Chapter 10
Settling in
Tommy, and Fluttershy were approaching her cottage.Tommyobserved the simple structure. Though it was quite small, he thought that it’d be cozy. They came up to the front door, and Fluttershy opened the door. Tommy followed the Pegasus inside. He then continued to observe his new home.
“Well, um… It’s not much. But, its home.”
“I think it’s nice.”
Suddenly, Tommy felt tapping on his leg. Below him was a small white rabbit. Kicking him. Fluttershy caught the rabbit with her gaze, she was not happy with the way Angel was treating her guest.
"Angel! That’s no way to treat a guest! Shame on you."
"It’s okay. He’s not doing any real harm."
“Are you sure? I can get him to…”
“Let him tire himself out. He’s just not used to stranger, right?”
“I suppose that’s true. If you’d follow me, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.”
She nodded, and made her way up stairs. Tommy followed, while Angel continues to kick the green ranger as he made his way up stairs.
Back in Ponyville, Twilight and Billy were browsing through the library. Studying, and learning all that there is to know about Equestria. Billy couldn’t believe how much Equestria was like earth in almost every way.
“This is incredible. This world is almost exactly like the world my friends and I are from.”
“How so?”
“For one thing, our atmospheres are equally ideal for maintaining life, we share almost identical architecture, and some of the names of your city’s are just “ponified” versions of some of our cities. Like Fillydelphia. It almost sounds like a human city called Philadelphia.”
“I suppose so they do. I’ve read about some universe sharing similar features from one another, while remaining unique from each other.”
“Well, then this proves it. Although not many peop..I mean ponies will agree to any of this since…”
“You’re ponies. Indeed. No matter. At least you and I know. Now, do you have any questions about anything, or do you have a good concept of our world?”
“I’m just confused about something. What’s the grand galloping gala really about?”
“The grand galloping gala is a party that celebrates the foundation of Equestria, and the completion of Canterlot castle, over a few thousand years ago.”
“Interesting. And Rarity has some bad blood with this Blueblood right?”
“Well, yeah. From what I’ve heard. He was kind of a jerk to her.”
“How, exactly?”
“You can ask her yourself. We’re going over the Carousel Boutique. It’s Rarity’s home. She wants to design your outfits for the gala.”
“Alright. This should prove to be quite informative to both sides.”
"Great, come on.”
The two egg heads made their way out of the library, and down the main hall. On their way to Rarity’s work place.
Meanwhile, at the front of sweet apple acres, Applejack, and Jason were coming up to the house. She could see in the distance Applebloom was practicing her martial arts. But, when her dog, Winona, ran up to greet the two followed. She was then followed by Applebloom. The dog barked happily, as she jumped on to Applejack's legs.
“I know, I know, silly. I’m glad to see you two.”
The yellow filly ran up to her big sister, and embraced her with open hooves.
“Hey, little sis. Did you behave while I was gone?”
“Yeah. I was good.”
The filly turned to see the big stallion, next to her. She looked back to her older sister.
"Who’s this?"
“Applebloom, This is Jason Scott. He’s gonna be living with us for a while. He kinda saved my life in Canterlot. His friends will be staying with the others. He’ll be helping around here for a while.”
“Oh, okay. Nice to meet you, Mr. Scott.”
“Please, call me Jason.”
“Alright, Jason.”
“I couldn’t help but notice you practicing Martial arts.”
“You did?”
“Sure did. Jason’s actually a martial artist as well.”
"Really? You are?”
“Yeah. Perhaps since I’m gonna be here a while, would you mind if I trained with you some time?”
“Really?! You mean it?”
“Now, what’s this here racket goin’ on?”
An older green pony came out of the farm house along with a large red stallion. They made their way to greet the returning Applejack. It was Applejack’s brother and grandmother, Granny Smith, and Big Macintosh.
“My, what do we have here? You got yer self a mighty fine catch there, missy.”
“Granny, Mac. This here’s Jason. He and his friends are gonna be here in Ponyville for some time. Jason’s agreed to work here for room and board. I hope it’s alright granny.”
The old mare inspected the stallion, gazing at each of the slightest details, and then turned back to her granddaughter.
“Well…, you certainly got the looks. But do you have the brawn, eh sonny?”
“I’m sure we’ll find out. Won’t we?”
“Well, come on in. we’ll show you to where you’ll be sleepin’.”
The apples, and red ranger made their way inside the house. They gave him the tour of the house. From the Living room, to the kitchen, and eventually to where he’ll be sleeping. Jason stepped into his room, and placed his bag done by the foot of the bed.
"What do ya think?”
Jason turned to Applejack, and smiled.
“It’s perfect. It kinda makes me feel like I’m back on my grandma’s farm, back home.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“So, you guys grow, and harvest apples?”
“Best darn apples in all Equestria.”
"I just have one question, how exactly do you get the apples down from the trees.”
“It’s simple, we just buck’im.”
“You.. What?”
“Buck’im. We just kick the trees as hard as we can, and the apples fall to the ground.”
“Oh…alright then. I can work with that.”
Just then a gust of wind blew at them from the open window. The two turned to find Rainbow Dash, and Kimberly were hovering there, at the window.
“Kim, Rainbow, what’s up?”
“It’s Rarity. She sent us a note saying to Come by her shop for measurements, and designs for the…”
“Galloping Gala. It’s only in a few days, so this is kinda of a last minute rush for her.”
“That’s right, and if I know Rarity, which I do, she wouldn’t want us late. Trust me partner.”
“Alright. We’ll be there.”
“Neat. Lead the way, Rainbow dash?”
“Sure thing, pinky.”
The two pegasi took off in a flash, and raced their way to the carousel Boutique
keep it up my friend
Gee im now realizing how old this story is...
A few moments later