• Published 23rd May 2014
  • 2,058 Views, 31 Comments

Alicorn Fluttershy - Xx soul sorrow xX

One day Fluttershy got up and realized she was an alicorn...

  • ...

Finally Found You

Fluttershy was contemplating. She sat with Allen on the building. She said, "Allen, are you sure you don't know where Cloudkicker is?"
"Nope" he sayed.
"Oh good" said Fluttershy. "Fantastic. Amazing. Success."
Allen walked away because he had to go to his hobo job and do his hobo work and do hobo stuff. Fluttershy said bye bye and went down stairs. She went in the building good.
She saw a people. "Hey have you seen Cloudkicker dudes?" she yelled.
A mysterious gal said "Oh yeah, I saw it."
"Where is it go?" said Fluttershy.
"Um I think she is at her penthouse apartment."
"Oh" said fluttershy. She grabbed a Yellow Pages and looked up Cloudkicker. She was in there! Cool!
Fluttershy ran to the place. She culdn've teleported, but she didn't. She didn't fly either. Nope, she just ran away. She ran to the apartment. She knocked on the door. "Hi Cloudkicker it;'s me Fluttershy" said Fluttersh. Cloudkicker was in there. Cloudkicker said "No Fluttershy. You can't come in." Fluttershy said ":fluttercry:"
Cloudkicker sia d "Sorry but you can't come in b/c I'm contagious. I got a blood clot. You might catch it if you come in."
"Silly Cloud kicker" said Fluttershy. "Blood clots are only contgious on Fridays."
"Oh yeah I forgot." said Cloudkicker. She opened the door. She opened the door to her heart.
Fluttershy wiped her feet on the mat. She took a breath and breathed it out. She sat on the floor since there was only one chair and Cloudkicker was already sitting in it. Cloudkicker said "Soorry but I had to move here. No hard feelings."
"Oh good" said Fluttershy. She grabbed a cream cheese danish from a bucket nearby. The bucket was rust in it. It was full of danishes and some lint and a moldy band-aid stucked to the bottom. Fluttershy didn't mind. She ate the danish, but she changed her mind. She grabbed a nother danish to give to Allen later. Allen is a hobo so he probably doesn't eat food a lot. Fluttershy was concerned about his digestive health.

Fluttershy told Cloudkicker a grand tale of her adventures looking for her buddy. Which was Cloudkicker. It was a epic saga like The Hungary Games. Cloudkicker didn't really care. She just went on Tumblr on her phone while Fluttershy was telling the story.
Fluttershy said: "And then I came in your apartment and then I told you this story. The end :)".
Cloudkicker was taking a nap. Fluttershy didn't mind because she could digest the infos in her head when she was asleep. That's how Fluttershy learned Bulgarian and now she was a natural at speaking it. Except she could only speak it in her sleep. But that's good and dandy.

Finally Cloudkicker woked up. Fluttershy said "I want to watch a movie. Want to do it?"

"Yeah okay" said Cloudkicker. "Go pick a movie."
So Fluttershy went to Blockbuster. She picked up a used DVD called The Sand Lot. The cashier was angry man. He said "THAT LL BE 40 CENTS, BROTHER." Fluttershy handed him the cash. Then she flew home.

Fluttershy said "Hey I got The sand Lot." Cloudkicker said "Oh cool". She liked the classics.
Fluttershy baked a popcorn and they ate in a big, fat bowl. It was tasty. Except Fluttershy can't cook good so it was burnt. :(. But cloudkicker actually liked burned food so she ate it up. It was tasty popcorn even if it were burnt.
They wached Sand Lot. They ate the corn. They laughed at all the funny bits like when the dog almost killed the kid and wjen the ghost guy showed up and when the kids threwed up bcause they ate the bad sauce.
After that they kept quoting the movie like "Your killing me Smalls :(". And every time they did it, they laughed. It was a funny.

As the days got longer and the nights got hotter and it got to be summer, it was hot outside. Fluttershy got a sunburnt. Bulk Biceps disappered mysteriously. So Cloudkicker broked up w/ him over Facebook. Sorry no hard feelings :twistnerd:.
Fluttershy finally found Allen. Allen was a success now because he was the leader of the hoarde of hobos in the city. Fluttershy congrats him. She gave him the danish from ages ago when they watched The Sand Tot together. Allen ate it good.

So, after that, Fluttershy moved in with Cloudkicker. So they were basically roommates even though Fluttershy was Cloudkicker's mom and her friend. So they lived in the city. And Fluttershy never even saw Scootaloo or Babs or any other orange dudes again, and she was happy. So one day out in the summer, she asked Allen out ona date. He was still a hobo, but that's okay since Fluttershy was a magical alicorn that could make money fo' nothing. They went on a date and it was like a double date since Caiden came too but she didn't even bring anyone so it was just awkward for her and Caiden just played a game on her phone instead. Then finally a few, Fluttershy and Allen got married. And Allen's last name was Freeman so Fluttershy turned into Fluttershy Freeman. And they got their own house in the city life. And they were happy all day all night.

One time, Cloudkicker met a dude. He was ugly. But it was true love so they dated a while. But the relatiobship didn't work out, so sad. :(((( crying.

Cloudkicker lived in the apartment and becomed the CEO and had a good life like Fluttershy and Allen and Caiden. The end

Author's Note:

hope u liek__~<3 :heart::heart::heart:
soory its dun nvm ^^^;;;;; sweaty

Comments ( 3 )

4437584 i'm am SO with you.

I don't wanna be mean or anything, but please real more ACTUAL novels and don't write stories like you're writing and Internet post. Its not very professional yeah? :)
Needs improvement but nice try :o

Also why is everyone being so mean? Guys this is obviously a little kids work! She still has a long way to go!


I lied it and I liked the ending. Love every minute! I like the solid truths in the story too like how even if it's true love, it won't work out if the dude is ugly. Not enough stories on here have truths like that.

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