• Published 28th May 2015
  • 570 Views, 7 Comments

Coffee Overdose - Foxy Fox

Being a teenager is hard. But it's even harder when you love somepony who will never love you back.

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Prologue: Started at the Bottom

"Bye, honey! Love you! Enjoy your first day!" yelled my mother as she waved good-bye, then started walking back home. She insisted she walk me to school on my first day. How embarrassing.

"Well, here it is. Hoovington Middle School. My new school," I thought aloud. Yet another place full of misery, sorrow, and the one thing I hated most. Homework. No, I hadn't been forced to come here because my family had to move or anything, it's just that I'm finally going to 6th grade. Hooray. Now I'm at the bottom grade again. On the bright side though, I do get to meet new friends.

I walked into the main entrance of the building, pulling out my schedule, and levitating it in front of my face. Did I mention I'm a unicorn? I've got a caramel-colored coat and a brown mane with golden brown highlights. My cutie mark is a white, zebra print heart with four dots above it, basically a paw shaped heart, with a pencil overlapping it. I really love to draw cartoon animals. I'm also pretty interested in the lifestyle and habits of real animals too. Nothing can make me happier than finishing an awesome artwork that I could be proud of. I would like to go to college to become a veterinarian or an animator, when I graduate high school, but that's besides the point.

I scanned my schedule, and headed to room 107. I entered, and noticed a white mare with a curly, black mane and tail, writing on a large dry-erase board on the wall. It looked like she was writing what we were supposed to do this week. I cleared my throat to get the earth pony's attention. She looked my way, sat down the dry-erase marker and let out a eerily cheerful reply.

"Yes?" I gulped, took a deep breath, and responded.

"Umm, is this Mrs. Theorem's Math class?"

The mare smiled and nodded. I sat down in a chair and put my saddlebag on the floor. I was the first student to get there, so I took out my supplies we were supposed to bring and waited for further instruction. Soon more ponies arrived in the classroom, and a shy-looking pegasus filly sat down next to me. She was colored a few shades darker then I was and she had a short, reddish brown mane.

"Hi!" I said to the stranger." My name's Kary. But my friends call me Kay. What's your name?"

The pegasus looked at me, smiled, and spoke in a quiet tone. " Umm, my name's Ari." I could already tell we were going to be good friends. And I was going to need alot of those to make it through the school year.

When class was over I sighed in relief. It was pretty boring, all we did was go over the classroom rules, just as I had expected. Why even bother when everypony was going to break them all anyway. Next was Geography. I remembered that Ms. Globe's class was directly besides my locker, so I didn't have to go searching for her room. I was the first one there, again, so sat in a desk closest to the door. Soon, a light-tan pegasus filly with a blonde mane and tail walked in and smiled.

"Hi, my name is Hannah," said the pegasus as she sat down in the seat next to me."What's yours?" The girl seemed harmless enough so I responded.

"My name is Kary. But you can call me Kay."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Kay."

We both watched the other students file into the room, and sit down next to their old friends from their previous school. Only a few of my friends had followed me to this school, and my friend Kerria Flower, who was supposed to be here, had been forced moved to Manetana, because her father found good work there. I still really miss her, but I've got her number. Luckily, I saw my old buddy Grace enter the room. Her eyes widened when they found mine and she waved frantically. She ran over to the desk behind me and sat down.

"Hey Kay, how have you been the past three months?!" queried my excited friend as she gave me a big hug.

"I've been great!" We talked a bit more, and I even introduced Hannah to her. The teacher, who had been sitting at her desk on her computer, told everypony to quiet down and listen, as she began informing us of the class rules.

Geography was over and it was time for Magic Enhancement class. It was almost all the way across the school, and I had a little trouble finding it, so I had to go back and ask Ms. Globe where it was, and I had to rush to avoid being late. I walked in and saw that the teacher was already talking. I'm going to skip all of the boring stuff. So basically I'm going to skip everything that happened in class. At least my previous teachers had let us converse after we went over dumb rules. All Mrs. Crystal had to talk about was a bunch of boring magic safety procedures, that anypony with a lick of common sense would know. The most exciting thing was that Grace was in my class, and so was Aura, another old friend of mine. Too bad Mrs. Crystal actually gave us SEATING CHARTS! ON THE FIRST DAY!

What an old hag.

I found my next class, which was Language Arts. Mrs. Notes went over the class rules, (how unexpected!), blablabla, you get it already. I met a girl named Cyan Petal. and we got to know each other. She was a small pegasus with a black mane and tail, and a pink coat. Her wings were actually tipped in a cyan color, so I'm guessing that's where she got her name).I also talked to this girl I saw at the back to school thing, when we were testing out our combos on our new lockers. She ended up getting a locker under mine. I'm glad I got the top locker. If you had a bottom locker, you literally had to lay down to put your stuff inside of it. Then we had 5th block, some class known as Area of Interaction, which I'd heard was just going back to your first period, (insert period joke here. Oh, and periods and blocks are the same thing), and drawing, reading, watching the news, or doing late homework assignments, (don't act like you've never been there).

About half an hour later we went to lunch. I sat down with my old fillyfriends, Grace, Aura, Lyria, (pronounced leer-ee-uh in case you were wondering), Belle, and even Hannah sat down with us. Grace was a teal unicorn with long dark brown hair, Aura was a sunset orange earth pony with medium blonde hair, and Lyria was a cream colored unicorn and had short brown hair. I had a nice time chatting with my old and newly acquired pals, but sadly time passes pretty quickly when you're having fun.

After AOI, came 6th block. I had a Coltese Marederin class, (after all it is the language of the future), with my first male teacher, Mr. Hodgepodge. He was a plump, old earth stallion, with glasses and kind smile on his face. We didn't go over class rules, (I know, what a shocker!), and instead were asked questions by Mr. Hodgepodge about how our summer was and what we did during it. Most everpony said they sat at home playing video games, watching TV, or reading, (the rarest of the three). I actually went to Mareginia that summer to visit my grandfather. He's a veteran and he's got a decent amount of money, so me and my cousin Ebony, who was staying for the summer too, did cool stuff like go to Timber Wolf Lodge or sometimes we went to stores and ran around trying a bunch of yummy samples and stuffing ourselves silly, ( as wealthy as he was, my grandfather could be very cheap), and we enjoyed ourselves. It's amazing how full you can get from random bits of food.

After that was over I went to the class that was just down the hall, the class I had been waiting for all day. Orchestra! I'd been playing the violin ever since 2nd grade, so I knew I'd be better at playing my string instrument than just about anypony else would be at theirs'. (Hey, at least I only brag on the inside....sometimes). Of course, most of them would be beginners, so this was probably going to be boring for a while. As I walked in a cream colored pegasus, a bit taller than me, (and I was pretty tall), and lanky as I was, caught my eye. I sat down beside him, putting my stuff on the floor next to the chair I was sitting in. He looked at me and grinned.

"Hey. I'm Coffee Cream. What's your name?"

My breath caught in my throat. He sure had a cute voice. And his brown mane just barely covering his eyes mesmerized me. I loved guys with long hair.

"Uhh, I'm Kary Kuddlez. But you can call me Kay."


I blushed in spite of myself. But he was just so adorable! I wish I could've given him a big, warm hug. But that would've been weird.

"What do you play?"

"The bass."

Forget finishing artwork, being with this guy would make me the happiest filly in all of Equestria.

"What do you play?"

I'd love to play with you sometime.

"The violin. I've been playing for about 4 years now."

"Wow, that's great! I've been playing for a few years myself."

I think I'm in love with this colt.

I struggled to think of something to break the ice, when I said the stupidest thing I could have ever said to him.

"Wanna hoof wrestle? I bet I'll win." Stupid, stupid, stupid! Pull yourself together Kary!

I thought he'd look at me like I was crazy but he actually gave me an adorable, dorky grin and responded quite nicely.

Yeah, I'll probably lose. But you're on anyway!

"I am sooo gonna kick your flank."

I really just wanted to give his small cheeks a good squeeze. Damn, he had some nice legs.

"We'll see about that!"

I beat him of course. It was pretty easy. I can usually beat most anypony who challenges me, then make fun of how weak they are. To be honest, I was just glad to be touching him at all. The teacher didn't make us do much except pick out what instrument we had in mind and check to see if it was the right size. I was also happy to find Hannah took orchestra as well, and she had started playing the vilolin the year before, and was less surprised to find Lyria, who had played the violin with me at my previous school. Coffee, Hannah, Lydia, and I really hit it off with each other. Although I watched the two fillies' every move to keep them in check. Coffee Cream was mine and I didn't want them patting him down with their eyes. That was my job.

The bell rang and I ran to my locker with Coffee Cream on my mind. I walked home with Coffee Cream on my mind. I ate dinner with Coffee Cream on my mind. I went to sleep with Coffee Cream on my mind.

I couldn't wait until I got to see him again.

Author's Note:

Don't forget to like, comment, and follow for the latest updates on great new reading material! if you find any spelling errors or think something should be changed, leave it in the comments or PM me :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 7 )

I like it so far. A few comments though:

There are some elements of the story which seem too Earth, and not Equestria enough, if you see what I mean. Some of the names, like Hannah, Katlyn, and Mrs Davis don't seem very pony-like. (Though in the show, we've only seen certain parts of Equestria, and it's possible that other naming conventions exist in places like Hoovington.) But other names like Mrs Notes, Mrs Globe, and Coffee Cream are great, so it's clear you, as an author, are capable of coming up with good names for characters — you just don't seem to have applied the same principle to all your characters.

It's also not clear why they're learning Spanish — is Spain a thing in Equestria? Maybe they could be learning Saddle Arabian? In general, it would be nice if you mentioned some pony-specific classes that you wouldn't get on Earth. Maybe there's a period when the unicorns go off to study magic, the pegasi learn advanced flight manoeuvres, and the earth ponies study agriculture?

Anyway, overall I like it, and I'll probably keep reading.

Comment posted by Foxy Fox deleted May 28th, 2015
Comment posted by Foxy Fox deleted May 28th, 2015

6028062 Thx for the advice, I have made the changes and I see what you mean. iv'e changed some names, added some stuff, so if you want to reread it you can, but you don't have to. Anyway about the Spanish thing, I can't believe I didn't see that. Thanks for pointing that out as well, it does seem pretty stupid thinking about it now. But I changed that too. I was think about changing it to Manish, you know for Mane, but...well I guess you can see what's wrong with that. Anyway, thanks for making the reading experience better for everyone else who reads it now!

Don't forget to like, comment, and follow for more great content. You can either comment or send me a private message correcting any spelling errors and anything you think needs to be changed or you can just tell me how awesome you think I am :trollestia:

6028151 No problem.

One other thing: an epilogue is a final chapter. The word for a introductory chapter is "prologue".

6028174 Wow, I feel even stupider now. But thx for saving me from even further embarrasment. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!:applecry:

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