• Published 28th Sep 2014
  • 464 Views, 12 Comments

Friendship and Swords - twilightcap

Twilight and her friends have beaten many challenges before but now a new threat is coming to Equestria that Twilight and her friends must face, creatures made of darkness known as The Umbra. Can they beat this new threat in armed combat? Wait what?!

  • ...

Ch 1 A New Kind Of HArmony Pt 2

Later that same night inside The Castle In Canterlot. Princess Celestia paces back and forth, stopping to look at the clock every few seconds.

“Princess Celestia!” yells Twilight as she bursts through the castle doors with Spike riding on her back.

“Twilight, you’ve arrived. I was beginning to think something might have happened but...where are your friends?” asked Celestia.

“Thats just it! Something did happen! Something terri-” started Twilight before she paused with a puzzled look on her face and quickly turned to Spike,then she turns back to Celestia.

“My friends?...You...were expecting us?” Twilight asked.

Princess Celestia raises an eyebrow then approaches Twilight.

“I sent you a letter quite a while ago instructing you and your friends to come to the castle as quickly as you can. I assumed you received it.” said Celestia.

“No, I didn’t get any-” said Twilight.

Twilight and Celestia both slowly turn to Spike who is currently sweating nervously with his eyes darting back and forth between Twilight and Celestia.

“ Uh...now that I think about it, I did get a letter from the Princess its just that I um...OHH! I WAS DISTRACTED ALRIGHT!” yelled Spike.

Spike makes a big nervous smile. Twilight and Celestia narrow their eyes and turn to each other then back to spike.

“Rarity?” said Twilight and Celestia in unison.

Spike drops his head down.

“Rarity...” said Spike reluctantly.

“Well that explains that.” said Twilight.

“Nevertheless, we have a bit of a situation on our hooves. It seems...” said Princess Celestia. She then pauses and takes a good look at Twilight.

“Why Twilight, what happened? You seem terribly shaken.” said Celestia.

“I’m a little more than shaken, Princess. See, I fell asleep reading and woke up in this...other world...” said Twilight with as she rubbed the side of her head.

“It seemed like one doozy of a nightmare to me.” said Spike.

“Nightmare? Continue Twilight.” said Princess Celestia.

“It was...surreal. I was in some kind of world of darkness. I tried to make some light with my magic but I still couldn’t anything...” said Twilight.

Celestia paces back and forth.

“As if there were nothing there to be revealed?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, exactly!” Twilight responds.

“I don’t get it...” said Spike, scratching his head.

“In order for something to be seen, light has to shine on it. If you shine a light in a room full of nothing, you will see nothing.” explained Princess Celestia.

“Oh...” said Spike.

“Continue Twilight.” said Princess Celestia.

“It was so dark I couldn’t even tell if I was moving, like I was walking in place, then there was these eyes...” said Twilight with her own eyes enlarging.

“The...eyes?” Princess Celestia asked..

Twilight uses her magic to project moving images of the creepy yellow eyes she encountered from before. She projects them all over the castle. Spike screams at the sight of them and quickly hides behind Twilight shaking.

Princess Celestia looks all around at the eyes and gets a focused look on her face.

“These eyes, they followed you? Watching intently, never averting their gaze? Princess Celestia asked.

“Yes thats it exactly...” Twilight replied.

“W-W-W-W-What did you do next?” Spike asked, shaking.

“I ran...or at least I tried to before I fell through the floor and ended up on a giant book.” said Twilight.

“Well that doesn’t sound so bad.” said Spike.

“Thats when I met...her...me...SOMEONE!” Twilight yelled.

Princess Celestia and spike both raise an eyebrow at twilight.

Twilight stomps her hoof and uses her magic to project a giant image of Crazy Twi behind herself with it’s never ending eye twitch.

“This thing!” yelled Twilight as she pointed her hoof back at the image.

Spike faints falling backwards, hitting the floor hard.

Princess Celestia slightly cringes at the sight of the image of Crazy Twi not sure what to make of it.

“I-I see...go on...” said Princess Celestia, reluctantly.

“This this...nightmare me tried to bury me in this mucky stuff. It was cold, I couldn’t move, and I couldn’t see. All I did see was everyone...friends, family...everyone.

Spike popped back onto his feet like a rake that's been stepped on.

“Then what happened?” asked Spike.

Twilight uses her magic to levitate Spike over to her.

“You spike, I heard your voice and suddenly I was able to break out of that dark goop and fly out of there. Figures I’d get the hang of flying at the last minute.” said Twilight.

“Then what happened?” asked Celestia.

“I just kept on flying until I saw this light. I could hear Spike’s voice coming from it so I dove in without a second thought. Then, I woke up back in my tree.” said Twilight.

“Freaky nightmare.” said Spike.

“That was no nightmare, Spike.” said Twilight with certainty.

“What?!” screamed Spike.

“..I’m afraid she’s right Spike. That was no mere nightmare. Twilight, you were pulled into The Border Between Light and Darkness.

Twilight and Spike both drop their jaws in unison, then Twilight drops Spike.

“The what? Asked Twilight.

Princess Celestia levitates an old book down from a high bookshelf. The book has seen better days, looks as if it was ruined by time and fire.

“That’s as good a response as any. From what I’ve researched there exists beings of darkness that bare no name, but for now we’ll just refer to them as the Umbra or Umbrians.” said Celestia.

“Umbra?” asked Twilight, still confused. “and whats the “Border Between Light and Darkness?”

“I don’t know much yet, but what I do know that the Border is as named as such because when inside it you are always a few steps between freedom...and nothing.” said Celestia.

“Nothing?” asked Twilight.

“Nothing.” repeated Princess Celestia. I’ve been reconstructing this book from its ashes. It apparently burned a long time ago. What I’ve been able to make out is that the Umbra are living incarnations of darkness that attempt to drag ponies into The Border Between Light and Darkness and attempt to consume them in a sense.”

“Consume you...” said Twilight to herself.

“They try to make you believe that you cannot escape, they take a small part of you and use it to seal you away in darkness and in a way, trapping you within yourself. No doubt your body back in the real world must show some sign of this.

“That explains why Twilight was losing her color!” said Spike.

“Within myself? So that other Twilight...was a part of me?” asked Twilight, struggling to accept that.

“It would seem so, and judging from what you’ve told me I believe I’ve seen her work before.” said Princess Celestia as she gives Twilight a small smile.

Twilight blushes as she makes a makes a circle in the floor with her hoof.

“Wait, then where did that light come from?” asked Twilight.

Princess Celestia face tenses then she paces back and forth searching her mind for answers while her worried student follows her with her eyes. She has to explain all she can even if she hasn’t yet figured it all out yet.

Princess Celestia stops and turns to Twilight. “From what I’ve learned so far, In The Border Between Light and Darkness, the only way out is to reach the light. In the border however, light is almost impossible to find.”Celestia pauses to piece some more thoughts together. ”Although, what we now know is this, sometimes the words of a friend can be all we need to pull us out of the darkness.You felt trapped until you heard spike’s voice, correct?”

Twilight pondered this for a few seconds then turns to Spike with a smile. “Thats right! If it wasn’t for you Spike, I might’ve never have made it out of there.. said Twilight.

“I know, I’m awesome. Not Rainbow Dash awesome, but pretty awesome.” said Spike as he brushes the scales on his head back and grins proudly.

“Rainbow...WHAT ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE? WHAT ABOUT PONYVILE!? WHAT ABOUT EQUESTRIA?! Princess Celestia, is there a chance that this could happen to other ponies?” Twilight asked, hoping for this to be a freak incident.

Spike stands massaging his temples knowing something bad is about to be dropped on them.

“That is why I summoned you to the castle along with your friends. Well, at least I tried to.” said Celestia.

“Won’t happen again...probably.” said Spike with an embarrassed smile.

Celestia nods with a smile then she turns around as her horn glows and and a two edged sword levitates down from to her. She suspends in the air in front of Twilight.

Twilight stares puzzled at the floating blade. Trying to piece together the reasons why Celestia would show this to her. Her confusion increases once she notices that some how her cutie mark is on the hilt of the sword. She double checks her flank to make sure that the sword is indeed a copy.

“Princess Celestia...what is that?” asked Twilight hoping for Celestia to clear up her worries.

“Its a sword, cool.” chimed Spike as Twilight raised an eyebrow at him.

“I noticed the change earlier. From what I’ve gathered so far, The Elements Of Harmony have taken this form to better handle this new threat. If this new form means anything, its that this time we’re in for a long ride unlike any other.” said Princess Celestia.

“This is my Element Of Harmony? H-How can that-” started Twilight as she inspects the sword.

Princess Celestia uses her magic to flip through the pages of the old book, the pages regenerate little by little with every turn.

Twilight walks around her Element trying to figure out how this change was possible, her concerned face reflecting off the surface of the blade as a shine rolls over it once.

“I don’t know about this...” said Twilight.

“Twilight?” Spike said in a worried voice, placing his hand on Twilight’s shoulder.

“I don’t know if I can handle this one...” said Twilight as she turns away from the sword with her eyes shut.

Princess Celestia immediately stops her progress on with the book and turns her focus to Twilight. Realizing the doubt and fear in Twilight’s voice. She knows this is alot to place on Twilight. Handing a weapon does foreshadow a new kind of danger after all, but there really isn’t any other choice.

“ Twilight, my faithful student. You’ve gone above and beyond time and time again for both myself and Equestria so I understand if you’ve reached your limit, but I ask you. Will you wield your element once more to protect Equestria once again?” Celestia paused then continued.

“I know this all of this is a lot to take in and I wish I had all the information I need to make the path more clear but despite all this, will you walk this path without a complete map, Twilight?

Twilight looks at Celestia then turns to Spike who just smiles lightly at her then she turns back To Celestia. Twilight gathers her courage and smiles, full of determination and uses her magic to pull the sword over to herself.

“ Princess Celestia, if this is the only way I can use the Element Of Harmony to protect Equestria, no matter how dangerous or difficult, even if I have to fight. then so be it!” said Twilight.

Celestia smiles full of pride.

“Thank you Twilight. Now you’ll need to get your friends here so they can receive they’re new elements as well.” said Princess Celestia as she brings over a chest using her magic and opens it, instead the other Elements being inside only a note sits.

“Whats this? The Emements are...gone.” Celestia said completely surprised.

Spike falls on his back like a tree, fainting comically.

“Theres nothing here but a piece of paper.” said Celestia.

“What does it say?” asked Twilight.

“I’m sorry but your mystical elements of power have been misplaced at this point in time. For inquiries about this sudden phenomenon, please stomp your hooves seven times.” said Celestia as she read the strange note.

Twilight and Celestia both turn to each other with an eyebrow raised each then they proceed to stomp their hooves seven time, counting as they go. On the seventh stomp all of the windows in the room shatter raining glass down on them. Princess Celestia shields

Twilight and Spike from the glass with her wings.

“Ahh! Whats going on!?” Spike screamed.

“I’m not sure! It seems familiar though...” said Celestia.

“Look! The glass is forming something on the floor!” yelled Twilight.

Falling shards of glass form a snake like pattern on the floor, landing like puzzle pieces. The image has a horse like head with an antler sticking out of it along with a goat’s horn. Limb forms that is that of a lions’s paw while the other limb belongs to an eagle.

“Oh no...”mumbled Twilight, dreading whats about to happen.

“Sorry I’m late but I fell asleep waiting you to finish with all that BORING exposition.” chimed Discord’s voice though out the room.

“Discord!” roared Twilight. “What do you want! Kind of a bad time here!” said Twilight as she looked left and right expecting Discord to pop up like he always does.

“What did you do with the elements, Discord?!” yelled Princess Celestia.

“Why its all apart of a little game I like to “ Discord teased.

“Ooh! I like games!” chimed in Spike.

“Spike!” yelled Twilight.

“Oh can you blame him? Games are fun.” Discord taunted.

“DISCORD!” yelled Twilight. “Stop hiding and come out here now!” Twilight stomped her hoof.

“Oh very well, if I must.” said Discord.

In that instance, Discord’s reaches out from Twilight’s ear grabs and pulls her ear upward stretching it till he steps out of it like a door and then returns it to its normal shape.

“There, better?” said Discord as he folds his arms.
“ Wow, that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, get outta my head...” said Spike with a baffled look on his face.

Twilight shakes her head wildly then feels her ear hoping that there was no lasting damage done by Discord.

“What the-how the- is that even-ugh! Never mind...” sighed Twilight, giving up on understanding what just happened here.

“Discord, why in Equestria did we have to stomp our hooves seven times?” asked Celestia hoping for a meaningful answer.

Discord coughs up a nail file and begins filing his claws with it.

“Because I have seven letters in my name of course. Come now Celestia old girl, I assumed that part was obvious.” said Discord, filing his claws without a care in the world.

Princess Celestia gets ready to respond to Discord and poke a few holes in is so logic but just gives up and sighs.

“Yeah, that made perfect sense...” said Twilight with an eye roll. “.Now whats this about a game?

“Well, I wanted to make sure you and your friends were ready for the task at hand. After all I have been the most powerful foe you’ve faced until now.” said Discord proudly with a big grin.

“What about Queen Chrysalis?” grins Twilight.

“and King Sombre.: Spike added.

“They do have a point.” said Celestia with a smile.

“Oh please! No one even liked king sombrero.”said Discord, not amused at all by their teasing.” I assume the fact that I’m the only one still breathing means nothing...

“Not to mention that since you’re reformed I’m afraid I’m going to have to take off some points for that.” said Celestia with a bright smile.

“Ah, I see...pick on Discord day. Silly me, must’ve forgotten to mark my calendar. ANYWAY! It may be all fine and dandy to just HAND Twilight the all powerful Sword Of Harmony or whatever you plan on calling it. Since she has a TIIIIIIIIIIIIIINY idea of the dangers ahead.” Discord paused. But what about the other ponies?

Twilight and Celestia turn to each other and then back to Discord.

“What about my friends?” Twilight asked knowing that her friends would always be at her side to help her through anything. Even so, a small part of her has a small idea of what Discord may mean.

Discord snaps his fingers and makes a water fountain appear along with a glass in his hand. He then walks over to the fountain dips the glass in filling it up then drinks the glass like it was water and sits the floating water down like it was a glass.

Spike stares a Discord and the water blinking in awe.

“ Will they be willing to take on this task before seeing what they’re dealing with? As the poet once said, “Tis it right to hand a warrior his weapon before showing him the monster he must face?” recited Discord.

“What poet said that?” asked Twilight suspicious of Discord.

“Drocisd The Wise.” chuckled Discord.

“D-R-O-C-I-S-D...Discord backwards?!” yelled Twilight.

“Right again. See, games ARE fun.” said Discord.

“Of course my friends will be willing to help. They’re always there to help me!” said Twilight, angered by Discord’s words.

“Now now, don’t give me that look. I just fear they may lose their nerve once they actually SEE an...I’m sorry what did you call them...Umbra? Yes well when you see an Umbra in the light and realize how you have to get rid of them you may lose your nerve as well. You know that isn’t used to cut grass right?” said Discord as he pointed to Twilight’s sword. “Not to mention the fatal flaw of your elements. If everyone doesn’t show up to the party, nobody gets to dance.”

“That won’t happen, I have faith in them.” said Twilight.

“Well then put some of that faith in me and play my game. If you do you might just stand a chance out there.” said Discord.

Twilight looks towards Celestia with a deep uncertainty.

“Princess Celestia?” said Twilight.

“...I believe you should trust him Twilight.” Celestia responded.

“What?!” yelled Twilight.

Spike faints once again but this time Discord reaches in the fountain and pulls out two electric ells and rubs them together building up electricity then touches them to Spike’s belly shocking him and wakes him up completely. Discord then looks at the eels for a second and shocks himself for some reason, turning his body black.

“Uhhhhhhhhh...” said Twilight not sure what to make of that last gag.

Discord shakes the ash off of his body. “I assure you Twilight, this time I’m on your side.” said Discord with a big cartoony smile.

“...Oh fine, whats the rules of the game?” asked Twilight with a defeated sigh.

“Oh goody! First a little riddle.The elements are far away from here, but to you and your friends always near, if you want a chance to save your manes, all you have to do is-call- the- names.... Now the rules are simple. You cannot just give your friends their elements. You have to help them find them. They are out of your grasp at the moment anyway right? Rule number two is, learn how to go with the flow. Good or bad, change is always necessary. Rule three is...well actually thats all I have for now...” explained Discord.

“Now whoes getting heavy with the exposition?” mumbled Twilight.

“That last one seemed more like a tip to me.” said Spike.

“Would the nice dragon like a snack?” said Discord while dangling a gem in front os Spike.”

“YES!” yelled spike while sitting like a dog and wagging his tail wildly.

Discord tosses Spike the gem. “There, now be a good boy and keep quiet”

“One more thing Twilight, remember that the power to use the elements is something that comes naturally and no matter what, its always with you. In this form, if you need it, your element will be there.” said Celestia.

“I understand.” responded Twilight.

“Also, be wary of strange happenings such as changes in behavior in animals, personality changes in ponies, or weird weather.” Princess Celestia added.

“Weather...THE DARK CLOUDS OVER PONYVILE!” yelled Twilight.

“What?! Twilight, I think you should hurry back home and check on your friends!” said Celestia.

“I think you’re right.” Said Twilight.

Twilight turns to grab her sword but paused for a second then she grabs the sword handle with her teeth and the minute she touches the sword it vanishes. Twilight turns to Discord.

“I swear, It wasn’t me.” said Discord as a halo magically appears over his head all of a sudden.

“Then where did it go?!” yelled Twilight.

“To the blacksmith?” said Spike.

“AHHHHHH! FORGET IT! WE’LL FIGURE IT OUT ON THE WAY! C’MON!” yelled Twilight. She then grabs Spike and tossed him up on her back and runs off through the castle doors.

“Go Twilight, meanwhile I’ll be here trying to reconstruct the book.” yells Princess Celestia.

“Remember Twilight! The elements are far away from here, but to you and your friends always near, if you want a chance to save your manes, all you have to do is call the names.” recites Discord.

Discord...do you plan on cleaning up all the glass you broke?” asked Celestia narrowing her eyes at Discord.

“Oh give it a rest Celeste.” scoffed Discord.

-End Of Part 2

Author's Note:

Sorry about doing 1 chapter in multiple parts. Its going to be like this for the firs chapter. Chapter 2 will just be the full chapter.