• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 7,899 Views, 721 Comments

Seven minutes in heaven - Boomstick Mick

You don't really know somepony until you've been locked in a closet with them

  • ...

Ulterior motives

It wasn't fair. Why Button Mash? Of all the colts in the school, no, the world! Why did her first love have to be him? Button Mash - the one colt who, if anypony were to tell her she'd fall in love with an hour ago, would send her into a hysterical fit of laughter until she painted the windows with an ever-continuous torrent of projectile vomit!

Oh, the irony! It was like Cupid was playing a cruel joke. Silver Spoon needed this obsession to stop. She wanted to just swallow it down and keep it repressed. Never had she felt so irrational in all her life. She never wanted to see him again, yet she felt like she needed to. It was like an appetite that demanded to be sated. It was driving her insane. She literally felt like she'd go mad if she didn't see him at least once more before leaving, which was what she wanted to do now. With Diamond out of commission, seemingly for the remainder of the night, she really had no reason to linger.

"That's it," she said as she shambled nervously across the lobby floor. "I'll just leave."

She eyed the large double doors at the head of the massive lobby. It was the exit. She could just leave without saying anything. But it wasn't like she could hide form Button forever. She would see him at school when the weekend was over. Keeping her feelings a secret took top priority. Nopony could know. It would ruin her. She would surely lose all her friends, and she'd be ostracized like a pariah! Like the very one she was hellbent on avoiding.

She quickly strode to the doors, ready to bolt, but then she hesitated as her desire began to override her judgement.

What would have been the harm in just talking to him? Just this once? It was only right to thank him for the way he tried to help her, and perhaps apologize for all the mean things she had said to him. The way he did everything just to make her happy, despite the bullying and harassment she had put him through in the past. Trying to set her up with Rumble. Enacting such poetic revenge on Diamond Tiara for her. It was just so sweet of him... Random, but very, very sweet.

He did what he did to make her smile...

Such an odd reason. So inexplicable. That colt was such an enigma. Was that why she suddenly felt attracted to him? Could it really have been out of some sort of macabre desire to know what made him tick? Why he says the things he says, and why he does the things he does? Or perhaps it was his bizarre act of kindness that evoked these sudden feelings. Maybe it was some kind of dormant sense of guilt manifesting as misguided affection for treating him so badly. The way he would just suddenly do something for her like this, despite all the negative treatment; it was quite the conundrum.

Silver Spoon shook her head. She was thinking too deeply into the matter. She looked down at her reflection in the finely polished tile floor.

All just to make her smile? Could he possibly have liked her, too?

She forced the thought out of her head, not about to entertain such fantasies. Even if he did like her back, it wouldn't work. If she could just avoid him long enough, maybe these irrational feelings would disappear. She just needed to talk to him one more time before going back to treating him like he was an outcast. Maybe she could just say at least one kind thing to him. He deserved that at least that.

She dawdled for a moment longer, then said to herself with a strong finality in her tone, "I'll just thank him for what he did, and then I'll go home. Nothing more!" Silver looked down and observed her reflection once more. "You got this!" she bolstered. "Just thank Button, go 'round mum's, kill Phillip, have a cup of tea, and wait for all of this to blow over!" She paused in her walk toward the den. "Wait, who the heck is Phillip?" she reflected before shrugging the question away. She had to focus on the task at hoof.

Swallowing, she placed her hoof on the door. Just before pushing it open, she could hear Button talking to someone.

"No, the first three were called Dragon Warrior. It wasn't until the fourth one that came out when the name was changed to Dragon Quest."

Silver's ears twitched like little grey satellites as she tuned in to Button Mash's mellifluously nasally voice. It was like musical notes made of honey dancing throughout the air, entering her ears, making their way down through her body, then wrapping around her heart, forcing it to beat even harder. Much to her chagrin, that nerd lingo of his was beginning to grow on her, like a minstrel singing epic tales in an exotic language that she did not understand. It threatened to impassion her - making her want to know more about the... Dragon Quest? Whatever that was.

Her face felt hot. She knew she was blushing.

"So much for impassiveness," she said to herself. She took a breath, bit her lip, and eased the door open. Very carefully she peaked from around the wooded barrier. He was playing his Joyboy as he conversed with Snips at the table. It looked like the stubby little colt was doing away with the last of the refreshments.

"But that still doesn't excuse them for making ten an MMO." Button said.

"It made the game better!" insisted Snips. "You can join parties in this one. You can even choose your Job Class."

"You could do that in nine!" Retorted Button, throwing his hooves out. "I'm not going to continue to give a company my money every month for a game I've already paid for. It's the principal of the thing, Snips."

Snips scowled. "But you can't join parties in any of the other ones!"

"You meet your party along the way through all of the Dragon Quest games!"

"Yeah, but they're all NPCs!"

Button Mash set his Joyboy down and rubbed his temples. "No, they're not! They're not freaking NPCs if you can play as them! That's exactly what makes them NOT NPCs!"

"But you still get that immersive feeling of completing separate quests instead of just embarking on one big, played out one - with fifty novels worth of text to read!"

"Immersive? Do gamers even know what that word means anymore?" Button waved his hoofs around in mock-amazement. "Oh, yes. Immersion! Please, tell me all about how hunting down ten Slimes and bringing their essence back to an NPC makes you feel like you're sssooooo drawn into the game's world!"

Silver Spoon gaped in amazement at the ridiculously heated conversation, the pure dorkostarone in the air so thick, it could be cut with a knife. Why... Why am I attracted to this! It felt like the sheer nerd rage permeating the air had made her brain stroke out momentarily, as the two were suddenly arguing over something completely different.

"Oh, one time! That ONE time I called him Zelda!" Snips growled.

"It's blaspheme!" Roared Button. "It's sheer ignorance, forged through stupidity, tempered with the ore of legendary herp, waxed and polished by the derp smith of rere land, who sees it fit only to create wares at his forge of fail for only the most worthy of retards!"

And then, the inevitable happened. Snips ground his teeth, his muzzle wrinkling in a sneer. He drew back with his hoof and swung at Button Mash with all his force.

Button, however, did not even so much as try to evade the blow. Snip's inaccurate strike was off by nearly an entire foot. The momentum from the botched assault sent Snips whirling around in his stool before he fell and smacked the ground behind the counter with a resounding thud.

"My arm won't move!" wailed Snips from behind the counter. "I think I dislocated something!"

Button raised an unamused eyebrow as he picked up his Joyboy and continued his game. "I'm not helping you up this time, because you won't learn anything if I do."

"Can you at least pass me the cupcakes?"

Button rolled his eyes, paused his game, and slid the platter until it fell over the edge, making a loud metal upon flesh sound as it landed.


Button unpaused and resumed his game.

"...Thanks," pouted Snips.

"Welcome," replied Button.

The giggle that Silver Spoon tried with all her might to restrain forced itself out of her nostrils in the form of a loud snort. She immediately clapped her hooves over her mouth, letting go of the door, allowing it to slowly open its self.

Button looked up at her in surprise.

The abashed little filly stood under the door frame, her hooves pressed so hard over her snout that it hurt. She felt mortified by the awful sound she had just made, which, to her, was comparable to that of a warthog clearing its sinuses into a microphone at a death metal concert. The blush on her cheeks returned with a vengeance, burning hotter than it ever had before.

"You alright?" asked Button.

Silver nodded.

"You sure? You look kinda... Red."

"Uh, y-yes, well..." Silver Spoon cleared her throat to stall for time. "I may be running a fever," she lied as she nervously approached the table.

"A fever?" Said Button Mash, looking startled by the news. "Are you experiencing stomach cramps as well?"

"Uh, sure, why not?" Silver took her seat next to Button and turned to survey the room. Less than half the guests now remained. "I just wanted to say thanks for your--"

"A fever," Button Mash said with a thoughtful hoof on his chin. "It's always the first sign," he said quietly, as if speaking to himself.

Silver observed the concerned and thoughtful expression on Button's face with curiosity. She was almost afraid to ask, but she couldn't stop herself. "First sign of what?"

"You ever play any of those zombie apocalypse themed survival horror games? Whenever you read a diary or researcher's journal, they always start writing about unexplainable fevers and stomach cramps... Before..."

"Before what?"

Suddenly, Button leaned in toward Silver, and placed a hoof on her head. He narrowed his eyes in a grimace. "You are kinda hot."

Silver poured all of her focus into keeping her breathing under control. He was so close to her. He was touching her. She began to quiver nervously.

"Have you come into contact with any vials of strangely colored fluid?" Button inquired.


"Oh no, problems with speech, too!" Button bent down and pressed the side of his face to Silver's chest.

"W-what are you—"

"Listening for your heart beat... It sounds like a drum!"

"O-oh, uhm..." Silver could not articulate. No matter how hard she tried.

Button then straightened and grabbed silver by her arms. "Answer the question! Vials of strange fluid: yes, or no?"

Silver Spoon swallowed. "No, I can't say that I have."

"Good, that rules out the T-virus mutagen," sighed the neurotic colt as he sat back in his seat. He seemed to be relieved for a moment, then his wide, panicked eyes snapped back up to her as a new question came to him. "Has anyone bitten you?"

The barely articulate filly's eyes widened at the array of increasingly bizarre questions. "I don't think so..."

"It's not an infectious disease," he sighed again. Then, "Any exposure to radiation?"


"Have you come in contact with unusually high amounts of radiation? You know, like, do you ever heat your food in a microwave?"


"I knew those things would be the death of us all!" Button suddenly cried out, shaking a wrathful hoof at some unseen entity. "That's why I never use them. Every time my mom buys one, I'm always sure to take it outside with a baseball bat. She always gets mad when I do it, but she'll thank me some day! She'll thank me!" Button then turned around and pointed his hoof out to the remaining party guests. "You'll all thank me when we're not shambling around with gravely voices and using bottle caps for currency!"

Unmoved by the boisterous colt's outburst, the guests shrugged to each other and carried on with their business. Nothing Button did really surprised them. To them, it was just Button being Button.

Silver Spoon gawked at him silently. Why... Why am i attracted to this deranged lunatic?

Several moments had passed when Button twirled around in his seat and looked back at her. Silver quickly looked away as she realized she had been staring at him.

"Do you want me to help you get to a doctor before—"

"I'm not turning into a ghoul!"

"How can you be sure?"

Silver Spoon face-hoofed. "I'm just sure, okay?"

"Well, if you're sure, but you should probably get home anyway, if you're running a fever."

"What fever?"

"The fever... The one you said you had?"

"What are you talking ab—" The filly froze as she remembered her own lie that she had forgotten during Button's manic bout of hysterics. "Oh, yeah!" she said. "That's right... My fever. Yeah, I should be heading home."

"Feel better," said Button. "But before you leave, what were you going to say to me?"


"You sounded like you were going to thank me for something."

Silver Spoon chided herself for forgetting that too, but she reposed quickly and said, "Yeah, I wanted to thank you for trying to set me up with Rumble. That was super sweet of you. And..." She looked away and nervously played with her braid. "Maybe you're not so bad. I'm sorry I've been so mean to you all this time." She looked down and, for the first time, felt genuine guilt as she remembered every nasty name she had ever called, wishing she could somehow take it all back.

Button's eyes darted around, as if he was having difficulty making eye contact with her. He picked his Joyboy up, and the screen came to life as he continued his game.

This reaction struck Silver Spoon as odd. Why did he suddenly become so quiet? He was just spazzing out a second ago, now he was back to acting like he was in some sort of shell.

"Did it not work out with Rumble?" he asked, his voice low and methodical.

Silver Spoon had carried out what she set out to do. She apologized to him, and she thanked him. But she didn't want to leave. This was her chance to talk to him. Maybe get to know him a little better. What would be the harm in that?

"I didn't tell him," Silver Spoon replied.


"I don't know... Probably because I found out that I didn't like him as much as I thought I did. I didn't realize it at the time, but maybe it's because..." Silver thought long and hard over what she was about to say. "Because I like somepony else." She looked away from him, not liking where the conversation was going. But she couldn't stop herself. The only thing she could do was try as hard as she could not to be too obvious.

Button Mash didn't respond. He was still being unusually quiet. He was acting just as he was when he was locked in the closet with her: Withdrawn, as if he had put some sort of barrier around himself.

"Why did you do it?" Silver asked.

"Why did I do what?"

"You know what I mean!" Silver snipped.

Button sighed impatiently. "I told you why I did it."

"But it doesn't make sense. What kind of big pay off is a smile? You formulated and carried out that crazy plan of yours just for a smile? There has to be an ulterior motive."

"I told you why I wanted you to smile."

"Because I'm cute when I smile..."


"But I still don't understand."

Button grimaced at his game's screen. It took him a while to answer, but finally, "Remember when I told you that I rarely see you smile, especially when I'm around? I just wanted to see you smile. And I wanted the satisfaction of knowing that I was the one who put that smile on your face. That's really all there is to it."

Silver felt like a broken record, asking the same questions over and over again, but the surly colt was making it clear that what he revealed was all he was going to give her.

She knew there was more to his motives. There had to be.

"Sil," Button finally said.

Silver Spoon looked at him, waiting for him to speak.

The apprehensive colt faltered. "Never mind."

"No, what? What is it? Ask me anything you want."

"Since when do you care about anything that I have to say?"

Silver shrank back in surprise. That wasn't a reaction she was expecting.

"I didn't mean to say that!" Button set his game down and rubbed the back of his head in a series of twitchy, vigorous strokes. "I'm not good at expressing myself - especially when I'm nervous. I'm sorry. I have really bad social anxiety issues. The ADD doesn't make it any easier."

Silver cocked her head in puzzlement at the colt's sporadic body language. Was that some kind of nervous tick? ADD and an anxiety disorder would definitely explain a few things.

"Oh, Button dear~" Scootaloo sang.

Button's head perked up, and he turned to acknowledge her, as if he had completely forgotten about the conversation he and Silver were having.

"You know who my favorite video game character is?" Scoots said with a smirk.

Sweetie Belle tugged at her tail and said, "Hey, Scoots, I don't think this is a good idea. You don't know how crazy he gets when—"

"Shush, I got this," Scootaloo laughed. "Do you know how awesome a troll cutie mark would look?"

"Who's your favorite video game character?" Button asked with legitimate interest. He was smiling again. Silver noted his odd swing in behavior as mildly amusing. At least he didn't seem to be upset anymore.

"Zelda!" Scoots said with a wicked little smirk.

"Well, yeah, Zelda is pretty cool." Button agreed.

"'Cause, you know..." The cheeky filly turned her head ever so slightly. "He's, like, such a hunk! His green tunic really brings out the glimmer in his eyes."

Button's eye twitched. "Foul she-devil... Do not taunt me..."

"You're right, I'm sorry about that," smirked the mischievous filly. "But hey, do you know who my favorite bounty hunter is?"

Button tilted his head. "IG-88?"

"Nope," Scoots repressed a laugh. "Metroid!"

Button's eyes parted off in separate directions. He made a ghastly growling sound as his mouth began to froth. "Her name isn't Metroid!" He leaped off of his seat to give chase.

Scootaloo giggled as she retreated. "Come and get me!" she taunted.

"You better pray that I don't catch you, because if I do, I'm going to suplex you through a table!"

Silver Spoon watched Button chase her all over the room to the sound of the Benny Hill chase music playing in her head. She laughed as she watched the two. In the back of her mind, she was thinking of how cute Button was when he was angry. However, she quickly suppressed the thought for fear of bringing around another bout of blushes and inarticulate stuttering.

With a sigh, she turned around and noticed Button's Joyboy. She became curious as to how such a paltry little thing could captivate the colt so. She picked up the foreign device and sifted through the various selections of downloaded games, apps, and options until she saw something that caught her interest.

She read the name of the application out loud to herself: "My little pony maker." The cute little character model of a filly wearing a Luigi hat that popped up and rotated on the screen when she highlighted the option was what caught her attention. Intrigued, she opened the function and was taken to a selection menu: Create A Pony - Edit A Pony - View Pony Gallery - Street Pass Ponies - Delete Ponies.

Silver Spoon liked the idea of creating her own character. She was almost tempted to create her own cute little avatar, just to see how it would turn out. But she didn't know the first thing on how to go about doing it. Instead, she selected the View A Pony Gallery. A cute little 3D model of a chibi Button Mash popped up and waved at her. Thoroughly amused by the animation, Silver giggled. It wasn't long before she figured out how to take control of him, and was able to guide him around some sort of plaza filled with other little imitations of ponies that Button had customized.

One of them, a mare, was labeled 'Mom.' Silver had the mini rendition of Button approach her, and they engaged each other with an animation of them hugging each other.


She approached another one, a colt, who was labeled 'BigBro.' The larger colt snared Button in a headlock and gave him a noogy. Button kicked and squirmed with a grumbling expression as he tried to free himself. That was when Silver realized that the interactions with the other ponies in the plaza must have been customizable.

Silver spent some time playing around with the application. The reactions that the 3D model of Button would engage in with the representations of his family were rather heartwarming. The one where Button approached the 'Dad' avatar was particularly entertaining. They stood a distance from one another, bowed, and began to sword fight with Katanas. Button was the victor at the end, standing triumphantly with a hoof over his slain father, who now had exes over his eyes as cherry blossoms rained down upon them.

The plaza was bustling with other avatars, some of them fantasy characters from various cartoons and sci-fi themed movies. She scrolled through them until a particular avatar caught her attention: she wore glasses, pearls, and her hair was done in a platinum braid. The name under her was simply named 'Sil.' The name was bracketed with, oddly enough, little hearts...

Silver Spoon didn't notice any other models representing anyone else from the school. Why was she in here?

She looked back and saw a panting, sweating Button mash still chasing Scootaloo, who showed no signs of fatigue. She continued to smile and giggle as she evaded him, sometimes slowing down and letting him think he was about to catch her, only to escape him at the last second.

Silver Spoon returned to the Joyboy and looked again at her avatar. A powerful curiosity gnawed at her. Unable to resist, she proceeded toward the virtual representation of herself.

Button stopped in front of her, sat back on his haunches, and shyly swirled little circles on the ground with his hoof. He then produced a Chao plushie and held it out for her to take. Silver's avatar took it and squeezed it affectionately, causing a little sweat drop to appear on the hapless toy's head. Then she set it aside, and they both blushed as they leaned in to each other - wrinkling their muzzles as they shared a gentle nuzzle. Little pink hearts materialized about them, encompassing them, only to disappear with little pops to give way to new ones.

Silver watched the animation again, not even beginning to know what to think. Her face turned beat red as all her questions were now answered. He likes me. He likes me back.

She watched it over and over again, even when Button Mash finally returned, panting and gasping to catch his breath. Silver Spoon didn't even notice him. She was entranced by the looping animation.

"Contrary......... To...... Popular belief..... Playing video games...... Does not make you a..... World class athlete...." He wheezed as he laid his head down on the table.

"Is the little baby all tuckered out already?" jabbed Scootaloo.

"Go....Away....You stupid.....Chicken..."

Scootaloo just laughed in response before checking her flank, her excited smile dimming into a dismayed frown. "Nothing? Seriously!"

"HA.....HA!" Button wheezed triumphantly. "You suck!"

Scoots harrumphed with her nose in the air as she walked away.

Button's breath began to even out. He stood up in the seat and looked around for his Joyboy before noticing that Silver Spoon had it. "Oh, there it is."

Silver's eyes snapped to him. "Yeah, uhm, you don't mind?" She asked as she desperately tried figure out what button would close the function. Nothing she did in her furious button mashing was able to interrupt the animation once it was in play however.

"Nah, I don't mind. The game I was playing auto saves when you close it." He paused to study her frantic movements - the intense look she had in her eyes. "Looks like you're really getting into it," he said. "What game are you playing?"

Silver squeezed the Joyboy to her chest, concealing the screen. "Uhm.... Duck Hunt?"

Button raised on eyebrow. "Duck Hunt."

"Or... DDR?"

The suspicious colt's eyes began to widen as if he had stumbled upon some horrifying conclusion. "Sil, what are you playing?" he demanded.

Silver Spoon didn't speak. She didn't move. She just looked at him, her face ridden with guilt. She knew she stumbled upon something that wasn't meant for her eyes.

Button Mash suddenly lashed out and wrenched his Joyboy from her. He looked at the screen, mortified, the color flushing from his face. He looked up at her. His mouth twitched several times as if he were attempting to speak, but he was bereft of words.

"Button... I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything." The Joyboy clicked as Button silently switched it off. "I'm going home now."

"What? You don't have to—"

"It's okay. We'll pretend you never saw it. Or, at least I will. I promise I'll delete you when I get home. I'm sorry." The look on Button's face was so humiliated, so pained, so mortified, it was heartbreaking.

"You have nothing to apologize for!"

No response. Button hopped down from his seat and immediately made his way to the door with long and fast strides.


The colt opened the door and left the room. Silver gave chase, making her way to he door before it could close. Button was already half way passed the lobby by the time she cleared Den.


The colt placed a hoof on the large double doors.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Silver Spoon demanded. Her brain was now working on auto pilot. She desperately didn't want him to leave. Not like this. She was probably confusing him by suddenly acting like she was concerned after all the years of treating him like sub-equine trash, but she couldn't let him leave.

Button spoke, but he didn't turn around. He just kept his head low, his shoulders rigid. "If you were me, and I were you, would you tell me?"

Much to Silver Spoon's guilt, the colt's words registered with her. They made sense, and they cut her deep. How could he tell her? She had always treated him like garbage. The colt was likely speculating and dreading all the ways in which Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara would humiliate him over this.

Button Mash slowly turned his head, and gazed tearfully at Silver from over his shoulder. The shattered look in his face was almost too much to take. "Sil, I know you hate me, and you probably hate me even more now, but please, don't tell Diamond Tiara about this."

Fighting back her own tears, Silver found herself unable to form a coherent sentence. All she was able to do was nod and say, "Diamond... Won't.... Tell."

Though his eyes were still watery, Button was able to smile. "Thanks." He opened the door and left Silver Spoon in the lobby.

She suddenly raced for the door to pursue him, but she stopped. What was she doing? This was all for the best. He will most likely never try to talk to her again. This was what needed to happen. They were just too different. It would never work out. Not in a million years. She had her feelings for him, but they would surely pass, and she would be able to go on with her life.

Silver Spoon turned around and slid with her back against the double doors. "It's all for the best," she chanted to herself as if her words were a prayer. The tears finally welled up in her eyes and overflowed as the guilt began to crush her. Button was walking home alone, probably crying as well. No doubt feeling embarrassed. Dreading the next day of school. She gave him her guarantee that she wouldn't tell Diamond, but he had no cause to trust her on anything she said.

It didn't matter though. Silver decided that she would never pick on him again. And she won't let anyone else pick on him either. She could protect him. As far as gestures of love, gratitude, and penance, she could at least do that for him.

She softly banged the back of her head against the door. She couldn't deny that she wanted to tell him. She wanted him to know that she felt the same way. The indecisive filly was ready to get back up and give chase, but she again decided against it, pushing her urges down and forcing herself to stay put.

Her desire for him was strong, but her will had to be stronger.

"It's all for the best," she began to chant again, her words becoming less and less convincing every time she recited them.