• Published 27th May 2015
  • 8,133 Views, 189 Comments

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Friendship is Magic - Werewolf Cheetara

The six Power Rangers are sent to the world of Equestria, a world of multicolored ponies. there, they meet Twilight Sparkle, and the elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 13 - Ready for the Gala

Chapter 13
Ready for the Gala

The day of the Galloping gala had arrived. In the Carousel Boutique, Rarity, the other elements, and Spike were just arriving, along with their ranger counterparts. Rarity had just finished her final touches on their attire for such an accession.

“Mares, and Gentle colts, I present you what has to be my greatest achievement thus far…”

She then unveils her creations for all to see. Everyone awed at Rarity’s work. There stood six finished gala wear for the six rangers. Each matching their color, and their dinosaur to give off a more exotic feel to them.

“Whoa! Rarity…This stuff’s Morphinomenal.”

He continues to marvel at all the detail put into the suit. He then notices that the black suit had a grey vest and the jacket had the facial details of a mastodon, with the tusks forming the pocket areas of the suit.

“Affirmative. I love how mine has this collar helps distinguish the features of a triceratops.”

“Well, I did have some help from Trini. Without her sketches, I’d wouldn’t have made you anything on time.”

“You did a great job, Rarity.”

“We owe you big time.”

"No need, a lady does not ask for favors in return. Besides, helping us defend Ponyville is more than enough to design your gala wear.”

"You guys better get ready. Our ride will be here in an hour."

“That should be plenty of time for you all to get ready. Come on! I want to see how well you all look.”

“No prob, Rare.”

“this shouldn’t take long.”

The six ponies took their dress clothes, and were shown to separate dressing rooms by Rarity. About forty five minutes later, the rangers come out of their dressing rooms in their gala attire, to be met by the elements and their dresses. The ponies were amazed by how well their friends looked.

“Wow! You guys look awesome.”


“Yeah, you look awesome, especially since you’re wearing dragon stylized gear.”

Twilight could only roll her eyes.

"Oh Spike."


“It’s cool. I’m glad I impressed someone with this suit.”

“I think it has more to do with that.”

“I think Tommy here’s found an admirer of his.”



“Well…yeah. The way you fought off those changelings. It was amazing.”

“You know, me and Jason teach Karate. Maybe I can teach you a few things about self-defense.”

“Really? You’d do that?”

"Sure, if twilight doesn’t mind."

"I’d think It be a good thing for spike to learn some martial arts"

Spike hugs Twilight.


“heh, heh…You’re welcome spike.”

She then hugs her assistant back.

Spike lets go off Twilight, and finds that his tie was crooked. So he casually tilted it back into place.

"How do I look?"

"You look handsome, little guy."

Spike then begins to blush.

“aww, shucks.”

“Y’all look pretty good yourselves. Make no mistake.”

“We really do?”

“Yes. You guys really do look dashing.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy. So do you, guys.”

“These? Oh, we’ve had these for a while.”

“Rarity made these for our first trip to the Gala.”

“It wasn’t what we expected. Especially for rarity.”

“Why’s that?”

“She was trying’ to smooth talk her way into the hooves of Celestia’s nephew, Prince Blueblood. As the evening progressed she found that…”

“…That he was a thought less, heartless, meanie. This time, I want nothing to do with that miserable oaf.”

“He kinda reminds me of two certain guys we know back home.”

“Bulk and skull were kinda jerks. But, they’re the kinda jerks you’d miss after a while."

The room got quiet after that. The short silence was then broken by pinkie eating a cup cake.

“What? I got hungry. Any ways He made fun of her dress, and got it muddy. That meanie has no sense of fashion, or chivalry. Besides I like this dress Rarity made.”

“They certainly were a starter for conversations.”

“My designs for us remain the talk of the ball. That is until I unveil you fine ponies.”

“This should prove interesting. I’ve never been to a ball before.”

“Yeah, I’ve been to a few school dances. But, nothing like this.”

“It may be all fancy shmancy. But for me, The Wonderbolts will be there. So it’s worth it to go.”

“Who’re the Wonderbolts?”

“Only the most awesome flyers in all of Equestria!”

“She’s a recruit in their training camp."

“They’re really good at flying, and fighting off baddies when they attack Ponyville, aside from us. That was until you guys showed up.”

“Maybe I’d like to meet them.”

"That’ll be no problem. I’ve got good connections with Spitfire, she’s the leader of the Wonderbolts, and my drill sergeant. Who knows, you’d probably make a decent Wonder bolt.”

“I’m flattered. But, I’m good with being just a ranger.”

“There’s no rule against being a wonderbolt trainee, is there?"

"I don’t recall a rule about joining other groups, outside of rangers."

"Affirmative. Just as long as this doesn’t interfere with any ranger business. It be alright for you to join."

"Yeah, for all we know Celestia may have told them about who we are, and may understand."


Kimberlyremained silent for a few minutes before turning back to Rainbow Dash.

“I guess I could try out.”


“Just as long as this doesn’t get in the way of me being a power ranger.”

"Deal!"The two shook hooves just as they heard their ride pulled up in front of the boutique.

“Our ride's here.”

As they stepped outside, they saw a large carriage being pulled by two pegasi in armor. Twilight knew that this was from Canterlot.

“I suppose we better not keep the princess waiting.”


“Alright then.”

The thirteen friends climbed aboard the carriage, which then took off into the setting skies to the galloping gala.