaware to the guard, Pinkie, and Zack hid themselves under the same table, to evade capture. Sensing that the chase was off, the two earth ponies came out from under the table, and looked around.

"Looks like we gave him the slip, Zack."

"Looks like it."

The two high hoofed each other in victory. Then their stomachs began to growl.

"All this chasing’s making me hungry."

"You know? I could use a bite."

"let’s see how good these cup cakes are?"


Twilight, and the others reached the thrones of Celestia, and Luna. She was greeted by her mentor with a firm hug.

"So good of you all to come, my faithful student."

"I wouldn’t miss a chance to be with you, princess."

"Twilight. Now what did I say about calling me.."


Twilight looked to see her sister in law, accompanied by her brother, and captain of the guard, Shining Armor.

"Cadence, shiny!"

-"Hey, little sis. How’re you doing?"-

"Pretty good, now that you guys are here."

"Well, we were in town, and thought to drop by."

Twilight turned her attention to the remaining rangers

"Guys this is princess cadence, of the crystal empire. And my bother Captain Shining Armor, of the royal guard."

"I didn’t know you had a brother, Twilight."

"I didn’t mention it before. ..my bad."

"Who’re your friends Twi?"

"Cadence, shining armor. These are three of the power rangers. Billy Trini, and Tommy."

-"So, you’re the ones princess Celestia’s been talking about."-

"That we are."


Spitfire, and the Wonderbolts were conversing with Rainbow Dash and Kimberly. She seemed quite interested in Kimberly.

"You seem quite the flyer, kid. But do you have what it takes to be a Wonderbolt?"

"Does she? She’s one of the fastest flyers I’ve ever seen, even without her zord."

"Dinosuars, Robots? How come we don’t have those things?"

"That’d be awesome."

"Tell you what? Come by our training camp with Dashie here, and we’ll see whatcha made of."


"Come on, Kim."

"We’ll make sure this doesn’t get in the way of your job."

"Well…why not? I’ll give it a shot."

Just then a sudden tremor was felt in the main hall, as if a earthquake was taking place. Rainbow Dash saw a few chunks of the roof began to fall, and then massive amounts. She and Kim cleared the debris, as well as the Wonderbolts. As the dust settled. Kim looked to see if her companion was alright.

"Rainbow? You..okay?"

"Yeah..peachy. What was that?"

The two looked above to see Goldar, accompanied by sphinx, and a mix of putties, and changelings, hovering over their heads.

"Houston, we have a problem."

Chapter 15 - Party Crashers, and Ponies

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Chapter 15
Party Crashers, and Ponies

On the other side of the palace. The element of Generosity was escorting the yellow ranger around the party. They were conversing with one very popular pony, who was familiar with Rarity’s work.

"As you can see, Mr. Fancypants. I’ve decided to draw my inspiration from rather…primeval origins."

Fancypants inspects the dress.

"I do say. This theme…does say ferocity, and yet balanced by such grace."

"Why thank you. Kind sir."

"My dear, you never fail to amaze me with your work. But, there is one thing I’ve noticed."

"What is that?"

"These designs are rather similar to those new heroic chaps from Ponyville. Those…power Rangers?"


"They did save her boutique from being burnt to the ground, by those..changelings."

"And I’d thank them. If your shop were to be desimated..who’d I turn to for the latest fashion?"

"Oh..my..Thank you."

"Good evening, ladies."

He then leaves the two.

"Well, that went well."

"Yes..It did. Didn’t it?"

"Why wouldn’t it? You’re a terrific designer Rarity. You should be proud of your work."

"Oh, you’re too kind, darling."

Just then Rarity noticed a very familiar shape just a few feet behind trini, a white unicorn, with blue eyes, and golden blonde hair.

"OH! Not him again!"


Trini looks behind to see the same unicorn conversing with two mares, both giggling at his remarks towards them. He then turned his attention towards Rarity, and Trini, and smirked a bit before making his way towards them.

"It’s him. Blueblood. Don’t make eye contact."

The two look away, in the hopes he doesn’t bother them. Alas, Prince blueblood cleared his throat, presented himself before the two.

"Well. If it isn’t …you."


"That’s prince blueblood to you, commoner.."

"Hey, don’t be so rude."

The prince turns his attention towards Trini.

"Well…my...who do we have here?"

"A friend of mine."

"A friend? Other than Princess Twilight, and those other commoners?"

"They have names, you know."

Blueblood kisses Trini’s hoof.

"Prince Blueblood, of Canterlot. My auntie happens to be Celestia herself."


Just then Trini’s communicator began to go off.

"Is your watch.."

"Excuse us."


With that, Trini, and Rarity departed, and went around a corner. Where Trini responded to her communicator.

"What’s up?"

"Rangers! This is bad! Goldar, and sphinx have been sighted in Canterlot."

At that moment, a violent explosion occurred on the other side of the palace. It could be felt from where they were. When the vibrations settled, the sounds of whispers began to grow into shrieks of terror. Rarity, and Trini looked to see that Kimberly, Rainbow dash, and the Wonderbolts were fighting off the horde of Changelings, and putties.

"A little late on that, Alpha darling."

"Kim, and R.D’re gonna need help."

"Hurry! We’ll meet up with you guys A.S.A.P."

With that said, Trini signed off, and the two made their way out of hiding to Kim, and dash’s side. As the Wonderbolts fought off the changelings, bucking them, and knocking them off their feet. Kim, Trini, Dash, and Rarity managed to hold their own against the simple minded putty patrollers. Although the putties were many in number, Trini’s tai chi, and Kim’s acrobatics prepared both minds, and body for any possible confrontation. As the battle raged on, the room emptied off everyone else. Giving Trini, and Kimberly their chance to morph.

"Ready Trini?"

Both rangers pull out their morphers.


"It’s morphin’ time!"

The rangers activated their morphers, and called out the names of their dinosaurs.


"Saber Tooth Tiger!"

In a flash, the two morphed into their ranger modes, and drew their power weapons. Now putties with sword arms came charging in. the rangers, and elements continued their fight with fierce determination. Blocking each blow, returning each strike, and simply sending putties, and changelings running. Kimberly fired each of her bow shots, right into specific parts of Changelings, and putties,. Which sparked after being hit by each power arrow.

"Now this fight’s 20% cooler!"

"Where’d these things come from?"

"Allow me to answer that!"

As his blades sliced spitfire, the cut let out a spray of sparks as she was knocked over to the side. Kimberly, and Rainbow dash rushed to her side, and helped her up.

"You okay?"


Meanwhile, Trini upper cutted a putty back away from her. As she fought, she heard a familiar voice cry out for help. She turned to see that prince Blueblood being lifted into the air by changlings.

"Aaaaah! Unhand me you vermin! Assistance, please!!!"

Trini looked to her wings, and quickly thought of a way to rescue the unicorn. She readied her dino dagers and threw them right at the changelings, knocking them out of the air as the blades sparked on them. Forcing them to drop the prince. Fearing his demise, Blueblood covered his eyes. But to his surprise. He felt two hooves catch him. When he uncovered them, he saw that the yellow ranger held him in her arms. He looked into the black visor for what seemed forever. In all his years, he’d never had anyone risk so much for his safety. His eyes widened, his cheeks blushed, and a small smirk came over him.

"Uh..thank you."

Trini let go of him when he had his feet to the floor.

"You’d better get to safety, blondie. We’ll handle them."

He nodded in compliance, and made off to the nearest safety point. At that moment, Trini, Kimberly, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and the Wonderbolts found themselves trapped between the changelings, and Goldar, Sphinx, and his putties.

"Ha ha! It all ends here rangers, for you, and your horsey friends too!"

"Any last words, power dweebs?"

"Not that you’d wanna hear, you creeps."

"Very well..Putties, destroy them."

As the putties, and changelings moved in, they were struck with several blasts, forcing them, and their commanders back. When the smoke cleared, the two monsters saw that the Alicorns, Shining, and the other elements and rangers arrived.

"How dare you attack my ponies!"

"Thu art nothing more but mere beasts, and thus must be vanquished!"

"Alright, rangers, and ponies. Time to bounce these creeps out!"

"Ah second that motion!"

"Then let’s give them something worth crying about!"


The reinforcements charged in as the putties, and changelings made countered their move, led by Goldar, and Sphinx. The battle raged as magic was fired, hooves knocking into each other, utter anarchy was laid out. Zack and Pinkie, switched from Zack whacking the enemy with his axe, to Pinkie blowing them away with her party cannon. Kim, Dash, and Trini took to the air, as well as the Wonderbolts. Using flight coordination, and sheer force. They fought off any air born changeling that managed to take flight. Twilight, and Billy were assisting Cadence as she was being over whelmed by the changelings trying to drain her power. As the changelings became to much for her, Billy was just in time to smite them off her, with his power lance. Sending them off into the night.

"You alright?"

"I’m fine. Thank you."

"Those changelings were rather drawn to you. But why?"

"She’s the Alicorn of love. Changelings feed off of emotions like love."

"Good to know that."

"That witch, Chrysalis will pay for this."

Goldar, and sphinx were caught between the green, and red ranger, and captain shining Armor.

"Give it up Goldar!"

-"You two have got no where to run".-

"That’s where you’re wrong, butt faced halfwit!"

"Who is that?"

"It’s Rita."

"This can’t be good."

"We’re not thought here! We’ve got a whole city to go through!"

In a flash the two disappear.

"Where’d they go?!"

Back in the palace, Rita readied her staff, and cast her enchantment.

"You can’t be serious."

"I am my bug faced friend."

Rita readies her magical staff.

"Magic wand, make my monsters GRRRRRRRROOOOOOOW!!!"

She then casts the staff into the air sending it mile up, and quickly landing it in Canterlot where the earth part, as the two monsters grew in size.

Back inside, the ponies, and rangers could feel the vibrations coming from outside.

"Uh oh. This isn’t good."

"Come on! It’s only getting worse!"

With those words, the two made off outside followed by everyone else.

Chapter 16 - The Power of Dinozords

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Chapter 16
The Power of Dinozords!

The small band made it outside, only to be horrified to see that Goldar, and Sphinx were a hundred times their size. The monsters lunged forward in their paths of destruction, annihilating any building in their path. Goldar swung his sword, slicing buildings as if they were merely butter. The ponies could not believe what laid before them.

“My gosh..This is terrible.”

“How’d they get that huge?!”

“Rita used her magic to grow them both!”

“What do we do? We can’t just let them tear the city apart!”

“What do you guys say about giving them a taste of some zord power?”

“Of course..your zords!”

-“Listen, you guys handle those two, we’ll handle the remaining changelings, and putties!”-

“Gotcha! We’re on it!”

Jason raised his hoof to the sky, calling out towards Zordon and alpha.

“Zordon! Alpha! We need Dinozord power now!”

As commanded, the zords began to emerge from their hiding spots one by one. The earth parted from one another, as fire bursts from the crevice, revealing a large metal Tyrannosaurus rising from what seemed like the pits of Tartarus, letting out its roars for all to hear. Twlight was amazed by the sheer size of such a zord.



“It’s huge! Super-duper trooper huge!”

“Alright! Now that’s what I call power!”

The massive zord looked down upon his ranger, and roared

“Let’s kick some giant!”

He then leaps on top of the zord’s head, and climbed inside the control room. Just then the other zords came out of hiding, the mastodon Trumpeted it’s call, and made its way out of its icy lair. The triceratops charged forward on its treads, roaring its battle cry like calls. In the Everfree forest, the saber tooth tiger zord ran with the speed much like the wind, letting out it’s cat like roar, leaping from off a cliff. In a distant inactive volcano, the pterodactyl squealed its caws, as the mountain erupted, freeing the zord as it took to the air, and onward to battle. Each of the rangers leaped toward their zords, climbing into each of their cockpits.

“Ready to rock everyone?!”

“Zack here, let’s groove it, and move it!”

“Billy here! All systems go!”

“Trini, ready to rock!”

“Kim here, let’s do this!”

“Alright guys! Let’s bring them together!”


As the zords continued their charge, they began to position themselves as they formed their tank mode. The Saber Tooth tiger stretched out it’ legs, reveling tires rolling, much like the Triceratops zord. Both the Triceratops, and saber tooth tiger, folded their tail and clamped them on their backs for the T-Rex to connect his knees which would later form the Megazord’s legs. The mastodon began to detach its head, and its body bean to fold, and reform into the two cannons on both sides of the T-Rex. While its head was mounted onto eh tyrannosaurs’ chest. The pterodactyl landed upon the back of the tyrannosaurs, completing their transformation into the Megatank, which pen fired upon the two monsters. Sparks flew from their bodies, as the tank continued its assault.

As Twilight and the others continued to fend off the remaining changelings, and putties, they would often look back to see the Megatank, continuing its assault on Goldar, and Sphinx.

“Wow! Now that’s a Party cannon!”

“Absolutely marvelous.”

The tank fired another blast, sending sphinx down to the ground. Goldar then fired lighting from his eyes, hitting the Megatank several times. The rangers took a bit of damage, but were still in the game.

“Alright, time for the Megazord”

He then hits the controls, activating the Megazord sequence


The tank then grinded to a halt, and began its transformation. The cannon switched into hands, and the whole began to stand up right. The pterodactyl flew in, and began to fold in its wings and head to form the chest plate for the Megazord. Before the chest touched down, the T-Rex head folded into its chest cavity, revealing a more humanoid robot head. With the chest plate connected, the head folded its horns out completing the transformation.


The Megazord was then ready to engage the enemy. It moved in onto the monsters, punching with sheer force, . as the monsters retaliated, the Megazord id all that it could to keep them from causing more damage to the city, even taking blows from Goldar’s sword, and sphinx’s staff. As the Megazord charged into battle, the ponies of Canterlot could only watch, and pray for the battle to be in their favor. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor, the elements, and Tommy, finished fending off the remaining reinforcements, only to see the Megazord, being over whelmed. Although it fought back with fierce determination, it was still taking much damage. Tommy knew now was the time to call in his zord. He looked to Celestia, as he pulled out his dagger.

“I got to go help them!”

“Hurry, they may not last long.”

"Alright, time for some Dragonzord power!”

The green ranger then placed the mouth piece of the dagger to his mouth piece, and began to play his tune, summoning the mighty Dragonzord from the depths. In, a nearby park, a large pond began to bubble, and turn as the massive dragon rose from its slumber, and made its way towards his master. Rainbow Dash and Spike looked on at amazement.


“Now, this battle’s twenty percent cooler!”

As Goldar, and sphinx beat down on the Megazord, the two were both struck by the Dragonzord’s tail drill, sending the two flying off. The Dragonzord helped the Megazord up on it’s feet, and the two reengaged the enemy. As the battle raged on, both sides suffered some damage, the dragon, and Megazord were struck several times, but still stood. In return, Goldar, and Sphinx were struck, with sparks flying from both monsters, and zords. Jason turned to the others, in the hopes of finishing this battle.

"Okay! Time to call for the power sword!”


They reached their hands to the sky calling for the power sword, which fell from the heavans, and pierced the earth. The Megazord, grasped the handle, and readied for the attack.

"Uh Oh! Goldar We’re..Goldar?"

He looked around to see that Goldar was no where to be found. He then looked back to the Megazord, which proceeded to finish off the monster with it’s finishing move. The Megazord then struck Sphinx several times, spewing sparks from his bod. He cried out in pain as he was struck, and eventually fell over backwards into a fiery explosion, leaving no remains of him. The rangers let out a cheer of victory. The ponies, seeing the monster was defeated, came out of hiding, and cheered on to the rangers. Among those ponies were, the elements themselves. The most excited one, was surprisingly Fluttershy.


“Way to go guys!”

“Did you guys see that?!!didyadidyadidya?”


“Encore, Encore!”

Rarity couldn’t help but clap, as if she were watching a theatrical performance.

In a flash, the zords, and rangers disappeared. The townsfolk looked at one another in bafflement, wondering where they went. When the mane six looked around, they were greeted by the rangers, who were out of their ranger forms. With hugs, and chatter of victory. Fluttershy flew up to Tommy, and tackled him with a suffocating hug.



Realizing what she was doing, Fluttershy released the green Ranger, who was now gasping for air. The others couldn’t help but laugh. The group was then approached by Celestia , and the others,

“Thank you, all of you. Zordon has trained you well.”

"You guys were amazing back there!”

-"Yeah, those zords of yours… They’re pretty impressive.”-

“Hey…when I said we would help protect your subjects, I meant it, your highness.”

“Please, Celestia’s fine.”

“Now that they’re gone for now, guess what that means…”

She then pulled out her party cannon, and fired it, causing music to pay, and confide to fly.


“Thou likes the sound of that.”

“I’m down with that. The night’s till young.”

“You read my mind, Pinkie!”

“Me too.”


“If anyone could get a party started, It’s pinkie.”

“Count me in.”

“Right behind you, darling.”

“So how about it, cow girl?”

“Like Zack said, da night’s still young.”

As they made their way back into he main hall, so too did the other guests who came out of hiding. S the elements and rangers passed by a column, Prince Blueblood came out of hiding, and looked over to see Trini walking with the others. Un aware to Trini, Blueblood hid himself behind some fallen debris, and managed to catch a glimpse of her transforming out of her yellow ranger guise, after the battle had been won. Although he knew she couldn’t here him from where she was, Blueblood spoke to words under his breath.

“My hero…”

As he continued to observe her, he felt some sort of feeling about her, something he’d never felt before, not about any other pony but himself. At that moment, Prince Blueblood, nephew to princess Celestia herself, was falling in love.

Chapter 17 - The way to be cool...

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Chapter 17
The way to be cool…

Several weeks had passed since the incident in Canterlot. The rangers, and their pony counter parts had made their way home back to Ponyville. It was getting cold, meaning fall was in the air. Applejack, and Jason were making their way up to the school house, to pick up Applebloom from class, as well as the other cutie mark crusaders. As the two made their way, Jason looked at the leaves falling.

“Looks like winter is on its way.”

“Yep. Only few weeks left until the end of the apple harvest. It all ends on Nightmare night.”

“What’s that?”

“Oh… It’s this day were you get to dress in costumes, the foals would trick or treat, and everyone gets to just have fun. Partying’ ponies scar ‘in the living’ day lights out of ya.”

“Oh… That actually sounds like a holiday we have back home. It’s exactly the same, but we call it Halloween.”

“Well that’s a strange name for something like that.”

“From what we learned in school, sometime ago. Halloween was based around some ancient feast called “All Hallows eve”. It’s this one day of the year where the souls of the dead can return to the earth, or. Something like that.”

“So every soul, or just your loved ones?”

“I’d guess your loved ones. Why do you ask?”

“Aw, no reason.”

“Ever since I’ve been here, I haven’t known you to just ask with no reason. Come on, you can tell me.”


Just then, Jason and Applejack had made it to the school house, where Ms. Cheerilee had just dismissed the class for the day. The little fillies dashed right out the door. One such filly was Applebloom rushing towards her sister, and Jason.

“Applejack! Jason!”

She then embraced her sister, who in turn hugged her back.

“Hey little sis.”

“How was school today?”

"I’ll...uh…I’ll tell you on the way.”

The little filly started pushing the two older ponies with all her strength. But found that they did not budge an inch. The element of honesty started to suspect something.

“Bloom, mind telling why yer so anxious to get away?”

At that moment, Applejack, and Jason turned to hear the sound of a female voice calling out to them. Walking towards them was none other than the teacher herself, Ms. Cheerilee. Applebloom’s face had gone pale from the mere sight of her. She hid behind Jason, who was confused as to why she’s behaving like this.

“Ah, Ms. Applejack. There you are.”

“Howdy, Cheerilee. Can I help you?”

“Actually, I wanted to speak to you, and…your colt friend about Applebloom.”

“Colt friend?”

Applejack, and Jason looked back at one another. Then turned back to cheerily.

“we’re not together, or anything like that.”

“Oh. I see…Anyways, would you come into my office, please?”

*several minutes later*

“Now. What has Applebloom done this time?”

“well, during the past several weeks, I’ve begun to see a gradual decline in her grades. She used to be so interested in her studies, and he suddenly…”

“I see…”

Displeased with this news, Applejack gave her little sister a very displeased look,that made the filly look down at her hooves in shame.

“But she’s not alone. In fact, nearly the entire class has seemed to lost interest.”

“The whole class?”

“They seem to be doing this deliberately.”

“Why would the entire class start to deliberately bomb the class? Like this?”

“It seems that during their recess, diamond Tiara, and her friend, silver spoon, have been teasing, or intimidating some of the students. Making them feel that they aren’t worth the time. It’s the only reason I could think of. Those two really are deeply troublesome. Such a shame. We were expecting a guest speaker to come and talk to them. But Ms. daring doo had to cancel due to an emergency. The fillies were so looking forward to meeting her, which only worsens the problem here.”

Jason looked back at Applebloom, who let out some small tears, feeling ashamed of herself. He then looked back to Applejack, as if he were speaking to her telepathically. In what seemed like a response, Applejack nodded.

“I think I know some people who might be able to help you, with speaking to the class at least."

“Hmmm? You do?”

“Eeup. Jason here’s actually good friends with those power rangers.”

The shocked school teacher turned her attention towards the colt known as Jason.

“You are?”

Jason nodded.

“I can speak to them, and see if they can come by tomorrow, and talk to the kids fo a while.”

“You. You sure they wouldn’t mind? I mean if they were a monster…”

“They’ll handle it.”

“Why, that would marvelous. The children been talking about them ever since those rangers first came to Ponyville.”

“I’m sure it won’t be any trouble, Ms. Cheerilee.”

“well…Thank you both for coming in on short notice.”

“Thanks for telling us, Cheer.”

The two earth ponies then made their way towards the door. As they passed Applebloom, Applejack knelt down to her eye level, and wiped a tear from the filly’s eye.

“Come on you. Don’t be like that.”

The filly then nods, and got up on her feet. The ponies made their way out the door, while Jason closed it behind them. When they were gone, Cheerilee, looked all around, making sure nobody was there. She then pulled out a small gold key, and slid it into a locked drawer in her desk. There, she pulled out a small doll replica of the red ranger, and hugged it so tightly. She then began to hyperventilate as she let out small cries of joy, and excitement.

“Oh sweet Celestia! I can’t believe I’m really gonna meet him!”

When the three got outside, Applebloom walked next to Jason, hoping to inquire as to his statement about the power rangers.

“You really know the power rangers, Jason?”

“Oh yes, I do. I’ve known them as long as I can remember.”

“I can’t believe it. I’m actually gonna get to meet the red ranger, again.”

"Bloom, why don’t run a head home. I’ve got t talk to Jason quick. But you and I are gonna have a long talk when I’m done.”

“Okay, big sis.”

The filly then bolted off towards home, leaving Jason, and Applejack alone. The red ranger then pulled out his communicator, and called to the command center.

“Alpha, can you patch to Zordon. I’ve got to talk to him about something.”

“Hold on a moment, Jason. I’ll have you through..Now.”

“Yes, Jason?”

” Hey, Zordon. I was wonder if…I could ask something from you?”

“please, speak.”

” You see…”

“He was wonderin’ if you’d be okay if he, and the others came to Applebloom’s school, and talk to them a bit.”

“You see, the teacher there says that the kids are deliberately bombing the class because these two girls have been putting them down, making them feel bad about themselves.”

“Hmmm…that is troubling.”

“They were supposed to have someone come in, but had to cancel. So…Jason and I thought that maybe the rangers could fill in their place, if you don’t have any problem with that, Mr. Zordon, sir.”

“…I see no reason as to why I wouldn’t allow the rangers to speak to the children. As long as you abide by the three rules, Jason, you have my permission to do so.”

“you have my word, Zordon.”

“I’ll notify the other’s immediately. Did the teacher say what time to stop by?”

“Just tell them to meet at the school by seven, Alpha.”

“Very well. I wish you the best of luck Jason. I hope the children will be a little more enlightened by the ranger’s presence.”

“Thanks Zordon.”

“I should be thanking you, for bringing this to my attention.”

“Jason over and out.”

Just as Jason hid the communicator away again, Both ponies saw that they had finally made it back to sweet apple acres, just as the sun was drifting further to the west.

Chapter 18 - ...Is to stay in school

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Chapter 18
…Is to stay in school

The next morning, the young fillies, and colts of the Ponyville school house made their way towards their educational prison with whispery voices, as gossip of the sudden absence of their scheduled visitor. Most of them let out sighs of disappointment, while others couldn’t help but shed some tears. Two of which were Snails and Snips.

" Awww… Daring Doo’s not coming today. Can this get any worse?"

Suddenly Snails swiftly placed his hoof over Snip’s mouth. Looking around if anyone in particular heard the comments.

"Don’t say things like that. Or else…"

"Ha ha ha! I knew someone as cool like Daring wouldn’t bother coming to this dump."

The two colts looked back to see that the voice had belonged to none other than Diamond Tiara, boasting how superior she is as usual. Accompanying her was her somewhat of a lackey, Silver spoon.

"Besides, why would someone like her bother to talk to losers like you?"

"Yeah, she has better things to do, than talk to ponies like you!"

Not far behind the fillies, and colts were the threesome known as the cutie mark crusaders. Their leader, Applebloom can hear the taunting, and put down from the good few feet away, making her furious.

"Can’t those two jerks, leave snails and snips alone?"

"What’s they ever do to deserve that?"

"come on!"

" Cutie mark crusaders, HOO!"

Having enough of the bullying, the crusaders made their way towards snails, and snips as the two antagonist laughed at them. Not wasting another minute or so, the two divas left the tormented colts to wallow, who were then approached by the crusaders.

"Hey snails, snips. You both okay?"

"Sniff…yeah…we’re okay."

"But you know…why would Daring Doo come visit our class?"

"Maybe D.T’s right…"

"Hey, don’t listen to those two. They don’t know any better."

"Besides, just because daring’s not coming doesn’t mean she doesn’t care. But, hey…I heard that Ms. Cheerilee’s found some other ponies to come in daring’s place."

As they reached the entrance of the school house, the fillies departed, and placed their bags in their designated spots, and took their seats at their usual desks. While the crusaders were seated happily, more than aware of their visitors, the others were either bored out of their minds, or fell asleep on their desks. Some in which had drool coming out of their mouths.

Outside of the school, Ms.Cheerilee was standing beside her ranger visitors, just outside the door.

"I cannot thank you all enough for doing this. It’ll mean a lot to these kids."

"Not a problem, Ms. Cheerilee."

"We’re just glad to help out, in any way we can."

"You got that right."

Without the rangers noticing, Cheerilee couldn’t help but let out a small jitter of excitement to actually see the red ranger in person. But regaining her composer, she turned back to the rangers, calm and content.

"Alright then. Just give me a moment with them. I’ll let you know when to come in."

Then Ms. Cheerilee came into the school house, chipper, and lively as usual, even more so than usual. She then proceed her way to her desk, and took a seat, straighting out some papers in hoof. Hearing the noise coming from her students, she then coughed , and clearwd her throat, hoping to get some attention. To no avail she tried it once more, same result. She then eyed a nearby meter stick. Gasping hold of said meter stick, Cheerilee brought it down swiftly onto her desk. Creating a loud smack that the children looked back to Cheerilee’s direction.

"Good morning class."

"Good morning,Ms. Cheerilee."

As for the rest of the class, she was greeted by moans, aws, and snores. Shaking her head, she then got up, and stood in front of her desk before the class.

"Now, now class…I know you’re a little upset about Ms. Doo’s sudden change in plans."

"Like she’d come to visit these losers? Don’t make me laugh."

"Ahem…But…we still have a visitor coming…or should I say several visitors?"

Without hesitation, Cheerilee makes her way down the center lane towards the door, and then slightly opening it. She then widened the open door revealing several silhouetted figures in front of the rising sun. The kids had some trouble making out the figures because of the sunlight. That was except for the cutie mark crusaders, whose mouths widened with smile upon them. As the figures made their way in, the fillies, and colts gasped at the now distinguishable figures. Gossip began to spread, even Diamond Tiara, and Silver spoon were shocked.

"Kids, I’d like you to meet our newest guest to Ponyville, and Equestria…The Power Rangers! Rangers…"

"Hi kids."

"Hello rangers!", the classroom erupted.

"My friends and I heard about Daring Doo not coming here."

"So, we thought that we might do her a favor, and come talk with you guys today."

"So…How many of you have questions?"

Slowly, but surely, the children began to raise their hooves up in the air. During their visit, the rangers began answering their questions, One by one, such as where they came from, how they became rangers, and why they decided to fight for Equestria? It was up to the point in where the rangers descried to ask questions of their own.

"Now we’ve got a question for you guys."

Baffled, the kids looked at one another, whispering to one another in confusion, and then turning back to their ranger visitors.

"Now…How many of you want to be cool?"

"Come on, you guys…be honest."

One by one, each of their little hooves rose into the air, indicating most f the class felt that they wanted to be cool.

"Well, that’s an easy one…The only way to be really cool is to stay in school."

"Yeah, you got that right."

"It’s the only way to get a head."

Baffled even more the ponies began to discuss among themselves, each asking each other what the rangers mean by staying in school.

"Stay in school? HA! That’s a good one!"

"Its true kids. Going to school is one of the best things you can do for yourselves."

"You know, we were kids like you. We get it, we didn’t like school ourselves for a long, long time."

"That’s right. But, now we realized that the education we got from school helped us out a lot when it comes to fighting Rita, and her monsters."

"At time, she would put us in situations that would require us to use our heads."

Can you give us an example?

"Well, there was this one monster called bones. He then lured us to this theme park where he teleported us into a time warp."

"The minions were the easy part. But, when it came to Bones, a skeletal monster Rita made. He was more difficult than we first thought."

"No matter how hard we tried, he wouldn’t go down."

"So…what did you rangers do?"

“It wasn’t until we figured out that his head was his weakness, that we stood a chance.”

“So, we managed to separate his skull before he got the chance to come at us. Though his minions tried to stop us, we threw his head down a crack in the ground, destroying his head, and bones all together.”


The ponies began to change their moods. Each seeing that the rangers were just like them once. They were gossiping among themselves, each becoming more positive. Especially tow colts in particular.


"Can you tell us more, rangers?"


Just then Jason’s communicator went off with its usual jingle. Reluctantly, he answers the device, revealing the call coming from Alpha.

“Come in Rangers! It’s Alpha! Rita has sent another of her monsters!”

“What does Zordon want us to do?”

“Teleport here, immediately.”


He then silences the device, and turns towards Ms.Cheerilee.

“We’ve got to go, now.”

“So soon?”

“Duty calls, ma’am.”

“He’s right.”

“Well, then. I guess if you need to go.”

“Don’t worry. If you ever need us to come in again.”

“I won’t hesitate. Thank you all very much again.”

“Not a problem, Ms. Cheerilee.”

As the rangers were preparing to leave, Jason looks back at the class, with final words before departing.

"Remember kids, The way to be cool…”

“Is to stay in school!” The class shouted.

The classroom erupted with applauses, and cheers, as the rangers were then teleported back to the command center, leaving the school house, and its attendants awed in amazement. Cheerilee looked up to the ceiling where they had teleported with a smile on her face, and eyes widened.

“Good Luck Rangers!”

In her head, she was so flabbergasted from meeting the ranger she couldn’t help but to sit down and calm herself, while the class continued to converse with each other about the rangers visit. Noticing the noise levels die down, Cheerilee manages to recover, and look to her schedule for the day’s lesson.

“Now…Shall we begin our lesson, class?”

A majority of the class, except for Diamond, and Silver, all nodded yes in reply. Ready to learn, and one day be as cool as they hope to be.

Chapter 19 - Nightmare Night

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Chapter 19
Nightmare Night

Finally the night of the famous Nightmare Night Had finally arrived to the citizens of Equestria, as the decorations were hung, the festivities were set, and the ponies enjoying the autumn night of fun, and magic. Among those ponies were the element of honesty, Applejack, and the red ranger, Jason Lee Scott. A.J. was dressed in her usual Scarecrow costume, nothing too horrific. More of the friendly nature as to the horror cliché. Jason on the other hand decided to go with something scary, but not too horrific for the little ones.

“I got to admit, Jason. That’s a mighty creepy costume you’ve got on.”
“Well…It’s the only thing I could come up with.”
“Don’t worry. Ah think it suits you. Besides, it’s not every nightmare night that you’d spend your time with a ranger.”
“I guess not.”
“come on now. We’ve got to meet up with the others up at the castle now.”
“Right behind you.”

As they pressed onward, the two ponies looked around as they saw that a good portion of the fillies were all dressed up for the evening, making their way from house to house. Most of them were wearing their own version of the power rangers.

“I guessed that talk in the classroom did inspire them…in more ways than one.”
"There’s a saying… you’re only big around Ponyville when everyone’s dressing up like you.”

Passing by the two were Snips, and Snails. Instead of rangers, like everyone else. The two decided to dress as Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Rarity.

“Hey Snails…You’re wings are slipping.”
“I just don’t get it. I can never seem to get these thing secured.”

He then turns his belt around, and readjusts his cardboard wings so they looked properly spread out.

"You still look like her. That’s the main thing.”
“Yeah…the princess sure is pretty isn’t she?”
“Come on! The girls are waiting for us already.”

With that said, the two colts dashed off into the night, in the hopes to catch up with the cutie mark crusaders.


Jason couldn’t help but laugh a bit after seeing the colts in their costumes.

“Heh heh…like you said, you’re only big when they’re dressing up like you.”
“…I REALLY hope Ah don’t run into another me tonight.”

He then slightly nudges her on the shoulder with his muzzle.

“A.J.? Twilight’s remember?”

Meanwhile, in the palace of Rita Repulsa, the empress, and changling queen were in the throne room. Pondering upon their next plot to eliminate their foes. The only problem was…they were stumped. Throughout the last couple of days, the two rulers were completely without an idea.

“Come on, Chrissy. You must have at least some idea.”
“Well…What if we…no…you already told me how that one ended.”
“Maybe we could…ugh! I tried that one. So did you!”

While the two rulers continued to think, they were constantly hearing argumentation coming from both Squat and Baboo, one in which they were blaming each other as usual for their empresses failures.

“You idiot! You should’ve helped more often, than cower behind me!”
“Hey! I do too help!”
“Uh huh!”
“You know. It’d be much easier if we had rangers of our own!”
“Yeah! I getting sick of this!”

As the two continued to squabble from afar, Rita couldn’t bear to listen to it any further. She then decided to put the two in their rightful place.


Using her unicorn horn, Rita then grasped a tight grip of her staff, and then proceed her way towards the two monster, when suddenly, a bug like hoof placed itself on her shoulder. Rita looks back to see that it was Chrysalis. Ceasing her before doing any harm.

“Rita wait…did you hear what those buffoons said just now?”
“Those idiots say a lot of garbage.”
“Perhaps… But there was one piece of garbage that sparked my interests.”
“…….You can’t be serious.”
“Now hear me out. What if indeed we did acquire rangers of our own?”
“I tried that, and look how that turned out.”
“Oh…but why just settle for one, my friend?”
“Do go on.”
“I happened to be in the castle’s library the other day. In the archive section, and happened to stumble upon an account of a…alternate dimension.”
“Ugh…There’s a lot of those down there. What of it?”
“Now this dimension, has rangers of its own. But these ones were different, and so was its version of you, your highness. Now, hear me out. Suppose we could kill tow bird with one stone?”
"Giving the earth to the other me is one bird…but what makes you think they’ll listen to us if we brought them here?”
“Not us…”

There was then a glowing aura of light coming from Chrysalis’ horn, and in a blinding flash of light, Rita then discovered that instead of Chrysalis standing before her…she then saw the likeness of Equestrias’ ruler, princess Celestia. The only detail that remained of Chrysalis were her dark eyes, which then changed into Celestia’s eyes in a blink of the lashes.

“But perhaps they’ll listen to Princess Celestia.”
“Wha…How’d you…?”
“Changelings, remember?”
“Right…this may just work. FINSTER!”

Shortly after his name was called out, Finster walked into the throne room, with a sculpture in hand of a new monster.

“Yes my queen?”
“How far have you gotten to the time device?”
"It still needs time to be properly…”
“Is it, or is it not operational?!!”
"…It is...but it has limited power.”
“How much power exactly?”
“Enough to send, or pull in…six.”

Upon hearing that number, Both Rita and Chrysalis could not hold back two evil, scheming smiles of joy form their faces. Although Finster has seen this face upon multiple occasions, it still terrifies him to see his queen smile in such a manner.

“Finster, I want you to accompany Chrysalis to the Library. There’s a certain archive that’ll be most useful to our cause. I want you to accompany my friend here to retrieve it”
“I will explain both the book’s and device’s purpose on the way, dear Finster.”
“Of course your majesty. *to Rita* as you command, my empress.”

Chrysalis then departed from the throne room. Accompanied by Finster, they then proceeded down a long corridor that lead to other parts of the castle. Alone, and bursting with joy, Rita walked out into the cold partly cloudy night, could not hold back such a maniacal laughter that could be heard from miles around mostly due to the megaphone like passages of the mountains in which her palace stood. She knew that this would surely be a night to remember, as both the end of the rangers, and the dawn of both chrysalis’s reign, as well as hers on earth.

Chapter 20 - Attack of the Rangers

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Chapter 20
Attack of the Rangers

By the time Applejack, and Jason had arrived. The other were awaiting them patiently for their arrival. Each one of the elements, and rangers wore a different variety of costume. Trini had decided to wear a black cat suit, while Rarity had gone with a more sophisticated, and glamorous witch costume. Billy had gone with an Albert Einstein costume, and Twilight had gone with her usual Starswirl the bearded getup. Zack wore a clown costume, and Pinkie went as her chicken outfit. Tommy had decided that he would go for the classic vampire, which rarity made the costume for him. However, Fluttershy had decided rather than hide this year, as she usually would. She decided to go out, dressed as a bunny. Though she stood close to Tommy for insurance.

“It’s okay. You’ll be alright.”
“You’re that terrified of today, aren’t you?”
“Oh you poor thing.”

Just then, Rainbow Dash, and Kimberly had arrived, both dressed as Shadowbolts. When Rainbow dash stomped on a storm cloud, ad flash of lightening broke out, terrifying poor Fluttershy, who coward behind Tommy.

“Come on guys. Look what you did to poor shy.”
“Fluttershy, we’re sorry to have scared you."

Slowly, But surely, Tommy, nudged Fluttershy to come out from behind him. She slowly poked out to see it was only Rainbow Dash. Seeing no real sign of danger, she then came back out.

“Oh...It’s okay. I’m used to being...scared”
“About time you two showed up.”
“Sorry we’re late. We just…”
“Lost track of time.”
“Were you two racing each other again?”
“So…pinky here’s gotta get into tip top shape if she wants to make the Wonderbolts.”
“Oh yeah..those guys.”
“Can we get going now? I don’t wanna miss out on any trick or treating!”
“You still trick or treat, Pinkie? Don’t you think you’re a little old for that?”

Pinkie pie then got into Billy’s face and stared down right into his eyes.

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!! You’re never too old for free candy!”

Billy then removed his fogged up glassed, and wiped them on his shirt. He then placed the now fog free glasses back on his face.

“…I stand corrected.”
“Alright every pony…let’s do this.”

Just then, from out of the castle doorway came, a familiar baby dragon, accompanied by a very tiny baby phoenix.

“Oh, spike. Almost forgot you there for a moment.”

Kimberly then spotted the baby bird resting on spike’s shoulder.

“Aww… who’s this little guy?”
”Hmm…Oh! This is Pee Wee. He’s a baby phoenix that I’m taking care of.”

Upon further inspection, the group noticed that Spike was indeed wearing a homemade green ranger costume. The main pieces were made by Rarity, while Spike made both Pee Wee’s and his Paper Mache helmets.

“Did you make him a little dragon zord helmet”
“Yeah...I thought it’d go nicely with the whole ranger zord theme.”
“Looking good, little buddy.”
“Come on guys! There’s candy abounding!” WEEEEE!”

Pinkie then skips off ahead, soon followed by the others as the night had just begun for the small group.
Not too far from the group, a very familiar from, accompanied by six others were watching the group from afar. The group consisted of mostly males, with two exceptions. One form then stepped forward from out of the shadows, revealing them self to be surprisingly Princess Celestia.

“They are the ones. All twelve of them.”
-“You are sure of this, your highness?”-
“Do not let your eyes deceive you. They may look harmless. But they are not to be taken lightly.”
-“Perhaps she is right. Looks can be deceiving.”-
“You have no idea…”

She then lets out a devious smirk.

-“You say something, your majesty?”-
“Uh no! Nothing at all. Now…deal with them quickly, and swiftly. The fate of Equestria is in your hands, rangers.”
-“Fear not your highness. We shall not fail you.”-

With those words, the ruler of the daytime then departed, back to supposedly Canterlot. Leaving the other mysterious rangers with the task bestowed upon them.

-“We shall continue to watch them. We will strike when the time is right.”-

Throughout the night, the rangers, and main six were enjoying the festivities of all various kinds. Pinkie, and Zack were enjoying a few good rounds of trick or treating, with a few fillies. Twilight Sparkle, and Billy decided to tell scary ghost stories from the Ponyville library. Though as cliché as they were…some of them terrified a couple of the fillies, as well as a few mares…and colts. Jason, and Applejack were bobbing for apples. Although some of Jason’s werewolf fur got a bit wet. Trini, and Rarity, decided to participate in a Halloween costume contest, which neither of them won. Surprisingly Spike had taken first place with his costume, and Pee wee. Kimberly, and Rainbow dash’s evening was filled with the two pegasi enjoying their merry pranks upon ponies both young and old. Nothing too serious, but just enough to get a few scares…and a few wetters. However, after enduring as much of it as she could bear it, Fluttershy was now too scared to continue on after accidentally walking into a haunted house. So Tommy decided it was best to take her home. But while on their journey back, both of them felt as if something…or someone was watching them. This got Fluttershy nervous.

“I know…I feel it.”

Though more cautious than before, the two friends continued their trek in the autumn cold, all while still being watched. The two figures were adorned in what seemed to be somewhat of a far eastern attire.

-“I’m not sure if what she said was true. They don’t seem very harmful.”-
-“Don’t forget… we are here to stop them. Do not be so easily fooled.”-
-“But, what if she is wrong? Do not tell me that thought has never accord to you.”-
-“It has ran across my mind.”-

Unknowingly to them, the two villainesses were watching their progress from afar.

“So these new one need a little more convincing eh?”
“That can be arranged.”

With that stated, Rita then raised her magic wand into the air, and began chanting an ancient tone. Back in Ponyville each of the mysterious rangers then began to feel terrible pain within their minds, clashing between what was right, and wrong until all of their eyes began a deep purple like state.

At the borders of Ponyville, Fluttershy, and Tommy were on the road back to her cottage. Upon the way, there was a few trees that joined to what was known as the Everfree forest. Just about halfway home, the two heard twigs snapping, and movement in the trees. Now, Fluttershy was becoming ore, and more frightened.

“Rainbow Dash...If this is another prank…it’s not funny.”

The snapping continued up until two figures jumped out of no where right in front of the two friends, right in front of their path. The two figures wore similar attire to that of the ranger’s designate colors.

-“Your reign of terror ends tonight, pretenders!”-
“Wh…Wh…Who are they?”
-“Don’t act stupid! We know your true plans!”-
-“We know you work for Bandora!”-
-“Forget it! Prepare to be destroyed!”-

The figures readies themselves to charge in for the attack. Tommy on the other hand prepared for a defensive stance. He looked to Fluttershy, who was now completely terrified.

“Fluttershy...I know you’re scared. But I need you to find the others.”
“I...I...I can’t...”
“You have to do this, please. I know you can do it.”

Tough she was indeed terrified of the strangers who stood before him. She knew that Tommy would surely need help dealing with these new enemies. Despite fearing the vents back in Ponyville. Fluttershy then nodded nervously, and then started to back away. With Tommy guarding her escape. When the chance came, the terrified Pegasus then bolted out of harm’s way, making her way back to Ponyville. The blackened figure stared to give chase, but was then stopped by his green counterpart.

-“Let her go…we will deal with them later.”-

The figures then turned back to the green ranger, who stood there, waiting for their move. It was a good few seconds before the two charged into tommy. The two attempted to strike him. But found that their hits’ were blocked, and was then greeted by Tommy split kicking them back. Shaking the pain off, the two figures continued their assault. The battle raged on as each of the combatants each made their move, striking at one another, or deflecting their opponent’s attacks. Despite Tommy’s skills in martial arts, the two figures were able to overpower him. Dealing more damage to him, forcing Tommy to the ground.

-“Now…Finish him off while we have the chance!”-

Looking down upon the beaten Tommy, the green figure then raised his now hooved limb into the air, ready to finish off the green ranger. That was then interrupted by a purple aura of magic striking at the hoof, causing great pain to the limb.


The green figure , now known as Burai backed away from his American opposite, who was the greeted by his other ranger allies, and the elements of harmony.

“Tommy! Are you alright?!”

Jason, and Zack both helped Tommy back onto his feet. He then shook off the pain, and turned to his friends.

“I’m better now. Thanks to Fluttershy.”

The yellow Pegasus then smiled, and wrapped her hooves around tommy’s neck. Despite the excruciating pain, he bared through it for her sake. They all then turned to Tommy’s attackers.

"So who’re these guys?”
“I don’t know…”

From out of the trees, the two attackers were then joined by four other figures, each similar to the current rangers in color.

-“Nii-san! Your hoof…”-
-“It’s nothing.”-

The red figure, Geki, then turned to his blackened ally.

-“and you, Goushi?”-
-“I’m alright”-

The yellow, and blue comrade then helped the two up, and turned back to the rangers, and ponies in fury.

-“You monsters will pay for what you’ve done to Burai! Right Dan?”-

The blue figure, known as Dan nodded in reply.

-“Right, Boi! Mei, you ready?”-

The pink one who was now introduced as Mei also nodded.

-“Time to end this! For The Princess!”-

The rangers, and Ponies looked at each other, in confusion. Did they hear their attackers right? Did they just say for the princess, as if they were the good guys?

“For the princess?”
“What in tarnation are you talking about?”
-“You’ve surrender the time to talk! Prepare yourselves. Especially you, false ones! Zyurangers...”-

They then reached for what looked like belt buckles. But to the ranger’s surprise, they found that these “Zyurangers” were indeed wielding power morphers.


Similar to the blinding flash of light that brought forth the rangers. Another very similar light engulfed the Zyurangers, blinding the rangers, and ponies briefly. When the light faded, they all gazed upon a familiar, and yet horrific sight before them.


“Am I seeing right?”

The figures that stood before them were indeed familiar, for these Zyurangers were indeed adorned with the very same multi colored costumes as to their ranger counter parts. The one known as Geki was adorned with the Red T.Rex, while Burai was bestowed with the Green Dragon. Dan was granted the Blue Triceratops, and Goushi wore the Black Mastodon power suit. The one known as Mei was undoubtedly the Pink Pterodactyl ranger, while Boi was the Yellow Saber Tooth Tiger.

-“Prepare yourselves, pretenders!”-
-“We give you this one chance to defend yourselves!”-
-“Face us, cowards! Warriors to another!”-

Jason looked to each and every one of his fellow rangers, who all nodded with him.
“Alright Rangers…”

The power rangers then armed themselves with their power morphers in hand and beagn their transformation.

“Dragon Zord!”
“Saber Tooth Tiger!”

In the same flash of light, the Zyurangers were now greeted by their American counter parts who stood there, ready for the attack.


The two sides began their charge towards one another, each with the hopes in defeating their enemies. While the two sides were about to clash, the ponies could only stand by, and watch in both fear, and hope.

"This can’t be right. Princess Celestia would never do such a thing. I just don’t’ get it…"

Chapter 21 - Battle of the Rangers

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Chapter 21
Battle of the Rangers

- Canterlot Castle –

High in the throne room of the royal sisters, Celestia sits upon her throne, in a meditative state. That was until…


Celestia’s eyes opened wide, she looked around to see no one to be found. She sighed in relief, as if she had thought an intruder had come unannounced. But, her relief was cut short as the main chamber’s doors opened widened reviling a rushing PrincessLuna trotted towards her elder sibling, with the fury of a hurricane.

“Sister! I bring dire news from Ponyville.”
“what is it, Lu lu? Have either Chrysalis, or Rita attack again?”
“Nay…it is the rangers.”
“Yes? What about them?”
“Well…There’s…more of them.”
“Tis true sister. These… “Duplicates” came from nowhere, and began to fight the power rangers.”
“Any casualties?”
“Fortunately not.” The citizens think it is some kind of performance for Nightmare Night.”
“Good. It’s best we keep that illusion up. We don’t want a panic on our hands.”
“But, where did these duplicates come from?”
“A good question, my sister.”
-“Perhaps one question I can answer.”-

Celestia, and Luna looked to the side, to find the source of the voice…

-Ponyville –

As the battle raged on, the crowd gathered, and watched in amazement as the city’s newest heroes clashed with their doppelgangers. But with the mane six, Twilight, and company knew better. This was no mere act, but a desperate struggle between their newly founded friends, and these strange warriors, claiming to be the true rangers. Jason Clashed his blade with the one named Geki, blocking each slash after another. Tommy, the green ranger did battle with the mysterious Burai, who too carried the dragon dagger. Billy twirled, and clanged his power lance with that of Dan’s. Zack, and Goushi dueled with both hands on their axes, striking fiercely at one another. The sound of smaller blades came from a dagger wielded duel between the two yellow rangers Boi, and Trini, each equally skilled. Not too far were Mei, and Kimberly, locked in an archery contest against each other, both trying to lay at least one single blow on each other.
Geki, and Jason continued their clash until both brought their blades close to one another.

“You know, for a fake, you’re not half bad.”
-“I’ll show you fake, impostor!”-

Geki then pulled back, and with one mighty slash of his blade, the Yamato prince brought his blade sliced Jason in his chest, igniting sparks, sending the red ranger to his knees.


One by one each of the rangers fell from their Zyuranger counter parts, even Tommy had been bested by the emerald Yamato tribe knight. Jason and the others backed up to one another, forming a tight group as their adversaries encircled around them.

“Man…this ain’t right.”
“We’re outmatched.”
“We’ll think of something guys.”
“Jason’s right. They’re tough. But, they’re not invincible."
-“Geki, we need to finish this, now!”-

Geki readied his sword, pointing it towards their American counterparts. But, to Jason’s surprise, he can see that Geki was being hesitant, as if something was holding him back from bringing his blade down. Seeing an opportunity, Jason slowly got back up, despite his injuries, and slowly made his way towards the young Yamato prince.

"What is he…?"
“Geki…if that’s your name…you know something’s out of whack, as much as I do.”
-“What are you waiting for?!”-

Geki shook away his doubt and readied his blade once more. But before he could bring it down…


The Yamato prince looked to see the voice came from behind the mane six, the voice he knew belonged to a male, an elderly one. One the other Zyurangers recognized, and lowered their weapons. The mane six looked to see that with the elderly figure were Princesses Celestia, and Luna.

-“Stop this madness at once! Do you hear me?!!”-
-“Grand sage, what is the meaning of this?”-
“Twilight, are you and the others alright?”
“Yes, Celestia. Just a bit shocked.”
“It’s the rangers who’re pretty beat up, though.”
“We’re okay, A.J.”
“Nothing too serious.”
“Affirmative. We’re more concerned about these guys.”
-“Barza, why have you interrupted us. These pretenders must be destroyed.”-
-“Yeah, the white winged unicorn told us that these babarians were terrorizing this world.”-
*To Zyurangers* “Hmm…you know who I am. But, I do not recall you personally.”
-“But…but, that’s impossible.”-
-“If you do not recognize us…”-
-“There is more to this, than meets the eyes Zyurangers.”-
“…more than…of course!”
“It must’ve been Chrysalis.”
-“She is much like Bandora, wicked and evil, just as ours, and just as their Rita.”-
“Chrysalis is the changeling queen, and enemy of all of Equestria.”
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…My, such flattery.”

The Rangers, alicorns, and Zyurangers turned to see a figure much like Celestia’s approach from the shadows, and burst in emerald flames, revealing a more darkened skin tone, and more insect like appearance.

“Hasn’t anyone told you that looks can be deceiving.”
-“So, we’ve been tricked!”-
-“You will pay for your deceit, witch!”-
“You’ve got that right.”
“No doubt about it.”
“Big time.”
-“You’ll Help us?”-
“Look man, If things were switched around…I would’ve done the same. No hard feelings?”

Jason lend his hoof out, as a sign that no further grudges were to be held. Reluctantly, Geki reached for the hoof, and the two shook, beginning a new start.

-“Time to send this bug back to it’s hive.”-
“You said it.”
"Not without us, you’re not!”
“wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“How touching…Changelings, attack!”

Burst from behind their queen, a swarm of changeling soldiers flew towards their foes. Armed eighteen to thirty, the ponies, and both ranger teams charged into battle against their common foe. As the battle raged the crowed still in awe watched as both red rangers sliced, and diced through the changelings with their swords, followed by Applejack bucking each changeling after another with her hide hooves. Meanwhile, Burai, and Tommy, aided by Fluttershy to an extent, clashed with whatever changeling came across their path, with the combined forces of their dragon daggers. Billy, and Dan charged, and swung their lances at the enemy, while Twilight continued to fire her magical blasts of energy at the horde, driving the few fleeing changelings away. Zack, and Goushi, brought down their furious axes upon such unfortunate changelings, while being provided cover fire from Pinkie Pie’s party cannon. Trini, and Boi, armed with their daggers, and rarity at their backs swiftly began pulverizing the living daylights out of oncoming changelings looking to cause trouble with any pony in sight. Leaving Kimberly, Mei, and Rainbow Dash with whatever remained trying to scatter among the masses, striking each one down with every shot, or kick. As the battle continued on, the changelings began to see the futility of this battle, and soon began to flee from the area, back into the safety of the Ever free forest. Despite her pride, and urge to continue, even chrysalis realized the battle had been lost. Eventually, she too fled from Ponyville, back to the safety of Rita’s palace.

“Aww Yeah! Now, that was awesome!”
“well done, all of you.”
-“Indeed, well done Zyurangers.”-
“Hey, Boi. Good job.”
-“Yeah…you too.”-
-*clears throat* Excuse me, princess.-
-“Your highness, on behalf of the Yamato Tribe, and its allies. We humbly apologies to both you, your subjects, and to the rangers we have wrongly misjudged.”-
“As much as I would love to, there is nothing to forgive. You were eager to help, though you did not see their true intention.”
“Like I said, No hard feelings.”
-*smiles* “No hard feelings.”-
-“Now, Zyurangers…Back we must go.”-
“Wait, back to your world?”
-“Unfortunately, for you rangers, we cannot help you get back to your world. The time device that pulled these rangers was charged with magical energy, enough for me to conjure one portal back only.”-
“I am sorry, rangers.”
“We understand.”
“It’s okay. We’ll find a way back, somehow.”
"WAIT!!! You guys can’t leave just yet!!!”
-“Huh? Why not?”-
“Because, silly, you haven’t stayed for the Nightmare night fight victory dance party ranger extravaganza!!!”
-“A party? For all of us?”-
“You might as well stay for a little while. Pinkie’s parties are not to be missed.”
“Now, that’s my kind of party.”
“Same here!”
“It would be nice if you could stay…just for a little while.”
“Come on.”
“Don’t even super heroes need to celebrate good times?”
-"Nii-san, we should go back, now.”-
-“Come on guys. When’s the last time we’ve been to a party?”-
-“It would be rude to turn down this invitation."-
-“Might as well accept it. We shouldn’t risk opening old wounds.”-
-“Come on…”-
-*smiles* “I guess we could stay for a bit.”-

As the night pressed on, the Power Rangers, Zyurangers, elements of harmony, alicorns, and citizens of Ponyville carried on the Nightmare Night celebrations.

Chapter 22 - A date?

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Chapter 22
A Date?

Within the confines of Canterlot palace, in one of the residential rooms belonging to a certain unicorn, Prince Blueblood sat on his bed, pondering over and over again, while examining the yellow dagger he acquired after the battle at the Galloping Gala. No matter how many times he has thought it over, the same answer kept crawling back into his sub conscious.

“She’s the one…that mare at the gala…my hero…”

Making his way, with dagger still in possession, Blueblood opened the doorway leading onto his own balcony, gazing over all of Canterlot in the clearest of nights, with the stars glistening from above, and the windows shining throughout the city below. With joy beyond comprehension pulsing through his body, Blueblood carefully wrapped his hooves around the blade, like a schoolgirl to her binder, lost in total bliss.

“I’ve finally found the one! Ha ha ha!!!”

Without any hesitation, the unicorn prince then placed a long kiss on the blade handle, caring for nothing else, or anything happening outside. After a good few seconds, his lips released their grip, and the blade was then placed gently back onto the mattress of the royal’s bed.

“Tomorrow, blueblood. Tomorrow you will seek out this fierce goddess of war.” *smiles*

-Ponyville, the next morning-

Back in the Carousel Boutique, Trini, and Rarity were hard at work, aiding various customers, as each one came in at a time. As Rarity filled in the orders, measured each client, and presented her final works, Trini has been running around with supplies, order sheets, and various other items that Rarity would ask for. After the midmorning rush, the two of them had finally caught a break in the action.

“ Geez…and I thought dealing with putties was harsh enough.”
“I must admit, even beauty and art do tend to get a bit hectic time after time. But, your performance thus far has been more than admirable. Now that the morning rush is over, perhaps we can enjoy a little peace and qui…”

Just then, the door rang open, signaling the emergence of a customer.

“I spoke too soon. Now can I…”

When the unicorn turned her head, her eyes widened, and jaw dropped before making the most wrathful expression she could muster.

“Wait. That guy from the ball?”
“Aah…so you do remember me, mad ‘am.”
“You’ve got some nerve coming here, your “Highness”.”
“Now, now commoner. I didn’t come here to open old wounds with you.”
“Easy Rare.”

The yellow ranger then turned her attention to the royal prince, giving him a curiously determined look.

“Why are you here, then?”
“Yes, why?!”

The prince began to blush, and sweat as he struggled to find the words he so desperate wanted to say.

“Yes. Well…I eh…Know that my…past actions haven’t been the most…graceful…”
“No kidding. They were out right horrendous.”
“There are no words to describe my most …atrocious behavior.”

Rarity’s rage began to fade, replaced by a feeling of sympathy.

“Well…I wouldn’t say it was the best. But…”
“Which is why…I wish to make it up to you…”
"Really? You do?”

Blueblood then let out a slight gulp.

“Which is why…I wish to…make it up…over dinner…”

The lavender unicorn’s eyes began to widen in excitement, and anticipation.

“Yes… Go on.”
“W…will you go out with me…”

Blueblood then present a bouquet of flowers …to Trini.

“Miss Trini?”
“Look, Blueblood. It was snice of you to come and apologies. But…”
“Please? If only for one dinner?”

Trini took a moment or two to think over her decision. All while Rarity tries to council her on the matter at hand.

“You cannot be seriously considering this, can you?! Not that you aren’t a beautiful mare. But with him?!!”
“Look Rare, I know you may have had your ups and downs with this guy. But…”
“But Nothing! That mule is the most uncoof, unkind, and inconsiderate plot head I have ever…”
“Rarity, calm down.”
“I... I’m so sorry, my dear Trini. I just got…”
“I get it. If it were Bulk, or skull asking me out, I’d do the same. But… even those guys aren’t as all bad as you’d might think, and maybe Blue’s not that bad either.”
“I…I just don’t want you to get hurt. I mean, you truly are a dear friend to me after all.”
“I’ll be okay Rarity. Besides…If he does try anything…I won’t go too easy on him.”

Trini then turns her attention to Prince Blueblood. Letting out a few coughs, clearing her throat.

“Alright, your highness. I’ll be expecting you here by 8.p.m sharp.”
“REALLY?!!...I mean…of course.”
“But on one condition.”
“But of course. Name your terms.”

Intending to make it a little worthwhile for Rarity, Trini concocted a slight plan. Notifying the element of generosity with a simple wink, both mares were tuned to the same scheme installed for the pompous prince.

“You have to wear an outfit of Rarity’s design.”
“You heard me. An outfit, designed by the talented Ms. Rarity herself.”
“But. But…”
“But what?”
“But this…this commoner…”
“You’re not accusing me of foul play, are you?”
“What…NO! No…I mean is that…”
“Blueblood. In spite of your horrid behavior in the past…I am willing to look over it. After all, I never leave a paying customer unsatisfied.”

The prince began looking back and forth between the two mares, sweating like crazy, hoping to make the right choice before it was too late.

“…. sigh…very well. I accept your terms, my lady.”

The dressmaker then grasps hold of the prince, and begins dragging him off into one of the dress rooms forcefully by his ear.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Meanwhile, back in the fortress of Rita repulse, and her new accomplice, Chrysalis of the changeling empire, were observing Ponyville through Rita’s telescope, searching for the perfect opportunity to strike.

“AAAAAGH! We’re getting nowhere! Time and time again those stupid rangers, and their half-witted mule friends have beaten our forces back!"
“All because most of your minions are incompetent fools!”
"Hey! Watch it bug face!”
“Squat, Be quiet!”
“Silence, you two! It is clearly Finster’s fault, my empress.”
“Oh, always me, always me. Responsible for every failure. You’re one to talk, Goldar.”
“Yeah! You’re the one who keeps letting those power rangers win all the time!”
“Why you…”
“All of you pin headed salad brains shut up!!!”

Just then, a changing scout approaches the two villanesses in great haste, as if he had returned with urgent news.

“My queen…we have found it.”
“What...Found what?”

The changeling queen looked down to her subject and nodded her head.

“Bring it here, immediately.”

As commanded the scout departs back through the way he came from.

“Just what exactly did that scout mean by “We found it”?”
“Patience, my friend. We have just simply acquired an item of great importance. That attack at the gala worked perfectly to the plan.”

The scout returned once more, this time carrying a satchel on his back. Once again he approached the two sorceresses. The changeling queen gestured her hoof to place the bag o nto a nearby table, and nodded to the scout, dismissing him for the time being. Soon, Both Rita, and Chrysalis, as well as Baboo, Squat, Finster, and Goldar gathered around to see what was concealed in the bag.

“Aah…at last.”

She then lifts the fold open, revealing to be a book, a rather ancient on by the poor condition, and decades of wear, and tear.

“A book?!!”
“Quiet, you!”

The commanding officer then bashed Squat’s helmet into his head, temporarily silencing, and blinding the overweight monster. Rita, and Chrysalis continued to observe the book, as the two of them opened up the book, and going through the pages.

“I hope that this was worth risking a much valued monster of mine.”
“Have faith, my dear. This book is one of the oldest in Equestria. It is essentially the history of the entire kingdom. Dating further back before Celestia herself was even born.”
“Dare I ask the obvious...But, what exactly has this book have to do with our dilemma, your highnesses?”
"The ponies aiding the rangers are the bearers of the elements of harmony, the only force in this world powerful enough to stand in our way. Up until recently, the elements have always been in their possession. But, with a recent disturbance has forced them to return that power to its place of origin. The Tree of Harmony. But, despite their separation, the elements continue to grant those retched ponies their power.”

“It’s simple, numbskulls…we’re going to located the tree of harmony…”

Chapter 23 - The Prince, and the Cat

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Chapter 23
The Prince, and the Cat

After several hours of measuring, designing, and fittings, Rarity has finally accomplished the monumental task of constructing formal wear for Prince Blueblood of Canterlot, to wear on his first date with Trini. After adding the final touches, Rarity’s work was complete.

“There! All done.”

The noble colt took a good look in the mirror, examining the craftsmanship put into the outfit. Though he wouldn’t want to allow any clear indicators to his liking, he was rather impressed with how the suit turned out in the end.

“It’ll do.”
“Hmmph...Oh I do believe I missed a spot.”

The prince felt a sharp point pierce from behind, nothing as big as a blade, rather, like the sting of a bee. Both equally painful

“OW!...what was that.”
“Is everything alright, in there?”
“Oh, uh...yes. Yes, I’m perfectly alright.”
“Yes, we’re just about ready.”

Upon opening the curtain leading back to the main hallway, Blueblood beheld the beauty that was Trini, in the same outfit the night she first attended the gala. Though, Rarity had modified some of the detailing to give it a little more life into her work.

“Not bad, Rarity.”
"I always do my best, Trini.”
“You don’t look half as bad either, Blue.”
“Why…thank you.”
“So…where are we going?”
“Hmm?...Oh, yes! Well, I do have some reservations made at the Bannered Mare, here in town.”
“THE BANNERED MARE?!! The most highly rated restaurant in all of Ponyville?”
“It’s that big of a deal?”
"Only one of the finest spots in Equestria.”
“Rarity, you sound like your jealous?”
“…. No…no I am not.”
“We’d better get going. The reservation’s in about 20 minutes.”

Blueblood made his way towards the door, opening it for Trini, who looked back to see a concerned Rarity, who was a tad bit jealous.

“It’ll be okay, rare.”

With that said, the couple depart from the Carousel boutique, and off into the evening.


Meanwhile, in the fortress of Rita Repulsa, the empress herself, and her changeling companion begin packing a few essentials into bags for their journey to find the Tree of Harmony. When they had packed the last of their things, the two villainesses dawned their hooded cloaks.

“You are aware that this task is especially risky.”
“But, if that book of yours is correct. The risk will be worth it in the end.”
“The Tree of harmony should be at the other end of the ever free forest. The wildest parts of Equestria.”
“Indeed. Goldar!”
“Yes, my empress?”
“I entrust you with the palace, and my forces. See you do not fail me, while I am gone.”
“Of course, my queen.”
“My lieutenant has been instructed to keep my Changeling forces under control, with the help of Goldar of course.”
“Fear not, your highnesses, I will not fail.”

Without another word, the two sorceresses departed from the palace, just as a changeling, adorned with armor, approached Goldar.

“Commander Goldar.”
“Lieutenant Leather wing, reporting for duty.”
“Excellent. I have been waiting for you. I have an assignment for you.”

“We have received word from Changeling scouts that the yellow ranger is accompanying a member of the royal family this evening. Acquire this “Prince Blueblood”.”
“A bargaining chip?”
“Precisely. But should you run into trouble…”

Goldar then pointed to a new monstrous figure, who appeared out f the shadows. The beast bore a striking resemblance to a ram, only more deformed, and gruesome looking. Wearing armor similar to that of a knight.

“Ramelot! Ready for action, my master!”
“He is truly a sight to behold.”
“Now go…complete your task, lieutenant.”
“Yes, sir. At once.”

With that stated , Goldar, Leather Wing, and Ramelot made off through the palace door, accompanied by changelings, and putty patrollers alike.


Back in Ponyville, Trini is then seated by her date at the table that was booked for the two of them. Then Blueblood took his seat. As the prince took his seat, one of the waiters approached the table, awaiting to fill their evening meal.

"Ah welcome to the Bannered Mare, young lovers. How may I serve you this evening?”
“Oh…we’re just…”
“Just good friends.”
“I see…”
“Do you mind giving us a moment?”
“Of course, mad’am.”

Their waiter then departed, leaving the two to themselves. Then looked to Blueblood, who was looking at her with joy. Joy that was almost childlike, as if he knew some sort of secret she was unaware of.

“What’s with you?”
“I just can’t believe it…I’m actually here…with you.”
“I know it was you…at the ball.”
“What do you…?”
“The yellow one. That Power Ranger…. was you.”
“What? No…You must be mistaken.”
“It was you. I saw you transform into that heroic goddess.”

He then gestured Trini to look under the table, and low and behold, Trini gasped at the sight before her. Hidden just enough to keep out of sight was the dagger she lost in the Battle at the gala.

“Where’d you…”
“At the Gala…you lost it in the fighting. Further proving that you are the yellow ranger.”
“Is this why you wanted to go out with me? To blackmail me?!”
“NO! Nononono no. Not in the slightest. What could I possibly gain from that?”
“Oh, I don’t know…PUBLICITY?”
“…You think of me to stoop that low? I’m offended!”
“You? Offended?! If any should be offended, it’s Rarity. After the way you treated her all that time ago!”
“I think I’m done here.”

After gathering her belongings, Trini departed from the table approaching the exit when a loud sudden scream came from nearby. As she looked back, Putty Patrollers began to swarm the restaurant, terrorizing the patrons, as several changelings began harassing them as well. Low and behold, Goldar, the leader of Rita’s armies, was accompanied by Ramelot, scouting the area fpr their target.

“Spread out! Find Blueblood, and bring him to us!”
“…Oh no…”

Trini could see the patrollers, and changelings continuing their search, as they pass by the table where she, and Blueblood sat at. She could see only a bit of him sticking out from underneath. She then looked at her purse, and pulled out her morpher. She looked around to see nobody around, and raised her morpher into the air.


Finally, the patrollers, and changelings caught whiff of the princes’ hiding place, and flip the table to expose the terrified royalty. One putty grasped hold of his collar, and dragged the colt towards it’s griffon mater, and monstrous companion.

“Prince Blueblood, I presume.”
“ Tis the prince alright, mi’lord!”
“Wha…What do you want?!”
“Leverage, for my empress! You’ll do just fine!”

As the putties, and changelings began to drag their prize away, several shots were fired upon said troops. The two monsters looked to see a familiar yellow figure, armed with her blade blaster pointed at the two of them. Blueblood’s eye’s widened in joy to see his daring heroine before him, in the nick of time.

“You’re in trouble now, beast.”
“Well, if it isn’t the lonely yellow ranger?”
“No allies? Thou offends me!”
“I’m more than a match for the likes of you two!”
“Prepare to taste defeat, yellow ranger!”

The gryphon then discards the prince to the side, where he was then held back by putties, as Goldar, and Ramelot drew their swords. In turn, the yellow ranger too drew her remaining dagger, and converted her blade blaster into its sword like mode. Both sides charged towards one another, with blades in hand, and prepared to strike. Upon swinging distance, the two beasts swung their great swords down, only to be blocked by the two smaller blades. The battle continued to roar fiercely as Trini fought fiercely to keep the monsters at bay, the ponies who didn’t flee could only watch as the monster ganged up on the yellow super hero. Blueblood, too, felt helpless as both Goldar, and Ramelot corner Trini, and strike massive blows to her, igniting sparks that flew from each strike. The continuous strikes began to force the brave lone ranger to the ground. Goldar, and his companion laughed diabolically as they closed in for the kill.

“It’s over, ranger!”
“Thou has been beaten.”

The unicorn prince could see Trini struggled to get up with what little strength. But he knew she would need more time. As he struggled to break free, an idea occurred to him. He looked up to see a lone chandelier hung above the two monsters. Building what magic, he could muster, Blueblood aimed his horn towards a chink in the chains, and fired a single shot of magical energy severing the chain. Trini rolled away as the chandelier crashed down upon Goldar, and Ramelot, buying more time for the yellow ranger. Her attention then turned to the putties, holding Blueblood captive. She charged in, and slashed at the foot soldiers with her lone dagger. Once free the prince then got to his hooves, and levitated the missing dagger.

“I believe this belongs to you.”

Although unknown to Blueblood, Trini couldn’t help but let out a slight smile underneath her helmet, before shaking it off as Goldar, and Ramelot broke free of their setback. She briefly turned back to a relieved Blueblood.

“You better find cover!”

Once her date had cleared the battle zone, Trini readied both her daggers, as she charged in with the upper hand, and began slashing at the two monsters. Upon several hits, Goldar backed away from his partner, signaling the troops back to him.

“Now, Ramelot! See to her destruction!”

The gryphon then disappeared, as well as the other putties, back to their command post at the outskirts of Equestria. Leaving a lone Ramelot, with the task at hand.

“I shan’t fail thee, lord Goldar!”

Once more Trini, and Ramelot battled one another, slashing, and hacking at one another with their blades, while his blade dealt a great deal of damage from time to time, Trini’s Power Daggers were swift, and precise, as she made her cuts, and slashes, sending sparks in the air, weakening the monster before pulling out her Blade blaster, into its gun mode.

“Uh oh…”
“So long, Shakespeare, Show’s over!!!”

She then pulled the trigger, unleashing several blasts upon the knight like ram. The blasts had unleashed a large explosive force, rendering the monster into nothing more but bits of clay from whence he came from. Once the action settled down, several ponies came out of hiding, including a few staff, and applauded the heroic feat that had just preceded, just as Trini teleported out of the restaurant.


Sometime later, guard had shown up, as well as several law enforcement officers, who began examining the area, and inquiring what had transpired. Within the confines sat, a lone prince Blueblood, with his head low, letting out some sighs of depression.


His ears perked, as he lifted his head up to see that his date companion had returned to the scene. She proceeds to walked towards the unicorn, concerned about his well being.

“Oh. Miss Trini…I…”
“You okay? You hurt?”
“Oh…No…I’m quite fine. You?”
“Nothing that won’t heal.”
“That’s good.”

Trini couldn’t help but feel a little bad about the way she had treated him just a few minutes before hand.

“Look, Blue…I just wanted to…”
“No…you were right.”
“I…I am what you’d call a “Royal jerk”.”
“Hey…I didn’t mean to…”
“But, it’s true. I am a jerk. To both you, and …”
“Rarity. Yes…It’s just…I never met anyone who wasn’t like me. I was self absorbed, and a bit pompous…But then I met you…that night…that got me thinking differently. After your rescue, I…”
“I know…I know…You don’t want to see my face aga…”

To his surprise, he felt Trini’s lips place a slight kiss to his cheek. He blinked for a couple of seconds before looking back at Trini.

“We all make mistakes. It’s just matter of honing up to those mistakes that makes us jerks or not.”
“I really do want to apologies to Rarity…for both the gala…and the suit.”

He then lifted his left leg to she a slight tear in the suit, making his female companion giggle a bit. Trini then grasped him by the hoof, and the two of them walked out of the area.

"You know…The night’s still young. Want to grab something?”
“Uh...yeah...I’d like that. On me though…”


Several hours had passed before Blueblood has escorted Trini to the door of Rarity’s Carousel boutique, and leaving a short kiss on the lips. Once he departed, Trini let herself in, and passed by a sleeping rarity, snoring with a book in hoof, and a bow of popcorn nearby. The sound of the door closing had awakened the element of generosity, snorting, and murmuring.

“Oh…Trini dear…You’re home.”
“Yeah...Sorry to wake you.”
“It’s no problem. I was just…catching up on some reading.”
“I noticed.”
“So…how was your evening with that uncouth Blueblood?”
“Actually…it wasn’t terrible.”
“Hmmm? Come again?”
“Really. It was pretty good for our first date.”

She lets out a slight yawn.

“I’m heading to bed.”

The saber tooth ranger headed upstairs, leaving a dumbfounded Rarity alone with her thoughts.


Chapter 24 - Buying Time

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Chapter 24
Buying Time

-On board the Pony Express-

As the steam locomotive hurried through the snowy climate of the northern regions of Equestria, an awed Billy Cranston gazed out the window at the frozen landscape, accompanied by the equally intelligent alicorns princess, Twilight Sparkle.

“You’re gonna love it. The empire is just full of history, and culture.”
“I’m sure it does. I’ve been meaning to explore more of Equestria.”

The blue ranger couldn’t help but see just how giddy Twilight truly was. He knew that she was more eager to see her brother, and sister in law above all else. He couldn’t help but smile for her.

“You know… they’ll be glad to see you just as much.”
“Shining, and Cadence.”
“I know. I’m also can’t wait to see little Flurry Heart.”
“She’s my niece. Shining, and Cadence’s daughter.”
“They have a baby?”
“It happened a little while ago. Shining went through a little dilemma about being a dad, and all.”
“Well, I’d think parenthood would quite the stressful responsibility.”
“yeah. But, now Shiny’s a lot better, and loves Flurry with all his heart. Out of the possible outcomes, that has to be the best one.”
“I would hope so.”

A sudden jolt of the car signaled the two, and the other passengers that they had finally arrived at the station just outside of the providence of the Crystal empire. As the work ponies unloaded the cargo, the passengers made their ways off, and on the train. Once Twilight and Billy had stepped onto the station floor, they were greeted by a small squad of guards, led by non-other than Captain of the Guard himself, Prince Shining Armor.

“Hey there, Twiley.”

The alicorns of magic trotted towards her elder sibling, and wrapped her hooves around his neck in a loving embrace.

“It’s so good to see you again. B.B.B.F.F”
“You too, little sis.”

The captain then took notice of Billy, accompanying Twilight on her trip. Shining couldn’t help but smile as he shook Billy’s hoof.

“I see you brought your coltfriend too.”
“Ha ha! Relax, it’s a joke.”
“Oh…I see…That was…some joke.”
“For the record, we’re just…good friends.”
“Whatever you say, guys. Come on. Cadence and Flurry are just dying to see you, Twiley.”
“Then let’s not keep them waiting.”

The trio, accompanied by guards, departed from the train station, and began making their way towards the crystal palace.


-meanwhile, in Rita’s Fortress-

Goldar, and Leather wing were observing through Rita’s telescope, trying to get a view of their leader’s progress, as they made their way towards the tree of harmony. Upon further inspection. Commander Leather wing had just gained sight of Rita, and Chrysalis, approaching the edge of the Everfree forest.

“Commander, I have spotted them.”
“You have?”

The changeling then stepped to the side for the gryphon to gaze into the eye piece of Rita’s telescope, and low and behold there they were, the changeling queen, and the galactic sorceress themselves.

“They are proceeding into the forest, as scheduled. But, I fear for their success.”
“My empress will not fail, I swear it.”
“Neither shall my queen. But with the lack of activity since the encounter with the yellow ranger, and our failed kidnapping. Our enemies may grow suspicious.”
“I agree. We must throw them off their trail. It has to be bold enough to keep those ponies, and rangers occupied.”
“Might I make a suggestion?”
“What is it, Finster?”
“Speak quickly.”
“A short while ago, a changeling patrol returned with news of the blue ranger a companying the element of magic to the providence known as the Crystal Empire. As I have read up, it is run by The alicorns Cadence, and her Husband. It also appears This Captain Shining Armor is this Twilight’s brother."
“Yes…I recall him. The supposed to be mate for my queen, not too long ago.”
“Upon further inquiring, some changelings have told me that the alicorns Cadence, and him have had a child recently.”
“Perhaps, our kidnapping ploy can still pan out, if we only have to deal with one ranger, and at least two less powerful alicorns."
“I see…a more vulnerable target. Yes…this could be just what we need to keep their attention from Queen Chrysalis, and Empress Rita.”
“But, I have heard this empire is heavily guarded. Even with all the putties, we would still have trouble getting close.”

Leatherwing then pulls out a map of the empire, and lays it out onto a table.

“We will need to draw their attention away from the palace. Goldar, you and your putties will keep to the market area, with my changelings. While I will sneak in disguised as a guard, and grab the child from there.”
“yet should we failed to gain the infant. We will still have bought more time for our glorious leaders.”
“Finster. Ready as many putties as you can. Leatherwing, gather your changeling forces. Within an hour, we attack the empire.”
“By your command.”


-Back in the Crystal Empire-

Shining Armor, and company were approaching the entrance of the crystal palace. He signaled one of the guards at the door to open, allowing both Twilight, and Billy sight of the interior of the throne room, where a patient Cadence, and Flurry Heart sat. Once inside, the doors were shut, and an excited Cadence, with her child trotted towards Twilight.

“Hey, there.”

No longer able to hold back her joy, Twilight ran towards cadence, who welcomed her with open hooves. After a few seconds, the two of them stood apart from one another.

“What’re they...?”
“They have this little dance with each other. Cadence used to babysit Twiley when we were kids.”

Just as he stated, the two alicorns began to recite their little song, and dance.

“Sunshine, sunshine, Ladybugs away! Clap your hooves, and do a little shake!”

After giggling for a few moments, the two of them then tunred to see little flurry, wiggling in excitement.

“and how is this little cutie doing?”
“She’s just as excited to see you too, Twiley.”

The princess of love then turned her attention towards Billy Cranston, who looked a bit nervous to be around.

“Oh, where are my manners. I don’t believe we were fully introduced at the gala. I am Princess Cadence of the Crystal empire.”
“I’ve heard a lot about you, and her brother, your husband. How the two of you held of this King Sombra a little while ago."
“Well, yes. Though, it was a bit exhausting. But, now…with chrysalis, and this Rita abroad. Sombra was nothing.”
“We will stop them.”
“Well…enough with this dreary talk.”
“We’ve got a lot to talk about. It’s nice to finally meet one of the Power Rangers personally.”

Just then, one of the palace maids stepped forward, and whispered a few words into the princesses’ ears. Cadence nodded, and then gestured her hoof to dismiss the maid, then lead her company towards another room.

“I’ve just been informed that tea’s ready.”


After a hour or so, Cadence and Shining decided to give Twilight, and Billy a tour of the empire, leading them through the market square, where it was more lively than ever. Billy was quite amazed at how the ponies were crystalized.

“If you don’t mind my inquiry, why are these ponies all crystalized?”
“Well, Billy. As Princess Celestia told me. It would be because the empire is filled with love, and hope. Something that she hopes would spread all over Equestria.”
“It’s all possible because of the Crystal Heart, the source of the empire’s power.”
“Fascinating. It really is.”
“Now tell me. What’s it like to be a ranger?”
“Well, it has it’s share of perks. But for the most part…it’s pretty responsible. Keeping Rita, and her monsters at bay.”
“The same can be said about running an empire.”
“I suppose so. Though, I personally wouldn’t know that.”

As they continued their stroll, a loud sudden explosion occurred in the middle of the market place, scattering debris all around, causing ponies to panic as the smoke cleared to see Goldar, and a platoon of changelings and putties commencing their attack.

“So, this is the mighty Crystal empire?! Don’t make me laugh!”
“It’s that gryphon! From the gala!”

As Goldar commenced his attack, several guard on hand began to engaged the enemy troops. Though as valiant as their effort was, eventually proved fruitless, as the putties, and changelings began overwhelming them. Providing The changeling Leatherwing an unconscious guard the means to carry out the dastardly plan laid out.

“Now…onto more pressing matters.”

Chapter 25 - The Capture of Goldar!!!

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Chapter 25
The Capture of Goldar!!!

As Chaos brewed in the market square, the guards fought their hardest to hold back the horde before them. But over the course of the battle, the putties, and changlings outnumbered them eight to one, and began thinning out the guards. Leading the defense was none other than Shinning Armor himself. Firing magical blasts of energy at the enemies.

“HOLD YOUR POSITIONS!!! We have to keep them from spreading through the rest of the empire!”
“But, we’re taking a heavy toll!”
“We can’t hold them off for long!”

As the guards continued to hold the line, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence, and Bill Cranston were hidden within an alleyway, trying to get communications online between them, and the command center.

“Come in, command center. Come in! Alpha..Do you read?!!”
“Billy…We hear you…ayiyiyiyiyiyiyiye! What’s going on?"
“Changelings, and putties! Goldar’s leading an attack on the Cyrstal Empire!”
“Oh dear!”
“Alpha, contact the other rangers and sned them towards the empire. Billy, I’m afraid you will have to hold off the enemy forces until Jason and the others arrive.”
“Understood, Zordon.”
“Here they come!”
“Okay then… IT’S MORPHING TIME!!!”

He reached for his belt, and pulled out his power morpher. Raising the device into the sky, and called out his dinosaur.


In a blinding flash of light, Billy had morphed into his ranger form, and pulled out his mighty power lance, ready for the action that was to come.

“Come on! We’ve got to hold them off.”

Without another hesitating moment, the trio made off into the battle. They can see a small platoon of soldiers being heavily pounded by putties, and changelings, firing magic, and projectiles at the guards. But as one changeling was about to pounce upon an injured guard. It was then struck down by a thrown object, creating sparks as the creature was struck down. The guard looked to see that it was the blue ranger, charging into battle as if a ray of hope had finally arrived.


Billy then got down to check on the soldier’s condition.

“Soldier, you alright?”
“Yeah…just winged me.”
“Can you move?”
“Yes, your highness.”
“Fallback to safer lines. We’ll handle things from here!”
“But, your highness…”
“That’s an order!”
“As you command.”

With what strength he had left, the guard then began trotting back to the safety of the barricade, while the horde charged forward towards the trio, ready for the inevitable conflict. Billy then took his power lance, and split the weapon in half, holding each end in both hooves.

“Guys…get here soon.”


-Meanwhile, in the Crystal Palace-

Several guards, and staff members were placed near the castle door, when a new disguised Leatherwing hesitantly trotted up to the entrance. After catching his breath, Leatherwing, in his pony form, began relaying false news.

“The prince demands…all available units…to report to the square…reinforcements…required.”
“Has it gone that bad?”
“We’ve got to go.”
"But we can’t just leave our post!”
“Go on. We’ll be alright.”
“I will stay, to make sure of that.”

Without any more hesitation the two guards made off for the battlefield, leaving the staff in deceitful hands. Knowing that his magic was fading quickly, Leatherwing made haste up the stairs, followed by some rather inquisitive staff members.

“What’s going on?!”
“There’s been an attack in the square. Don’t worry. The situation is under control. But, her highness has asked me to see to it her child is removed from the palace should the violence spread.”
“But. But we were told to keep Princess flurry heart here. Isn’t it riskier to bring her out into the open battle?”
“These were my orders by Captain Shining armor himself! Now, stand aside, and let me escort the infant princess out!”
“I don’t care what you say! You’re not taking her out unless it’s safe, or if I hear from the captain or princess themselves!”

In a blind fit of rage, Leatherwing discarded his disguise to reveal his true form. That of a changeling commander. This got the maid to back away, close to the door to Flurry heart’s nursery, with magic aura surrounding her horn.

*sigh*"…I wish this would’ve ended more peacefully."


-Back in the market square-

As the horde continued to engulf any who’d oppose them, Twilight, Billy, Cadence, and Shining continued fighting their way, cutting down any who dared challenge them. Twilight, continued to fire magical bolts at both putty patrollers, and changeling troopers alike, while Billy hacked, and slash his way through with his power lance. Blocking any potentially harmful strikes from both putties, and changelings. Meanwhile, Shining Armor, hacked, and cut his foes down with his crystal sword, and blocked enemy projectiles with his shield, while his mate continued to fire magical bolts like a machine gun, cutting down all who stood in the way. As they fought with such ferocity, the changelings, and putties began falling back.

“They’re retreating.”
“Negative, merely falling back.”
“But why?”
“That would be because of me!!!”

In a flash, Goldar brought down his sword between the four ponies, causing sparks to fly as they separated from one another, leaving Goldar, and the Blue ranger isolated. Regaining focus, Billy readied his power lance by combing both ends. Once more, the gryphon charged in, counted by Billy charging, clashing both their weapons with one another. Though each managed to landed a few blows to one another, the two of them continued their struggle. Though after a few seconds had passed, Billy had finally struck down his foe, disarming him of his sword.

“It was a huge tactical error for you to attack the empire, Goldar.”
*binds Goldar* “We’ve finally got you now, monster.”
“But, at what cost? The life of a little filly, princess?”
“A filly?”
“You never know who you can trust these days…with changelings about and all.”

Just as Goldar concluded his yammering, Twilight, Billy, and the royal couple saw emerald lights coming from the palace. A sudden dread fell over Cadence’s face…as if she realized what they had truly planned. Without another thought, she dashed off towards the palace, followed by her husband, her sister in law, and the blue ranger. As they approached the palace, they could see standing at the door way, a certain changeling holding the infant Flurry heart.

“My...what a pretty little thing, isn’t she?”
“Let her go!”
“You presume to command?”

Billy raised his power lance, ready to strike.

“and you, ranger…would you honestly dare risk an innocent life to get to me?”

Realizing the depth of the situation, The blue ranger had no other alternative than to discard his weapon. A smirk crawled over the changeling’s face, pleased by what has transpired.

“That’s better.”
“This is low, even for your standards.”
“This day will live on in the hive chronicle, as the day an entire was brought to its knees over a simple child. As of this moment, the crystal Empire now belongs to my empress, Queen chrysalis, and the great sorceress, Rita Repulse!”

The changeling then pointed his horn towards, Cadence, and Shining. Charging up a large magical blast.

“My queen sends her regards, princess…”

As the magical projectile hurtled towards the two ponies, they both held on to one another as if they were accepting the n. But as the bolt drew closer, the saw a blue figure fly right into its path, and initially taking the hit in their place, sending him scotched, and beaten to the side.


Leatherwing with his diabolical laughter, and the screaming constantly going on, Flurry heart began to wail uncontrollably. Twilight, and Shining rushed over to Billy’s side to see the damage. Thought the two of them tried to help him up. The blue ranger, shanking them off, so that he could get up by himself.

“I’m…I’m alright.”
“Don’t scare me like that.”
“Aah…you’re stronger than I had thought, ranger…But, even you aren’t strong enough to face me alone.”
“That’s why he’s got us!”
Leatherwing: “Huh?”

As if out of nowhere, leather wing was shot from behind by a charged arrow, forcing him to toss Flurry heart into the air. But before she could touch the ground, a pink magical aura surrounded the infant, and was levitated close to her mother, Cadence. As she comforted little flurry heart, the baby’s cries began to damper down.

“Oh my baby.”
“Is she…”
“She’s alright.”
“AAAAAAAGH! Who dares, strike me?!!!”

Out of the place stood the pink ranger, Kimberly as she was known to friends. She readied her bow once more, and fired another shot, sending Leatherwing rolling down the stairs. Once he reached the bottom, changelings, and putties began to swarm around him, offering a form of protection while he recovered. It was round that time the other rangers rushed to Billy, and the ponies, to assess the situation.

“Billy, You okay?”
“Affirmative…I should be fine.”
“and you guys?”
“We’re fine. Now that Flurry’s safe.”
“Going after kids now, bug brains?! That’s a new low.”
“It’s time we thought you a lesson.”
“You got that right.”
“Cause we’re the power rangers!”
“And united, we stand!”
“Alright Rangers, Let’s do this!!!”

The monstrous horde then began their charge, heading towards the six rangers, now armed with their power weapons, and too charging at them. As the fighting went underway, Kimberly fired her arrows, striking her foes down. Often resorting to hand to hand combat to drive off any too close to range. Trini however, embraced the close combat as she slashed, and stabbed her way through the changelings, and putties with her power daggers, igniting sparks upon sparks, forcing the troops to the ground like flies. Zack, armed with the mighty power axe, swung precisely, and cautiously around his opponents, making sure none of them hit him, though sometimes he would be struck, but that did not reframe him from going on. Billy, still recovering, twirled his power lance defensively, driving back any who would come near him. As for Tommy, he hacked and slashed with Jason as the two of them made their way towards Leatherwing, who readied his sword to clash with Jason’s and Tommy’s. The sounds of clanging metal, and sharp scrapes can be heard as the battle intensified. Both sides had blocked each other’s attacks, and landing a few minor injuries. Though inevitably, Leatherwing was disarmed, and forced back.

“Gaaaah!....You meddlesome rangers!”
“Alright guys, let’s bring them together!”

Knowing the drill, each of the rangers readied their weapons, tossing each into the air one by one.

“Power Axe!”
“Power Bow!”
“Power Daggers!”
“Power Lance!”
“Power Sword!”

Leaping into the air, Jason then connects his power sword with the rest of the combined power weapons, completing one of the most power full weapons in existence…

“Power Blaster!”
“…What is that?!”

All at once a large collection of energy was shot out of the mighty Power Blaster, hurtling the energy towards their target, the changeling commander himself. As the beam passed through, Leatherwing was set ablaze in sparks, draining him of his energy. Forcing him to the ground before igniting in a giant fireball explosion.

Seeing their commander’s defeat, the changelings began to flee back to the safety of the fortress, followed closely behind by the remaining putty patrollers. The rangers looked to see some of the guards hauling Goldar, bound in chains.

“What should we do with this one?”
“…. Rangers?”
“We lock him up. For now, We’ll need to discuss with Zordon for further instructions.”
“HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!...It won’t matter what you do…the more time you waste with me; the more time I buy for my empress.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“I more than confident that the purple one knows…”

Twilight could tell by the look on his face that Goldar was indeed hiding something. Something vital to him, and to his cause. Deep down she felt that the attack was just somehow a cloak to hide Rita, and Chrysalis’s true intentions.

“What are you hiding from us?”
“Aah…I do believe it’s what you’ve been hiding from us…a certain tree, I recall…”

Upon hearing that word, Twilight's face bore the most dreaded expression of fear in her eyes, as her jaw dropped.

“Twilight…do you know what he’s talking about?”
“…Yes…But we need the others…We need to get to Canterlot…. NOW

Chapter 26 - The Beginning of the End - Pt.1

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Chapter 26
The Beginning of the End - Pt.1

-Deep within the Everfree forest-

As the two sorcerers continued their quest through the dark, and murky woods before them, a disheartened, and exhausted Rita Repulsa began to question whether the Tree of Harmony truly existed. This strain began to take its toll on the galactic sorceress, as bugs continued to swarm over her head.

“GAAAAAH!!! Will this stupid flies just go away?!!”
“I told you to pack some bug spray before we left.”
“Ugh…Don’t remind me. How far are we from this Tree of Harmony, anyways?”
“Not too far, I’m sure of it.”
“It better be.”

Upon arriving to a small clearing, the two villainesses could see what appears to be the entrance to a cave of some sort. This sparked a moment of joy in the changeling queen as she began to laugh and giggle uncontrolablly.

“What?...What is it?”
“This is it! This is the place!”
“This…Is where the tree is?”
” Indeed, my friend. We are but one step closer to killing two birds with one boulder.”
“This place doesn’t look so guarded.”
“Many have thought the tree to be a myth…But we must still be cautious. As you are aware…Looks can be deceiving.”

Without hesitating for another second, Rita, and Chrysalis enter into the cavern mouth, determined more than ever to put an end to their foes, and conquering all life as they know it.


-Back in the Command Center-

In thein the main hall of the command center, Princesses Celestia, Luna, Twilight were going over the history of Canterlot with The other elements of Harmony, and the Power rangers. It was at one point where Twilight took great concern when Celestia began explaining the elements to the group.

“Now, your highness. If you would please…”
“Certainly, old friend. As you briefly heard between me and Zordon. Many years ago, he, and alpha came to our world, and offered us aid to defeat Discord, the embodiment of chaos. He offered us a tiny crystalized seed. When planted, it grew into what we know as the tree of harmony. The tree bore the Elements of Harmony, Generosity, Kindness, Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter, and Magic, which Luna and I used to vanquish discord…and which I used to banish Luna for a time.”
"But. Why?”
“Because Luna wasn’t in her right mind. She became this entity called Nightmare moon. And wanted to bring eternal darkness to Equestria. It was because of her, I met the girls.”
“Yes…it wasn’t the best of times.”
“I understand what you went through, Luna.”
“To be honest, I wasn’t always a good ranger in the beginning.”
“Rita kidnapped him, and turned him into the green ranger, to try and stop us.”
“So tommy was a bad guy?”
“Not anymore, thankfully.”
“Oh you poor thing.”
“But, what do you suppose they would want with this tree?”
“If I were to guess…I say they would seek to do what any opponent would do…cripple our greatest asset….destroying the elements themselves.”
“and if they succeed?”
“Well, according to some sources, and Twilight. If that were to happen, the consequence would be catastrophic.”
“The tree is what keep the Everfree forest alive. Without it…the planets will die.”
“Along with any other plant life. Including the farm…”
“So basically…If we lose that tree…”
“We lose everything…”

The ponies began to hold their heads low, thinking of the possibly worst outcome should they fail. But, one hoof slammed itself on the table. Twilight looked to see it belonged to Jason lee Scott. Looking more determined than ever before.

“We’re not gonna let that happen. Not on our watch.”
“He’s right!”
“We still got a chance.”
“We have to stop them.”
“Indeed we shall, Rangers.”
“But…where exactly is this tree?”
“The tree itself lies within a cavern. Deep in the Everfree forest, not far from the ruins of an old palace Luna and I used to occupy.”
“I’ve given Alpha the coordinates to the mouth of the cave.”
“We’re set to go, rangers, and ponies.”
"Hurry, all of you. Tine is of the essence.”
“Gotcha! We’re out of here.”
“We won’t fail you princess.”
“I know you won’t.”

Celestia couldn’t help but wrap her arms around her pupil, holding her for a brief moment of time. Knowing the true danger Twi, and the others faced ahead. But, none the less, the alicorns of day let go of her fellow alicorns, who joined her group of friends as they were beamed out of the command center and into the unknown.

“Zordon. You sure they intend to destroy the elements.”
“I am quite certain. Which is why we will need to be ready if the next phase is to be successful.”
”I hope this plan of yours works, old friend. For the sake of both our worlds, for all worlds for that matter.”
“I will contact Shining Armor, and Cadence at once.”


-Back in the Everfree forest-

The group of ponies had arrived at the entrance of the cave. Wasting no time, the elements, and rangers sped into the cavern, hoping to reach the tree before the two sorceresses, or stop them from destroying the tree altogether. As they charged in, they could see in the distance two figures, accompanied by several other figures observing the tree.

“The tree of harmony…”
“So…it does exist.”
“Leatherwing’s sacrifice will not be forgotten, nor will it be in vain.”
“Once we destroy the tree. Nothing will stand against us…not even…”

The two forces looked back to see Twilight Sparkle, Jason lee scott, and the others were standing near the exit, trapping the putties, and changelings. Rather than look scared, Rita, and Chrysalis looked on in anticipation.

“So…the moment has arrived.”
“The final battle…good vs. evil.”
“The fate of the world, hanging in the balance.”
“It was a mistake for you to come here!”
“We’re not gonna let you destroy the tree!”
“Is that so?!”
“We shall see…”

In one horde of pure evil, both putties, and changelings charged in on the twelve of them. Twilight, and the girls readied themselves to fight, while the rangers readied their morphers, and raised them into the air.


In a blinding flash of light, the rangers then appeared in their uniforms, armed with their power weapons. With the Rangers at their side, the elements, lead the charge as both sides clashed with one another. Fighting for the fate of Equestria. Twilight fired several magical spells upon the changelings, while Billy steadied his power lance, and he swung it down upon any foe who dare stand against him. Sparks flew with each swing, as the lance struck down changeling, and putty alike. Applejack bucked, and kicked in all sorts of places where it would hurt the changelings, the face, the knees, the groin. Just anywhere to disable as many enemies as possible. Jason in turn hacked, and slashed each putty as they came charging in. As several putties charged, the red ranger readied his blade blaster, and fired several shots upon the clay abominations. Fluttershy, and Tommy fought back as much of the enemy as they can, though the green ranger did most of the fighting. There was one changeling that snuck up on Tommy. But before any real damage was done, the element of kindness clobbered the changeling in the head, rendering him unconscious. Kimberly, and Rainbow Dash had no trouble at all pounding their enemies, whether they used their hooves, or the power bow, no one in their path stood much of a chance against the pegasi duo. Though not much of a fighter, Rarity did the best she could to aid Trini, a she hacked and slashed through Putties and changelings with her mighty power daggers. The element of Generosity fired several powerful magical blasts, knocking any foe to the side who got by Trini, and her dagger blades. Zack and Pinkie too had their share of enemy forces to deal with. While Zack swung his power axe at anything that moved, Pinkie readied her party cannon. One of the putties tossed a bomb into the air, landing in Pinkie’s hooves. As she saw the fuse burn up, she looked around, trying to find a safe place to dispose the bomb. But where ever shy tried, someone she cared about was in the way. When the fuse was just seconds from detonation, the element of laughter then looked to the reader…

“Somedays, you just can’t get rid of a bomb.”

Seeing no alternative, Pinkie loaded the explosive into the cannon and fired up. Upon impact, the bomb exploded, causing the roof to collapse, with several chunks of debris, falling on the remaining enemy forces. Leaving the rangers, ponies, and witches unharmed.

“Uh oh…”
“Rangers, NOW!”
“Alright guys! Let’s put them together!”

Just like before, the ranger each readies their weapon to combine with one another.


Upon completing the power blaster, the rangers took aim at both the evil equines, ready to finish the war once and for all. While Chrysalis was deeply terrified, Rita seemed rather aggravated, having enough of their constant interference.

“Well…Rita…it’s been a privilege knowing you…”
“RRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHH! I’m not gonna be bested by a bunch of stupid bedwetting teenagers, and their fairy horse friends!!!”

As the rangers open fired upon the two, Rita held her staff out, countering g the energy with all her magic. The force of the beam began to push her back.

“No way!”

Upon realization, Chrysalis looked to see her friend holding back all she could. She too used her magic to help diverge the blast. Both sorceresses looked to one another, and nodded, and began to smile most diabolically as they began to alter the course f the blast…right into the tree itself…


But, it was far too late. Upon impact, the tree of Harmony shattered into several chunks cause the cave to slightly collapse on itself. Rubble, and rocks fell as dust overcame the area. When it finally cleared, the ponies, and rangers looked on in horror as they heard Rita’s and Chrysalis maniacal laughter echo throughout the stormy night, leaving behind nothing but crystallized rubble that was once the Tree of harmony.


Chapter 27 - The Beginning of the End - Pt.2

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Chapter 27
The Beginning of the End - Pt.2

- In the streets of Ponyville –

Like a seeping illness, Panic, and Chaos began to spread all over Ponyville. As the streets were fill with fleeing civilians, running away from the vast hordes of Changelings, and Putty patrollers, now under the command of the now free Goldar, monitored by Both sorceresses themselves, Rita Repulsa, and Chrysalis.

“ HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Now, this is more I like it!”
“This day has been just perfect. The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. Everypony I'll soon control. Every stallion, mare, and foal. Who says a girl can't really have it all? Ha ha HAAAAA!"
“Yay! Yippee!”
“Victory! Absolute victory!”
"We are but one step closer towards total domination, my friends.”

The changeling queen then motioned a small squad of changelings, who then present a large barrel of what contained apple cider. With her held up pride fully, Chrysalis then poured several classes of the apple fluids, and presented them to both Rita, and her minions, as well as herself.

“My friends…we raise our glasses to victory.”
“All hail Empress Chrysalis! All Hail Empress Rita!”

The group continued to watch the chaos brew below them form high on the balcony of town hall. Seeing Ponies flee for their lives, and the guards fending off the horrific creatures, and eventually being overran with the beasts Yet Finster seemed concerned.

“Your highnesses…not to put a damper on this victory party…But we still have a slight, and yet persistent problem.”
“The Power Rangers? Ha! Don’t make me laugh.”
“Grrr…No, he’s right. Even without those ponies, they still give me migraines.”
“it won’t be long until they decide to come after us. They can’t stay away from seeing the innocent suffer for long.”
“Let them come…their defeat will only spice our victory. Once they’re out of the picture…we’ll march for Canterlot, and take it by force should that weakling Celestia refuses to yield it.”
“Indeed. Once Canterlot is mine…Earth shall be yours with my help. Just as we bargained.”
“You know…why should we stop our alliance there?”
“United we were able to destroy elements of Harmony. Together we shall destroy those power rangers. Why, we can conquer the whole universe if we sought to!”
“Absolute power…”
“What do you say…friend?”

The changeling queen let out a sinister smirk. The more she thought of it, the more she desired so to be worshiped as the goddess she so dreamed about from a small age.

“Perhaps our alliance can last a little longer…Friend.”

-Back in the Command center-

Jason had presented the now shattered remains to Zordon, with his head lowered in shame. As if he were the one responsible for the tragic destruction.

“This is all we could salvage, zordon.”
“And of the tree?”

Twilight’s eyes began to moisten. Unable to look her mentor in the face after failing to protect the tree. Her eyes were shut as her tears began to flow gently downward like a flowing river. While her eyes were closed, she felt a large body wrap itself around her. She opened them once more to see Celestia was the being. Doing her best to comfort her student. Not what Twilight had pictured as an initial response.

"There, now Twilight. It wasn’t your fault.”
“She’s right, Twilight…. It was my fault.”

Everyone looked at Jason, shocked to hear such words coming from him.

"Jason, no…”
“You simple can’t blame this on yourself.”
“Yeah, who would’ve thought old bug brain and witch nitch could’ve…”
“Guys… It was my call to unite the weapons. It was me who pulled the trigger.”
“But it wasn’t you who reflected the blast, man. None of us saw that coming.”
“Jason, we’re a team remember. We’re all accountable.”
“Yeah, even that was a calculated stroke of luck, on their part.”
“Come on, J.S…we’re still in this…right?”
“I…I don’t know…”

Without uttering another word, Jason walked out of the center of the Command center, heading outside.

“Wait…let him go.”

Applejack couldn’t bear to see her friend in this sort of shape. So, as any caring friend would do, she bolted out after Jason. Hoping to see if there was anything that could be done to ease his burden. Upon reaching the outside, she saw the red ranger, sitting on a rock, looking out towards Canterlot, now shielded by a magical barrier in these times of panic. The cow mare then approached her ranger counterpart, and sat next to him.

“I’ve thought about that day…when you and I first met. How…just how it all happened. How we came here…”
“Your cheeks were red when you made eye contact with me.”
“Look, Jason. I don’t blame you for anything. Neither should you. It wasn’t your fault. Jason…you are the most responsible guy I have ever come to know. You’ve shown every one of us what it means to be a leader, to keep others out of trouble. Heck even Twilight took a few pointers from you. You’re strong and smart, and Zordon couldn’t have found a better choice to lead you rangers. Now…”

In one swift movement, Applejack, the element of Honesty had locked her lips with that of the Red Tyrannosaurs ranger. Though only lasting a few seconds, Jason felt something different, something that both set his heart aflame, and yet..broken.

“The moment you saved my hide, I knew there was something about you. Even before finding out about the rangers. Heck…my entire family saw something worthwhile in you, and you’ve met’em.”

Jason couldn’t help but smile for her. He felt a sense of joy flow through him, though this feeling would gradually fade. the memory of this feeling would strive him towards feeling it again, even in their darkest hour.

“Now, buck up, Partner…we still got a fight ahead of us. We still need you…I need you.”


Back inside, the rangers and ponies were discussing among themselves the course of action to come when Jason, and Applejack returned inside. They could see that the ranger had a different mood as apposed to when he left.

“Alright, guys…why don’t we show those two hags what they’re up against.”

Twilight then projected a mini map of Ponyville, showing the current damage to the town under Rita, and Chrysalis’s regime.

“As of now, Chrysalis, and Rita have occupied themselves in town hall, overseeing the initial attack on the town. The building is heavily guarded, from all corners, in each direction. Both ground, and air. To even set foot in the building, we need to approach this in as little numbers as we can.”
“How’re we gonna get twelve ponies inside without being noticed.”
“You will not.”

The ponies, and rangers looked to Zordon in confusion.

“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean that the ponies shall not be accompanying you rangers, this time.”
“Without the elements. There is very little you can do, My little ponies.”
“I guess it’s just the six of us.”
“I am sorry, Tommy. But you must not enter this mission either.”
“Zordon. You can’t.”
“I’m sorry Rangers…But there is no other way.”

The five rangers looked at one another, a bit shaken. None the less, the nodded with one another, and turned back to Zordon, determined to end this reign of terror, once and for all.

“Alright…let’s do this.”
“Alpha. Teleport them as close to the center of Ponyville as you can.”
“Good luck rangers…Aiyiyiyiee.”

With a few switches flipped, and buttons pressed upon numerous times, the five original rangers were beamed out to the command center, determined not to fail a second time. Leaving a confused, and frustrated Tommy Oliver behind with an equally frustrated Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t understand…why are you holding me back, zordon?! They need me out there!”
“Yeah! And Ponyville needs us! That’s our home being sacked! You just expect us to just watch it burn to the ground?!! HUH?!!”
“Rainbow dash!”
“ I know your frustrated, both f you. I know what I asked was a great burden on you all. But if this weren’t important, and vital to our success…”
“What is so important that you had to keep me back?”
“It is quite simple…to train them.”

Tommy, and the ponies looked to Zordon confused as to what he had just said. Not sure of this, the green ranger then turned to see Alpha 5 returning from another room, carrying what looked like a closed case.

“I hope this works, zordon. Aiyiyiyy.”
“Zordon…are those…?”
“Now, you see why it was vital you remain for now.”
“What’s he talking about? What’s in that…”

Upon opening the box, the mane six gathered in awe as the box shined a bright golden shine upon them.

“Are those…?”
“I think so…”

Chapter 28 - The Beginning of the End - Pt.3

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Chapter 28
The Beginning of the End - Pt.3

-Back in Ponyville-

Within the perimeter of town square, the changelings, and putties continued their harassment, and chases, as Jason and his party silently, and swiftly made their way towards town hall, hoping to catch both Rita, and Chrysalis off guard in their drunken victory celebration. Seemingly unnoticed, they came upon the entrance into the building.

“Alright guys…this is it. Our last stand.”
“Indeed it is, Red Ranger!!!”

The Power rangers looked to the sky to see not only Goldar, But Chrysalis, and Rita hovering over them, as swarms of Putty Patrollers, and changeling soldiers began to encircle the five heroes. Blocking any chance of escape should the fight prove unfavorable.

“What’s this? Tommy’s nowhere to be found? I’m surprised he was smart enough to run away.”
“So too did those meddlesome Elements…or should I say…EX ELEMENTS?!!”
“You’re not gonna get away with this!”
“We’re taking you down!”
“And sending you back!”
“Cause we’re the Power Rangers!”
“and we’ll fight to the bitter end!!!”
“Alright rangers…IT’S MORPHIN’ TIME!!!”

Once more, possibly the last time…each ranger raised their power morpher into the sky, and called forth their powers from the ancient dinosaurs…


As the light cleared, the power rangers armed themselves with their legendary power weapons, ready to commence the finally battle. Goldar waved his sword forward, leading the charge with the first wave of troops to the attack. As the two sides clashed, each ranger fought their own multitude of putties, and changelings. Jason with his power sword swung at each foe with great force. Clashing, and clanging with the blades of his enemies, often rendering them wounded, or defeated. After several strikes, his eye was now set on Goldar. Sensing the tension between them, the gryphon readied his blade, as he began his final clash with the red ranger. While Zack, and Trini had each pothers backs, as the Black ranger brought down his power axe upon the oncoming putties that dare cross his path. Trini in turn slashed, and cut the changelings that were unlucky enough to stand in her way, and her power dagger’s blades. Billy kept his half a bay with the help of his power lance, pushing back, and swinging the sharpened edges at anything that moved. Meanwhile Kimberly fired her bow constantly hitting each target as they came at her. However, due to the mass of the enemy force. The ranger began to over whelm them, landing slight hits on them. Having enough of their foolishness, Rita, and Chrysalis open fired from their horns and wand, causing a great explosion, injures the rangers. Upon collapsing, each ranger was then brought to their knees, held down in defeat.

“Even you rangers are no match for our combined powers.”
“Now to finish this, Once and for all!”

The two sorceresses, and their prisoners looked to see several figures in the east. Shrouded by the rising sun as they approached Ponyville. But once enough light had laminated the area they all could see that it was none other than the elements of Harmony themselves. Applejack the honest, Rarity the generous, Rainbow Dash the loyal, Fluttershy the kind, Pinkie Pie of laughter, and Twilight Sparkle, alicorns of magic. The six of them then stopped as they stood face to face with Rita and Chrysalis.

“Well, well well…if it isn’t the elements.”
“Come to save your little friends?! HA!”
“Darn toot’in!”
“And kicking your sorry plots!”
“Ha! Without your elements? Don’t make me…”
“Oh…you mean…these?”

Before their very eyes, the two evil conjurers could see on their left hooves, what appear to be the symbols for each element of harmony. Based on each mare’s cutie marks. Chrysalis’s eyes widened in disbelief. This startled the changelings who slowly backed away slightly.

“And these aren’t just for show!”
“Alright, girls…”

Similar to their ranger friends, each pony raised their element into the sky, calFlling out the name of each element they bore…


In a simalr flash of light, Rita, and Chrysalis well as Jason and the others could see, that the ponies now bore Multicolored outfits. Each ponies outfit was identical to one another, Their helmets shared the similar design of their solid color, with a trim of gold, and silver mouth pice, without the lips. Their visors were pure black and tinted. Their uniforms were each a solid cover, with gold trim on the side, indicating their numbers, and a black and gold symbol of their elements on their chests. Their boots and gloves were solid white, with a gold trim at the ends up. The uniforms also included skirts match similar to Kimberly’s, and much like the mighty morphin power rangers, their morphers reside upon their belt buckles.

“NO! IT cannot be!”
“No way!”
“This is morphenomenal!!!”
“Alright, Rangers! Let’s give give these guys a hand! Red Harmony Element Ranger: Honesty!”
“Blue Harmony Element Ranger: Loyalty!”
“Black Harmony Element Ranger: Generosity!”
“Yellow Harmony Element Ranger: Kindness!”
“Pink Harmony Element Ranger: Laughter!”
“Violet Harmony Element Ranger: Magic!”

Unlike the other element rangers, Twilight bore an over chest plate armor, much like Tommy’s, with more alicorns detailing.

“Elements of Harmony! Power Rangers United!”

Now driven by a new sense of hope, Jason and the other Rangers fought their way out of the clutches of Rita, and Chrysalis’s forces, and regrouped with the girls.

“Guys! Are you alright?!!”
“Never better, Twi.”
“Like the outfits, darlings?”
“They’re incredible!”
“Compliments of Zordon, and Celestia.”
“Now let’s send these guys running!”
“Alright, Power Rangers! Let’s do this!”
“Ugh! THAT’S IT!!!”
“I will dispose of these pests! Putties, changelings, ATTACK!!!”

Charging into battle the horde was quickly countered by the now eleven power rangers, who readied their new weapons and powers. Jason and Applejack wielded their great swords, sparring with any who would rise to their challenge. Yet it would prove futile as each opponent fell. Twilight, and Billy on the other hand engaged the foe with the power lance, and Twilight’s staff, using it not only to clobber putty heads in. But, also to counter any changeling projectile spells as well. Trini and Rarity Teamed up, taking on the bad guys with the power daggers, and Rarity’s escrima sticks, pounding, and slashing each baddie to tiny bits.

“I’m not one for violence…But this feels good.”
“keep it up Rare, we’re not finished yet!”

Zack and Pinkie held off a bunch of putties with nothing more than Zack’s power axe, and Pinkie’s new war hammer. In one instance, she began to set up the putties and began to whack each one of their heads in as if they were nothing more than an arcade game.

“I win!”

As Kimberly continued to use her powerful Power bow, Rainbow Dash preferred a more hands on approach as she began pulverizing g each enemy with her new numb chucks, whacking each putty or changeling’s face in, even managing to knock some teeth out. While Fluttershy continued to pound numerous changelings in with specially designed boxing gloves. Even though the putties and changelings were her enemies, she couldn’t help but feel bad each time she won.

“Oh dear. I hope that didn’t hurt too badly.”

As the battle raged on, the toll on the changelings was too much as they saw that no ground was being gained. Many of them began to retreat out of the city. Those who remained decided to gather the monarchs, and flee, or face an unbeatable foe. Chrysalis, and Rita also began to think that they were routed, and so began to flee into an alley way when…

“Going somewhere, you two?”

Standing before the both of them was none other than the green ranger himself…Tommy oliver. Not only was he there. But also accompanying him were princesses Celestia, Luna, and -Cadence-. As well as -Captain Shining Armor-.

“You didn’t think we’d sit this one out, did you?”
“One ranger? This is more…”
“One ranger?! Think again.”
-“Okay Tommy! You lead.”-

Once more, Rita, Chrysalis, and Goldar were blinded by a suddne flash of light.

“GAAAAH! I’m sick of this!”
“Tell me how long till I’m able to see again.”

In place of the ponies stood, five multicolored figures, lead by the green ranger. To his left were two rangers, both having similar outfits as the mane six. One was all white, with three stripes matching to her mane, with gold trim. The other wore midnight blue for the base, and black for the sleeves. She too had gold trim, and two stripes matching her mane. Just like Twilight, the two of them wore gold over chest plate. So too did the crimson colored ranger. Much like the others her outfit had gold trim and three stripes matching her colorful mane as well. To her right stood a heavily armored figure with the same color scheme as shining armor’s armor color. All four of them had I dentical helmets, baring lip less mouth pieces.

“White solar ranger!”
“Azure Lunar Ranger!”
-“Crimson Crystal Ranger!”-
-“Crystal Armor Defender!”-
“Alright guys! Let’s do this!”
"Uh oh…"

Not too far from the alleyway, Jason, Twilight, and the others were searching all over the place, looking for any sign where Rita, and Chrysalis went. There was then a sudden burst of fire that spat out the two villainesses, and Goldar a few feet away. When they approached the scene they met up with Tommy, and company. The rangers couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Tommy! Good to see you in action.”
“Great to be in the action.”
“Hey, your majesty. Like the outfit.”
“Most kind of you Zack. I haven’t felt like this in a thousand years.”

Barely able to stand, the three evil ones got back onto their feet, and tried to make one last stand. But found it hard to keep on their feet. So they did what any villain would do…send their minions in.

“Baboo! Squat! Get them!”

The two monsters, now scared out of their wits armed themselves with nothing more but twigs as their only means of protection. It only took one step for one of the rangers to scare the living giblets out of Baboo, and Squat, waving a white flag in defeat.

“AAAAH! Don’t hurt us!”
“Yeah…we were just following orders!”
“Oy gevalt…”

Having had enough of defeat, Rita then grabbed hold of Chrysalis, and raised her magic wand into the air, and began her incantation.


The sorceresses then tossed the wand high into the air, losing momentum before building it up again upon return. When the staff finally hit the ground, the earth began to part, smoke began to raise, and Goldar began to grow, as well as several dead monsters, such as Sphinx, the Minotaur, Giant, and Knasty Knight.

“Come! Let’s watch the fire works froma distance.”

With those words said, Rita, and Chrysalis vanished into thin air. Leaving the rangers to deal with the massive monster before them.

-“Whoa. They’re huge.”-
“What shall we do?”
“we do what always do when we need a little extra power. Zordon, Alpha We need Dinozord power! NOW!”

Chapter 29 - The Beginning of the End - Pt.4

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Chapter 29
The Beginning of the End - Pt.4

Near the borders of Ponyville, in an open plane, almost decimated from Rita, and Chrysalis’s reign. The earth began to quake, and part in two, opening a hole into a great fiery presuppose. Flames spewed out, licking the air as the mighty Red Tyrannosaurus Dinozord arose from its sleep. In the colder parts of Equestria, the Black Mastodon Dinozord trumpeted it’s cry, stomping its way into battle. On the outskirts of Equestria, a large blue figure charged through the desert plains, revealing itself to be the Blue Triceratops Dinozord, roaring it’s battle cry. Deep within the ever free forest, The Yellow Saber Tooth Dinozord races through the tree lines, hurrying towards the battlefield. In the mountain tops, a large explosion erupted, opening a hole for the Pink Pterodactyl Dinozord to sore it’s way, against both time, and the monsters it’s fellow zords will face. As the Zords gathered with one another, new shadows were cast alongside the zords. The rangers were amazed at the sight before them.

“Wait. Those are…”

To their amazement, Twilight, and the elements gazed upon their very own zords, each pertaining to their master’s color schemes, and the initial designs of their faithful pets. Twilight Saw that her zord resembled a fierce owl, gliding alongside Kimberly’s might pterodactyl. Rarity’s Black panther zord began to playfully race Trini’s saber tooth Tiger zord. The two cats exchanged a series of hisses, and growls of friendship before charging ahead. Applejack was stunned to see her Red Wolf Zord catching up to the speed of Jason’s Tyrannosaur, though neither of them seemed to mind. Rainbow Dash’s Turtle zord plowed through the fields alongside Billy’s Triceratops. Both armed with tank like treads that granted them the speed to plow through the landscape in high velocity speeds. Pinkie’s very own alligator zord stomped its way towards Zack’s mastodon, and hoped onto it’s back in an effort to keep up with the others. Last, and not least, Fluttershy’s zord resembled that of her bunny rabbit, angel. Hoping through the fields, having no trouble out running the other zords in a matter of minutes.

“They so amazing!”
“Alright, guys! Let’s do this!”

One by one, each of the rangers, boarded their intended zords, and began initiating the next phase of the attack.

“Alright Rangers, Log in!”
“Twilight here, all systems good to go!”
“Zack here! Let’s boogey!”
“Pinkie, ready to party!”
“Billy here! Systems ready!”
“Rarity, darlings! It’s so roomy!”
“Trini here! Let’s rock and roll!”
“Rainbow Dash! Ready for action!”
“Kimberly here! Looking good up here!”
“Fluttershy, ready to go! I think.”
“Alright! Initiating megazord sequence!”

As the conversion process began, the saber tooth began to fold its legs in, replaced by tires that rolled in high speeds to keep up with the triceratops. Both then proceeded to connect to The Tyrannosaur’s knees, while the mastodon unfolded, then combined onto the Tyrannosaur, forming the cannon arms while the Pterodactyl landed safely behind the Tyrannosaur, right on it’s tail tip, forming the tank mode, which then grinded to a hold. The tank then folded in the cannons to reveal hands, as the legs began to lift the entire body in a upright posture. As the Pterodactyl glided, and folded into its final form and position, the head of the Tyrannosaur zord folded into the chest, revealing the head of the megazord. Once the pterodactyl had locked itself into place, the horns of the megazord had folded out, completing its transformation.

“That’s cool and all…But now’s our turn!”
“Alright, girls! Let’s put them together!”

Begin the transformation was Fluttershy’s rabbit zord, which folded its hind legs downward, and tucked in its forelegs into slots in the hind legs Forming the lower abdomen, and femurs. Then came Dashie’s turn, her turtle’s head had tucked in, and its legs detached from its body as the shell split apart forming the shins., both legs combined together to form the feet which attached themselves on the bottom of the shins. The rabbit zord then slid into both halves of the turtle zord, completing the leg transformations. Pinkie pie’s Alligator zord commenced its metamorphosis by folding its tail under its belly, and twisting its head 180 degrees, where it’s face the folded onto its back before unfolding into the golden chest piece which then combined with the completed legs. Both the Wolf, and Panther zords tucked in their legs, and tails. Their faces were pointed downwards as the pauldrens unfolded bearing each element’s symbol. Applejack's zord served as the left hand, while Rarity’s functioned as the right. The last, and most important piece began to take shape, as Twilight’s owl zord began to straighten out its wings, and chest cavity pushing outwards, serving as the mouth piece of the helmet. Once the final helmet was formed, the Owl zord then jointed the others, completing the newly born Megazord.

“Baaah! Your weapons don’t frighten us!”
“(Yeah…But. What is it?!)”
“Feast your eyes on this little beauty we like to call…”
*“Impressive…But let’s see how tough you are!”*
“What do you say, A.J?”
“Let’s buck these clowns up!”

The two mega zords then charged towards their first opponents, *Knasty Knight*, and the giant. Both wielding their swords. As the battle began, the monsters swung their weapons at the Megazords, though unleashing some sparks, both megazords held their own. As the giant was about to strike again upon the Harmony Megazord, the blade was then shattered after one crucial punch. The giant was then shocked as he was then hoisted into the air and thrown on top of the *Knasty Knight*. But, as the battle progressed further in, Goldar then open fired upon the mega zords, striking a critical blow on them both, forcing them to the ground.

“Ugh! That guy’s getting on my nerves!”
“Same here!”
“He’s gonna fire again!”

Approaching the Megazords slowly, an cautiously, Goldar, and (Sphinx) readied their weapons, and prepared to fire upon the two robots. But before they could fire their blasts, they felt two large fists strike the back of their heads, sending them both to the ground. Both the Megazords looked to see who exactly came to their aid.

-“Mind if we join in?”-
“Hey! It’s those Japanese Zyurangers!!!”
“Geki! Glad to see you again.”
-“So this is my American counterpart.”-
“Hey…Their megazord just talked.”
-“Allow us to introduce Daizyuzin, the god of all five ancient tribes!”-
“Glad to have you all on our side!”
“(Another one?!!)”
“No matter! We’ll trash it just the same!”
-“I think not, monster! ONWARD TO BATTLE!!!”-

The odd now were growing fairer, as the four monsters rallied against the two Megazords, and Beast god. They began to open fire upon the robots in an effort to pulverize them at once. Though the side of good held their own, the damage was becoming too much for them as the enemy forces bared their weight down upon them.

“Oh no!”
“They need our help!”
-“Then let’s give it to them!”-
“I’m with you on that. Time to summon some back up!”

It was in this moment that the mighty green ranger then pulled out his dagger, and began to lay his tune to summon his mighty Dragonzord, from the depths of a nearby pond. Upon reaching the surface, the great Dragonzord unleashed its monstrous cry as it made its way towards the battle zone. Upon entering the scene, Tommy commanded his zord to unleash a barrage of missiles upon Goldar, and his monsters. Then striking both Knight, and the Giant with its drill tail, sending them back for a brief time. As the monster recovered from the attack, the Dragonzord began to help up the Megazord, as the Harmony Megazord, and Daizyuzin.

“Ready, Lulu?”
“Ready, sister!”
“We call upon the powers of day and night!”

High above, the sky began to split into two halves, one day, the other night. In the very border of the dividing line two balls of light hurled towards the earth, spiraling around one another, before landing on the ground gently, revealing two more zords before the alicorns. The white zord resembled a phoenix, while the midnight blue zord based its form of an opossum. Both alicorns ventured inside, and began their own conversion process. The opossum shifted form into a more humanoid robot, which was then decorated in pieces of the phoenix zord. Upon completion, the newly formed megazord soon rallied behind the others.

“Prepare thy selves, foal abominations! For thou shalt feel the stinging wrath of the Meridian Megazord!”
“Looks like the horseshoe’s on the over hoof now, Goldar!”
“You may out number us! But we’re not beat yet! Attack!”

The four monsters then charged in at the five megazords, commencing their last stand for the fate of all of Equestria, for the world itself. The Megazord, and Harmony megazord faced off against Goldar, who despite being weakened, still managed to put up a fierce fight. Hacking, and slashing with his sword.”

“Grrr…he’s hammering us bad! We need the power sword now!”

Raising the Megazord’s hand into the sky, the rangers then summoned the power sword which landed into the ground, handle up for the megazord to grasp hold of. Both the Megazord, and Goldar then began clashing their blades with one another, blocking each other’s strike/ even taking a few hits on one another. Leaving the Harmony Megazord with time to recover.

"Let’s see what we’ve got ourselves!”
“Summoning the blade of the elements now!”

Appearing in the hand of the Harmony Megazord was a shiny silver bladed sword, with a golden handle with six gems representing the elements, magic being the center gem. With their newest weapon in hand, the harmony rangers charged from behind Goldar, and struck their blade down upon the monster.


Facing off against the giant, and *Knasty knight* The Meridian Megazord, and Daizyuzin summoned their blades to counter their enemies as well. Both sides hacked, slashed, and swung their ways through one another, striking several blows on each other. Though most of the time they continued to block each other’s hits. As for The Dragonzord, Tommy could see (Sphinx) was gaining the upper hand as he managed to knock down the Dragonzord, disabling the zord for a brief time. Taking the opportunity, (Sphinx) then begins to open fore upon the metallic beast.

“(HA HA! Got you now!)”
“This isn’t good!”
-“Cady! It’s time we joined the party.”-
-“I couldn’t agree more.”-

Raising their hooves into the air, the royal couple of love prepared to summon their own zords into battle.

-“With the power of Love!”-

Near the boundaries of the crystal empire, a large cavern revealed a sealed hidden access point. Allowing Five aircraft to leave from above a platform, and five land based vehicles to exit from the bottom platform. At high speeds, the vehicles teleported into the battle zone. The five aircraft began to combine with one another, forming a sleek fast, feminine robot with a similar crimson color scheme as Cadence’s costume. On the other hand, the five ground vehicles combined into a bulky, heavily armored robot matching the same purple gold colors of the captain of the guard. As the two robots began to ascend, the flying robot then kicked (Sphinx) away from the Dragonzord, while the armored zord helped the Dragonzord back onto its feet again.

“Awesome! Let’s do this!!!”

Tommy, Shining, and Cadence leapt into their zords, and logged themselves into the systems.”

“Dragonzord, powered up!”
-“Crystal Flyer Megazord online!”-
-“Crystal Armor Megazord online!”-
“You have got to be kidding me…”
“(Uh oh…)”
“Let’s finish this!”
“Now…AS ONE!”

Readying the sword of the elements, the Harmony Megazord was building up its energy as both the megazord stood on the left side, with the Dragonzord, and Meridian Megazord. While Daizyuzin stood to the right, with both the Crystal Armor, and Crystal Flyer Megazords. Once the charge had complete, all seven megazords unleashed all their fire power upon the monsters, annihilating them upon impact. All but Goldar, who was launched back as he shrank. Landing next to Rita, and Chrysalis. Though he tried as he might, Goldar was too weak from his defeat to stand.

“My empress…I have failed you…”
“This can’t be happening!”
“Why? WHY?!!! Why was I cursed with such empty animal headed fruit drop whoppers for henchmen!!?”

It was around this that the monster maker known as Finster was approaching Rita with great haste, with what appeared to be a completed time device. However, before he could reach to her repulsiveness, Baboo, and Squat were scattering around at the wrong place and wrong time, bumping into Finster who into turn launched the time device into the air.

“It can’t get any worse than this…”

As the two villainesses looked onward, they could only make out the outlines of a large piece of equipment gaining momentum. Ritarecognized it immediately as the time device, and shoved the changeling queen aside, and made a desperate dive to save it. But, she had come only a few inches short, and the device crashed into the ground. As it did before the device began to malfunction, and create another electrical builds up, right into Rita’s face as she began to tear up…

“…mmmmmwaaaaaaah! Hahahahahaha! Is it too much to ask to win for once?...”

The large electrical pulse began to grow, and grow, engulfing, Rita, and her henchmen, and putty patrollers. From the view of the megazords, the Rangers could see the massive build up as the sphere of energy engulfed them, causing the systems to spark, and go hay wire for a time.

“What’s going on?!”
“Energy surge! Coming from nearby!”

Finally the sphere had reached it’s limit, then busted with an explosive force causing a blinding flash of light that echoed a thunderous sound through out the sky. It was about forty-five seconds in that the light began to dim, allowing the rangers, and ponies to see clearly again.

“Man…that was weird.”
“Even for ranger standards.”
“Guys. Look.”

The rangers then noticed that the source of the electric surge was a shattered time device, with Rita, or her goons nowhere to be found.

“They’re gone.”
“It’s the time device from before.”
“Then that means…”
“They were teleported out of here.”
“Back to earth…”
“We better get back to the command center.”

Chapter 30 - The Beginning of the End - Pt.5

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Chapter 30
The Beginning of the End - Pt.5

- Back in the Command Center –

The Rangers, Ponies, and Zyurangers were gathered after their victory over the armies of Rita Repulsa, and Chrysalis of the changelings. And yet, there was still a feeling of anxiety in the air. Shortly after the battle, Rita had teleported herself, and her henchmen back.

“I don’t understand. If the last one brought us here…why did this one take us too?”
“I’m not sure. Perhaps the device they had constructed here was less powerful than the one she originally intended to us against you.”
“But, the big question is, did she make it back to Earth.”
“Let me see if I can pull up anything on earth.”

As Billy worked on the control panel of the computer systems, the others began to discuss among themselves. Recounting the battle that had just transpired in Ponyville.

“That was awesome! Us, our own megazords!”
“Yeah, we annihilated them! in a sense.”
-“So, that’s what it’s like to be a power ranger. It felt so…so…”-
“Incredible. I know.”
“We feel the same way.”
“This has got to be the BEST CROSSOVER EVER!!!”
- “uh…is she okay?”-
“Don’t worry…she’s always like that.”
- “Hey, Trini. You did good out there…for a…”-
“For a what?”
- “Oh...uh…”-
- “Boi! Have you no respect for…”-
“Guys…you might want to see this.”

The remaining rangers then gathered around Billy, hoping to get a glimpse of what he had discovered. Upon observing one of the monitors, they could see that Rita Repulsa had indeed returned to her base on the moon, castle and all.

“So, she did make it back.”
“Without us…”
“We have to get back!”
“Yeah! Earth’s in tro…”
“Hold on…that was the other part I wanted to show you.”

With a few flips of the switch, Billy then brought up onto the monitor, footage back in Angel Grove. What the rangers saw before them was footage of what appeared to be themselves, walking around as if nothing had happened. The rangers on earth had then morphed when a putty patrol decided to attack the local Jpark.

“When was this taken?”
“This is happening now.”
“Well…my only guess is that in the electrical charge, a part of us was teleported back to earth, while the rest was left here, in Equestria. Why that’s so, I’m not sure.”
“Well…let’s get back to earth. Is the time device ready, Alpha?”
“It is…but there’s one problem.”
“What is it?”

Billy had a deeply depressed look on his face, as he removed his glasses, and looked at his friends with an heartbroken expression.

“If we were to use the device, the energy from the arrival would cause our bodies to remerge with those ones on earth, resulting in a disastrous outcome. To put it simply, if we go back…we’ll die.”
“You mean…”

The blue ranger could only nodded his head up and down. A new wave of sadness hung over them, as each one of them began to express their emotion of the new situation.

“So, that’s it? All that work so, we can’t go home?”
“This ain’t right.”
“I agree with you, Zachery. But, I am sorry.”

The ponies couldn’t help but feel pretty bad for their ranger friends, so too did the Zyurangers, who discussed among themselves, even bickered for a bit.

- “Can’t we do something for them?” –
- “Despite what others say, they are our brothers in arms. We have to do something to help them?” –
- “Like what?”-

There was absolute silence after Geki asked that question. None of them really knew if, and how they could’ve helped the power rangers. The Yamato prince let out a frustrated sigh.

- “You know it’s not that I don’t want to help them. I just don’t know how we can.” –
- “ I know that.” –

As the ponies looked on, Pinkie Pie saw that Kimberly began to tear up. As the element of laughter, she wasn’t one for sadness, and frowns. Making her way towards the pink ranger, Pinkie then wrapped her hooves around, hoping to bring a little comfort to the now stranded power ranger.

“Hey, come on, Kim. Don’t cry…”
“Sniff…I just found out that I can never go back home. Meaning, I won’t get to see my mom or dad again, or anyone I hold dear! How am I supposed to feel?”
“Well…I know it’s sad, and you really cared about them. But, it’s not the end of the world.”
“She’s right…I mean…if things were different, this would be sadder. You won’t know anypony, or know where to go. But since you met us, you at least have a little more comfort in knowing we’re here for you.”
“Sniff…I guess that’s true.”
“Yeah…besides…some of us have grown attached to this place.”
“Ha ha…I guess Blueblood would really be blue without you.”
“What?... I meant…J and A.”

Jason, and Applejack looked over to one another before turning their attention to Zordon.

“So, what’ll happen with you, and alpha?”
“I am sorry. But, I must leave you, and return to earth where we are needed.”
“I really am going to miss you kids.”
"Don’t worry. You’ll see us again, real soon.”
“ But, I will not leave you without saying goodbye. You have fought valiantly, and as ture power rangers…all of you. I leave you in the care and guidance of Princess Celestia now. May the power protect you all.”
“Farewell, old friend.”

Once more Alpha five hits a few buttons, and flips a few switches teleporting the rangers clear of the command center. Upon reaching the outside, the Power rangers, Harmony rangers, and Zyurangers watched on as the command center gradually faded from the face of Equestria, and on it’s way back to earth. Though this moment was indeed a saddened one, all six rangers couldn’t help but smile. Though they were indeed trapped in this strange new world, the rangers at least made something for themselves, new friends to rally behind, new adventures to seek out. This to them wasn’t truly the end. But a new beginning.

“I guess it’s over.”
“No…this has just begun.”
“Though Chrysalis may be defeated. There are still other enemies out there who would gladly take her place.”
“We’ll be ready for them.”
“No doubt about it.”
“We’re not one for backing down.”
“What do you say Kim?”
“I’m in.”
“Then we’re with you guys.”
-"All of us.”-
-“If you ever need our help again, call us.”-
“GASP!!! Since you guys will be living here…WE NEED TO GET BACK TO PONYVILLE!!!”
“Pinkie…this might not be the…”
“I’d like that.”
“Yeah…why not? I mean we did win. I feel like celebrating.”
“Count me in.”
“Me too.”
“Well, Jason?”

The red ranger then turned to Applejack, who simply smiled, and gave him a playful wink, before returning to Tommy’s question.

“Yeah…let’s party.”
“After, we repair the damage in Ponyville.”
“Awww man…”
“well, we can’t just leave Ponyville in a mess.”
“Alright then. Let’s go home.”

In a flash, all seventeen ponies teleported themselves back to Ponyville, beginning their reconstruction after the climactic battle.

Sometime afterwards, the town square was once again lively, and loud as music filled the air. Pegasi flew through the air as fireworks went off in celebration of the defeat of Rita, and Chrysalis. As the celebration went on, ponies danced as the day gave way to night, among those who were dancing, Zack, and Pinkie we having their own little dance of. Both equally as skilled.

“Not bad, pinkie.”
“Same to you, Zacky!”

But then, the two noticed the audience’s attention was turned over to Billy, who began busting his own moves, out dancing the two ponies.

“What can I say? I learned from the best.”

Meanwhile, Not far from the festivities, Applejack, and Jason were sitting on one of the firm branches of one of the restored apple trees. The two of them were close to one another, gazing up into the night sky as the stars began to come out.

“You…you sure you’re gonna be okay with this? I know you’d miss your family, and all…”
“Applejack…to be honest. Yeah, I will miss them. But…”

To Applejack’s surprise, she felt Jason’s lips pecked her cheek, causing her to blush bright rosy cheeks. Resting her head on the stallion, Applejack, and Jason continued to watch the fireworks burst their bright colors into the night sky.

“I’d miss you if we left here.”
“You would?”

Her new found love could only nod his head up and down, reassuring applejack that through all their time together, he meant the world to her, and she to him.

“You know…all this time, not once has discord, or Zecora. Heck even that Jakob Anderson fella came around here.”
“Just some old friends. That’s all.”
“I’m sure they’re around somewhere.”

-Back in Angel Grove-

Behind an alleyway, ear the fitness center, a familiar looking Zebra came out, accompanied not only by a black haired, blue alicorns. But a very familiar looking draconequus.

“Of all the rotten…look where that spell of yours has done now, Jakey!!!”
“It’s not my fault! If zecora hadn’t given me the wrong spell…”
“My fault maybe. But, now's not the time to blame me. If you both are done with your fight. Perhaps we can find some to help us before night.

While the trio bickered, two figures were approaching the mouth of the alleyway. One was rather large, and the other much skinnier. The duo was none other than Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier, and Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch.

“I’m telling you, I can take on one of those monsters way better than those power dweebs!”
“Yeah…put one of those monsters in front of me, and I’ll…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Bulk made contact with a tall, slim object before him. He looked up to see that the face wasn’t really human. Both ponies, humans, and critters alike looked at one another, and back. A long awkward moment of silence took place.


Both sides screamed their lungs out in fright as panic overwhelmed them, sending them all into a foaming frenzy of fear, causing them all to run around in circles as chaos brewed in the alleyway.

And so concludes this morphenomenal tale of ponies, rangers, and megazords…

The End.

Extras : Concept Art

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Hi guys. It's been a while. I hope you're all excited for the new Power Rangers Movie coming soon, in March. So to help mark the occasion. I've decided to post this little space to show you some of the concept art I've come up with for the Harmony Ranger's looks, as well as the harmony megazord. Enjoy...