• Published 28th Sep 2014
  • 463 Views, 12 Comments

Friendship and Swords - twilightcap

Twilight and her friends have beaten many challenges before but now a new threat is coming to Equestria that Twilight and her friends must face, creatures made of darkness known as The Umbra. Can they beat this new threat in armed combat? Wait what?!

  • ...

Ch 1 A New Kind Of Harmony Pt 3

(Small Note: The Action Is bloodless. No gore. Lots of fighting with no blood)

Twilight and Spike arrive back in Ponyville to the sight of small Imp creatures of darkness. They have bodies shaped kind of like a bean, short stubby limbs with claws on their feet and hands and dark goo dripping off their black bodies. Their faces have

Big sharp toothy smiles too big for their faces and the same big unsettling yellow eyes from Twilight’s nightmare. The Imp’s are running around Ponyville terrorizing Ponies, smashing up homes, and climbing all over homes.

“What in Equestria! It’s...It’s those things! The Umbra!” yelled Twilight.

“Do they look better in the light?” asked Spike.

Just then a single umbra laughs crazily as it punches itself in it’s face repeatedly then it sits down and puts its feet into its mouth and somehow morphs into a ball and speeds off like a car zooming past Twilight and Spike leaving skid marks like a tire and a trail of smoke.

“ Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...what was the question again?” Twilight said with a baffled expression on her face.

Suddenly several pools of darkness appear on the ground around both Spike and Twilight. A group of Imp’s rise out of the pools saying “The pony of magic” in their raspy voices. Twilight and Spike frantically dart their attention back and forth between each of the Umbra Imps surrounding them.

“Not Good!” said Twilight.

“Twilight...what do we-” said Spike.

Before Spike can finish speaking the Imp in front of Twilight does a back flip then dashes inches above the ground with its shoulder out as it hits Twilight like a football player sending her flying through the air.

“Twilight!” calls out Spike.

The Imp that hit Twilight then turns and smacks Spike with his arm knocking him through the air. The Imp them motions his head toward to the other Imps who all nod then run off after Spike. Meanwhile Twilight slams into the ground yards away from where the Imp struck her.

Twilight gets up on her hooves and looks up only to see that she’s surrounded by Imps.

“Twilight!”calls out Spike.

Twilight looks for an opening but finds none as the Imps start moving towards her like a closing circle.

“Twilight!” Spike calls out again.

“C’mon Element Of Harmony! NOW would a pretty good time..."said Twilight in a worried tone.

Twilight shuts her eyes as she thinks back on the words of Princess Celestia’s words.

“Twilight, remember that the power to use the elements is something that comes naturally and no matter what, its always with you. In this form, if you need it, your element will be there.”

Twilight opens one eyes, looking around.

“I sure don’t see it yet...” said Twilight.

The words of Discord now play back through Twilight’s head.

“The elements are far away from here, but to you and your friends always near, if you want a chance to save your manes, all you have to do is call-the-names...”

“NAME?! WHAT NAME?! WHY IN EQUESTRIA IS EVERYTHING A STUPID RIDDLE!? UGH! C’mon...name...name...name...” yelled Twilight, frustrated.

Just then, the ring of Imps surrounding Twilight all lunge at her with their claws out in unison. Twilight then stomps her hoof and lifts her head up.

“I think I’ve got it! It’s The Shinning Star!”Twilight called out.

Suddenly A bright white light flashes from Twilight so bright it blinds the area. When the light fades Twilight is down covering her head with her hooves. Twilight then looks up and sees a two edged sword sticking out of the ground a few inches from her face. The sword has Twilight’s cutie mark on its hilt.

Twilight stands up and looks around and sees that a small barrier of light in surrounding her and her sword while the Imps are clawing at it trying to get in.

“My Element.” said Twilight.

Twilight looks around at the Imps slamming their fists on the barrier. One of them charges head first into the barrier and and smacks into it comically and and loses a tooth.

“Well...the only downside to this is...I have to thank Discord...” said Twilight as she sticks out her tongue disgusted at the thought of thanking Discord.

“You’re quite welcome Twilight” echos Discord’s voice out of no where.

Twilight hits herself in the face with her hoof.

“Twilight! Help!” yells Spike.

Twilight grabs her sword by its handle with a determined look on her face.

“I get it now...this time things are different...this time...I have to fight.” said Twilight.

Twilight switches to a low stance as the barrier explodes and pushes the Imps back several feet. The Imps looks up as Twilight comes out of the smoke holding her sword with a serious look on her face.

“Move! I gotta help spike!” said Twilight.

The imps grin at Twilight evilly as they dash at her in unison with their claws out. Twilight spins with her sword giving the group of Imps a slash that sends them flying. Them Imps slam into the outside of nearby houses. Twilight sees them as they splat then she dashes off.

Meanwhile, Spike is chased into an alley and cornered by three Imps.

“Hey g-g-guys! Can’t we talk about this?” Spiked begged.

The Imps shake their heads to and smile with their mouths open, exposing their sharp and pointy teeth. Their teeth begin to glow when suddenly Spike is enveloped in Twilight’s magic and is lifted into the air and over the Imps. The Imps stare up at Spike in Awe

“Dragon fly...” said the Imps in amazement.

Twilight then charges in and rams the Imps into the wall the she jumps back and slashes them in half with a single cut.

“Spike! Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“Me? Forget about me! What about you?! That was amazing!” cheered Spike.

“Yeah? I think I’m getting the hang of it. Huh?” said Twilight.

Twilight turns and sees the Imps she defeated fade away into black smoke.

“They really are pure darkness...” said Twilight.

Twilight and Spike head out of the alley but before they can get too far they run into another group of Umbra. More Imps. The Imps all cackle and snicker as they stare at Twilight and Spike with their big yellow eyes twitching.

“Um...Twilight? That thing where you make the scary monsters go away...think you can do that again?” said Spike as he trembled, scared.

Twilight looks at her sword then she smiles confidently and she goes into her battle stance.

“I think I can give it a shot.” said Twilight full of confidence.

The Imps smile and fully reveal they’re claws and sharp teeth.

“Oh...so you...were holding back? Said Twilight with her confidence waning.

The Imps nod their heads eagerly to Twilight’s question.

“H-How bout that...Spike...you wanna stand back?...Spike?

Spike is hiding in an apple barrel covered in apples with only the spikes on the top of his head visible.

“Way ahead of you Twilight.” said Spike with his voice muffled by the apples. Twilight rolls her eyes and shakes her head annoyed.

The Imps then all attack Twilight. Three of them dash at her together, Twilight blocks against them with her sword. The Imps slash at Twilight’s sword wildly sending sparks into the air.

Three more Imps leap in the air at Twilight from behind. Twilight takes notice and she then pushes the first set of Imps off herself then she leaps in the air and back flips through the air and spins with her sword upside down and slashes through the airborne Imps, cutting them in half.

Twilight then lands on the roof of a shop. Several Imps leap off the ground heading for Twilight on the roof. Twilight throws her sword spinning like a buzz saw, slashing through all the imps except the last one. Twilight’s sword stops under the Imp while
maintaining its spin and juggling The Umbra slashing it over and over.

“Teleportation!” yelled Twilight as she vanished and reappeared under the Imp and catches the her sword and then slashes the Imp in half as he falls from the sky.

Three Imp run and slam into Twilight, knocking her through the air, another Imp manages to knock her sword out of her mouth. The Imp then grows large red claws and swings them at Twilight but her sword reappear in her mouth and she manages to block the Imp’s attack then Twilight swings her sword incredibly fast, hacking the Imp’s claws down to nubs. The Imp inspects his claws then he gives Twilight an embarrassed smile.

Twilight grins then she turns around and kicks the Imp so hard he flies through the sky and vanishes from sight with a twinkle in the sky.

“I...think that’s all of them so...I did it? Somehow I...did it?” said Twilight, surprised at her accomplishment.

Twilight sticks her sword into the ground and looks up at the ominous clouds still looming over Ponyville.

“Then why are the clouds still there?” Twilight asked.

Spike walks over to Twilight, eating an apple.

“Don’t know, wheres a pegasus pony when you need one?” said Spike.

“Spike! How can you eat at a time like this? You can’t be that hungry.” said Twilight as she pokes Spike in his belly with her hoof.

“Hey, long as you have that sword and your skills, I don’t think there's any reason to worry.” said Spike as he finishes his apple.

“...If only that were true. I don’t even know how I did all that just now I was just...going with the flow...Discord...” said Twilight as she looks at her sword.

“Huh?” went Spike with an eyebrow raised.

“It's nothing.” Twilight responded.

Twilight and Spike both take a moment to look around at the now desolate and deserted Ponyville.

“It’s going to stay this way unless I find my friends...” said Twilight.

“Yeah, combined with them there's no problem you can’t face.” said Spike.

Twilight's ear twitches then she quickly darts her head left.

“Spike? Do you hear that? It sounds like something’s coming this way...fast.” said Twilight in a focused tone.

“Like what?” Spiked asked.

Suddenly a pink blur appears in the distance heading toward Spike and Twilight's direction. Twilight squints her eyes as she tries to make out what this blur is.

“It looks like...Pinkie?” said Twilight.

“Oh, she must be coming to-” Spike started.

Pinkie Pie comes soaring through the air across the ground spinning like a drill and head butts Twilight in her face and sends her flying across Ponyville.

“Twilight!” yelled Spike in a panic.

Twilight slams into her tree home and bounces off it and hits the ground hard, sliding on her stomach. Once she comes to a stop she slowly gets up on her hooves and shakes her head wildly.

“Ow...if that was Pinkie Pie...she has a really hard head...hm?” went Twilight as she looks up and sees Pinkie Pie soaring towards her again. “It IS Pinkie Pie!”

Twilight's sword materializes in her mouth as she vanishes and reappears behind Pinkie Pie with her hoof holding down Pinkie Pie's tail. This in turn causes Pinkie to travel a great distance with her tail stretching until she suddenly snaps back to Twilight like a rubber band.

“Hah! Thought you could get me again huh?” said Twilight proudly.

Suddenly Fluttershy flies in and punches Twilight in her face and sends her through the air somersaulting until Twilight opens her wings and stops herself in midair.

“Fluttershy?!” yelled Twilight in shock.

Just then, a lasso snares Twilight and swings her around and slams her into the ground and makes a small crater. Twilight manages to look up and sees Applejack standing over her with the other end of the lasso in her mouth.

“A...Applejack?” said Twilight weakly.

Applejack then takes a few steps back as Rarity walks up to Twilight and uses her magic to create a giant glowing bulls eye over Twilight. Meanwhile high in the sky above clouds Rainbow Dash is hovering. Rainbow then starts flying downwards at high speeds, going faster with every passing second.

Meanwhile Twilight stands up ad looks down at the bulls eye then she looks around at Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack as they all backup out of the bulls eye. Their eyes solid white with no irises in them and no life.

“What are...” Twilight started.

“Twilight! Up in the sky!” yelled Spike as he comes running.

Twilight looks up at the sky and sees Rainbow Dash zooming down from the sky like a missile with spiraling clouds of darkness trailing behind her.

“On no, she going to do the sonic rainboom!” said Twilight in panic.

Just as Rainbow starts to break the mach cone her eyes flash back to their normal state for a single second before going back to blank white but now Rainbow has slowed down just enough to stop the Sonic Rainboom from happening.

“She...she stopped. What is happening?” Twilight asked.

“I know this is going to sound weird but-” said Spike before taking a deep breath and yelling. “TWILIGHT !YOU HAVE TO FIGHT BACK!”

Twilight quickly readys herself with her sword as Rainbow Dash zooms down at Twilight and lands with a huge boom, filling Ponyville with thick blinding dust. Soon the dust clears and reveals Twilight standing while holding her sword up, blocking against Rainbow Dash who now has a single edged blade of darkness.

“That sword...Umbra?” said Twilight as she notices the dark blade.

“Rainbow Dash movers away from Twilight and lands on the ground side by side with Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. They all stand like statues, not moving and emotionless.

“Rarity?” said Spike as he approaches her.

Rarity then blows steam out of her nose. Not sure how to respond, Spike darts his eyes left and right then slowly backs away. Twilight's sword vanishes into a flash of light.

“Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, are you there? Can you hear me? Are you okay?” Twilight asked, full of concern.

The ponies all give no response to Twilight, not even a blink of the eyes.

“Applejack! Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Rarity! Fluttershy!” yelled Twilight as she stomps her hoof one single time.

“Girls...” said Twilight sadly. She then takes a step towards them but they all draw swords of darkness and point them at Twilight.

Twilight looks at her friends then slowly drops her head. Spike then reaches out to comfort her but Twilight's sword appears in her mouth as she takes her battle stance with her mane covering her face.

“Fine...If I have to fight...If I have to fight to free you from this nightmare...If I have to fight to get my friends back...Then thats what I’ll do...” said Twilight in a low and serious voice.

“But Twilight, can you do that?” Spike asked, worried.

“For my friends...I’LL DO ANYTHING!” yelled Twilight.

Twilight lifts her head and looks at her friends with tears rolling down her face. She's hurt but determined. Tears also seem to stream down the faces of Twilight's friends as they all charge at her together.

“Spike...” said Twilight. “Hide...”

Spike nods then takes off running as fast as he can. Twilight then charges at her friends. Apple starts off the battle by flipping with a turn and slamming her sword into the ground and sending rising pillars of energy through the ground in a line but Twilight stabs her sword into the ground and deflects the attack into two directions and hits both Pinkie Pie and Rarity,

sending them flying into the distance. Fluttershy and Rainbow dash both fly circles around Twilight as she keeps her eyes on them both. Fluttershy and Rainbow start flying and slashing at Twilight but she jumps to the side and dodges Fluttershy then blocks a strike from Rainbow Dash then turns and blocks a second slash from Fluttershy then

Twilight spins and clashes with Rainbow Dash three times. Fluttershy leaps at Twilight from behind but Twilight vanishes then reappears behind Fluttershy and bites onto her tail
and slings Fluttershy into the distance.

Rainbow Dash then starts zipping back and forth past Twilight from all angles while she slashes her repeatedly until Twilight starts teleporting all around,dodging Rainbow Dash's attacks constantly. Twilight suddenly stops and stabs her sword into the ground and

creates a magic barrier around herself which Rainbow Dash slams into face first then slides down it. Twilight watches her fall. Rarity then charges head first and peirces the barrier with her horn and causes it to explode and fill the air with smoke.

The smoke clears revealing Rarity is hacking away at Twilight with her sword while Twilight defends with hers, every single hit pushes Twilight back a few inches. Soon Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbowdash all join in on slashing at Twilight one after the other while Spike watches nervously.

“Go with the flow Twilight, c’mon think of something...wait, I think I’ve...got it?” Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight does one mighty swing with her sword and knocks all of her friends off herself. They all land with a backwards slide then charge at Twilight again.

“Haaah!” yelled Twilight as she focuses and starts glowing purple as she stands with her sword floating in front of her.

“I meant it when I said for my friends I’ll do anything to save you, for all of you...I’ll do anything. HAAA!” said Twilight with an echo.

Twilight then grabs her sword and soars through the air with a trail of glowing light following her. First she slashes Applejack then zooms over to Rarity and slashes her then zips over to Pinkie Pie and cuts her then does the same to Fluttershy and lastly she soars

over to Rainbow Dash and cuts her. They each freeze in place as Twilight lands on the ground and the trail of light that follows her makes a constellation with her friends as the points, together it forms a sword constellation.

“Star Swirl Strike!” yelled Twilight as her attacks suddenly take effect and sudden;y her friends receive random chains of slash attacks until the go flying up in the air then slam into the ground.

Twilight watches them with her sword ready but they don't make a move. Spike comes running over to Twilight.

“That was amazing and scary! But...are they going to be okay...they don't look damaged but...” said Spike.

Suddenly all of Twilight's friends all stand back up as their swords materialize in their mouths again.

“Oh come on!” yelled Spike.

Twilight stands ready for another fight as Spike hides behind her. Twilight stands focused until she notices the tears running down the faces of her friends. Their faces show no pain and yet they are crying. They start to move towards Twilight but it's as if something is

pulling them back. They then turn tail and scatter in different directions. Twilight watches them all with a confused look on her face. She then turns to Spike who belches out a letter from Princess Celestia that bounces off Twilight's face and lands on the ground.

Twilight and Spike both look at each other then they look down at the letter...

-End Of Part 3-

Comments ( 2 )

Why doesn't this story have a King Sombra tag? Will he at least be mentioned?

7043205 Oh, thank you for pointing that out because I do plan on having him appear in a future chapter. ^^

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