• Published 27th May 2015
  • 8,157 Views, 189 Comments

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Friendship is Magic - Werewolf Cheetara

The six Power Rangers are sent to the world of Equestria, a world of multicolored ponies. there, they meet Twilight Sparkle, and the elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 26 - The Beginning of the End - Pt.1

Chapter 26
The Beginning of the End - Pt.1

-Deep within the Everfree forest-

As the two sorcerers continued their quest through the dark, and murky woods before them, a disheartened, and exhausted Rita Repulsa began to question whether the Tree of Harmony truly existed. This strain began to take its toll on the galactic sorceress, as bugs continued to swarm over her head.

“GAAAAAH!!! Will this stupid flies just go away?!!”
“I told you to pack some bug spray before we left.”
“Ugh…Don’t remind me. How far are we from this Tree of Harmony, anyways?”
“Not too far, I’m sure of it.”
“It better be.”

Upon arriving to a small clearing, the two villainesses could see what appears to be the entrance to a cave of some sort. This sparked a moment of joy in the changeling queen as she began to laugh and giggle uncontrolablly.

“What?...What is it?”
“This is it! This is the place!”
“This…Is where the tree is?”
” Indeed, my friend. We are but one step closer to killing two birds with one boulder.”
“This place doesn’t look so guarded.”
“Many have thought the tree to be a myth…But we must still be cautious. As you are aware…Looks can be deceiving.”

Without hesitating for another second, Rita, and Chrysalis enter into the cavern mouth, determined more than ever to put an end to their foes, and conquering all life as they know it.


-Back in the Command Center-

In thein the main hall of the command center, Princesses Celestia, Luna, Twilight were going over the history of Canterlot with The other elements of Harmony, and the Power rangers. It was at one point where Twilight took great concern when Celestia began explaining the elements to the group.

“Now, your highness. If you would please…”
“Certainly, old friend. As you briefly heard between me and Zordon. Many years ago, he, and alpha came to our world, and offered us aid to defeat Discord, the embodiment of chaos. He offered us a tiny crystalized seed. When planted, it grew into what we know as the tree of harmony. The tree bore the Elements of Harmony, Generosity, Kindness, Loyalty, Honesty, Laughter, and Magic, which Luna and I used to vanquish discord…and which I used to banish Luna for a time.”
"But. Why?”
“Because Luna wasn’t in her right mind. She became this entity called Nightmare moon. And wanted to bring eternal darkness to Equestria. It was because of her, I met the girls.”
“Yes…it wasn’t the best of times.”
“I understand what you went through, Luna.”
“To be honest, I wasn’t always a good ranger in the beginning.”
“Rita kidnapped him, and turned him into the green ranger, to try and stop us.”
“So tommy was a bad guy?”
“Not anymore, thankfully.”
“Oh you poor thing.”
“But, what do you suppose they would want with this tree?”
“If I were to guess…I say they would seek to do what any opponent would do…cripple our greatest asset….destroying the elements themselves.”
“and if they succeed?”
“Well, according to some sources, and Twilight. If that were to happen, the consequence would be catastrophic.”
“The tree is what keep the Everfree forest alive. Without it…the planets will die.”
“Along with any other plant life. Including the farm…”
“So basically…If we lose that tree…”
“We lose everything…”

The ponies began to hold their heads low, thinking of the possibly worst outcome should they fail. But, one hoof slammed itself on the table. Twilight looked to see it belonged to Jason lee Scott. Looking more determined than ever before.

“We’re not gonna let that happen. Not on our watch.”
“He’s right!”
“We still got a chance.”
“We have to stop them.”
“Indeed we shall, Rangers.”
“But…where exactly is this tree?”
“The tree itself lies within a cavern. Deep in the Everfree forest, not far from the ruins of an old palace Luna and I used to occupy.”
“I’ve given Alpha the coordinates to the mouth of the cave.”
“We’re set to go, rangers, and ponies.”
"Hurry, all of you. Tine is of the essence.”
“Gotcha! We’re out of here.”
“We won’t fail you princess.”
“I know you won’t.”

Celestia couldn’t help but wrap her arms around her pupil, holding her for a brief moment of time. Knowing the true danger Twi, and the others faced ahead. But, none the less, the alicorns of day let go of her fellow alicorns, who joined her group of friends as they were beamed out of the command center and into the unknown.

“Zordon. You sure they intend to destroy the elements.”
“I am quite certain. Which is why we will need to be ready if the next phase is to be successful.”
”I hope this plan of yours works, old friend. For the sake of both our worlds, for all worlds for that matter.”
“I will contact Shining Armor, and Cadence at once.”


-Back in the Everfree forest-

The group of ponies had arrived at the entrance of the cave. Wasting no time, the elements, and rangers sped into the cavern, hoping to reach the tree before the two sorceresses, or stop them from destroying the tree altogether. As they charged in, they could see in the distance two figures, accompanied by several other figures observing the tree.

“The tree of harmony…”
“So…it does exist.”
“Leatherwing’s sacrifice will not be forgotten, nor will it be in vain.”
“Once we destroy the tree. Nothing will stand against us…not even…”

The two forces looked back to see Twilight Sparkle, Jason lee scott, and the others were standing near the exit, trapping the putties, and changelings. Rather than look scared, Rita, and Chrysalis looked on in anticipation.

“So…the moment has arrived.”
“The final battle…good vs. evil.”
“The fate of the world, hanging in the balance.”
“It was a mistake for you to come here!”
“We’re not gonna let you destroy the tree!”
“Is that so?!”
“We shall see…”

In one horde of pure evil, both putties, and changelings charged in on the twelve of them. Twilight, and the girls readied themselves to fight, while the rangers readied their morphers, and raised them into the air.


In a blinding flash of light, the rangers then appeared in their uniforms, armed with their power weapons. With the Rangers at their side, the elements, lead the charge as both sides clashed with one another. Fighting for the fate of Equestria. Twilight fired several magical spells upon the changelings, while Billy steadied his power lance, and he swung it down upon any foe who dare stand against him. Sparks flew with each swing, as the lance struck down changeling, and putty alike. Applejack bucked, and kicked in all sorts of places where it would hurt the changelings, the face, the knees, the groin. Just anywhere to disable as many enemies as possible. Jason in turn hacked, and slashed each putty as they came charging in. As several putties charged, the red ranger readied his blade blaster, and fired several shots upon the clay abominations. Fluttershy, and Tommy fought back as much of the enemy as they can, though the green ranger did most of the fighting. There was one changeling that snuck up on Tommy. But before any real damage was done, the element of kindness clobbered the changeling in the head, rendering him unconscious. Kimberly, and Rainbow Dash had no trouble at all pounding their enemies, whether they used their hooves, or the power bow, no one in their path stood much of a chance against the pegasi duo. Though not much of a fighter, Rarity did the best she could to aid Trini, a she hacked and slashed through Putties and changelings with her mighty power daggers. The element of Generosity fired several powerful magical blasts, knocking any foe to the side who got by Trini, and her dagger blades. Zack and Pinkie too had their share of enemy forces to deal with. While Zack swung his power axe at anything that moved, Pinkie readied her party cannon. One of the putties tossed a bomb into the air, landing in Pinkie’s hooves. As she saw the fuse burn up, she looked around, trying to find a safe place to dispose the bomb. But where ever shy tried, someone she cared about was in the way. When the fuse was just seconds from detonation, the element of laughter then looked to the reader…

“Somedays, you just can’t get rid of a bomb.”

Seeing no alternative, Pinkie loaded the explosive into the cannon and fired up. Upon impact, the bomb exploded, causing the roof to collapse, with several chunks of debris, falling on the remaining enemy forces. Leaving the rangers, ponies, and witches unharmed.

“Uh oh…”
“Rangers, NOW!”
“Alright guys! Let’s put them together!”

Just like before, the ranger each readies their weapon to combine with one another.


Upon completing the power blaster, the rangers took aim at both the evil equines, ready to finish the war once and for all. While Chrysalis was deeply terrified, Rita seemed rather aggravated, having enough of their constant interference.

“Well…Rita…it’s been a privilege knowing you…”
“RRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHH! I’m not gonna be bested by a bunch of stupid bedwetting teenagers, and their fairy horse friends!!!”

As the rangers open fired upon the two, Rita held her staff out, countering g the energy with all her magic. The force of the beam began to push her back.

“No way!”

Upon realization, Chrysalis looked to see her friend holding back all she could. She too used her magic to help diverge the blast. Both sorceresses looked to one another, and nodded, and began to smile most diabolically as they began to alter the course f the blast…right into the tree itself…


But, it was far too late. Upon impact, the tree of Harmony shattered into several chunks cause the cave to slightly collapse on itself. Rubble, and rocks fell as dust overcame the area. When it finally cleared, the ponies, and rangers looked on in horror as they heard Rita’s and Chrysalis maniacal laughter echo throughout the stormy night, leaving behind nothing but crystallized rubble that was once the Tree of harmony.


Author's Note:

So...it has finally come down to this....the final few chapters of this epic saga of The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in their time in Equestria...or is it?...Be prepared for more exciting chapters ahead as the story reels towards it's conclusion.

Thank you all so much for reading this story, and being patient for these last chapters.:pinkiehappy: