• Published 16th May 2014
  • 12,344 Views, 1,530 Comments

A Brave New World - Ausbrony

A side story to A New World, A New Way. Pokemon Trainer, Seth Crescent finds himself in a new world, and a new body when a plan enacted by Arceus takes effect.

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Chapter Forty Two

The train's brakes squeaked as it pulled into Canterlot Central Station. It had been a loooong week and Seth and his family were looking forward to a little relaxing.

The problem was that there was still quite a bit to do. Fritter had missed out on a week's worth of farm work and would really have to burn the midnight oil to catch up. Seth had his reports to file with Grissom and the princesses, as well as putting the finishing touches on the Pokemon Contest.

Selena had been rather quiet since leaving Las Pegasus, her mind consumed by thoughts and concerns. Ignis was trying his best to support her, but when she wasn’t telling him anything, it made doing that quite difficult.

The Contest was on top of the list for Rika’s concerns, seeing as how it was her idea in the first place. She still had no idea if anyone would even turn up or not. Arceus had made the announcement for them after all, but there were still no guarantees that anyone would show....

“Have you all got everything?” Seth asked before they left the train. Aster was asleep on his back, while the remainder of his inventory were in his saddlebags.

“Ah reckon so,” Fritter nodded and the group disembarked, and were promptly greeted by quite a few ponies and Pokemon. Elesa, Skyla and Diantha were there, along with Umbra and Grissom as well.

Elesa approached Seth and leaned over to hug the Luxray’s large head. “Welcome home,” she said brightly. “And congratulations on your new relationship as well.”

Seth blinked as he stared at his former lover. “You... you’re not mad?”

“Why would I be?” Elesa replied. “Look, we happened a long while ago. I’m glad you found someone... well, someone’s in this case.” She was caught of guard as the Luxray nuzzled her and smiled.

“Thanks Elle.”

The rest of them stepped forward to greet the group, sharing hugs, greetings and brief stories of what’s been going on.

“How about we continue this back at your home?” Diantha suggested, glancing at the grey clouds that were being pushed into place by the weather team. “There’s also quite the surprise waiting for you as well.”

Fritter smiled, “Have the builders finally started on the renovations?” she asked, but the Champion refused to tell. Seth smiled but shook his head.

“I want to get these reports to Princess Celestia as soon as possible. I’ll meet you guys at home a little later okay?”

“Oh come on Sethy!” Rika complained. “We just got home, can’t work wait a day?”

“The sooner it’s done, the sooner I can relax for a while,” Seth replied. “It won’t take long, I just have to drop these files off and give a verbal report. I’ll only be an hour or two.”

“Fine,” Rika pouted. “But you’d better hurry. I want some serious snuggle time with you!”

Diantha and Gardevoir stepped forward and after a nod from Seth, they Teleported the group home, leaving Seth and Grissom alone on the platform. As the Luxray turned and headed for the castle, the Thestral fell into step next to him.

“So how was your trip?” he asked. “Aside from the kerfuffle in Ponyville a few days ago.”

Seth sighed when the stallion brought that up. Ponyville, and the events that transpired there were causing mixed emotions within him. Some events were best forgotten in his opinion, while others? He’d remember for the rest of his days.

“Well, aside from the obvious?” Seth started. “Permission to speak freely sir?”

“Since when do you need or want permission?” Grissom chuckled, patting the Luxray on the back. “Tell me my friend, what happened?”

“Well, I told Fritter and Rika that I loved them,” Seth smiled. It was currently one of his fondest memories. Grissom smiled and nodded his head.

“Congrats then, I really hope you continue to have good fortune in that department.”

“Thanks,” Seth nodded as they climbed the stairs at the foot of the palace. “I hope so too. They deserve that much at least.”

“As do you,” Grissom said, placing a wing on Seth’s back. “You are entitled to happiness just as much as everypony else. Try and put your own feelings in front for once.”

“Yeah,” Seth sighed, giving the Guards at the palace door a salute before heading inside. “Old habits I guess. I still call Rika and the others ‘my Pokemon’. I know that they are so much more than that. But dropping a lifelong habit isn’t easy.”

“On top of everything else, you can’t be blamed for adjusting right away. I’m sure it would be a similar scenario if the shoe was on the other hoof.” The Thestral paused as he looked at the Luxray. “Also, a few things have happened around here. And once you find out, please keep in mind that the princess had no choice in the matter.”

“Uh...okay?” Seth blinked as they entered the throne room. his nose twitched as he sniffed the air, a familiar scent filling his nostrils. ‘So Abby and Sensei are here somewhere. This scent is pretty distinctive.’

When Apple fritter and the others had returned home, she noticed that quite a bit had changed.

For starters, the extensions were almost complete, and her once small house had nearly doubled in size. It now had three extra rooms, along with a two more bathrooms and a dining room. The kitchen was still the same, but the master bedroom was huge.

“Wow, this was done in just a week?” Rika exclaimed as they walked in, taking in the new home. “I gotta hand it to pony builders. They get stuff done fast.”

“No kiddin’,” Fritter said. Until she noticed a bottle of cider sitting on the table, a red ribbon wrapped around the neck. But ah reckon mah kin had somethin’ to do with this.”

“What makes you say that?” Selena asked.

“This cider,” Fritter replied, motioning at the bottle. “That there is only brewed by mah little sister, Apple Cider. She runs a small distillery in Appleloosa, along with Ma and Pa.”

“You’re assumption is correct,” Umbra said, coming from downstairs. Rika leaped to hug her, but the Umbreon caught her in a Psychic hold, content to float her daughter like a parade balloon for now. “A good deal of ponies arrived a few days ago, claiming to be family members of yours. Turns out one of the builders you hired is a relative, and word soon spread.”

“Unbelievable,” Fritter smiled as she looked around some more. She couldn’t believe that one of the ponies she hired was an Apple. Then again, there were probably more Apple members than species of Pokemon.

“We had another guest as well, a Meganium that seemed to be acquainted with Seth, but she was annoyingly vague. Said she’d return after finding someone.”

Selena, Ignis and Rika blinked. Seth had never had a Meganium...so she must have been human...but who?”

“I’ve done what I can to keep your house in order,” Umbra said. “I even made sure to keep your gardens and orchard watered. As well as harvested another crop of Berries.”

“Thank you kindly,” Fritter said, as Umbra finally let Rika go and succumbed to the hugs.

“So now what?” Selena yawned. “Because I could use a nap.”

“You slept all the way home,” Ignis sighed as he patted her on the back. “Ah well, guess I can’t fault you. A power nap sounds good right now.”

“Ah reckon ah’ll check on my trees, then my outstanding orders,” Fritter replied, trotting off for the kitchen. Rika just shrugged, continuing to nuzzle her mother.

“So how was your trip?” Umbra asked as they settled on the couch.

“Mm, it was okay,” Rika said as she let go. “I got to play tag with cute little Eevee’s. I met a buncha new friends and some old ones. And Chrissie and I are best friends now. I get to hug her and she gets a new hat.”

Umbra raised an eyebrow, before chuckling. “Ohh, and what about grandkids? Am I getting any yet?”

“MOM!” Rika blushed, pushing the Umbreon slightly. “No, Sethy isn’t ready for that yet.”

“Well, give the dear time. Changing species must be quite jarring and I can’t even begin to imagine what that’s doing to him mentally.”

“Yeah, but Sethy’s tough though,” Rika said. “And no matter what, he has us as well. We’re his Pokemon, and no matter what, we’ll keep him safe.”

“He is lucky to have ones like you,” Umbra chuckled. "Now, let's take a tour of your new home yes?"

“Welcome home Mr. Crescent,” Princess Celestia greeted him, a smile on her muzzle a she descended from her throne. “I hope your trip has been informative and enjoyable?”

“It was, and it’s always nice to catch up with friends. Though, I feel like my life is going to get much more interesting from here on out.” He gave a small chuckle as he recalled the little Whismur he had picked up, and that how quiet the house would be without Christine around. “I learned a lot from Captain Ace as well. She says hi by the way.”

“Noted,” Celestia chuckled. “And what of the situation in Las Pegasus. I have heard rather...disconcerting rumours and reports about that city.”

“Yeah, Captain Ace is really overworked regarding the Pokemon population,” Seth said. “She’s recruited a Tyranitar, but I firmly believe she could benefit from a proper unit to work with.”

“I shall make the necessary arrangements then,” Celestia nodded, before a worried expression crossed her muzzle. “There is also something you must know...”

“So this is what Griss mentioned,” Seth said, as the Thestral stallion received a sharp glare from the Alicorn. “Okay, what happened? Does it have to do with why Abby is here?”

“No, that is another matter entirely, and how did you-” Celestia shook her head. “Nevermind, it has to do with Total Control.”

Seth’s smiled vanished in an instant. “What about him?” he asked, his voice holding barely concealed anger.

Celestia sighed as her royal facade dropped. “Before I disbanded the previous Council, they had set up a petition, one that...” She paused and a frown creased her brow. “That had set up to release Control from his intended punishment.”

“So, he’s...” If she was going to say free...

“He has been moved to an asylum for the criminally insane,” Celestia said. “While he has escaped the life sentence, he is still in custody under heavy security,” she then let a small smirk form on her face. “And fortunately we were able to remove his horn permanently before this motion was carried out, so we shouldn’t need to worry about a repeat if or when he goes free.”

Seth nodded. At least that’s one less thing to worry about. Still though… “How?” he inquired.

“It was under the premise, that since we gave somepony as dangerous as Discord lenience, why couldn’t we do the same for a pony.” Celestia said. “Discord once ruled all of Equestria with an iron...appendage...sometimes made of actual iron. The argument was, that if we gave somepony like him a second chance, why not anypony else?”

“It was all done behind the princesses’ backs of course,” Grissom added. “And while she could have overruled it, it could be seen as an abuse of power and playing favourites.”

Celestia nodded, “Something I unfortunately can’t afford as right now the views on Pokemon are still rather mixed, especially with the nobility,” she sighed in exasperation at the end.

Seth sighed. Honestly, it didn’t come as much of a surprise as it should have. Probably because crap like this happened all the time back on Earth. He hadn’t noticed that his body was sparking slightly, gaining wary looks from Celestia and Grissom.

“Seth? You feeling okay?” Grissom asked.

“To be perfectly honest. No, not really,” he replied with a deep frown creasing his brow. “But, doesn’t matter. It’s not your fault and this mental facility is secure right?”

“Yes, I have made sure of it,” Celestia nodded. “And he cannot use magic ever again, while I was...displeased that I had to resort to that ancient punishment, it was for the greater good.”

“I wish things could have gone better myself,” Seth sighed. He shifted his weight and the bottles clinking in his bag reminded him of another errand. He looked back at the white Alicorn. “Do you know where I can find somepony named Bio Chem?”

“He has an office and lab at my school, the large building over there?” she motioned with a wing at the massive school about a mile away. “I’ll warn you now... Bio Chem is, enthusiastic.”

“Translation, Bio Chem probably drinks what he invents,” Grissom sighed. “He’s completely nuts, so best of luck with that.” He paused and nodded his head. “Also, we received a significant amount of paperwork from the Pokemon Rangers in Ponyville. Perhaps you could take a look once you return?”

“Yay,” Seth deadpanned. He hated paperwork, but still, acess to Pokemon Ranger stuff, that could be quite enlightening. He gave the ponies a nod and one last salute before heading off to meet Bio Chem.

The walk to the School was a pleasant one. And once he got there, the Luxray could see how massive it was. He got a few weary looks as he walked in, but after he’d announced that he was from the Palace, he pretty much had free rein to go where he wished. Walking down one hall, he paused to take a look at the photos that lined the walls. It seemed to be a collection of high-achieving students. One little filly stood out and Seth didn’t even need to read the plaque underneath to recognise Twilight Sparkle.

Another filly stood out, the tag identifying her as Sunset Shimmer, a rather fiery-looking filly. Others included Moondancer, Lyra Heartstrings, Starlight Glimmer, Beatrix Lulamoon and Sky Dream.

“So, an academic Hall of Fame,” he chuckled to himself. That thought brought a small frown though. He shook his head and kept walking, no point in dwelling in the past.

After asking a few ponies, he found the lab belonging to Bio Chem, and he suddenly felt like he should turn and run. Still, he swallowed his nerves and nudged the door open, only to be greeted by a pair of glowing red eyes!

“WHOA!?” Seth leapt back as his body crackled, but it was just a Metang. Seth sighed as his electricity died out and he put on a forced smile.

“Uh, I’m looking for a pony named Bio Chem?”

“Right this way sir,” the Metang said, leading Seth into the lab and past several machines.

“Hal?” An accented voice asked as a white maned Earth Pony stallion with a brown coat walked up to them. “Who’s this?” The pony eyed Seth curiously. “Sharp blue, black and yellow fur... I’m gonna guess Electric type.”

“Got it in one, you’re pretty sharp,” Seth smiled. “My name is Seth Crescent, former human and currently working for Princess Celestia and Luna.” He looked the stallion over and nodded. “And I’m gonna guess you’re Bio Chem?”

“Mhm, Professor of Genetics for Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, PhD, MD, etcetera,” he said with a smile. “And what, Mister Crescent, may I ask, brings you to my humble laboratory?”

“Well, that does bring me to the reason that I came here today,” Seth said. He removed the saddlebags he wore carefully and placed them on a nearby counter. “In those bags, are a sample of every kind of healing potion that was created on Earth. Well, the ones made for Pokemon anyhow.”

Bio Chem’s eyes widened as he walked over to the bags and started pulling out various potions. “Interesting,” he took a sip of one of them. “Huh, not bad.” Placing the bottle back down, he smiled at Seth. “Thank you Mister Crescent, if I can analyze these and work them down to their base ingredients I should be able to synthesize more of them here in my lab.”

“That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear,” Seth beamed. “You will have a lot of very grateful Pokemon on your hooves if you are successful...hmm,” he paused as another thought came to mind. “I’ll have to ask Arceus, but if you can find anyone from either a company called Silph or Devon. They created things like these potions, so someone from there might be useful to have around.”

“Ooo, human inventors,” Bio Chem smiled and laughed. “Honestly, with everything you Pokemon brought along with you, I have enough projects to keep me busy for the next few decades.”

“Heh, if only everyone was so optimistic of our arrival,” Seth smiled wryly. He took a moment to look around at the laboratory. He recognised a few instruments, or at least, ones that resembled Earth machinery.

“Bah, someponies are just afraid of change,” he trotted over to some kind of centrifuge and poured a bit of one of the potions in. “I find that sometimes ponies just need a... push, to get them going in a new direction.” He said with a smile as he started up the device.

“Yeah, let’s just hope that direction is the right one,” Seth said. “We just got here, it’d kinda suck if your god up and left with the lot of you.”

“Oh don’t worry, I doubt I can mess anything up that badly... probably,” Bio Chem blinked and shrugged. “At the very least the potions aren’t going to be what causes it.”

Elsewhere, Princess Celestia suddenly shivered.

“Hmm, perhaps I could use a vacation...”

“But no, I’m being careful,” Bio Chem said with a sigh. “The Princess will have my hide if I louse things up with the Pokemon cause of a poorly thought out experiment,” he mumbled something about Evolution under his breath before turning to one of his machines and tapping its touch screen.

“Evolution?” Seth flicked his ear. “You want to study that?”

“I’m a geneticist, Evolution and changes in genetic coding is literally my job description,” he explained. “I want to figure out how you Pokemon are able to go through the process so quickly... and part of me wants to try and apply it to ponies, but the Princess will get upset if I accidently make myself an Alicorn.”

Seth paused as he imagined Apple Fritter as a slender Alicorn, perhaps one similar to Twilight or that pink one he saw at the wedding. Yeah, okay, he liked that image quite a bit. “Well, if you want to learn more in a safe way, I do have my Pokedex back.” He saw Chem’s tilted head and clarified.

“Ah, basically a high-tech encyclopedia on all of humanity's knowledge on Pokemon.”

“Oh yay,” Bio Chem said with a smile. “I’ve been documenting everything I’ve learned about Pokemon but they’re not always willing to share.”

“Well, I’m more than happy to help,” Seth smiled. “In fact, I plan to make a written copy of the data in my Pokedex, hopefully ponykind can learn from it.” Then he was reminded of the paperwork that awaited him back at the castle and deflated somewhat. So much for heading home anytime soon.

“Well, it was nice meeting you Bio Chem,” Seth smiled as he placed the remaining Potions on the table, along with a notebook explaining what each one was and what effects they had. “I still have a lot to do today, but I hope you are able to recreate these.”

The stallion smiled and waved Seth off as he left before turning to the potions and grinning. “Alright my little magical cure-alls,” he said as he pulled a syringe from one of his drawers. “Time to show me what you’re really made of.”

Seth figured now was a good time to book it back to the palace.

After his meeting with the eccentric scientist, Seth returned to the castle, both to inform Celestia of the results, and to put away the paperwork that he forgot earlier. Not long after he arrived, Grissom caught up with him and started to drag him towards the courtyard.

“Where are we going?” Seth inquired. “Did I break something before?”

“No, I was just going to introduce you to somepony,” Grissom chuckled, that annoying enigmatic one that Celestia often used. Yep, those two were waaay too much alike.

Once there, Seth narrow his eyes as he tried to get a better look. Standing in a circular formation were about a dozen Solar Guard, surrounding a Thestral mare in light, gold armour. Her coat was a milk chocolate brown, and her mane and tail were a shiny platinum blonde. Her cat-slitted eyes were an iridescent emerald green.

Grissom gave Seth a light smile and raises a hoof. “Begin!”

The stallions lowered their spears and charged at her. The mare closing her eyes and Seth caught the slightest movement from her, as her hoof tapped in a steady rhythm. Just as the spears were about to reach her, she jumped as the spears struck the ground where she stood just a second ago. She hovered for a moment, before landing on one spear and extending the blades mounted on her wings as she pointed at the throats of two stallions.

“Well, you two are dead,” she hummed, as she pirouetted on one of her forehooves and slashed at three more.

“And so are you three~”

Seth blinked. In a matter of about four seconds, she ‘killed’ half of her opponents. The mare leapt into the air as two stallions cast a spell, and ethereal chains burst from the ground, snaking through the air towards her.

“Binding Spell No. 42,” Grissom commentated, even as the mare’s swords blurred, slashing the chains to ribbons and she dove sharply. She landed on one stallion, pining him to the ground with one blade pressed against his neck. She flicked her wing as the second blade detached and embedded itself in the wall only a few inches from the other mage.

“Two more for the glue factory,” she giggled. Only four remained now and they were looking uneasy. One Earth pony charged straight at her, surrounded by a shield generated by the last remaining Unicorn.

“Fatal Falsetto!” she cried out, as she flew in a sharp arc, her blade leaving a line of light as it slashed straight down. The charging stallion paused and let out a low groan before collapsing.

“Three little ponies, standing in a row~’ she sang, her voice was amazing, but be damned if Seth’s fur wasn’t standing on end. Those three looked like they were about to soil their armour.

She gave her bladeless wing a flick as the sword embedded in the wall was removed and pulled through the air, Seth only just catching a glimpse of a wire attaching it to the appendage. Once the blade was back reattached, she gave the three a wide grin as she stalked closer, her blades humming with a dark power.

Her eyes narrowed and one look was all that was needed to induce paralysing fear.

“Dirge of Death!”

The three threw themselves to the ground whimpering, one raising a hoof in surrender. And like a switch being flicked, the mare was back to her usual chirpy self.

“Well, that makes a dozen. Any more takers, these little colts didn’t satisfy me in the least.” Her ear flicked and she noticed the Luxray standing next to Grissom. “Well now, you look like you could last. Wanna have a go? Or should we hit up the barracks and you can have a go~”

“Why would I want to fight in the barracks?” Seth blinked as Grissom facehooved.

“Seth, let me introduce you,” he groaned, rubbing the space between his eyes. “This is Captain Midnight Song, also, the only Thestral in the Solar Guard.”

“Also the sexiest,’ she winked. “So, you’re the famous Seth Crescent I’ve heard so much about.” She held out a hoof. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too I guess,” Seth blinked as he shook the mare’s hoof. He looked at the defeated Guard and nodded. “That was pretty impressive by the way.”

“Oh, that?” she shrugged and sighed. “That wasn’t even a warm up. I’m left feeling unsatisfied and wanting a real workout.” She looked the lion over and licked her lips. “I bet you could fix that~”

“Heh, not likely, you’d beat me in no time I’m afraid,” Seth’s reply left Midnight blinking and Grissom to add his hoof as a permanent fixture to his face.

“Midnight, he’s taken,” Grissom said. “Now, if you would be so kind as to not flirt with your new partner...”

Both Luxray and Thestral blinked and turned to look at him.

“Partner?” they said in unison.

“I am on the Council now, so I can no longer play your liaison to the Guard and ponykind,’ Grissom said. “And it so happens that Midnight here has some knowledge about Pokemon, well, you just witnessed what she is capable of yourself.”

“You know about Pokemon?” Seth ased and Midnight shrugged.

“Yeah, well since you guys showed up, I’ve been studying,” she explained, waving a hoof in a lazy circle. “So I think I’d like to know quite a bit.”

“Well, my job here is done,” Grissom chuckled. “You kids have fun.”

“Wait what?” Seth turned, but the stallion was already trotting off. “Is that is? Oh come on!”

Midnight sighed and shook her head. “Yeah, Dad’s always been a bit of a flake when it came to passing the bit like this. We’ll, guess were partners now Boss.”

Seth just chuckled and looked at the mare. “Guess so...wait, Dad!?”

“Yeah, Grissom is my dad,” Song nodded as she walked off, a slight swing in her hips. Seth sighed as he headed to his office. Seems that his job just got a lot more interesting. Still, he also had that Ranger stuff to go through as well.

“I really hope they don’t want me to be an actual Ranger,” Seth muttered as the pair walked to his office. “While I don’t mind doing this job for the Princess, becoming a Ranger...yeah, no.”

“Hmm, sounds like you have something against them,” Midnight hummed as they walked. “Is there a story behind that?”

“Maybe,” Seth replied tersely. He nudged his door and stepped inside. There were a few folders on the table and a quick inspection saw that they’d been dictated by Albert Hastings.

“Huh, so I guess he’s been a little busy since being taken into custody,” the Luxray mused as his new Thestral friend took a seat nearby.

“The big old guy with the concrete cane?” she questioned. “From what I hear, he’s giving the Princesses a lot of information in between therapy sessions. This is what we have so far.”

Seth opened the folder and scanned a few pages. As he expected, the first few were all about Gene and Belle, what happened at the first wedding and the aftermath of that. Hastings in particular had been relentless at first.

As he idly flipped the pages, scanning anything that stood out, he paused. No...this couldn’t be right.

Report Number 007 - Concerning Top Rangers, Alexi Crescent and Mirai Crescent.

“My...” Seth’s voice hitched and Midnight noticed this leaning closer.

“Hey Boss, you okay?” she asked, placing a hoof on his back.

“This report,” he said quietly. “It’s...about my parents. My birth ones.”

“Have you seen it before?” Midnight replied, as Seth shook his head.

“No...and not for lack of trying. Hastings...would never tell me what happened. He said once, that if I stopped providing support for the human/pokemon couples...then he’d tell me...”

“Well, he’s not here now and there’s nothing stopping you,” Midnight smirked as she closed his door. “Do you want me to leave you alone?”

Seth paused, and shook his head. “Actually...I think I could use the company.” The batpony smiled and took a seat next to him as he started to read.

Year 4995

‘During a routine investigation of a rockslide in the Sekra Range, Rangers Alexi and Mirai encountered an organisation known as Team Go. They were attempting to capture wild Pokemon, using what was determined as cruel methods.

Reports state that while Alexi and Mirai were successful in driving back the criminals, however, a second rockslide occurred, presumably triggered by the battle. Through brave actions, the local Pokemon and the Pokemon partners of these brave Rangers were spared... But Alexi and Mirai Crescent lost their lives.

They saved countless innocents, and had been awarded the gold cross, the highest honor of the Ranger Corps. However, they left behind their recently born son, Seth Alexi Crescent.

He will be placed in foster care, in the orphanage in Castelia City in the Unova region. It is with high hopes that he grows well and becomes a fine young man.’

It was brief, but it told Seth all that he needed to hear. Midnight looked at him and leaned closer, placing one of her leathery wings over his back.

“So...that’s it huh?” Seth chuckled dryly. The irony of that last line was amusing though. He wondered if Hastings still thought he was a ‘fine young man’?

“So...you’ve never known about this?” Midnight said softly. She’d had to deal with this sort of thing before, when parents and siblings would lose a member of the Guard.

“No, all I knew was that that they were Rangers, and that they died on a mission.” He re-read the page and smiled softly. “And they were awesome. I can’t believe that they were heroes like that.”

“They do sound pretty cool,” Midnight grinned. “Why don’t you head home for now? Let your family know you’re still kicking.”

“Yeah, guess I should,” Seth replied. Rika would probably hunt him down soon if he didn’t return. And, he still had to talk to Selena about Control. He sighed, that was not going to be fun. he looked at the Thestral that was to be his partner and an idea formed in his head.

“Well, we still need to get to know one another. Why don’t you come over for dinner? I’m sure one more mouth to feed won’t be a hassle.”

“Well, rumour has it that your Apple mare is one heck of a cook.” She hummed and tapped her chin. “Well, my shift ends in a few hours. I know where you live, so meet you there?”

“Sure,” Seth grinned and she moved her wing from his back. “And...thanks Miss Midnight.”

“Sure, but drop the ‘Miss’ thing,” she winked. “Though if you feel like a little ‘Lord and Lady’ roleplay, I’d totally be down for that too~”

“You are incorrigible,” Seth chuckled. “But fine, see you later Midnight.”

The batpony blew him a kiss and trotted from the room, her flank having a little wiggle to it.

“How is she related to Grissom of all ponies?” Seth wondered as he put his reports on his desk and left the castle. The sun was on it’s way down and he decided to take a small detour through the park. He’d spent so much time in the city lately, that he felt like seeing a little greenery. It was then that a sudden gust of wind caught him off guard, and the starry scarf wrapped around his right leg blew off, soaring into the sky.

“Crap!” he chased after it, but he was no flying type and it was heading for the lake in the centre of the park. He stopped though, when a long, green vine snared the scarf from the sky. Seth sighed in relief as he traced the vine back to it’s owner, a rather lovely Meganium.

“Thanks for saving that,” Seth said as he walked over to her. The Meganium just looked at the patchwork scarf that was clasped in her vine. As Seth got closer, she looked down at him.

“W-Where...did you get this?” she asked hesitantly.

Seth frowned lightly, “...My mother made it for me. It’s...one of my most precious possessions.”

The Grass-type gripped it tighter as tears stung her eyes. “Are you...Seth?”

“Yes-” was all the Luxray got out before the heavy Pokemon tackle hugged him, not unlike Rika would. “Ack! What the what?”

“My Sethy, my little Sethy!” she cried. “I’ve...looked everywhere for you!”

It was around then that he recognised her voice. The voice of the woman that he had known his whole life. The one that ran the orphanage he was raised in. And the one he called...

“Mom...?” he said in a choked whisper. He wasn’t crying. Nope, she was just heavy.

“Yes, it’s me!” she sobbed into his fur. “I finally found you. After all this time...I finally found you.” She smiled even wider when she felt his paws wrap around her. “I’ve heard...rumours. That you’ve been helping people.”

“Yeah,” he said, leaning into the embrace. “What can I say. I like to meddle.” he sniffed and took a deep, shaky breath. “I’ve missed you.”

“And I’ve missed you,” she replied, reluctantly letting go so she could look at him. “So...a Luxray huh?”

“Yeah, not my first pick, but I can’t complain...could have been so much worse.” He looked her over and nodded, “And you’re a Meganium.”

“Yeah, not my first pick,” Kimberly nodded and smiled cheekily. “There’s so much I want to say...but I have no idea where to start.” She hummed and tapped her chin with a vine. “Are you eating well? Where are you staying?”

“With Rika, Ignis and Selena, and Apple Fritter, the mare we’re living with,” he said. “And yes, I’m eating well. Fritter’s an amazing chef. I think all other forms of food are forever ruined.” He chuckled and then blinked as his stomach rumbled, demanding aforementioned Fritter noms.

“It seems so,” Kimberly giggled. “So is this pony nice?”

“Apple Fritter? She’s amazing,” Seth smiled as he closed his eyes. “She’s strong, talented and determined. Not to mention a great cook, and she’s beautiful...” he paused as Kimberley held back a barely contained squeal.

“Ah, yeah. I should also mention that I sorta might be dating her...”

Kimberley squealed again.

“And Rika, my Sylveon...”

Her squeal was cut short as she looked at him with a slight tilt of her head. “Um, what?”

“Apple Fritter and Rika. I’m dating them both. Well, we’re all dating each other really.” Seth explained. “It a polygamous relationship. Where three or more-”

“I know what polygamy is,” Kimberley said with a wide smirk. “Well, a pony and a Pokemon huh? Interesting, but I suppose you don’t have much of a choice anymore huh?”

“Nope,” Seth grinned happily. “Still...I love them a lot. That’s what counts right?”

“That’s right,” Kim nodded and hugged him again. “I’m happy for you...but, what about Elesa?”

Seth went quiet. “Yeah, you know as well as I do that that can’t happen again. Still, we’re friends, so I’m cool with that.” He looked up at her and gave a cheeky smile. “Heh, I’m not used to being shorter than you.”

“Yeah, you still look pretty big for a Luxray,” she said. “So, aside from your rather interesting lovelife. How have you been? Regarding-” she waved her vines to the area around them.
“-all this.”

“Honestly? better than I thought i would,” Seth replied, looking over his form. “I still have trouble every now and then, mostly controlling my electricity.”

“Tell me about it,” Kim giggled. “I think I spent a week in a flower shop, since my breath apparently revives dead plants now. Got paid quite a bit for that actually.”

“So what will you do now?” Seth asked, his tone hinting at hopefulness. “Would you like to come stay with us?”

Kimberly smiled, placing a vine on his shoulder. “I would love to. But I’m still trying to find your sister. I have a lead, but you know what she’s like.”

“Yeah, Becky tends to be a real handful at the best of times...” He chuckled at some of the shenanigans she’d get up to, especially when she started practising magic.” He remember when she tried to perform for his twelfth birthday. She had tried to make Ignis disappear, but everyone could see his tail flame from behind the curtain. “So how do you know it’s her?”

“A loud, boisterous girl with a penchant for street performances,” she giggled, remembering all the times she would go out and try to earn some money for the orphanage. She was such a sweet child, if not a little on the egotistical side. “If the rumours are to be believed, then she’s a Braixen.”

“Yup, that sounds about right for her,” he chuckled. “She always did have a thing for fox-shaped Pokemon.” It was around then that he remembered another love of hers and groaned. She had a massive fangirl crush on a certain someone. In particular, a certain Phantom Thief.

“I wonder she know that she’s here?” he wondered to himself. “Okay, so you’re gonna go and get her first then?”

“Yes, I finally found one of you and I hate to leave so soon but...”

“But Becky and I can be a real pain to locate at times,” he laughed. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on going anywhere for the foreseeable future. I’ll be waiting right here until my mom and sister come back.”

“Thank you Seth,” she smiled and hugged him one last time. “I’ll see you soon okay? I love you.”

“I’m counting on it,” he replied as she pulled back. “And, I love you too Mom.” With one last look, disappeared into the darkening evening. Seth watched her go, wishing she could stay, or at least wishing he could go with her. But he had family and obligations here that couldn’t be ignored. Plus, he knew she’d be back soon.

Turning around, he wore a bright smile on his face as he headed home.

Author's Note:

Okay, so I finally have a brand new chapter full of all sorts of fun stuffs. And, NEW CHARACTERS!!

Let's all give a warm welcome to Midnight Song, the flirty Thestral. And to Kimberly Haleth, Seth's adoptive mother.

And last but not least, we have Rebecca 'Becky' Haleth. She's a funny little Braixen with a penchant for magic and mischief.

Regarding her. This is an offer to any 'New World' author. I need a place for Becky to be. Who'd like to do a cross with me regarding her?

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