• Published 28th Jul 2014
  • 1,284 Views, 27 Comments

When Worlds Unite Up - The card holder

The Wonderful 101 decides to dispatch a group of Wonderful Ones to Equestria, hoping to secure an ally in the ongoing battle against GEATHJERK.

  • ...

Operation E-03: To Boldly Plan to Go

Wonder White lowered P-Star once again. Though he was certainly well disciplined in the art of patience, unfortunately for him, his green companion was not.

“Oh, will they hurry up already?” Green moaned. “It is getting boring just sitting and watching!”

White kept himself from groaning in exasperation, even though a few others already did near the back of the group. “Patience, Green-san, is a virtue. We should continue waiting for the word from the others.”

Green pouted in silence, not able to see a reason to disagree with White beyond his own boredom. White was very much thankful for this, as it gave him more time to study the locals. By now, P-Star had resigned to his fate as binoculars, and didn’t even struggle as White once again pulled the robot out of the air and to his eyes.

They had already taken several pictures of each type of multicolored pony they had seen from the edge of the forest, so really White was only killing time by doing this.

From his position, he could also see the upper half of the crystal castle that the others were supposedly inside, though he couldn’t hope to find any windows to peek through.

There was a rustling in the grass behind them, and White whirled around, as did the rest of the Wonderful Ones, to see a pair of wooden wolves trying to sneak up on them. Caught, they now stood like deer in headlights.

White simply glared at them, subtly shaking his head. The wolves, getting the message, immediately turned tail and ran, tails literally between their legs.

As White went back to looking at the town, Green giggled while he snacked on a buttered-up croissant. “At least the other locals seem rather frightened by us!”

White allowed himself to sigh in annoyance. Patience was a virtue, but his virtues were wearing thin.

Shortly after Elliot’s question, Fluttershy happened to return from tending to her animals. This greatly assisted the following conversation regarding the normal diet of humans, and how they were, in fact, omnivorous.

Surprisingly, the ponies took the news fairly well. Sure, it didn’t sit too well with them, but they still understood the fact that it was simply biological needs. Even Dash didn’t hold it against the aliens, seeing as she was friends with a griffon for much of her life.

Despite this, there was still no meat in the castle for Elliot to eat, so instead he settled for whatever happened to be nearby. In this case, it was a set of cupcakes that Pinkie had brought from… somewhere. Questioning on the matter only led to further questions being raised.

As he noisily ate, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. “Man, these are good! What did you put in these, like a pound of sugar?”

Pinkie laughed. “Of course not, silly! Only fifteen ounces!”

This got him to pause his ravenous eating for a second while he figured the math, before he shrugged and dived right back in.

From the other room, Spike came nonchalantly walking in, also eating his own cupcake. Not only was his eating much neater, his cupcake was also noticeably more shiny. Plus, it had what looked like a gemstone of some description sticking out of the top.

This did not go unnoticed by Elliot. “Woah, dude, you can eat diamonds?”

Spike nodded as he swallowed his current bite. “And rubies, and sapphires, and-”

“That’s pretty gnarly, man.” While Spike puzzled over what exactly he meant, Elliot just dove right back into eating.

“You would think he has been starving for weeks,” Rarity quietly commented.

“Oh, my cupcakes just do that sometimes!” Pinkie said. “They’re just super-de-duper-ly delicious!”

This got a few laughs from the others. At that point, Twilight glanced at the nearby clock. “I think I’ll go see if Will needs anything.”

Spike, the girls, and Elliot gave varying degrees of waves goodbye as she left the room, heading back to the library.

When she entered it, she couldn’t help but gasp at the sight. It had only been an hour or so, and yet Will had already depleted a vast amount of the books he had stacked for himself earlier. Not only that, but he had even put back the ones he had finished; in the exactly correct places, at that!

Will looked up from his current book, Origins of the Horseshoe, to see a dumbstruck Twilight standing in front of him. He awkwardly coughed, which seemed to break her out of her stupor.

“I- Is there something you need, Twilight?” Will stammered, adjusting his thick glasses.

“Oh, uh… actually, I was just about to ask you that,” Twilight sheepishly asked.

Will put aside his current book. “W- Well, your world seems quite fascinating, at any rate.”

Despite the circumstances of the compliment, Twilight couldn’t help but look away. “Oh, well, it’s nothing, I suppose.”

Will looked like he was thinking about something, before speaking up again. “When do you think we can see the town?”

Twilight paused. “You already want to see the town?”

“Well, if it’s not too much trouble…”

Twilight thought over the question. There was some time before Celestia would be able to help them with their situation, and while the residents of Ponyville might panic slightly, surely she can help assuage any fears they might have.

“You know what, that actually sounds like a good idea.”

Will nodded, stretching slightly as he got up from his seat. “I guess I’ll go tell the others, then.”

With that, he left the library, Twilight following close behind. They soon made their way back to the others, where Elliot was still gorging himself on cupcakes. Upon seeing Will, he motioned at him. “Come on, R- Will, try one of these, they’re great!”

Will raised an eyebrow at the (now mostly empty) box of cupcakes in front of Elliot. “I think I’ll pass, thanks.” He looked over at the assembled ponies, before looking back at him. “A- Anyway, we should go meet up with the others; I have an idea I want to run by them.”

Elliot shrugged, taking one last cupcake with him as he got up and followed Will down the hall. The ponies did the same, sharing confused looks at one another over what this idea could be.

Before any major conversations about it could take place, they arrived back at the room. Will entered first, seeing Mariana inspecting her face in a mirror, and Luka laying on the bed, bored. Both of them looked to Will, as well as Elliot and the ponies behind them. Rarity and Mariana traded venomous looks, but said nothing.

Will cleared his throat. “Everyone, I think we should go out and see what the town is like.”

The other three humans looked at each other, before nodding and voicing their agreements.

Will paused. “Oh, uh… that was easy.”

“When would you like to leave?” Twilight asked.

“Give me at least a few minutes,” Mariana said. “I need some time to pretty myself up.”

“...that’s what you’ve been doing this whole time.”

“Hush, Luka.”

“Well, with that settled, I’ll see about trying to make sure everypony doesn’t freak out when they see you.” Twilight left the room, followed by the rest of the ponies, Rarity glaring a hole in the back of Mariana’s head the whole time.

Once they were alone, Elliot finished off the cupcake he brought with him. “So, what exactly is the plan for this?”

Will tried to keep his voice low, on the off chance one of the ponies was eavesdropping. “We can see how their culture and lifestyle is firsthand, this way. Besides, the others can see for themselves that we’re fine.”

Mariana sighed. “Green will ogle me the entire time, won’t he?”

“...most likely, yes,” Will admitted.

Elliot tried to wipe the frosting and crumbs off his face. “Well, whatever, I’m sure we’ll be totally fine. I just wonder how things are back home.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Earth’s in capable hands."

The wind blew through an empty field, not a single sign of life anywhere for miles.

That is, until an ornate circle started glowing in the middle of it. The glow intensified, until a collection of aliens, of varying shapes and sizes, though most of them were small, emerged. They all turned to the nearest city on the horizon, and started moving that way.

For they were a scouting party left behind in the wake of the latest GEATHJERK invasion, and they decided it was no longer the time to sit and wait.

The front of the pack mainly consisted of flying saucer devices piloted by the small aliens, along with a pair of much larger gunships. All of them were flying even courses towards the city, unwavering in their goal.

At least, until a group of gray blurs started approaching from the city. They quickly revealed themselves to be fighter jets, and the aliens scattered as they launched a set of missiles into the group.

Be advised, confirmed sighting of GEATHJERK forces, GDF command has alerted the Centinels.

This is Dog 2, copy that. Let’s give them a warm welcome in the meantime.

The formation of jets turned around, ready for another pass. At the front, a pair of aircraft stood out from the others. One had its wings painted a light blue, while the other had a single bright red wing.

Don’t worry guys, as long as Dog’s here, we’re fine,” one of the pilots in the rear said.

You got that right,” the red winged flyer replied. “Now come on, Cypher, let’s show ‘em how it’s done!

By now the aliens had started firing on the jets, forcing them to scatter as well. Several missiles impacted one of the gunships, which was enough to blow several holes in its armor, though it was still flying.

Meanwhile, the saucers had started pursuing two other jets, and while all their shots were easily dodged, they had a hard time getting rid of the pursuing craft.

Noticing this, the blue-winged jet suddenly banked hard into the air, before flying towards one of the planes head on. They avoided each other, before the blue jet sent a missile into the saucer, sending it to the ground in a fiery heap.

Thanks, Dog 1, I owe you!

At the same time, the red wing pilot sent a pair of missiles into one of the larger ground units, causing it to explode in a flash of light. Shortly after, he managed to gun down yet another saucer that was trying to meet him head on.

Dog’s not flying alone out here!” one of the pilots shouted. “Let’s show those Jerks what the Gaia Defense Force can really do!

Just as that was said, the blue winged plane took another pass at one of the gunships, this time causing it to explode into wreckage. After confirming the kill, he quickly banked to the right to avoid a laser blast from the other gunship.

At that point, yet another blur appeared in the sky, as none other than the Virgin Victory entered the airspace.

This is the Virgin Victory to all GDF planes. Thanks for the support, we’ll take it from here. Alice, engage the Jerks!


The Virgin Victory swooped low above the Jerks, while the GDF planes flew some distance away, though still close enough to help if needed.

From the deck of the white ship, a rainbow-colored trail emerged, landing on the ground right in front of the Jerks. After a brief pose break, they went to work, swiftly engaging and decimating the alien ground forces.

Dog 2 whistled. “Looks like we get to see the Wonderfuls in action, too. Ain’t that something, buddy?

Dog 1 remained silent.

While the Wonderful 101 was fighting (though, if anyone was paying close attention, they would notice that there were only eighty-one Wonderfuls), the remaining gunship recovered from its attack from the Virgin Victory, and swiftly began charging its laser, aiming at the Wonderfuls.

The attack was thwarted, however, by Dog 1 skillfully dropping an unguided bomb onto a mid-air target, before flipping back around and following up with a pair of missiles. The now demolished craft plummeted to earth, crushing one of the larger aliens that managed to get behind the 101.

Shortly after, the last of the Jerk forces were mopped up, and the Virgin Victory hovered overhead to teleport the 101 back inside. Once that was done, its captain said a final farewell, before zooming off.

Mission accomplished, the GDF planes turned back to the city, and started their flight back.

That was some slick flying, Dog 1,” a pilot commented. “Heck, you could probably try out to be a Wonderful One, if you wanted!

Dog 2 laughed. “Cypher, a Wonderful? I’d like to see that.

He took a deep breath. “Hey, buddy… you still breathing?

Author's Note:

The nice thing about this being a collab is that I can blame any mistakes and/or bad ideas on my partner
Like the fact that over half this chapter is semi-pointless filler, and a large portion of making a chapter this short is just to tell you people that we didn't kill each other (yet)

Comments ( 7 )

It lives!:pinkiegasp:

Seriously though, i'm glad this fic is still going. Being the only Wonderful 101 crossover on fimfiction I have found, I practically squee in delight whenever this story updates.

My only hope is that the wait for the next chapter is a bit shorter. Not that i'm trying to rush you! I realize writing a story of this kind can be very difficult, especially as a collab.

Anyway, keep up the great work!

6208777 I'll bug him into writing some more.

My reaction to this fic: :pinkiehappy:

I'll be waiting.

Maybe poke him with a pointier stick?:rainbowlaugh:

*Poke poke*

Sure half of it is filler, but at least it was an extended shout out to Ace Combat, so that is just as good.

keep it up my friend im loving this

My concept of an MLP/W101 crossover would have these new members on the team:

???: You finally made it!

Red: If it isn't the Element of Laughter! CENTINELS Planetary Secret Service, Special Combat Agent, Ponyville Field Office, Pinkie Pie. Or should I say: Wonder Party!

Pinkie: Thanks, Red. But we all know who I am!

Wonder Party (Element of Laughter)
Real Name: Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie
Origin: Equestria
Assignment: Ponyville
Weapon: Par-T Cannon (Unite Gun)

Wonder DJ (Drop the Beat!)
Real Name: Vinyl "DJ-PON3" Scratch
Origin: Equestria
Assignment: Canterlot
Weapon: Groovin' Goggles (Unite Goggles)

The CENTINELS would have Field Offices underneath Ponyville and Canterlot with permission from Princesses Celestia and Luna, but Twilight is the only princess that doesn't know about this. (She was supposed to be informed of the situation but the Jerks invaded slightly earlier than expected, necessitating some plot exposition, much to Pinkie's annoyance.). Some background ponies would be revealed to work for the CENTINELS (Derpy, for example, informs Pinkie of a GEATHJERK fleet is approaching planet Equus, and contacts HQ on Earth for reinforcements). The Royal Guards also help with civilian evacuations and become Wonderful Reinforcements

After removing the invading GEATHJERK forces in Ponyville, Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and the Crystal Empire (Which I refer to as Operations EX-01 through EX-04. Operation EX-05 is the boss fight.); the Wonderful 101 (and the rest of the Mane Cast) confront the leader of the GEATHJERK remnants: a 7th-class officer who was stationed elsewhere when the events of the game occurred (someone had to monitor the other worlds the GEATHJERK has conquered, after all.). Twilight calls out the Jerk officer not just for their actions, but (ENDGAME SPOILERS) the fact that Jergingha's plan inadvertently caused the potential creation of the Greater Galactic Coalition!

On a related note, here's what Unite Morphs the rest of the Mane Cast would hypothetically use:

  • Twilight Sparkle: Unite Bomb
  • Applejack: Unite Hammer
  • Rainbow Dash: Unite Sword
  • Fluttershy: Unite Claw
  • Rarity: Unite Whip
  • Spike: Unite Hand

I'd write it myself, but I'm a lousy writer and all I have are raw ideas and outlines.

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