• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 740 Views, 6 Comments

Regrets - CreatureofTheNight

"Some things in the past will haunt you forever in the future"

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Author's Note:

Got a Mad Hare to do one shot stories about all the villains of Friendship is Magic (All the four major ones) So why not :D

Another night falls on Equestria, as Princess Celestia lowers the sun, and Princess Luna raises the moon as per the norm. However, tonight was a different night tonight, tonight was a special night tonight was the first night Princess Luna considered what would have happened if she took control of Equestria as it's one true princess. If for just once the ponies of Equestria could see her eternal night. The night she considered becoming a monster, some pony of unsound mind, that thing that haunts her every dream, Nightmare Moon.

That thing she became, that monster that tried to hurt and destroy every pony that ever called her the Princess of the Night. So much hatred, so much evil that coursed through the veins of Luna at that time. A living Nightmare incarnate indeed, so much pain and darkness that hurt every pony that even tried to remotely reason with her. Then eventually she acted on those actions, when her sister was trying so hard to reason with her, trying to hard to help her come to grips with the sad fact of the night. Not many will be awake during the night to see its beauty, every pony needs it's sleep some time. Luna held her head down in shame as the subject of her sister came into the for front.

Her sister, her own sister, her only sister, how could Luna even call herself a sister to Celestia after all that happened. She hurt her own flesh and blood, she tried to kill her. Kill her only sister as a way to take over with power, murder her own flesh and blood. Kill the only pony that was even trying. How can she still call herself a sister to a pony that forgave her so easily after she tried to do that!? Her own home destroyed because of her as well, how much hatred was spread to destroy the only pony who cared about her. She looked down as the memories of hatred flashed in her mind.

"There can only be one princess in Equestria and that Princess shall be me!

Luna felt a distinct wetness escaping her eyes as she looked in a mirror. She gasped in horror as she saw it's form twist and change turning into the thing that haunted her dreams every night. That horrible Nightmare. "Having regrets are we?"

Luna glared and said "Stay out of business you know nothing about!" Venom escaping her lips as she glared at her rage induced side. "How can I not regret the things I did when I was you? I wanted to kill my own sister when I was you! One thousand years I did nothing but plot and seek vengeance." Luna gained a slow smile "But she forgave me"

"Oh, and Celestia just forgave you just like that?" Was the reflection's response "Get real, she only forgave you because she fears you. She fears what you would do because you are so much more powerful than she is. I've known this or centuries, you could and deserve to take her place."

Luna backed up "Silence! You know nothing"

The reflection laughed and mocked her. "I know everything about you Luna. I am you!" She smirked "I am the thing that keeps you up at night, an ever lasting nightmare that you can never escape. Everything you've done with me, was your own doing, your own fault. You are a monster that no one truly loves, and respects. They fear you, mock you, and disgrace you." Luna sat down sagging at that. "Can you truly be forgiven? After what you've done, you should be strung up from the gallows, if you weren't immortal you would have been. Your sister keeps you alive because she fears you, nothing more"

Luna looked down crying "Shut up" She said quietly "You know nothing"

"Oh no Luna, like I said before, I know everything" The Reflection laughed and laughed getting louder and louder. Luna's tears escaping her eyes as the laughter echoed in her mind.

Luna said weakly. "Be quiet" The reflection kept laughing, "Silence" Luna said a little louder as the reflection kept laughing. "Silence" She said in her normal voice as a glow emanated from her horn. Luna's Nightmare kept laughing at her until eventually Luna said "I said" She glared "To be quiet!" A blast escaped from her horn and hit the mirror shattering it into pieces.

She gasped in shock, as she heard a voice behind her going "Luna?" Luna looked behind her quietly, to see Celestia looking right at her. "Is something wrong?"

"No, no, nothing" Luna said in quick denial, looking down in quiet frustration looking at the reflection of herself. She still saw Nightmare Moon in the mirror looking right at her. She then felt Celestia put her hoof on her shoulder. Luna looked up at her older sister, as Celestia shook her head.

Celestia said "You shattered a mirror while speaking with your reflection like it was talking to you. That is not nothing little sister" She smiled "Will you please speak to me?"

Silence was in the room at that moment, Luna looking at her sister's concerned eyes as a few tears unconsciously escaped hers. After a while of patient silence Luna finally said "How could you forgive me so easily Celestia?"

Celestia paused at that in silence. Celestia slowly smiled and said "You are my sister and I love you" Celestia said sitting next to her. "Luna, have you been feeling like this for while?"

Luna nodded "I did terrible things, and was going to do worse things." Luna said quietly, tears escaped her eyes quietly. "I don't understand how you can be so forgiving, I didn't just want to knock you out, or capture you. I was trying to kill you" She looked at Celestia, "You are my sister, and only thing I wanted to do was make you stop breathing at that time" She sniffled "How, can you forgive me so easily?"

Celestia pulled Luna into a hug after that. "Because Luna, I regret things as well when it comes to you" Celestia broke the hug to look at her younger sibling in the face. "If I had just payed attention to you, if I didn't put my duties before my own sibling, this would have never happened. One thousand years I've lived with that regret, that's why i hoped to get you out of the moon sooner. I hoped to get you away from the moon so we could talk, so maybe I could save you" Celestia looked down. "I guess it was just a pipe dream, but now." She looked up at Luna "It's okay, because you're back and better than that you've changed for the better"

Luna paused at that "But I"

Celestia said "No arguing this point Luna, you've become more than just the Princess of the Night, you've made yourself stronger, better and most importantly redeemed yourself to more than just myself" She smiled and said "You're a great pony and I love you very much." She stood up. "I'll leave you alone for now, but if you still need me please talk to me"

As Celestia left Luna looked at the reflection in one of the mirror pieces and saw the image of Nightmare Moon. She glared at it and then said "I'm not you anymore" She stood back up and said "Now leave me alone" The image of nightmare moon faded as Luna walked away to get some rest.

Comments ( 6 )

Once again, a brilliant story! Have you done the other villains as well yet? If so, I'd love to read them!
Anyway, here's that review: :twilightsmile:

This review is brought to you on behalf of the group: Authors Helping Authors

Name of Story: Regrets

Grammar Score: 6

Absolutely brilliant and beautifully written; though considering the last story I read from you, I'd expect nothing less.
Your metaphors and imagery are thought-provoking and atmospheric.
Your story flows nicely.
The reader feels a sense of slow relief after their release from the story's sharp tension as Nightmare Moon's reflection fades away. It's almost as though the reader knows the Nightmare will always be there, but still feels a sense of calm and acceptance on Luna's part. I'm not sure if that was your intention, but you have a wonderful way of evoking certain, subtle emotions within your reader.
Even after all this time, I've never considered the idea that Luna would be surrounded by constant doubts regarding Celestia's decision to forgive her! That was a really nice element to your story.

Again, your grammar and spelling need a little bit of work.
Your tense still shifts between past and present, but not too much.
...I know the template says that I'm supposed to put three cons, but honestly...I got nothing. Other than the points I mentioned above, this story is perfect.

Notes Section:
An awesome job, once again! The characterisation of Luna, Celestia and Nightmare Moon was spot-on, at least from my perspective. The whole story was atmospheric and tactile. It also flows so well that it feels like the reader is on a constant journey from the beginning to the end; you really seemed to have mastered that aspect of storytelling.

Once again, well done, and good luck with your future stories! :twilightsheepish:

Oh, and on another note, when I was looking for another one of your stories to read, I saw on your list of goals that you're looking for someone to make a comic out of your work, right? I'm not sure how great my drawing skills are, but if you like, I wouldn't mind the challenge of trying. :twilightsheepish:


To answer your question I HAVE done all the main villains in one shots. I call the series the "Where are they now?" One shots. Where I do one of the main villains and put them in a where are they now scenario. I've done all of the main villains, Nightmare Moon (Regrets), Discord (New to this Sort of Thing), Chrysalis (True Subjects), Sombra (Diary of the King), Tirek (Brothers), and Starlight (Real Talent)

I'm also working on another series called the Villain POV series, where I do a homage to a part of media I like in the origin story to the six main villains. I've done so far Nightmare Moon (Let the Monster Rise (Which got a YT Dub!) ), Sombra (The Madness of the King) , and Discord (Where's the Fun in Making Sense?), Chrysalis is my next POV Project, I'm still working on Tirek and Starlight

As for the comic, I would love that but you've been so nice to me that you really don't have to.

Hey, I'd love to do a comic! I'd enjoy the challenge; just tell me which one you want me to do. :twilightsmile:
Also, I've been wanting to practise my voice-acting anyway, so if you'd like it dubbed, I'll do that too!
I enjoy all of this kind of stuff, so it's really no trouble at all.

Just one thing; would you like it as a kind of stop motion animation on YouTube (with dubbing or without) or would you like it with its own website? I can code with HTML, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Actually, I'm getting super excited about this! So, if you have no issues, I'd love to get started ASAP! :pinkiehappy:


Hey I'm perfectly okay with my fans doing whatever they want to show their appreciation. If it's really okay with you, go right ahead and do so just send me a link to your video when you are done :D

Awesome! I'll decide on a story and get started. It'll probably take a while, but I'll send you the concept art of the characters once I've done it. :twilightsmile:

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