• Published 15th Nov 2014
  • 3,689 Views, 15 Comments

The Magic Between Us - RarityEQM

One beautiful morning, Twilight dares to ask a bold question

  • ...

A great adventure...

It was beautiful. The warm summer sun crept through the sky and delicately slipped past the barricades of closed curtains and gloomy darkness. Twilight's room rarely had defenses against Celestia's golden reach, regardless of how hard she tried to blot out the sun. It seemed like Celestia went out of her way to awaken her prize pupil every morning, with glistening rays of light that found it's way past Twilight's drapes every single time.

Sometimes she just had to admit it to herself; her princess was a troll.

Still, it wasn't like Twilight had been sleeping anyway. No, the unicorn had been wide awake for the better half of the hour, staring at the shadows that played across her ceiling and drifting endlessly across her plan. Back and forth, again and again, a skipping record of words and reactions that looped endlessly in her imagination. She had it all planned out- a lovely breakfast, a morning stroll...and then, well then the she would ask her. That was simple. She'd ask the great and powerful Trixie Lulamoon. Marefriend to Twilight Sparkle for 2.7 years today. Twilight let her gaze drift down to the blue mare sleeping beside her, nestled comfortably under the covers and lost to Luna's dream craft and gave a wistful sigh.

Yeah...she'd ask her. Just like that. A question that had been burning on Twilight's tongue for some time now. A simple question. She'd just ask. Real casual. Nothing pronounced and bold or explosive. Nothing crazy or wildly attention grabbing. No, just four simple little words: will you marry me? Simple enough, it wasn't rocket science. It wasn't trying to graph radical principles and properties turned into patterns via transmorph spells on inanimate objects. It wasn't hard. Four simple little words. Three of those words she used every day, and the fourth one; marry, well, that wasn't to difficult to say, right? It really was simple. After all, love was just a biological chemical reaction and she was just following norms of society by turning it into a commitment. It was simple enough. Very simple. No big deal. Things would be very simple. She'd ask Trixie the simplistically simple question and go on about her day. Nothing would really change. Really. No need for a crowd. No, just a casual question. Wouldn't want to put Trixie on the spot or force her to decide with a crowd awaiting her answer and while Trixie may favor the attention of a crowd and a loud expansive, explosive proposal, Twilight had no such desires. Regardless Trixie would of course answer yes and that would be that. Just a simple day, with a simple question.

"You're up early. " A groggy voice sputtered, snapping Twilight from her thoughts and into a haze of confusion. She glanced around quietly for the speaker, before she focused on Trixie, who had pulled herself up onto her side, and now lay with her head supported under a single hoof. Twilight's mouth dropped open for a moment, then closed, and her lips twisted into a nerve wracked smile. It was simple. It was very simple! This is simple!

"I...I was just...um awake. I was awake and um...thinking, m-maybe about-WILL YOU MARRY ME?!" The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them. Rushed. Panicked. Screamed. No delightful breakfast. No brisk stroll around town. Just cold, raw emotion sputtered through an early morning fog of panic. Smooth, Twilight. Smooth.

Trixie for the most part seemed non-pulsed by Twilight's outburst. She casually shifted position in bed before twisting about to look at her marefriend for any signs of sarcasm or humor. When she couldn't find any, the cobalt pony rolled her eyes and slid warmly back under the covers and gave a dismal sigh and a dismissive flicker of her hoof. No glitz? No glamour? No crowds holding their breath, waiting for Trixie's answer? Geeky, boring, Twilight. As if Trixie could have expected anything else....She smirked.

"Marriage, Twi? Really? Do you have any idea how much work goes into planing a wedding? Ugh. Trixie supposes you'll want Applejack to act as a caterer, and Pinkie Pie to plan the entertainment. You'll of course have Rarity do the dresses, if she didn't she'd pitch a fit that we would NEVER hear the end of. You'll probably want something quiet, while Trixie would of course, take the grand ballroom of Manehatten. Which would mean we would need to get train tickets for everypony coming. Ugh. Trixie would request the Canterlot Quartet but is sure you'd want somepony like DJ-Pon3 or something. Thats the sort of music your friends like, isn't it? But we can't have either if Fluttershy wants to bring her bird choir, meaning music choice is out. Then we'd have to deal with whatever spectacular stunt Rainbow Dash wants to pull and find time in the schedule for Trixie's fireworks. You'd probably want to wear white, which is so boring, and utterly without any sense of style. Trixie cares not for traditional, but then she'd never hear the end of it from Rarity. She'd be a mess, trying to find you something borrowed, something blue, something old and something new, while we tried to book reservations at a nice fancy restaurant for everypony to eat at, although there aren't a lot of fancy restaurants in Ponyville, so we'd have to go somewhere else, unless you wanted some candle lit dinner out in the plaza. Then there's the guest lists, the presents, the R.S.V.P.s, the card decor, trying to find the time to send all of them, get everything done, AND try and save the world, since SOMETHING will come up, of course. Or you'll get kidnapped by changelings or something. One side of the cake will have to be chocolate, the other side vanilla, then there are food allergies to consider, the weather if you wanted an outdoor wedding, who would play what roles in flower girls, ring bearer, and can you even imagine our parents trying to get along. UGH! It'll all be one enormous hassle." Trixie grumbled quietly, and although Twilight could not speak at this point, she managed the barest hint of a nod. Her voice had long since died in her throat, choked away by a torrent of silent tears that threatened to race down her cheeks.

Twilight hadn't thought this part through. Her offer rejected and now she needed an excuse. Some reason to slip casually away and let her soul pour out through her tears. Not cry openly like a foal in front of Trixie. No. She was a responsible adult and she could handle this. Keep your emotions in check, Twilight. But there wasn't any reason she could think of to excuse herself. And so the tears came, silently, stroking her cheeks as she sat quietly in bed. Thats when Trixie casually wrapped her arms around Twilight's middle, and snuggled into the shuddering unicorn.

"Twilight? I know what you're thinking. And Trixie hopes that you realize; she didn't say 'no.'" Trixie whispered quietly, forcing both of Twilight's ears to perk. She gave a silent sniffle, and glanced down at the blue unicorn snuggled into her side.

"It'll be a hassle, of course. Guh, something Trixie shall only go through once. Once! So you had best make them the best years of Trixie's life. " Trixie grinned quietly. Twilight sniffled softly, reaching a hoof up to rub at her eyes, ears perked furiously for any sign that Trixie was teasing her- but no...no this was real. The sort of real Twilight had learned to spot while living with Trixie for years. She had that devious little smile wrapped around her lips, and Twilight gave a quiet sigh, and slowly, ever so slowly she let herself smile. Trixie nodded her head, snuggling into Twilight's side like a pillow.

"The great and powerful Trixie shall be the best wifey you've ever had Twilight. You'd better give as good as you get. "She giggled and squeaked when the strike of Twilight's pillow caught her in the head. They tussled for a bit; the pillow fight turning into suckling kisses and loving squeezes as the morning drew on. Things didn't quite go according to plan, but they were wonderful none the less, with the promise of a great adventure to be had...

A brand new life with a mare she loved.

Author's Note:

Something silly I wrote since it's 6:56 am and Lady Rarity is soooooooooooooooooooo tired. u.u

Comments ( 15 )

Good story! 4 stars from me!

I agree. Good one. Liked it.

Aww, such a sweet story, i love it!

Another quality piece from Lady Rarity's Small Hour Writing Corner. Lovely.

Methinks Trixie had been waiting for her to pop the question. That harangue seemed curiously rehearsed. (Then again, the Great and Powerful Trixie excels at improvisation!) Meanwhile, Twilight once again learns that love is not rational.

Also, I fear for whatever threat would try to attack during their wedding. Normal women become living terrors when Their Special Day is threatened in any way. With Trixie...


Tis was adorable.

Good stuff! :pinkiesmile:

Storywise, that was great. Grammarwise...eh. Could be better.

5273984 Kudos on you for picking up on that, Moonie. She was indeed expecting the question. ;)

I like this. Next to TwiLestia, TrixLight is my favorite ship. You get an upvote, fave and watch.

Trixie already knew Twilight was going to ask. She probably found the ring somewhere, and knowing Twilight realized she'd have some big plan... that she'd accidentally throw out within 30 seconds. She has that purple pony wrapped around her hoof, and knows her like Twilight knows the bells on Starswirl's hat.

Wow a very sweet story there nicely done. :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

This was so dumb, but so great. :D

Hate to see what happens to the poor soul who decides to crash best pair's wedding. You'd have the wrath of two mares, one of which is the bearer of the Element of Magic.
Tartarus hath no fury.....

Comment posted by VorpWorp deleted May 18th, 2021
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