• Published 16th Mar 2015
  • 2,102 Views, 76 Comments

Dial 9-1-1 - RainbowBob

The Pony Police Department turns out to be the most useless organization in Ponyville. But at least they have shiny badges and get a discount on donuts. Everything works out in the end... most of the time... not really.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Simply Unbearable

Chapter 2:

“Ponyville Police Department, what is your emergency?”

“There’s a huuuuuuuuuuuge bear-star-monster thingy attacking the town!”

“Sir, you’re going to have to be more specific about how huge and where this bear-star-monster is attacking the town at.”

“It’s, uh, about a house-high? Maybe two. And it’s, um, right around… uh… the center of town? Near some water tower I think. You can’t miss it, ‘cause it’s huge, giant star-bear-monster.””

“Sir, I believe the scientifically correct term is Ursa Major.”


“Actually, by the look of it, I’d say it’s a Minor.”

“You can see it?”


“Where exactly are you?”

“In my office, cowering behind my desk as I look fearfully out the window.”

“And you’re not even doing anything?”

“I’m currently talking to you, aren’t I?”

“I mean about the giant monster!”

“Ursa Minor.”

“I mean the Ursa Mi—whatever!”

“Sir, have you seen the size of that thing? Neither me nor the rest of the force are paid enough to take that monstrosity on. Plus, terrible healthcare and dental. If I get my bones broken or my teeth knocked in, there isn’t anything the insurance will do to fix it. And if I die, I can expect the cheapest funeral that isn’t just dumping my body in a six-foot hole. It’d probably be five-foot, or worse, four!”

“Then how do you guys even do your jobs?”

“Usually by using superior numbers and kicking the opposition repeatably. Plus, the worse we deal with are usually hobos, hippies, or hobo hippies. They practically kick themselves.”

“Can’t you use any weapons against it?”

“Oh, suuuuuuuure, like some stick and a few gallons of pepper spray can handle that thing. Does it look like I want to die in the next five minutes?”

“I can’t even see you right now.”

“Then I know my hiding place to cower behind is effective.”

“So you can’t do anything?”

“I’m currently talking—”

“Other than that.”

“I’m cowering—”

Other than that!

“Uh… how would a gift card sound?”


“I mean, it’s probably expired and stuff since I haven’t used it in a long while, but as long as it calms you down a bit… Sir… Sir?”




“Did… did the Ursa Minor eat you? Don’t say anything if it did.”


“Oh sweet Celestia, we were too late! Again! I’m really surprised we haven’t been sued yet… Actually, the being too late part is probably why.”


“In any event, of the highly unlikely case you’re still alive, thank you for calling the Ponyville Police Department, where your hard-earned bits are definitely being put to good use. Usually.”